Q400 and A340 season 1, 2, and 3 compilation

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ah it is my first time at this airport who will I meet today oh hey there um um um what's wrong do you think I am scary what no I am just nervous okay so what brings you here I came to a m I have to go hey wait a minute I just wanted to be friend's sad face okay so I landed at a new airport that again I have never been to before I guess I will park here I need to pick up passengers or I am in very big trouble wait a minute no it can't be oh no it is that big and scary plane what a normal boring day what should I do if he sees me he will use me as airplane Parts wait who is there oh no hey do I know you um no tell the truth or else okay okay please don't hurt me I am that plane that was at that airport yesterday hey I remember you now come on let's be friends smiley face um no what why because um you're are too big and scary okay okay I am leaving sad face I think I heard his feelings well I also have to go or else I will get fired new airport let's go wait no no no why does he keep coming back where is that little plane I need to talk her what does he want from me hi there good to see you again still want to be friends no too scary then I will make you my friend what do you mean I will use you is airplane part come here what no no no no oh now that was good did you see that yeah that a 340 just ate a little Q4 what do we do we should fire him yeah yeah W in you're F hi there Q for 100 hi can we be friends yes please yeah and then they became best friends and had a great time together everything is noral oh hi wait who are you I am an A340 okay but wait are you that crazy plane that ate a dash8 I'm not don't trust him he is lying but good thing the arabis crew repaired the das8 okay so as a big plane and Playa are you lying I you know I am bigger no I am no I am no I hey guys stop fighting yeah you are right I'm sorry Tri 7 I'm sorry for calling you small I feel quite hungry let's go get something to eat hey there hi big plane you look tasty oh no no no that was delicious but I still need more High 720 7 hello wait oh no I still need more haaha hi DHL by D HL wait what all right little bro you took it too far we'll get you fired what they're fired again I feel lonely where is my S3 for old friend I will ask other Planes hey md1 do you know where my friend is nope sorry hey big plain do you know where my friend is um no I give up hey are you looking for a Lanza a 34600 wait who is there I am another a 340 okay yeah that is my friend well unfortunately for you he got got fired because he was very naughty hi there hi big plane you look tasty oh no no no okay I will find a new friend hey Triple 7 do you want to be my friend no thanks friends no I feel very sad I do not know what to do anymore hello wait who are you I am in atr72 I am a q400 can we be friends yes absolutely let me bring my other friend hi guys I am an ATR 42 like you too we are all small turbo prop planes why should we not be friends in the first place exactly so why are you here C nobody wanted to be friends with me because I am small us too we were also outcasts I feel so bored stuck here because Airbus grounded me I will chat with other planes hello there hi sad face why are you so sad it is about my brother on his flight ad had a very bad accident when I heard the news I was crying nonstop after that I never seen him again wow that was very sad sad face it truly was can can we be friends okay we can do that hey air bus can you people please unground me why should we because I made a friend without eating him alive smiley face md1 yeah he is right weit eating planes alive um that was nothing ha okay fine Aus a 340 to 600 we give you one last chance and if you break it we will scrap you oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah time to go back to my Cube 100 friend so ATR 42 you told me something about the turbo prop team yeah I did let me show you our members here is Douglas DC3 he is the oldest one here I guess you can say that this is loat Super Constellation she is a bit shy I'm hi and this is DH C6 twin otter wait how did you get my name and my brother 0r 72 hi C for o and brother so why did you st this team because we are going to take down jet planes because turbo props rules um um um um I have to go okay be back soon q400 hey look new members hello I am fuer f27 and I am his brother fuer 5 you are both in when we attack we will rule the world of Aviation ha I need to warn my a for old friend and the rest of the jet ples if not things will be very very I mean very bad I better hurry but I am so small if I look at the airport timetable my s340 friend should be here any second now end wait look there he is hey a 340 it is me q400 oh my gosh hello q4o it is so good to see you again I've got some news some news wait whose news go first I respect smaller planes now so you go first okay sometime back I made friends with some other propeller planes like me they told me something about a team but this was not your ordinary team it was a revolution revolution about what they were going to take down all jet planes and rule the world of Aviation and was ATR 42 as its dictator I knew this was a bad idea so I went to warn you and all jet Plaines of the atack W that sounds absolutely ridiculous why would he do such a thing he said that turbo props rules and Jet drolls bro anyways now I tell you why I am not fired I'm made friends with a TR jet without eating him so because of this Airbus told me if I eat one more plane they will scrap me hey look q400 betrayed us let's go get them ADR 42 how did you find us 50 take her away yes boss no no no no no no no hey get away from my friend you crazy plane oh yeah hey atr72 get him time to test my fighting moves oh no no no no no no no no no oh wow that hurts so bad I just saw that hey big brother you were not supposed to see that hey that plane just beaten up an A340 turbo prop planes attack ATR 42 let me go H let me think no W this hurts so bad but I still need to save Q for all hey 225 can you lead to attack okay everyone attack the turbo prop planes okay I will get you a 38 I will destroy them I must find Q for 100 I can hear the fighting noises where is she get off me 340 save me hey coming me a 3 get away from or else what we are you a live smiling face okay okay fine I Surrender but this is not over yet a 340 I will be back a 340 the enemy forces has retreated we've won Q for 100 are you okay yeah I am fine he wanted to CAU me was in a three fiveo that reminds me of something after the war propeller and jets live peacefully but wait except for one I will be back I will destroy all jet planes and I will make them pay hey a three for O come check what is going on here what is it oh now I get it now I am better than you 747 what makes you think that fatty okay that cross the line buddy like I care my point is that what on Earth is going on over here that is Airbus a 380 and Boeing 747 they have been fighting for 19 years come on Q for 100 let's break the fight let's do it well at least I am more modern than you didn't ask all right guys stop it right now yeah remember the turbo prop Wars you do you not want something like that again right yeah you got yourself a point should we do peace treaty yeah I do [Music] it y finally you guys will stop fighting over some unnecessary reasons yeah and you also stopped playing War [Music] I it is about time to start my plan I am going to write a mean letter to a 380 that says 747 did it and they will fight and start civil war and when the big planes are distracted I will take my Army and destroy the weak planes and then the big ones hahahaha I must start writing give me a moment viewers eventually I have constructed a masterpiece this should get him for sure how should I send this aha I will work for FedEx and I can deliver it yo I do not have a job can I work here yeah sure let me transform you after a few months of ATR turning him into a freighter and FedEx Livery painted on him I will need to deliver this are you sure this is a goo yeah it should be fine okay by FedEx wait wait I've got a bad feeling about this all right now that I am a freighter I can finally deliver this letter it is time to take off so far things are going well for my great Revenge I can finally come back and Destroy jet planes for mistreatment of turbo props ha after a few hours of flight time wait wait hold on guys can you please like And subscribe it would be highly appreciated anyways back to the video wow all of these Long Haul flights are really getting up my Hydraulics hey oh oh no it is a42 relax buddy I am totally not evil now anyways here is your male 747 sent to you oh I hope it is a love letter oh my God bro oh hell n man you are weird anyways have a nice day okay by mail man I mean plain have a nice day indeed ha time to read this letter mean while hey 747 you look different and your voice sounds different ha wait why am I no longer British and why am I a 7478 I have idea all right fatty you've got some explaining to do what why are you so mean to me and what explaining look at this letter you sent me you called me fat what why would you do that 747 but I didn't do that Liar Liar Liar Liar time for a little payback guys stop all right fine my plan is working well yay I got hired by Air Berlin I think I might stick to this Airline for now um Q for 100 aren't we supposed to stop a 380 and be 7 for 7 f oh yeah sorry why do I always keep changing liveries I don't care if you change or not you called me a big fat egg plane so now I get revenge on you but I didn't write that letter you did did not no you did I said did not again remember we told you not to fight yeah just admit it's 7:47 that you send that letter hey I told you I didn't a 380 is blaming me because he wrote the letter to frame me okay black knows ConEd plane first why would I write a letter to call myself fat and second why would I frame my once best friend 747 wait what if this is some kind of prank hey guys look over there is that atr-42 yeah it is he sent me that letter he must have done this to frame 747 yeah yeah my plan is working hey or 40 to come here what is it FedEx told me that before flly 80 there was another crash involving my other brother flight 14 bounced during his flare and the nose gear collapsed causing contact with engines wow that was totally sad oh I caught you red-handed yeah we caught you wait hey guys what is going on here oh no it is that playing I got to run what's wrong that is just in a 35 and why does she sound like me guys it is just something that happened to her younger brother oh I understand bye as I was saying a three for o Eat him what Q for o I don't think I can do that wait guys give me a few moments to do something hey air bus can you let me e42 okay fine because I get reports of him being being bad oh no no no no no no and no no no no this can't be happening to me oh no I can't look bye-bye ATR 42 I am going to enjoy this meal that was very delicious Oh No Air Berlin has gone bankrupt I guess Quant link is my only solution he Q for 100 I want to show you something what airbus's smartest member I3 51,000 has created the world's first playe time machine hello a 340 and q400 this is my new time machine so a 350o how does it work you go inside the machine then select how far into the future or past you want to go and then you press the big red button and you will appear there and you can see historical air craft can I go on it and also me okay just hop in are you ready guys yeah 3 to 1 go I was too lazy to make an animation of the time machine law where are we we seem to be at LAX airport in 1990 is that an l11 correct I have never seen you guys before oh my goodness it is the famous Concord I have never seen you but you are a very long airplane this is a dream come true you wanted to speak with Concord yes hey you for our look it is I amd1 hey I am a DC 10U okay fine I understand why you got confused because of middle landing gear hi 727 I love being a trid and delivering things are you A310 affirmative hey I feel weird me too welcome back why that was so much fun I agree a three for o why did you bring a 351,000 a 340 is not here but he had some flights to do so he told me to stay with you okay wait hey a 351 there is some kind of grouping was 727 and I don't know what is that and aircraft hey you are just a shorter and Russian version of me well at least I am more newer and modern than you ha that was not cool Yak 42 um it literally was anyways adding to what you said just now you are literally the most crashed airliner okay that crossed the line yuck 4 United not now Southwest hey my name is yak 40 to you little all right 727 and known aircraft stop fighting I think you mean Yak of levak 42 yeah that's the name what is going on over here huh who is that trident mind your own business well that was very rude of you by sad face 727 do not be rude too I don't give it hey buddy no bad words on this channel I will conator guy but I did not even 720 seven you are hereby removed for attempting to cuss familyfriendly content smiley face was I late to the party unfortunately for you you were hey at least the bad plane is gone by the way Q for 100 my name is yakovlev yak 42 you can just call me Yak 42 yeah nice to meet you wait how do you know my name yay quantis link painted me into do a special liy it looks beautiful C oh no my stomach really hurts what what happened where am I oh hello welcome to that monster stomach I am in a three for o E's stomach yeah and in a few minutes we will get pooped out and we will be free where is my brother ATR 72 I have no idea fer 50 can you find my brother leader of turbo props um Co leader I do not not think I can do that ug fine I will do it myself hey Boeing 757 have you seen a FedEx ATR 42 well I did see one talking about some kind of Revenge for Mis treatment of turbo props also do you want to go to my store no thanks well that was not helpful in any way at all what is wrong a 3 for 0 I have a very bad stomach ache normally a nice juicy can of jetti will help it but I ran out of jet delicious I saw you bought 500 cans of jet delicious with me being a quad Jet and working for a busy and major airline I use a lot of cans of jet elicious let's go to Yak 42's airplane store about an hour of flying to the store white white what what's wrong this was supposed to be Yak 42's store but now it is 757 store um excuse me 757 but what happened to Yak 42 let me show you this [Music] video oh I feel so bad bad for the people who have died on that flight I know wait oh no my stomach the stuff is coming out oh the light I am finally free oh my goodness that was so disgusting a 340 yeah what is wrong with you a 340 I will get revenge somehow but first I need to clean myself and find my Army I am so sorry you guys but some planes I ate was moving in my stomach so I pooped them out please forgive me and give me jet alicious so I will feel better okay we forgive you and here is a can of Jed delicious thank [Music] you hey brother are you here brother oh my gosh brother it is so good to see you again and I see you work for FedEx guys look over here it is our leader boss finally we can unite together to take down jet planes 50 I'm pretty sure I am the one who makes the speeches hey atr-42 can I join the team hey C130 you can join but why do you sound like FedEx voice because text to speech has limited voices dude you broke the fourth wall hey narrator guy can you ban him C130 has been removed for breaking the fourth wall proving they are in a show Law meanwhile in Moscow airport wait guys before we continue did you know only 5% of you guys are actually subscribed please like And subscribe it would be very highly appreciated anyways back to the video I feel like not many people like us yeah you're right um I literally carry the Russian president nobody cares i96 stop being root suco superg everyone I am thinking of revolting against Boeing in arabis Plains I l62 that is a great idea let's start planning
Channel: TFALC
Views: 34,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AOTNu7LhBno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 10sec (1570 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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