Country Road Landscape Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to paint a country landscape with the road and some boggy mountains in the background this is a photograph from Carol lo she sent that to me in our Facebook group and so thank you to Carol for letting us use her photograph today I've got my husband Mark with me hey there everybody he's been in chat during our live show today so if you've got questions while I'm painting you can ask those and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all righty so I'm using a 9 by 12 inch canvas panel this is the Frederick's Belgian linen canvas board we really like these because they've got a nice hard core inside so they don't warp at all and they're easy to store so I need that alright our brushes are going to be I've got some new brushes just just got from Princeton really excited about trying them out there the Umbria line they are kind of a cross between the Velvet Touch so they're the shorter handles and if you've used you know if you've watched my other videos I use these long-handled summit brushes a lot so they feel kind of like the same kind of flexibility as the summit maybe a little bit softer but they're a lot less flexible like these are very soft the Velvet Touch they're a little bit firmer than the Velvet Touch so they're closer to the 6100 series Infernus and so yeah we're gonna try them out today I've got several different sizes angle four and eight a number six bright and a two bright and then a six and four filbert and then I've got all these different rounds that 0 2 4 6 & 8 rounds so we'll just see how it goes with those and I've also got my my two Velvet Touch that I always used the quarter inch and three-eighths inch sizes and then you're gonna want a fan brush to do some of the grasses so I've got a 10 on this is a brand new one that just got also and then I've got the 10 odd bristle fan so this one's a softer hairs but it's it's the same size as the 10 aught in the Select line so we'll see the bristle fans can are good for thicker paints and then these ones can give you kind of softer lines so we'll see I'm not sure you know when we do our grasses which one we'll need I've also got my willows blenders blenders now they're called blender quarter inch and three eighths inch brushes they're just a filbert with the stiff bristled they're good for foliage and clouds and things like that and then I grabbed just a variety of sizes of my deer foots tipplers that I really like for trees and things like that so we're gonna have a couple of trees over here and so I've got a quarter inch 3/8 inch and five-eighths inch of the the deer footsteps tipplers and then this one is the round blender that I might use for some of the fog effects so if you don't have these exact brushes do not stress about it just use what you've got that similar it's gonna be just fine but I'm excited about trying to print out these any brush that I didn't realize how expensive they were those those dress just say they do have them I checked today they do have them on the brush guy's website so down the link down the description be sure to use the code Angela fine-art to get an extra five percent off when you if you do buy some brushes so just saying no no pressure but thank you to Princeton and Frederick's for providing our canvas and brushes today all right carving black burnt umber burnt sienna quinacridone burnt orange yellow oxide quinacridone nickel ah so yellow gold nickel as a gold I think that's it the long word cadmium I never remember it quite right cadmium yellow medium quinacridone magenta ultramarine blue fela blue green shade cobalt teal and phthalo green yellow shade unbleached titanium titanium white and zinc white I think White's just transparent white I get questions about zinc white a lot but it's just transparent white so it's good for clouds if you don't have it just you string the titanium white and add some glazing medium or some water to it here's a my glazing medium here this is glazing liquid from golden and it's got an extender in it so it'll give us a little bit extra blending time again all the colors and everything are listed down the description of the video so I might not have added this one this one I added at the very last so this one might not be down there right now but I will add it after this alright let's start it also probably want a pallet knife just to do some blending turn off my Alexa here cuz she's trying to do something and I don't want her to okay there we go don't want her to turn off our lights or anything she's flashing red I don't know what she's doing over there okay I'm gonna get some burnt umber here well let's just wait I'm not gonna mix that right now what I'm a little scattered today if you can't tell sorry I'll Alex over there it was fine we'll fix it later all right so I've already kind of chalked out a little bit before the show just come true lightly let me think I'm gonna use a blue pencil and we'll just do our landscape so there are there's one plane that's kind of right smack dab in the middle and that's sort of a right where this road comes across a little bit of an angle and then there's like a little bit of a sloped hill that comes up and cuts off this whole bottom section of the canvas so that's kind of pretty much the whole bottom section here then there is a curved a curved ditch really by the road here and kind of a little indentation right kind of almost right and it'll maybe a little bit higher than middle here and then that will you turn off the speaker's there they're popping at me I can hear them ARP can you turn off the speakers they're popping making noises Thanks just turn the sound down Thanks all right and then this road is going to curve I know it's hard to see with all my scribblings here I'm sorry this road is gonna curve just a little bit in and then do this long kind of s and then right here at the bottom third or so it's going to curve in like this okay then this side of the road and again we've got a straight line kind of further main part of it one thing that you you can check to is this part should be about twice or about half the size as kind of right here about in the middle of the road here so this parts coin off you you're gonna have to kind of guesstimate cuz it's not but but just make sure that this is narrow enough that it's about half the size of like the road kind of right here where it bends okay and this kind of goes almost straight right here like that now the smaller part of the road is going to be right here so it's about again about half the width of this ish and it's going to curve up and over and these two lines are going to kind of meet almost and as it goes around this corner they're disappearing so this gonna be a tree here that's gonna cut off most of that but that should be about half the width of this section of the road right here okay and then it's gonna go up here there's a little bit of this hillside that's pretty close to this one so keep this pretty low in fact I might make it a little bit smaller I think I might have made it a little bit too tall there it's actually not very big so we want to make sure that this and this are pretty close together right here so just kind of judge that right there these two lines should be fairly close together this one's gonna go up and over here kind of just parallel this line and so then this little road here is going to narrow pretty quickly and disappear onto into there so that's probably closer to what we want it to look like then it's all gonna be kind of behind the this hill a little bit so it's kind of tracking this way and then you're seeing it again as it's coming up and over and over the hill this way and it's it looks wider than it is because there's a lot of shadow through here in this ditch and everything so you're kind of seeing the shadows then right there but then this is going to be right actually it's almost down to here it's like real close I don't know I didn't put this farther Bryan up over I'm realizing cuz this this road right here comes up this way yeah and this is actually cannot closer out of here so I'm gonna draw this again move it over just a little bit more I'm using watercolor pencils so I can erase that really easily you can see how easily it can erase it leaves a little bit of blue whoops I got a little paint there that's okay we're gonna be painting over all of this so it's not gonna really matter although if you're doing it I have to say oh look and I'm getting it all over my hands cuz I got blah sorry why are you laughing at me Marcus like oh look at my hand I'm making a mess there's nothing new welcome to the show if you're new you're like what are we watching hope you stick around I swear it'll get better we do know what we're doing sort of but since this is live we can uh you know you're getting to see the real deal here hashtag paint life actual hmm oh my gosh I got it everywhere Wow okay there we go let's try that again okay so here we go here we go we've got our hill we get this one coming in here low and going like that and then this little road here is right in here and it's pretty pretty pretty steep curve there and it's narrowing here it's flattening out what's happening is that road you're seeing kind of the road this way but then as it's coming around that corner you're seeing it kind of from the side because this is pretty much kind of almost our eye level here so this part is kind of disappearing because this this hill is kind of in the way in that that roads probably tilting a little bit away from us so that's about what we want it to look like there there's a little tree or something small here and there's a fence here and stuff but I'm not gonna worry about that I'm just going to kind of mark where this ditch is here and it's actually kind of farther out right there I got a mailbox in here somewhere but we'll draw that later and then more ditch you're kind of coming around and coming off this side of the canvas there and yeah I think I got that you want this road here to be right on the third so I might bring it out just a little bit more this should this should come out to about the third mark here this part of the road okay and then this one should be about the third well actually a little bit higher than the third so this one I didn't make wide enough here it comes out wider right there okay there's a little bush right here tree me we're not going to draw any of this and yet though because it's it's all gonna get painted over right now so let's keep on going back here so then we're gonna have this hill that comes up right here and I think this is Virginia Carol said this was taken near her home in Virginia so beautiful area I think it said blue is the Blue Ridge Mountains out there that right sure I think but it's yeah can we make pretend like she's from West Virginia mmm no no my brother just moved to West Virginia no we can sing that song sing along everybody my your mountain mama okay sorry guys so almost right up next to the top there we're gonna start this mountain it's gonna come up like that it's gonna wiggle a little bit here and then come down and flatten out a little bit and then right below it there's another little mountain and this kind of makes up me right here in here for this fog to kind of live in this little valley right in here so there's gonna be fog fog fog all through here there's a little tiny something picking out right here out of the fog and then this mountain is gonna come up here and this is just off-center so here's our center mark so just off center is this is this this is actually a horizon line way back here or do you like that and do another one and do another one and then it keeps on going up and then it goes behind this big ole tree that's gonna be right here she's gonna start here and it's going to take up this whole spice base right here okay I feel like there needs to be something on this side to kind of anchor everything's kind of flowing off this way so if you want to we can add a tree here I thought maybe something here or I don't know even if we just do kind of a small bush or something that needs something over here to kind of anchor it I feel like I don't know maybe maybe not that's just my thought okay let's get to painting so there's our drawing it's kind of messy but you get the idea hopefully I got the idea you got the idea okay good good and yeah all right don't work let's do it mm-hmm she's studying she's choosing her weapon I think I may even go with this expert here number 6 bright is the winner of the new bullet hole need to close with the number 6 bright are you are you talking like golfing yes we did it you used that use that for a heads up one time I remember that was a video we played I know but we played a game we play that game with my family and we do you know where you have a word and and then you have to give clues to your family without the person so that the your family has to guess and marks word was mashed potatoes and instead of like saying a food you know food Thanksgiving you know whatever I now smashed or whatever you said golf something and I'm like what something about golf and I got nothing to do with mashed potato I don't know you had to be there it was one of the greatest videos yeah but of course none of us had knew at all what you're talking about I know we were tell me people here in check you will if you've seen the video I've seen it I just didn't pick the connects didn't make the connection no okay sorry a little bit back to painting will go back to painting here okay so I got mostly Fela blue a little bit of ultramarine blue and my white and then I'm gonna use burnt sienna to tone it down so that it's not like super bright in your face cuz it's kind of a foggy day morning we'll start there this will be a little bit darker than we want it to be so we'll just keep that in white until it gets to kind of the right tone but this is definitely kind of that smoky color we're looking for you can even add a little bit of black if you want to to Black's a good color to flatten out your [Music] flatten out your color burnt umber would be another choice we could use might even do a little bit of burnt umber too that's pretty great it's not reading very very blue it's really pretty kind of just great blah okay let's try that and then I'm gonna scrape this up if I can do it without making a horrible noise okay did you mute my mic or no no it's fine okay filtering get the higher ends oh good okay and then I'm gonna just add some white to it over here and see if we can get it oh yeah that's pretty very nice so that's just like a nice smoky blue and we can add some [Music] I think I might add a little bit more ultramarine blue to it but we can do that well while we're painting I'm just gonna grab a little bit of ultramarine blue and some of my sky color there that ultramarine blue just brighten it up a little bit make it a little bit more of a reddish it's a more of a reddish blue or purple a blue there it go that's pretty let's use this up in my sky very nice it's a little bit dark so might grab some more white and just kind of mix that in while I'm doing it and let those colors kind of blend because there's there's clouds up here so they're kind of doing their thing it's not just a solid sky color back here so we can have some streaks and things happening so we got some questions okay first off apparently in your chat on Thursday you mentioned where you got your pellet knives I did I got them at blick from lick lick yeah I think I mentioned when when we were painting the the chapel a couple weeks ago we did that Chapel painting with a palette knife I think I said that these were liquitex but they're not the blue handled ones are from blick and i got a new set out they have they're all small there's a small tip tips so there's six they were kind of pricey but definitely worth it the reason I like these ones versus some of the other ones that I've gotten is because they're flexible and the flexible ones make it easier to offload your paint on a pallet because when they're when they're firm they don't they don't that you can't like smush the paint off they just they just kind of scratch so because I wanted a flexible small knife for for blending paint colors up because the other one that I was blending with was huge it was kind of overkill and I'm not blending that much paint so I just need something small that I could kind of fit easily so they can go to your website go to the FAQ yes link to the blick yes yes yeah because there yeah if you want to support our channel if not you can go straight but if you use the link from our FAQ page it'll help support our channel or Kahoot channel gets a little x no extra dose to you right no extra costs it's the same price it's just just any way to help support our channel and then you have some kind of a fancy-looking water thing over there now do you yeah I did I did it get a new water thing trade it in the the old plastic jug yeah well I've used pickle jars and plastic jugs and and OH cool hwhip tubs and all the kinds different ones for years and just thought you know let me just try and see if I like having the metal one because it's got this little it's got this little thing in the bottom that raises up out of the out of the water so you're you're not cleaning your brush out in the paint particulates that are at the bottom of the jar so it's raised up in the whole second I guess help can I keep it clean do I don't know help clean that I've only used it once before so I still am deciding if I like it but so far I like it so but I did put it in my Amazon car in case anybody cuz I figured people would want to know what it was some because you're smart like that and it is the links down in the description to that my website is thankful art calm I don't know if we mention that we just said go to my website but we didn't say what it was so my website is thankful are calm so alright now I am going to put some cloud some white up in here just grab him white and while this is wet I'm just gonna kind of smush it through this paint and add some white streaks and I'm using white down down low here on the in line just find that using white on the horizon line always kind of helps push the painting back make it look a bit farther in the distance if you use kind of a white lighter color back here so and then the clouds on the horizon are gonna be very very small and then the ones that come up higher they're gonna get bigger as they come higher because these ones are closer to us at the higher up on this guy so I'm just going to kind of do some little white streaks things in there while that paint is drying and then just kind of let that sit do not really mess with that much more so let's go and do that and I'm gonna go ahead and I think I just didn't make this this blue it's more Walter Rina adding an ultramarine again here yeah there we go so we want to go sky color basically right plus a little bit just a little bit darker so I just added I'm using this kind of middle value color here and then as we come closer to us we'll we'll use the darker colors but farther away you're going to have your colors are gonna be really flattened out you're gonna have a lot of the blue in your mountains that are farthest away from us there's it's called atmospheric perspective but it's I think that's the right term anyhow it means that the sky basically the blue of the sky is is interfering with your what you're seeing so you're seeing that blue through through the mountains like a blue filter over the mountains and it gets bluer as you get closer at the back so and it gets less um less dark so your colors get lighter and lighter and lighter as you go away too so that's with your son buying it this way if their son was behind it that these would be darker than your sky but I'm not gonna get too technical they're just saying let's this we're going a little bit bluer then what we why don't not get all complicated huh a little bit darker than our sky and if it's just about the same color or pretty close to the same color as your sky then you'll know it'll dry a little bit darker because the critics will dry a little bit darker than what they go on so we're gonna go just a little bit darker here and I won't we know it'll dry quite a bit darker and again using the ultramarine blue here with our color that we mixed up so maybe use half and a half 50/50 ultramarine blue and phthalo blue here I use more phthalo blue to get this kind of greener color but this one is got is more like 50/50 ultramarine blue and then I'm gonna get more of this sky color to do these mountains that are even you know in this very far distant area here that are kind of fading away yeah just going to tap in dab it dab it dab it dab in tempeh and then get my white and go in here with my white right in here I'm just kind of lighting up that transition there then we're gonna have more white it will be adding in fact I'm gets on my zinc white here yeah doors bro I know sorry oh you have to whisper when you do this it's a real to process all right oh whoa yeah that light that's too much water mark was like is there too much water that's like I think it'll be all right no yeah definitely too much way yeah it's okay I'll just try not to do it so vigorously it to go slower huh I just slopped it all over everything I definitely need more wipes put out small white here okay so let me I'm gonna I think we want to switch to a little bit smaller brush here to do the this mountain here and this mountain is a little bit closer to us and then we're seeing a little bit of Browns and things in it so I'm gonna go ahead and get some of the quinacridone gold here and I'm gonna use the same blue with it so I'm always always in there our background here of our world is gonna be adding some of that sky color to whatever we do so well that'll be good so that's kind of a turquoise e-gold that might add a little bit of the unbleached titanium to it or titanium white to tone it down and I'm seeing some oranges too so we can maybe get some burn some of the burnt sienna and add that yeah there we go I'm going down lower then I'm seeing down lower into that foggy area because we gotta have something underneath a fog for it to play against I'm gonna just tap in there at the top trying to leave kind of a little bit of a fuzzy edge to the top area there so looks like trees and then all of this is really way back here I'm not seeing much of anything is I'm gonna get some of this blue and just put it back here oh this is gonna be pretty much to cover it up but I need something back there okay looks good and then we can use this color this was just the gold with this blue just gold add it to a little bit of burnt burnt sienna maybe add a little bit more of that I'm gonna use it right here this little mountain that's kind of in front this most of this is gonna be covered up by the mist so just a little bit of that showing there okay go get a cough drop okay adding a little bit of burnt sienna to that there looks good use a little bit of this in here - I'm just gonna use what's in my brush because I'm seeing it kind of in this area too so I'm just gonna brush what's on there might as well use it up right we'll be putting other colors in here but these different staplers you can kind of abused a little bit more because their bristles are pretty sturdy and they actually kind of work better I think the more they longer you've had them the more abused they are the better they work so knees that color in here I got some of that more of the phthalo blue color and just use that all in here I'm gonna get some white and get smart the white in here cuz it is even the food even though we can see it it's still pretty light it's much out that transition line there and then right here this is just a lighter version of what we just put on that hill and just grab and white not adding you need the other color to my brush already got some color in there if you need to you can add more of the green but somebody's asked if they don't have the gold what could they use yellow gold is so if you have the Indian yellow that's close also gold any any gold color would work or you could add a little bit of like yellow oxide would probably work too yellow oxide would be good trim good substitute in fact I think I'm going to use a little bit of yellow oxide here get some that blue from this guy again just use that yeah oh yeah that's pretty it's a minute yellow okay so we're just kinda laying in some color here we're not and we know it's not gonna be the finished whatever cuz we've got lots of that fog that we have to add in there so but this has to be completely dry before we do that so we want to have a good luck under two under story happening here with our other colors before we try to do that I'm gonna get some more white I'm gonna put some add some white up in here just so that this is closer to the tone that we want it to be when we start our adding our fog yo and then yeah it's really hard to tell what's happening back there I'm just gonna kind of just continue the same colors there's a lot of dark back here so I'm gonna get some green she's changed to a different brush I'm going back to the number six right here if there was a quarter-inch Deerfoot that you're just using before them yes yeah but you could also have used the quarter-inch wills blender or the three-eighths inch even it would have worked fine so I just these are small little sections here so I just wanted a little bit smaller brush don't get in there so adding some of this darker green in here kind of along that ditch there where that road is you end up along the sides a little bit and then use it all back in here I just added they look green to that blue from this guy yeah it's actually pretty it's actually pretty yellow too so I'm gonna get some more yellow here here we go it's more white it's just gonna kind of blend out that edge there cuz really there's nothing no this is going to show so I want but I do want it a little bit lighter because we're gonna put that darker tree on top and I want it just showed through so a little bit light like a little bit of a lighter color back here so that when we put our tree in front of it it bleeds through a little bit okay just blending out that color once you've gotten not a lot of paint on my brush so you know kind of used up what's on here then I can go back in here and like in these areas where I might want to blend out a color then I can kind of go back over and it's it's basically kind of dry brushing over the top of those areas where I already put kind of a little bit darker colors I'll help kind of blend it out a little bit without adding too much paint it's a little bit subtler way of adding some color let me get some more burnt sienna and add some burnt sienna here this hillside it up just a little bit okay and then as we're getting closer here we're gonna get brighter greens a little bit more yellow in them less blue more of that you know brighter color green I'm gonna still use that sky-blue add some yellow oxide to it kind of an olive green we'll use that in here we'll be adding some color on top that'll lighten it up but we're gonna kind of start with a darker color and then add the lighter on top so it's always about layering with acrylics I just want to kind of see what look at your color and see what is kind of some of the darker darkest color that you're singing in there and that's often what you're gonna want to start with it's kind of the darkest tones and then you're gonna kind of dust that lighter color over the top since you can work over the top they colors are a lot of the colors are opaque so you can they'll cover over one another really well in layers okay so that's about kind of there and then getting closer getting more yellows this grass is kind of you know browned it's we can we can make it like a little bit more spring-like if we want to and you know add kind of brighter brighter yellows to the grasses and this is probably kind of a late summer photo here I would guess looks like the trees are starting to maybe start to turn so maybe close to autumn so if you want them to look a little bit more spring-like you can put fewer you know fewer let's get some of this gold here fewer leaves on the trees a little bit brighter smaller leaves some flowers I think we're gonna add some flour oh I want to add some flowers along the road here for sure I'm gonna add get some dark burnt umber here and use this really dark right here in this ditch right on this hill that's coming up and over right up to the road so all through here he doing on I were no good I was just wondering did we do a formal hello to everybody I kind of did when I was washing my hands but not really okay well still say hi to everybody give yeah welcome to the channel as you can tell things have got a little bit better it's a whole brown paint incident we're recovering where we've recovered well hope everybody's doing well staying safe staying home being staying distant yes smart if you if you have to work wearing a mask we've been wait mark and I had to travel yesterday and I could not believe how many people were working and not wearing masks and I'm like shame on you I was very disturbed for them and for everybody else it I know people have to work and it's probably a pain to wear a mask but you know dude was saying do it do it you do not my uncle we weren't we were on a phone call for while my uncle called and he and his wife both had Co vyd and they're just getting over it took them four weeks and she spent a week in the ICU and almost didn't make it so it is not worth it at all they true dad yep all right I'm off my soapbox on what's keeping Jinnah right yeah I get back into your chair the mom and me is coming out I see these people working without their masks on I'm like nope go back home put it on come back and see good you forgot something well they're not listening to me obviously god no what are you yes mark Mark's nose bitter after 33 years Oh after after about three weeks of going to Lowe's in the grocery store without his mask I finally finally have Bedard him into wearing one ha all right so I'm not even talking about what I'm doing here sorry I'm she's talking to mask so I'm using my golds I'm using my yellow oxide and my cat quinacridone gold you're adding it to my green mixture which was my yellow oxide with my green my phthalo green which is kind of the main color of our grasses it's that kind of a it's kind of a muted green and the gold is just kind of this gold it just makes it even more dramatic and I added a little bit of burnt umber in places where I'm where I needed the darker tones to come out this was burnt umber and burnt sienna kind of in the ditch and this is still not dark enough I'm gonna have to add more to it but then in the lighter areas through the middle here it's a little bit lighter so I'm adding the unbleached titanium right here so just having that and putting it in I I tend to get to talk and while I'm painting so sometimes I'm sorry I do that I no don't please don't leave me a comment I know it's a problem but hopefully if you've if you're following along what you might want to do is when I make a new mixture you might want to take a screenshot and then just write it on your you know write on your screen there if you're doing it on your phone like I yeah you know do and then just write in the colors that I'm using so that you can follow along if you're gonna be painting along with me and then when you do your mixes when you mix it on your palette try to kind of use the same general areas when you do your mixtures and that way you'll kind of know when I'm going back to a certain mixture because I don't always mention what the mixture was I'll I'll mention the new color that I add to it but I don't always go back and say okay this was ultramarine de la blue and white and burnt sienna and burnt umber mixture and then now we're adding green to it or something you know I don't I don't mention what I mixed here again so if you have you know make a note of that then you'll know what it is that I'm mixing it in with so because there's no way that I could do that and hopefully remember all that it just I get going so fast I don't think to go back and say it you know as always if you're not satisfied with the video we will gladly refund you your cost for what you paid oh yeah actually you know what we'll get back three times because we want you to be a satisficer the free video no yes so could you do the math there zero is sorry that's mark sarcastic psych I mean out there no I'm serious I mean no I'll take it out of my own wallet that's about what's in there okay so a little bit of lighter area here and I'm probably gonna have to add darker green here but what happened right here I don't know if you saw that is I've kind of blended back over this area and it lifted you see that where the colors showing through the canvas there when I'm trying to blend it over it that just means that color that was underneath there was trying to dry and so by painting back over it it started lifting that color so the way to kind of fix that is if you get kind of a thick amount of paint you can very lightly just kind of skim it and and kind of just patch it in there and then leave it don't mess with it let it dry completely before you try to do any more layers and just kind of know that's a no-go zone don't you know don't mess with it because acrylics will will do that they'll once they're drawing you don't want to mess with them they'll start to lift and do all kinds of stuff all right I'm gonna add some yellow around the light side of the there and then on this side I'm going to use this color too because it's on this it's on the same plane right it's gonna be over here also okay and then back here this color is gonna be the same I did not put it across I'm gonna get a little bit that blue and just use that same color over here this kind of goes up a little bit here kind of dips right here and then it goes back up on this side that looks like a little bit so we'll use that over here I worried too much about the separation between these right now and I like their later to make sure that we know where though those are but so far so good right so if you if we did this right it'll start to look like okay we've got a lot of contrast here we go really really dark and really light values here as we go farther away we're getting we're flattening out those values so this is just a mid-tone lighter tone lighter lighter lighter and the lightest in this guy and then you know the sky colors we've mixed in in each step of the way so that they're progressively getting a little bit darker as they come closer to us and that gives us that illusion of depth just like that is super easy way of adding depth to your painting yeah I definitely need to I need you to take some of this water out of here do some of that out because it's I keep spilling it everywhere the cat had drunk about that much of my water out of my thing before the show and so I had mark blip fill it back up he was in the kitchen and he did a good job all the way the top one everywhere yeah yeah we're all watching you okay a little bit more it used to be right right there just right Belinda yeah that's good good job man Thanks Thanks okay go get a drink umm alright so let's go ahead I guess the last thing we got is our road so might as well just go ahead and put that in while we're waiting for the rest of this to dry which this is dry enough up here that we've probably messed with it but well actually yeah we're going to be putting the fog in here so we don't really want to mmm I just realized I have this wrote this road coming up above my rice line I don't need it above it not gonna not gonna be above okay okay so I'll put that color down there and to blend it out I can I'm just gonna use I wiped my brush clean and I'm just going to use that clean brush to kind of push that paint around so that it smoothes out that color okay what'd ya think I want I'm gonna use this brush because it's flat I can get into these little areas really small areas there I think so let's get my type of my zinc white my think white is gonna be the color of choice for this because it's transparent so we can kind of build up these layers slowly there's some areas where it's pretty pretty bright so like down in here I know that I can just start I want to start my tapping where I know it's gonna be brightest so like right along that ridge line there is going to be the bright area of my cloudy fogged here you and then I'm just going to kind of pull up here and tap in more and more okay then I can see that like some of this out I do want to I'm gonna get a little tiny bit of the blue from our sky that it my fog - it's not gonna be pure white they'll be a little bit of that color in there I'm just using that titanium white with that blue and I'm gonna go down here now add some of that into the darkest areas and then right I don't want to go too high I want to use the zinc white up in the upper areas so but I did want a little bit darker a little bit brighter and then I'm just gonna scrub out that bottom edge there to kind of keep it soft okay and definitely want to soften up that upper edge don't want any hard lines for this okay we're gonna need a couple coats on here to get it wherever you want it whoops to do that there so I'm just gonna scrape it on here and then scrub it out building up that hillside here I'm right in here we'll be able to define this hillside a little bit better because we're gonna go back over it and put my color back in so but I just want to keep this white area very soft and fluffy okay so I'm not using a lot of paint doing small areas at a time let's do some over here a little bit higher again putting my color down where I want it them darkest first and then just pushing it up into other areas in that sink right in here there's a little bit of the blue I've seen some of the blue over here this is all gonna be behind my tree but I'm just gonna scrub in some of this color here you don't know scrub too hard because you don't want to lift the color that's on your canvas so you can scrub your canvas straight out canvas clean if you're using fresh paint on top of paint that's not fully cured in this paint you know it's not it's gonna not gonna be cured for another a day or so PUMS so it takes you know acrylic paints a couple days to hard day or so at least kind of fully cure the top layer will be dry and able to be you know painted over but if you scrub too hard you would just scrub that paint right off you can do it over here I can show you what I'm talking about to get fresh paint and like right on here I'm just gonna see how it's taking that paint right off it's hard to see it cuz it and well it's the it's definitely from the take the glue off there and you'll be able to see what I'm talking about so like right there we'll take that little bit off get get a big glob of fresh paint just put it over there and then just work it so if you're scrubbing hard enough over and over again on one little spot it's gonna come clean there it's gone so just keep that in mind when you're doing this fog so what I'm saying is use a very very light touch do not scrub too hard or you're just gonna lift off all the color underneath you're gonna end up with a mess you don't want that to happen and so you pay real close attention to your paint and what it's doing when you're doing these layers and if you see that any of the colors lifting off just stop do not do don't try to put more paint down to cover it don't because that's the tendency it's like oh the paint's not sticking let's put more paint but if it starts to do that the new wet paint is just gonna reinforce what it's doing already and it's just gonna wash it's basically you're washing the paint off of your canvas so just keep that in mind just be really pay close attention to if the paint is is going on or not correctly you know just don't want to lift it off that would be really bad we want to add ain't not lift it okay so here's this mountain here adding that fog that's kind of between these two back here our farthest mountain and I'm gonna add a lot of fog over the top of this where it touches the sky here make sure that that is really distant and indistinct right there good a little bit of fog right here well I think this actually a little bit further down I'm just gonna get a little bit more here and then I'm gonna get some of this color here and just put it right along that edge do you find my edge a little bit and just kind of smoosh it out with that with that fog so that it they both kind of blend a little bit together do you find that this this edge of the mountain though a little bit and I'm doing it into that fresh sink white there so it's kind of blending with it a little bit get a little bit more that blue cuz I have a little bit too much like green there I want to get a little bit more blue there we go it's not a it's not a super dark area so I just want it kind of yeah that's good and then this kind of fades off into nothing back on this side a little bit we go and then I'm seeing a little bit of something right in here there's a little some kind of mountain right here looks like a little maybe even a little town or something it's hard to tell but like way back here get that lighter some that unbleached titanium with some this bloom here I'm just putting it behind just to kind of lighten up behind it just a little bit the values are very close together so they're not not super distinct here it's just barely a little tiny bit dark darker right there and then a little bit lighter behind it okay going off the camp in there all right this one I like the top of it's right in here okay Thanks good getting more than think white now this should be dry because I've gone gone and done one sections wouldn't do another layer this one will start to get much more noticeable bidding I'm going a little bit thicker with my paint so it'll lay down a little bit more so we got that fuzzy kind of behind it now we can kind of lay a little bit darker thicker paint over the top I'm not going right up to the edge of where it's kind of fuzz down so the darker area is kind of like right in the middle of that fog pink there somewhere and this is gonna go right in front of this this whole area right here is all talk and then there's just a little bit right here kind of below this below that this line is just right above where the peak of this mountain is so that goes all the way across and I might bring this mountain up just a little bit yeah so this whole area right in here is just all fog this whole Middle area and the tendency is going to be to want to just lay on a lot of paint and get it done but if you kind of just take your time and do it slowly you'll get a much closer to reality look so just kind of be patient it's probably gonna take three maybe four times doing this with the sink white for it to build up enough to look like just you know as bright as we want it but it'll be worth it what you thinking huh just watching you okay I have the affiliates that I can see more than just hurry and [Laughter] all right yeah across here but I actually feel like this this color comes up a little bit right here I'm gonna get a little bit of this blue see if I can get any of this green I feel like this comes up a little bit there's a tree that's kind of covering some of this so but I think there's something up there so I think they'd probably be like a hold in the earth right there yeah it's a probably nothing behind the tree probably nothing yes it's it's one of the few places on earth thanks son you all killed okay I'm a lightness that back hair so I'm just gonna add my zinc white I've got that blue color that we used back here and I'm just going to gonna go over these mountains here and give it a second coat with a little bit lighter yeah they can leave some dark areas if I want to but just gonna that out and then right in front right here there's just a little bit of a little bit darker it's just right above this little pink of fog right here because across and if you got too much fog just take some of your green and just go back over it you can adjust it back and forth in fact it kind of softens up that front edge if you do that a little bit take some of that mountain color and just kind of go over the edge with with a little bit of that zinc white in your brush and it'll kind of blend it in I've got some color right there that's not laying down so I'm just try to tap in script right there then get a little bit of it right here and just tap into like a little tree or something right there don't know what that is but tree or something right there and I think that's pretty good we're pretty close to the bright brightness I probably go one more step because I can still see some of that brown right right in there I think I want to do one more layer but I don't want to do it right now let's work on our sky and I get my um bigger blender here get a little bit of a little bit of the blue got zinc white and titanium white kind of in equal parts I'm just gonna add some clouds up here and I've got my brush loaded fairly thick with paint I'm just tapping and then I'm gonna smudge out those upper layers the titanium white will help keep that or that titanium white will be you know what kind of the opaque color so it'll kind of help this paint cover the blue but then the zinc white in there will help it be too too much I'm just gonna kind of scrub side to side to here we already have a little bit of white in here so I'm just gonna kind of pick those areas out and work around them add some more color there's really not a whole lot of clouds here it's just gonna leave with a little bit of streaks in it so I'm just gonna do that with this string some white end here in there up here call that good let's get a little bit ultramarine blue and something that darker blue mix that with this sky color that we've got going on cloud color I mean and I'm gonna get some of the things some glazing medium so I've got the darker color but I'm just gonna glaze it on so it's not it's not fully full strength and I added a little bit of the whites to this as well just to soften it but I'm gonna get this darker color and kind of come up underneath these clouds and add just a little bit of a shadowing you're in there just make sure you got enough glazing medium that you're not putting this on super solid the glazing medium helps it be kind of softer looking scrub it in and then you can always go back in with the sink white and go back over it do you think white I'll help kind of tone it down and blend it into don't you get it on there this again always be kind of noticing whether or not the paint just wanted a lift or if it's drying or not you can have that if you're blending wet into what colors you got to do it while they're wet wet into it and or wet on dry but you never want to do like dry dry brush over wet paint is gonna lift it off so or if you paint over the drying paint like if it's in the middle of drying it's gonna also lift so make sure that both are about equal wetness cuz if you go in here with when you see when I lit when I get more water on my brush I always kind of dip it on my paper towel before I pick up more paint so if I went in with super wet paint at this point on top of this and tried to blend it out it would wash off and basically washing it so just kind of think about that when you're if you you know if you get like an area in here and you're like uh I got too much you know too much paint that's what you do you go in with some water and you just kind of wipe it off and push it around and it'll it'll just like here it kind of rinsed it off in it it'll wipe it off your your canvas especially if the paint's really thick and starting to dry it'll definitely lift it off but so just kind of I think water management is important to kind of figure out with acrylics how much water when to add water when not to you know that kind of thing so they'll just come in time a little bit of experience you'll kind of figure out the amount that works best for you okay I think that's good it kind of looks like stormy stormy cloudy day not stormy but just cloudy all right let's see how's it going on there it's cold will no questions ever is pretty quiet today yeah anybody watching us no nobody no I forgot to hit the start stream that's just us yeah I didn't want to tell you because I knew you'd be mad but yeah could you start over again no I'll just catch up later okay I'm gonna get some of that I've got that blue in my brush from the clouds I'm gonna use it down here in this fog I again kind of went over that area there here we go okay and then there's some areas up in here where the fog is kind of coming up a little bit kind of billowing up love it you can do that in a few places like I see over here where it looks like it's kind of coming up over the trees a little bit you know like it does so I'm gonna happen I bring that trail a little bit thicker parts up top over cement trees there looks good okay then then we need to fog up this area down here so I'm gonna in this area is a little bit more subtle it's a little bit more like these kind of drifty they're closer to us and we're not seeing it so concentrated like back here or seeing through it more so I'm just gonna kind of go a little bit softer with it and just kind of trail it up like this you know like using my brush in a circular motion to kind of do some little small soft wispy stuff happening rises up off the fields there and then just make sure that the line here in here is kind of softened up I want it kind of have a blurry line where it comes up over right there a little bit and right here just scrubbing kind of dry brushing here okay okay that's pretty good if you feel like at any point you know like I think maybe that's a little bit too dark I'm gonna go over it with my little bit my sink way it's a really easy way of kind of just toning everything down pushing it back a little bit so I'm gonna just do that up there okay good good good good all right so right in here I'm gonna go a little bit more of a golden color I'm gonna get some of my gold into my yellow cadmium yellow there I am shedding bad right now I'm in worse than the cat I keep finding here's everywhere while I'm working okay some of the UM unbleached titanium here you use that as my base kind of toned for some these grasses cuz they're so kind of golden colored and I'm going to use the blue from my sky again mix a kind of golden green see if that's gold enough oh yeah that's pretty so I'm gonna use that up here cuz this color is like a lot lighter in here and I'm just gonna scrub it on lightly I have a lot of paint on my brush but I'm not touching it very hard on my canvas now just gonna scrape it on kind of lightly and let some of that dark show through oh that's doing make sure that your think white is not super wet while you do this cuz we just added the zinc white so you don't want to lift any of that off just make sure you're doing this over dry paint here we go pretty right just barely see some of those other colors through let's do a little bit of it on this either side is not as yellow or some reason but just a little bit of it right here on this hillside okay good I do see some trees back here too I'm gonna get some of that burnt umber yeah and mix it with this color here I'm gonna use it right here just using the edge of my brush here and just kind of having some trees right there right on the top of that hill okay it's coming down the same one the 3/8 inch deer foot or the three inch inch will is blender [Laughter] [Music] to help you yeah could you be a little bit more general with that the Redwood okay great one so she's using the red brush we got the red brush in already blue okay I'm getting the burnt orange here and a little bit of the brown or the green I mean I'm gonna use them in here and I'm going to do a little rolling hill this is on top of the road so there's a road here coming just above it and doing like a little bit of a dark area this may be too dark but we'll see probably a little bit dark but and it actually doesn't go that far around the corner there but I'll fix it here in a minute all of this down here is fairly dark all the way to where this kind of curves around this is all kind of dark along here okay a little bit more light here with the same color and just go over at this with the lighter color to highlight the top of that tone it down a little bit just go ahead and kind of paint in that road with the green because we'll be painting the road on top of it so let's go ahead and mix that you might do it though I put my brush back when I said all the rest of them back here we go got that back I'm gonna mix my Road color so my road color is gonna be the burnt umber an ultramarine blue make sure I [Music] used this quite a lot if you've watched my other videos it's just a good gray it's like a middle gray it's not too blue it's not too Brown it's like right in between and then you can really easily tilt it to brown or or blue kind of warmer or cooler tone gray by adding a little bit more blue or a little bit more Brown just tell whatever you want so I really like this color it's a little bit better than just black I find black has a lot of blue in it already even you know any black is gonna when you mix it with yellow is gonna turn green blacks tend to have a lot of blue in them so this one's got a little bit more of a warm or brown tone to it than a regular black and it's not quite as dark it's a little bit lighter so I'm gonna take a little bit off it off to the side here and add some white to it let's add yeah what's that the white I'm 5050 here we'll have kind of a medium grey that we can use that's really pretty okay hopefully I left a little out feliu laughs I left enough of that darker version of it I don't know if I did because we are like out of paint well me neither we're not gonna survive no way before somebody made a comment she was like I can't paint right now get him I ran out of paint I'm like oh my gosh you poor things it's tragic that is so sad so I think we have enough paints to last a couple of Bach ellipses probably okay until next year sometime maybe longer [Applause] although I do with as many videos as we do we do go through a lot of pain here I go through one of these large tubes of ultramarine blue and like there's certain colors where I'll go through a large tube white of course is the fur is the one that I go through the most but I bet I go through a white every two months and one of these sizes every three to four months so they do not last very long okay I'm gonna spray that all down really good and I'm going to scrape up some of this color that is let's see if this new I forgot I had this in try this and see how it works it's doing all right I'm just gonna scrape up some of this color that is drying because you can't really mix over the top of the dried areas cause it'll just leave little flecks of paint in your in your paint you don't want to do that you get a little okay yeah scrape all that off here this is a glass palette so I'm just using a razor blade scraper to get the paint off the NuWave posh glass palette Lincoln did the Amazon store gonna pull this video just we are in no way affiliated with him but no video and we do use their product we get the questions all the time something Dan got a hit from memories okay you're welcome for the free commercial there let's talk sponsorships yeah like they don't have to pay for it we're just giving it away free all right I'm gonna put out some more white we don't get paid by our brush sponsors or our canvass sponsors we don't want to getting paid in anything right for this except for what little YouTube gives us the I think what is it right now maybe five dollars for every thousand views or something like that it's not a lot ash it'd be over 2500 patreon supporters yes now that's you guys are super generous is we I I started doing this for for fun and it's turned into way more than we ever dreamed and we thank you so much for those everybody who watches and vice stuff through our affiliate links and supports us or not on patreon it's just we're very very very blessed get to paint with you guys and you guys I'll be doing this anyways so it's just fun to get to do with you guys have you watching send us letters and tell us show us what you're painting and how that would get all kinds of letters every day from people and we have a Facebook group that posts the pictures that they're painting from my tutorials and now that we have I think over 400 now tutorials that we've done on amazingly enough we there's just sometimes we'll see I'll cease one that that I haven't seen in a while you know that's like from three years ago and I'm like oh I remember that well you painted that it's pretty cool so all right um let's see so I just cleaned off the palette they're just gonna get it you can get it ready for doing the road here that's what I was doing okay I'm just trying to remember where was that um let me see yeah I think when I get I'm gonna get a smaller brush here this is a number six round in the Umbria and I'm gonna use the darker gray and I'm gonna use the ultramarine blue to make it go and this top it just kind of disappear so I'm gonna get some white here and I'm just gonna kind of try to match it up to the same value that's back here so that it is disappearing as it goes around that top edge there and then I'm gonna add a little bit of this color this guy color may be reflecting off that road nose just seeing a lot of blue in it so bring it all the way down to this line here and then we're gonna just go really really thin with it right here and then it widens out as it goes up and around okay nice and it's got the dark around the sides if it's not dark enough we can add it later but hey and back here we're really not seeing a whole lot but that road is really thin all the way through there and then it starts to widen out right here again seeing it peek out and I'm gonna go a little bit darker than we're gonna end up with it right there to start with and then I'm gonna grab that blue from the sky a little bit and kind of go down the middle with that and just kind of put that over that paint and just shot the edges a little bit well it's wet and cuz I gotta go straight here so right there with that going I'm gonna get some of this yellow again put it tap it right there right alongside the road there it's kind of that same color that we used back here almost touching right there it's not green enough you can get a little bit of the green and at it we might even add a little bit of Burnt of the unbleached titanium that's got sunlight hitting it right here and then it comes to comes above the top of it kind of in front of that dark hedge that we put it here and then we're gonna define this line right here coming across and it should be about about the same or lower than then what's across there so just pull that out right there man probably don't have it bright have some gonna keep on adding some this unbleached titanium green maybe get a little bit of a brighter yellow needs to be there we go it needs to be fairly you like bright night bright Soviet we had wood does work they were awesome our boys had him they're still around oh you yeah we had one for a while here at the house the boys used to play with I'll take your word for it you were at work at the time probably we're sleeping misty exactly all that okay okay and I'm just gonna come use this and it's sort of like we did over here I'm just gonna dry brush it in the field here just kind of have it back here are you lightly running it along the top there and there's actually some cloud sections that are coming towards us so we can even do some in lines you want to get real fancy about it just give this light indication of some lines they're coming up are they going they're going along the side they're getting wider and farther apart there but these ones back here kind of small let me see I'm gonna get a little bit more of that green and yellow you have the color green gold it'd probably be kind of right that this is kind of you know try a little bit of it this is Australian yellow-green for a new color but it's it's that yeah maybe a little bit of something like that if you've got it put it in there if you don't just add a little bit more yellow to your green but I just remembered I had that grab that exact color there we want right there and it's still not quite light enough so I think this color is phthalo green with with like an Indian yellow so it'd probably be let's see if we can mix it I hate to put out a color and not let not tell you how to get it yourself so see if we can get it with gold and Cochran on gold and phthalo green there and then maybe a little bit of the cadmium yellow we were getting it close here need to add some white so I'm still seeing a little bit more of a yellow gold color yeah so that's about that's about it it's a phthalo green and the gold this one's transparent though that's the nice thing about it so it goes on a little bit softer look you know we can do more with it because you can Trant you can ittle glaze really nicely so if you have it go ahead and grab it and use it for this and if you don't just mix it up like I just did I'm gonna use the lighter color right alumna I'm head of that field here gripping it in there I don't worry about the edge here we're gonna define that edge when we get to it this this whole section here needs to be a whole lot brighter - we're still gonna be adding more I might add a little bit of this color in here - just a little bit okay I'm gonna use a little bit of the burnt sienna with this use it right here yeah that's what it is Australian it's Matisse is the brand Australian group yellow-green and then if you have the Australian Sienna it's very similar to the group the quinacridone aza gold that I am using to so it's a it's a good substitute for it mmm I just got a bunch of new paints I got a bunch of Windsor Newton colors too because they had colors like um Kat cadmium yellow yellow or I'm sorry cadmium a lemon that I wanted to try so and I'm making my color chart still right now so if you this right here still making this I knew one of these kind of trying to organize it a little bit better so that it's done I just have to add the color shoot I've organized the him on my spreadsheet I just have to actually print it out and paint on it so but I I'll be sharing the spreadsheet so that you can do it on your own with your own colors in my newsletter next probably next week maybe if if I can get it done if not it'll be the probably the following sometime this month I'm not gonna make any promises but if you're part of the newsletter you'll you'll get it eventually alright I'm gonna add this color just added tight unbleached titanium to this color here and I'm gonna add it in my field right here and I'm seeing that there's lines in this coming this way so I'm just gonna kind of scrape it and indicate I'm not gonna get super fancy back here if you want to you can kind of do that but I'm not this is so far away that I don't really feel like you you have to go into that much detail but if you want to you can what are you laughing at over there you with your very specific timeline they're right next week or maybe the week after or water no choice month usually yeah that's the timeline it's a it's it's a non-party right that's where it's at on my to-do list it's a it's a when I have time so okay get in the burn seat burnt orange here I'm gonna add unbleached titanium to it and I'm gonna use it right along here just a little bit too dark there but I'm trying to find the right brush here doesn't get any little spots there it's just so small back here I'm gonna add a little bit that green to this color and there we go Wow I did not mean them for that to call the way up there I'm gonna pull down right here and a little bit in here this color to this field it's got a lot more reddish tones to it so I'm gonna grit more of this go an awkward own burnt orange is this a really pretty reddish brown orange it's called orange but I feel like it's a little closer to burnt sienna then then any orange you know color it's a neutral but look at how pretty that is there it kind of gives it a rosy glow it's got it's definitely got a like a really pretty rosy tone to it very nice okay and then I went right along here with a little bit I added just a little bit of burnt umber to that green and it's maybe a little bit bright but a little bit dark but I'm gonna add a little bit I'm gonna get a little bit of that bright yellow that we've been you adding and I'm just gonna go right in front of this and just kind of smudge it out just a little bit and a little bit of a highlight not Hill right there and get a little bit of the burnt umber add it to this group this color here that we just used and I'm gonna kind of tap it and I'm just using this brush cuz I can get a little fine point with it and I need it I need a smaller tip let's get some green I'm gonna add a little bit of blue cut the burnt umber dark blue green here and I'm gonna use it alongside the road right here I'm just gonna tap this greenery that's right alongside the road here and then it kind of disappears as it comes around this corner right here so we're only seeing it right there and we're seeing a little bit of it right here and then there's get some glazing medium and just glaze a little bit on my field there's like a little shadow from this tree it looks like right here does it add a little bit of this green up into our tree I'm glazing under the tree and on the sides of this just kind of blend it in a little bit okay and blending over the top of the road just a little bit to blend it in let's get it some of the lighter blue make sure we've got highlight on our road okay very good I like it and then right here right in here this this green or this beige orange tea color whatever color it is home kids this color comes up in front of that of the road right here so the green kind of stops right in here as it comes around the corner does dark green stop somewhere right in here and then again I want to fuzz out right there so I'm just gonna get some of my thing quite my brush and I'm gonna go over that and pull it down into the road and over this whole section right there soften it up push that back go over the tree just a little bit just this whole area here as it's coming down over the hill right there needs to disappear into that background just a little bit of it showing but it should really okay and then there is a little bit of a line up in here so I'm gonna get some of this green gold here a little bit of the darker color just not not super dark but just can a little bit lighter a little bit darker and put it along that ridge line there there's like a little shadow that happens and then if you want to like I said you can you can kind of get a little bit fancier and add some lines in our field if you want to make it look like it's mode you know in lines it won't take very many to kind of just add that kind of feel just a few little lines like right in there and then make sure you have your shadow kind of across from your tree here and the shadows gonna go along the road too okay and then make sure we've got some a little bit of brown here get some tree trunks there sure trees have oops Oh see that was drying right there I just lifted that off darn it I know it's not good here okay that paint was drying right there and so I touched it cuz I had that it had that sink white in it from warehouse still wet and I touched it with my finger and it just stuck to my finger just it gets sticky when it starts to dry we did that so eventually everybody thought it was truly an accident they hadn't have planned that out in the pre-show yeah it's like I'm gonna show them what happens if you do this right okay touch the what pain right about the two-hour mark I'm gonna show what happens is it two hours oh my gosh I gotta move on here I'm getting cotton know these details back here so we're going for the record of five hours 42 minutes now to beat last week's no no mm-hmm in the green gold here I'm gonna put some of this color in my bushes right here tap tap tap a little bit of highlights there I can't believe it's been two hours already like I've just started okay you know what they say time flies when you're having fun or you're watching somebody have fun time goes slower when you're just watching somebody have fun is that what you're saying I'm not saying I'm watching paint dry [Applause] [Laughter] okay burnt umber in the green and some of that black there don't mix them it's not real black don't you get the idea okay um I'm gonna get some more green yeah a little bit brighter green and like right in here there's predatoring on that sides road yeah let's tap in Garen can't believe it's been two hours my gosh what have I been doing [Laughter] seriously you only have yourself to blame I know help details and everything damn can I go in here love this color so damn the ditch right here and kind of pulling some of that color up and over just area and a little bit darker colors and definitely using this along the fence line here so there's a right here I'm just gonna tap and kind of pull up to make it look like grasses and things and it really stops right about here so I don't want to go down that far because like right here is where we're seeing this tree happening right here so put some bushes and stuff right here okay getting some of the burnt umber burnt you know color up here I'm seeing some of those colors in this grass here just do it all the way up to the top here tap etapa get um I'm detecting him go into this green gold color we've got I still have that bread red color in my brush so gonna tone it a little bit go right in front of this and putting this bright color right in front of that dark it's gonna really push push that back it's gonna give it some depth ah immediately right there I'm just gonna tap some layers into our grass in here so to get some of that green gold add a little bit of this brighter green this one over here was just the green with a little bit of this darker Brown that we mixed so I'm just gonna do some different different greens it doesn't really matter the colors but just kind of layering them a little bit dark a little bit lighter that's it you know back and forth just all these different greens and I'm gonna kind of put him in these longer kind of layers here let's get some of this burnt orange and add some of that we got a pink question okay somebody would like to know the difference between the burnt umber and raw umber robber is more of a it's kind of closer to black it's more of a dull brown burnt umber is a lot warmer just like a burnt rum rompers more gray gray gray Brown I can show you the difference here [Applause] raw umber burnt umber see how the burnt umber is more of a reddish warm tone raw umber it depends on the kind to because some raw numbers are more darker than others so this is another raw I'm burning different colors and it's much more gray but it's a good substitute though if you don't have burnt umber you use it it will work I just tend to like burnt umber because it's got a really pretty warm brown dish you know can almost reddish undertone okay and then we're gonna have a lot of colors right in here that are gonna come up big in a higher bed let's get some of this down here I didn't get any of this filled it now get this gray can we mix it get some burnt umber and my green I'm just gonna kind of scrap up with it it's all I'm doing me on this car right there's all kinds of stuff going on over here down haven't even talked to yet got this darker green over here and then it's me hello except with this somebody's asked if they'd put a glaze with any color does it make it transparent it it'll it'll help the it helps if the color that you're using is a transparent color your glaze will be really much more vivid so using a glaze with that opaque color is gonna dull it just a little bit but yes you can it'll it'll make any color more transparent yes it's just it'll be more more transparent if you start with the transparent color so thay lows are transparent quinacridone czar transparent cadmium czar not Kevin's don't make great glazes but I still use them for it sometimes okay so bringing this color up I'm just gonna make it out like a little row up here like that with it and I'm gonna use this darker color back here right in this area right there right in front of where that goes up and then let's start kind of putting some bushes in here so just start it there with this dark green I'm gonna put a bush keep it small I'm gonna right here there's another one a little bit bigger I'm not gonna define any of this I'm just gonna kind of let it be whatever it wants to be back there get a little bit this burnt orange and just gonna do some little stuff off to the side of the road so kind of overlapping a little bit right here leaving a little bit of this lighter color right here okay I'm just seeing some of this in here bring that up a little bit and then it's darker green there is a building left I'm sorry back hair looks like suggestion of it I'm not gonna try to define it we got another paint question okay they said that you use phthalo green yellow shade is the blue shaded appropriate substitute or do you recommend something else sure yeah you can use the blue shade it's just the yellow shades got a little bit more yellow in it so just use a little bit more yellow when you're doing your mixes with the green shade or the blue shade it's not that it's not that different I don't put it out it's just a little bit closer to like availab loo so you could add even a little bit of a little blue to your there's the blue shade there's a yellow shade it sounds very similar and if you add just a little bit of yellow to the blue shade you get it you know similar if you had a transparent yellow you get it even better in color because this is transparent so I added cadmium which is not transparent so it made it more opaque there but get the idea okay let's put in our road yeah not gonna matter so while she does that will be true full matrix oh my gosh will mention slash Angela fine art we talked about a little bit earlier but to over there there's traceable is available and more videos and opens of food stuff yeah check it out yeah if you want more videos and what we do here on YouTube we do longer videos with them we do the more detailed advanced videos with our patrons things that we just don't want to try to tackle in you know try to keep our YouTube videos closer to two to three hours which this one's party - so what about last week last week was an anomaly last week was a freak of nature it's a lot longer than I did but the roads looked incredible thank you [Music] and we took Tuesday night off so sorry about that I know you where we will be doing the elephant I'll just be doing it in me Tuesday was a very good was that book no good very bad day that was my Tuesday we may have some more scheduling changes just depends on work I have a little bit of some family things going on so I have to be flexible with our schedule a little bit more than normal in the next coming few months let go be what flexible like Gumby I can be exactly going a little bit farther up with this road then I'm gonna put bring the green over the top cuz it's kind of overlapping a little bit I think this is not as straight as I'm making it here I'm gonna have to change up that pitch a little bit mmm bring that lighter gray here and sweep it it's gonna sweeps around a little bit it's got a little bit of a movement to it so I'm gonna add some of that in there I'm some sweeping yeah it's definitely whiter than its supposed to be right back there not sure how that happened just a way I drew it with the Joker yes this needs to be in a bit right they're just bringing that in I'm just trying to put some lighter green right along that edge there we'll we'll be having other colors to it too I'm just gonna use what I've got in my brush here over there added some blue to that gray yeah ultramarine blue you could use Payne's gray pants gray is ultramarine blue plus black so probably be close to this color mmm-hmm gonna just mix up these two together get kind of a medium version right here just blend those out I just have to let those dry before we can do many more layers let's wonder lifts on me so what was a the game that we played with everybody last Saturday jack box jack box oh yeah that was fun if you're pinned up in the house yes we were able to play games with one son who's up in Northwest Arkansas and another son who was down in Mississippi and us here in Central Arkansas mm-hmm hooked up through a video chat and played games through check box use your smart device to answer questions and draw things and it was hilarious yeah we had a great time so you had a really good time and it was it was definitely needed to mama needed to see her babies yeah I had a great it was good to see my my kiddos I couldn't be with you know yeah but yeah it's I think you have to pay for it there are some games that are free though but the you can one of you buys it and then the rest of you can play off of their account so all you need is the code and I think it's up to six can play maybe I can't remember yeah so six to eight maybe I think there might have been some games that took eight but we we had a full deck it was fun Spencer even played it sounds like we're gonna get rain tut-tut sounds like rain looks like green said looks like cream looks like green tut tut tut looks like green looks like green okay I'm sorry you know we need to pay with quotes get that out of the way somebody was saying left a comment was like I could do without the inside jokes and commentary like you try to paint for two to three hours and not talk to not to look at where our show is where we've I know some people just want to just want the painting which I understand there's plenty of tutorials out there for if that's your thing we're all about kind of having a community here where we can directly you guys and just be share life with you for a couple hours every week alright so adding a little bit of yellow to my greens here I got some that they love green and some of the unbleached titanium here I'm gonna make my I'm keep putting this road too far down so I'm going to make this little kind of section of that thing here where my mailbox is gonna live this little pullout here there's probably a road going up into this field or something but yeah we see this this it's very similar to Arkansas this looks very like a lot of places in Arkansas the Ozarks especially we just drove up just see my mom last yesterday Branson and that's very pretty mountain drive it's very pretty up there in the dogwoods and red redwoods are blooming really really pretty all right getting some of this green I'm adding a little bit of the burnt orange and I was trying to hear if that was a siren but it's not it's just a truck I think yeah kick in some brighter green here just doing it along the one of the edges of the ditch so kind of soften that dark dark color so we got going on in our grasses you have to have the dark colors underneath your grass to be able to do the lighter grass on top so this is darker than its gonna end up being Wow [Music] it scared me a little bit that goes through good on the microphone yeah I bet they weren't gonna fall asleep just to my voice now with the rain I for sure gonna fall asleep now so he was like I love how relaxing you guys are as like I really like to paint along with you unless I turn out to fall asleep or so sometimes I do it and I almost fall asleep though I have the female version of the Bob Ross the voice I guess is not intentional but his says somebody says that their dog earned the Thunder it took office oh poor puppy it reminds me that little video that I watched the other day of the little little toddler trying to turn to comfort its dog in the thunderstorm it was used pat in his face and like you know trying to like lift up his head like it's kpop doggy and the doggy was like not kind of trying to hide and by the end the dog was licking his face it was so sweet it was like he was making the dog feel better it scared at the thunderstorm my dog it's good it used to go hide he hated it I shake him poor room okay again a little bit of glaze here I'm just gonna kind of glaze I put some lighter color here and then I'm gonna put some darker with the with the fields like this where I was working from the far back to front so it's a lot easier just to kind of layer a fear moving from these back to front here he is here so you know we started back here on the on the line and I'm gonna add colors in front here as we progress are there closer get some lighter some of the lighter color and I'm just gonna kind of tap in right here is it's coming over the edge curve it just a little bit and then bring it on up you're just tapping a little bit there get a little bit darker color my colors are starting to get a little bit dry do the same thing right here just gonna come over a little bit little bit darker color this time I hear and it's gonna come in front of the fence and in front of our little overhang right here and then I'm gonna put some of this color kind of in front of this too and coming down here do that so we're kind of trying to make that ditch shape right there okay we're gonna top in front right here okay I think that's good and then let's put a little bit of this color this may be the shadowy color kind of right under here I'm just gonna kind of pull the road out of it there and then there's a little bit of it right here I'm just gonna kind of pull up okay this area is a little bit almost I think I went a little too dark so I'm gonna get a little bit more of this brown oh goodness a little bit more this green I mean and a little bit of the brown so I have just kind of a medium version of this color and kind of come in front with that and kind of transition between the highlight color in the ditch color so I can have a little bit of a variation of the colors there and then let's add a little bit of this color in here on the top - this color is gonna kind of come down doing done checking the weather reports chicken stuff good everything okay yep it's weather okay do you never know in Arkansas you always have to anytime a thunderstorm comes through where I was like what's it's a tornado sadly have to stay on top of that I'm gonna get some of that unbleached titanium and I've just got this green stone my brush here from before and I'm gonna create some highlighted highlights in this tree here tapping and I'm gonna smash it down so that I'm getting it more separate it there again I can I'll smush together I wasn't separated how come try to create a little bit of a curve area there let's add some of this to this tree here go on in front mostly on the Sun side the sun's coming this way a little bit more that yellow there we go then a little bit on this tree and be having here to add a bit on the top of my bushes we already kind of did it over here on these ones but I can kind of tap a little bit on this too I need to get a little bit in my bushes right here grasses through there okay happy with that let's go ahead and use some of this color onto my road right up against the road [Music] okay get some it unbleached titanium my hair just gonna do another howl ooh you're right they're really bright right there do something here I'm just getting this already so we don't have to do this around our tree later so we're just trying to get it get it done you know so we have it when we do our tree you won't have to go back in and do anything so I'm gonna put some of this color in here the road just tap it along come in here I started to do it over here and didn't like how those grasses looked so well well these are just gonna be that like super short grasses or that areas where we're not where we're seeing kind of bigger clumps of color but when we do our grasses he down here we're gonna want to have our smaller fan brush to do that so that we have good individual grasses so but this is go across is here so I'm gonna just gonna do some little random colors in here I'm gonna break this up just a little bit so that it's not just that dark squeaky chair I was like what are you doing over there I leaned forward good excuse we don't have a doctor believe it on so yeah a couple around the chair your chair is very farty today okay highlight color there blue get some of this blue here the darker from this guy I'm gonna put it on this back part here I'm just gonna darken up that back area a little bit so that this part in front here is a little bit different tone so I can see that separation between the why not there on the road get a little bit of a darker blue our darker gray I mix it with the blue here yeah I'm gonna go right up against the road right there on my edge and again check it make sure this is like right about the third here maybe even higher so it comes way up high right there okay thank you yeah the painting took it already well it's true I've been I've been watching or not watching well yeah watching and listening to the the actress who played Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice the Colin Firth version which is the definitive Pride and Prejudice version and I'm like just saying nobody plays Darcy like Colin Firth so that being said and she was that she was great as Elizabeth she is through all of this you know she's sheltering at home too right now and so she's her name is Jennifer eel i think ath le i'm not sure how you pronounce it ill maybe Jennifer but she is reading through the Pride and Prejudice in her car it's awesome so her dog will be there with her she'll you know sometimes it's in around their kids yelling in the background it's great it's like so normal I just love seeing it you know it's just been it's been kind of a little fun diversion for me you know and I've been listening to it while I've been painting masks for painting quarantine masks so for everybody I've been doing this week but uh anyhow but they just got done with the callin the the section with them she just got done with the section with mr. Collins who is the pompous Richard dude you know who who asks a little bit's you know hand in marriage or whatever his proposal is hilarious he's just like I won't take no for an answer but um when you reminded me when you said that of him because just to know just because he's there's one hot note section in there where he's like I I write down little little statements pleasing to the ladies cuz you know they like or something so I always have you know something the flattery you know to give the ladies kind of thing it's hilarious so you you remind me of him sometimes when you do that you're you're um you're little and you know your pickup pickup lines yeah we'll get you're working you're working on your mr. Collins pickup lines there is it working it does work do it to have a chance yeah oh the sad thing is it works with me it's worked all these years honey we should have a really should write a book mr. Collins pickup lines painting looks good or looks good the paintings not too bad either okay going in here this X I'm sorry guys I don't know I'm in a weird match day yeah so we'll be clear you were sewing masks you were not painting them no no so well it was it was a miss speaking no people did I say I was painting masks okay I have no masks no painted math to show you no no no she was sewing them no I wasn't painting on them no I have very limited sewing skills but I can mean I can do a straight line so they're pretty pretty much straight lines with a few folded it's just that's about my sewing skills pillows and shorts skirts curtains escorts yeah well now I made myself a couple skirts so whatever happened to the little score I don't know I think tennis players still wear those were an eighties thing all right so now we've got a pretty good contrast thing our roads fairly close I think I think it needs a and maybe at least one more layer I'm gonna get a little bit of brown here and add it to my gray - burnt umber with this gray from the road color here get a little bit of a darker color I'm gonna run out of it dark I didn't leave enough of it I knew it didn't yeah I'm gonna just dry brush over the road here around this corner try to keep it light so it's got that gravelly texture leaving some that darker following that kind of curve of the roadway here a little bit yeah some of that darker color if I can get some on here by the time it gets here it's really kind of coming straight so it's like curving like right in here so these this part here in the middle is pretty much straight on and this is coming this way so it's like this and then that starts still gonna great rapidly start to turn right here and then I will get some black hair I'm gonna put some blue Annette with it my glazing medium and right here on the road there is some shadowing it's using the glaze there keep it then and your chair is really rocking it today no you're fine it's fine I'll take it down later and shoot it up with some wd-40 mmm good idea and it'll smell like wd-40 in here yeah thank you okay so putting the out of the tree that we don't have it yet but but not it right there the shadow shadow shadow yep and then there's a really thin one whoa wherever this mailbox is gonna go so I'm gonna put the mailbox in right here so it's kind of its kind of leaning not kind of no kind about it it's leaning I need to use a different brush so I can I used to have a mailbox like this do you used to get nailed with the baseball bat every year just about didn't you put like a didn't you bury it like with this steal something Senate yeah we did that but there was somebody else who just got tired of it and they put concrete in it it's yeah then pretty much the baseball bat stopped after that they did it's amazing okay so kind of the light around the top and Bop backside here that I do that's probably not big enough the kind of a double-sized mailbox it's a bit bigger than normal one the bottom part over the newspaper what the bottom part is probably for the newspaper right yeah yeah there are these ancient scripts that used to get delivered to your house no does anything so weird to have certain jobs is like uh like the phone companies you know like regular phone companies sweet I I don't I don't know any hardly anybody still has their phone number you know like regular phone yeah not that don't ya landlines yeah anymore alright getting some white and a little bit of the gray I'm gonna just highlight on top here yeah well it's wet it'll just kind of blend it in a little bit easier to kind of blend it out there we go oh he's cute hello mailbox yeah again I'm not sure I made it big enough that you'll have to do and then the bottom of it I'm just gonna come uh down a little bit yeah and we'll put some grass in front of it okay well so I was saying oh there is a mine of from it right there Road and it's actually he doesn't go that direction I did it up it kind of goes down side here goes this way more like down here you've got like that and and there's more shadows I don't know there must be biggle maybe this tree that's over here there's there's a bunch of shadows right here on the road right it through here and then I'm gonna get some more plays here get a lot thinner here with this black and do the kind of the center line of this road here it's got a shadow down the center line you know where the cars don't it actually is kind of like right comes up to almost where that one starts and then this one does too has a little bit of one she's too big for that okay but view highlights on here let's get our big old tree in there so and we need our little limbs for smaller trees that we're in the background there so getting black and brown together here there's it looks like it's a telephone pole I'm gonna leave that out and care about that I'm just gonna tap out so just get very light impressions of tree limbs and if you want to you can put more of the more of the green over the top I think if I just kind of get it in there a little bit it'll be enough you don't have to do too much okay I'm gonna put this tree over this way get a very small brush then out your paint I'm sorry you have a nice thin layer that you can work with it it will work a whole lot better for you if you have a thin paint you can't you can't really do these fine lines with thick paint it just doesn't work that's a little glaze medium little water to your paint there bend out yeah I'm just gonna put a bunch of little branches here this this tree is kind of I'm not seeing a whole lot of greenery on it hmm looks like it comes out over the road just a little bit but the lemons are a little bit lower on this side they probably cut back on this side on the right side that's a little bit wider where it comes down into the grasses and then just make sure that get some dark grasses that kind of cover over the edge evident it can maybe do some dark grasses there make sure that that's really dark what you doing huh mmm there's a big old bridge it comes across like this these almost coming up to the top of that there so don't be shy with it good and let it really whoo man do not like that okay and then there is a fence right along in here so right about here there there's some small branches right here looks like another post right here just kind of try out separate him out there evenly then they go down I think there's like probably a hill here or something so you're only seeing like a little bit of them down here and then alter here not really seeing a whole lot of it maybe buried down here and then up in here they're starting to come back in and then you see another one right here I don't know yeah you can kind of just do some little stick things that there's some little sticks and things big things very small a little around the post along that that line there they'll kind of help define it too we've already got you know some dark bit and go a little bit darker with some of it okay so kind of like that and let's do this one over here big ol pickle tree living right here so it's about mmm let's see if you split this into three parts just kind of right about where we put this dark shadow right there and it's fairly close to the road so it's like right about in there somewhere it's gonna live right up it's gonna go in front of this house thing that we drew I did and it's gonna be about that big it's pretty big and the bottom of it is just gonna bait out a little bit so this sides gonna have this red bush in front of it here okay I'm gonna wiggle it a little bad that's got a little little movement not straight straight up and down mmm-hmm I've got the number two around here but you can switch to a smaller if you need it come right up off the canvas there another one up this way okay these lines are very small then the branches should widen as it comes down so they should be very very fine upwards of tips so where they're attached to the trunk you can you can widen them out just a little bit like right in here just lightly just make sure that you have some areas that are branches that are getting smaller these ones are kind of coming up and curving down a little bit some of them coming out and they're coming out too yeah right about here so kind of look at the overall outside thing and see where the branches are gonna end and bring a branch out you know one of these out to where you want those leaves to go just so that they have something to live off of the place to perch [Music] widen it it's coming along alright so far so far so good there's also a little fence down the air if you want to put that in I I guess I should speak with her like that and then tops I've done that part first but I do anything right just kind of painting that out a little bit so they're not so you don't want to look pasted it on okay and this three tree branch goes right up to that and then this green is coming up over yeah so right here I just make sure it goes all the way down into that little spot there and then same here we can kind of bring some of this green up over blend this out a little bit right there and fade this out into the green right there a little bit I'm gonna use this on the tree trunk and I'm drybrushing on it just gonna brush a little texture on it and there's someone this tree to get some of that burnt umber color with some white and I'm gonna add just was some of the unbleached titanium to go along this tree trunk here and just gonna I like just the thickest parts there we're facing the light side there maybe do a little bit on our fence opposed to on the side where the sun's hitting it okay I keep going off camera I do know is I'm so far huh hmm you blame it on yourself when it's clearly my fault true I'm not the one zooming in but it's good that you do so I can't complain too much okay what time is it oh yeah three hours okay let's get this done I'm always slow and landscapes I'm not really sure why not very fast landscape painting I'm definitely not Bob Ross he did his in like 20 minutes I still don't know how that's even possible yeah use big brushes and gonna wet into wet techniques so I know what paints they blend a lot easier than acrylics do but kerlix dry faster so there's kind of ya benefits of both okay just small you can do as much or as little as you want what the trees really because um this is gonna be covered by your you know branches your greenery so this is just for the places where it's kind of in-between the green spots where you're seeing the tree limbs okay I'm gonna go down make sure that some of these branch just coming down here there's another tree that's right next to this but I'm not gonna put that I'm just gonna put this one here you can put as many trees as you want on yours okay I'm doing like that and then feel like I just needed to have something over here um this one's got the tree coming on this side so I guess we'll just go ahead and do that a few little limbs coming out maybe have them come out a little bit farther than what it is in the picture there okay and then there's got but some darker leaves in here I'm just gonna use this thinned out paint and you can see how it works really well against this lighter color back there I'm not worried about the bottom part err much I'm just gonna trying to get this top section oh goodness drop my brush some little greenery the grasses happening in our dead chair no we'll put the lighter color rather than your too but I'm gonna have a little bit of that dark contrast no it's okay just trying to see if I need to make a bigger or not yeah okay so I'm gonna get this brush here gonna make it dark brown dark burgundy with my quinacridone and burnt sienna or burnt orange and some black the quinacridone and burnt orange color here is gonna be the main color the bush here and then this is going to be the darker part I'm gonna go right up to that bush and then right along here [Music] black okay I'm just like that's it yeah I'm gonna put some of this red down in here so it's not the only place that's got the red is over there she's gonna make some of our my can maybe do some red red flowers or something down in here don't make a poppy field that'd be pretty although puppies don't grow in are in Virginia like that I don't think that's in France that's in Europe okay gonna get the connector down a little bit of white but knock her down in the burnt orange together and tap in highlights on this bush but you get the idea okay like that dry you say probably needs a second coat and I'm gonna get some black and shadow underneath this Bush a little bit I'm gonna push out that bottom edge slightly blend it into my great there we go give it a shadow underneath okay let me get them I'm gonna use the 3/8 inch Deerfoot black brown brown burnt umber here my green you use a little bit of the quinacridone magenta - that'll give it a nice use in red as an opposite color for green is a good shadow color so I'm gonna start with that and do shows I'm didn't do any limits down here but I need to get all the way down right in there I loaded up fairly thick with paint and then get it just mainly on the tip of the brush so that I can just tap that part down I'm not I'm not tapping the whole brush just kind of the tip of the brush leave the areas where I want the lighter colors not not not toned yet so leave some area around this you're not filling in the entire tree with this what I'm saying just do the dark areas with this mostly it'll make your brighter areas a little bit brighter if you don't cover them with this dark so I watched him like I paint in his ism he was paying yellow trees and his yellow trees rush like so bright and I was like how does he get him that bright cuz I'm I never looked that brighten him he he he left the yellow parts I didn't paint those parts you paint it though try that I'm still I still feel like I'm relatively still learning how to do landscape somewhat it's only been the last mm-hmm in 2005 so how long is that 15 years so I'm still learning I don't know at one point I'm gonna say yeah I know what I'm doing hopefully never think you never quite can stop learning right now let's finding new things improving hopefully I don't Michael at least and then pass it on that helped do you mmm those who are interested at least mark that it is fascinating he's like things have been reached you I I think we when it really wasn't until he started sitting in on this he'd never really watched me paint very often honestly before right I mean you'd see me paint a few times but not so this is well in the early days very very early days when you were doing craft painting before I had an ounce to do right you know I was busy cutting out stuff and you're busy painting so we do see a lot plus I was working third shift and go to school and stuff so yeah are you going in with the next color and just going kind of a little outside those boundaries they're discolor but then when you started this up you know you're doing it kind of recorded first as well as that work while you're doing it yeah then I had friend help me then it became a thing and then we decided that we did not really like to do hours and hours of of editing and things like that so it's just too alive and just it is what it is right and no here we are now you get to watch me paint every week it's at the time of the show at 230,000 subs and growing it's amazing okay so what's your PayPal handle Angela's artistry at okay I'm gonna put a little bit of this color in here too to kind of darken up this bush down here gonna hide the tree trunk slightly okay it's alright no I think that kind us off that I'm good enough and then there's a bush right here we can kind of do a little bit indicate right in here might do some of this read like I was talking about earlier maybe it says sumac nothing add that they're okay and then I'm gonna use the smaller brush here for the little bear little tree that care gonna use the yellow with the green here I didn't use my cobalt teal yet no I was planning on using it back here but I did intend to be isn't it cool I think he's a little bit of that on that street down there and then I need to have some dark green no cuz it's not gonna show up back here so I'm gonna get a little bit of marine and kind of mix both of them together and just do maybe he's the edge of my brush here because what's happening is that that green is going over the top of those those limbs but it's not dark enough to cover it so what I need to I need some of it to be a little bit darker so that some of those areas are more opaque and covering branches you could do this tree and like a pink or something to be real pretty if you wanted to make it more short spring like we did a cherry blossom last year so I'm good to use those same colors cherry blossom tree yeah I'd be pretty okay using some yellow and some of the unbleached titanium ends a little bit of that green I'm just gonna tap now a little bit highlights under tree here mostly on this side where the lights hitting it yeah just needs to be a little bit lighter enough to show up against the color that we've got there and then let's use some of it in here so I was um I saw another video it was really fascinated was talking about color and how it reacts to light and how sunlight makes colors when it's shining through things it'll make the colors look more yellow so I'll be true easier where the limbs are having or where the leaves are getting the sunlight passing through them they're gonna be more yellow they're gonna turn more yellow and that's with anything less with water so that's why you know that the transparent water where it's closer to the shore it's gonna turn more green because that's yellow light is passing through it like if you see waves you know like waves that on the water they look kind of like green in places or they turn more aqua that's a yellow light passing through them when those waves are kind of hitting anyhow I thought that was kind of interesting you know I do you do that consciously but you don't really realize why you're doing that you know like I've done that I've seen that the color the you know the shoreline is more green but I never realizes because that sunlight is passing through that blue and it's making them turning them what Karina oh yeah I just thought that was interesting mark thought it was boring but no what thing is questionable science okay okay well it shows up in art so how it works I've been some of the the scientific facts were on par with mine so well he didn't explain everything but you see right now and then you know areas where the light is is on top of it but it's not necessarily passing through then those areas you might add white light no so white huh - instead a little bit there we go so gonna add her what yellow highlights on top and our tree here and I probably didn't need as much like right in there I mean get a little bit more this brown I headed to my green here I'd do a mid-tone and go back in here with a smaller brush now that big brush just kind of overkill almost you can can't control it as much so this person could be a little bit more targeted where you put it and make sure that I'm putting some of this color over the top of my tree trunk there and then if you really want to get fancy you could get going with a a smaller brush and and do individual little leaves like along the edge especially it'll really make it look more realistic you know little teeny tiny dots and dabs where those leaves are showing up so that's up to you though you don't have to do that just option all righty let's put some grass and what be done I'm gonna use my fan brush and see how this goes and you're gonna need your paints to be quite thinned for it to work so get some need some kid cadmium yellow and some of the titanium white and yellow oxide and some of the green yeah some of it is actually just gonna mess li unbleached titanium it's got that kind of a brownish tint so I'm gonna add a little bit of glazing medium to all these grass colors so that ooh I'm putting it over that dry paint it's starting to crack huh make sure they have this been enough since I'm thinning this out so much I'm wanting to have a little bit of glazing medium in there that'll just keep it from from having too much water in the mixture you want too much water with your heavy body acrylics okay so I'm gonna start back here I'm gonna just start layering in back here I'm gonna do a little bit shorter kind of choppy your brushstrokes and start in the back and work our way forward some of these I want get some of this burnt orange and gold here we go do kind of a rusty color there I have some white in that there we go so I'm gonna use some of that so he watered it down I wipe my brush kind of clean and then I just brushed through that wet so I'm picking up the paint on there and fairly thick with date and I want to keep this pretty light light touch oh I'm gonna get a little bit of burnt umber I'm doing front do you have some of these grasses that are back in here but I'm gonna go in and around these bushes here these bushes really should have been weighted put on after I put this grass kind of in-betweening this layer and the next but we'll just work around them as best we can I couldn't get some of the lighter color here and go right up up above what that was just too much paint I'm getting that dried paint in there okay don't submit darker burnt umber burnt orange no thesis this is so fine I don't know if it's quite doing them look I'm hoping I was hoping for you try it with this mmm let me try it with a rake brush I'm gonna used to fight 3/8 inch Rick see if I can get better yeah that's better long grasses and I can kind of keep them a little bit smaller that fan brush is so wide it there we go you know these kind of dead Brown grasses add some green here little shorter grasses right in front here so I'm just gonna you can see I'm going in different directions with my grass so that they're not all kind of matchy-matchy and following in the same direction this'll make it look more natural I've got the 3/8 inch Granger great at greenie arming filled bear granule okay so I've got these like plants in here that are tall spiky looking things you can get the burnt umber here just dab in kind of vertical lines here seed heads in my grasses these are all gonna get a little bit bigger as they come closer to us here so just keep that in mind when you're doing this I'm gonna get some more of that yellow oxide don't worry about these plants I'm gonna fix those bushes here in a minute eyeliner colors here come on in-between and always trying to kind of hide the bottoms here this is gonna be the harder that's a hardest part of the doing the grasses is just kind of making that bottom edge of it look natural so I'm always kind of working from back to front and with my next every new layer I'm just making sure that that that layer in front or behind is got a good the bottom of it's kind of hidden right here this grass I don't know what's doing here I'm gonna have to fix that get some gold with the green and white here gold yellow green white do some short grasses here mmm they just kind of scribble on this this is kind of that top of that ditch there so I'm just gonna doing that highlighted grass isn't it really short little kind of spike it grasses let's use this for it get some burnt umber burnt sienna or burnt umber burnt orange and the green there I'm just gonna kind of go in and around in between this yeah you doing okay him no oh you already quit you're over you're over it yeah I'm so done with this [Laughter] these people jet because all the unusual suspects being a diva yes it does my hair back nobody understands you check out my nails Toph okay gonna get I'm gonna get this brush again this number two round it seemed to work pretty good for the grasses earlier to make unbleached titanium and white here I'm gonna just put little little seed pods in with the white I'll do this grass here and just gonna highlight it and obscure Canada Porter edges what yeah this helps blend it out a little bit and we can always do this in with the lighter colors and then glaze with it so if you if you are doing this and you you get done and you're like I might you know my grass was too light you can always just go back over it with a little bit of the darker color so don't be afraid of okay you know I'm getting it fairly light here cuz I'm gonna have to have it like to be able to see the dark contrast between you know you've gotta have that both light and dark to have the right contrast I'm sure there's a metaphor for life in there somewhere [Laughter] hopefully everybody's doing okay I feel for you if you have family and I know everybody's worried about they're your family you better sick or compromised and all this is going on just very thoughts and prayers are with you right now it's it's tough love lot of people losing their jobs and it's been a really hard time for everybody and it's worldwide that's the thing I mean this doesn't it's unprecedented you know I mean all over the world there's not I've never been another time where we feel the the closeness through YouTube that's for sure you know more close to this watching and having going through all this together it's it's pretty amazing yeah earlier this year was the fires in Australia yeah you know no no this it's just you know it draws us all closer together and gives us this time just a chill and go relax don't do it don't go out stay home they're not worth your life where the lives were people around you that you're gonna come in contact with later there was somebody here and just into our town just recently this week this last week that had a party with their friends 20 people all exposed to the roommate who had go it and nobody knew you know it's like that's how it's spreading its people it's things like that you know just gotta be smart it sucks but yeah I mean I want to stay home and be pent up with you bully bully [Music] like really you could have gotten rid of me yesterday I would have driven by myself I'll go with you it's been the day with you yeah you used to having you around that's something you have to go back to work well it's good to hear that after 33 years I know it looks like you could use to having me around having you around all the time huh oh okay evenings your weren't gonna playing off me the person suggested I got a comment last cheerson I need to do away with my cause [Laughter] that means something different to me I'm sure that lost in translation lost yeah that's sure you did not realize what you're implicated in there but I'm blind there yeah the other the other day we were headed out we're gonna drop off a package at UPS and just as we're getting in the car the UPS guy stopped believe it or not he's bringing art supplies to Angelo yeah anyways like oh well maybe he'll take it and just like yeah sure so I got out of the car and I walked up to him I was like you want to exchange he says sure and so he puts the Box down on the on the ground and steps away it's like a hostage exchange [Applause] don't come near me and don't give me your back away slow don't back away from the box nobody gets hurt funny you might have sprayed me with mace or some too close I'm gonna make any sudden moves camera work with the fan brush down here hmm some short brushstrokes and little grasses that are not sticking up in this area here mix the road they're gonna work on my grass feel like I'm just not getting it today it's green and that to that Brown that I make a step for the grass that was kind of I don't know what Brown when it was I'm just mixing up all my browns and greens and yellows here indifferent I don't I don't really have a rhyme or reason to it I'm just gonna have layering so do you do the best you can here so you know I'm not really explain it Monsieur well good luck to you I made the ought to be in your favor is a thinner brush era I've got my colleagues in here there we go I'm gonna get the two hot script liner that's gonna give me very thin lines so me use this yellow green that I mixed up before here with some white and I'm gonna use it right in here it's not coming off your brush just add more white water to it and it's not it's still not thin enough it needs to be kind of like soup there we go that's how it should come off your brush so if it's not and just keep on adding water until it does and then add a little bit of glazing medium or something sort of medium to make it stick to canvas so we had too much water to it it won't stick to the canvas so you know wipe right off it's just like you're not you're washing all the binder out of it basically if you what you're doing if you add too much water to your paint itself and that's you know are some more green I mean I mean this is just gonna give me and I'm holding it way back here and just using a very tip and just kind of trick just dragging that tip against the canvas and letting that tip do the work for me so if you need to you can you can you can use your wrist and hold your will hold your hand up so that your you're just doing like this and get it as close as you can to the canvas and just let that tip you know drag and create these lines these grasses in here for you and if it's not showing up against this dark and doing some dark darker ones so you know you just want contrast that's the main thing so I'm gonna get some burnt umber add it to my green here I'm using the phthalo green the blue green here just cuz it's over over here but I don't think it's gonna matter the other match maybe grab some of this red make kind of a brownish gray green yeah yeah it's all kinds of colors and these grasses so there's yellows and browns and greens and everything in between so just fun with it little layer layer layer and then layer some more that's the main thing you just gonna write and if you get too much and you're like I can't see my you know I can't see anything like if I'm getting in here and I'm like I can't tell that I'm even doing anything then that just means you need contrast so decide am I using a light color then I need to go with a little bit darker color if I'm using a dark color and I can't see it then I need to use a lighter color on top so you know just can I keep that in mind while you're working too and they're getting a little bit smaller as they're going back up in here too so think it's more brighter greens here do some new bitty and grasses with greens and then just making sure that the bottoms areas like a look at my bottom the grasses and then you know if I have some that are sticking out looking kind of weird like for their light color then I'm gonna get a darker color and I'm just gonna come up and over and over lap them a little bit from the dark area into over that light and get some of these darker colors in here and add some of them in to my grass this now that I've got all this green these light lighter colors in here just kind of going back and forth here don't know I did that when I get to really concentrating I start to whisper that's a problem it's probably one I'm trying to teach I don't realize I'm doing it okay so if you wanted to add add flowers you could do that now you know you could add different flowers like might grab some white here some yellow and just do some hmmm indications of light could be could be flowers maybe little white yellow dots small do you want to define them you couldn't make little days he's just try keep it in perspective you know like think about the fact that they're gonna get smaller as they go farther away so as they get farther away you're not gonna see the pedals anymore you're just gonna see dots so that's why I'm just doing dots here cuz most the time you're not gonna really see individual petals and flowers you're just gonna see little jabs and dots don't just add a few little place that's where your eye can interpret it as flowers if it wants to add pink whatevs okay no stress it should be fun if it's stressing you out go take a five do something else don't paint while you're stressed out because then you won't be able to great you will so I'm gonna create this little overhang like we did over here you know abducted me now do some of this color over here this is that yellow yellow with green so I'm gonna overlap right there a little bit and I'm gonna use it right here to - can I try to create sort of a full edge if again I know over my and this will also kind of hide the bottom system of these grasses now if I hide too much of the top grasses I'm gonna have to probably go back in and add some of those top grasses back in so some of these were really tall and covered up so I'm just gonna go back in with just some of these taller grasses and put that back over mmm he says down here - that's just gonna hide it's gonna hide a multitude of sins here it will blend everything together don't you get it on this side if you need it but I think we're okay over there pretty good I'm gonna add a little bit of this yellow green brown bird brownish red and just add it as highlights on my trees there and here my little bushes get some feel like I want pink I know don't do this if you don't want flowers I'm gonna do flowers I can't help I got to do something I'm just gonna do some tall spiky little pink in place where these these ones are that'll do two things though - it'll be good because it'll balance out the flowers that are that that red bush that's on the other side so I'm gonna use the same color for my flowers over here and then I'm just gonna add a little bit of white it'll make it kind of pink and a little I had some pink up in here am i feel too and be real far away over here they're gonna be tiny you're not gonna be able to tell that they're even flowers you know I had to do it I had to I couldn't help it marks like I'm not surprised at all she just put flowers in there no standard operating procedure ah one of my patrons said she was tired of flowers and it's like I'm sorry for you hey I hope there's a cure for that okay gonna add some green just some of that pressure green in there I'm gonna present happy with this but that's what it is all right okay let's do it one more layer on this bush make it extra bright with the pink that we just used over here I feel like I want to splatter but not sure if I should know I do need more contrast though I can tell that right now right here like there's no contrast here it's all kind of the same value if you took a black and white photograph of this you'd be able to see that it's you know there's really like no contrast in this grasses it's all kind of mid to light values so I'm gonna take some dark dark green Brown my hair make a really dark color and get some see how she um light that was get some dark in here god I have some of that and then I'm gonna glaze and I really need to wait for this to dry but I'm gonna tempt fate here and try no I think if I do it up in this area is kind of what I was kind of dry enough get my glaze don't have very much left I'm gonna go down here and there's there's just shadows underneath this grass here I'm just gonna shadow in here just tapping with this glaze and making sure it's in this shadowed area here and the same thing right here and there's some shadows coming off onto the road - so you okay and then this is what I was saying about glazing oh where the grass is if you get them too dark or you don't need some darker I'm gonna add some of this darker up in here just tone it now that I've got that dark American that's more - lighter again hey gotta get some of that back road shut up come on road shadow be black it's turning green there we go blendin that ain't no I bet guess it's coming from that I don't know what it's coming from there's Halloween right there that's what it is yeah there we go using this yellow all right I think I'm gonna stop there I like it me definitely like the fogginess looking and background there I could make sure I need to get a couple of grasses in front of the mailbox I haven't done that yet got some super just thought the bell broke there for a second yeah I did put on the lights when I ring the bell alrighty so yeah we had a couple super Cheddar's in there and the first one was from Carol and she says thanks Angela and marked for giving up your Saturday to teach us painting happy Easter happy Easter to you yes then Thank You Carol and then the second one was from mama and she says thanks for all you do angel and Mark oh thank you mama I gladly play video games for you for all you do she said all yeah my mailbox do small do it I need to make it bigger dang it I probably do it keeps bugging me so I keep looking back at it alright I'm gonna do it really quick it won't take long mmm but it's it needs to be nhb and it'll be like put them in it quite a bit bigger and I remember that one video we did where you're doing something and then and we had gone out through the credits and then you had missed something so we came back and it was something important yes we kept painting so you know a lot of people had to really drop off yeah well we you know we're so okay we're done and a few people got to see the extra bonus yeah I don't know if that was better or not but I feel better now yeah to what it should be okay white the top and the side here there's a probably name or something there and I brought it down a little bit little longer to just to kind of make that whole thing fit hmm I will have a traceable for this available after the show so you don't want to have to draw this and you want the accurate size and a box sipping Hey I will even use the actual finit at the actual picture instead of my painting just to make sure that it's correct but I usually use the finished painting to do doctor a small bit sometimes I'll use the reference but don't get back there go in with the black know why this it's kind of in it's so much in shadow you're not seeing a whole lot of detail on it so I don't have to go to get too detailed make sure you get some grass in front and then there's a shadow right here on that bottom edge right there I'm gonna get that here we can okay let's stop there yeah another one down thanks for joining us stay safe don't go to a store unless you have to I will get on to you blah blah blah find out and call you out but seriously don't risk it's not worth it yeah I just want you guys to be safe yeah I don't know no not much end in sight soon I don't know how much longer that's gonna last but we'll be we'll be painting so oh yeah we're not going anywhere it will be back on Tuesday evening yes with something some painting of some kind girl with the flowers oh the third in the series that one blonde lady that's done soon so when are you gonna do that guys with bullets series yeah or maybe guys with bandanas Oh guys with bendiness yeah maybe guys with face masks it'll be the new hot like oh he's so sexy you know what he looks like under that mask it's got a strange going into stores with masks on yeah it is it is it's weird but you know better be weird than sorry true alright I could I could fill it with this for another hour but you know me I'm gonna put a little bit more highlight on that road just a little that's all I'm gonna do I swear I swear it just like right there where it's coming up over the edge there okay so below this video is the list of all the materials used the canvas eyes and brushes and paint colors and all that stuff and links to the brush guys and Amazon to buy things and also link to all the social medias Facebook Pinterest Twitter there's something else to Instagram yeah so if you paint it post it tag Angelo yes she loves to see it I do makes my day love it alright one more ting one one more one more one more thing welcome to Angelo's channel this is normal this part be beside alright let's go I'm done I promise dicta take the sides came off there and well show fullscreen there we go duh yeah it's pretty you know what this one goes along with that country fence that we did we did it like a sunset with the country fence this would go really well it's pretty similar and everything so I think it would look really nice with that one I already sold it or I'd show it to you but it's gone do not have it anymore so alright guys thanks so much for watching we'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 114,105
Rating: 4.8690548 out of 5
Id: YQtlO6iyMgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 235min 44sec (14144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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