Artisan Coffee Mugs Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is angela anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video i'm going to be showing you how to paint some artisan coffee mugs little hearts in them it's going to be a lot of fun i think i'm gonna show you step by step how to do it from start to finish got my husband mark with me hey everybody he's in a chat today so you can ask questions in chat and i'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] alrighty so i'm using a 9 by 12 inch canvas today this is the fredrix mixed-media canvas boards they're kind of a new product for them but they've got a nice hard core so they don't warp really like them and they're very porous they actually can work for watercolors as well um we're using acrylics obviously so but i sprayed it with water and then i coated it with a gray i just mixed my own gray with prussian blue and burnt umber and white so pretty much equal parts of all three and then just spread it around here on the canvas so that's what's on our background really any gray will work it'll just kind of give us a head start on our painting to have some gray in the background um let's go over colors really quick i've got carbon black burnt umber burnt sienna yellow oxide quinacridone burnt orange phthalo green blue shade you could use yellow shade if you don't have the blue shade um cobalt teal and this is prussian blue and unbleached titanium titanium white and some zinc white and this is glazing liquid difference between the titanium white and zinc white i get that question a lot zinc white is just a little bit more transparent we're only going to be using in a few spots if you don't have it don't worry you can just use the the titanium white and just thin it down a little bit also with prussian blue you can mix prussian blue with ultramarine blue and black um plus a little bit of purple maybe um so it's just got a little bit of um of a purplish blue undertone um all right so that's i think that'll be good to start there let me get go over our brushes we're going to be using princeton brushes they are brush sponsored so thank you to them thank you to fredriks our canvas sponsor also um i have links down in the description to everything that we will be using so you can check those out if you want to purchase them but our main brushes i think that we'll be using are most are the going to be the blenders we're going to be using those a lot in our coffee mugs and then i've just got a few other brushes of different sizes some small round liner angle brushes and um these ones in the long handles are their 6100 summit series and the red handles are their velvet touch lines so i'll mention the brushes as i use them um i'm not going to go over them all right now but um we'll hopefully i'll remember to do that mark i'll have her probably remind me i get going and i forget that i said i was gonna do that all right so welcome yes glad to have you guys joining us for saturday it's actually really nice outside so i don't blame you if you're if you're in the garden and watching this later because we may have wanted to be there ourselves exactly like uh no i i i've been looking forward to painting this for months actually so um i'm glad that we were supposed to paint this before valentine's day and didn't get around to it all right so for our background i think i'm going to go ahead and mix together a little bit more of our gray and then we'll just use a lighter version of the gray that's our background color for just to kind of fill in around the mugs and make it a little bit lighter so i'm going to scoop up actually i think i'm going to use my palette knife to mix it it'll save my my brush from getting super dirty so i'm going to get pretty much equal parts of phthalo or i'm sorry prussian blue i probably call that phthalo blue a lot today so i apologize ahead of time i'm gonna put up some extra here it's actually if you look on the back it says it's phthalo blue red shade um which is very similar to ultramarine blue so that's why i said ultramarine blue but if you happen to have phthalo blue red shade um you could use that as well to mix this up um bone black bone black instead of carbon black carbon black is the one we're using today bone black has got a little bit more brown tone just slightly so i don't know i've i've got probably three or four different prussian blues and they're all different there is a mixed color so every brand has its own formula for making it and they're all a little bit different so basically you're just making a really really dark blue so having that little bit of black in there just helps that'll be for this mug here that we're we're going to be doing so mixing that up burnt umber prussian blue i usually use ultramarine blue for this mixture so this one's going to be even darker than the gray that we normally make with ultramarine blue because it's got black in it already or it's got black added to it you know so oh i like that i'm scraping through you can actually see that it's got a little bit of a blue tone that's kind of what i want so i wanted a little bit more on the blue side than the than the brown side and then i'm gonna scrape up a little bit of white here i'm not gonna really mix a whole lot of this in the lighter gray because i pretty much want to use it mostly the dark color here in our shadow too so that's really pretty in that i need to use this prussian blue more often for mixing colors i kind of limited my palette today i i was thinking of you know i mean i could have had pre i could have had ultramarine blue and and doxazine purple in my palette and then just mixed this color but i figured i already had you know a color that was basically that um so just saving time plus it'll be interesting to see what prussian blue does in our mixtures i think today it's kind of an experiment at least for me all right i know mark's laughing at me no i'm i'm laughing with you don't okay [Laughter] all right so i'm making a medium gray here i already had that color added a little bit more white to it and then i've got a lot more white over on this one here and this one's going to be yeah very similar to what we've got in our tone in our color there so you could really use any color though that you wanted to so if you wanted to make your background a different color than the photograph by all means do it and i'm just going to i've got a eight bright here just a large flat doesn't really matter the size mainly just a brush big enough to kind of fill the space easily and um one we we we started on my patreon video this week the for the 10 level folks and i'm painting on a quite larger canvas not super large because i can't get a really large canvas on on film it doesn't fit on my camera but um one thing we talked about was just sizing up so if you were doing this on a really large canvas you just use a larger brush that's the main thing and you want a brush that's big enough to fill your space easily um while still controlling it and getting your details in so i am leaving just a little bit of this darker gray around the sides of the mug um just kind of feathering it in and just doing it very lightly and i'm leaving it kind of sketchy um or kind of painterly you know letting the brushstrokes show that's kind of the gonna be the way i'm gonna approach this painting is have it be a little bit more impressionist style or you know kind of looser style so expressionist or whatever i don't know there's different ways of saying it but did you just do air quotes i did i said i kind of went like that i wasn't okay i wasn't doing air quotes but yes like hair pets [Laughter] yes it was kind of like that oh don't forget your little part in the middle of your mug handle too i i'm going to have to come back to that because i had too much paint so the reason i didn't go right here with this was because it was way too thick too thick with paint i want this to be kind of thinned out a little bit um so i'm gonna paint around here but i want to have it kind of fuzzy so i'm just getting it to where i have very little paint on my brush and then pulling that in towards those dark areas so that and i it looks like i have a lot of paint on here but the actual part that i'm actually painting with doesn't it's it's not touching that thick paint if i wanted to get to the thick paint i could kind of really press down and there's lots of paint still in there so i can do this part up here with that there was more in there than i thought so it kind of the shadows kind of start right in here you can go around the side of the side of the mug some and then we'll add some shadow back in but it'll just help us not to have to cover over this really bright white or light gray color but you see how that dark color is showing through that's what we want it that's what gives it that model look that that kind of textured look almost almost like marble but not quite we'd do a little bit smoother for marble but be an interesting lesson we should do a whole lesson on faux finishes how are you doing i'm doing good so somebody has a question okay they were wondering would it be easier to do the background first so i'm assuming meaning the part that you're painting right now yeah you could yeah you could do the whole thing and not paint around the mugs that that'd be fine yeah but would you get the same effect because you don't have as deep of a gray color um well i mean i would i would definitely do the gray underneath for sure first so i wouldn't just do this light color i would do the gray underneath and do it the whole thing the same way but then you know you could do the whole thing with this light gray and then you you just have to go back in and add your shadow on top because you wouldn't have your shadow area left you know obviously okay and then for me uh would it be easier for me to have somebody else paint it so i don't have to do it i did get a question this week you know they were they were saying that they liked the video and everything and wondered if you painted also and that would that that would be a hard no well but he hasn't did it twice i stepped in i was a more than adequate substitute for a bonus video [Laughter] and it was at that point when did we have you do that i don't even remember and it was at that point that i realized i shouldn't overshadow you on your channel so i pulled back and i realized that your job is a lot harder than it seems when you're sitting in my chair yeah we [Laughter] had a new respect for each other's positions and we did false grand scheme of things yeah we did trading places a couple years ago in the patreon bonus it was row houses yeah and it was taking longer than they expected and it was at the time you were dealing with your technologies that's right and so we didn't want to leave it half finished or push it to the next month so i volunteered to paint it the next day or finish it that's right i forgot about that okay oh i kicked butt yeah it was good i even showed you techniques somebody won it too i don't know who has it but i feel sorry well no i'm sorry what i don't know you can say want it in air quotes for sure okay so i went went in and did these the inside of the mug in the same kind of thinner style that's what i was saying before you know when i had just loaded my brush with paint it was really super thick with paint if i'd gone straight into this little area in here then you would end up with a really bright uh light gray in this area that was almost solid and everything else would be this kind of painted you know thinner painted so that's why i kind of um waited until my brush didn't have as much paint in it to do these areas so i have very little paint in there when i did those so that they match this outside area here i'm really liking the look of this though i think it's it's a fun technique and um you know it's it's going to look different than mine so just kind of embrace that if you use a different brush it'll you know do different brush strokes it might be a little bit more i don't know just different yeah somebody actually asked about could they use an aspen brush oh absolutely yeah absolutely an aspirin brush will give it even more texture and you might do a couple layers you know and and it depends on how dark you want this background to be you know you could do it a little bit brighter you could do it with yellows you could do i would say pick a colors like if you're changing the background of your painting say i would not pick a blue or a color that we're not already using then it might clash so to make sure that whatever you're gonna do here is gonna match our mugs um pick colors that are already being used so and the same thing with our mugs like you could change the colors of your mugs just make sure that your background colors are colors that are going to go together and make sure that you're picking colors that are pleasing um and that work well together so um just kind of keep that in mind i think but a good rule of thumb is just you know when i'm choosing background colors is just to use the colors i've already got going on i can mix them i can create another color out of it it doesn't have to be the same exact color as one of my mugs you know obviously i'm not using the prussian blue back here but i am using it in my mixture so that makes sense so that i know that it's going to go together with the rest of this because i'm going to be using this burnt number a lot also so both of these colors are going to be used we automatically know that this gray is going to work and that's another reason why i didn't just grab a gray that i already had pre-mixed or used my ultra rain blue for this and then not end up using ultramarine anywhere else in my painting because then it might look a little bit odd just might look a little bit off it probably work because ultramarine blue is in prussian blue but it still i think that this is a better solution i don't know i and plus i learned a new that i have a new gray that i really like so i'll be using prussian blue a lot more for this gray for grace angela's more favorite gray i know i know more favorite er is there is a correct grammar i don't know i figure if payne's got his own gray then i should get a gray you should i agree joking totally joking i'm not don't leave me comments no i think you should at one time i i put in my title bob ross style like you know just that like we were painting with acrylics in kind of sort of his style oh my gosh i got so many mean comments you are no bob ross goodness i was not claiming that i'm really glad you're not thanks hi this is my wife bob mother of my three children [Laughter] so you know so you're talking about colors going with each other so that's what that color wheel is all about is helping people understand what colors they should use and go complement each other right right yeah and i would say if you're using colors that are opposite on the color wheel then you need to use them in a way that is not too jarring so say i wanted to use purple and yellow in my mugs you know and that that's you know like totally fine color combination it's gonna look really good but i wouldn't use a bright yellow and a really bright purple i mean it it's a look i i shouldn't say don't i should just say it's it's a it's going to be very um like i would use it for kids room you know that kind of thing it's going to be a very like um uh not childish but i don't know vibrant color combination so if you want something that's really like in your face use the opposite colors on a color wheel if you want something that's a little bit more soothing a little bit more pleasing a little bit more um mature then use colors you can still use those two colors but use one of them a little bit lighter than the other so you could use like a really deep dark purple maybe not like straight out of the tube purple but maybe like a purple that's got a little bit of red mixed in with it or or a little bit of brown or black mixed into with it so it's like a deeper color and then your yellow use like a really light buttery yellow or something that's um not straight yellow out of the tube so if you kind of mix them both and alter them just a little bit and make them a little bit more muted they're going to go better together and they're just going to look a little bit more natural so that's what i would i would suggest you know if you're going to change your colors just kind of keep that in mind and and you know if you use a super vibrant and you can use that you know a super vibrant vibrant red say then um you know do one of your mugs in that color then um you could do another one that's like a green or something like that that you know is gonna look good together because it's you know opposite on the color wheel but you could use a a green that's a much more muted green so like a minty green or something that's you know a sage green or something and and you see that in decorating too and one thing i would say if you have a really hard time with mixing colors or knowing what colors look together look good together then go to your like hardware store and pick up a color swatch you know how they have those like decorating color swatches well they'll have like four colors together and they're all a little bit different but you know that they look good together then use those so like use that and find one that you really like and then use that in your um thing or or like find a fabric that's got colors in it that you really like and match match your paintings up to that and you don't have to like match your art they always say don't match your art to your decorating but um if you're if you're you know wanting to do that deliberately then that's the way to go okay mixing another little little bit lighter white and i'm gonna use this very sparingly just and very i'm really just kind of like dusting it on i'm not i i honestly put it on a little thick right there i'm just going to go over it a little bit but um just another layer of white here just a little bit lighter and just add it in a few places so i know where it's good to talk about other things while we're doing the same thing over and over again here i agree just and i'm just changing up my brush strokes so you know just kind of going back and forth not not same same same same same you know and that's a look too you know it's up to you how you want to do it but i'm just kind of going back and forth changing the direction and kind of blending it out as i go so what were you gonna say son oh i was just gonna be witty and say you know what do they have a uh a similar wheel for personalities so you can see what people go compliment each other be helpful for guest lists yeah exactly okay well they do that with employees a lot now when nathan went to work for walmart they one of the first things they had them do is take a big personality test i'm sure just kind of get an idea of hell so he could work in his team well you know just gonna i guess give their bosses a head up heads up for that's a real psycho exactly you're gonna have problems with this one bob sorry nathan we're joking but we know who your parents are so yeah yeah exactly you can't be that normal all right just go back in here i've kind of pretty much covered up all my dark gray hair okay there we go so there's our background i really like this i think it's pretty and it'll dry a little bit darker so we may decide that we want to go in with even more white once it's fully dry um but for now i like it but not super bright in your face white wait okay [Laughter] you're welcome no all right i'm going to use this gray oh i just realized i'm looking at my reference photo in like about this little bit because i'm looking at it on the on the monitor where i'm painting right next to what you're seeing instead of having it big on my monitor here i'm gonna open that up that'll be a lot easier to see what i'm doing i forgot to do that just never just got going and just didn't even notice okay so i'm using the 3 8 inch angle shader now and we're going to use this color on the inside of our blue mug that's up here and this is the same color that we use on our background if you don't want to have to draw i have traceables available for what we're painting today on my patreon page it's two dollars a month for unlimited downloads of all of the paintings that i do so of the pretty free tutorials on youtube tutorials yes on the youtube ones yes thank you for clarifying that the bonus videos and challenge ones are on their own yeah are part of those levels right all right so i'm just kind of filling this in solid here with that light gray and let's go ahead and i'm going to add a little bit of this well i'll wait and do the white one later i'll just i'm just going to keep this gray this gray wet here and that's why i mixed so much of it so that i'll be able to blend into it later um okay yeah let's just leave that and then i'm gonna grab my prussian blue and i'm pretty much i think gonna just use the straight up prussian blue for this mug yeah i think that's about the right color right there good deal i like it when a plan works it'll be darker as we get going here this is just the first coat it's probably going to take a couple coats to get it as dark as we want it to be but i'm just going to fill in my mug i think i did i think i did if you want to know how to draw a mug i think we went over it in that autumn tutorial that i did did i think i did right the one that we did this fall i can't remember i know i know we did i've done several coffee mug videos so i'm sure i know one of them i've probably gone over how to draw a mug it's not it's not terribly difficult okay so somebody asked in chat about your spray bottle and so i was going to tell them i'll go to your uh amazon store right to do it it's in the favorite art supplies section yeah and when i go and i check today it shows that it's currently unavailable okay oh yeah and it says you don't know if it'll be back in stock so no okay i'll need to edit that so for now at least another one you can go and you can look at the spray bottle that she's using there's other ones that are very similar right on amazon right find the fine spray mister it's it's more used for hair correct yes yeah it was a hair sorry i got a little bit blue up there i didn't want so anyways yeah it's just a fine spray it's a yeah it's pretty cool i am making a mess here i'm going fast and getting outside my lines there okay yeah usually on amazon if you'll click on the item and then you know if it's not in stock there should be like a little thing that says show me similar items and it'll you know it'll show you something that's you know a lot of times people move their stores or change you know change the yeah above above the one that you have listed there's like three other suggestions right right yeah those are probably the same type it's just probably just a little bit different right just use the amazon link down below go to the favorites you'll see the little spray bottle click on that and then you have options there so yeah and i'll try to change it to one that's actually in stock it won't be the same exact brand probably but it'll be close enough the key is the fine mist that's that's what keeps the yeah it's just the the heavy droplets you know from a regular spray bottle can be a little a little bit much right it's pretty cool because you pull the the handle and it like gives it sprays the whole thing it continues to continue so it's not just like right it does it so yeah it's a little bit softer and a little bit easier to control and i can use it over the top of like the other day we were doing a background on a large canvas and i was doing the sky and um i got the first half of this guy done and the the paint was starting to get a little bit tacky so i was able to spray it with that mister normally i would not spray on top of wet paint but because the the droplets are so fine it doesn't it didn't it didn't cause any big wet splotches that you might get with a regular spray bottle so i don't know why i'm selling these spray bottles it's not that you're selling a spray bottle it's it's you know if you go to a big box store or something and you buy one of those clear container you know handles that you use to spray uh cleaner with and things like that like you said those those water droplets are rather large right and it's well and i used those for years so it's not like you can't use those i've used them i you know used them on many many times until i got this i only have just recently bought this but i do like it a lot better and that's why you know it's it's it's a little bit more suited for what what i need it for all right getting the white now i got a little tiny bit of gray with it but i'm just gonna go in here and while that white that blue is still a little bit wet and i'm just gonna scrape through along that edge there and i've got the quarter inch blender now the blender is just a stiff bristled filbert type brush and it's kind of a hog somewhat like a synthetic hog bristle maybe but the nice thing about it versus a real hog bristle is that it doesn't get soggy in water so with the hog bristle brush which is like those you know those white brushes that you can see that are really cheap one they shed terribly so um they are cheap so you know no no shade to the hog bristle brushes i've used them and they work fine but they do shed and they do get soggy in water so if you get it wet you might as well not try to scrub with it because it's not going to do this and these are actually a little bit more stiff bristled than the hot bristle brushes even are so this one does a little bit better job of the scrubbing and this is a new brush for me i've been using it for i don't know the last four three four years now probably four years maybe maybe longer i don't know how long princeton's been my brush sponsor but they sent it to me when i was like you know well these are the brushes that i know i use and then these are i don't know you know what else do you have that i might like and they sent it to me um just to try out and oh my gosh it's like been on my new on my list of you know must-have brushes for a while now because you can do so many different things with it and and honestly i've only been using it to actually blend things very recently which doesn't make any sense because it's called blender in the title i know it takes me a while but um it actually does a really good job of blending so i'm getting this gray that's down in here even though this looks a lot darker it's actually it's going to dry a little bit darker than it looks maybe not this dark but or maybe not this light but i'm going to go right up to that lip of the white with this gray and just blend up into it and that way it kind of blends out and adds that kind of light color right there towards the top of the mug i do want it dark when it comes down into the mug though so i do i don't want it totally light right there i do want a little bit of the separation i'm mixing a little bit more of this gray and then just wiping off my brush so i don't have a ton of paint on here so that i can control it there we go and it's starting to want to lift so i'm gonna just put some color down and leave it because i'm scraping through that paint it's wanting to lift off right in here because it was probably not fully dry when i went back over it okay all right let's keep on going with the white around the mug and this using this kind of stiffer bristle brush does a couple of things one it gives us a softer it's easier to blend with but it also gives me a soft edge if i used a um well like the brush that i the brush that i just used you know that angle brush this handle is is kind of a very obvious where it ends and the background begins but if you want to soften things up a little bit you can use this brush and i really probably am going to go over and do my highlights and things with this just to kind of soften this edge up because i like the look of that kind of softer softer edge that this gives okay getting a little bit brighter white now this white is should be dry so i'm just going kind of in the middle here with the white adding a highlight to that you can see the difference right here where i've added the white and i haven't we're just going to do it kind of mostly on this top front side here and we'll probably add just a little bit back in here but i need to let that dry a little bit more before i do it okay there we go so let's use a little bit of the prussian blue with this brush i'm going to get a little bit of the white and i'm going to use it on this handle here just go scratch across it for a little highlight there and there i'm pulling down a little bit and leaving a little bit of a dark rim right here there we go good let's get a little bit more of that the prussian blue a little bit darker so maybe just like a couple shades lighter than there we go somewhere in there we can get some glaze medium glazing medium and i'm gonna go along the edge here and scratch along that edge and i'm just i mean even just slightly going over it just a little bit just to soften up that edge blend it with that gray just like lightly okay and then before this dries i need to blend this in so i'm going to wipe my brush off so i don't have any thing left in it and just pull that color over and then i'm going to grab some of my prussian blue that's on this side right start it over here and then push it into my light color you can't really see that too much i'm gonna get a little bit more of the lighter color just a little bit more of it there we go it's pretty it's pretty subtle this is pretty far back here there's not a lot of a lot of uh obvious highlights back here and then i'm going to go just inside this leaving a little bit of a room right here and this line should kind of go all the way down to the bottom of the mug so somewhere like that and i'm just going to kind of scratch it out put the lightest color where you want it the brightest and then whatever's left in her brush just kind of pull it towards the middle a little bit and get a little bit more of that light color and do it again and this time just kind of dry brush it all right i'm gonna blend in this just a little bit around the edges soften that up just don't like how harsh that looks there we go and then there's a little bit of a highlight right here it's not quite as bright as on the top and then i'm going to get the dark brush and blue i'm just going to make sure that this part down here is dark i need to wipe my brush clean though because i still had too much of that light color in there so get that dark dark prussian blue press my brush flat so that it's staying pretty pretty far and closed in line what can you mix a prussian blue yes did you tell us that at the beginning in the beginning that's what i thought yes thanks no it's okay no no no no no i was going to thank the person in chat who asked the question made me look silly no it's fine it's fine it's no i can it's basically it's just ultramarine blue and black and maybe a little bit of purple right and you said that the different brands will have different tones yeah just because they're not exactly mixed the same way yeah here's prussian blue there's a three that i have liquitex is like a little bit uh brighter golden is a little bit deeper and then matisse has a little bit more of a a greenish tone to it so they're all a little bit different um you can use phthalo blue and oxygen purple with it instead of ultramarine blue just you know basically it's just a really really dark navy blue so basically you just need a little bit of black um and a blue and if you want it to have a little bit of a purple leaning you can add some purple too it's up to you however you want to do it and then somebody this is actually a little bit brighter even then i'm you know i'm looking at that it's it's a little bit darker so i might even go back in and darken this up but what do you think and somebody would like to know have you used anthraquinone blue i have i did a video a couple years ago that i used it not a couple it's probably in four four now longer than that um and they just saw that coloring chart yes um it it's a great it's like a really nice bright blue and it's some of the for a while there golden had it in there um in their mixes like when you know you'd buy a color mixing um set and it was in some of those sets it might still be in some of the sets for the liquid paints the fluid paints but um yeah it it's great i'll show it again and and as you've said before it's very similar to persian blue yeah it's it's real close and this is also um these two use the same pigments the industry and the anthroquinone i'm not sure why they're called different but they're similar because artists exactly they can be used interchangeably i think and i may even add a little bit of black to this to darken it up a little bit because i kind of but i don't know i think it'll be fine being a little bit brighter blue i don't mind that right and as you said before that during these tutorials you try to stick with a a not limited color palette but one that's not so extensive that people feel like they have to go out and buy 200 different paints exactly you know so yeah there are some interesting colors out there that we could use but we don't want people to have to go out and you know and buy a new tube of paint to use one time i own all of them well that's okay for me to buy them right as long as i can still buy them i'm not saying that they can't buy them either i'm just saying correct we we just don't want people to feel like they have to go out and buy no 40 60 100 paints if they don't have to right you know it's just like it's just like a spice okay you know for us you know cook you know asian food and use that one spice one time a quarter teaspoon right and then the jar sits in your cupboard all right exactly something else well and i use i use pure pigments so i use things like ultramarine blue and and quinacridone magenta and the phthalos uh vela blues and cadmium yellows and things that are vibrant bright um single single color tones so they're they're ones that you don't you can't mix you know and then there's a lot of other colors like sap green and different ones that i might pull out every now and then but they are they are mixed colors so just like cobalt teal cobalt teal is a mixed color you can it's premixed so i can mix this with phthalo blue and phthalo green and white but i use it so often i have it in my repertoire of colors because i do like mark said you know i use it so often that i can justify um that yes it's probably a color that you would probably want to have in your toolbox if you paint you know if you're painting along with me so that's kind of yeah like he said i'm i'm i try to be cognizant of that and but you can you can use whatever colors you have so if you have a different color palette as long as you've got i would say get a magenta quinacridone magenta i don't there's not another color that's like it there's lots of yellows that are similar there's lots of reds that are similar but that's one color that you really can't do without and i would say phthalo blue and ultramarine blue are probably just the same i would ultramarine blue you can is a little bit more mixable if you have a have phthalo blue and quinacridone magenta you can mix a blue that's similar to ultramarine blue it may not be exactly the same but similar but thala blue green shade is one that for sure i would i would have so having two blues like one that's a little bit more purplish like ultramarine blue and one that's a little bit more green like phthalo blue green shade those and then a magenta and then some sort of a deep orange color either either cadmium orange or cadmium red light or pyro orange or something like that that's to be able to mix a deep orange plus plus a deep red with the magenta and then like a um and then a bright yellow some sort and with those colors you can mix just about anything the end sorry i'm going over a lot of colors here i have a color mixing video though about it so and and you had a color chart you know not too long ago did you didn't you the one i just showed well no i thought that you had a color chart something i um we sent out the the um template for the color chart that i just showed in my newsletter last week or the week before so um yeah i'm gonna wait and do all the coffees at the same time so if you're like that one doesn't have coffee that's because because i drank it all mark may or may not have just bought like 300 worth of coffee i'm just telling on him right now ouch i love it because you never do that you never buy yourself stuff so i was like so happy because that justifies me buying 300 worth of purses last month which now that i don't go anywhere makes absolutely no sense because of covid but they were on sale and they were my favorite kind so now i feel okay about it prepared i'm okay yeah it's like i have i have an excuse well i knew mark was gonna buy himself coffee next month so oh it's an experiment good for you well you know it's going to last you like months though it's not like you're buying it you know for a one-month use yeah years ago you know i tried the the real expensive tequila because you know everybody's like oh you got to get the the patron yeah not not patreon the patron okay so i splurged one time and and got it and i'm like i i i can't tell the difference between the cheap stuff and that stuff so the the one time i bought it so i bought a some coffee that's more expensive than i've ever spent money on before just to see what all the rage is to see if you can tell the difference right and i'll probably go back to buying the i don't know i know with my tea i when you get a taste for the good stuff you it's really hard to buy the cheap stuff after a while well then i'm never retiring if if i've made it to myself because that's the kind of coffee you're gonna have you're gonna have a 200 coffee have it every month it's just mind-boggling it's you know and that's not even the most expensive one no it isn't i'm gonna gotten all right i don't know why how we got on this topic because you said there was no question i told on you yeah thanks a lot you ratting me out i thought i loved it how you were like so guilty about it too when you told me i'm like i didn't even tell you how much i spent on purses i just bought them hid the receipt no i didn't i don't i don't do that you you realize that you paid the bills right what you realized i paid the bills right okay so you see all the receipts anyways yes yeah i know i know okay so i put the white down here and now i've mixed up a little bit of this gray here with a little bit more blue so i just want a little bit more of the blue flavor in here and i'm gonna go along the bottom edge there that is not dark enough so i'm gonna go a little bit more gray here i need it to be darker than my background or you're not gonna be able to see it so go in a little bit there we go a little bit darker very close to the original color that we had going on but i'm gonna go and do that and then it's gonna kind of continue around the inside here and then i want to blend out this edge and get some more white here bring it down and honestly you could switch to another brush this one is a little bit difficult to get a crisp line on but i actually don't want a super crisp line so that's why i'm continuing to use this but if you wanted it a little cleaner um edge you could just use a an angle brush and then instead of using this brush on this part use a round brush like a number two or number three round and that'll you know do this just whatever is the kind of width this number two would do fine it is leaving a little bit kind of a streakiness that i'm not like loving right here so i'm definitely going to need a couple coats on here to smooth that out because i don't really want it to look scratched i just want the edges to be sort of blurred that's working okay so it's there and then there's a little bit of white right up here and there's this dark edge that comes around and follows all the way down here and then the light color is on the inside and this has got a little bit of that gray in it it's not fully not as bright at least not in this area here scraping and kind of stopping right in here and just kind of flicking continuing that brush stroke so that i'm getting kind of a broken line right there so when i wherever i want it to stop instead of pulling all the way to the edge where i want it to stop let me do it on paper here it'd be easier for you to see what i'm talking about flowers that we were practicing the other day okay so these brush strokes that i'm doing with this brush um kind of like a dry brush but say i've got an area um that i want to shadow right and i want this area to be lighter than the you know this this side to be darker so i'm going to go in here and when i approach that edge instead of pulling all the way to there and lifting i'm gonna flick it towards where i want it to blend out and that way i'm getting i'm not going all the way to this side and then lifting because that way it would go over the top of it i hope that makes sense so that's the i know i'm doing this quickly i wanted to make sure that i'm clear what what the motion is it's not pulling and lifting it's it's pulling and flicking out and of course on paper it's pulling all of the moisture out of my brush so it's not doing as well as it is on canvas but hopefully you get the idea all right getting more of the white hair and just spraying my canvas or my palette so that i'm keeping my paints moist getting i want a fairly good amount of my white to be pretty fluid so getting um a little bit of white pressing it flat on my palette will just help me control how much paint is in there it also pushes that paint through the middle of the brush so if i just loaded my brush through the paint like this it kind of stays on the outside of the brush and it doesn't penetrate down in the middle um so it you kind of run out of paint a little bit faster plus by having that paint all the way through it's just i can press that brush to a nice flat point which helps me control it a little bit too so i'm leaving just a little bit of that dark edge here and i'm going it right along that edge there and adding more white and again just flicking it out towards where i want it to blend out this is dry now so i can add another coat okay and if i did the background color right this should be just slightly brighter than the background so it's looking good and then just leaving a little bit of this darker gray here i'm going to get a little bit of that and i'm just going to pull in this direction with that darker gray and blend over same exact brushstroke just in the opposite direction over the top of the white this time i'm just blending them together i'm going to get a little bit more and just go along this outside edge here blend that okay there we go and it's a little bit off right here but that's okay i'm not gonna worry about it all right i'm gonna switch to a little bit bigger brush to do this part cause this brush is just gonna be a little bit too small okay i don't know what i did with the cap there it is oh yeah so let's get the larger size this is the 3 8 inch blender we'll use that for this part of the mug somebody asked why were you using a stiff blender rather than a normal flat because i want a softer edge so that's that's what this will give me just gives me a little bit softer blended i i wanted the mugs to be a little bit more out of focus kind of feeling like a little bit more soft so that's why i'm using the blender for these but you uh if you want a harder line you could use the angle brushes for it like if you wanted you know these edges to be a little bit more firm then just use a angle brush i am going to get actually my round brush here and get a little bit more of that gray and i'm just going to go over this just maybe a little bit of that light blue gray a little bit and this is gonna have a shadow down here so just making sure that this is dark or dark as i want it to be i might darken it up even more especially like right in this little area right here and get a little bit of this gray and just like right here where it comes go around little bit darker with that wipe it out and this is how you blend with this brush you know just what what are you laughing at somebody said that angela could paint with a pipe cleaner it would still come out great oh [Laughter] challenge accepted that that would be an interesting challenge i'm taking away all her brushes um that's funny we did have i did have like a whole conversation going with two people in my comments on youtube one of my videos i can't i don't remember which one it was but it was really cute because they were like somebody was saying i um i put on your videos i have a hard time falling asleep so i put on your videos helps me sleep and somebody was i was like oh i do that too i sleep so well i was like i think i need to add that to my like so tags you can sleep to it so what so good you can sleep hopefully so we need a poll how many people watch angela to fall asleep and how many people watch to learn to paint exactly so cute a little bit i need to add that to my uh tags for my videos like sleep aid [Laughter] but it's highly addictive what do you mean consult your physician yeah well you know i need to put them on i guess i don't think it would work for me [Laughter] though i put myself to sleep i need it sometimes i woke up the other day okay so we have had the worst luck lately i swear so i'm just adding my what lighter highlight here to this rim i'm using the number two round and the velvet touch so it gives me a little more control we've had the worst luck with our appliances lately okay so last year our which one was first it was our water heater so since september they moved something we noticed our water heater was was leaking right yes so we had at the [Music] sometime in the pandemic we ordered a a freezer freezer that's right that's what it was back ordered in months and months and months right so i went out to the garage when they finally said okay we're going to deliver it to open up some space to put it there yeah so it was this summer yeah it was about august dish right yeah and then discovered the water heater was leaking so then so that got replaced that got replaced so then literally like maybe a month later our air conditioner went out so that got replaced then literally like maybe two weeks later three weeks later our stove went out and that had to be replaced and now our refrigerator went down [Laughter] oh my gosh i think the only thing left is like what the washer the dishwasher and the washer dryer so i'm i i guess we need to start saving up for them i'm probably gonna have to return my three purses that i bought to pay for this i'm not returning the coffee okay that's fine keep it um that's more practical uh anyhow the so what was in my point of my story i can't remember i was i had a point i said i was thinking i was thinking of something so you were trying to say should you use your videos to fall asleep to and it's because you woke up the other morning when i got out oh that's right yes i get up at four and i take a shower you know because i go to work early and so angela got up and then she was come out and she was just her mind was racing a mile a minute and i'm like and i'm like whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down way too early for this i was like well this is how my brain works i woke up at four and was like what if because the because the refrigerator is at 45 the one we have now which is too cold too too warm for it for so i moved most everything out to the garage one but the garage one i've been i've been suspecting is also not staying cold enough so then i don't know just in the middle of the night i'm like and i just bought bought groceries the day that day that day before so i'm just like what if oliver what if what if the refrigerators not cold enough what if what if we're going to lose everything in the refrigerator well i can't move everything to the other one because it's already full so yeah and this is all going on in my brain at you know four in the morning this couldn't have happened like the week before when it was like three below zero right exactly exactly we could have just stuck it outside it would have been fine we've had like a warm snap this week so yeah i'm gonna okay adding more gray here please don't leave me notes about like not telling you what i'm painting because doing the same colors that i just did so nothing new just doing a second coat here um adding a little bit of white to my gray just go in here and add some darker gray right here uh so yeah it's just i don't know anyhow so so maybe next time i'm having my mind going thoughts going everywhere i'll have to find a video that i can put on to stop that because i hate when i get like that i hate it it doesn't happen that often but every now and then i can't turn it off it's usually when something's going wrong and i'm trying to problem solve it four in the morning [Laughter] and so we gotta make sure everything holds out for two more days because yes refrigerator won't be delivered till monday i am so excited about it i don't know we had to get what it was in stock yeah because that you know so the they can't wait for it to be ordered so we're not buying the brand that we had before because we've had problems with this refrigerator for a couple years we've been able to get it to where it is at today and we've only had it for about 10 years you know because it lasted longer yeah because i looked at the the tag on the inside it was manufactured in 2011. and the thing is is the the frigid air that's out in our garage that it replaced is just going the light bulb just went out yeah it's going we've had that refrigerator what 20 years uh easily right and so it's okay fantastic i am adding white i'm in this gray so this is the same gray that i've had and i'm adding just a touch of this cobalt teal and the reason is because it's reflecting from this mug this white mug is right up next to it if if it was the blue mug in front i would be adding blue to this to reflect so whatever white is next to it pulls the color from it's just like a mirror almost it's very reflective so it pulls the colors from what's around it so this is going to pull um the gray and the teal so that's what i'm doing here i'm mixing a light teal i want it to be pretty pretty light so i'm gonna get a light version i'm gonna get a little bit more of the teal there a little bit more of the gray and kind of do a medium color too because i want it this probably yeah that'll probably be what i need i might even need it darker let's do another layer that's even darker so sorry honey you were talking but i don't really need it okay it wasn't paint related no yeah so so if you want to ask us about appliances we have some strong opinions there's one brand what brand not to get there's one brand that is a leader in smartphones and android smartphones they do a really good job on that and they should stick to their lane that's all i'm saying and it may or may not rhyme with lamb's wrung [Laughter] okay i'm not saying anything didn't mention anything just you know nope nope it's no no harm even if you did it's not like because we purchased refrigerator dishwasher right microwave washer washed dryer got the whole suite and we've replaced about every one of them yeah yeah we have so yep we had problems with the microwave from day one from day one it was yeah that was the first thing that we replaced when we did the renovation we were like that's out gone and good riddance yeah yeah so i'm not i'm not sad that it's going i mean they look great they look cool they're modern they got a lot of you know bells and whistles and things like that when they work when when it comes down to doing what the main you know root function is like clean a dish or keep something cold not so much yeah but we got a touch screen you can surf the internet on it yeah but i want you to keep my milk cold well maybe not i don't know don't worry about it so we got a fancy new one that i'm really excited about we paid way too much for it because it wasn't on sale except for they did price match mark found it cheaper somewhere else so we they did price match thankfully got a little bit of a discount on it but that's that's the problem it's like you know you want to get it when it's on sale you want to buy it when you want to buy it you want to like i want to plan for it and not have to buy what's in stock because that's all that's available and otherwise we're going to lose everything in our refrigerator oh well so somebody asked for a close-up on that is is this cup looking a little bit more fuzzy scratchy or because you're using a stiffer bristle brush so i just zoomed in a little bit on that yep i added a little bit of this green just in here because i felt like it was just too different i may i may adjust this even like this outer rim i feel like is too harsh so i'm gonna edit get to it but a little bit more light on the middle this part is going to be your darkest right here and up on this side i think our lights coming from this angle maybe somewhat it's kind of it's really kind of splashing up off the off of this light surface so whenever you've got you know light surface underneath something too you get a lot of reflected light from that too so even though our light sources from over here we're still getting all this bounce light coming back up and splashing on our mug over here so um but there is a lot of like light down here i'm going to use this kind of medium medium color here i don't want it to look too green this may be slightly too green just because this mug looks kind of green now but and i don't want that to happen so um i might have to gray it out a little bit more sorry i'm getting hiccups it's gonna be hard to talk so yeah sorry we our appliance was i i just had to get that off my chest all right but but all in all totally somewhat related but not really you know i found that you know during the black friday sales here in the united states you know the day after thanksgiving right for christmas you know people usually are buying christmas presents and things like that but i found that if i think that i want to buy a tool or a refrigerator things like that through the year then wait and because they have great sales on these other things that are not traditional christmas gifts and you can get some really good deals then so which we did not get on our new refrigerator not on the new one but the one that that is replacing we did buy on a black friday right right and it was a killer deal it was yep it just needed to work um if somebody would like to know do you know and i don't think you do why some of the velvet touch touch brushes are wood and some are plastic uh no i don't that's an interesting question it may be um i don't know it may be where they're manufactured i don't know it's a good question um i could ask okay more light color here a little bit more bounce light right there and i need to be careful not to scrub too hard because this is still wet right there getting a little bit that color that lighter color that i'm mixing blending it into and just putting some of that down all right there we go i don't know i think right now it looks really green because there's this green mugs not here but i think once we get the green mug in here this is not gonna look as green it's gonna go a little bit more gray but we'll see we can always go back over it with a little bit more white or light gray and i think up in here it's not as green as it is like right in this part right here let me get some of that gray [Music] i'm gonna go over this area right here i'm just going to blend in that dark dark color that's there it's too dark because it's white it's not a different color and it is catching some light from what's around it so i'm laughing out well so after the firestorm of questions about coffee thank you very much appreciate that um then there was there's been a discussion on a light discussion appliances but now we've moved on to hiccup remedies oh nice so i don't think i actually had him i think i just had like a glitch in my a glitch i don't know did you hit the reset button i did i did i'm fine i can come over there the hiccup's bad i it i do i do have a pretty fail-safe though i just i have to plug my nose and hold my breath if i do that if i don't plug my nose i it doesn't work i guess if you don't breathe long enough your hiccups will be gone exactly exactly but it doesn't work if i don't if i even if i don't take a breath if i don't plug my nose there's just i don't know if there's just like enough air escaping through my nose it it doesn't work so when you're holding your breath you're leaking i am i can't it can't leak it's got to hold the can have a really deep breath it's got to hold that pressure against my diaphragm you know on the inside and then and then it'll go away i love you so much just saying somebody may need to know that learn all kinds of stuff in the show okay all right so i just softened that up a little bit it was just a little too harsh and then i'm gonna grab a little bit of this gray and i'm gonna go ahead and do over here this part with the gray instead of that green i just don't really like the green bean that far over i think it's gonna look better so i'm just gonna get a little gray and this may be a little bit too dark but we'll see i'll just go over this with that gray get some white let's to stay in my lines but and honestly don't mind um go ahead and zoom in you can see here what is happening with my out outside border see how fuzzy it is that's that's what i'm trying to achieve so i want it to look fuzzy like that um and like even along here and see how it's fuzzy on the inside here too that's what gives it that kind of soft look it just softens the whole thing and if you do that everywhere it the whole thing kind of just becomes a little bit softer and the photograph that we're using is out of focus so this one and this one were both very out of focus this is the only one down here the the third mugs in the front that was even slightly in focus so um this helps give that effect to it kind of pushes these back visually makes them a little softer overall um in fact i could probably even go a little bit more over the top of this with my gray if i wanted to blend that out and i didn't when i i did this one i used um this brush instead of this in it so that's why it looks harder you know the line looks a little harder um so if i wanted to blend that out i could go back over it but it's fine it's it is what it is so i'm not gonna worry about it but there we go okay so wow we're already an hour and a half in and we're still okay just talking we're just talking and painting here all right so this third one i'm gonna do a little bit brighter cobalt teal and phthalo green blue shade the blue shades just a little bit more bluish if you don't have it just use sailor blue uh phthalo green yellow shade or phthalo blue plus this a little bit of yellow i'm just basically making a bright vibrant green here that's on the blue turquoisey side very pretty all right so i'm gonna use that and just scrub in most of this mug with this and then we'll add some highlights over the top of it once we get it on and now we've run out of stories all right huh and now we've run out of stories [Laughter] okay let's talk about fitzpickle getting more of the prussian blue and some of this gray mixing that over here with this turquoise color and i'm just gonna go along right here this paint's still wet so it should mix it's actually kind of lifting though right there so i'm probably gonna have to let this dry that's is that fits pickle barking i think it's barking sounds like him they're not okay all right i'm just gonna use this down here so this was trying to lift here so that's why if i had kept painting on this it would just would have lifted that or that green right off so i didn't want it to do that i think i'm going to add a little bit more of the teal to this i think it's looking a little too green a little teal getting that and i'm going to switch brushes i'm going to get my smaller one for the handle so are we putting this one in the beginner category um i would say probably not beginner not super hard no and i have another mug uh set that is beginner so it's i think the main thing that makes this one more difficult is the overlapping here uh so if you wanted to make it easier you could you know move them apart just makes a little trickier plus i'm i'm you know i'm putting in all the details you don't have to put in all these little details that i'm putting in you could you know you could just do the the handle a solid color and put in you know a little bit of a highlight and call it good so i'm making it you know more realistic looking but you don't have to do all that all the details that i'm doing and that will simplify it and in the one that i did the beginner one that i did it's a pair of mugs and they're very very simplified so definitely easier all right getting the cobalt teal a little bit of white while this is wet i'm just gonna go over the if you catch it while it's wet it just makes a little bit easier to do some of this blending but you can see right here where it's trying to lift so you need to be careful just drying pretty quick i probably need is the humidifier going it's probably not um probably need it well it's fine it's it's kind of late now okay there we go thank you so the top part here i'm doing a lot lighter than any of the other places that i've been painting here getting some of the medium green going right in there right where it kind of connects it's darker right there and then that darker green is along the outside of that rim all the way around and kind of on the inside here too okay we'll let that dry that's still feeling a little sticky so i'm gonna let that dry really well before i do anything else to it skip the white hmm this is pretty bright so i'm going in fairly thick with this just touching a little bit of a bright white right there let's do the same thing right here right there and then making sure that this white i've already kind of done this once but i'll do it one more time let's make sure this white up here this one's done i think three times so it's pretty good i think you're gonna have to do over the top of these white areas a few times to get them as bright as they need to be and then just blending it out along that edge it's actually not like a hard edge right there it's kind of soft so keep your highlight kind of in the middle you okay over there mark's getting leg cramps i was working in the yard today are you all right then you can't sit down anymore i know it's not funny you'd think i'm like a professional sports player the way i'm cramping up over here but i just did a little yard work [Laughter] it's been a while though it's been all winter right just about notice i was not out there helping you i may have noticed that [Laughter] so i'm scrubbing this first layer on in this area a little bit lighter so that that gray is kind of meeting the green and then i'll go back over it with the brighter white in the middle part to brighten it up so that way it'll have like a slight transition between the bright white and the gray uh it's kind of probably a little slower than it would be if i was using a traditional brush too so that's probably why it slowed me down a little because i'm really scrubbing instead of painting in a straight line but i think i just i like the effect that it's giving me better than if i was using a round brush so just have to excuse my slowness today hopefully i don't know we might be able to get it done in just over two hours i think somewhere around there i'm not concerned good okay all right getting a little bit of that cobalt tail and my white hair and just dry it's dry so i'm gonna just tap in my highlight there a little bit of highlight on my mug there and then i'm gonna get the green and just tap in around it and kind of blend out the edges of that i could also kind of put it in as a as a glaze and that's why i put out the the zinc white which i don't know that i'm going to actually use after all because i thought i might do these highlights with the zinc white but i'm ending up doing it with my brush this brush because just so that it kind of matches the same look so so if you're like why is she not using this in quiet that's why i'm just kind of decided i don't think i want to use it stylistically i like it okay and then there is a let's go ahead and use it we'll use the zinc white after all we'll use it right in here so right where this comes around there's a little bit of a highlight right up underneath it right here i'm gonna get my turquoise teal and then get my dark if i have any dark color there we go and just blend out around it get that really dark green here use it real dark green right dark green and some gray use it right [Music] there come on there we go just need a little bit more paint on my brush okay and then make sure that this is that dark really dark gray right here too a little bit darker than the rest same thing here going up into that highlight it's just a really dark gray right there okay and then the inside of that get just a little bit of this lighter green here it's right there make sure this dark green kind of blends into it there and there these are small areas to blend it that's that's the um what notches of the difficulty i find is when you've got you know small areas where the color changing is changing really quickly okay getting a little bit of the white here just putting it right on the inside of that handle and then let's get a little bit more white again right here that's a lot of weight okay and then there's a little bit of the white right here right kind of right along that edge coming down in front of the handle and then this part here i'm going to use my bigger brush i'm going to switch back over to my larger brush this is the 3 8 inch blender again and then this is where i i can show you what it would look like with the zinc wipe so here's the zinc white and this is where i was thinking i might use it right in here so if you put your white on thin with the zinc white you can see that green through works really great they'll do it over here on this side and then we can use the mixed color on this side and see which one we like better so this one is with the titanium white with the with the green mixed into it so it's it's going to be the same value as the one over here with the zinc white we're seeing the green through this one and this one the green is mixed into it with the white makes sense and i think both of them work pretty similar you can see this one's a little bit whiter maybe a little bit brighter but if i wanted it a little bit brighter i could add more white to this one too so i'm gonna go ahead and go over this with a little bit of this color there is a there's a dark area right here that goes down i'm gonna get the cobalt teal color with my green and go right here there is an area right there that's dark so i'm just going to use this to blend in to the rest of this area here i'm just blending a little bit over the top of that highlight color with the mug this is that this color the mug color might have a little bit of white in it yep okay and then let's go ahead and do our shadow here so i'm gonna get that green and a little bit of gray and i'm going to use a little bit of glazing medium too what that'll do is make it more transparent so it'll be a little bit more subtle color change so i'm going to add this to the middle part of my mug right here where i want it darker and then add as i get around the sides here i'm just going to kind of scrub it out really lightly where i want it to blend into my light highlight areas okay and then i'm going to use a little bit of this darker color just right at the bottom here where it kind of turns under a little bit of a shadow right there okay there we go all right i'm gonna let these dry almost completely before i do the shadows underneath them that way i won't accidentally mess up my mug but i am going to get a little bit more white this is should be dry enough to go ahead and get a little bit more white here and ah definitely lift it's wanted to lift so i can't do much that's too bright but i can't really mess with it right now because it's wanting to lift i'm getting that cream from the mug here and just kind of trying to go around it a little bit that mug color just blend over that a little bit okay there we go i am not scrubbing at all or i'm just kind of barely touching it on there to kind of get it to drift a little color on there okay here we go what i swear you know exactly we're not gonna turn on side camera because then you like you immediately stop painting it's like when cashmere when i tried to take a picture of her what doing whatever cute thing she was [Music] doing all right getting the gray and the brush it blue here i'm going to go ahead and add a little bit of a dark darkness to the middle of that get the glaze it's got a little bit of the gray and just a little extra of the brush and blue just right in here mostly just really darken up that middle area there there we go all right let's go ahead and do our coffee i'm gonna get my littler brush again so our coffee hopefully our colors are still wet enough to use them i'm gonna go ahead and scrape off a spot here i'm using a glass palette i get questions about it a lot just in my amazon shop if you want to check it out the posh new wave glass palette there you go not that i've been asked a few times about it in the one she's using it's like a 16 by 12 or something it's you don't see the whole it goes all the way because the water turns on top of it yeah it's covered by the by the reference picture too okay and the reason i'm being careful with the little bits here that are left over is because they can get caught in your paint as you're mixing and cause issues so i'm just clearing off all the little bits of paint okay all righty let's do some coffee i wish i liked coffee i'm a tea drinker well my friends and i go out for coffee sometimes everybody looks like they're enjoying it so much they have all the fun mix mixes that you can put in it and all that but i cannot stand the taste why would you want to put anything in your coffee i don't know i don't know i don't drink it i will put a creeper in during the holidays once in a while but just 99 percent straight up okay so making this one was almost equal parts burnt sienna and yellow oxide that'll be kind of our yellow based a cream you know creamer coffee and then our darker coffee is gonna be the burnt umber i'm gonna add a little bit of the quinacridone burnt orange that'll make it a little bit more of a cinnamony color a little bit cinnamony brown that's that i'm seeing down in this one and then i've got kind of a in between here so it's got a little bit of burnt umber and a little bit of this color all right so i'm gonna just go ahead and start down here i'm gonna scrub it in kind of almost a circular motion we're going to be adding other colors over this too so get a little bit of that lighter color mix that in while i've got it brush on my brush i'm going right up to that heart but i'm gonna go ahead and do the cream part in a another color so i'm just gonna do that separate let's make that edge kind of fuzzy though i think that's pretty close to where i want as far as color got some of that more cinnamony brown color this one's probably a pumpkin spice latte or something i'm just kind of stippling over the top of that darker color with the a lighter color so and getting some of the darker coming down in between here kind of just mimics the heart shape all the way around here in the darker coffee too you you okay let's go and use the unbleached titanium for the cream color i'm going to add white to it it's not fully beige but close i'm laying down a fairly good amount of paint because i'm going to have to cover this gray so i want it to cover but again lay down the color where you want it the brightest and then wipe my brush off and then kind of push it around to the edges see god knew what he was doing when he made you a tea lover and me a coffee lover why just so that we don't drink each other's stuff put ourselves out of the house with the expensive coffee drinking my tea is probably just as expensive as your coffee though maybe not i don't know the nice thing about the tea is that you can use the same tea leaves for two or three times before you have to change them out i don't know about the coffee not so much no not so much spencer and i are the tea drinkers in our house spencer is my 19 year old and when he was two mark and i went on a trip to france and i was just starting to drink tea and so i thought it'd be fun to buy myself like a little tea teapot set when we were out there so i brought it home very carefully packed it my luggage it made it home safely so i had like these little teeny tiny cups and it was actually this color and i still have it somewhere and then the teapot you know little tiny pot that was just enough for like three cups you know three of the little mini cups and i had two tea cups in the little teapot and spencer was two he was fascinated so whenever i would pull it out i would drink it and i'm like thinking you know he's not going to want to drink this because it's tea you know obviously and i had i had also bought um some good tea also to use in it you know so i had like loose leaf tea and it had a little strainer with it and i was new to you know doing it so but i got i got a taste for it and realized i really like the good teas i'd only had like the really cheap lipton stuff and i didn't really like it but i realized that it made a big difference to have the good stuff so anyhow a long story spencer spencer at two years old started wanting to drink the tea with me so he and not the cheap d no he he quickly learned what i did was that there's a big difference with the tease because then i would you know try to give him the cheap teas oh no he wanted the tea that mama was drinking yeah so so i mean to put this in perspective one of us brings their own tea bags out to restaurants and one of us does not bring their own coffee to restaurants just saying true if i want to have good tea i have to bring it with me yes yes that is true you may have done that a few times every time there's some places that have good tea not many and even when the place thinks they have good tea and angela says no no they look at her like what no like no that's that's not good it's not sorry national coffee chain no that's not a good tea stick in your lane just stay there stick to your lane yeah [Laughter] so what tea are you drinking right now people would like to know i am drinking a tea out of um the boulder tea company called blue moon i've also got a a tea from haversham uh called paris i think it's harrison havers and sons i can't remember i need to i've only just bought it uh and i have to go look look at the thing i will say that when i was younger we would drink tea with milk you would drink tea with me yes i was raised by some parents that were brought up in the new jersey massachusetts area so i guess that's a english yeah and so later in life people like my wife may not have looked at me kind of strange what are you doing yeah no i know that that's a thing i just i don't like it that way all right adding the darker burnt sienna around the sides here and this lighter kind of latte color added white or added a little bit this yellow to the to the white color from the cream for the outer area here so just adding like a little rim of that all the way around and then wipe this out get that burnt umber i'm gonna scrub that burnt umber right along that edge i'm finding that the burnt quinacridone burnt orange isn't quite the right color so i think the burnt sienna and burnt umber together are probably fine maybe add just a little bit of it but i think if you don't have the quinacridone burnt orange you could just use the burnt umber and burnt sienna and i don't think you have any teas in any of your your suggested shop online like amazon um i might i know i like i like twinnies prince of wales tease i think that's the only one that that you can get on amazon right now i think i don't think that the other ones are sold on amazon although i could be could be wrong the boulder blue moon is by far my favorite though i have i have that almost every day it's uh it's got blueberry and vanilla and lemon and it's delicious so shout out to the maybe they'll become a sponsor and semi-free tea oh that would be nice i would i would love that i'd drink enough of it to buy it in like the two pound bags no i think i got a five pound maybe no i can't remember it is big that'd be a lot of tea if it was five pounds five pounds i'm not good you know that i'm the one that bought 25 pounds of sugar for when the and how much have we gone through there none we haven't even opened it up yet we're still on the five pound bag that we had but we have it in case we need it it's you never know yes angela does admit that she is a t snob 100 and proud i'm proud of it it's about the only thing well i take that back well as as we have grown older we have we've grown expensive tastes in certain things right but i've also learned that it's not necessarily quantity it's quality right you know when you're younger you're always like shoving as much pizza in your face as you can or hamburgers or whatever and as you get older you know your your metabolism changes and so now it's not the number of pieces of pizza but it's the quality of the pizza so it's you know look how red that is that is red okay so i'm gonna add the burnt sienna with this quinacridone burnt orange hair i added a little bit of this yellow but it didn't tone it down enough get some burnt umber here i kind of ran out of the cinnamon color so i'm just mixing it up again all right there we go yeah it's it's uh interesting getting older but yeah i'm sure i'm not we're not the only ones that experience that same thing okay getting more of the yellow here just realizing now that this is dry that i need more of the brighter yellow right in here so i'm gonna just scrub it in mostly around this white right here and go over it just slightly so it kind of blends it in like it's bleeding into the coffee a little bit they're blending together well we just appreciate you guys hanging out with us on a saturday i know there's all kinds of other things you could be doing and we love that you guys take the time to stop in and chat with us live and or watch the replays both but you know since a little bit past its prime as far as video subjects go because you know i missed the missed the valentine's dale but now we had enough requests for it to that i felt like we should just go ahead and do it but coffee enough said well it's enough of a common subject that i feel like there's a lot of people that might want this for their kitchen or something getting that white and just going to blend it back over bleeding out those edges a little bit i'm going to wipe that off get that white again so this is obviously that first coat was very streaky so i'm just going to do a second coat now get a little bit of that light yeah light my yellow a little bit of my white let me use that right around here and i'm just going to kind of put it on top of my i don't have a lot of this on my brush so i'm just kind of scraping it a little bit into my coffee area here to create that highlight on the kitchen light there's some areas here that are pretty pretty bright okay and then get that yellow that's kind of the original color that was in this area and i'm just going to tap and blend with that a little bit too much there just wipe everything off and just push it around a little bit more that light color and then get my cinnamon brown here where it meets up with it get that yellow and just and blend the two together a little bit and just go back and forth so if you get too much of the darker color get a little bit lighter and vice versa i'm gonna tap in just like little little pockets of this darker color in here sounds like the puppy's back spencer's back with it's pickle it's pickles our dog if you are new to our channel we talk about him a lot he's a puppy so we just got him last when did we get him i was trying to remember what month it was that we got him was it july it was after july 4th it was august it was august okay oh actually well we went and we visited him on the 18th of july okay and we picked him up uh let's see here just doing a second coat this is all i'm doing i'm just gonna adding a second coat on this covering it we picked him up on august 1st august 1st okay interesting oh i remember well mark's freedom ended because i took a selfie in front of the place where i picked him up that day like well this is it [Laughter] [Music] you love him he's okay he's a good dog mark didn't want a dog but i gave him sad eyes for long enough he gave in [Laughter] finally all right it's looking pretty good i think we're getting there i'm gonna press this flat try to get some a little bit more of the gold in the color here and i'm gonna pull down into my coffee there just a little bit and then i'm gonna cover it but i want a little bit of that seeping down and there is kind of a dark line that comes down there okay and then i'm gonna i still didn't do this side with the lighter color so i'm going to get a little bit of that lighter so just kind of slightly tap over that edge so that i've got a nice blended blended edge there it should it should be a little bit light i'm going to get a little bit of this yellow color mix it right here this should be fairly light right where it blends off into the coffee color here so i can bring it in here a little bit okay and then the medium color in this area so kind of between that darkest dark and the light there's two dark areas and then in between there's kind of this medium color that's got some highlights and got some little [Laughter] [Music] bubbles and things so i'm just going to kind of use all these colors in different varying degrees right around the front here because it's fairly light so let me get the lighter color here what you know i got a text a few weeks ago from amazon saying congratulations kathy you won something and then i got another one for kathy a couple weeks and like a week or so ago i just got one for jerry but jerry came in second oh so i don't know if i should reply to this one too or not i hope he didn't reply to the other ones no i've blocked the number yeah so this new number hey congratulations just click this link right yeah oh i get those i know i don't know how they got our phone number but we've got i've been getting a lot of them lately drives me crazy delete block this number and check done you know what else i've been getting lately is a lot of a lot of sponsor requests with weird like they'll say hey we're adidas and then you know like you know wanna sponsor a video or something but then like you know they sign it like hey call me on whatsapp and they don't have any like logo official logos or official like you know emails or any you know at the end of an email like a legit email you've got a whole list of like the phone number and the email and the you know the corporate name and the like the title of the person that's contacting you and all that stuff none of that none of that i like the one you posted [Laughter] it was jessica and it was like some dude's picture [Laughter] it was to jessica from jessica right and a picture of this this dude and so angela was confused if he was just succumbed to jessica my jessica or is he i don't know either way it looks legit definitely was definitely going to go with his website you know and like turn over all my account information to him oh like oh my gosh these spammers they don't even try anymore that's just getting lazy ooh i got a notification that it's national oreo day i did know i was gonna tell you darn it i looked that up to i i was looking up national day of whatever you know like just to see what the national days were and i saw that i was gonna mention it well slim chickens reminded me okay good good i'm glad because i knew you would need to know that and did you give me oreos for some for the year no i didn't know until like an hour before the show so it was too late some chickens do they have like some sort of special oreo yeah based something dessert dessert or a shake or something i'm guessing nice all right so now i'm going to go in with a little highlighted color here this is like the light yellow here with the white mixed in i'm just gonna tap in and add my little foamy bits there are some like little like circles too that i'll probably add in later but just for now i'm going to just tap in like little little highlights in this area kind of do sort of circles with it okay i'm using the white i'm just gonna add some little highlights in my coffee get my yellow and i'm kind of going over what i just did and that's going to blend it in a little bit somebody would like to know does it matter which order they paint the cups i don't think so i would say though um it kind of helps when you're overlapping to do the back ones first so that's why i did it in that order because then you're going over the top of what you've painted you know otherwise i would have to be real careful when i did that blue to not go over the top of this white which you know i was kind of being careful anyways when i put it in but you know i could go over the top of it a little bit if and it wasn't gonna affect the outcome of the whole thing you know i'm adding these like rings here they have these little i'm just kind of putting some lines in here that mimic that okay and then getting the darker cinnamon color going back over so it's just a matter of kind of overlapping each layer the layering is really what makes it special so i mean you could do this all in one layer but i think it's like the layering of all these different colors to really make it look a little bit more realistic and you know so okay i need to get going here huh like two and a half hours just on you know sorry marks like daylight's a wasting yeah i mean we finally get sunny and you know 60 degree weather and you make me sit in here and stare at you for hours and it's like oh my gosh seriously you're abused i know sorry man it is rough my job is so difficult i love you you're so i love you good to hang out with me help me well you're kind of likable oh yeah i like hanging out with you too yeah all right good i have to say that's been doing this together with you has been good for our relationship i guess it could have gone either way but it's been nice getting to spend a couple hours with you three or more every uh weekend and tuesday nights just you and me time it's almost like a date night in front of a few hundred people 200 people almost not quite but and without the food true so note to self make it to make it better maybe we can do split screen you can paint and i can cook or something or you can just eat or cook well you do that already so never mind okay just adding some highlights in here i feel like i'm overdoing this thing but there's some areas in here that a little bit darker than what i have i kind of lost my dark areas and then there's these little bubbles in here that i want to have adding that dark color and just kind of blending out around it a little bit you could use a round brush to kind of paint it in a little carefully too this i'm going to use the really dark gray here with my burnt umber just make sure i have a really dark brown in this area okay so uh just using this darker color and to kind of streak in all right i am definitely spending way too much time on this sorry i say that and i keep messing with it but going to the next one i know okay well hold on i need to finish it i'm almost there almost there okay i'm not loving it so i'm gonna have to add some highlights to the bubbles and things here in a minute but we'll just get the next one going there hopefully this one will go faster last words well i got less colors in it that's for sure okay we're done onto the next one getting the yellow now let's keep on going here i got a little bit of yellow in my brush too i really should have just painted this whole thing in with yellow oxide when i was doing the mugs and then that way i could have if i think i think if i did this over again um paint paint in this area solid yellow oxide on on these and then that way you've got that as a base to put in your coffee and i think that that would go faster than because i had to add so many layers to cover up that that gray so yellow oxide would be a better base color for that the inside of the mugs somebody would like to know how do you know when you have enough paint on your brush um well i usually load it in a way that i'm not i'm not putting too much you can kind of get in the habit of the way you load your brush you know and so sometimes you can kind of get into bad habits when you're doing that and load way too much or you know it depends on the kind of painting you're trying to do too because i mean i say way too much way too much for me for you know wanting to i tend to be a more tight tightly controlled painter you know i don't have a lot of paint on my brush most of the time so when i load it if if you load it straight from here or like into the middle part you you you can't control how much is getting on your brush so you're just dabbing here and you've got all of this globbed on here you can't control how much is on there so by taking it over here to the palette and pressing it on both sides then i know that i've floated the excess and i've got only a certain amount of paint is clinging to my brush and then that that's what i go with so and like i said if you do it the same way every time then you kind of have a feel for you know how much paint is going to be on your brush and you won't tend to have too much but a lot of people get in a hurry and they just dab in and go and they don't do this extra step here and that's where you end up having too much paint on your brush which like i said that's a that's a that's a techn that's a way of painting too you know i mean it's not like i do it right and everything else is wrong this is just the way i like to do it so if you've got a different way of doing it and that may be you know you may need to develop that in your own you know style and um it may be totally good for you know the kind of style that you're painting if you're wanting it to look exactly like mine then you probably don't need to do it that way but you know if you want to kind of venture out and try your own style then that's the way to do it you know is to kind of and somebody wants to know do you load all the brushes the same way um yeah depending on the kind of brush strokes i'm doing but mostly yeah mostly uh the the same way but not necessarily the same kind of paint so sometimes i'll um you know like a fan brush or a liner brush you need a paint paint that's thinner so it depends on the brush somewhat okay getting the burnt umber and let me wipe this brush off so i don't have as much burnt umber and brown and burnt sienna my coffee color let me use that back here this this one's going to go faster i promise i'm really i'm not sure why this one took so long and it's still not quite where i want it to be i'm going to paint over that because i don't like it so this side has got some darker and often you'll find that the darker the the side that's on the highlight you know you were saying the highlight that um these areas where it's getting it's the lights blocked so the light's hitting here but this side is in shadow it's going to be darker along here and then this side is open to the light so it's going to be catching the light on this side so that's why that coffee is a little bit darker on this side than it is on this side over here i don't know why it's all the way dark on this side this one's this one doesn't count but that's what's happening on this one or maybe it's just darker coffee in this area who knows but [Music] okay is anybody still watching i know this is a long saturday one we got some people watching of course people still okay good thank you guys hanging out chatting very good i'm still here you are that's true you're the most important one exactly even though i wasn't your first subscriber no that would be my son nathan arson i should say not just mine i was gonna say geez i think i was there you were there okay okay get more of the white and add a little bit of the yellow to this coffee color here yellow oxide this i'm this color is all dried up now and my white and i'm going to kind of run it through in the direction that i'm seeing these streaks just so i have some of this color in my coffee before i start doing my white over the top kind of have to have that base color this one is definitely a lot lighter than overall than the other one so okay there we go i'm going to let that set and i i don't want to do over it right now because i want to let it dry so i'm going to mix up a little bit of the latte color for this one here just a little bit of it showing in this mug get no white adding a highlight right there and then i'm gonna use some glaze with this color got a bird all right and then i'm gonna use it on here i think i want the darker color there's some glaze like some of that coffee stuck to the inside of the brim mug there and then there's a little bit darker you can get the burnt sienna burnt umber color and go darker right here especially right before it comes down right there light color blend it back over and getting that white putting it in a little bit okay and then i am going to bring that shadow or the highlight color down into that mug a little bit i'm going to get that white a little bit a little bit of the gray mostly white wiping that off pushing it around just working that wet edge right here to blend it in and this is dry brushing so it's just kind of using up what's left in my brush here stumbling it okay there we go soften up that inner part of the and mug i go back to the i need to dip all these brushes in to keep them wet gosh i'm almost three hours i thought it was gonna be two hours sorry well you'll just blow me some overtime pay that's all okay that's extra kisses i honestly thought this was i gonna be an easy-ish one i think i had it scheduled for a tuesday no maybe not it was a saturday it was a saturday okay yeah because it's been postponed right right okay here we go going with white and this white is kind of see-through because i'm doing it over the darker color so that's fine i can go back in and add a little bit more on top where i need it but so and if you want to you can use a round brush for this i'm tempted to switch it's doing okay though it's it's it's just a little bit scrubby okay just trying to get the right these should all flow into each other so just make sure you're paying attention to the overall flow so that they all kind of overlap correctly i'm going ahead and do this part so that i kind of get my these parts correct and i'm going a little bit thicker with my paint than i was before because i want to lay down with this white i don't want it to cover so all right so this is all going down in it's a little bit of that darker color kind of where they meet but it's actually fairly light so i'm going to get a little bit of the light yellow there can i add that we doing okay yes yes we are okay heard you're clicking stop making sure oh that was the mouth clicking not me i don't make sounds like that i don't think oh wait a minute i do sorry sounds pretty good actually thanks that's impressive now you know what i do all day at work i mean going kind of in between these and softening up the transitions a little bit it's looking all right okay let's do the same thing to the other side here so uh again that lighter yellow here just kind of very close to the white but it's just like that color that we did around the outside room there okay i don't know why i just did that because that's not there what ah oh he's not burnt umberta or burnt sienna to kind of go around the edge there all right i like this one okay so i need to pick out some roots for this too so there we go so just leaving just a little bit of dark between these okay and then along that rim there's these little white bits kind of leave space in between them just a little bit barely touching down here but i've got a fairly good amount of paint on my brush and that way that way i don't have to press down too hard to get it to come off ah i don't know why it's looking like okay i don't need to do that get some yellow hair yellow oxide is starting my paint's starting to get sticky so it's starting to not want to move around for me um so just to remind everybody over there los angeles fine art traceables bonus content fun for the whole family the secrets to life no no we didn't have that level yet i don't i don't know do you know the secrets i thought it was a painting yeah got it but anyways all kinds of good stuff over there check thanks and then over there thankful you can sign up mailing list for emails we don't spam we just send out updates right and you can still get a free bonus video the duck mandarin duck is out there so check that out that's kind of a sample of what you get over there on the patreon five dollar level so yeah you have to sign up for the newsletter through the link that they it's a pop-up link that so if you have your pop-up blocker on you may have to turn it off to see that link because it has to yeah you go to the thankful art and wait a few seconds and the pop-up shows up right okay just putting a second coat on here just adding a highlight i'm gonna call that good enough okay and then i'm going to grab my lana my number round two round here i'm gonna go through here and add little bits of highlight little get some yellow i see what you're doing yeah making the little which i could have done that and i might go back and kind of edit those just a little bit because i feel like they're a little bit messy but i was trying to do this with just the bigger brush but just wasn't quite doing it so i need to just use the smaller brush for some of these add a little that was my humidifier turning off right in the water it's okay i'm almost done getting the burnt umber here kind of just making sure that they have like a little dark contrast usually like inside but sometimes on the outside too i'm kind of just dabbing in around it too because there's there's a bunch of highlights in here that i didn't actually put in i need to probably do them in blue but i'm going to go ahead and add some highlights in this part just a little bit so get that darker color making sure that i have like a darker outline on some of these little this is what's gonna make it look real this is this last little bit i know we're tired just come back to it if you don't want to do it in one setting you don't have to do it like i do this is what really sets it off though makes it more realistic looking coffee bubbles and i'm getting a white maybe even think white let's get the sink white it'll be a little bit softer put some highlight in my bubbles so that was an arm against the table just for clarification thanks it did sound a little suspicious didn't it it did sound a little interesting a little farty okay getting closer i'm not quite there yet but i'm getting closer so thinning out my white a little bit here so using this brush is a little bit easier and give me a smoother line and crisp up those highlight colors mostly and then i'm going to go around my coffee up here just a little bit with the burnt umber burnt sienna and yellow oxide just so i i secretly i think that you're secretly uh person who wants to drink coffee i am because you've done several coffee i do wish i liked coffee i just don't okay well i'll let you try my good coffee no i don't even like the smell of it that's the problem it's like i just i don't like it i've tried it multiple different ways and i just well okay i say that i've tried it twice so and hated it both times so but i can't even take i can't even do mocha i mean i love chocolate i don't i don't like mocha either you don't okay well i like chocolate i like coffee i just don't really prefer chocolate with my coffee okay well going in here with the darker yeah so we don't want your enemies to know you know kids that kidnap you and force you to drink coffee you know talk or else we're going to make you drink coffee so no she really likes coffee wink wink well i just make sure i don't have any enemies and how's that all right it'd be a weird thing for them to do what would i be talking about i don't know your secrets to hoe your paint doesn't dry out tell us that's what it's going to portray what kind of secrets do i have do they think i have the the you know voodoo magic you do on your paints prior to the show don't give anybody any ideas what mark's only talking about someone kidnapping me so he can go do something else right now somebody please come get her the love of god make her stop you're having dark thoughts over there honey okay i promise i'm i'm stopping soon it's it's it's really is fine honestly i i have no problem with sitting because i'm tired yeah but you want to play video games i can tell so we can get it i'm not taking a nice glass of wine and a video game wouldn't be nice but i'm okay with just sitting here too and which brush is that this is the two round just kind of cleaning up some of these it felt like it was a little too messy messy messy okay just about done here almost and use a little bit of the yellow oxide with a little little tiny bit of the yellow the white but not really bumping up the highlight there come in a little bit of whitish highlights there on the coffee just to this area is got a highlight happening and it's just light shining on the coffee it's not actually the coffee bean like right there and then i'm going to get the black or brown dark brown and just pop a little dark contrast in some of those bubbles will you be adding shadows thank you oh dang it i thought i was done i'm not darn it i'm glad they said that because i would have forgotten [Music] all right let me get the this angle brush here thankfully i still have this which is my color that i'm gonna use but what i'm going to do is i'm going to float it and that that'll go a lot faster so i'm going to start with a clean brush get a little glaze on it so it's glazed all the way through and then i'm going to dip the tip of the brush into the dark the dark color and blend back and forth just the tip and i don't want it to go all the way through the brush so i can see that it's kind of going all the way through it's not too bad though so i'm just going to wipe off the get a little bit of water wipe off that back end of the brush that'll just take off the extra that's right there and then i'm going to go right up next to my cup and i want this really dark so don't skimp on it yeah i'm gonna let that dry um let's do this side this side's really dark too this side is all the way in that corner so i'm just going to pull this side down this way and i'm going to pull it back this way too and just go across i'm just filling that space and i was keeping the always keeping the light area toward the outside where i don't want it to be dark so keeping the dark tip toward the inside and then i can just use my finger to kind of blend out that edge i really need to go up more than down i'm gonna pull it up there we go and this this one down here is really dark so i'm going to get a little bit more on my brush and by starting at an angle almost close to the edge here then i don't get a line because if i start like this i'm going to have a straight line across so i started up next to the cup like this i can i can then pull it around make just sense quickly blend across back and forth and then i'm gonna pull it out a little bit over here i don't have very much left in my brush now so i'm able to kind of just smush it around a little bit and then over here i'm just going to kind of just go back and forth because i don't want a hard line i want it to kind of blend out on both sides there we go let's do that over here pull that shadow for the handle out and just wiggling it back and forth there so that my shadow goes both ways keeping that dark part in the middle i was trying to dry there okay and then this one is a lot more subtle so i saved it for last so that most of my paint was out a little bit of a shadow there a little bit of a shadow here you can use this technique on your mug too so if i wanted to use it on here let's say i want to add a little bit darker shadow to the front edge of this mug i can use this same technique and just kind of go back and forth this way i'm still not 100 happy with that one i'm not really sure what it is about it i think maybe it just needs more white let's go ahead and get another layer of that white add it to the this yeah i think that's better and then you can also use that technique to glaze so if i want to add more of the cinnamon color you can see you know some of these areas where it's looking a little bit drab i can grab that burnt sienna and quinacridone burnt orange if you don't have quinacridone burnt orange you could add a little bit of like magenta or red or something to your color let's just go over this and kind of tint that a little bit so it's a little bit brighter it helps also in these areas where we added the white because it kind of tints that white so that it's not so white it looks more natural looking okay i like that better um that one back there we can add a little bit more maybe burnt umber just using the tip of the brush with this color we'll add a little bit darker shadow right here and then you can do it with your light colors too i'm just going to go ahead and grab a little bit of white here just use it right there all right phew that one kicked my booty it took a while i think i took way too long with the coffee on that one [Applause] super chat yay i'm gonna put a little bit of this shadow on this mug too so while you're doing that getting that same shadow color that's down here i'm going to add it to the mug go ahead [Music] i was just waiting for you to pause here i don't want to ring while you're talking thank you you're welcome it is your show after all so we had a couple super chatters today really yes oh very awesome yeah uh from nakia and there was no special message on there's but i want to say thank you she said you're welcome hopefully she's still here maybe thank you nikki maybe she hasn't fallen asleep i know and then also from andrea she says just thanks for everything thank you andrew so thank you so much we really appreciate it that is incredible very sweet now maybe i can talk mark into eating out or something tonight don't have to cook sounds good to me all righty so i just added the shadow right here right there kind of where the two mugs kind of are almost touching and then i added a shadow just below this one that just helps kind of ground that mug so that you know it's got a little weight at the bottom there i like how it turned out it took for freaking ever but i hopefully you guys can maybe simplify it more than i did i don't know i uh i thought this would be faster than it was but i definitely like how it turned out so that's what matters right all right thanks guys so much for hanging out with us today we so appreciate you and we will be back i'm gonna add a little highlight while i'm talking to that to the inside of the coffee thing right there um we will be back on tuesday we're gonna be painting a landscape so i'm looking forward to that i think it'll be part of our beginner series i'll definitely be faster than this one was so it will be under two hours yes for sure there's a hard stop on tuesdays yes i do love how this turned out though it takes a while to get that realistic look and that's kind of what i was going for so you know it just uh i'm gonna also i didn't notice but you know we hope that you like subscribe check out the 400 plus videos that she has on her channel and everything from very simple beginner kids levels all the way up to more advanced right patreon has bonus content where she goes into even more depth longer videos uh so if you can believe it so and then the links are down below for for tea or sorry for spring uh for etsy for amazon for the brush guys anything that you want to buy yeah click on down below all right thanks guys so much have a great rest of your weekend and we will see you next time bye you
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 33,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: angela anderson, acrylic painting tutorial, art, step, create DIY canvas art, free online painting, easy acrylic painting, learn to paint, how to paint, painting instruction, acrylic paint, canvas painting, painting techniques, Coffee painting, artisan Coffee mugs, Cafe art, Coffee cup artwork, realism, realistic paintings, latte, cappuccino, espresso, barista
Id: KEo_q6BCWi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 200min 26sec (12026 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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