Farmhouse Sheep and Lamb Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is Angela Anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video I'm gonna be showing you how to paint a lamb and Mama sheep we're going to show you step-by-step how to do it from start to finish think this will be a fun Easter project my husband Mark with me hey everybody man in chat for our live show today so if you have questions while I'm painting you can ask this and I'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] all righty I'm using a 9 by 12 inch Frederick's Pro linen suit Pro Series linen canvas my cats decided to come over and check it out it's coated with black carbon black hai-yah and and I've already transferred on my design to the canvas canvas me she's a diva she waited till I started an end him walking over here like you need to introduce me to with the canvas okay check so thank you to Frederick's there our canvas sponsor I love these canvas boards and they're kind of a low texture with the linen so really easy to apply paint nice and smooth and then they've got a nice hard core so they don't Wharf at all alright let's go over our brushes so many of you using a number 12 what kind of like me hardcore hardcore don't warp what kind of flabby core right yeah okay number 12 bright this is a 6100 series in the green handles these are all Princeton brushes for instance our brush sponsor so we really love their products this is one of their redline brushes it's a number two paddle and we're gonna probably be using it to do our texture on our wood but any kind of large flat brush should work for that I've also got a pallet knife to do some mixing and the set of Aspen brushes since this is kind of a rough wood and more rustic looking I thought I'd grab these I'm not sure if we're gonna use all of them but there's they this is a set that they have in the Aspen's this is the number 8 flat 6 filbert for bright and too round and then I've got a fan brush possibly for some of this I'm not sure we might we might have to splatter - who knows these two would probably be the main thing that we'll be using on fur or the wool of the Sheep these are the quarter inch and three-eighths inch blenders they're now called not well as blenders anymore i'mjust blenders and they're the Velvet Touch in the blue the red handles and then I've got a quarter inch and 3/8 inch angle brush a number four round and a number one round and then I grabbed a tiny little short liner this is the 18 not short liner for some of the ID tails we'll probably want a really fine small brush so just whatever you've got that's kind of in the same size range will work so your chair squeaking squeaking over there I've been sitting in it a lot this week yeah he's been working from home she's been nice confusing the cat though she doesn't know what to think everybody's at home all right so let me go over what oh yeah let's go over our colors I've got carbon black burnt umber burnt sienna yellow oxide cadmium ela medium cadmium red medium ultramarine blue and unbleached titanium titanium white and zinc white I'm not sure if we're gonna need this thing quite really there's not a whole lot of reflection the eyes I usually use it for for that but it's actually good to make subtle subtle changes to its it's a transparent white so it can be good for kind of maybe doing some of the finishing touches on the wood and the the sheep so we'll see I may or may not use that color but we just have a really limited palette we don't really need a whole lot of colors for this because it's very kind of monotone but I didn't want to add a little bit of color to there you know there's a little bit of warm tones in there I keep wanting to say fur it's not four in there wolf so alright you're gonna want a ruler to do your straight lines for this and so what I did is just started out by kind of boxing it it's really I guess this is a little bit over an inch maybe wide so from the bottom and top come in do a little box here in the center for our sheep to live in these ones are let's see so it is right just before the 3 and the 9 this is a 12 inch wide so the 9 is this outer edge here and then the inner edge it's about a half an inch here this side is a little bit less narrow there is going to be another line I didn't mark here let me get my pencil line here you can see we're going to mark another little it's very easy with a watercolor pencil or something that will write on your canvas it will erase so you can if you use a water soluble pencil you can erase any mistakes and things like that so this one's a scribe owl one but you can use really whatever you've got that similar and then our sheep is going to be right here in the middle of our little box area that we made I also did three lines out the sides for our boards that are coming out this way and that filled up our area and our canvas pretty nicely in here okay there we go I'm just gonna kind of mark out some boundaries for our little sheep to live in and really kind of don't do these are probably not the exact right measurements but we're just gonna do it quickly so we have some kind of okay an idea of where we're shooting for so our main our mama sheep here he's gonna fill up our main area you're gonna want to kind of make her head sort of a angular right here on this side and then this part kind of comes almost straight down comes out a little bit where the baby sheep is overlapping her like right in here little head and I probably need to make that up a little bit okay so the baby she's really gonna fill up this whole Middle area here really need to just kind of mark out our boundaries that way we kind of have an idea of where we need to put everything else okay so there's a little head it's got this weird kind of angular shape and of course we're gonna soften these corners here but to start with I just kind of look at the the main shapes that I'm seeing it's gonna your your head scope your brain is going to kind of rebel on this one cuz it's oh oh goodness gracious I do that every time this pen this pencil when you take the eraser out it it dumps all the all the lid out so I just dumped it on my lap flap okay let's do this trying to get more eraser out oh goodness okay let me see if I can push that up there we go this is fascinating I'm sure there we go I was just singing baby sheep no no I'll start that yeah okay so sorry somewhere in there and then there is a thing okay so the the mouth on the sheep it's got a really cute little smile can I goes like this the nose is right in here and then the eye is gonna be back in right about where that curve is up it's gonna be out like this it's kind of a little line Anna and there's lashes right here and there's a little it looks a little tired he's a little under eye bag there that's okay it's normal yeah getting much sleep I guess me this week alright so there we go little horn kinda almost growing right there the start of one his ear is really really cool shape it's gonna like out damn time mend what yeah okay so there's a baby baby lamb their face and then his body comes down from there and then his two legs are sure yeah you come out this way somebody who's like left me comment about the stag you know there's a like that the that the legs were too small for the body and I'm like have you ever seen a deers legs like they're so soft you like you they do look like they're gonna fall over this sheep is the same way like their little legs are so tiny look at these big ol bodies these little tiny stilt legs like how do they stay up yeah I always get all kinds of helpful information like that on my you know comments about how I should have done things differently we are so grateful for all the wonderful people out there that leave those comments it's like I don't know what you think I should be doing about that there's not a whole lot I can do I painted it live for the first time for you guys so dear God I do my best the art police don't like the way you did the legs on the deers cuz so could you change those please thanks yeah okay so there we go we got a better now so here's the mama she's right up against that baby they overlap just a little bit right there and then her legs come in pretty drastically here little tiny still twigs yes those are correct they are that small and then her body comes out this way and kind of goes off into the distance you can't really see much of that and yeah there we go okay and then her head is gonna be again kind of a box shaped I just moved it over this way a little bit yeah the baby's really the main one it's probably the easiest one to kind of start with because you want to make sure that you live enough room for him to fit in there and then this there is kind of a pretty good amount of space here there's a little board that's way back here that's in the shadows that we're gonna put in that's really lightly lightly referenced in the image okay so the eye is right in here you see a little bit of the eyelash and then the nose comes down and then comes out and rounds out right here right here I'm kind of exaggerating this side you're not really seeing it much of it and then there's a split right here and so right at the split you can do this little lip that comes out kind of bit of angle very similar to how you drew the we drew the llama for you she's a llama this one would be a really good companion piece for that loan my mama and baby one that we did last year for Mother's Day too so and Mother's Day is coming up not too soon not too far I think it's in May maybe so it's just closer I haven't even actually painted I'm very many sheep I painted some last maybe a couple years ago for st. Patrick's Day but I've had this image I bought it almost immediately as soon as I found it because I just thought it was so cute and I've had it waiting for the right moment so we're finally painting it all right this year's facing towards us and all we talked about even though the areas probably like closer to this shape as it turns towards us we're only seeing this much of it so it's going to change its shape and it's going to become this kind of curved and it's really kind of more going like this it's like this pointed ear so it looks like this from the front but it's cupped and so as it's pointing towards us on this side I can't do my arm that way it's we're all we're seeing is this much of it so that's the it's rainin and then our eye is going to be right in here and you just kind of do a sort of a straight line up from here kind of look at where this one's was reference and kind of go at an angle because this one is down just a little bit the head is tilted just a little bit so there's the front of the eye and there is the back there is a little bit more of her eyes showing than the baby's eye and so we're gonna see just a little bit of that pupil there and then there's all kinds of eyelashes right in front of it that we'll be putting in to cover it up and there's a little bit of a sag there okay and then there's some shadowing underneath the jaw and then off right kind of under the eye right here is where the thing goes here okay so there's our mama and baby sheep and not too hard to draw I don't think so you can practice that if it helps you can take the reference photo and make a grid and so you can make a grid even you know as small as you need it to just as long as you do the same amount of squares on your reference photo and have your canvas and your reference photo in the same ratio so you can put this out you know whatever size you need it to be as long as you grid it to the same right I don't know if that makes sense same ratio as your canvas then you know that those squares are going to match up correctly and you won't have any warping okay let's paint I also I grabbed some cardboard mark head cardboard this morning so I went ahead and cut it to the white width of this and we'll see if we can use it for our it sometimes it works really well for stuff like this not sure if we'll need it or not but I thought I'd show that to you just in case so let's go ahead and first thing let's go ahead and do our deer and then we can work on our your what our deer our sheep sorry okay it's one of those days and here's my life is that exciting that I had cardboard this morning so Marcus I brought a cardboard dilemma this morning you know and I just was like he was trying to mail that cardboard on with a rebate and I was like you can just peel that front part off just like don't ruin it and yeah I'm not going to have done this a few times that's $50 my first rodeo hmm so I ended up with the cardboard he didn't know why I was you that I actually had an ulterior motive he's grabbing that cardboard go back with the palette knives okay so it's yeah if you missed that palette knife painting um on Tuesday night was a lot of fun very very very simple it's not supposed to be high art somebody was like this that that's not real art or like fake art or let me like that I'm like I don't even know what that means fake art people's get a life it's just for fun my goodness well some people take art so so I don't know I'm like oh no that their home by own and Quarantine they've got to spread more of their vile you know yeah through the internet then just right there perfect person so yeah the art police are out in force now they're I don't know if she just goes through and just finds videos to bash I got a lot of really weird comments this week it was kind of it was really lovely they must be really fun at the family reunion I go they got they got blocked real fast what I don't play with that pretty much like I don't allow it in my Facebook groups and I certainly don't allow it on my channel so I don't know you did treat other people like that in my facebook group I'm not gonna take it from a bunch of strangers I just I'm like you don't get to spew that kind of hatred if you've got a constructive criticism I'm happy to hear it but if you're gonna just leave a really mean comment yeah that's going bye-bye real fast okay let me I've got this great sorry I don't know how I got on that subject though you talk about the barn which somewhat drawl comments oh oh yeah yeah that palin i fainting yeah we chased that squirrel all the way around the tree i did I chased it good they heard more than they wanted to okay burnt umber and ultramarine blue and people are always sweet to leave me comments and like don't listen to them I don't I trust me I don't I only mention it because it it kind of bewilders me why people are that way and because I just want you to know that you're probably going to come across that too if you start painting and putting your art out on the internet you will have people who are gonna have opinions about it which is fine they can have their opinions but you don't have to engage them I don't ever engage those kind of people because they're do those kind of I don't have time for those kind of useless conversations in my life so don't try to convince them that you're right just block them yep and if it's a family member I'm sorry like I don't know what to tell you but but you don't need to hear that it's you get a whole lot more enjoyment out of art if you leave if you leave those kind of people out of your experience exactly alright umm oh you see I think I'm going to fit this brush in here we'll see how it goes just going to put this little darkened area like just slightly slightly visible so I want to keep it fairly dark just a little tiny bit of this lighter color so this is the burnt umber and ultramarine blue they're almost 50/50 it looks like it might have a little bit more of the blue in when I mix that white in it turned a little bit more on the blue side which is fine we're gonna add more of the greys in here too and I might not have mixed enough of it because we're gonna use it a lot on our wood so I'm just gonna go up here and I'm just gonna lightly kind of and I'm using this stiffer bristle brush because it's going to give me kind of streaks so that's why I grab these ones for this go right over and if you want to you can use your ruler it'll help you kind of keep your line straight it'll make this a whole lot faster we were invented that it's a genius I know probably too light but we can always go back through and add dark darker shadows over the top of this so well I'd rather go a little bit too light with this then not dark enough or the nightlight not light enough because then you just gonna have to go do it again so okay somebody's asked what if they just started with the plain white campus watch and I would paint it black first and then try and trace your design on it okay so you recommend making it black regardless yes yes it it'll take a little bit longer to we'll probably need a couple more coats then we might have needed for our deer or our sheep but I'm gonna say that a million times today I can tell you already I'm gonna be calling them deer sorry I just apologize if Mark doesn't catch it they are sheep no matter what I say you don't listen to what I'm saying so we'll have a translation here equals sheep right and brush equals knife yeah but here's a brush okay so there we go all right that's definitely too bright but well well like I said we'll we'll fix it later all right I think I'm gonna go ahead and while I have this paint wet I think I'm just gonna go ahead and put my kind of first layer of my wood on in this outer area and then we'll let it dry cuz we're going to have a couple coats so let's try it with this I'm gonna use this side that has the holes in it there's a side that's kind of straight and there's a side that's got more texture I'm gonna use that side and see if that works it may be too textured but we'll see I'm just gonna scrape flat some of this and I'm gonna get some of the then I'm gonna go through the dark too so I have a little bit of the dark and the light on and just like we did the palette knife I'm gonna scrape it on kind of push it flat and then scrape it so that I get it along that edge there and let's see how it does so we're gonna go right up against this and I'm gonna kind of hold it straight up and down at first and then I'm going to lift it up just in it I give you an interesting texture doesn't it kind of like scraping with a credit card - you'll get a similar look to it if you use a credit card so but this is a nice weathered wood look also pallet knife would do similar so let's go ahead and we'll just keep on we'll do this whole area with this try to keep my lines kind of straight here this board kind of meets up with this one they're not it's kind of like one board it's cut right there and we'll need like I said several coats cuz we got all that black on there so we'll do but yeah it's a good little head start in it looks good Thank You Amazon for the free cardboard okay they wanted for sponsors now - not yet but you never know yeah you never know alright you know they kind of wore when they did the audible when I kind of blew it on that type that sponsorship all right let's clean my hand now we can work on our shape got a head start and get my hand clean because you don't want to work with dirty hands or painting stick to each other so if you've got dry paint on your hand and then you touch it onto your canvas and dry paint on your canvas it'll transfer kind of like you're like a rubbing you know if you've ever done one of those where you you know you have a decal or something and you're rubbing the design onto another surface that's what will happen with this paint on your hands because it's such a thin layer and when it sticks to this thicker paint that's on your canvas will just pop right off your hand and you'll end up with a bunch of little marks on your canvas that you didn't intend all right clean hands there we go let's go plus so you want clean hands anyways right right now everybody's talking about hmm okay so we're gonna kind of work reverse almost usually we work and put our dark areas in over the top of our light areas but so we've got our dark area there first so let's go ahead and just I want to use the quarter-inch Willa's blender and let's see how this goes I'm gonna get a little bit of water on it I'm gonna use this gray so this will be kind of our base for some of our sheep wool color yeah I'm gonna use the unbleached titanium because it's got a lot of yellow in it and that'll be our yeah that'll be a good color for us so it's all in this areas in shadow but I'm gonna glaze that on that shadow on so I'm gonna put this all kind of monotone almost to start with I might you know add a little bit of the darker in some of these shadow areas but for the most part I'm not going to worry about the values right now I'm just going to get in my my texture as my and put it lighter than you think you need it so a little bit of weight to it and also remember that this will dry a little bit darker so go a little bit lighter than you think you need when you first put this on I am I really like that having this dark underneath too because it makes a little bit easier to get these kind of pockets of shadowed areas in our wool we can just leave a little tiny bit of that dark showing or we can sort of scrape through the paint so that we have like a thinner area of paint in certain areas yeah and I'm gonna use it just kind of tapping and overlapping the colors just a little bit you can see I'm just leaving some texture there we'll probably need a couple coats of this to get a good layer going but for now we're just gonna try to lay on a fairly thick amount of pain mmm is that your quarter what is it the quarter inch blender yeah it's a quarter inch blender I don't know that I'll need the bigger one I think this one just because of the size of the canvas would probably be easier to control this size going around the mouth here as we go down this way the brushstrokes are going to go vertical they're kind of going this way around the sides and then they they kind of go flat this way a little bit there's not as much variation in though I'm gonna go ahead and add some dark areas in there okay then as they go down here they're gonna start to get kind of more shaggy and kind of run in lines with little openings between them and I probably it's probably not as dark as that black so I'm going to get some burnt umber and burnt sienna and get this gray color here and I'm gonna go ahead and kind of put it in some of that underneath here and what we'll get will probably glaze over some of this but the only areas that are gonna be really almost black are gonna be like maybe down in here but a lot of this other fur is gonna have some a little bit of a lighter tone under in there shadow areas so put some of this gray gray Brown under some of this just give us something to play off of here we go I'm just gonna can I go fast I think that it'll probably look better if I just kind of look at the direction these brushstrokes are going and just go ahead and go to town here on it and not overthink it too much I think if I kind of go slow and really kind of lay these in really carefully they're gonna look a little bit more manufactured you know so I'm just going to kind of make sure my brush is kind of going in the right direction here for this first layer and just go ahead and lay this on pretty thick and quickly leaving a little bit of that dark showing in places that looks good and we could do the whole painting this way we could kind of keep it pretty loose and impressionistic style and I think that that would look really cool so it's up to you whether you want to take it to the next step you could just do this and be done with it you know so and if you're doing it with kids that's probably all I would do I would probably just kind of focus on this part of it and do kind of some interesting little and do darker down here so that we're getting nice dark shadow areas down in here the legs I don't know why I was gonna get quiet when I'm painting them certain areas I'm like really thinking about it I get quiet okay Shh gonna sneak up on it okay and then I'm kind of putting the lighter color on top just a little bit I still had some of it kind of in here so I didn't you noticed I didn't pick up any paint I just kind of pressing down a little bit harder and it'll get those lighter colors that are on my brush too gonna come off let's get some more of the lighter color we're bringing in today you know I was just thinking that you know wow that was home I was working no wait it was nice and sunny on oh wait what's a Thursday Friday oh so now I'm off today no you can't you have time to go outside raining and so yeah so yeah that's just normal but I'm glad for the rain yeah our garden will be everywhere yeah play finish transplanting the carrots this morning oh you did good Jesus done yep yes I did honey I use this be careful of babies even if only half of them survive we'll have like a zillion I know they're yummy and then the next will be the the tomatoes yes get this staked you need to go to the store and get some supplies to do it but you will let me go to the store no I won't tomatoes you're more important than tomatoes oh that is a Sweden one of the sweeter things you've ever seen honey cuz I know how much you like Tomatoes I never wanted you to like me high praise okay so I'll put myself above Tomatoes on the chart alright so you can see kind of what I did there I kind of went and put in this sort of medium value first and then the lighter value on top that'll kinda help with the layering so you know put your kind of dark darkish medium over the top of this black and then two or three more layers of and just progressively lighter as you layer on your upper layers so I think that that's smarter then over here I kind of started with the lighter layers and then I realized that that wasn't quite working so doing it with the darker layers first and then layering the letter on top is is the way to go so LeDoux Iranian ASMR here yeah sounds like a rain machine kept burning raining we've got all kinds of sounds we don't know today she was so funny she was just like jumped right into what I was doing there she was laying there on the table yes minor on business 30 minutes before even the show yeah her cat as soon as we started she jumped up jumped right into the frame you know where she knows she's independent she's napping yeah her jobs done she she had her cameo for now she'll be back oh yeah she'll be back if I go too long she always gets impatient and she wants me to finish she'll come up and interrupt me again later so burnt sienna here a little bit of yellow oxide and I'm just gonna add some of that color this into the warmer Browns too so just want to say hi Taylor buddy if you're new hope you enjoying which you're watching hit the like button the thumbs up and subscribe and subscribe yeah and if you want to make sure that you don't miss any of our videos even if you're a current subscriber you can click that Bell icon and it'll send you email notifications when I do new videos at some point sometimes before she starts sometimes well after her yeah but at least you gonna will get notified how are you well it kind of makes sure that YouTube algorithm doesn't always do the best job of predicting what you want to watch so alright I'm gonna get some of this lighter color I'm mixing this brown in with the gray that we did down here and some white squeeze it do some of these I'm just gonna setting my brush down and wiggling it a little bit we're going it up right starting where I want the color to be brightest because it'll always kind of be thicker in the place where you first set your brush down so set it down and then kind of wiggle it up as you lift it to get this texture okay go pretty-pretty all right it's definitely it looks like enough pencil line well I broke another one shoot had a couple of pencil it's in my lap why are you keeping him in your lift well I they dumped out I didn't catch him when I changed it out apparently and I guess I am this obsessive about making sure my stuff is put away so that's yes I am I'm pretty tidy with my studio I don't like clutter I can't work if it's cluttered I can't function okay what you know where everything is yes I did it's not necessarily not cluttered it's just everything has its place yeah it's not cluttered mom I have everything in bowls and like in little spots doctor I have a bunch of paintings that are not put away yet but they're all stacked up together all right so I mixed up some brown burnt umber burnt sienna a little bit of yellow oxide here and then I'm mixing that color into this the baby one is a lot more of the yellow tones so I'm gonna use the more yellowed colors on there get a little bit of the unbleached titanium titanium white here yeah and he doesn't have nearly as much texture to his wool so there's a little bit but I'm not gonna do nearly as much as what was on the mama I always want to say oh when you say Bubba I don't know what that's wrong from a song No okay now it should play my now you want to sing Bohemian Rhapsody whenever you hear me say mama I'm not a bad song for this just a part but all I do have that way well okay dark under the chin their dark kind of by that year the airs dark find in the areas where I'm seeing this dark color and again we can we can we can always make this darker so like on the shadow areas in here we're gonna want you know some darker for some some shadows to go in there darken it up I'm gonna put that texture in there cuz I kind of had a whole area of dark that didn't have any texture definitely need some a darker color back in here because I'm kind of it's too much fighting so I'm putting some that darker color back in just take a couple layers of back and forth until we get the right layering colors once you get your first layers and then you can kind of look at it and see okay I need you know I need more definition there and then you can kind of go back in and put the darker in a little bit more strategically where where you see you need it and then add your lighter colors and I'm going to go ahead and work on that in here it's about the same color as the baby right there and that's keep on working on the baby baby that's a it's Greek baby baby I can't say it right good day alright sorry I'll stop the stuff that torture [Laughter] if you've never watched it's great you are in for a treat this hilarious oh my gosh and the thing is my friend told me about it like four years ago she was trying to get me to watch it with her and I watched like one episode and it was like it was alright you know but I didn't get it but like it's really not that funny until you could get into the characters and then you're like oh my gosh this is the most hilarious thing I've ever seen it takes a couple's it takes a few episodes so you gotta kind of it grows on you alright so again darker color underneath kind of mid values now I'm going in with my lighter color my lightest colors and I'm gonna kind of place that was sort of where I want and very light fluffy kind of just setting my brush down and circling it slightly before I left tapping it to get this little fluff on the baby down here good day baby damn yeah there's some light coming around the corner here on the shoulder back here yeah tapping and leaving a little bit of that color shine underneath do the same thing here there are kind of lines so they're kind of coming in a v-shape right here from the shoulders and then this ones in the middle are kind of coming straight across so it's kind of does this sort of sweeping lines I'll be so cute first cute for the day if you're following along with the drinking game take one drink you know that people are laying bets on that today well that would be interesting how many times will she say cute today all right we shall see this may be maybe a record-breaking one cuz these are very cute okay just highlighting around the ear and if this brush is too big you can switch to a smaller brush and just tap it to get kind of the fuzzy texture happening I'm gonna leave this Center part dark for now come back to it top of the head hair is pretty dark in general some are pretty right I mean so I'm going in kind of with a fairly fairly light color and then we'll add our white on top of this you don't want to keep these moist over here cuz they'll dry out pretty quick on you so I'm gonna add just the tiniest little bit of red over here to my to my brownish tones that I've got going on here I'm gonna use this around the eye a little bit I'm gonna use a little bit of it in the ear I'm gonna get this dark gray use it in the ear I just off get some meat white you know blend over just right there somebody asked if they could use I'm gonna assume they're cotton swabs they called me here bud cleaners yeah yeah yeah I think so it might be a little bit hard you I'd probably not use them on this sized canvas if you were doing it I would use a bigger canvas cuz it it'd be really difficult to use them in these little spot spots around the face cuz it's pretty tight areas but for sure and the moma would work okay I'm definitely gonna have to switch to different brush here soon get some of that kind of great brownish color use it I've been on that head bit up into the air from nothing here I like the ear better when I first did it now I can I messed it up just left it somebody asked if the lunar blender would work just as well yes the lunar blender is basically the same kind of brush it's just a little bit different texture the bristles are a little bit stiffer but it's it's the same shape and everything should work just fine okay so adding the dark there and there and adding the letter mid-tones coming down right here shadow and we can glaze all this in later too so adding a little bit of the brown there I'm gonna get the white and add the white on the nose and the forehead no need to search to my smaller brush here let's go ahead and do it on the mama's face so we use the same weight that's got a little bit the Browns mixed in and again some kind of gray in here there just like a gray shadow that goes along this nose in front of the eye right there and then kind of underneath the eye a little bit and then we've already kind of got this cheek shadow in making sharp-eyed dark enough right in there okay and then right in between here these kind of meet and there's a little bit of lighter tone it goes from the eye toward the nose so I'm just gonna kind of tap over and you're gonna blend it into these two spots here this part is gonna be a lot lighter on the mouth right there this brush is doing okay to kind of get into these little tighter spots cuz a mama's got more to work with more room to work with I'm just leaving a little tiny bit at that dark color so that I have room to kind of go in and I don't lose my drawing do you know if the blenders come in a size larger than 3/8 inch no the blenders don't but the lunar blenders do lunar splendor largest size i think is an inch maybe see I think I have one yeah and it's the biggest one in the lunar blender and you can see it's it's the same shape and everything's just got a little bit of different texture five version a little bit different Oh try to do them out there now nope just too small and just let everybody know that your email went out this week with the April schedule yes April schedule is out we'll be posting it on Facebook and Instagram and stuff this week as well so but yes the newsletter people got a little sneak peek in it so got some really fun projects coming up we may have a I don't know we'll we'll see we may end up having some interruptions depends on how all this stuff goes we want to I've got some trips that we postpone that we're gonna try to get so if if things calm down we may reschedule some of it but we'll let you know well ahead that happens all right getting some of them oh if I got any left a little bit of that reddish pink red and white okay the yellow so kind of make it Neela's and Brown's gonna make it more natural fleshy toned color a bit darker there I have been sitting here trying to figure out what are they looking at mm-hmm I mean they're kind of looking over here at me hey I'm looking at you try not to freak out yeah no come on settling I could have that judgmental look they dude they're coming hmm really she's smiling now she's kind of she's smirking she's gonna like she's like yeah I expected that from him all right let's see I'm gonna switch to the little round little number one round here anytime you're spreading your paint thin like this it's gonna dry faster so you have to spray it more often and I can get the same you know kind of effect with this brush I just have to tap it so that the bristles sent a flare out a little bit and I can still kind of get those little fuzzy marks I'm looking for fuzzy marks not not you Marky I'm kind of fuzzy yeah don't start gotta give people something to think about well they're hopefully falling along with my painting oh yes that's what they're doing yes they're not chatting about food all right okay so let's get the black all right I'm gonna fill in that I with that I already can I had black there but just making it official here shaping out that I let's do the nostrils nostrils said mister assay that's weird it's have some kind of an art term no Mistral's nostrils maybe that's what they're called into foreign language and then I need that wait right here that little under chin it's not under lip it's it's a chin that's the word [Laughter] my brain comes up with all kinds of interesting phrases when it's in that our right side of its capacity does not come up with words very well you never know what it's gonna come up with it just grabs Rhett random words and pieces them together under lip under that that goes our right along with our poles yes exactly okay get in the dark and I have a little tiny bit of the red in here oops not quite that dark dumpin know that there's how do we color their don't make it too much darker than what's there it'll darken up as it dries so you don't have to go super obvious with it it'll increase in intensity as it dries okay let me get the white man I'm the very tip of my brush and just gonna do a little hairs right in there little bits of here come on thank you yeah it's gonna look pretty bright at first but I'm gonna top over it here in a minute so it'll come out tone it down tap around the edges there and kind of blend it in a little bit back up toward the taste there and then those little eyelashes here little bitty brushstrokes they're just gonna fluff out those eyelashes there's some I like right here and highlight right yeah I'm gonna get something that black round this out just a little bit right there so thy looks a little bit more open just bring that front part up just a little bit more right there okay okay one us we've got this little transition right here so put some of that darker color over top of the air I live in some of my shadow areas you know glazing can really helps change the tone all right I'm in all I think this needs to be obviously I don't think this need to be father back here that's under colors a little bit I don't doesn't start going dark until I'm fight it back there get that dark brown there we come little bit of the beige color okay so let's let that dry we'll see we're probably gonna you know do some more work on it but let's go ahead and get to work on the moma here some unbleached titanium here a little bit of the white I'm not really telling what colors here but I I'm n shinned what colors I'm using when I first mix them so you can kind of see what I'm dipping into you may want it if you're following along you may want to set up your palette the same with the same colors in the same spots that'll help you follow along easier or mark it you know just take a screenshot and write down what color mixes I used in those certain areas cuz I'm not going to repeat you know every single time what exactly I'm using so I know that can be kind of confusing if you're trying to follow along okay let's get some black and add it to this red here use it to shadow night year it's a little bit of it over here too [Laughter] right there I want it really dark so I'm gonna get that really darkest color and just put some real dark right there right where it goes down Ian did the same thing with this one for the ears real dark and right down in there is black okay let's see this black on the eye I'm going wider with it because I'm I'm wanting to put that coat the eye in underneath where that eyebrow our eyelashes are gonna go so go a little bit bigger with the eye than you need to and that way your you've got room for your eyelashes to go on top get a little bit of the burnt down right here that around the eye sheeps eye balls are really weird - they're kind of like a like an oval so they go this way I think you're not really seeing much of it so you're seeing from the side but I'm gonna get some I love a yellow and little bit of that unbleached titanium there and I'm gonna go around this side cuz I kind of got a little bit squared off right there round that out go to use this dark black in the nostril I put a little bit of the pink around the outside edges of it so to have a little bit of natural tone in there and get that little part that's really black black is right in the center and then it goes to kind of gray pretty quick does this kind of um almost S shape right here let me get some gray I'm gonna do the little split in the lip here I'm gonna exaggerate it a little bit right there and right here and then mark in that the mouth I'm gonna use this kind of gray to go around the outside of the nostrils just a little bit to tint get some of the medium brown here this was the brownish mixed with the gray and I'm just getting mixing it with that dark gray that I was just using and I use it around the nostrils here just tapping two great little dad's it color a little bit on top over here okay now it's just gonna be a matter of kind of softening out these colors so I've got a white almost pure white right here so I need to get this line right it comes out like this and curves around let me write it out too far this nose comes out over it just a little bit here okay tapping right up against that I'm going I'm going a little bit lighter than it needs to be right now but I need I need this color in here so I can get some of this darker and tap over right here okay and then that whole area right around the nose there's got color okay there we go and then this mouth part right there it comes down quite a bit right right on that lip it should be almost straight down from here where that mouth starts so bring it up just a little bit more are you doing over there helping the white over I'm doing all right how are you doing I'm just creeping hey hey it's gonna get a pretty pretty well yeah who's also into it an hour in 20 minutes here's know you this will be the main you know the hardest part that would all come together real fast so I want to concentrate make sure I'm getting right so this right here looks kind of flat so what I'm gonna do is give it a little little lift right there maybe too much but that all and this is coming down here I'm noticing I made this flat this way but it's actually at an angle C so this needs to come down right there my mouth part right there I'd only emphasize that smile too so to remind everybody that sometime after the show over there on slash angel fine learn the trace of all be available those will be at the doodle or level and above yes and not just this traceable but all the traceable yes for like three years worth of traceable and some from before that but not not very many from before that I didn't picture and allowed me to buy a tablet that allows me to do my traceable digitally now so it makes it a whole lot easier I used to have to do him by hand on paper and take a photo and just was a really long tedious process digital traceable to make it a lot cleaner to a pipe cleaner look and a lot faster for me cuz I can erase my mistake so I did you're working with permanent marker on tracing paper it doesn't always good now it's clean as you'd want alright so did the eye right here with white coming down this way the lashes and I light it on top of it and let's go ahead and go kind of connect that whole brow bone right there all the way up to the top of the head there and highlight it in front of the ear just a little bit with the white whoa what happened there yeah okay somebody wants to know what program you used to do the trace Photoshop Photoshop mm-hmm Toby I do because you can do layers so I did the layer of the image I take my photo of my painting and put it and then do a layer on top and trace the tracing and then and then remove the photo layer so it just leaves the tracing I'm to save it that way all right she's lookin pretty fierce I definitely need to do some some softening shading and things I'm gonna bring her nostril shape back around do the little center line here again she's doing all right she's got a cut cheekbone they're not she she's been doing two minutes to contouring she's got a little happy with her contour brush there that's pretty much how I do on mine I don't contour I can't see with my glasses I can only see about this much of my face at the time so so look at the real hi magnifying glass it doesn't make for really good smooth blends so maybe she's a cheap makeup influencer this is one of her Instagram posts yes yeah hashtag barn life okay he's my kind of Browns here to tap in some coloring on this guy let's get some so we need to define his leg there a little bit better so I'm gonna get some burnt umber and my gray I'm gonna use a little bit of glazing medium and Tappin darken that shadow up there isn't black hair this is actually pretty dark and then I need to shadow down the neck there so I'm gonna use the dark burnt umber burnt and ultramarine blue color we mixed up earlier with my glaze just start light you can always darken it up more but do you want to do too much too soon so I'm gonna pull this down and kind of connect it with right here there's no shadow that goes all the way down the neck right here clean if you do it right you should be able to see that texture underneath it should just tint the we're not into that shade the the fur that wool here so I want to work on that transition right there there's a little obvious space getting some of the medium brown there yeah I'm gonna get some that yellow oxide because that with my glaze get some of that brown that we mixed up earlier and we're gonna tint with the yellow oxide glaze a little bit that yellow one here don't go over this area cuz we've already it's wet it still I do want to get some that darker glaze and put it back here just realize that back here is dark too under the chin they're coming down okay and then we can put a little bit on the nose too it's glaze on the mama sheep and we can once we glaze then we can see if we need to add more the highlight colors a lot of times I'll glaze highlight glaze I like do it two or three times until I get it to the right you know balance so I'm gonna I'm gonna tap the glaze on so that it goes on a little bit irregular so that I leave a little bit of that texture in the fur there cuz there wasn't a whole lot of texture back there and just didn't want to lose any my texture there we go and it should be almost black when it goes down in here so I can do it a couple of times so that some of these areas are darker back in here really dark right there and then it should come just fade into my other colors so if if you need to you can grab some just glazing medium and use it to kind of aid that transition I'm gonna use some of this dark right around the outside of the face here to one the fur okay looks pretty good I'm feeling fairly happy with what's going on here so I'm not gonna do a huge amount of editing to it but I definitely do need to darken up this area so I'm gonna use that glaze and the more paint you use in your glaze then darker the heavier it'll be darker it'll go on some use a little bit more heavy application of the glaze here a little bit more paint than glaze but you can see I'm still doing it so that it's transparent you can see the under all the texture and things underneath it don't want it so dark that you can't see that and try not to go over your black too much because you'll get a halo of black there you may have to paint your black in again which is fine you may have to do that anyways but just kind of be aware that this will show up on your black even though it's a dark there it can show up as a kind of a hazy layer I'm gonna get a little bit of the grey and add that to that and I'm seeing a little bit of a baby body back here so I'm gonna just kind of do just a slight hint of something right there and you're kind of seeing it under here too okay definitely all along this line here is gonna be fairly dark isn't that grey grey will be a little bit softer than the black to do this so it'll just be a little bit more natural a little bit warmer to feel like under his Chin's a little bit darker so I'm gonna get a little bit of burnt umber mixed up with this gray do-right here and then let's see that I'm your mommy blend in her contours Oh unbleached titanium hair yep somebody would like to know do you do you use glazing medium when you glaze or just water down paint glazing medium yeah this is the glazing medium here that I've been dipping into I'm sorry I hope I hope I mentioned that I don't know if I introduced it at the beginning of the video not this is what I use here it's got an extender in it too so it's slow dries slows the drying process down a little bit so you have a little bit more time to a lot of glazing liquids will dry almost immediately when you put them on so this one's got a little bit of a slow dry in it so that it because you're putting it on so thin you just a lot of times don't have any time to blend it or do anything else if you're using a regular glazing medium so this one gives you a little bit extra time so you can push around the edges and blend it in a little bit before it dries starts to dry so I like the golden glazing medium I don't use any other glazing mediums I don't like him so I've tried them and I don't like them so I would not recommend any other ones but the glazing golden and they're not paying me to say that so do you like cleanings in him call me I do not like them sam-i-am sorry yeah well if you've ever tried to use another kind of glazing medium you'll know it's it's a really um frustrating process with acrylics because they do dry almost immediately on contact so you have to get it on just perfectly where you want it to be and then not mess with it because it lifts and does all kinds of really awful things so a little bit more of this I'm gonna have to reshape this a little bit again okay so using this unbleached titanium pretty much right on the forehead here to do I'm kind of going back and forth with the with the Browns and things kind of adding different mid-tones in there kind of some of this is in here is kind of more brownish undertones and up here there's some of that gray back under here so I'm just trying to add that in and then I'm gonna blend over the top of it but you're gonna have to it can I have the dark there first for it to have anything to work against so get my lighter color here my weight and there's this right here and from the I there's a little I like coming up right there almost like a little triangles shape I'm just blending out around it and there's a little one right underneath - there we go and then right in the front of where this sandwich is there what are you laughing at Oh Soni just got hammered oh really somebody got the band hit him banhammer what are they saying yeah being rude no just soft topic oh really our mods don't put put up with that good thank you ladies Dollar awesome yes they are they make my job very very very easy she's got a little hairdo you coming up here and I'll live I love that part she's got some squirrely hairs gonna she's having a bad hair day there god I gotta have that in there that's classic so just using the very tip of my brush you gotta kind of load it fairly thick to do these cuz you want it to go on heavy you want it to cover in one coat and you know with this black it's not gonna want to cover over so you kind of have to load up your brush real heavy and just barely touch it down and then you can kind of get these little curly Crazy's happening up here off the top of the head I should stop because I'm putting way more than there is in the actual photo take some of that off it's a party I know I'm having so much fun doing it it just kind of adding salt business and the front party on top exactly okay so I'm gonna use the edge of my brush and just tap in some lines coming back now I've got that dark color underneath so don't let it peak through I want light right here over the brow bone right here and then a little bit in the forehead right here a little bit over this eye right here I need part where the face is you know coming out at us it's gonna have a little bit more the light that nose looks very regal we're gonna put our eyelashes and make her look a little bit more sad they do have kind of sad look nice sorrowful let me get that white and you can use there your tiny brush this one was doing okay for me so I'm gonna have to stick with it and the eyelashes go forward I'm gonna go right up to that line there and then these ones kind of come out this way gonna change direction a little bit go right up over that black line just a little bit and we can always put that black line back in but you don't want it too dark you don't want to look like it's outlined so it's pretty good I think I line around the rim of the ear there too coming towards us that will bring it out forward I think we want it to be I'm gonna go ahead and put some more of this crazy hair back here just using this brush I'm just gonna squiggle with it it squiggle outside the border at the drying a little bit my favorite part of it it's so fun don't be afraid of your liner brush do not be intimidated by your brush you not some people aren't I like there are certain brushes that just practice with it more and you'll get used to it too you know that's that's a practice on paper will actually help quite a bit with the liner brush you can you can get I have a um a traceable I think it's available for free on pate Pinterest and I'm not sure if it's on my website or not I think it is somewhere but anyhow you can really you can print off anything you could print off words or an image or something and just use your brush make sure you wet down your paint when you're lining that's one thing that people don't realize is that you have to have your paint almost like a milk consistency so use some glazing medium a little bit if you need to because you have to add so much water that you're almost really under binding your paint if you're using heavy body acrylics it's easier to use like a fluid acrylic the I like the golden acrylics so when I know I'm going to be using my liner brush a lot I use a golden fluid acrylics and then just lay a piece of tracing paper over the top of your image whatever it is you want to trace and just go to town with your brush if you will do that practice practice practice with that you will get so much better and more confident with your liner brush even any size round brush you know this one is not all that small if you look at it but I can get these little teeny tiny lines because I'm you know I'm just barely touching the very tip of it down and I'm loading it so that it's come to a really good point another thing if your brush is not coming to a point you're not gonna be able to get a small line on your canvas your brush is only going to you know reflect what it's doing back here so if you've got a bunch of paint clogged up on it and it's not coming to a point it's not going to do a point for you on your canvas you're not going to be able to get a good good line out of it okay [Applause] I'm just going through here and highlighting where I want those brightest whites to be you may have to do this two or three times before it gets to be bright enough because it can take take a bit for it to show up okay she's got kind of like a little smiley face um you know like a little you know you got the smiley face icon where it does a little you know like this and the little thing around it that's really it's right here there is a little thing coming around the outside of where this line ends so be sure you get that in there it's really cute she comes up and then it does kind of this little hook back around in right there you darken it up just a little bit and make sure that I've got this and there okay we're gonna use this kind of gray and go on the top it's kind of a brown gray just go on top of the eyelashes and kind of shadow those in a little bit to make sure that they're gonna set down into the head if you don't then the eyelashes can look like they're not connected to the face so you want you don't want that and then shadow kind of underneath the eye a little bit to you okay I'm gonna do the same on this guy shadow right here a little bit shadow underneath the eye a little bit I'm gonna made that a little bit too big aren't there let me get some of the brown and come up there we go there's a little bit wait kind of a DAB right here down right there I'm white here just make sure this part is nice and bright right there and right here and then make sure the nose has a bright highlight right kind of underneath right here and then the lips cut a little have I done it there and right here okay Oh kevie question okay unbleached titanium here use it on the fur right here his face is a little too dark yes what okay the person says they've been following your tutorials lately and they're having trouble with transparency okay says is when they're blending they end up having to do two or three coats of each color and it ruins it mmm any advice what kind of paint are they're using because if you're using a lower quality paint it'll do that it'll it'll take more layers like if you're not using the heavy buddy kerlix will cover a lot faster a lot more less layers so if you're using a cheaper paint then it'll it'll take more layers that's just normal so not a whole lot you can do about it you can try mmm well no I mean I don't know I was gonna say you could try adding white to your paint but then you're still gonna need to go over it again with your color so don't know did they say what kind of paint sorry isn't they did not they were they were not very transparent with that information you're welcome over here only okay well how wait until they tell me cuz that's probably I would suspect that's probably the problem and if it's not then they're adding too much water to their paint they did say that you're more helpful than people at Michaels well you got to think about the people that work at Michaels don't you should probably paint at all they just they're just working the registers and stuck at shelves I mean you may get lucky and find somebody who does but most part they're not gonna they're not gonna be super knowledgeable about painting techniques at least that's my experience they said their paint brand is p r PE r e hmm I'm not sure if I've heard I don't know I don't know that brand but yeah at Google okay I would suspect it's probably the paint then probably not thick enough not not opaque enough to cover I'm not even getting a hit okay yeah I don't know what the brand I've never heard of it so I would try getting you know I hate to tell you to get new paints but that'll probably do solve that problem pretty quick for you so if you're really serious about you know improving you could try using some getting maybe just try getting a titanium white you know you know you know golden or one of the better brands and using that by mixing your paint into it and it'll it'll make your paint more opaque that way tint you usually you can mix brands of acrylics as long as they all have the same kind of binder and everything they should mix just fine you don't have to use all one brand so that might help I'm kind of sort of semi glazing here not really but a little bit kind of going over these areas and I'm gonna use the unbleached titanium here to go back over all right they've updated the name mm-hmm do Pepi you hope heavy you oh yeah those are those are like a mixed-media paint I think I don't think those are normal acrylics from what I understand they're not gonna I've not used them but they do all kind of different I don't know all kinds of different effects and things so I'm not sure if they're normal acrylics or not if you're having trouble then there it's probably not your you know problem so yeah I'm not sure if it's acrylic or not I see that there's there's oil paints yeah I don't know okay I'm gonna come down off this nose here with the highlight kind of connect it right here to this part that's coming down around the face right here so it's almost kind of a little line right there I'm not doing here white here I'm just gonna doing sort of an off-white color softening up these here is there's girls kind of little things going on in the eye here or you know in the face here so you kinda have to just go slow here and transition the main thing is just gonna transition out these shadowed areas a little bit better so that they're not so harsh just like you would if you were contouring your face with the brush you put it on kind of heavy and then you kind of go around the edges of it blend it out that's just what we're doing here blending out those edges a little bit soften it up again if we get too much of the highlight we can always go back in and shadow it again later so all right I'm gonna grab the gray now and a lot of my white do kind of a very very light gray it's still had a little bit of that brown in my brush so that's fine too I'm gonna start right here on the face I'm going to start putting on some really obvious little lines in the wool using the edge of the brush I'm gonna do it up here in the high forehead to just a little bit you may not need this if you you kind of at this point you're gonna have to just kind of see where your paintings at look at it see where you think you need to shadow continue to you know add shadows and highlights you may already have it just right and you may not need to do this so don't feel like you have to do all these steps if you've got yours where you like it stop oh it's just checking paint sizes because the pebeo paints for the like the small sized Golden's that you have there are anywhere from nine to fourteen fifteen dollars mm-hmm yeah they're not cheap yeah I I don't know I like I said I've not used them so I'm not sure what what the deal is there but if you're having trouble blending I would suspect it's they're not super opaque colors so you may just have to add some glaze or some some of an opaque color like titanium white to get it to cover and then and then and then blend your color over the top you can always glaze back over you know your cut your area with color okay so here I kind of got a straight line there I don't really like go through that yeah okay but I'm wanting to really gonna do a drastic color here and then I'm gonna do one last glaze over all this so I want this to be really dramatic and if you aren't seeing anything and you need to go back in and darken up this these areas here so that you're getting a good contrast and I'm gonna glaze all over this whole area here again so cranking my brush and loading a pretty thick with paint so I barely have to touch it down to get it it's all fuzzy isn't my paint and there's some areas where I really want it bright so I'm gonna get some white and go and then hope that your stomach sound like Kashmir that was my stomach it's that jerky I had just before the show started thank ya thank you Karen yeah I never had a jerky working with its own dental floss you know it's gonna get real got a little too much there okay yeah but just barely right there there and there top of the nose I feel like the nose on this guy needs some help here I'm gonna get some and I think it's driving in my brush that's not good I'm gonna wipe down a little bit farther down on this nose here closer to the nostril okay I'm smudging out that line so don't have a super hard edge on those lines that are these little separation lines here's a little softer and get my black put my black in right here make sure I have a nice dark I kind of smudged around that area a little bit so it's kinda lost some of its darkness all right let's keep on going with her and I did yes here I'm just doing wiggle your lines and they kind of do this kind of depth pattern so it's okay to kind of do that just make sure that you're kind of keeping them random you know you don't want to have too much of the same same pattern happening so just try to kind of keep them a little bit and I'm gonna up here in the back it kind of turns a little bit it's not as obvious that close to the face okay get back here I'm gonna be darker we're gonna go plays over these just like we did before again get some white somebody's really obvious brighter highlights and then down here they're kind of almost like V shapes so I'm gonna kind of bring them down and sort of do them almost connecting and things like a little V formations like that and then down here I'm just barely kind of wisping it so that very light texture barely touching the canvas there and then where I want it more bold and obvious I'm gonna press down a little harder [Music] no need what you doing huh taking a break okay what you do it just making sure everything's okay oh yeah some of us don't have superpowers like you can just sit here for hours check Hey getting some white hair do the cheek it's a little bit more white right there let's let that dry we'll let it set I'm gonna do some of the white on the baby here just a little bit make sure the foreheads got good bright tones okay well let that set and dry really well and work on the wood I'm gonna come back to it okay so come on use this brush here and my ruler and try to just set it on my little bit be there but my wood tones gonna be this gray no I'm gonna use some burnt umber burnt sienna yellow oxide over here it's again a little bit dry okay burnt and unbleached titanium here looks pretty good I'm gonna work through the gray to with it so I'm gonna have kind of a lot of stuff happening on my brush here all at once I'm gonna set it right on that line there start coughing let's see allergies no you take the elevator said they get all dried out yeah I know it's hard to tell this time of year you're like every time I coughs I'm like what was that is that all right I think I feel good huh I feel all right okay I think I'm okay yeah when I went out last night though the car window was covered in pollen so when he used to wash her fluid is just like this green oh man I don't leave it sludge mm-hmm just Meriden around me he's in a little bit more of the burnt umber up here people need to get tested yeah [Laughter] I mean our son Nathan went and for asthma or asthma and he was having trouble breathing and they didn't even do a test on him like why didn't they they had you there I mean like I don't know why they wouldn't just do it just just make sure you know now I'm gonna be worried about him and then we said well why don't you come down here yeah no no he's having well if he was sick though I'd want to be with him anyways so I don't want him to be by himself if he was sick so no his new his new place he just moved in to apparently the air conditioning is not working so yeah it was very hot in this and humid it is barking yesterday mm-hm so we said well we got air conditioning here mm-hmm okay going a little bit more with the gray on this front part where it's more in the Sun it's kind of hard to I've got that kind of that wrong I'm let's get a smaller brush that'll make it easier I don't know why I'm using this thick brush back there like I can't put it oh okay well there's easy solution just switch brushes hinge smaller brush smaller space lot easier to fit of course this one's not round but that's okay this one these these wood sections are pretty pretty light there's not a whole lot of dark in there so I'm not gonna leave a lot of that black shine but I do want some variation so I'm gonna kind of leave it a little bit slightly transparent so that I get some striations in the wood in there get some of that lighter color that we brownish color do it some more in here the brown and then we'll place all of this all at the same time this is all dark back in here no no I just did that can't just killed it okay it's really dark right here there's like a little pocket right here goes all the way up to here and then now we're gonna switch back to this brush here get the brown and gray all in my brush just kind of swipe through the colors and then you get them both kind of on your brush there then depending on how hard you press down you get more or less at that color going straight up here getting that darker Brown I'm gonna go through that with the wet paint there I'm just kind of pulling that in do the same thing right here [Music] it's really kind of gray some like highlighter color leave in just a little bit of space right there just trying to get some streaks in this wood so I see the grain even these different bristle brushes can I've allow you to get that kind of streaks if you're not using this difícil brush you can still get this look you just kind of barely touch it down on the canvas you can kind of very lightly and your brush over and it'll kind of catch the texture of your canvas so still do it with a regular brush okay and then I'm gonna go this way we've already got some texture going on in this board so depending on how much you did before can leave some of that showing no wait and gray barely touching leaving a little bit of that dark in between here this is actually not actually I'm gonna go over that because this is actually in shadow back here so there's actually not a dark liner if there's a separation you leave a dark line if there's if it's just going from we're seeing the bottom edge of this board kind of right here okay and this is super fun doing these I I hope you try it cuz painting wood it's a lot of fun really not a whole lot you can do to mess it up go right over the top of mine I have my um is there me do like this and he usually health when you hold extra brushes in your other hand - that's one of the secret tricks at age of weirdly shares on the channel so just consider another pro tip sometimes you have to hold them in your teeth I do sometimes I run out of space in my hands so yeah we just left some of that dark brown black showing there and we don't have to fill it all in and then that area there we kind of did okay let's switch to the bigger brush this is where I think I'm gonna need the paddle I'm gonna use the like gray dark gray just tap get a little bit of that brown so I have all these different colors in my brush here and I'm just gonna scrape them on pretty pretty heavily you've a little bit of that black and before I lose it I'm gonna get my black hair and I'm just gonna go through and mark that separation there and then go right up to that line there I feel like I want a little bit more than blue some of that Browns on there people have a very quiet okay tapping it will kind of separate out the brush of bristles a little bit so it gives a little bit more of a rough texture if I hold my brush upright a little bit too I can get some of that texture just show better once I get that paint on there don't see how that works okay that's doing good so this petal rush is another Princeton mm-hmm line yeah red line let's come red line well where did they get that name from don't know oops I was off camera there is it in your brush poison link maybe uh it should be it should I think they carry him on the brush guys a lot I'll check [Music] yes yeah and if you use the brush guys link be sure that you're using the code Angela fine art because then you get five percent off so it gives you an extra discount exactly wow what is not cheap no it's not no that's why I said you can use you know something else if you've got it doesn't have to be this exact one everyone I know how much was don't carry us though it's listed for well yeah I guess this is like $18.25 oh okay that's not that not actually I thought about anything it's like 40 bucks that's pretty good for you - the normal prices 3650 yeah I was gonna say I thought that they were closer to 40 so yeah they felt they've always got really decent prices on their brushes that's why I'm really like working with them because I feel like they're not trying to you know gouge people brushes can be super expensive so so it'll be closer to like $17 with your discount right right which if you do it works good for you know like doing backgrounds - I use it for that - filling in you know backgrounds getting the white here doing some using the edge of the brush [Music] straight lines you can kind of go back over them to kind of blend them in a little bit look too obvious but you want the you want some highlights around especially like on this little guy right here down here I think I just got paint in there and I got paint right there to where I didn't want it and I was doing the first little bit to go back there with my black hair they're not up okay use this one but doesn't lines in there I think it's doing all right just a little bit water this area down here is gonna dark but I'm gonna go ahead and put some light color down there I'm gonna fix it later this area here has got some got some pattern in the wood that's doing like this I'm gonna go ahead and just get a little bit this dark color in here right on the tip in a one corner see if I can't get some of that look in pattern also known as green green well it's not there we come get the paint a whole board kind of this color and then I can do it because it's gonna look weird if I have it's the only Park I saw there so just having it like right on the tip there corner I'm repeating that pattern all the way down it's been three hours what you have a please contact information on your wallpaper this interesting I know what you all paper says please contact oh yeah yeah you can set your phone so that when it's locked it says Li constant so if somebody finds your phone they know how to contact you no return it like as two times doll taught it Oh buddy I think you can still add that though all right getting the black uglies maybe a little bit of brown in our alliance between our words here can use your rule there if you need to to use the edge of my brush here makes it easier to get a straight line I find it's easier to use a flat brush to do lines than it is with a round brush because that flat edge just helps keeps it straight keep it straight and pull out from that just a little bit while that paints a little bit wet maybe add okay it's easier to do the obviously to do the green this way so if you don't want to do that just leave your normal it's totally fine trickier to get it to look right and then I'm gonna use the dark color and add a little bit of the gray to it and do some knots in here so there's some little knots in some little lines coming out from the knots on either side does almost like an eye forever reminds me of you just make sure that it can on the center parts a little bit darker right there and then it kind of goes I should be about the same darkness as the darkest part of your board so you've got a lot of black and your board you should you know make it black that's up to you what's going through okay isn't it edge of my brush and I just touch in some areas and creating some lines in my wood texture the wood is kind of the star of this show as much as the Lambs are so I would take your time with it and kind of do it do it upright cuz it's pretty big part of them sometimes I kind of just let it be less distinct because it's sort of in the background and you're not really seeing it but this is such a big part of this painting almost half of it or more than half you know yes would so I'd say just you know good time get out your small brushes if you want to and do some little lines with your small brushes and small knots and things in the wood I'll just use the corner of my brush I feel like it kind of does some fuzzy things around the edges of the knots and it makes them a little bit a little bit more natural looking kind of not is if I use a around verse I tend to get a little bit more fussy with it you know this using this kind of brush it kind of forces you to kind of do it looser and lighter and you get kind of these little rougher patches and things happening and I just think it'd look for me it it works better so the dot and kind of a circle is round oval around the outside of it and then then we're gonna put our nails into that oh hell that'll help that a lot of water realism to this I mean the highlight parts of that once you get that knot in there then you can highlight around like on the inside a little bit too that helps make it look a little bit more real come back in here and kind of highlight some of these parts of the grain that's sticking out got some cracks all the way through it so if you want to make the cracks gonna stand out put your dark color on there and then get your highlight color so get some nice light gray go right up against that crack Pink's are all drying out right up against that crack and just do it kind of a very small line right up next to it that will push back that crack push back the crack that should be yeah PSA just say no is that for plumbers huh [Laughter] [Music] okay I'm gonna do the same highlights kind of right on the edge of that board right before where it goes down in bring that part up ward a little bit and anytime that you're having this light color right up against that dark color it's gonna signify that there's a space there and it'll bring whatever your lighter color is forward so we'll do it right here to there and then I could separate my brush there and kind of just pull it so I'm gonna blend it in a little bit a little bit more and also kind of makes those boards look a little warped if you have some of them kind of having you know more raised he is more white okay oh he's looking good like okay let's put in our nuts or nails so can get the black a little bit of brown glaze yeah I'm gonna just mark where I want my nails to be so your and also gonna use this to reinforce my dark areas if I need to there [Music] and those out just a little bit know when I'm dark but I don't want like a super okay and these are very kind of rustic so they don't have to be perfectly spaced or anything little bitty ones a real small can separate your boards too there is kind of some bleeding around them so you can use their you could use your burnt sienna and kind of pull some burnt sienna around some of these to kind of show some rust lines in your wood just very lightly gonna keep bowing to go in here I'm gonna make some of these outside not in line edge of my brush here to scrub in some dark or this default area down here is just kind of broken boards jackin it all that a little bit and then reinforce that gonna crack that's in the wood right here that black there we go you sure there's a good dark shadow line right up underneath right here [Music] and that kind of blends out on the bottom a little bit but it's pretty real thick right there right up next underneath that board don't pull that board forward to okay I lied underneath this board push that board forward a little bit I like or shade under this board huh same highlight the shade under that board a little bit using this glazing medium here let's go ahead and keep on with the nails there's a there's a split in this board but I'm not gonna paint that in right now just gonna put it in like it's okay then I'm going to get our gray if I can point them like gray make it grab some white and just mix it with it we go and we're going to dad now our nail heads on right in the middle so you want to leave that dark around the outside son of it's just kind of dabbing that nail doesn't have to be solid line you can kind of there is a little bit of two-tone in there I'm not gonna get too detailed with it though if you need to you can such a smaller brush if you need to fit it in the little space here that I'm really I think I want a little bit of the the burnt color burnt umber color or not burnt sienna mean in there to go back in there and so that's pretty it's not super light so there we go the shadow back over those once I get those in there with a little bit of that dark color and the burnt you know just these little ones they're pretty hard to see doing okay mm-hmm just that means once again on how awesome it is oh thank you nice sweet kind of like you know what you're doing you should be teaching this to others hopefully hopefully I know enough but I'm still learning and I hope that I hope it helps that's my main thing I'm just kind of trying to make it easier to can I have fun and enjoy this like I do I enjoy it so much and I love getting to share it with people who appreciate it I'm like my friends and family you don't paint they appreciate it but they don't really get into it like I do so it's nice to have group of folks that really enjoy it watch your videos and paint along with us all right gonna use this glaze here on the Sheep this is that burnt umber and gray black kind of mixture there darken that up and then I'm gonna darken up this inside shadow right here with it along that board there make sure I've got shadows under all of these boards that are overlapping right in here mmm glazing some of these parts here what can I help you especially kind of around those nails things I want it real dark right here and then I want to get some of my I like wood color and just do some highlights right along that edge pull that forward make that separation between these boards real obvious somebody just asked how do you get your paints to slide so easily um well I'm keeping them wet that's the main thing you know they'll they won't they won't move without water so keeping them what it's real important and this is unbleached titanium here they're starting to they're starting to fight me though because they've been they're getting dried out so you know at this point you really probably even paint in a couple hours you probably need fresh paint out but I spray them pretty often just to keep them moist while I'm working that helps a lot and you know if your paints not not flowing on the canvas then that's the first thing you need to do is just add more water to whatever it is you're doing it's the me Aloha Cod burnt sienna here this one's in shadow but it's still getting some light our lights coming from over here fine nah I'm fun fun does the water start to get excited cuz it's starting to look like omen do you know this is the best part the painting process it's all those layers building up building up factly and then finally it starts to be like a ho that's what she was doing so you're just gonna have to trust the process it's gonna look worse before it looks better you when you're painting this if you're painting along with me and you're getting frustrated because it doesn't look like you want it to you know you just need to stop and look at mine and see where mine would look like at that point and you could probably see that mine didn't look all that great either you know I think when you first start painting you don't realize how many layers it takes for your paints your paintings to start looking good so that's kind of the one of the first things I would say is just kind of trust that process trust trust that I will you know that will get it looking good and usually your paintings not gonna look all that great until the last like couple layers and then it's gonna be like oh wow you know that's where the magic happens but you know it just it takes time and with acrylics especially it takes some layers to get it to look right our sheep are gonna look like really weird blobs until you know you get the glazing on here even now there's they're not quite where they need to be so we'll start with glaze and it'll get it'll get there and you know I might let this wood dry and do a couple more layers of the light highlights on there once I see can I where the wood is at you know if it needs it so just kind of know I'm using that kind of the edge of my brush just to kind of do some lines and little textures and things in the wood every time you're doing a line like that'll just look like a crack so you can really get away with a lot of a lot of things with the wood when you're painting with it you know paint in it it's it's one of my Wyatt's kind of some of my favorite to do because really can just kind of let your brush happen you kind of don't it's kind of like palette knife in the way you can't really predict exactly what it's gonna do sometimes because when you're doing this sort of dry brushing technique it's gonna just catch on the canvas where it wants to so you just have to kind of go with it and though it may not be exactly what you hadn't intended but you know stop before you cover it you know stop and look at it and it may be better than what you originally wanted it to do you know look like so you just kind of I found it just it's better to sort of go with it with the wood thing just kind of let it happen and do its own thing and then it doesn't have to look exactly like mine it's probably not going to and that's okay okay let's glaze glaze I'm gonna be done [Music] you sighing about are you ready to be done no you said glaze but then I realized you weren't talked about Donuts so you have cinnamon rolls no we did it negative yeah I think it'll be dinner it's definitely not on your diet though true very very true all right I mixed the burnt sienna burnt umber and a little bit of the black here and I'm gonna use my glazing medium and keep it fairly light to start with and can always add more start along the edges here I've switched to the 3/4 or three-eighths inch angle because I can get use the very tip of it to get really get down in here in little spots and control it a little bit easier than bigger brush you may or may not have to glaze all of these areas so you just have to kind of see where you're at with yours you want some shadows coming up from the edge of the boards though for sure so just make sure that those are shadowed that way your only atoms don't look like they're coming out of nothing or stuck on top you know want a little shadow right there mmm might dad off just a little bit right there yeah maybe a little bit more the highlight color right here yellow I'm gonna use a little bit of the yellow with this brown burnt sienna yellow oxide mixed it with this dark brown color so it's kind of tinted we use it down here this area under here is a little bit more yellow toned under the neck face so I'm going back over those contour lines that we had before just kind of shadowing them and softening up everything let's get a little of the darker glaze do it along this outside edge yeah around the outside of the ear to make that pop forward around the outside of the face here again doing the same thing just kind of try to get that no you said what paper talon just kind of dad tap back over just to soften and blend that out a little bit while that glaze is still why don't do it while it's drying or you might have issues um get something really dark black hair my glaze I'm gonna go right along that edge all the way down shot of that like it's just going down into nothing I'm wiping my brush clean and so I using that wet brush just sort of pull that glaze out just a little bit make sure that I can still see some of that texture of my wool if you do too dark you know just gonna disappear it all together but that's good getting some of my glazing makes a huge difference it's really really important okay when I did my nest paintings I used to glaze probably four or five times I would put in my my nest and I would glaze and then I would put more nests and glaze again and put more nest and glaze again same thing with the eggs I I had a whole series of nests and nests with the eggs and did I paint it for a while and that's all the glaze was everything that just made it so much more realistic looking okay now want a little darker right there I'm gonna get a little bit more if you want it darker just use a little bit more paint always paint more up here I like color too so this doesn't have to be the last layer and it probably won't be here I'm gonna add a little bit more of my highlight color in some places I'm just want to very very lightly tint this whole area give me a get a little bit of the yellow a little bit of that Brown and just tint this whole area with just a little bit of that color cuz the bright white is only in a very few places so you don't want it to be too white everywhere okay oh okay glazing in that white that we put on earlier just to kind of make sure it's got some good raishin it looks good face looks good pretty happy with most of that so let's grab my my brush here oh well you get a little bit of my unbleached titanium but mostly white maybe a little bit of this gray if I can get some that's still wet yeah there we go so it's mostly white a little bit of gray a little bit of unbleached titanium yeah I'm just gonna use it in just a few areas really barely skin bring that color out in a couple of areas barely touching make sure that your nose is nice and bright if it's not add more to it mine's doing okay so I'm not gonna need it it's good tip especially if your name is Rudolph make your nose so bright yep maybe this she pulled guide my sleigh tonight maybe make sure your bottom IVM out there on this guy's got enough of the white I'm just gonna use that to very and I'm gonna pick where I've already got the bottom of my little areas here I'm gonna highlight those so I'm not adding new areas of highlight here I'm just picking places where I've already got this highlight color and going right at the very bottom of those little V's so that I'm getting really good bright highlights right then those little tips just few areas doesn't have to be everywhere now that is the knotch to kick it up to yeah makes a big difference when you've got that glaze and you've got the dark areas anywhere you put this lighter color it's gonna really draw the eye so just be real careful about where you put it don't overdo it I'm not gonna go down in my shadow areas because then then that bring those forward in it would look weird so when I just keep it right in this area in the front right here where you know I have these brighter areas happening and then if I do want to get if I do have an area where I have I want some highlights like maybe in here I'm gonna use a darker gray for that and just I can still highlight it maybe but I need to have a little bit of a darker color attack on my highlight maybe use a little bit of the unbleached titanium yeah right there okay so I can use it on Bosch titanium in some of these areas it's just up to you how much of this you want to do and how many times you want to do it because you can do it multiple times like I said you know do this glaze it do it again glaze it but I don't think we need to I think we've we've already glazed it twice so I think that that's pretty much all we're gonna need hair it's it's looking pretty good I'm gonna add a little bit here with it smiley chicas try that again cuz I didn't come off my brush very well all right all right I'm gonna start to say thank you for watching today I'm pretty close to the end here I hope you guys are doing well staying safe staying smart I'm going to parties all these people went to Mardi Gras got sick the mom and me wants to come out and go yeah and I told you so but I said I hope everybody's doing alright it's a crazy time what yes Kashmir's coming up Josh Josh maybe you want to come see it come inspect the finished painting no she's working on dad you don't microphone over there ribbon all over it her scent all over it gonna get some of this like color she is like all up in his business took a picture of him trying to type hurdling she likes to get in there and lay on his arm while he's trying to type pretty funny and a little bit more highlight right on those eyelashes there and let's do a little bit on this guy's mmm that's not cheap let's do far over okay okay come this way is eyelashes come back that way thanks shadows to separate him out a little bit this this is a really nitpicky stuff so it's not really getting very technical there um I think I'm pretty happy with it overall I'm sure there's things I've missed that I'll find one as soon as I stop the video but it always happens that's the joy way of painting something alive for the first time I'm sure I'll have something really helpful that tells me what I did wrong as usual yes that's the chic bill so thank you very much for everybody who's joined us today and we had a couple three super chatters awesome so the first one was from mrs. homey and she says thank you for your show you're you you you you two guys save stressed-out moms you deserve so much more I so failure opinion yeah and then the next one's from Jan she says thanks for all you guys do you are awesome thank you and the last one was from sin and she followed up with the message that said she's been off the radar now busy with the kovat 19 at their clinic however I always watch the tutorials love them take the best of care oh thank you soon so thank you soon glad you're staying up safe yes we know Jan and mrs. homey yes thank you all all right Kashmir's coming over to see it you want to say come here you wanna see it Oh well you pay the girl yeah she likes it she just wants she wants some doves come here you want the brush it's right here oh yeah brush all right we'll let's say thank you goodbye take care of the kitty cat and we'll be back on Tuesday night we're a vote we're gonna do about reflections I think it'll be fun I'm definitely I'm gonna change up the colors a little bit make them a little bit more vivid it's got an orange boat I think wouldn't add some blues and purples to it to the waters it'll be really pretty so some turquoise and other colors and if you want a traceable for this or the reference photos there's different levels on patreon where you can get those slash Angela fine art give me more information and yeah see you next time thanks for watching guys bye [Music]
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 71,163
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: acrylic painting tutorial, how to paint, acrylic painting, learn to paint, angela anderson, canvas painting, painting techniques, sheep painting, farm animals, acrylic painting techniques, Easter painting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 38sec (11378 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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