Autumn River Landscape Acrylic Painting LIVE Tutorial

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hello this is angela anderson thanks for joining me for this acrylic painting tutorial in this video i'm going to be showing you how to paint a autumn river landscape we're going to be doing it step by step from start to finish got my husband mark with me hey there everybody you can chat for our live show today so if you've got questions while i'm painting you can ask them and i'll try to answer them let's get started [Music] alrighty so i'm going to be using a 9 by 12 inch canvas today this is a belgian canvas board from frederick's i haven't done anything special to it it's already pre-gestured so all i have to do is throw paint on it so um thank you to them for providing that i'm gonna be using a 10 bright for some of the background uh details like most of the larger areas there and then i've got a this is the summit series from princeton these are the princeton velvet touch quarter inch to 3 8 inch angle brushes those will be for some of the tree trunks and things i've also got a quarter inch dagger striper in case i want to use that for some of the tree trunks not sure if i'll pull that out or not but i haven't pulled it just in case i've also got a couple of liner brushes so this is a two ott script liner and a number one liner just for some of the smaller branches there's a lot of branches on this one in fact i think i'm gonna grab a uh if i can find it my 18 ot for the really really thin yeah there we go for the really thin this is the at not short liner for the even smaller branches a lot of branches on these trees try to make them go fast by using some fluid acrylic but we'll see how that goes sometimes those lines just take a while i've also got a number four round um in the velvet touch for some of the larger branches and then for the foliage and um grasses and things like that i've got a uh fan brush to ought fan or i'm sorry not too odd just number two fan brush uh four quarter inch three inch inch blenders and then i've got a variety of the the different stipplers as well quarter inch three extension 5 8 inch just use whatever you've got you're just going to want something that's got a little texture to it that you can do some stippling it could even be an old brush that's kind of frayed so it doesn't have to be these but uh princeton makes a great product they're our brush sponsor so thank you them for providing our brushes and for frederick's for providing our canvas um i've also got a um palette knife just for mixing some colors let's go over the colors really quick got carbon wow what happened to my oh it's just my my towel is off it looks crooked there my paints are crooked sorry i know is that going to bother you maybe it's yeah i might have to move him it really bothers me carbon black burnt umber burnt sienna quinacridone burnt orange yellow oxide cadmium yellow light uh yellow i'm sorry indian yellow hue cadmium orange cadmium red light uh quinacridone nope not quinacridone uh dioxazine purple i usually use quinacridone magenta this is one of the few pink uh paintings and i'm not going to use it uh ultramarine blue and phthalo blue green shade and then i've got unbleached titanium titanium white and zinc white and then this is my glazing medium if you don't have all of these colors just use what you've got that's simple i don't have to be the exact colors that i'm using all right so do you want to just cancel the show because uh so i can move my paint because the paints are all come back in because they're crooked i know just don't look at them see i know i moved my camera thinking it was my camera it's even worse when i move my camera back to where it's supposed to be that's really bad okay just press on i know i'll get to it i'll get through it all right so for uh welcome if you're new to our channel this is pretty normal so we're sorry don't leave me mean comments please we do us you do you so sorry for you okay so i'm finding the thirds here and for my drawing looks like the bottom of this trees here kind of start out just below the third kind of work their way up to it and then right along that third same thing here it's kind of just below the third and they're pretty much even across and kind of work their way up zigzagging to about not quite the halfway mark so if i find the halfway mark and come down a little bit uh that's kind of where this riverbank is right here on this side this way far one and it curves up like this and goes to right about the halfway mark here so that's this side of the of the river and i'm just using regular school chalk for this nothing fancy so like that and then this side we've got kind of this front area that you know i'm probably not leaving myself enough area let me see um yeah so right about the third this way i'm going to stop that riverbank right here and then it curves up to maybe just above the halfway mark right there and then we've got some trees coming up this way and then there's another one that is not quite halfway so somewhere down here underneath this mark there and it comes out and goes into our river here and that and yeah that's a little bit farther away yep that's about right okay so this should be a little higher than this part this part's a little farther away and then right even with this is the end of our river or where it snakes around this way probably i'm guessing and then up at the top here we're going to have this large area of trees that kind of goes down like this okay so the the thing about this is there's a whole area over here that's got all these trees that have no branches and the no branch trees take forever to paint so um i'm going to put a few of them in so i'll put a few of them but i'm not going to put as many i don't think as right here and i might put a few more leaves on them and that way it'll kind of fill them down and we don't have to do all the little individual bare trees to make take a long time i've found to paint so we'll probably do about like that and then here too we'll probably simplify this just a little bit so that we can kind of make a few of these trees kind of our focal point so that's about all i'm going to draw we're going to have some zigzagging in the water here there's some there and a little bit here but the rest of this is gonna we'll just paint it as we go so mainly we're just blocking in our major shapes here and figuring out where our sky's gonna be because that's where we're gonna start we're gonna start from the back to the front start at the sky and work our way towards the bottom of the canvas how are you doing hon good i'm doing great okay and anybody with us are they all outside enjoying this weather uh it's just you and me just me just us okay yeah but i just squeaked my chair good yay sometimes yeah and i have some birch beer nice i know that's very autumn type of drink in that birch too bad we don't have birch trees that we're painting that would be whole cycle that's your bed awesomeness i know um okay so i think i'm gonna add just a little bit of the phthalo blue too so a little bit of phthalo blue a little bit of ultramarine blue and then a little bit of brown and the brown just kind of tones it down makes it a little bit more gray because the autumn skies are kind of gray um sometimes maybe some sometimes they're not but all the leaves are brown they get even more gray in the winter and the skies are gray yeah but not not too gray you can see it's just so you know just toned it down just slightly so then this background uh that's probably too bright even me there we go so it's almost white i did it uh we're doing a mousse for um the 10 level uh challenge image this month in my patreon group and um this guy in that painting was gray too was like white almost so just interesting yes it is to me i don't know we're just yeah along for the ride we're just discussing how you missed the song prompt there but that's okay i i didn't miss it there's a difference i should recognize that by now getting some more phthalo blue here a little bit more of that kind of blue green down here and you can make this guy whatever if you want it brighter you can do brighter it's up to you it's your painting so you don't have to do it exactly the way i'm doing mine i think that's going to work pretty well though i'm going to mix up some more and i'm going to try to scoop this up i'm kind of using my brush like a shovel and then i'm going to just kind of twist and smush down real hard to offload whatever's in that brush kind of and try to get it all sort of in the same area here and that way i can use it later the smaller at the area the better i'm going to go ahead and use it right here though because this is the color that is reflecting in our water right here release somewhat we'll just have some color there to work with it's only really going there and it's probably a lot more white than this but we'll have this blue tone underneath it a little bit let me see i think that's good i'm gonna get a little bit of that unbleached titanium and put it right here turned a little bit like that and then using it a little bit on this stone that's coming down into the water right here okay that work i'm just going to brush off what's left on my brush here into the water okay so the next area here is this red up here this red trees back in here i'm going to go ahead and get more of the burnt umber and a little bit of the red there gonna get some water a little bit of the cad red light let me just get some burnt sienna burnt sienna's already got that kind of reddish color be good and then i want it kind of gray so i'm going to go ahead and get a little bit of blue the blue will make it turn it kind of more of a brownish gray neutralize that red a little bit it's pretty good alright so i'm going to get the deerfoot stippler here get more of that color and then i'm going to pick up that sky color because it's going to tint this yep there we go okay so we want to fuzz out this outer edge with some trees so i'm just going over the sky a little bit and i've got a lot of that blue from the sky in my brush so it'll just kind of create this soft smoky color that adding the blue to your far trees mountains whatever it is the sky from the sky color into whatever it is you're wanting to paint that's in the distance back here automatically push anything back visually so it's a really good little trick i'm going to get a little bit more burnt umber for over here it seems to be a little bit more gray i'm not worried about it being like any particular obvious leaf shape or tree shape i'm just kind of trying to fuzz this border out a little bit so that i've got soft texture back here soft and fuzzy okay i'm just going to pull this down and get a little bit more of that ultramarine blue and some of that burnt umber a little bit darker gray yeah there we go oops i put that color in the brush and set it down there never did anything with that unfortunately still wet enough to blend that a little bit okay so i'm just going to kind of fill in this area with what i have on this brush which was that kind of fishy reddish color having that burnt sienna in it okay am i staying on camera good uh at least your hands and the painting are good you overall know that's how we do yeah that's how i do the whole reason i do this is so i don't have to make up for my job so until it defeats the purpose if i'm on camera i did comb my hair but it doesn't look great it's been a few days since i washed it so probably washing hair day today to say all right i'm going to get some ultramarine blue and burnt umber here i'm just going to let this dry because i'm going to put other stuff in there but i need to let that dry so while that's drying i'm going to go ahead and put in some of this riverbank what were you starting to say you're starting i said something about taking a shower what happened you're still going i think what happened duplicate stream key you you change that to variable instead of put that back onto our that one look down here and see if we're even connected no you are let's let's see oh yes yes you are i'll see you just keep going okay getting some burnt umber here is it fixed and santa here this is probably too dark for way back here but we're just doing the undertones so i'm just gonna go with it okay and that gets this blue did it mess up this stream weird well that's good yes it's good for me it's good for me too because i don't have to go back and fix something which is good for me which is yes exactly exactly i'm literally sweating add to what i have to do i've broken out into a sweat i am a stern past massacre master you did what okay a little bit of purple in here just to make it a little bit darker and really it's not going to be dark because look at how much white i saw it on my brush it's not going to be full dark but we're going to just get some of this color on here this is still a little bit too light but sorry this is just the undertone this is a rock that comes down here to the water okay so that's still not dry i'm gonna get uh four around here and i'm going to use this brown bertina color and get a little bit of this red orange mixture that was up there and whatever color it was that we were using up here i'm going to use down in the water right here excuse me and it actually goes all the way down to where this one comes out so oh this part of the water just going right over that blue all of this is reflecting those trees and get some of that blue sap and just run it through back and forth here to kind of blend it into what we got going on okay i'm gonna get some of this purple brown here and i'm gonna use it on the farm bank okay defining that and then there's really not a whole lot else in here that i'm gonna do i'm going to get some of that blue a little bit more of that reddish cadmium red light here some of our sky color and i'm just going to tap in some variegation in this background area here once it's dry make sure you wait till it dries otherwise you could lift your color the first color that you put on don't want that get a little bit more of that reddish maybe even get a little bit of cadmium orange hair painter wanted to dry out on me today it gets that way in the winter time it gets real dry so i just get some white hair just has to be light enough to be able to see against here so i just need to keep adding a little bit of light color here till i can see here we go i'm using the tip of this brush you can set it straight down and just kind of flick it up to draw these kind of stick like things that are up here on this hill this is all very very far away so there's not a lot of detail here so don't get bogged down in you know doing too much here we don't want we don't want that i'm going to get brown add it to the red this is burnt umber here with some of the sky color some of the oranges i'm just running through all these colors colors is not as important here as the values so i just need to be getting my darks dark enough and my lights light enough in here the colors are really secondary considerations so um there's all these tree trunks coming off this way and then this far away we're not really seeing any branches thankfully though don't have to do that we're just seeing the main tree trunks so and back in here this is all like covered up by the front trees but i'm gonna go ahead and put some stuff back here just because we know there would be some and that'll just save us from having to fill in that space with other things in front so we've got stuff going on back here then it'll look a little bit more natural when we see through our trees that we're going to do in the foreground make sure you're going all the way down to the bottom of your ridge line there as far as like here you don't want to start your tree in the middle right here and have it floating so just make sure that kind of it's grounded see like this one was floating here let's do i mean some of them though could have something in front of it and that would make you know cut off the bottom part so that would be where it would kind of maybe look like it was floating all right so that's that's good that's a little bit dark but we're gonna be adding more layers in here so i'm not worried about i'm going to it some layers on top of that get a little bit of the more of that red this little area back into here is pretty red so now just kind of adding some foliage on top there blending them in a little bit these are very kind of smoky gray back here so it's not real bright so make sure you're adding some of this gray blue sky color to whatever you're painting in here so that it pushes it back visually pushes its color back what we're doing is taking the saturation down saturation of the colors the making them less obvious they're going to get brighter and more saturated as they get closer to us so if we desaturate these back here that'll automatically kind of push them back visually gray them out fit okay i'm gonna get some bleach titanium here some of the yellow oxide and there's like one tree right back in here that's kind of up high maybe a little bit closer to us and we've already got kind of i picked an area where we had sort of a tree trunk there i'm just going to add some branches up higher for it to connect to there we go okay and then let's go ahead and add some of this yellow over here and i feel so liberated over here why because i can lean back and forth in the chair without me you don't realize how stiffly you were holding yourself i know i just realized i went to lean back and i stopped myself like wait a minute i can do that that's great getting some of that burnt umber and just kind of tapping in some darker color with that this is that tree the tree trunk color oh this'll kind of help blend in those tree trunks a little bit and let's add a little bit of this to the yellows kind of just underneath give it a little contrast again not really overdoing it here these colors are all very close to the same value like if you took a picture of black and white in black and white right now the this whole area would be very close in darkness some red doing the same thing with the red okay i think that's pretty close to all i want to do back here [Music] get a little bit of yellow oxide with these reds here the cadmium orange and cadmium red light i'm gonna bring some of it down right here just in front there's kind of a little bit brighter tree right here that's getting caught by the sunlight coming through right here and then a little bit of there we go just using a little bit of lighter color here to put some highlights on these branches that are sticking out okay that's pretty good so i'm not going to clean this brush out i'm just going to get some yellow got it cadmium yellow medium or light i'm sorry cadmium yellow light and i'm gonna switch to a smaller brush so pick up some of that color and i'm gonna go right along this bank get some white along this bank highlight that area come away from it leave a little bit of the dark area and do the same thing we're just going to create like tears of color here and i'm going to get some of this orange and add that in here too some white and then as we get down here we're gonna be i'm just gonna brush through that and pick up a little bit of it tap it out okay so there we go um i think i want to smear a little bit of the blue gray so i'm gonna get a little bit more of that purple ultramarine blue a little bit of the burnt umber i still have this orange on my brush i'm just going to kind of tap it in here underneath darken up these little areas here and then me get this and you probably turn the air down because it's it's really messing with my paints i don't want that air conditioner come on again what no i'm serious are you able to do that oh you got the fancy huh thank you okay just use my smaller brush here just even this one was not quite small enough okay i'm getting some of that yellow white stabbing little dots okay and there is a section here that i kind of missed that's a little bit higher i put some of that dark color back up there get some of the cadmium red light here put it above and it's got you know the browns and things in my brush so it's not full strength of this color but i'm just gonna tap this kind of bright red right along that ridge line there and then get some of the yellow yellow that in if i need to wait now there's some trees that are going to be back here but i think i can go ahead and do this first and then i can add the trees in add some more of it later so there's some areas in here that catch the sunlight let's come brightening up all right i think that will work for that side maybe do a little bit more right here that line in okay and then let's use it over here so i'm going to clean this brush out out as much as i can and just pick up more water and i'm going to set it off to the side over here so until i get to dry or get to clean it later all right let me grab this one let me see if i can get oh this is the quarter inch stair foot stippler i'm gonna use the same color so i'm gonna get some a little bit the orange and then get the yellow and yellow oxide i think i want a little bit of a greenish tint to it too so i'm going to get a little bit of the ultramarine blue there so it's got a little bit of a green okay there and then in the water right here a couple little spots of right and this really is almost white in here so it gets more white let me get some of that i'm going to tone it down a little bit for it as it goes back here i don't know why i brought it all the way up there i should have brought these trees down here this this thing only kind of goes right here but not going to matter i'm just going to use the front of burn burn sienna here just to kind of smush out this red line here okay and then i'm going to use a little bit more of that ultramarine blue and vertover mix to do some darker and through here contrast with and bring it up thank you okay and then there's some red reddish let's get some of this burnt orange here i think that'll be a good color i should use some of the burnt orange over here going to right now so get a little bit of the yellow makes it that burnt orange you could just use the reds if you don't have this burnt orange color really just adding a little bit of red tones in here okay so you're gonna get to this point or you know in different points in your painting where you're like this isn't turning out like this is probably not right i'm not doing something right here and just kind of know that your painting's gonna go through some stages like this where it doesn't look quite right yet and that's just a sign to keep on going don't give up um every painting goes through ugly stages and especially because we're layering so many different colors in different places um you know it can take a while to get the right balance you know so just keep going if you're you're feeling like it's just not looking right i'll just keep adding colors and see your next layer might be the one that makes it look good really what i found often it's the last couple layers of paint that bring a painting together okay getting some of that green mix mixing that ultramarine blue with that yellow to make a bright green and probably got a little too much right there but that's okay we'll just get a little bit mermaid red and orange a little white see how that does really just little dots and things and then there's some let's get some dark fruit very burnt sienna here i think there was blue some burnt orange still in my brush i'm gonna get just a little bit of the unbleached titanium which brush are you using right now this is the blender orange blender i'm switching back and forth to the i mean the one just before that one number four round number four round okay okay you can see right here where i touched over that wet paint while i was drying and it kind of lifted off fuller but i don't i don't think it's gonna matter right in there i'm gonna mess with it we're gonna have so many colors over the top of it i don't think it's gonna make a difference at this point so i'm just making sure that i go through here and have some really dark i mean it's like right in here this is on this black get some purple and blue and maybe just a little bit of black i'm losing my voice and go ahead and use this brush for around and dude this is actually going to have a tree right here coming through right through there go up to about there so just making sure that i've got it nice and dark underneath ultramarine blue [Music] it's got a little water right there you don't want too much water because the water will under bind your paints and then when you go to put your next layer on if you if it's wet it'll make a lift so i'm gonna get a little bit of phthalo blue here that's pretty rock okay [Music] mean how many brushes can she hold at one time i'm getting the 3 8 inch angle here and mix up some more of that sky color ultramarine pillar blue burnt umber a little more of the blues than the brown and a good amount of white [Music] okay can i hold this brush side to side here and just drag it on here there's some other stuff on this river bank here that like sticks and things so i'm just gonna kind of do some random little lines and sticks and things get some right up there from the water okay got more white here so you really there's a lot of like overlapping with this painting so i'm just having to make sure that i'm you know getting all of this in now because then i don't want to have to try to put it in later when i get a lot of stuff in front of it so that's why i'm taking the time to kind of do all these layers and steps up here and then let's go ahead and just clean these out get some of this indian yellow hue get some white it'll really bring out the color when you add white to it i'm gonna add it right here and then add a little bit of it in here okay and this is the next little rock area actually comes down like this so i was holding my brush like too flat and see how it got a really big area if i want to control it better i can point it straight down and then i can do kind of a line that's what i really need to be doing right here kind of a line and a little bit of one right there yeah there's some up here i'm gonna go ahead and put these in just kind of place some stuff and stuff and then we're we're definitely going to have to add some more later so because we got trees in the way and stuff and then there's some stuff down okay point that out let's go ahead and do the next layer tree so we've got basically our background area ready prepped so the next thing to do is our trees back here so let's go ahead and see what that does with the dagger striper it may may not work i'm going to go ahead and grab this van dyck it's a dark brown color and then right now um is the time where before i do anything else i might i'm gonna go ahead and um use this blue sky color uh to wash over this so um i'm gonna get my big brush here and my glazing medium and some of this blue and some zinc white and the zinc white will is a transparent white so it'll be better for glazing and i'm just using the blue because it's just a little bit of the blue to tint it but mostly the glaze and the zinc white i'm going to go over this whole back area here and just start down low and kind of just quickly work my way up trying to blend out any kind of obvious streaks somebody has very quickly if they do not have indian yellow what could they substitute with uh you could just add some of the orange to your your yellow here it's just a kind of a gold color so i'm mostly worried about like this area right here just really want to push it back and by using this i think wired up back in here to help do that i'm going to use it in my trees back here too and this yellow tree is not so much in the forefair back but i'm going to go ahead and kind of go over it a little bit to really do this whole area back here okay okay now let's really help to push it back and i'm gonna go ahead and use a little bit of it even right on over this one make sure that this is dry so make it make sure these are dry and go over this area of my water [Music] and go over this one and it's clouding it up oh wow you're supposed to tell me before that okay i was paying attention for the first 35 minutes no look at that okay okay okay well let's go ahead and do some trees then we're making pretty good progress we've got about you know the top half mostly done so it's not bad um all right so i need to make sure that this what i just did is dry though i'm gonna go ahead and use this number four round we'll see how it does if it does okay then we'll stick with it um i might want to let me go ahead and get a little bit of this sky color i'm gonna do a tree right in here that's just a little bit closer to us okay right there and get my little baby around the 18 knot do some over here with this kind of intermediate color that it's not quite as dark and what are your tree painting tips um start with the trunk make sure it's wider at the base than at the tip that's one thing that i see a lot of people don't do that may have like branches that are that are um thick in the middle and then you know just they it has to be um getting some of this blue with the red color here i'm going to use it at the end of these i already kind of put a little bit of this in but i painted over it so i'm putting it back in right now now that i've got the a lot of blue there okay here we go um but you're having a good brush and making sure that you are thinning your paint is the main is the main thing so have a good small brush you can't do a line that's thinner than your brush right so if you want a super thin you're going to have a liner that's got a very very fine round point um your liner your round brushes can do some um so a small round can do some branches but it takes a lot more control to get a thin line with a round brush versus a liner and if you need to test how wide your branches would be if you you know had it loaded up with paint and pressed down hard you can see how thin that still is with this one you can see that's a lot thicker it's a number two so that's that line and this line are going to you know this is fully loaded with um you know lots of paint in my brush i'm still going i'm i can get a thin line with this one with the bigger brush the number one but i can guarantee that i'm going to get a small line with a a smaller round so i would suggest having at least one of these really really tiny liners if you're going to be doing a lot of landscapes where you're doing tree branches and things just a lot help more helpful not to have to worry about especially if you're a beginner not to have to worry about you know how hard you're pressing down on your brush because if you press down on you know hard on a brush it's going to be as wide as this widest part of it your line is and if you you know if you have trouble controlling that then a smaller brush will be your friend um okay i think that made no sense but hopefully to some i'm gonna get some blue ultraman blue here if you have this the fluid you can add the fluid as well to keep it but i'm using the fluid paints because this will flow off my brush better when you have a round brush the paint's got to be able to flow off of it so you're going to want to add a lot of water or use a fluid paint in one or the other but it's got to be thin here it's going to be kind of a milk consistency and i'm rolling my brush through it so i'm getting it to a good point and i'm going to pick my spots so right here i've got a big tree right here that goes right in front of this yellow one i'm going to just set my brush down and kind of wiggle it a little bit this brush this tree trunk is pretty straight these are all are these mean i don't know if i like that well i can make another one of these i can make one of these a different tree how about that uh okay and so you see how it kind of started out it was kind of rounded like that so i want to flatten that out and and uh give my tree a kind of a foot to stand on i'm going to do that with all of them because most of them are going to be covered up at the bottom but if they're not covered yeah you want to i'm going to go ahead and use this brown and just kind of obscure all the bottoms of all these trees here and then you can always turn your canvas so that it's this way you can i find that doing lines in this direction are a lot easier and i'm lifting as i go so that i'm getting thinner line as i go up toward the top so i'm just controlling that you can see i can get a fairly thin line with this but it may be harder if you're not used to using a liner brush to do that so if you need to do a very thin one you might want to switch to a smaller brush okay i'm doing a little bit kind of more shadowed tree here with a little bit of the blue added okay so see right there i got kind of some thick areas in my branches so i'm gonna get my liner brush and i'm gonna just go back over and widen up that whole branch all the way down so that i'm gonna have to widen the whole tree i can go back to this because you don't want your branch up here to be thicker than a branch below it okay i'm gonna add a little bit of reddish to these some of these too i see some red back here i'm just gonna use this to do a bunch of little there's already some branches back here but i'm gonna actually want to get my round number one round there we go do some thinner with this thinned out paint here and i'm going to do some over here too this is with that kind of reddish toned color so and these tree branches are going out and back up they're always kind of looking for the light right so they're gonna be these ones especially are going pretty upright and then the branches are coming out the sides a little bit and i'm losing that using this larger brush because i can get more tree branches and in a shorter amount of time so i don't have to load it as often it goes a lot faster if you do that let me use this to do some of these closer foreground trees here these are actually a little bit big for what i'm saying but they're all kind of leaning a little bit it may just be the photography i'm gonna put some kind of going this way and then again kind of just fluffing out that edge the bottom edges there to make sure they don't have a obvious in spot and then we'll put stuff in front of him but okay that's good all right i think that's enough probably enough of the major trees i think i mean i could probably put one more in here but i don't know if i want to do that so actually let me do this i'm going to make this one a little bit bigger so on to the general trees where they like corporals or captains what what did i say you said the major trees no so i didn't know that they had ranks they are ranked yeah okay i put too much water in my brush and it just wiped the whole thing off there yes okay i'm gonna do some different directions history over here is quite blue so i'm gonna try to get some of this ultramarine blue worked in to this hmm my dog's streaming it's barking in his sleep over behind us cute actually that one was supposed to be further back it's supposed to be like right here but even fire forward but i'll do another kind of ghosting tree back here i'll get a little bit of this blue it's already drying so okay a couple tricks in this color go a little bit darker as it comes down get a little bit more shadowed maybe trying to get attention back here making huffing noises and sighing i'm not looking okay can i hear that yeah trying to film that kid spencer needs to get yes it's time to go to the babysitters what are you doing come here anyone say hi before you have to go to puppy jail come here go or go play with spencer i should say come say hi oh hi buddy hi let's see oh there he is get the puppy kim keep going okay here we go there he is what are you doing you got your toy such a toy say hi if it's pickle he's not being very cooperative he's more interested in this toy okay he's got a puppy he's getting so big puppy in her intermission there we had to hire my son to babysit for us during the shows because it does not like to sit for long we do these shows for two three hours whatever he's only four months old so okay getting some more of this dark yes we're just gonna have to do branches lots and lots lots and lots and lots of branches you want to have so many that there's it's just like a sea of branches you can't really tell which tree they belong to almost then you know you've done enough so do some branches and then do some more and be sure you're crossing them over and stuff so that they all kind of interact with me going really these branches should all kind of meet in the middle so these branches are going to go all the way over here got a stray hair here that's longer than the rest i don't normally do this but gotta be real careful not to cut the i can't see it there we go i think i got it okay much better so i really need to stop doing that i'm doing some that are like coming from the same thing so it looks like there's three forks i don't really like to do that might be distracting kinda just keeping on keeping on here and make sure you're going down with some of them too they're not all going to go straight up so some of the ones that are coming towards this are going to look like they're almost going straight down so kind of keep that in mind and do some that are that kind of go up but then come almost straight down and those ones will be the ones that are coming towards us that's what they look like all right again just going back after i do my branch thickening it up a little bit so that where it touches it's a little bit thicker on some of them not all need to be done that way but there's a few that just painting them in where they look good huh just painting them in where they look good pretty much you know just kind of where i i think feeling space being random yeah trying to keep it random yep trying to i'm looking at the reference photo every now and then just making sure there's no like major branches that i'm missing and also looking at the overall shape of where they're laying on the trees and how a lot of these ones are kind of coming up and going out along this way so it's your world make it the way you want to right exactly that's about brass thing i think here's a tree he might have a friend let's give him a friend these two are telling each other secrets over here hopefully this there's no hungry hawks in them oh my gosh yes wow we have a i don't know what kind of hook it is it's a small little it's probably a chicken hawk i think i think we've looked it up a while back and a very small hawk it's some kind of a predator bird yes and it is catching our little songbirds that have come in for the feed to feed they're coming to the buffet right minding their own business getting along with all the squirrels the only one that's really fighting anybody is the hummingbirds but they only pick on the chickadees because they're small enough the rest of the birds they leave alone and then here comes the hawk and just everybody goes gone like in two seconds and he's work we have one tree that is right next to the this is a small tree right next to the feeder and man he just circles circle circles circles really fast and and he lands up in it and tries to flush them out flush out the birds that are hiding in there and he gets them too he caught one yesterday i've seen him he tried twice this morning yes he did while we're sitting on the back porch he's got to eat he doesn't like sniff like that's true he doesn't like uh the veggie diet or the so he's not a vegetarian he's not doing keto nope so he's cool keto's keto is a lot of protein honey oh okay i'm sorry you can tell i'm smart he's not vegetarian so he's going for the free-range birds right yes cage-free cage-free you see how far at my back i'm holding my brush um that helps me kind of keep my lines kind of random of course it can be harder to control where they're setting down so um if you have a hard time you can hold it real tight up here and use a brush that's got a little bit shorter bristles the long bristle brushes can be a little bit harder to control but they hold a lot of paint so you can do lots of branches you know pretty quickly um and which brush is that real quick this is the number one liner in the princeton velvet touch i really love that branch there at all thickened it up too much too obvious okay all right what a what are we on time now one and a half i could have looked up i guess got the clock right in front of me you got people to do that for you i do yes people handle that tell me what time it is all right so i need to add more more over here whoa what did i just do whoa what just happened there oh no i just i had a lot of paint on there okay see this is what i was saying it's gonna take a while because just the branches take a long time it took a long time all right let's see so let's do i'm getting the number four round again um do one more big one right here and then i'm gonna have to do the rest of this before i put the last tree in right down here because there's all i gotta finished all of this oh i don't like it when i do that bring this one down a little bit okay and there's a lot of other trees that are in here but i'm just kind of consolidating them and to these one little i don't like that one kitchen while it's wet you can just wipe it off don't do that too much though because then your background can start wiping off too if you do too many in a row all right i'm not seeing a lot of branches off of this dude but i'm sure he has some i just can't really tell he's kind of covered up by all the other branches around him and the leaves and things in front so these green these red leaves are going to come all the way down over here in front so we just got i'm gonna have branches for them to live on okay putting some bigger trees or some closer up trees and branches right in here i'm filling in some of this under brush area okay i'm going to let that set let these set up let's go ahead and use my stippler here i'm gonna get a little bit of the yellow with this brown here yellow oxide with the brown from the trees neptile here i'm turning my brush upside down so that i can just do these lines and there's these here that are filled in and down here kind of more shadowed there's just dark just be careful when you're tapping because you can tend to get these little round circle things that i've got here so i'm gonna do is go back through and try to change the shapes of those the ones that i've got that look like little round circles gonna get some the brighter yellow maybe a little bit of white and these can be kind of in front and behind wherever you want to if you want the this greenery to or this you know the leaves to look like they're uh in front in the foreground trees you can put it in front of you use a lighter color and use do it in front of some of these um like right in here say if i want to have something that looks like it's in front i can just kind of use a little bit of the lighter color to stipple in front and it'll kind of push those trees back a little bit i'm just going to do that in a couple places and then i'm going to get the yellow oxide and yellow maybe a little bit of that orange and go in front of some of these set my brush down and kind of tap it lift up match okay do the same thing kind of tall like lifting up with this to cover the bottoms of some of these trees and add some color to the ground in here i'm going to use this in here now just put some color in here with this yellow orangey mixture we'll be adding more obvious streaks later i'm just trying to get some color down here just to help help us for our later things just to have some color underneath everything to work with i need a little bit more orangey tone here here we go [Music] that's right kind of up against that and then as it comes out here it kind of turns more blue there is some of the orange in a few places okay that'll so you can see i'm doing it side to side so if any of this does end up showing we'll just be kind of already part of what we're doing here all right let's get a little bit more of that bright orange i'm gonna do some bright orange on this hill right there get some of that brown for the trees i'm gonna use that in here i'm gonna use a bigger brush no don't want it let's get some burnt sienna a little bit of this brown i'm just gonna use it as kind of a background foliage kind of filler just going over the top of what we've got here don't do too much of this right now but i'm just kind of trying to mainly just kind of obscure what's going on back here add another layer of interest back there let's go ahead and add a little bit of this color back in here too all right trying to add some longer kind of obvious lines of darkness here okay it's good all alrighty any of these that i covered like this one here that's in front of this and this one here i'm just going to put the color back in you can add branches back in over the top of stuff if you want some of the darker branches over the top of that [Music] that looks good all right let me get the angle brush here i'm gonna wipe scrape off all of my color this is all dry give myself some place to mix new colors how you doing hon uh all systems are go over here you've been quiet today chat's going okay yeah it's going real well good some people are making some hot cocoa yeah we're buying the buying the stuff for the recipe we posted nice yeah we shared our favorite hot cocoa mix mint recipe i can't take credit for it it's not my recipe i gotta add a cookbook but recipes aren't copyrighted did you know that you can't copyright a recipe i didn't know that yes yep i can't remember i was i can't remember why i came across that tidbit of information you know we read a lot of weird stuff all the time yeah i think uh yeah i can't remember it's been too long i can't remember why but words words words but yeah it's true so not like we were you know publishing it to make money or anything but yeah it makes if you make the full recipe i estimate it makes like 50 or 60 servings yeah it probably makes uh not quite two gallons worth of of dry mix dry mix yeah this is the symbol for dry mix you knew i was wondering i was waiting for you to mention that and what's this symbol for a small guacamole we were at a restaurant you can tell a story that was pretty funny we were at a restaurant and i was like can you get like a small guacamole and then the waiter said yeah we got a small guacamole he did he did the hand signal back i was like that we are on the same wavelength that's the international sign for small guacamole small guacamole that's great mark's like in here i mean i didn't even notice that he done it i was just like yep yep you got it he got it you you know me we got it simpatico looks like he just went like that when you did it just make sure we were small guacamole oh my gosh yeah live with mark you always have such interesting observations about life well i find that you know i do stuff and then i just kind of think about like why did i do that yeah because i talk with my hands too and yeah but it's not like all words it's just some words and it's just interesting yeah our mind is talking and then we have to use our hands to like finish the thought or something yeah so sometimes yeah to emphasize what we're saying because golly i don't know what he would have brought you if he didn't have the the hand prompt if i hadn't yeah well she said small guacamole but there was no hand prompt so i'm not sure what to bring her my interpretation of small and hers might be different [Laughter] so back up the truck [Laughter] yep okay you see i didn't even say any of what i just mixed because we're talking about guacamole okay i use the blue ultramarine blue don't leave me a comment about that please ultimate huh or thumbs down or thumbs down yeah um i'm painting this is our hour one and a one in hour and four almost up to two hours here my brain is starting to turn to jello under the art art the force of the art going push pushing through it okay um there's it's it's true though you when you're talking and painting you're bringing your right and left-sided brain or having to communicate more often i think that's why i get tired after i've been doing a show because it's just like there's something about you know just having to do that having to do something that's like using that right side of your brain so heavily and then trying to talk at the same time all right so ultramarine blue phthalo blue pretty much equal shades i'm kind of actually i'm almost making that sky color again only darker so then i added a little tiny bit of black and maybe a little bit of blue brown i can't even remember anymore um rewind it um and then added a little bit of white here and a little bit more white here so i've got like kind of both i think i added a little bit of unbleached titanium too over here just to kind of make it a little bit more of an earthy tone and then i'm going to make this rock that's right here so i'm just going to do kind of set it down and drag it to create the planes of it so if it's in the sun why are my hands sitting here i don't know i just had my hands still sitting there in the shot okay i'm gonna get that kind of medium color blue here to do some of the bigger areas most of this is the lighter part of it this is all kind of probably can just use the stippler over here this is all kind of mosses and things grasses me use this next time i do grass this is working really good i just kind of grabbed it you know or i was using it you know kind of just in general but it's been working really good for these grasses so i'm gonna pull it out more often for that i think i put too much of it over here so i'm just gonna lift gift some of the darker blue here and pull right down into the water this is going to be the color of my water so i'm going to just use this down here get that dark all right get some of that brown this area in here is more that brown it's going to pick up the water is basically like a mirror almost it's going to pick up the colors of whatever is you know in the in the area around it so i need to let that dry a little bit because it's just lifting off there we'll let that blue dry before we try to do much more let's go ahead and work on this side here so i need to mix up quite a bit more of this so i'll be using it maybe a little bit of purple brown making really basically a prussian blue here get some more of that ultramarine blue over here okay go ahead and do this tree now that we've got background in place it in the water same color just kind of dry brushing it into the water there along that shoreline underneath the tree we'll be putting more white back in so don't worry if it looks funny at this point okay so that orange is kind of pushing that paint around a little bit that blue that's in the water they're smooshing it around all right i'm going pretty dark with this background here just so that i've got some dark color to play against and i'm going to add the unbleached titanium here i think i'm going to use this brush just like i did on the other side and pull the grasses and moss that are kind of clinging to this side of the bank down and let's get this brush here this small get some of that bright yellow orange here just tap it in this brush is doing a good job on here i'm gonna use it on this rock here to highlight it a little bit all right let's get some of that orangey red well i already actually have some of it let's do some grasses with this sorry about the dog barking in the [Music] background all right get some of the bleach titanium here and adding it to the blue i need to keep this blue wet so that i can use it in the water get some of it and so find my tree kind of general area it's going to be and just kind of go down in the water here and add not quite up to the shoreline add some of that in and there's another one here coming out this way so i've got other colors in here so it's kind of informing the i want to darken this up just a little bit i'm gonna get a little bit more of the lighter blue here a little bit of brown number here [Music] okay let's go over here and use the same kind of gray a little bit more blue here let's go ahead and do so this tree here it's kind of offset in the water here it's going in right here think about where our sun is hitting it right so it's kind of um maybe that i don't know well no the sunlight doesn't have to do with this that's the shadow just the reflection yeah yeah never never i just realized what i was saying cancel that physics lesson yeah cancel cancel that um okay so i'm gonna get ultramarine blue and my glaze this should be dry enough here so now that i was talking about the shadow let's go and put it in so it's right here right there kind of coming off the back side of that and across there so you should still be able to see the greenery and things through it just gonna darken it up a little bit right there in that path and then there's some other shadows here let's go ahead and kind of put that one in that it's not going to be that visible because we're going to be um the sunlight is just counteracting the shadow okay this so this is for a tree that's not here yet to be added later okay and clean that out just go ahead and put the tree in look at that like that this is almost dried out right there that goes all the way to the edge kind of fills up that whole edge so using this angle brush the angle brush does a good job of doing lines too you just have to be careful because it can easily kind of go wide on you if you're not careful about where the branches see like right there so if you don't turn the tip to face where you're angling it it'll go wide on you and these are actually going off the it's not that tree at all it's something over here so [Applause] i'm going to put some of the blue on that a little bit of blue on this get some of this and pull it down into the water in front of this then get some of that unbleached titanium here and put some highlight some of these branches that are in front of everything a little bit of it on the tree trunk here too turning that down just a little bit it's a little bit too too bright but okay so we'll that'll be good let's go ahead and add a little bit of the grass to this front here a bit of the green yellow white there and then right here a little bit the piece of this tree okay it'll be some of it right here okay let's go and put it in the water kid made me a light just a little bit of the yellow oxide and white oh this whole area is really bright so i need to do quite a bit of that right here so you briefly mentioned it a little bit earlier about your patreon just remind everybody over there the time of this filming it's the beginning of the month of october so you can sign up get a full month different levels yeah traceables extra bonus content yeah we are painting a cat with uh pumpkins for our bonus video and i want to say it might be next weekend might either next weekend or the weekend after that'll be for just for the five dollar level patrons or up five or up and we have a good time with those those are fun to do on patreon we do the videos that are like five and six hours long you know the youtube ones we try to keep to as close to two hours as we can this one's going to go longer but but yeah we have a lot of fun we do the kind of more advanced paintings they're definitely not beginner level paintings so if you're just a beginner the ones that i have in youtube are probably all you're gonna need you might do the traceables just to get some of those to help you but once you get a few paintings under your belt and you want to get challenged to do some other stuff then good a lot of fun projects on patreon that we do a lot harder than the ones that we do here on youtube and it's kind of backwards but you know you get to hear me in the the bonus video that's included with the five dollar level but you don't for the 10 level so you make you pay more to not listen to me so for exactly of you who don't like to listen to me there's a level for you for those of you who are like leaving me comments about the annoying man talking to me in the background this one is for you all right i'm going to do like a dark brown red here for some of our shadowy leaves and then yeah that's good so these leaves are kind of dropping down they're just kind of drooping so i'm just gonna kind of do like this um i thought about doing that they're really not small enough to do the um stippler they're kind of big so i'm just gonna go ahead and just do them by hand just dab them on here and if we need to we can add branches out to them you know so if we do some that we're like yeah that doesn't look right uh we can add branches to them later i'm just looking at where i've got my branches already and adding my leaves kind of hanging below somewhat and they're actually all in here and not all of them are going to have this dark so i'm just kind of looking to where i'm seeing the really dark ones just tapping with my top of my brush straight down i'm probably going to switch to the smaller um angle brush give me a little bit more control these are looking a little bit big on the ones that i've press down too hard but i am going to use this in the water so get some glaze i can use the tip of my brush here this is not i'm using a stippler just kind of push it around a little bit use it at the bottom of some of those oranges to tone them down it's looking pretty awesome holding my brush at the on this straight edge thank you honey so the painting doesn't look too bad either that's right [Laughter] it's my signature right other than my hey there everybody he's been using that on me for how many years now oh 35 years it still works okay so this is just that kind of orangey red here just not thinning it out and just adding it to my highlight area so that i've got a little bit darker tone and really this uh all of this this needs to be darker all the way up so i'm just gonna bring this up this middle part here is kind of blue i'm just going to add blue to it all right we'll let that dry i'm going to go to the bottom of all of these and add some burnt sienna colors just uh there's some reddish up underneath some of the yellow so it just goes to sets it in a little bit really just kind of glazing over it just to help set that in i'm gonna get some i'm using this color getting some of the unbleached titanium and then some white i'm gonna use it on this rock here try that again like that i just had too much of a pressure on here i just wanted kind of to graze across okay oh every time i mix up that blue it just dries so fast so and that log really doesn't have a whole lot of detail on it it's just kind of that gonna get some of this ultramarine blue and add the unbleached titanium to it just got a little bit of a kind of a smoky haze so just do that just make sure that that area where it connects right here is really dark just underneath right here where it goes into the bank and then there and there got really dark it's all about the contrast the contrast is what will make the painting come alive so don't be too scared to go really light with your highlights really dark with your shadow that is what makes a big difference just added a little bit more black there to that area i'm just gonna dry brush here my brush is really dry and i'm just getting some white here and i'm dragging it side to side so that i'll get some of these little white bits catching and pulling off of it you can see how kind of dried out my white is i'm gonna get a little bit of blue but i really want it mostly white okay i'm liking that i was just testing it over here before i get too much more done i want a little bit more of the dark back in here i'm not ready to do it everywhere yet but this area back here was pretty much ready so you can get a little bit more of the light blue maybe a little bit of phthalo blue in here okay all right these should be dry let's go ahead and get the smaller the quarter inch angle i'm gonna get some of the indian yellow hue some white and get some of the cadmium red and cadmium orange over here and add some of that burnt orange to it to brighten it up just a little bit okay i don't have any of that left so i'm going to get some burnt orange and burnt umber here mix up some of my darker color too so i have all three so this will be kind of the inside of the leaves there's kind of this yellowed i'm gonna get some yellow indian yellow cadmium yellow there we go so this bright kind of yellowy color and there's some red too so i'm going to kind of just double load my brush i've got a little bit of both here see if i can get some um anymore that red reddish color yeah really just kind of tapping them straight up and down here it's going to get in the right leaf shape see if i want it smaller i can kind of turn it so that's just the tip is pointing down a little bit smaller all through here all in front of this tree this is all leaves here get some of that brighter yellow like if you look at them carefully individually it's not going to look like much it's going to be lying out it doesn't look like a leaf but when you see them all together like okay yeah so it's kind of a trick your mind thing with these really not doing anything but just dabbing little color little blobs of color but got the branches and everything else kind of your mind sort of fills in the gaps in it it's like okay that's a tree it's a little bit too bright but go back over it or maybe it's not maybe there's some bright yellow here who knows that's your tree right do your thing your tree whatever color you want i kind of like that yellow i might leave it so okay go ahead and use what's on my brush here down in the water side to side over the top of the other stuff that's in there i'm going to add a little bit of glaze so that it goes a little bit smoother maybe slightly transparent i think the queue when you're doing water like this is just make sure that you're keeping everything horizontal do not you know get this is very still water so it's leveling itself out right and you know it's kind of a smooth flow so it's not got rapids or anything where it's going to be causing the water to change direction it's all just kind of laying flat and lathing through this area so just take your time go side to side with it make sure that you're keeping those side to side brush strokes all kind of parallel and it's really not that hard to get you know this effect it's really your eye kind of is doing all of it the work but um just kind of doing this side to side motion here the temptation or the tendency is when you get going is to kind of start leaning and then your brush strokes can end up going at a diagonal and that's what'll kind of throw it off so just keep an eye on that make sure check yourself every now and then make sure that you're keeping them side to side okay gonna get some of that brighter yellow go back in with some of that we've got lots of different layers interacting here so just keep on adding new colors that are all kind of in the same color family that are all up in this area got my tip on my brush facing straight down here so see how that got a little bit off it's real easy to do that i finally i hold it this way and i just tend to not do curve it as much just rock it side to side hold this at the angle the same angle that you're holding your brush and then you can kind of keep them even oh look how pretty that is let's use a little bit of this lighter color that's up in here okay and then you get this color which was like the blue sky color with the green or not green with the ultramarine blue and the cadmium red light get you close maybe a little bit of brown to darken it up slightly but it's a lot of blue here i'm seeing it's pretty close to the same color here so don't get it too much darker than that wiping my brush out getting some glaze here i'm just going to kind of go back over what i just did and smush it around and if you already have this color on your canvas don't do this so you know at this point it's kind of all about what you've got on your canvas at any given time so you may not need to do all the colors that i'm doing now i'm just going to know that you know you need to look at yours and see what you're missing on yours if you're missing this blue area in here and add it if you're not and don't add it obviously but now you may have already gotten it on the first stone or first time around you may have already put this in so i may not need it getting some burnt umber a little bit more of that red or burnt umber and cadmium red maybe add a little bit of purple to the brown [Music] somebody would like to know what could they do if they don't have glaze just add water water will do the same thing just about um just kind of know though that you're you know i it it's better if you have like a a paint that's thinner to use because it'll have less uh less problems with being watered down you know it'll already be thin so it's brown and purple here but yeah water will do the same it's just that if you know if you do too much water that it could and then you go back over it it could maybe lift off a little bit pull through that i can add a little too much of that you do very thin lines here okay pretty happy with this i'm going to go ahead and add some more of the tree branches since we've got our leaves in some of these leaves need a branch out to them i'm just gonna some branches over the top of some of these now if you do too much too much branch over the top then you may have to go back and add more leaves so just be careful that was really the only place i noticed is right in here so i'm just gonna dab in a couple more leaves over the top and use this round brush here they're actually doing a good job too doing another layer of the brighter orangey leaves so all right i'm not gonna add too many more leaves i think that's pretty good or for more branches but i'm gonna add more leaves just a few some of these areas where you're covering over a dark color they may not cover completely in the first you know dab pass so just look for that make sure that you don't have any areas where your branches are showing through your leaf that would not be good someone would like to know what does the glaze actually do for you the glaze thins out your paints and creates a transparent color that you can then use to go over an area without covering it so if you want a more subtle look here you you can use that glaze to put your color on wash over an area tint it but you still will have the this this um transparency well yeah it'll be transparent so but it also doesn't under bind the paint right where water if you use too much water would do that yes yes man i picked up something over the last four years i don't know watching you good job honey and that's one thing in another four years i'll get a second thing well uh yeah heavy body acrylics are you know heavy on the pigment heavier pigment load and that means that there's less binder and so if you add too much water it'll under bind them and they won't stick to your canvas properly and when you load more paint over the top they can wash off or crack or whatever crack over time even you know later um so that's that's why we use i use a glaze a lot because it just prevents that don't have any issues and i do so many layering you know layers that i don't want any problems with adding more color down the line i know that it will stick okay um let's get close to the end here let's go ahead and get my blue and ultramarine blue here white mostly white just a little bit of blue [Music] okay i'm gonna tap tap tap tap bring this white part down look at this dark color in here now i can just tap over it it's gonna create shadows for me once you start to get down in here you're gonna start getting more you know farther and farther away with these lines and then i'm going to just start kinda and then if i wanted a little bit more in the shadow area i'm going to add more blue silver in here gonna use more glaze and more blue here and just kind of use the blue it's kind of like um if you think about like if you turn a mirror and catch it you know where it catches the either your reflection or it's you know catching the reflection the sunlight or you know that's what's happening with these ripples on the water you know so we're seeing basically a mirror image of the trees and things that are um up in here shining down on the water uh reflecting or reflecting from the water but then all these little ripples are just areas where the water is just slightly disturbed so it's tilted slightly so that light's hitting it at a different angle and we're picking up sunlight so blue sky sunlight here shiny shiny little bits pretty little dots maybe something floating in the water and get some of this darker blue some of it in here [Music] i've already got a little bit of this blue but i'm just going to add some more right in here really kind of glazing with this hazing this out and i need to add some more of that dark dark blue right here where this rock goes down in the water so right there [Music] right there along that rock edge right down here just like sticks all right making sure i have a nice dark line here which i do i'm pretty good with that so i'm gonna pull a little bit down into the water right there if i need to but i think that's all pretty good a little bit darker over here [Music] okay and then i see a little bit more blue let's go ahead and do a little bit more of that blue right in here before i do the white part what are you laughing at is every time you think i'm done add more no i wasn't laughing actually oh you were just sniffling i was sorry no it's okay and then for the person who asked towards the beginning of the show how long this is going to be the answer is about this long a little bit longer than this but not much yeah i told mark before the show that this was going to take me a while so i asked him let me know when i was at an hour so usually about i don't know half hour into it or so i completely start losing track of time and then you know it takes sometimes up to an hour or two later i'll start to realize okay how long how much time has elapsed it's really amazing it's like a time machine to get to painting just completely lose track of time oh this is brighter and more white-ish and just kind of dabbing in some of these areas that i've already done adding a little bit of white sparkle in the water could probably splatter i didn't think about that could probably splatter some sparkles in the water just dab them in actually no i'll dab them in more control just using the tip of my brush kind of keeping it a little bit slightly angled to the sides of it there staying horizontal somewhat okay then this is where i'm gonna kind of start to drag it like it did before there break up a little bit and they're going to get smaller and closer together as you get further away and didn't mention that so these ones down here you can go a little bit bigger see you know some of these areas but then once you get up in here you really they're they're very very very thin and very close together if you're seeing any lines so all these little dots in here should be smaller than the ones there that are down close to us okay i'll just tip down dab some sparkles on the water up here keep them real small up here there's a lot of them so my brush is very dry right now you can see that the white is really only kind of in this area i need to do this area a lot brighter right here right in front here now i'm bringing it down too far just right up there there we go there and then across so it's way too big all right i think i'm gonna call that done just about i think i'm gonna look at it well that when i when i think it's done then i stop and look at it and then if i see anything to change that's called that done just about i think okay getting some of that white and i'm gonna highlight this rock one more time this rock just keeps on okay this is fun now this oh this rock here has got some get some blue white there's some detail on that rock there that i missed just a little bit of a highlight on that front end of it going back into the shadows okay let's sign it i'm gonna use my yeah i guess i'll use my pen here [Music] super chat did you see the um that's going around right now no you know what 20 20 20 might need more cowbell [Laughter] nice yeah my friend sent it to me for sure yeah so today's super chatter was rusty no special message but thank you very much rusty thank you really appreciate the support that it's awesome and that's it all the other chatters were just you know normal chatter chatters yeah that's all right the unusual suspects thanks for hanging out with us today guys if you should paint it long you can share with me i got a whole facebook group set up just for that and uh it's the link is down in the description it's called thankful art my website thankful art it's also got uh an faq page it's got different information about our channel and things like that and where you can buy stuff it's also down in the description of this video so um check all all the links out down below and if you're gonna be buying art supplies for uh working on this project we appreciate it if you use our links because that helps support our channel so let me add a little bit of this brighter orange to the water down here i'm gonna get a little bit of glaze and just i just see it like there's a few little flicks of this bright orange that kind of happen in down here in that area okay so yeah there we go turned out pretty good pretty happy with it on the hole it looks super realistic honestly good uh you know this area here may need a little bit of work i just noticed it's like a little bit uh maybe um maybe some of these branches need a haircut or need some lighter colored grasses in front just to kind of hide the um i had the ends of them they were kind of looking funky right there so i'm gonna just wiggle my liner brush right there just white and a little bit of ultramarine blue here and we'll be back on tuesday we will we're going to paint in pumpkin so yay nice i'm excited i love painting pumpkins we're uh sorry to our australian folks that don't put out their pumpkins this time of year yeah it's an american thing you have to forgive us we'll put a pumpkin out for you exactly all right guys have a great rest of your weekend and we'll be back on tuesday night like mark said um 6 p.m painting a pumpkin and then we've got a thursday show no we don't this week um but then we'll be back next saturday again we're no next saturday we've got our yard sale that's right yeah no so the only video next week is tuesday that's it wow got a whole i should uh a week off to do yard sale so i don't really have a week i'd probably prefer to be painting so i'm going to let let's let's just go ahead and paint i know i kind of think thank you i'll do a six-hour show just so you don't have to do a yard sale yes all right sounds like a plan all right thanks guys we'll see you next time [Music] bye you
Channel: Angela Anderson
Views: 136,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 8sec (11108 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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