Country Justice | VLOG 11~ Country Girls Can Survive

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today country justice I am I have been waiting for this day I've been terrorized by a on this property for two weeks it's attacked Maisie it's been on the back porch getting into all the cat food it's been my chicken-coop picking off my chickens one by one I've lost nine chickens two more today that son of a I finally caught him and he's going to die I am it's going to be satisfying I can't tell you how angry I am to walk to my coop every single day and see more chickens dead figuring out how this got in the coop that ends right now I have two chickens left - hey buddy did you get injured last night I got to take a look at you closer did you get injured oh you did get injured oh no I got to take a look at him no no I'm gonna kill this sucker first there he is with a carcass of one of my chickens from the other night last night he pulled this back and got in through this hole he gone I check out my rooster hey buddy oh oh you did get injured last night I'm sorry I am so sorry oh I feel horrible how bad is it I don't look good you got you by the neck didn't he hmm let me see oh poor buddy I'm sorry you're gonna be okay chicken feathers everywhere from the carnage over this past week nothing look at that empty coop you're the only girl left poor buddy look at this this broke out windows you know broke out windows to get in so I had to put screen over the windows just unbelievable he's dead now I know something funny I brought out these two kind of board up the windows started to say with a grateful heart my heart is overwhelmed lead me to the rock that is higher than I it's gonna like put it here and put it inside it's a good place to see it every day I won't be having eggs for a while so last egg she ever laid where she got killed last night you know the thing is I don't know if that's the only but I just baited the trap again at least that one's gone poor rooster you gonna make it buddy you're gonna make it I'm sorry your neck really got it didn't it really don't want him to suffer I hate to put him down if he's gonna be okay I mean I can't really look at his injury sucks it is so heartbreaking I just I don't know I do have a little bit of good news let me show you okay here's the good news babies good morning doing good today there's some new chickens eight new chicks yeah [Applause] I only have one chicken left I don't know what happened today but my hand died I freaking don't know what's going on I killed the this morning and then I come out here this afternoon my hand is dead I don't know if the rooster is still alive but she died I don't know what happened like I don't see I don't see any trauma I don't know why she died like why did you die honey I am beyond heartbroken I have nothing left and he's not oh there he is hey buddy are you okay are you gonna live I feel so horrible are you gonna make it I'm so sorry whole frickin flock is gone its place is empty completely empty farmers are in the field tonight getting stuff done I need to get her out of here she was alive this morning seemed fine oh man reset the trap with a dead chicken so there's more Coons out there we'll get it it's just out mowing I almost ran over this little guy that sweet little garter snake pretty a lot of people like to run these things over kill them and you know all snakes have a purpose they're so cool don't run them over save on I used to teach with a ball python it's a really cool snake I always liked feeding it cuz you know feeding it a mouse and it's a tank it's pretty cool to watch it do its thing let him go it's a nice summer day I'm trying to get stuff done before it gets too hot I'm out here early this morning doing chores getting getting my chicken situated my new chicks I put him in the put him in the coop today still not sure about my rooster I'm not sure he's gonna live yet I don't know I think he's I think is esophagus didn't that got damaged but I can't look at it supposed to be 80 today 80 tomorrow whoo hot then I got my women's overnight tomorrow it's gonna be a boiler so I'm trying to get stuff done this morning nice breeze though working off some calories before breakfast hey buddy what's a good tubber's that's a good Toby come on in that was pretty hey just want some love huh [Music] we played hide and seek full of waste our shadows so sure [Music] I was wondering that daydream [Music] great barrel-rider I just started it right so what we have going here is the girls need to maintain their life for two minutes to be successful we'll see what happens to go that's for sure done good job who's next mother it 15 seconds to go where you go good job well that's better than your last time I ever die a lot at fire redemption Pamela good job way to go [Music] there's the leeks we pick today all right look at this the food is coming out of the fireman Oh what the Jetboil gone with Renee she's having cream an Katmandu curry nice page we've got curry ramen [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful Mogar [Music] Thank You Pamela very welcome well that's a wrap another really good woman's outing good overnight lots of great conversation skills shared so pretty cool I'm gonna go check on Pamela so Pamela had her first solo overnight in this shelter I really really enjoyed it really concerned about alone especially being used to city noises that the country sounds would worry me and honestly other than the one junebug that got in with me I had no problems at all very cool congratulations thank you it was a blast [Music] all right can't eat my apple tree can't eat the apple tree get going thank you hey guys come here come on say hi no don't look away don't be shy come here I'm in my flower field right next door to my neighbors then I got a couple cattle out here I'm just saying hi they're just so sweet looking you're so sweet but your curly hair makes me happy to see cows out here on this lush green pasture we got all that - wrong [Music] pull on some weeds looking at what's coming up what's not look at all these buds about to go just endless amounts that it's gonna be awesome this is my you pick flower field Oh in our poor barn fell down in a storm last year is the chicken coop where all the madness has been taking place with them raccoon it's empty now here's the update my rooster died that raccoon killed every single one of my chickens right now wait for the flowers to bloom I absolutely love flowers so I have planted this flower field lots of perennials and just beautiful flowers that people can come and pick it's just a kind of on your honor system but the peonies the peonies will soon be blooming otherwise you know I plant a few annuals and stuff but I've got herbs oregano chives lavender basil spearmint peppermint chocolate mint rhubarb blueberries blackberries and I got a kitty see a kitty hey baby [Music] hey what you doing oh hi honey with the tool you see me out here come visit [Music] country kitty the bright green eyes stronger eyes here is rice and you guys to go girl [Music] come August this place July it'll be just amazing to see all the flowers blooming because I have a lot of perennials so there later in the year guineas look at all these gorgeous gains rocket coming up and they smell so good [Music] I've got bouquets all over my house oh look at this your buddy [Music] pretty-pretty blue-eyed boy the old man he's about 13 now yeah the original homestead peonies first blooms isn't that gorgeous thanks for joining me on vlog 11 guys I know it was kind of a downer but listen maybe uplifting spots right life goes on alright this girl the woods thanks for joining me until next time she going oh and don't forget to get outside and get happy
Channel: Girl in the Woods
Views: 134,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: personal vlog, brooke whipple, brooke whipple girl in the woods, brooke whipple alone, brooke whipple survival, woman survival, vlog, girls in the woods, survival for women, bushcraft, women bushcraft, survival woman, woman bushcraft, chicken predator, raccoon kills chickens, country woman vlog, outdoor girl, outdoor woman, teaching outdoor survival, outdoor survival for women, chicken predators, chicken predators and how they kill, woman kills raccoon
Id: -BjWLnV7_fY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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