Counter Strike 2 BELOW the Minimum Requirements! ft. HD 5450, GTS 450

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hello guys chis here welcome back to another video and Counter Strike 2 is finally here my friends so it's time for us to take a look at it running on a below minimum requirements PC oh yeah that's beautiful isn't it first of all let's scroll down here on the steam store Page to find the requirements of Counter Strike 2 and it asks for Windows 7 that's exactly what we're going to run here four Hardware CPU threads specifically the Intel Core i5 750 which is a 13-year-old processor it released back in 2010 and of course it's a quadcore with four threads like the old i5s now because we are below the system requirements I chose to stick with the same generation of processors but going with the I3 540 instead now the I3 540 is a dual core CPU so the game asks for a quad car we're running it on a dual car but it still has four threads because it has hyper thread threading enabled for the memory it asks for 8 GB of RAM and we are using 6 GB in this beautiful PC once again this is DDR3 1066 mahz so really slow DDR3 and if it starts stuttering like crazy I will increase that Ram size a little bit later in this video the game doesn't specify which type of storage un need ssdr hard drive so I have installed it on a hard drive okay it's a 500 big 7200 RPM drive and lastly for the graphics card it doesn't specify any but it says that it must be 1 Gigabyte and it should support DirectX 11 and obviously I chose the weakest DirectX 11 capable graphics card in my collection it's the hd5450 also from 2010 it was not a gaming GPU whatsoever it was pretty terrible back in 2010 so you can imagine it in 2023 right but it does support Direct xit 11 right there and unfortunately it is a 1 gbyte model I didn't have any 512 megabyte versions of this GPU so theoretically we're actually meeting the minimum requirements on the GPU front but everything else is below it so let's get to the game now shall we oh no I'm sorry I clicked to see my inventory Evolve come on let me let me into the game thank you very much what is that what is that that I just got that's very beautiful anyway um I need to get out of here oh my god dude it's getting it's it's stuttering in the menu are you kidding me well obviously we are below minimum requirements so that's to be expected but a system like this would actually have been capable of running CS go the GPU would be the major limitation there actually uh it says that it's at 0% that's very interesting it's clearly not at 0% okay okay I just restarted the game now the GPU usage is fixed oh my God look at the time that it takes for me to just click that thing over there let's go do video come on let me show them the settings game thank you very much we're playing at 640 by 480 which is already the minimum resolution in this game using the you guessed it absolute lowest settings possible here including FSR which is set to Performance so the actual resolution that we're playing on right now is 320 by 240 or 240p it's very low but yet GPU usage is actually maxed out here so let's get into some dust to action and see how many I can kill in a death match maybe we can finish first place we got the perfect CP utilization at the moment oh boy this is a roller coaster of emotions oh what is happening now no no no I'm getting in I don't want to play like this come on do something at least you know what it's been only almost 2 minutes since I'm here trying to join a match I'm starting to wonder if I will join it in time okay there we go there we go come on come on can I do something it's getting zero frames per second guys I'm just I'm going to click whatever I don't care oh there we go we're already dead that's amazing at least we got three more minutes to go or almost four more minutes it literally stopped Jesus can we get a kill please oh my gosh I'm going to try okay this is very hard my friends it's probably not even possible but I am El crispo of course so I got to try to get a kill my friends every time I spawn I I'm already dead so it's going to be even harder than I thought come on come on I'm trying to turn my camera around there's a guy right there oh we're dead again it's Pedro Pedro actually killed me come on mate we got the same name you can kill another Pedro let's go it's our chance it's our okay okay okay okay I'm I'm still alive should we start counting our FPS okay let's go oh come on come on oh boy let's go let's go almost there no let's knife the bastard knife the bastard knife no I still knifed him but it wasn't enough 84 in four hits but we got close my friends so maybe we can do this yeah it's way better oh we got one we got got one it wasn't even a bot look at that my friends oh yeah the auto shotgun for the save my friends there's another one here come on nice devil look at this come on come on give me another one let's go nice another one dead see guys is very playable experience we headshotted that guy as well perfect absolutely magnificent I have no idea how I'm doing this we've killed four people already there's there's a guy who only killed well the same maybe he's also playing on the HD 5450 when it started guys it was way worse than this we actually got him oh nice back to the aut of shoting this the best weapon to play with really low FPS come on the rag dolls are super weird here also we haven't talked about the graphics but it is looking beautiful isn't it this new Counter Strike version at 240p is is something out of this world there we go we aren't in the last place guys we got eight kills we died 20 times but we got eight kills we would have gotten more kills if we didn't join the game more than halfway through but the PC needs a lot of time to prepare itself for Counter Strike let's add two more gigabyt of ram to make it eight and see if it gets better okay guys so I got really terrible news mostly for me because I spent like 5 hours diagnosing the problem but upgrading the ram to 10 12 16 GB did absolutely nothing it was still the same crap freezing and stuttering like crazy completely unplayable then I thought H it must be the CPU it's at 100% most of the time after all so I upgraded that to the i7 860 from the first generation as well and guess what it was still the same crap exactly the same of course CPU usage wasn't maxed out then but it was still freezing like crazy so I upgraded it to an SSD and it was still the same crap in the end my friends I found what was causing the freezing and it was this little bastard back here the hd5450 was the cause of the freezing this thing sucks and it actually meets the the system requirements and kind of looks like a pistol as well do not use a 5450 in Counter Strike 2 so next up I installed the GTS 450 which is also a 2010 GPU from the fery architecture much much faster than the hd5450 obviously this is a gaming GPU after all and I left it with exactly the same specs the I3 540 and 6 GB of DDR3 and I swapped the CPU back to the I3 540 as well as removed all of this extra Ram so we're back to the I3 and 6 GB of RAM and now at 800 by 600 resolution low settings with no FSR we're getting 60 plus in the menu my friends way better okay and it's not struggling to navigate the menu and stuff like it was before look at the smoothness my friends we're playing the game at 30 something frames per second oh come on dude that's just unfair yeah 20 something at times CP utilization is completely maxed out still so they weren't lying about the threads the four physical threads that you need to run the game properly with a dual core with four threads or hyper threading it just can't be run at least from the first generation I guess the I5 750 which they do recommend is going to do a much better job right here God damn it but hey this is no hd5450 gameplay experience basically it doesn't stutter now and I can actually get a few kills as you can see it's very hard to play like this obviously and I don't recommend it to anybody but hey look at this we're getting kills third place at the moment you can also see that the GTS 450 has a lot more to give here in Counter Strike 2 but unfortunately its performance is being capped by our terrible I3 first generation so it's going to be interesting to check out the little G GTS 450 in another video uh testing it with like an i7 4770k which won't bottleneck it I guess it's going to provide a pretty decent experience well since we're here might as well play through the entire Death Match right let's see how many kills we can get here okay and how many deaths as well I guess the deaths are going to be crazy High inside of the tunnel we get a smooth almost 30 plus FPS I think yeah whenever you're not seeing anybody inside of the tunnel you actually do get 30 plus FPS which is awesome whoa whoa whoa just calm down PC it's all good no need to to to slow down that much why do I put myself through this after 5 hours of diagnosing what was wrong and fixing this is what I get this is my reward my friends fourth place in a dead death match with 24 frames per second so far I wonder how the other people see me am I a choppy mess inside of the death match is that why they can't hit me like sometimes like here for example oh boy nice another one oh not from behind mate come on you should know better God damn it nice come on come on okay good job good job another one oh I still got the other one okay cool that was a triple again nice come on you as well and you nice oh my god dude we're doing so well in this one 54 kills already and that's been it my friends 5 seconds left still manage to die there but it's okay we're positive 55 kills and 49 deaths it's not too far off of what the other people got but yeah that's been it for this one playing Counter Strike two below the system requirements is not a great idea good thing is if you have a first gen I3 you can upgrade to like a first gen i7 for like what € EUR and upgrade your RAM from 6 gabt to like 16 gigabytes for like 10 bucks as well so it's very very inexpensive in this platform thanks very much for watching this video don't forget to like And subscribe if you haven't already and I'll catch you in the next one very soon as always love you all bye-bye
Channel: zWORMz Gaming
Views: 68,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: core, intel, i3, i5, i7, i9, 8100, 6400, 8400, cpu, pc, budget, gaming, zwz, vram, ram, 1gb, 2gb, 3gb, 4gb, 8gb, 12gb, 16gb, dual, single, channel, low, medium, high, max, min, all, settings, fps, benchmark, test, can, run, it, game, nvidia, geforce, gtx, ti, hd, 720p, gameplay, ryzen, r3, r5, r7, 1200, 2200g, 1300x, 1400, 1600, 2600, 2700, comparison, 9100f, 9400f, 3600, 3200g, 3400g, 144hz, 3300x, 3100, 10100, 10400, xt, fix, low fps, cs2, i3 540, 1st gen, i3 cs2, counter strike 2 core i3, counter strike 2 hd 5450, gts 450
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 22sec (742 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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