Could The US Defend From An Invasion of the Homeland

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World in Conflict had something: Soviets used container ships to infiltrate and occupy Seattle in the game.

And then managed to continue on to the east. Of course, they didn't get far before retreating and pulling out.

Now, imagine World in Conflict but with Dreadnoughts, Kirovs, Apocalypse Tanks, and, of course, mind control in the form of Psychic Beacons.

Not saying that the Soviets could occupy all of US, but expect that at the very least they'd be able to hold Seattle (like in WiC), New York and Washington with Beacons (like in RA2).
With nukes neutralized thanks to Yuri, not much could threaten Soviet presence, though continued expansion would most definitely not be possible, or as easy as it seems in the RA2 campaign, Allied or Soviet.

Mental Omega plays with the idea that Russia had help invading the US from China and South America, and in WiC China did indeed want to join the fray. They decided to turn around in WiC due to coordinated assault on Seattle, but that assault would most certainly have failed when you have Yuri's Beacon at your disposal.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TAK02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

yes but


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No you can't stop my Kirovs!!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cyber_Lord_CR πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

It’s amazing how many impossible things happen in history.

Sending a huge land army over the alps? Impossible.

Texas defeating Santa Ana? Impossible.

Germany moving tanks through the Arden? Impossible.

In hindsight everything looks inevitable. But when looking forward we tend to only focus on what has happened as a measure of what could happen. And that isn’t always the case.

A lot of what war is about is about doing what the enemy thinks is impossible. Which is why it’s so important to know the enemy and know yourself.

And when your side can literally mind control high end officials and military personally it’s amazing what can be possible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/David_Umstattd πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 25 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

No but world in confilcts was extremely possible

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Cogatanu7CC95 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Not to mention there are actually more privately owned guns than people in the United States. The insurgency would be a nightmare for anyone.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fish_245 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 22 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
It's the early 1980s, and over the skies of the American heartland, Soviet and Cuban paratroopers begin to fall from the sky. In minutes thousands of communist invaders have gained a foothold in the very heart of America, and with World War III in full swing, it's up to a band of plucky teenagers to fight a guerilla war against the godless commies. If you grew up in the 80s, or just plain don't have a bad taste in movies, then you're well aware of the action hit Red Dawn, a film that portrays a Soviet invasion of the United States towards the end of the Cold War. No, we're not talking about the remake, we don’t speak of the remake. But film aside, could it really happen? That question was asked by Inforgraphics Show fan Blazik (VO NOTE: PRONOUNCED BLAZE-ICK) who wanted to know if someone were to invade America, could the US pull all its forces home and hold out against a foreign invader? Despite what fiction like Red Dawn would have you believe, the United States was never in any danger of an invasion by the Soviet Union- mostly because the Russian people were about as interested in invading the US as Americans were in invading the Soviet Union. Of course that didn't stop politicians and military officials on both sides using the fear of an evil capitalist- or communist- invasion from ballooning defense budgets. The saddest fact of the cold war just might be that despite all the preparations to defend from an invasion by both sides, neither NATO nor the Soviet bloc ever had a single war plan drawn up for an actual preemptive invasion of the other's territory. But another major reason why the US was never under threat of an invasion is due to its unique place in world geography. In order for an enemy to get to America, first it must cross two massive oceans, and this geographic fact makes the United States the single most secure nation on earth. Even today, moving troops and equipment across the oceans is a massive undertaking in terms of both logistics and cost, and very few nations are even capable of attempting the feat. But let's say that the two leading peer competitors to the US decided to join forces and team up against the United States. With all troops returned home from overseas, could the US defend itself against a double-sided assault against it by China and Russia? First, the two power alliance would have to decide on where to strike. For an invasion to be successful, both nations would have to land troops as quickly as possible, and that would require the use of a working seaport. These ports would require good rail and road infrastructure, and must have deep water anchorages so that large cargo ships could dock and disgorge troops and heavy equipment. The need to take and hold major seaports is critical, as aside from a few token forces with a small number of fire support platforms, amphibious landings alone wouldn't be able to deliver firepower fast enough to secure a beachhead. In Normandy during World War II, the success of the landings was largely down to a brilliant deception played out by the Allies which saw the Nazis concentrate their forces at the wrong landing site, and even when the real landings happened a hundred miles away, Nazi commanders were so fooled by Allied intelligence that they ordered their forces to hold their positions, believing that the 'real' assault was coming their way any day. This ruse, combined with some whopping tactical blunders by Hitler, allowed the Allies to quickly build a makeshift port facility which let Allied armor and artillery disembark. Had Hitler allowed his commanders to commit Panzer reinforcements to the landings, Normandy would likely have ended as a complete catastrophe for the allies. By the time he cleared reserve Panzer units for an assault on the beachheads, Allied logistical units had already disembarked enough tanks to repel the assault. In an invasion of the US homeland, such a ruse would be impossible to pull off. Long range and satellite surveillance assets would see an invasion fleet days before it made landfall, and its target would be clearly known to the American defenders. Therefore China and Russia would have to act quickly and decisively, taking major sea ports and holding them long enough to disembark a sizable expeditionary force able to repel American counter-assaults. For China, the only good options for unloading main battle tanks and mechanized artillery would be the ports in LA, Long Beach, Oakland, Tacoma, and Seattle. The LA/Long Beach complex would be especially attractive, as it is one of the world's largest ports and would allow Chinese forces to disembark very quickly. Unfortunately, these port facilities are also very close to several American air and naval bases, making them easily defended. The Seattle and Tacoma ports however are far more vulnerable, as only five major American bases are near these facilities. Landing in Washington though would mean Chinese forces would have to fight south into California through easily defended and very mountainous terrain- a tactical nightmare for any Chinese commander. Russian invaders would face an even less enviable job. The American east coast is home to far more numerous large port facilities, giving the Russian invasion force a greater number of targets to pick from. Unfortunately, the American east coast is also its most heavily defended, with several dozen major military installations spread out from north to south. The east coast is also home to America's largest military shipyards, which would be so heavily protected it would be suicidal to attempt a landing or assault against them. Russia's best bet would be to attempt a landing in Mobile, Alabama, or Houston, Texas. This however would mean Russian forces would have to spend more time out at sea, and move into the Gulf of Mexico where they would be surrounded on all sides but the south by major American air bases. For both our challengers, the tactical picture is not looking very good, as the United States simply has no viable landing sites for a major expeditionary force that couldn't be easily defended. China and Russia could opt to coerce or bribe Mexico or Canada into allowing them to land at their facilities and then launch an invasion into the US itself. This would be by far the best strategic option for the invasion forces, but in response to the agreement between either nation and the Sino-Russian alliance, the United States would immediately begin a large-scale bombing campaign against port facilities in Canada or Mexico. With every viable port being within easy reach of American bombers, even before the invasion force crossed the ocean they would be sailing for ports that have been turned into rubble. Assuming that the US didn't use naval aviation, which it definitely would, the invaders could opt for using ports in South America- well out of the reach of most American bombers- and then simply move north to invade through Mexico. Moving through South America's poor road and rail infrastructure though would be a nightmare for the invaders, allowing plenty of time for the US to simply move blocking forces through Mexico to Panama and hold off the invasion there. If miraculously though the alliance did manage to land forces in Canada or Mexico, it would face a different tactical nightmare altogether. In Canada, the lack of suitable border crossings would force the invaders to spread out over a large area, or bottleneck and be subjected to endless attacks by American air power. In Mexico military border crossings would be possible over a far larger area, but enemy forces would be moving through terrain that provided absolutely no cover. American air power would once more devastate any invaders trying to move through the flat terrain of the US/Mexico border. Geography alone provides the United States with near invulnerability from enemy invasion, but the logistics of the world's militaries proves why the US simply cannot be invaded. An invasion of the American homeland would rely on naval power to get the job done, and right off the bat, no nation on the earth- nor any combination of nations- has the firepower and logistical support needed to carry out such an invasion. The matter is one of historical necessity for the world- ever since the end of the second world war, all of the world's major powers have had no need to project military power far from their own shores, except for the United States. The Soviet Union was chiefly concerned with securing its European borders, and in the case of a third world war, its most vital strategic objectives could all be reached over land. The vitally important oil fields of the middle east could all be taken via land routes through Afghanistan and Iran, and no navy was needed to hold off NATO forces in Europe. The same was true for Europe's NATO members- while once their mighty navies ruled the waves all over the world, their concerns in the 20th century quickly became resisting a possible Soviet invasion, and for that no major naval power was needed. In the Atlantic, the Soviets hoped to slow the American response with the use of submarines, but ultimately knew they could never stop the US Navy and thus never seriously tried. On the other side of the world, China struggles to turn itself into a first world power, and other than resentment towards Japan over its actions in World War II, China has had no real motivations to build a strong navy- at least until now. Much like the Soviet Union and Europe's NATO partners though, China definitely had no real reason to build a heavy sealift capability in order to move thousands of troops and heavy equipment across the ocean. On the other hand, the United States is both blessed, and cursed by geography. While it is untouchable to invasion thanks to the Atlantic and Pacific, it also means that in order to project power on the world stage, America has always needed a strong navy. This is the reason that the US has always had a very strong naval tradition, and why it has invested in naval and air transport more than any other nation on earth. If US troops want to get somewhere after all, they're certainly not walking there. To even get forces to the US, any invading army is going to need some serious sealift capability, and no force on earth comes even close to the US's 125 vessel Military Sealift Command, which operates a vast fleet of oilers, tankers, and heavy cargo transports. Yet even this fleet is not enough according to some analysts, and plans are being called for that include dramatically increasing the capability of the US's military transport fleets. China has in recent years expanded its landing ship capabilities, with several dozen available to carry troops and heavy equipment. These ships though are not meant for global operations, and are only designed for cross-strait invasions into Taiwan or to ferry supplies to China's illegal holdings in the artificial islands it built across the South China Sea. A crippling lack of support vessels such as oilers means that China cannot physically get its landing ships across the Pacific, though even if this problem were to be solved, the nation cannot hope to make a contested landing on foreign soil. Again, this is because of China's lack of need for a global expeditionary military force. China's chief military concerns lie with a military invasion and forced repatriation of Taiwan, and thus it has not invested money into developing a true blue-water navy. Russia has even less naval transport capability and support vessels, which again is a result of its military objectives being close to home. To compound the two nation's sea lift problems, both nations have no dedicated amphibious assault ships capable of providing close air support and air superiority to landing forces on a contested beach. By comparison, the US operates 9 of these specialized vessels, and they will soon be equipped with the F-35 stealth fighter. Projecting air power is in fact the biggest weakness for any nation hoping to invade the US, and China and Russia combined only operate two active-duty aircraft carriers of extremely limited capabilities. Russia's infamous Admiral Kuznetsov very publicly had to be towed back to a friendly port after experiencing severe mechanical problems. Without adequate air power, neither nation could expect to secure a foothold on the US mainland. America's air forces are twice as large as both nations combined, and its naval aviation alone is as large as Russia's total air power. If by some miracle either nation could get troops across the ocean to US shores, the lack of airpower would reduce the attempted landings to a suicide mission. In the end not only could the US protect from an invasion of the homeland, but it is currently and for the foreseeable future, completely invulnerable to military invasion. Luckily, the US, China, and Russia have no desire to fight each other, and there exists no real reason to. Now that you've made it to the end of the video, why not keep learning about cool, awesome stuff? Click on this video here, or maybe click this one instead- either way we guarantee you'll be entertained, you just can't lose! 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Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 3,274,921
Rating: 4.8467226 out of 5
Keywords: war, homeland, us military, attack, news, world news, army battle, warzone, USA, what if, united states, military, nuclear war, nuclear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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