10 Countries That Are Impossible To Invade

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ten countries that are impossible to invade number ten Iran you know you're tough country when your nickname is fortress Iran despite amassing powerful enemies like the u.s. Turkey and Saudi Arabia Iran hasn't been invaded since World War two a manpower of over half a million soldiers as well as 1658 tanks and 137 aircraft make a run hard enough to beat in a pitch battle but what makes a potential conquest even more difficult is the nation's mountainous terrain the topography of Iran is similar to that of Afghanistan and that country is still full of small pockets of terrorist fighters years after the NATO invasion Iran's government already has a network of underground missile bases and claims that they exist 500 metres under every city and province in the country an invading force would have to take out each secluded base one by one a bloody and endless process many also suspect that the Iranian nuclear program is being used to create nuclear weapons although the Iran nuclear deal may make some progress in limiting the country's nuclear ambitions Iran has recently started testing missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead a nuclear defense would make an invasion even less fun for anyone who doesn't like giant doses of radiation poisoning number 9 Australia fun fact Australia's army once lost a war against emus so invading them ought to be as simple as marching in putting your feet up and ordering a Foster's right well there's two things you're forgetting one foster's is terrible don't order it and to Australia is a floating desert in the middle of nowhere the country is nearly 11,000 kilometres from the nearest military that could take them on and no it's not that military powerhouse Vanuatu Japan is the only country near enough and powerful enough to consider an invasion and they've been an ally of the land down under for decades even if you reach Australia your problems are only just beginning 98% of the Aussie population may live around the coasts but you'd still have to conquer the outback which makes up 70% of the nation's landmass that leaves a desert thousands of kilometres wide for the australian army to hide in and conduct guerrilla raids from during world war ii japan did actually plan an invasion of australia for they abandon it for pretty much all the above reasons number 8 russia if you want to know how an invasion of russia typically works out just ask Napoleon or Hitler two of history's most powerful armies rolled into Russia and within a few years they were rolled right back out again the key to Russia's safety is its geography it's the largest country in the world and much of that land is either surrounded by mountains or covered in more snow than a polar bears wet dream during World War two the Russian army spent months retreating willingly giving up land because they knew it leave the Nazi stranded and freezing to death it worked and the botched invasion became a key factor in Hitler's downfall modern day Russia also has a formidable army at its disposal with 845 thousand active military personnel the fifth largest in the world on top of this Russia could cool upon its 3,500 military aircraft and its fleet of 350 warships oh and they have over 7,000 nuclear missiles second only to the US so even if you survive a regular winter you'll still have their nuclear winter to deal with number seven North Korea there aren't many things that Kim jong-un has that would be considered one of the best in the world but one thing he can boast about is his substantial army North Korea has over a million active soldiers 4,200 tanks and 222 attack helicopters that gives them a larger military than every NATO member except Uncle Sam more importantly they're also believed to have nuclear weapons capable of reaching South Korea Japan and possibly the west coast of the u.s. recently tensions have been high in the region as North Korea pushes ahead with nuclear tests troop movements by America China and Russia indicate that an invasion could occur in the near future if a war does happen it would take the combined forces of America South Korea and Japan to make an effective invasion remotely feasible even then a minimum of hundreds of thousands of people would die are told too high for most countries to stomach so Kim jong-un can kick back with a few bottles of wine in the short term at least he's probably safe from invasion number six Putin if you've never heard of this country we don't blame you Boutin is one of the most secluded nations on earth tucked away in the Himalayas it has an army of only 6,000 men with no artillery and no air force yet Bhutan belongs to a very short list of nations that have never been invaded in the 1700s they were attacked by the British Empire because honestly who hasn't been attacked by the British Empire and they lost but this defeat merely forced an allegiance with Britain not a full annexation nowadays an invasion would be impossible for two main reasons the first is the terrain hiking your way 3,000 metres above sea level to beat an cause altitude sickness and tanks would have no chance of making the trip and the second is that India has decided to take the small state under its protection India supplies weapons money and training to batons minor army it has also promised to use its slightly larger army of 1,200,000 soldiers to protect the nation these factors along with a complete lack of incentive for anyone to invade give Bhutan pretty substantial protection number five Israel when you're a small country surrounded by people who don't want you to exist you don't really have any choice but to become tough a ship Israel has been in eight wars in its short 69 year history and it has never lost one the returning has an army of one hundred and seventy-six thousand troops the country introduced mandatory military service in 1949 women have to serve at the military for a minimum of 24 months and men have to spend 36 months there this means that a significant proportion of Israel population is trained for warfare and the state could call on another one and a half million soldiers if it needed to Israel has also developed the best missile defense system in the world the Iron Dome and no there's not an actual giant dome covering Israel like in the simpsons movie the Israeli Defense Force uses the craziest meter defense possible shooting enemy missiles out of the sky with their own missiles this insanely badass defense has successfully shut down 90% of enemy missiles before they reach their target number for Canada the Canadians may act all nice and polite but anyone who's seen in ice hockey match knows that they can play rough when they want to and with a highly trained and professional army of 95,000 soldiers taking on Canada's army would be a substantial feat in its own right but Canada doesn't even need to fall back on its own military like Russia its size an icy climate make launching a sizeable force against the nation extremely difficult on top of this most of the population of Canada lives near it's only land border which happens to be shared with the world's most powerful military and Canada's ally so unless you want to fight your way through America to get there the only way into Canada is by sailing through half frozen waters landing in the most remote parts of the country then you have to trudge south through six metres of snow and minus 50 degrees Celsius temperatures to get to the cities and then after all that America will probably just attack you anyway number three Switzerland it's easy to forget that Switzerland even has an army after all it doesn't get a lot of action the country has been reliably neutral since 1815 and if you can turn a blind eye to the whole world war two thing it's unlikely you're going to be dragged into any war soon still if an invasion ever does rudely disturb them from their busy lives of clockmaking the swiss army could put up a pretty good fight the Swiss Armed Forces has 150,000 personnel and 156 aircraft that army may be relatively small but it's also used to fighting in the Alps unless you happen to have a biathlon champion in your army the Swiss are going to be able to outmaneuver you up the mountains and down the slopes you would be able to catch them off guard either Swiss soldiers are legally required to keep their weapons with them at home more important than their army is the fact that they never use it Switzerland's famous neutrality means that all the powerful nations surrounding it are allies an invading force would have to contend with France Germany and scariest of all Layton Stein number two Japan a country has to be pretty hardcore to be one of the oldest civilizations on earth and one that still has never been invaded despite a long history of people trying Japan has never been overrun even the Mongols couldn't conquer the Japanese and the Mongols basically did nothing but conquer people of course Japan has been defeated but it took America dropping a couple of nukes on them to do it and even then Japan was never fully invaded nowadays innovation would be even harder since 2016 Japan has ramped up its military spending 240 billion dollars they have a quarter of a million soldiers at their disposal and over 600 tanks Japan's air force of 1590 aircraft is the fifth largest and the most technologically advanced in the world plus Godzilla would probably help out the only weak links in Japan's defense or its aging population and surprisingly weak cyber defense which according to experts is 9 times more vulnerable than other countries in Asia still an invasion of Japan would require a military beyond the limits of anyone except America speaking of whom number one the USA we all knew America had to be on this list somewhere the u.s. pumps 596 billion dollars into its military every year more than the next seven high spending nations combined on its own the 54 billion dollar increase in defense expenditure proposed by President Trump is equivalent to 80 percent of Russia's entire military budget on top of which the US has enough nukes to kill everyone on earth several times over so yeah they're pretty safe even without this ridiculous military dominance the US would be basically possible to invade the me scale of the u.s. nearly ten million square kilometers would make it complete conquest a multi-year endurance test especially when you'd need a military capable of fighting effectively in the deserts of Utah the beaches of Hawaii and the icy hellscape of Alaska actually on second thoughts they can have Alaska add that to a highly on population that's been dreaming if this exact scenario since Red Dawn and an invasion looks more and more far-fetched by the second sorry Vlad but it just isn't happening so that was ten countries that are impossible to invade which country do you think would be the toughest to take over did we leave any nations off the list let us know in the comments below and if you want more creative country content be sure to check out ten new countries that could exist in ten years playing now
Channel: Alltime10s
Views: 15,872,581
Rating: 4.1973176 out of 5
Keywords: Alltime10s, 10s, facts, video, list, top 10, countries, nations, military, army, navy, air force, Iran, Australia, Russia, North Korea, Bhutan, Israel, Canada, Switzerland, Japan, USA, America, NATO, tanks, aircraft, jets, missiles, soldiers, nuclear weapons, defence, spending, invasion, conquest, geography, history, terrain, mountains, battleships, Iron Dome, cyber defence, budget, billions, bunkers, bases, helicopters, Alps, countries that are impossible to invade, places that are impossible to invade
Id: f9fhdcYOxRY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2017
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