The MYSTERY of Stallord's Origin in Twilight Princess (Zelda Theory)

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Over the many ages that make up the Zelda series the hero in green and most recently blue, Link has taken on a wide variety of evils plaguing the land of Hyrule. Not just your average ground level monsters but much more powerful foes in the form of bosses. From demonic monstrous eels to infernal beasts hotter than Death Mountain itself to the stuff of pure fantasy like actual dragons fought in mid air. It’s fair to say that the Zelda series knows how to do enemies, especially the boss battles. Whilst Breath of The Wild stepped away from the traditional format of bosses, instead having more of a focus on overworld bosses, the evils from the past have not gone forgotten. The bosses of the past often have an untold story behind them, pieces of lore and history not fully known to the player and one boss that screams mystery to me, is Stallord. The Twilit Fossil of the Arbiter's Grounds. This colossal titan of a skeleton is the boss of the 4th dungeon in Twilight Princess the Arbiter's Grounds and whilst based on first impressions Stallord may seem like nothing more than a badass epic boss fight, there is actually a lot of history about this foe that we don’t know. Why is Stallord here, what did Stallord look like alive and in the flesh and the big one… What is Stallord?. That is today's video. Be sure to go grab yourself a snack or drink and let’s dive into the mystery of the origins of the mighty Twilit Fossil Stallord. To begin we will need to briefly analyze Stallord and the surroundings we find the beast in. When Link first enters the room we can see that this is some sort of chamber, a massive cylindrical room with a dipping pit of sand at the bottom. Upon making our way down the sand we get our first proper look at Stallord. We can see the stagnate remains of some sort of large beast. A massive skull, spine, ribcage and demonic claw breaching the sand. Once Link walks right up to the remains his new found rival Zant appears and stabs the skull of this beast with the scimitar of Twilight resulting in the re-animation of this monster. Not to be confused with re-resection which we will cover later in the video for a much bigger reason. After Zant vanishes the beast begins to rise from the depths of the sand. What looked like a few broken bones on the surface emerges into a titan of a skeleton with corrupt red demonic eyes, with the Scimitar of Twilight still lodged into the skull. We can take a few things from this view of Stallord. After rising from the ground we can see that the beast has long arms equipped with claws at the end, which will be useful information to know later in the video. The torso and spine build are rather general and normal so there isn’t much to take from that but one of the most important skeletal features to note is the skull. We get a few good shots on the skull both from the front, sides and behind. We can see there is a sort of ridged spike feature going down the skull which would connect to the spine. The beast has large fanged teeth, likely having more smaller ones when it was alive but due the size of these fangs they've remained intact. This is important for making connections to other beasts later. Then there are also these doubled horn-like features which curl and rise to the back of the skull, which is incredibly important to note so be sure to keep that in mind also. It’s a small detail but there also seems to be some sort of metal poles or worn down blades penetrating the skull. There is a second phase to the battle which is incredibly awesome but it doesn’t give us any new skeltal features to note. Although we learn Stallord can now shoot fireballs at us, indicating towards this monster being some sort of fire based enemy in the past but we’ll discuss that more shortly. Moving away from Stallord directly, as previously mentioned the location Stallord is found within is this massive chamber. At first it’s filled with sand but as the second phase of the fight commences the sand drains and reveals a spinner slot which protects a massive tower with spinner rails that are used to fight Stallord on in mid air. This reveals to us that the chamber has a ton of sand below it. Possibly meaning Stallord was formerly a sand type enemy but I personally believe the sand was more of a containment method but that’s just me personally. Other details we can note about this place is that the chamber is in fact very out of the way to reach and has a sort of grand entrance. This could mean the chamber was planned for containing large monsters as this was a prison after all and enemies pose a threat to Hyrule but the fact that it’s very distanced from the heart of the prison could indicate the threat Stallord posed which will be used in a connection point shortly. We do also need to remember that the Arbiter's Grounds was the prison for the worst of the worst, built far out in the Gerudo Desert which is extremely hard to access in this interaction of Hyrule. Meaning Stallord was definitely one of the most terrifying and threatening beasts of it’s time. On top of that, moments before Zant re-aniamtes Stallord he says the following to Link “For I fear this is the last time I will see you alive” which whilst could just be an intimidation tactic, it could also mean Zant knows the dangers of a live Stallord. How would he know this you may ask? Well it’s possible that when Ganondorf was banished to the Twilight Realm and teamed up with Zant, he was made aware of the tools to use in their planned takeover. With Stallord being the most deadly one. A tool for their plan. Now that we have a full understanding and analysis if you like we can begin comparing it to monsters of the past and see if there are any relevant connections. The obvious things to look for are size and shape. Stallord is clearly huge compared to the size of Link so we are realistically looking at Stallord being some sort of Dragon or Dodongo. Two of the largest known creatures in the Zelda series. You could argue the possibility of leviathans being on the cards here but the skeletal features don’t really add up as the leviathans known to the series don’t typically have fanged saber teeth or claws. Firstly, we should look at a creature found in the same game as Stallord, the Twilit Dragon Argorok. This soaring beast of the skies is the boss to the 7th dungeon in the game the City in The Sky and shares some similarities to our landbourn friend Stallord. Argorok has a body build similar to Stallord, a narrow and sharp skull, followed down by a prominent rib cage. The dragon also has claws but they appear to be on the feet whether as Stallord seems to be more hands. These could have been wings but Argoroks wings don’t seem to have any claws at all and rather are just simply wings. So I think that Argorok writes of Argorok. Next, Valoo. Now before we write this one of because Valoo is seen as a deity and a general nice guy [COUGH COUGH] Dragon. There could be a connection in terms of species. Looking at Valoo’s shape and structure it’s clear there aren’t any obvious connections but there is one I wanted to point out, the skull. Valoo shares that same inverted horn feature as Stallord, although it’s only a single row or set it is an identical feature so it’s worth mentioning but is still unlikely to connect the two fully. Thirdly and in my opinion most interestingly, Volvagia. The Subterranean Lava Dragon of the Fire Temple, Ocarina of Times firth dungeon. The similarities between Stallord and Volvagia are insane. The Lava Dragon of Death Mountain is a long serpent dragon infused with the element of fire. Most noticeable seen with it’s red main of fire. Volvagia shares four key details to Stallord. They both have clawed hangs, yes Volvagias are much much smaller but that will be explained soon. They both share those inverted sharp horns coming out from their skull and whilst some may argue that the skull and horns of Volvagia is more of an armour plate to protect its face that isn’t exactly true. If you look at the dragon's claws we can see that they are an identical texture and design to the skull. Meaning it’s more than likely part of the dragon, an exterior skull that has developed onto the dragon as they’ve evolved as it’s needed for their survival. They also both share the element of fire and whilst you could argue that Stallord is found in the sandy dunes of the Gerudo Desert, remember the Arbiter's Grounds is prison meaning Stallord very well could have been brought here. Stallord can shoot fireballs. Then there is the fourth connection, they were both brought back to life in one way or another. In the events of Ocarina of Time, after Ganondorf takes over Hyrule he resurrects the ancient dragon Volgagia to threaten the Gorons who stood up to Ganondorf's reign of Hyrule, the King of Evil brought the ancient legend of a beast back to life and imprisoned the Gorons within the Fire Temple and threatened to feed them to the dragon Volvagia to show them whos boss and to send a message to any other races or groups who dare defy his reign over Hyrule. Stallord was re-animated by Zant who was under the wing of Ganondorf in order to take out Link. Could Ganondorf seen in Twilight Princess somehow have known about the legend of Volvagia and what his descendant incineration in Ocarina of Time did, inspiring him to find a similar beast or further, a relative beast to threaten Hyrule with again. Knowing Twilight Princess takes place many ages after Ocarina of Time, evident by the state of the Hero’s Shade who is the same Link from Ocarina of Time could the species of dragon that Volvagia is have either evolved or lived on for years to come? I believe that’s very possible. I am not saying Volvagia and Stallord are one for one copies but I believe they are part of the same family of dragons. The best way to prove my point and evidence here is through the identification of dinosaurs. Yes you heard that right. You see dinosaucers were typically identified by each other by their body features, similar to how us humans do now but it was to a much greater extent with our dino friends. Many dinosaurs differentiated their gender by body features such as horns or external skull features. For example, many female dinosaurs had larger hips. Some species had either longer or shorter jaws, tails and you guessed it, horns. These defining features were even used for mating charms which we dive in depth too as I’m sure you can figure that out for yourself. The main point here is that whilst many dinosaurs looked very different, you could often tell if it was part of the same family though it’s skeletal structure and features. Lookat Volvagia and Stallord, they both share that identical invertorn horn. Both appearing like armour for their face. Along with that they both have clawed hands and from what we can see, a lack of feet. On top of all of that, they both share the element of fire. It’s just more noticeable with Volvagia as it was resurrected in it’s living form. Stallord is well a stall enemy, the lord of the Stall enemies. Made of bones but still shows it’s fire traits during the fight against Link. Could the story of Stallords re-animation and fight with Link be an insanely deep and hidden reference to the events of and story of Volvagia and it’s resurrection? No, that’s rather unlikely but would be awesome. Rather, I believe that Stallord and Volvagia are in fact connected by species. I think that they are both part of the same family of fire dragons, they look different in terms of size and extresution of certain body parts however their features do add up really well. Like the dinosaurs point earlier, they can look different but be part of the same family which is defiable through their skeletal features. To add to that, Death Mountain seen in Twilight Princess technically lacks a true enemy as the boss is a corrupt Goron under the control and influence of the infectious Twilight. The mountains dungeon, The Goron Mines does not have an evil boss and now that we know Stallord is the remains of a fire dragon we could say that Stallord once received it within Death Mountain, similar to how Volvagia once did many ages ago. Now some of you may ask, what about the inverted horns on Valoo? Well Valoo could be part of the same family of fire based dragons or even a branch off within the same family tree which resulted in a different body, arms, legs and tail but kept that feature of inverted horns coming from the skull. Valoo just happened to be a deity similar to the dragons seen in Skyward Sword. To conclude and wrap things up, I believe that the Twilit Fossil Stallord in its prime was in fact a relentless fire dragon akin to Volvagia. So much so, that Stallord and Volvagia are part of the same family of fire dragons but due to Stallord being on the larger and stronger side of their family tree of species, it was contained inside the Arbiter's Grounds in a far deep chamber, flooded with sand to hold the beast down and inevitably take it out, resulting in us finding it as nothing more than the remains of a dragon. Thanks a lot for watching this video, I really hope you enjoyed it. If you did be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more smashing Zelda content. What do you think, what is the Twilit Fossil Stallord? Be sure to leave a comment down below with what you think about the Origins of Stallord and if I missed anything, I look forward to reading your comments. Huge thanks to all of my wonderful Patreon supporters for your generous support. It really helps me to make these videos as often as possible, if you’d like to become one of my Patrons and get your name featured at the end of every one of my videos then feel free to check out my page through the card in the top right or link in the description. Again, thanks for watching and until the next time I’ve been Hyrule Gamer.
Channel: Hyrule Gamer
Views: 318,891
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Keywords: Zelda, Legend of Zelda, Breath of The Wild 2, Breath of The Wild sequel, Botw 2, Botw sequel, Botw, Breath of The Wild, Hyrule, Hylian, Princess Zelda, Ganon, Ganondorf, Malice, Calamity Ganon, Triforce, Zelda Theory, Zelda Lore, Mystery, Mysteries, Explained, Analysis, Zelda News, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, Zeldatubers, HG, Zeltik, NintendoBlackCrisis, RMFH, MaskedNintendoBandit, Croton, Hyrule Gamer, TLOZ, LOZ, Master Sword, Sheikah, Sheikah Slate, Kakariko Village, Link
Id: juqeH2AYmeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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