Dualie Squelchers vs Douser Dualies? Battle of MID! - [SPLATOON 3]

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all right so a lot of people have asked me what do you think is better dowser dues or dou scultures in all honesty this question is a bit hard to answer since no one plays these guns dowser despite being new I've still seen little play time with it it's like they've tried it for a day and then gave up on it and went back to their comfort dly but why is that let's find out and before you ask whether I'm qualified to well I did grind dowser doues to fourstar within the first 3 days that came out 78 wins Total on the weapon and as for dou scures well at the time of recording this video I have 3,818 wins in total so hopefully that's enough experience to [Music] answer in conclusion what I can't do that all right fine now before we get into it we have to sort of Define what's considered good a lot of players might have different standards when it comes to what a good weapon looks like you could argue leaderboard placements but I think we've proven any weapon can place well in solo with enough dedication You could argue turny placements which is probably the most accurate but you also have to take into account who the other three players are and how well that weapon kept up with its teammates a duly we see a lot in competitive play and leaderboards is we doing in the most recent x-rank season there were 13 V dues nine tetras and four du scultures in the top 500 category for zones in area cup there was only four VES and one du culture in the top 16 in case you think this is a Zone's only thing in Taka tower control from the most recent season there are 14 VES nine dapples four dou scultures four tetras and four glas so I think it's safe to say that V is more than likely the best duy we have currently so what exactly makes it good well for starters it's kid is really strong crab has been an oppressor special for the entire game's lifespan despite its many nerves it's still considered a strong special that you see in many comps unlike other crab weapons such as Splash vuli also has the range of Mobility to fight with a solid kill time and can hold chokes while with suction bump so the three main things I just listed that makes it good is kit mobility and kill time or DPS if you [Music] rather D scures has great Mobility probably the best in the game but the kid is worse and inconsistent comparison to vly and it has a mediocre kill time Vanilla D scultures has Splat bomb wave breaker Splat bomb is a great sub top three in the game I'd argue but on duly scultures it lacks the incapacity to use it carelessly you often have to decide on whether you want to throw a bomb Dodge or hold fire doing a mix of all three1 you drive very quickly wave breaker is much better with the locate buff upon placing it however the special does not pain or get forward pressure it's more so an AOE special that's good on holds but not something that can get you back into the game or solidify lock out custom d s has super chump and beacon beacon is good for getting your teammates back in quickly and knowing where people are on the map however it does no damage or paint whatsoever and duly SES is a weapon that needs chip damage as the gun still holds damage Nur between to back when main power up still existed super Chumps has paint and Chip damage but other specials out classed in both of those regards such as ink storm strikes booya missiles Etc making it hard to start a push with it it relies on other specials and players to team fight with it to get space back dowser dues has great range the longest du Ranger in the game out ranging even squeezer but its Mobility is horable and the kit is questionable DS's longrange mode is great for helping your team chip but not the best accuracy other longrange weapons can do this better what makes dowser special however is its roll option unlike other backlines if someone's approaching you you can use your roll to throw off your opponents and switch to an extremely fast DPS mode matching V duly shot speed the trade-off you only have one long roll and a lot of leg a mistake I see a lot of new dowser players do is they roll forward like they're playing any other dly but that often gets you killed due to the large amount of end leg I just mentioned it is better to use it as a mixup when Slayers are chasing you and only roll forward if you're approaching an anchor and you know you're in range and they don't see you as for the kit the biggest struggle dowser has currently is that it sub is ink mine this makes it so that you have to approach if you want your mines to be in good spots using it midf fight is slow and iny and it doesn't hold space as well as normal lethals do wh is a strong special especially after the buff but it's comp dependent for getting back in as it lacks paint and mostly relies on chip damage to finish its job now let's compare the two ink mine and beacons are both subs that tell you where the opponents are and both are best used when already in control but can't help much for getting control back spot bomb won't give you information unless you chip someone with it and check the map but it helps you mid fight and hold space which is good for getting back in I rank Splat B above these two so for now that's one to DS in terms of Subs whale and chump both provide chip damage whale does way more damage than chump could ever dream however it doesn't paint chump is easily cancelable by itself so you often don't get to see its full paint whereas whale is uncan no matter what for this reason I'll rank whale above jumps whale and whave breaker are similar in the same sense that both tell you where people are and neither paint however whale is a quick special that finds opponents only if the player looks in their Direction and does a lot of damage wave breaker while lasts longer isn't nearly as fast and can't help you as much in fights as it's much slower and easier to evade than whale is for this reason I'll rank whale above W breaker it's clear that sra's Mobility is far better so I don't need to explain that one that's one to DS damage and range is a bit of a hard subject because dowser long range mode has worse accuracy and damage and scure as a sacrifice for extra range however its turret mode is much stronger but you're stuck for a while I want to factor in that a lot of people are playing cooler right now so you're more than likely going to have a pencil or edit on your team I don't think dowser benefits from having another anchor in its compal whereas scalas can can benefit a lot from having an anchor as it can go in and stall fights with its Mobility better than any other weapon in the game making it easy for your anchor to help you while you're stalling it can also take space fastest out of all the other weapons with its sliding double roll which also Stacks with run speed dowser one roll is long but very slow so It'll take much longer to take space and you can still fights nearly as well it's tough but since qu's damage is more consistent all around and you don't have to give up time to do damage for now I'll give this one to scures y I will say that if dowser gets a better kit in the future and we get a real sub like maybe burst bomb suctions or even torpedo dowser can likely be a better option than sces but since the sub isn't as good and it's difficult to fit a comp around it the power drills stay on top give it time and let's see what players are able to do with Dowers after all it has only been out for 2 weeks since the time of this video du qus has existed in the game for over 6 years so naturally players have been able to push it further who knows maybe you can be the next person to push Dowsers improve me wrong good luck I hope you guys enjoyed if you are interested in D culture gameplay I stream on Twitch and here on YouTube almost every day in the afternoon please drop by and say hi if you have the time thanks for [Music] watching
Channel: Tyuster
Views: 2,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Splatoon, Splatoon 2, Online, Platformer, Multiplayer, Ranked, Turf War, Tournament, Splatoon 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 22sec (442 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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