Couch Potatoes? This Can't Be Our Grown-Up Destiny! | Gumball - The GI | Cartoon Network

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oh in your face oh I wish I could kick people like this in real life hey nice costums guys you have a spare one nah sorry Dad I'm not sure you're ready for the responsibility I understand come on Darwin let's go practice some killer moves okay dude you know what a true warrior needs for a good warm-up May and a scarf no Darwin son inspiration every time I look in the mirror all I see is the in war staring back at me oh Richard I'm so worried about them why it's a great track they're obsessed with those outfits and the kids at school are making fun of them you know how mean kids can be Richard I know they're just costumes but if people make fun of them they'll never get girlfriends or a job and in 20 years time they'll still be living here and wearing those ridiculous karate outfits comeo yeah I think we wasted Our Lives boys hi Mom check out Darwin's sweet scissor kick [Music] when did you post this we didn't some kids at school did boys look at the title taquan dorks I think they might be making fun of you n they just spelled Taekwondo wrong Karine spelling is very complicated there's loads of other fellow Sense on here look hey I need to tell you a story cool is it a fable about a great martial artarts Warrior not exactly when your father was at school he thought he was the Cotton Tail cavali [Music] cavali costume G leave him alone at least he's brave enough to be himself he was lucky there was one girl who loved him for who he really was what a sad story whatever happened to the cape well I managed to get it off him and hide it what you mean the president didn't really need my Cape I'm sorry honey it's because of you I'm mortal you see that's the kind of state you can get into when you refuse to grow up CLE I don't want to be a costumed geek it's okay Darwin mom we'll stop wearing the outfits if it'll make you happy thank you boys I'm so proud of you you'll see it's for the best life's about abandoning dream After Dream hopes and expectations flow way down stream it's time to kiss our childish ways goodbye grow up give mediocrity a try the games they have to stop no more not even a karate chop face up to what maturity means and forget about the martial arts [Music] Dream well I think I'm cured me too I almost think I could put it back on you know just one last time and I'd be fine I reckon if I put mine back on it would do nothing
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 40,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gumball reboot, amazing world of gumball, amazing world of gumball clown is everywhere, amazing world of gumball full episodes, baby anais, cartoon network, darwin singing, gumball, gumball and darwin, gumball cartoon network, gumball copycats, gumball factory tycoon, gumball full episodes, gumball machine, gumball movie, gumball the night, mrbeast gumball machine, sing with darwin, the amazing world of elmore, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball movie
Id: xhgUWHXBf7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 58sec (238 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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