The Allergy | Gumball | Cartoon Network

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you should never hold in a sneeze it's very dangerous you could pop a blood vessel or even worse is she right what she is is a pain in the neck who makes my job a nightmare if you have a pain in the neck you should really consult a medical professional because your family may have slipped out of alignment which could be a sign of something more serious have a nice day aren't you supposed to take care of kids who are ill have a nice day but we still don't know what he's allergic to have a nice day i feel like you're trying to tell us something i'll never know what she was gonna say now what are we gonna do hmm we're gonna need to find an alternative to traditional medicine did i hear someone talk about alternative medicine alternative medicines are often ridiculed for being a bunch of magic bologna practiced by a gang of almost criminal bozos but look at me you can tell right away it is no laughing matter yeah it's definitely a bit sad so the plan is to clean your energy by absorbing the toxins with the power of this unbreakable crystal the power of these two unbreakable crystals how does that work well i don't know the magazine this came with went bankrupt after two additions i'll just uh do this how does that feel good i think i'm not okay don't worry i've got a diploma in the ancient art of acupuncture really yeah i bought it on the internet it came with a scuba diving license and a dog breeding permit [Music] well on a pain scale of one to ten this looks like it would score at least uh somebody please finish me off every second of my tragic existence is pure agony don't worry acupuncture is completely painless you're right i can't feel pain or anything from the neck down yeah i couldn't remember the exact energy points i needed to strike so better safe than sorry but hey at least it worked you haven't sneezed for a while [Music] ugh i can smell dancing and taste purple are there going to be any more side effects on bikini i'm sorry what i meant to say was now i think the best thing to do is just ignore it i mean how bad can it get do you have any nines no that's the other people that i'm worried about i think your allergy is starting to seriously get on their nerves what do you mean hmm [Music] i can't believe you were suspended for being too dangerous but i can't believe you just ditched school without a proper excuse well we are all in this together if darwin gets to skip class then so do i i thought this was about finding what i'm allergic to yes that as well well he's been hanging around with you all day so maybe he's allergic to stupidity hey it's so nice being mean about people's stupidity but i'm gonna calm down now because now that i think about it that's actually quite a good theory uh is it well yeah it all started with that stupid pillow fight and the more people gave me stupid solutions the worse it got hmm there must be a way to prove this but how hey guys you sometimes wonder what tree does cheese come from we're sure okay we need to come up with a plan but please no more stupid ideas i don't think this house can take it or any other house for that matter gumball please think before you speak dude i didn't even finish my sentence sorry i anticipated it was bound to be stupid hey we're in a democracy here can i get a chance to speak please what if he sneezed upwards nothing would get damaged i knew it hmm come on you're the one with all the good jeans what should we do let's move to the desert there's nothing to destroy there all right we're not gonna talk we're just going to listen to the radio worried about your weight try h too low our new diet water twice the taste half the waste size diet water that sounds completely i guess we'll be walking we're running come on man let's try the other way around
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 1,369,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, baby anais commercial, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon network, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program), Darwin's Yearbook
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 44sec (284 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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