Costco Food Items You Need To Try Before You Die

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Although not everything at Costco is worth  buying, there are dozens of food items that   you should consume at least once in your life.  By the time you finish trying all these items,   don't be shocked if you end up  visiting Costco on a daily basis. Not only does Costco have the best  rotisserie chicken you can find anywhere,   it's so tasty and such a good deal that everyone  deserves to try it at least once in their life. Costco actually loses money on  each rotisserie chicken they sell.   Why do they insist on keeping  the price steady at $4.99?   Costco knows that once you try their chicken,  you'll come back again and again for another   yummy bird — and everyone knows you can't  just buy one thing when you enter a Costco. It's a smart business move on their part  but it's also a delicious deal for you   and anyone else who wants  to help you eat the chicken. When doing a mental search for where you can get a  healthy snack on the go, you probably don't think   of Costco. But you should, as their acai bowls are  an affordable and delectable scoop of goodness. These plant-based and vegan bowls contain  strawberries, blueberries, banana chips,   granola, and an acai mix. The  granola has cane sugar in it,   which makes the acai bowl a sweet treat you  can scarf down for breakfast or at any point   in the day when you want to reward  yourself without blowing your diet. And the acai mix comes out of  Costco's soft serve machine,   so it's pretty easy to trick yourself into  thinking you're eating something indulgent. Is there a better taste in the world  than a perfectly cooked piece of bacon? "Well, as long as you're in my house you'll  do what I do and believe what I believe.   So, butter your bacon!" "Yes father." At Costco, their Kirkland Signature  Bacon is to die for. It's meaty,   yet has a tasty amount of fat on each piece. To kick things up a notch, the bacon has  a memorable smoke flavoring. When you head   to Costco, it should definitely  make your list of things to buy. Even though it can be argued that  Elvis Presley was sent to an early   grave thanks to his famous bacon,  banana, and peanut butter sandwiches,   if he were to rise from his grave one day, he  might proclaim that the bacon made it worth it. It's difficult to find good, creamy almond butter.  Not only does Costco deliver just that, it's even   organic. Kirkland Signature Organic Creamy Almond  Butter is an amazing amount of bang for your buck. Even if you believe that peanut butter  is your favorite type of nut butter,   one mouthful of this stuff will likely change  your mind. It has a perfect texture and is easy   to spread. Tip: Put this almond butter in your  next protein smoothie and you'll be in love. At least one time while you're  still in the land of the living,   you should order the Kirkland Signature  Whole Wheel Parmigiano Reggiano. The 72-pound monstrosity of some of the best  cheese found on planet Earth can be yours for   a little less than a thousand bucks. Costco  imports it directly from Italy after it has   been aged for at least 24 months while under  the care of expert old world cheese makers. You might get tired of cheese while  you whittle down the 72-pound wheel,   but it's an experience you'll always remember. As long as you have your credit card out  and you're ready to spend the big bucks,   consider adding D'Artagnan Spanish  Mangalica Dry Cured Ham to your basket.   Costco will sell you 9.25 pounds of  this glorious ham for a cool $500. It's crafted by fourth-generation virtuosos from  Spain who know a thing or two about making some   of the best ham in the world. All you need to do  once you get your hands on it is slice it thin,   and be thankful that you got to  taste this meat before you died. Once you try Kirkland Signature Organic Pure Maple   Syrup, you'll never go back to  regular pancake syrup again. While most pancake syrup pretends to be maple  syrup but is actually just corn syrup mixed   with maple flavoring, Kirkland Signature Organic  Pure Maple Syrup is 100 percent real maple syrup. You couldn't find better tasting syrup  short of going to Canada and sucking maple   sap directly out of a maple tree.  Save yourself the airfare — and the   embarrassment — and go to Costco to change  you and your pancakes' lives forever. For more than 35 years, Costco has been selling  their hot dog and soda combo for $1.50. Despite   just about everything else getting more expensive  since then, Costco has held tight on that price. These days, you'd be hard-pressed to  find a deal better than a buck fifty   for a quarter-pound hot dog and 20 ounces of soda. Not only will this combo fill you up, the  flavorful hot dog will surprise you with its   tastiness. While these dogs are no longer Hebrew  National, they're still incredibly scrumptious. While you'll need to do some of the legwork before  the take-and-bake Kirkland Signature Chicken Pot   Pie hits your stomach, it'll be well worth the  effort of firing up your oven when you get home. And by your final bite, you'll wonder  why you hadn't tried this pie sooner.   The Kirkland Signature Chicken Pot Pie is  covered by pie dough from Costco's bakery   and filled with all-white meat, carrots,   and peas. Everyone who is lucky enough to get  a slice will love it — from adults to kids. Some oatmeal raisin cookies are dried  out and crumble before they reach your   lips. Other oatmeal raisin cookies are soft,   chewy, and packed with flavor. Costco Bakery  Oatmeal Raisin Cookies are the latter. What will send these cookies to your  life's highlight reel are the big,   plump, juicy raisins. It is safe to say the  raisins aren't an afterthought in these cookies.   In fact, they play the leading role  and they're the star of the show. Additionally, Costco has mastered  the necessary texture of the oatmeal   and the fact that all good oatmeal raisin  cookies need a little bit of saltiness to them. Costco is your destination if you're  looking for raw organic honey that   will add the perfect amount of sweetness to  your hectic and dreary weekdays. This honey,   which originates in Brazil, manages  to be flavorful but not overly sweet,   and doesn't have the artificial taste  that ruins many brands of honey. Short of tapping a beehive in your backyard,  you're not going to find fresher tasting honey.   Start your day with a slice of toast  coated with Kirkland Signature Organic   Raw Honey and you'll be able to  tackle even the gloomiest of days. If your sweet tooth is begging for pleasure  and you only have change in your pocket,   head to Costco for a churro. The churros at the  food court are hot, fresh, and only cost a dollar. All Costco does is take some dough, fry it up, and  sprinkle on some sugar and cinnamon. The result is   a surprisingly long, soft, flavorful churro  that will totally satisfy your sweet tooth. Do you want even more excitement? Ask the friendly   Costco employee for chocolate  sauce to dip your churro in. Typical beef jerky can be more of a chore  to eat than it's worth. Step into the   modern age by purchasing a bag of Kirkland  Signature Premium Extra Thick Steak Strips. This jerky is thick, soft, and will  leave you completely satisfied. The   deep smoke flavoring will make it  impossible to eat just one strip,   although that isn't a bad thing since this jerky  is 98 percent fat-free and totally gluten-free. Pretzels and peanut butter are an awesome  combination. When it comes to the Kirkland   Signature Peanut Butter Filled Pretzel Nuggets,  the name tells you exactly what to expect. Each   nugget is made with a salted pretzel and is filled  with a generous amount of yummy peanut butter. They are perfect to take to a party  or to mindlessly eat from the large   container at home as you wind down your day. If you have an extra $1,000 and you want to  taste a life-changing food before you die,   you can order a six-pound Japanese  Wagyu Tenderloin Roast from Costco. Imported from Japan, you'll soon find out why many  experts agree that the tastiest beef in the world   comes from Japanese farms. The Japanese Wagyu  Tenderloin Roast melts on your tongue like it's   warm butter. Spend the money to order it from  Costco and your mind will be irreparably blown. The Kirkland Signature Artisan  Rolls are a heavenly delight   that are sure to make your dinner a  success. These things are basically   soft ciabatta rolls that are cut in  half and ready for you to munch on. While good right out of the package, if  you want to take it to the next level,   toss these bad boys on a grill then fill  them with all your favorite ingredients   for the perfect sandwich. Once the Kirkland  Signature Artisan Rolls are slightly toasted,   their flavor is enhanced and the  texture will make each bite a party. The Costco Bakery Blueberry Muffins are big  and beautiful like muffins are supposed to   be. The blueberries are large and completely  in charge of the flavor. Each muffin has an   ample amount of blueberries for each  bite to feature at least one berry. The muffins are baked to a golden brown but  are moist and buttery inside. If you want   to taste these goodies at their best, heat  them up and then slather them with butter   or jam. That said, these muffins are  still joyous right out of the package. Pizza is serious business for Costco. In  fact, if you consider Costco a pizza chain   due to all the pizza they sell, it'd be  the 15th largest chain in the country.   The pizza here is made super fast but they  don't make shortcuts when it comes to taste. What makes Costco's pizza taste even better  is the appetizing price tag. By the slice,   it's $1.99. By the pie, it's $9.99. Either  deal will make your bank account smile. While Costco doesn't offer a wide variety of  pizza toppings — it's basically either cheese,   pepperoni, or a combo with mushrooms, sausage,   pepperoni, olives, bell peppers, and onions  — the freshness and the fact that it's so   cheap could make this your new favorite  pizza chain after you give it a try. You have to be brave to order your first chicken  bake at Costco because it doesn't look like a   culinary delight. But once you have it in your  hands, your bravery will pay immediate dividends. It tastes so much better than it looks  that you may be left in a state of shock.   A chicken bake is made with pizza dough, chicken  breast, mozzarella cheese, and bits of bacon. But before it is pinched into  a tube and put in the oven,   the inside and the outside of the chicken bake  is brushed with a creamy Caesar dressing. Yum! Even if the heavenly gates are calling your  name, hold on a couple more days so you can   try the Plaza Osetra Kilo Caviar Pack from  Costco. While you'll need $1,300 to get your   tiny spoon on this caviar, you'll believe it was a  small price to pay once you revel in its majesty. The Plaza Osetra Kilo Caviar Pack  comes with Russian sturgeon caviar   from Bulgaria that is considered some of  the best of the best. Throw a party and   enjoy this caviar with your friends because  you'll get enough to feed up to 50 people. When it comes to healthy snacks, it  doesn't get much healthier than the   Kirkland Signature Organic Roasted  Seaweed Snack available at Costco.   Coming straight from Korea, this seaweed snack  has a sesame flavor that is insanely addicting. But even if you eat way too much, you'll be  happy to learn that each serving only has 20   calories. If you believe seaweed is disgusting  and not something humans should be eating,   you'd be wise to give this Costco  snack a try to have your mind changed. If you enjoy tins of assorted European cookies,  the Kirkland Signature European Cookies with   Belgian Chocolate is something you should  go buy at Costco before doing anything else. The assortment includes outstanding choices,  most made with Belgian milk chocolate. Start with the Hazelnut Cream cookie  — the hazelnut and chocolate form   a powerful duo you won't soon forget.  These tins of cookies make great gifts,   but you'll have a hard time parting with them. While this giant plastic container  of Kirkland Signature Milk Chocolate   Raisins may be a danger to your diet, you  won't regret your purchase from Costco. Once you have more than three pounds of  milk chocolate raisins at your disposal,   you'll feel like you're  enjoying little bites of heaven. The raisins are bigger than you'd expect,   while the milk chocolate will melt in  your mouth as you enjoy every bite. Check out one of our newest videos right here!   Plus, even more Mashed videos about  your favorite foods are coming soon.   Subscribe to our YouTube channel and hit  the bell so you don't miss a single one.
Channel: Mashed
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Keywords: mashed, costco, food, costco food, grocery stores
Id: dJwKsxPy-D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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