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looks like your dream space in this classroom okay [Music] [Music] hello like you're answering the phone or something hello uh welcome to another day at the norms and we've got esther in the backseat here esther turns 18 in two weeks yeah and tomorrow ooh two weeks from tomorrow and um she's planning on going to cosmetology school but the question is where which school which state and um today we're going to go toward aveda in uptown charlotte that's like what they call downtown here i guess i just want to be fancy so we we did a like a virtual tour of aveda at a different in utah and we were really impressed but huh yeah it was a really nice school um but now we want to go see the aveda here there's pros and cons to both but right now does it feel like there's more pros to staying in going to charlotte yeah just for like long-term wise yeah provo is where there's a few universities it's where byu is that's mike and i's alma mater and so there would be a lot of people her age there and of her faith there because it's a church school for the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints but there's other schools there and so we thought maybe that was a good fit um and we so we toured aveda virtually like we said and we thought that was a good fit but have kind of pulled back a little bit on probo itself so we're gonna go check out charlotte and see this is just how you make decisions you know you just what do we call this toe dipping you explore your options you check it out you don't need to make you just mike and i are definitely all about this and our kids are becoming this way too we teach them to follow their gut or their heart or what we might say is the holy ghost or the spirit holy spirit you feel your way when you're making these decisions you gather all the information with your mind right and then you will feel drawn to one like just feels it just clicks it just seems like that's the way to go and sometimes that will be exactly what your mind was thinking but sometimes it'll surprise you and then later on you'll realize why you thought that and so that's what we're doing today we're just going down so esther can be in the space see it and feel it and also even the drive down there because she'd be doing it that's true five days a week so i actually fixed my hair today i haven't done that since pre-coping maybe like i like blow-dried it you know put some product in it because you know you're walking through a hair school no pressure it's a beautiful spring day uh the kids are at home all working on a project for a grandparent i don't think i can say it on here just in case that grandparent is watching i think this will come out after but oh you know well mike's our sister-in-law on mike's side wrote a little i guess like almost like children's book it's a sort of oh but it's about grandpa yeah so she's having all the grandkids illustrated and everybody's taking different pages and so everybody's at home working on theirs you still you're you're in the middle of working on two writers yeah so that should be really cute and um so that's what they're doing and andrew's at work the ice cream shop and elijah and daniel um being missionaries so anyways let's do it i like charlotte i think it's a pretty city beautiful down here really pretty a little art yeah really cool art this is nice part of town that wasn't so far it was an easy drive too yeah this time of day it kind of helps just that's true let me guess this is where you would actually because meter parking doesn't work during the day yeah at least for the whole day your thai cuisine look she's coming hey how are you good how are you come on in thanks i'm just gonna take everyone's temperature how are you guys today great great so this is our retail area where you walked through before this is where you'll find workouts [Music] [Music] looks like your dream space fundamentals because you learned the basics of this classroom um like i said these students are just coming back from lunch getting our lunch break every day but this is where you're really going to learn the fundamentals of styling cutting and coloring so you spend 10 weeks of the program upstairs in the classroom as you can see everybody does have their mannequin heads out but it is a classroom style because you're going to learn curriculum and then you'll be able to get up and be hands on so yeah we just touched on the basics in here before we move on to the next classroom which you get a little bit more advanced on the color theory all different types of haircuts and then the makeup and nails as well this is where you learn all the color theory with the program so we do as you can see like you know everything out on the head and really explain it for um you know students who are more hands-on learners or students who want to write things down everybody has a different learning style which you'll learn in school as well um and this is where we go over all the advanced techniques as far as like highlighting skills balayage skills color formulation so once you go with your question you'll learn how to actually formulate a beta color um it's very customizable so a little bit different than just grabbing a box all done in there what did you think i really like it here um they cover a lot of things and like but they're all like things i'm gonna need as a professional and it's mostly hands-on which i was looking for um and like very welcoming very they just seem like it seems comfortable in there yeah so yeah and then they have their program just like yeah three days straight days yeah and then i get four days off straight so you can work if you wanted yeah and then yeah i like it so far it's pretty cool it was really nice in there and but now it's like hey well while we're down here i wonder if the paul mitchell school is close so i looked it up and it's a was like a mile and a half away so we're just gonna drive by it i don't know maybe we should walk in and say do you do tours and maybe they could do one right there but um just to see see how it feels you never know you gotta like just try it on see how it feels okay i forgot to record the paul mitchell school mostly because we didn't go in uh it was locked but it wasn't too far away it was a really nice area as well and then we just googled like what people's thoughts were and the programs are a little different and what they emphasize is a little different but um very similar um and it's hard you know like a lot of people said that whatever school you go to it becomes like a cult like a fade is the only way to go and if you have home control it is the only way to go you know so um anyway so that's it for today uh esther's also going to go in a few days to the local congregation for like under 30. called the young single adult congregation and um see how that is and it's for 18 to 30 year olds so you're just going to church with people your age and not not in family sort of thing which is fun and then they do lots of activities together so she's gonna go try that on sunday that she's pretty excited about yeah and then just keep feeling it out so now we're headed home we have anything going on no that's it we got home and now mom is assisting the kids these are the kids are working on their drawings for the little book for grandpa's 75th birthday so we took a picture now we're just kind of cleaning them up in photoshop this is grandpa holding a trimmer i think megan talked about it but this book is kind of a play on a if you give a mouse a cookie kind of like because my dad is always interested in doing projects and when he gets one thing it kind of leads to another project which leads to another project and and it's kind of a it's kind of a thing that's family joke a defining part of his personality um so our sister-in-law jody kind of came up with a couple different stories or i mean i think three they're kind of like if you give billy a cordless drill he's gonna notice that this thing needs to be fixed and then he'll see that he actually needs this tool to fix the other thing like he kind of notices different things which is actually very true to what really happens in her life um so she asked the um the grandkids to illustrate for the the stories um so most of our kids are making drawings for it megan is helping to come ready get them ready and polish them off a little bit eve did you draw one too yeah i'm just standing by me i just ate a cookie so what have you got what did you drop let's see where's grandpa in this one um yeah this is grandpa right here i don't know which one that is [Music] that's daddy yeah okay i'm not i'm not sure which one that one's for we'll have to look it up yeah so jude you drew one as well this is jude's i think you should show my original one what is this jude what is grandpa doing here um this is about grandpa's tomatoes that he loves putting salt and pepper on the tomatoes [Music] this is supposed to be a tomato thing yeah yeah that looks like it because they grow like that yeah it kind of just looks like it's laying on the pens yeah and i think it looks pretty good yeah it's understandable i should show my original picture where's your original okay so mom is this was asher's original to be ready because in this one billy went to go trim the bushes but then noticed a loose board on the fence so he thinks about the drill he needs to fix the loose board what is it and yeah so you have loose tooth yeah oh you got a loose tooth little bit oh i can see it kind of poking out there whoa that one's like really ready to come out dude i think if you just push that a little bit it will come out dab do it just push it once it out it's out then it's done we could tie a string around it and tie the other one to the door and slam the door in there and go pink and dad's done that for lots of people in the family i'm pretty good at pulling something like he also once got really angry at me when boom and that got it out came the tooth there you go it was an adult tooth though so that's the problem let me look at it can you feel it how do you feel oh it doesn't actually hurt your other one needs to come out too but oh my gosh it's not wiggly that's so wiggly here just swallow that you don't need to get it out just close your mouth and get your spit all over it can i head out at oahu [Music] what is this story this is that looks like grand grandpa's old house it's cute it is cute doesn't look like it needs much editing it looks good we are now heading to costco for a costco trip but we have more and more people saying they want to come so i i think we have to take the van we got a crowd wants to go i guess they all want to get out of the house everyone's in the car we got uh four kids eve does not want to go at all let me see you without your tooth dude mr toothless the other one is let's see i well you haven't lost the one yet yeah let dad yank it out tonight that's right gonna get the pliers okay we're here yeah we need a cart here we are once again oh we get more queso queso is the best and look they have diagon alley oh the 3d another 3d puzzle thank you okay now we got to get some milk and some eggs and i think well i don't know we'll see what else we need we're done you're hot yeah yeah it's not even hot oh you're hot with your masks yeah okay this is it another trip to costco i think taco type stuff tonight so you know this is good stuff yeah you like that yeah we are making dinner now that we're home you get all the dishes or excuse me all the uh groceries put away so we're having a taco themed dinner right megan yeah um what is this is that my homemade could you get the rotisserie chicken toss it with like some spices some tomato sauce stuff how much is this and then i got this mexican street corn which is frozen air yes we saw that i think those rotisserie chickens cost like uh what twelve dollars oh tough couple of chickens i think yeah when you get the meat already like taken off of it if you just buy the chicken itself i think it's five dollars or something like that at the grocery store and i'm realizing recently that food at the grocery store is way cheaper than food at restaurants so i should start buying there we go me and my friends have like started like getting food from the grocery store and eating it instead of going on yeah that's the way to go man save some money [Music] [Applause] anyways we're getting dinner ready it's kind of a little bit crazy in here we have it ready chicken um what is that corn called again mexican car right where are the uh where are the tortillas oh i haven't got one yet i need tortillas agreed you agree eve is in dude agreement you gonna be late are you gonna be late with your missing um your missing tooth yeah oh you got it let me see let's see it's done bleeding now it's just a hole [Music] this is how we do dinners usually we usually do kind of um buffet style because i think it gets everyone in their food a little bit faster we're not waiting for people to pass everything so this is how we do it cheese cheese there's no cheese you should use the cake jude has decided we just finished dinner that he would like to pull out his tooth okay me you're gonna do it okay okay you gotta grab it towards you let's see you do it pull out there's something about it you're gonna do it pull let me feel it and see if it's ready um hold on let me push it back yeah push it back up that's where you're gonna get that i think yeah just push it straight back try that just push it straight back until it like breaks out yep push it hard and down push it back and pull down are you pushing uh-huh i want to be is that coming yeah i keep on working it let's there see it's still there dude i can have it out in three seconds i got your other one out where are your careers keep on going i don't know [Music] jude went into the bathroom to get his tooth out says he got it yeah i haven't seen yet okay let's see give me a smile whoa toothless looking good did it did it hurt [Music] you thinks it's the funniest thing ever well now dinner and stuff is all done well i think we already said that but [Music] we're currently back here in our closet we're doing some reconfiguring yeah so this used to have another shelf right in the middle and it was like just these shelves don't really do much you know i'm sure all of you know if you have these um and also it was my drawers just even having anyways i told mike that i would like love to have all of my clothes on hangers like all of them and keep very little in the dresser i think i told you that just yesterday and mike is a man who makes my dreams come true that's so true all the time and so here we are we were at costco today and we bought hangers so these are all going to be extras i guess for the kids and stuff right yeah i guess so and well my ever-growing wardrobe correct no but so we moved the dresser in here it's actually right there our a dresser and we can put the shelf back it's not that hard two drawers for like panty socks and swimsuits and stuff i don't want to call them panties for me if that's okay what do you want to call them undies undies on these panties and we each get two drawers so we only need one dresser and we can move it in here and then have more room in our bedroom for a descola is that what you call them okay is that the italian word for it or something i speak a little time yeah one of the many like to speak logo on the back let's talk about that second so i'm not learning to come in what are we doing now hold on we're watching the fourth episode of the chosen which is favorite the life of jesus christ it's so good you can watch it on facebook this is just like an intro by the director right youtube you should check it out we'll put a link down below get a nap it's free and it's amazing the show is over all done we just then had family parents and everybody to bed because it was kept them up it's 10 it was 10 15 at that point that is really good if you like we said if you aren't watching it it's on youtube facebook instagram i don't know if it shows on instagram but no i don't think so or you can just get the app it's free everything's free just look up the chosen on the app store and we aren't usually into these sorts of religious things because we're very religious we're very faithful but a lot of times the production value on these sorts of things is not great or acting and the writing it all feels very flat or whatever and this is beautiful and it's great it's a great show even if it weren't true it's beautiful though you'll eat like if you are a christian then christ will come alive to you in ways that he hasn't ever before and if you aren't a christian you might see why so many of us are yeah but anyways we'll put a link down below because it's super good pretty sweet so and it's completely crowdfunded one hundred percent there's no corporation or perhaps investors investors or like uh studio backer it's 100 crowdfunded so that's pretty dang cool yeah it's pretty amazing they've been able to make with that so great acting and really good writing and you'll find yourself being like is that really is that really in the bible and we've read the bible we've studied the bible a lot and you like go and you're like i never saw it that way like yep they do a really good job of being true to the text yeah it's cool okay so is that it for a night okay then you better you better sign us out since i'm hold on hold on the camera oh you have to do it thanks for coming along don't forget to like comment subscribe and head over to all right love you guys bye
Channel: Knorpp and South
Views: 47,839
Rating: 4.9117146 out of 5
Keywords: knorpp and south, cosmetology school, cosmetology school tour, big family, down syndrome, older child, home ed, home education, home school, drawing with kids
Id: w8KCrlvzZ2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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