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just esther look beautiful eve yeah [Music] okay [Music] uh hello everybody welcome to another day with the norps um it's not just any day though this kid right here is 12 today yeah he was 11 before now he's 12. so we're starting off with the breakfast of his choice which is uh french toast they come here you want to get those little holsters on here if you don't um mom is helping out with that oh so this is the one week of the year where these two are the same age eight days is it eight days eight days that they're both 12 or whatever age that peter happened to be oh yeah because they were kind of close when it came to on their birth orders yep that was a surprise but uh mom is doing french toast for us over here i'm gonna make some syrup and uh yeah we're gonna you guys if you're wondering how he makes syrup he goes out to the backyard with this treat it's a really good recipe and it's on our website it's called dream syrup basically buttermilk sugar and butter and some vanilla vanilla it's like buttermilk caramel it's really good this one peter's excited how is it great good yeah this table could be cleared off a little bit there's lots of random things on it okay pete show us the um dream syrup there's not any bacon you're not gonna want that so much i haven't done something are you sure just one scoop well let's just see how far it goes it's fine let's just see how far it goes if you cook it a little bit longer it'll be clearer and thicker whoa that's a lot see you wouldn't want it it's just basically melted butter and sugar so it's caramel and caramel but it is homemade it's all natural yeah i'm sorry if you want two pieces all right well we had breakfast it was really good um now the next part of the day is one thing that asher really wanted for his birthday was to go visit a blacksmith shop like a place where they sell blacksmith materials and that shop is like over two hours away and so just getting in so it makes it difficult to get to um but it's his birthday so um we're gonna do that we're on another blacksmithing adventure so we're gonna drive for a couple hours and go see what the shop's all about if they've got some good stuff asher has gathered up his birthday money and is ready to spend it and this stuff blacksmithing tools are not cheap so we'll see i don't know do you have an idea do you have like specific things you're looking for or you're just kind of wanting to look for fun i'll find out when i get there okay so we'll see anyways we gotta get going all right we just got here it's a long drive we had to make an appointment because of uh kobed they're requiring my appointment only so we made an appointment yesterday we're a few minutes late but we're up here this is not a commercial area in any way just looking out the window here you can see we are this is just kind of up here in the hills around asheville so it just looks like a warehouse over there so uh let's we'll go out and see what they got all right we're here this is it no sign really oh hey okay this house coming up so they can let us in [Applause] we're getting shown around a little bit she's helping us look at some of the [Music] way tools and they'll hold different size materials so if you have a palms that are flat um [Music] that might be handy to have go around [Music] [Laughter] this is nice she's kind of showing us around and living asking him kind of what he has what he doesn't have and trying to help him see what might be useful to add to his collection of tools and material so so we've got this is their their area they work in got these huge presses they make some of their own stuff they make these tongs off center tongs i think she called them anyhow so this is a legitimate blacksmith shop too okay we got a selection of tools here she's gonna add them up for us got some material he can work with a brush yeah see what it all adds up to this is an expensive hobby games and restorations we did some movies oh really hardware movies and so these are all the different examples of the hinges and stuff okay this is the kind of stuff they used to make here i like these this is kind of cool pretty known as blacksmith's twist oh that's neat um yeah she's gonna show us kind of some of the stuff they used to make here when they're just strictly blacksmithing shops so we're gonna have a look in their little gallery that's cool so these are all the things we used to make the hooks as you can see and yeah a little heart hook on the handles uh toilet paper towel rack anything you can think of huh you can't keep up so there's no time although yeah it's still making uh cranes he's making a crane right now for somebody a crane um yeah that's a fireplace crane oh a park a higher place okay wow this is great uh that we used to cast cast in brass and so um when we lived up north we did a lot of shows um make tools you can make just like knives you can actually make like what they used to make you can do all of it yeah yeah so we got finished up there shirley who's the he and she and her husband were the original owners of this business now where their son runs it for the most part but she she took us around and showed us all the stuff and showed us their little their little kind of display shed there with all the different stuff they used to make they used to actually just make hinges and all the tools that or the i guess the implements that people needed blacksmith to make for them and now they moved into providing tools for blacksmiths um but she was really nice and uh you got what we we kind of showed it you got some material some actual metal to work with you got a cutter a cutter which is like a wedge thing that goes in your anvil right so you can like kind of like hit the metal or yeah use a hammer and kind of cut through the middle when it's hot and tongs and a uh brush oh brush a wire brush borax it's boric acid i think borax somehow they're related short two for four x like some people call it works and something called boric acids okay yeah um all told that was a hundred and how much 172 which is one dollar under than what i have how much asher had to spend to get a good anvil is like 1400 or something like that like kind of their standards or you can go on ebay and like buy one for way less because it kind of differs like on how much it costs because of like you know what like she said they might cost like way more yeah or weigh less it just depends on yeah if you can find the right person selling it then you might be able to get it for cheaper but they have every tool you need so if you're in the if you're a blacksmith enthusiast blacksmith depot or blacksmith's depot just outside of asheville north carolina is a pretty good spot they do and they have there they sell all their stuff online as well so probably next time we need a shop we'll just go online but it was fun to come see the yeah kind of walk down the aisles and see all the stuff they've got so i think now i think we'll grab some lunch in town and then head home so that was it we're back home and asher has all this stuff out here that he got so we got the tongs this is some more like actual metal he can work with it's not just a rebar just better quality stuff this awesome brush that looks pretty sports boric acid where is it boric acid powder a new is this no that's you had this okay and then this tool the cut however we realized that the hole on his anvil is too small for it um so he thinks he can actually work that down and get it smaller that'll be a good uh experiment see if that works otherwise uh yeah got some new new tools to play with we just got to figure out where to put the forward so you can actually use it we might just have them used over the warehouse we'll see it looks like there's a space here just move the box no this is that's those are my shipping boxes i don't know this i don't know if this if we can share this um garage with so much different things yeah maybe um but we'll see my only concern is i'm right next to that which i know has oh the water heater yeah oh that's okay i don't think that would be an issue but i think i'd rather have you over the warehouse now it's time to make dinner we're making uh tomato soup and grilled cheese fresh fruit tomato soup recipe you look good oh pioneer woman i trust her she has good taste buds she has the best taste buds out there jude's helping open up the cans over there i know it's awesome and these boys are all hanging out shopping today with andrew and his best friend callie they're going to prom together and we were looking for dresses but she's ended up wearing wine it looks good on her i i forgot about that dress it was a dress megan got for a formal location that we went to uh related to doterra stuff once upon a time anyways uh so i think it's kelly having dinner with us yes okay so we're um yeah making some food hanging out and then we're gonna have a movie night actually requested we watch a movie yes so what's in this soup megan nice tomatoes onions butter um tomato juice that's a new thing that i hadn't heard of before and then i'm gonna be adding some better than bouillon and some clema oh yeah i'd like to say i just do it sometimes when i'm on video but i do it only all the time yeah and then i'm going to add some fresh basil okay you need to stop and i'm done all right that's good oh and sugar i'm in oh sugar too i'm in charge of the whoa i'm in charge of grilled cheese and i'm burning some of them so we have different types of bread we're working with here all right here we have it it looks pretty good what do you think eve does that be good you like it get some grapes okay and this is callie anders friend she's eating over with us how does everyone think you like the soup very delicious mmm okay so the pioneer woman soup is a good option oh not always healthy but good okay now we're off to the grocery store to get asherah's cake we we we each thought the other one was getting his cake and the kids like these ice cream cakes so that's what we're doing we couldn't make it but we don't me well we made one who's got time for that [Music] all right we've done four today um we got asher's cake and they came home and actually watched this movie's a family and it got late and we didn't do the cake yesterday so it's actually the day after after her birthday today was his friend birthday party with um three friends plus peter um but now we're gonna have the cake so esther got an oreo cake these have become sort of a favorite with the the fam i get this so you guys got to wash your hands after you okay good happy birthday to you [Applause] [Music] [Music] another thing that's going on today is there is a prom being held and andrew and esther are going to it so esther has a date andrew's going um you know stag without with a friend but uh it looks like they're all ready to go i don't think so here it is the lighting is not great in here can't really see there you the there's that wall is that better it looks really good sweet little pink lace it's cute and then she got this jacket and grandma cut the sleeves shorter and it looks good okay pretty gold shoes esther's date isn't she waiting downstairs he's already here to pick her up so we should have done a boutonniere i asked [Music] looks perfect with your dress cute okay should we go out and do some pictures just esther look beautiful eve yeah always okay taking the pictures looking caleb and andrew are going stag on this one right guys there's another should i put my arms behind andrews no it's okay ready these two just got back from their prom time it was all fun what did you guys have for dinner um there were three options i had salmon i had really good steak like really tender and i don't normally like rare steak because i'm a child so i'm not cultured but it was like pretty rare and it was also really good we've all just been hanging out here having fun a little damp you can still see some of the butterfly coming out but that's really cool mom made homemade butter that's for you i just wanted somebody to eat my butter and i don't i don't eat when i hang out with groups of people so that's good too i didn't i didn't finish my dinner i don't know how to get it the rest of the way drained it looks still wait is this like meant for me no it's not for making i didn't make it in there it's just really story and better that's cool okay we're gonna end the video there forgot to end it that day it's actually probably a week or two later so we're a little behind um but thanks for coming along uh like comment subscribe go to and we'll see you later bye
Channel: Knorpp and South
Views: 50,407
Rating: 4.9266305 out of 5
Keywords: knorpp and south, prom night, prom 2021, blacksmith tools, with kids, down syndrome, older child
Id: -N4Er-AHJ1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 17sec (1097 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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