Cornerstone Church LIVE 8:30am on Sunday April 26th 2020

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portunity to say thank you to all of our friends and partners across america for all that you do in so many ways we'll make it possible for us to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to this nation and to the nations of the world I love you thanks [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] good morning god bless you and welcome to Cornerstone the church this is the day that the Lord has made and we are going to give him every praise because he is great and greatly to be praised no matter where you're watching today we want you to lift your voice and declare with us every praise every praise is to our God yes every word of worship with one Accord [Music] is to see to our Godsey Hori hallelujah is - ah [Music] Everitt praise is to die yes everywhere to worship with one Accord [Music] Ljuba Godsey Laurie hallelujah is Chewbacca [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god [Music] praise is to my god why should we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we greet all of our partners here in the San Antonio area our church members we greet our televison family across American around the world this is a very special Sunday this Sunday you're going to see something on this telecast that has never happened before in all of the years that we've been on the air our choir is going to sing a very unique song in a very unique way before we begin let's just invite the presence of the Lord where you are in your house in the hotel whatever your circumstances may be there is no distance in prayer can we pray together I'm most gracious Heavenly Father creator of heaven and earth the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God who measures space with the span of his hand and holds the oceans in the palm of his hand we pray for our church family here in the San Antonio area that you would be with them and comfort them bring them confidence in this time of uncertainty we pray for our television partners across America and around the world that they may know and feel the peace of God that surpasses all understanding we pray for our nation that is now captivated and tormented by this pandemic that's reaching around the world we rebuke the spirit of fear for God has not given us a spirit of fear we pray for this telecast that the anointing of the Holy Spirit would bring joy peace and hope to our viewers at home and around the world these things we ask in the authority of Jesus name Amen god bless you [Music] [Applause] [Music] my salvation [Music] [Applause] [Applause] creation [Music] Jesus Steve [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nation singing [Applause] [Music] the god nation see sunshine - [Music] nation [Music] [Applause] great [Music] Jesus Jesus your name Jesus [Applause] [Music] my team [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it's a place [Music] I can't [Music] [Applause] so to the world to [Music] it's you [Music] so the world [Music] [Applause] [Music] say like [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a shot [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] super silly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] Oh [Music] Jesus is cool [Music] have you come to the end of yourself [Music] well Jesus is cool [Music] [Applause] feel I'm sorry [Music] Tricia's Jesus [Applause] [Music] leave behind [Music] Jesus is cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the flower sorry [Music] the spot [Music] [Music] isn't [Music] Christ easily [Music] in bhau's down [Music] [Music] this crisis [Music] see [Music] crises [Music] [Applause] see [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this morning I want to address you from the Book of Amos the eighth chapter beginning at the eleventh verse and I'm gonna ask you this question how hungry are you you know in this season of social distancing while we've gone through the shutdown that's taken over the state of Texas and every other state in the United States there's a lot of conversation about what people are eating you'll see it on their social media feed they're showing you what they're cooking they're showing you what they're doing and while many of us have more than enough in our pantry there are many people who have very little as a matter of fact Cornerstone Church has been serving here in this community thousands of people we've served over 24,000 hot meals we've handed out six thousand care boxes with 40 pounds of food for families we've given over twenty two hundred and twenty eight thousand pounds of food because hunger is a very natural challenge for many people there are millions who've lost their jobs they're single mothers with children to feed there's individuals who have to make a decision about gas or groceries regardless of what the price of a gallon of gas is if they have no income coming in there's needs that are present there but today the hunger that I want to speak to you about is not natural hunger it's spiritual hunger because here's what the Bible says in Amos the eighth chapter and the eleventh verse the Lord speaking he said behold the days are coming says the Lord that I will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread nor a thirst for water but for hearing the words of the Lord they shall wander from sea to sea and from north to east and they shall run to and fro seeking the word of the Lord but they shall not find it you see I believe in this nation today there is a famine and it's a famine that's occurring in congregations it's a famine that's occurring from state to state it's a famine that's occurring from neighborhood to neighborhood and it is a famine that could be in existence in your home it's not a famine where your pantry and your cupboards are bare it's a famine where the Word of God is not heard and is not shared that the United States reflects First Samuel Chapter three where the Bible says the word of the Lord was rare in those days I think here in the United States we have lots of places where you can hear motivational speaking I think we have lots of places where you're hear pop psychology preached but I'm not certain that we have places where you will hear the yay and the Amen of the Word of God a generation ago when the USSR was promoting its atheistic communism when it was controlling the lives of millions of people telling them where they would work what they would wear what they would eat they removed God from the culture in order to allow the government to take over and during that season what they said of the United States was simply this that it would take one generation to forget God in order for communism to take over the United States ladies and gentlemen take a quick look around you and you'll find out we're there statistics say right now young people under the age of 24 96% of them professed that they do not believe that there is a God that means four percent believe that the Word of God is true and what's in it is worth living why because rather than teaching our young people to turn to Matthew Mark Luke and John we've taught them how to turn to the internet or to look at some social media star or to look at an individual with godless morals as their role model how did it happen it happened because there was a famine the famine wasn't for natural food the famine was for the living breathing word of God it happened because we like the fathers in Israel stopped making the word of got relevant in our own homes it happened because our churches stopped being the people of God according to 2nd chronicles chapter 7 that says if my people which are called by my name will humble themselves and pray it happened because we went into a season of denial where we would debate the Word of God rather than declare it do you need to know the Word of God is not to be debated the Word of God is to be declared I declare to you today that what I hold in my hand is life-giving and powerful I declare to you today that what I hold in my hand has the power to heal your physical body it has the ability to bring hope to your troubled soul it has the opportunity to bring joy in the midst of your sorrow it can move mountains of impossibility when declared in the mouth of a believer it can defeat Giants in your life it has the ability to bind and to loose it has the opportunity to proclaim and overcome but until you use it it's worthless in your life today I want to share with you 5 facts about the Word of God the first is simply this God's Word is truth I didn't say God's Word is true I said his Word is truth there's a difference saying something is true means that when it's measured against truth it adds up to being valid however God's Word is not true God's Word is truth that means that this is the standard of truth by which all other truths must be measured John 17 it says Jesus speaking thy Word is truth people today pretend like they're in an endless search for truth whenever you watch the news media and they're coming out of their latest press conference what they're saying they're looking for is the truth concerning this virus what they're saying they're looking for is the truth concerning some political scandal that they're trying to cook up what they're saying they're searching for is absolutely a falsehood because the truth is thy Word is truth you can't run from the fact that each and every day around you God is proving to you that his word is truth this morning when the Sun was rising in the east it's a truth that His mercies have been renewed like the morning those who declare they're searching for truth are in denial because the bible says in john chapter 8 and 32 you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free when you know the truth of God's Word it will set you free free from what people say it'll set you free from poverty because the truth says my God shall supply all of my needs according to his riches in glory the truth of God's Word says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want the truth of God's Word is I've never seen the righteous forsaken nor God's seed begging bread this truth will set you free from fear for the New Testament says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of sound mind he told Joshua be bold and be strong for the LORD thy God is with you this truth will set you free from the chains of your yesterday from the pain of your past because the truth says old things have passed away and behold all things have become new thy Word is truth not only is the word of God true but the Word of God is everlasting that means there's no expiration date on the promises of God's Word this is not some certificate that's valid through the end of the year this is something that century after century year after year day after day it will protect you it will provide for you it will keep you Peter said it this way he echoed the words of the prophet Isaiah he said the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of the Lord endures forever say it to you this way your problems in this life will change but your promises do not your problems will change but your promises do not many of you are walking through a season where your problem is something you never thought you'd have to face many of you are having to make a decision about how you're going to save a business many of you are having to make decisions about what you're going to do over the next six months over the next 12 months and you're looking through a lens that's so clouded with confusion you don't know which step to take your problem may change but your promises do not because the promise of God's Word is this is a lamp unto your feet it is a light unto your path when you're walking in darkness open this up and read the truth and the Bible will show you which steps you need to take your problem may change but your promise does not because your Father in Heaven is an ever-present help in a time of trouble we may be going through an uncertain economic problem but I assure you the promise of God's Word is that he is faithful we may be going through a situation in which there's a health crisis but the Bible says very clearly that the word of the Lord was sent to his children and it healed them you may be going through a season where suddenly you're unemployed you've been furloughed your income is gone but I assure you your promises behold I know the plans I have for you says the Lord plans to prosper you and give you a future whenever your problems change don't focus on the problem cling to your promise because the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of the Lord it endures forever not only is it everlasting but God's Word is also all mighty what does that mean this word has the final say so when you open up the pages of God's Word it Trump's everything else that's being said in your life here's what Peter said he said it in 2nd Peter first chapter third verse he said these are exceedingly great and precious promises exceedingly great and precious promises he didn't say these are self-help suggestions that you might want to try he said these are exceedingly great and precious promises Jesus Christ said it this way in John 10 he said the Word of God cannot be broken the Word of God cannot be broken it is a contractual agreement between you and God in heaven he will not deny his promise in your life in Israel when two young people wanted to get married they would enter into a contractual agreement it was an historic version of a marriage license in Hebrew the word was ketubah and what would happen is the fathers of the young lady and the father of the young man would sit down and they would discuss what was going to be entered into in this Agreement they would discuss the strengths of the young man they would discuss the strengths of the young woman they would discuss the weaknesses of the young man they would discuss the weaknesses of the woman and they would write an agreement between the two families that was a contract and then that contract was signed and in that ketubah was every expectation that was in the marriage when you read that the Word of God cannot be broken and you understand that you are the Bride of Christ what you have in the Word of God is a marriage contract that says the three thousand promises that God has made to you in this book are alive and they are powerful in your life when you read that he is the glory and he's the lifter of your head that's not poetry that's a promise when you read that he is a strong tower that the righteous run into and are saved and you're walking through a season where you're frightened and scared that's when you lift up your hands and you declare the mighty name of Jesus and you have run into the strong tower of your faith that's not something that was written for your consolation that's a promise from the Word of God today I'm telling you no matter what you're facing no matter what you're going through no matter what you need you have a promise that enables you to overcome whatever situation you face because the word of God is all-mighty when you don't like the doctor's diagnosis you have a promise that says he sent his word and he healed them when you don't like the economic outlook you have a promise that says I'll open the windows of heaven and pour out upon you blessings that you cannot contain when you don't like what the banker has to say you understand that the god you serve owns the cattle on a thousand hilltops there is no shortage or scarcity in his kingdom and you have a promise that Act gives you access to those resources the promise of God's Word is almighty whenever you begin to speak it it begins to move mountains whenever you declare it it begins to live in your life the fourth thing that I want you to know is that the Word of God is your shield right now there are people running around trying to shield themselves from something they cannot see they're wearing masks so that they can be shielded from a virus they're wearing face masks it looks like everybody went to Welding school all of a sudden and the truth is they're searching for a shield something to protect them here is your shield child of God the Bible says this very clearly Psalms 91 and verse 4 his truth shall be your shield I want you to remember that his truth shall be your shield that means that when you pick up the Word of God and you read it it begins to defend and protect you in every area of your life when you read Malachi chapter 3 in verse 10 and it says bring all of the tithes into the storehouse God is putting a financial shield around the resources of your family and your household because in that chapter in that verse it says he'll rebuke the Devourer for your sake whenever you read it and you apply it it begins to protect your marriage as you read Ephesians 5:22 and it discusses the role of a husband and the role of a wife and how you live in harmony with your children when you read the promises of God's word it puts a shield around your physical body because proverbs says very clearly it will be health to your navel it will be moral to your bones this is your shield this protects you this keeps the plague from coming into your dwelling this is where you get his angels charge over your life that you may be protected lest you dash your foot against a stone not only is the Word of God your shield but the Word of God is your sword in Ephesians chapter 6 Paul is telling the church how to put on the whole armor of God and the last thing that he tells them is take up the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God in Psalms 91 when we read that the word is a shield it says that the scripture the written word of God is your shield what you read protects your life in Ephesians chapter 6 when Paul is talking about the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God what he's saying is the spoken word of God is where you become an offensive weapon in heavenly places so what you read protects your life what you speak defends your life the Word of God is not only your shield the Word of God is also your sword and whether you like it or not you need to recognize that each and every day we live and breathe we are engaged in spiritual warfare during this season of separation we've talked about the warfare that we're engaged in with this virus you need to understand that we are engaged in spiritual warfare every hour of every day against powers and principalities and the Bible says in the book of John that the thief has come to steal to kill and to destroy but I the Lord God have come that you might have life more abundantly each and every one of us have a choice to make on a daily basis about how we're going to live our lives are we going to live our life in fear are we going to live our life in faith are we going to live our life protected are we gonna live our life exposed are we going to live our life taking the offensive in spiritual warfare are we going to shelter in place and pray that the dead doesn't beat our brains out child of God I am Telling You today you can move heaven and earth when you take the Word of God and you begin to speak it over your life when you begin to speak it over your business when you begin to speak it over your marriage when you begin to speak it over your children you have power in heavenly places when in the mighty name of Jesus you declare that no weapon formed against me would prosper you can drive powers and principalities out of your mind when you declare he shall keep them in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee you can drive powers and principalities out of your home when you quote these words and declare as for me and my house we will serve the Lord you can drive him out of your emotions when you say the joy of the Lord is my strength and this is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be made glad in it you can drive him from your physical body from your finances from your resources when you declare that you trust in the Lord with all of your heart you lean not to your own understandings in all of your ways you acknowledge him and he will direct your path you have that power today why because the Word of God is truth the Word of God is everlasting the Word of God is Almighty the Word of God is your shield the Word of God is your sword today there's a famine in the land and it's not for bread or thirst of water today there's a famine in the land for the hearing of the word of God and what I want you to do today is take the Living bread of his truth and apply it to your life because as powerful as his promises are they're worthless in your life until you put them to practice Jesus said it this way blessed is he who hears and does these sayings of mine and today I'm asking you to have faith enough to reach for the Bible that's on your dresser reach for the Bible that's on your coffee table reach for the Bible that you've long ignored open up the pages of this truth and let God arise and his enemies be scattered I pray that you enjoyed this message and I want you to enjoy this song of worship [Music] [Music] you had [Music] if you gave who you [Music] [Music] Ruby [Music] to [Music] to God [Music] [Music] just let me please [Music] let it go [Music] to [Music] [Music] yes it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is our God sing with me [Music] [Applause] is my god is I [Music] he's our guy a face for the themes [Music] I want to thank our praise and worship team joel vodka Zack Smith Justin Ellis and all of our band members for their faithfulness to continue to worship with us and share their gifts and talents and music in just a few moments we're gonna have a special moment with our sanctuary choir we've missed you very much and we found a way for you to participate with us this week but I also want to greet the thousands who are watching we've got folks watching from all over the world today from every nation that you can think of we've got them watching from Kuwait and Spain Nigeria Nairobi the West Indies from Italy the Philippines from China from the Bahamas all of the people who have the opportunity to tune in to this program god bless you I want you to share it with individuals that you have the opportunity to in a way invite to church it's one thing for you to watch in your home it's another thing for you to be connected to those that need to receive the Word of God today and speaking of needing to receive again I want to tell you how proud I am of what this church has done in the last few weeks since this separation and the shutdown has started we've been utilizing all of the resources we can to meet the needs of the community and those needs have been met through the delivery of 24,000 hot meals to homes across the city to places where people are in desperate need of food and we've shown you some of the things that we've been able to do but I want to share this very special video footage with you of one of our pastors Alexander right as he's doing his daily runs all over the city of San Antonio take a look so you can you can see some people they distant themselves because of social distancing and then you're gonna notice someone they want to talk they want to fellowship my favorite part is seeing the smiles and the relief on the the people's faces when they're receiving the food you can see how happy how relieved they are if you see the stress it just leaves them and their smiles on their face and they're so thankful we're making a difference in their life and they know this log is coming from God and the hands and feets of Jesus and eight and they know Cornerstone Church cares they know cornerstone cares that might be the husband that's the first time I met twelve lunches went to this house hey this is pastor right from Cornerstone Church Gloria how you doing I am ten minutes from your phone with two lunches you'd be there to receive huh hey I'll ring the doorbell place launches on your I'll see you for dinner have a blessed day don't put on my new gloves I have a new Mass cuz I'm visiting a different family making a different delivery high school kids they are the coolest then if I can't I try not to use the same glove so the next failure is gonna get 15 lunches trying to be professional now let us know if we need to pray Oh anything okay this is ministry this is this is what this is all about our cornerstone church truly cares and we're done with lunches then the process thoughts all will begin with dinners you know it's one thing to say that you care it's another thing to show that you care and pastor Hagee has taught us here that love is not what you say love is what you do and cornerstone we're so proud of the way that you've demonstrated the love that you have as a congregation and a church body for the city of San Antonio if you would like to help us continue to do that there's several ways that you can do it you can go online to sa Cornerstone dot org backslash give or you can text give to to 108 eight zero twenty three hundred and you can utilize that resource to give today or you can call eight five five six nine four ninety six fifty three and as always we have our p o-- box 1400 san antonio texas seven eight two nine five which is where you have the opportunity to participate in helping us continue to reach those in need in the city of San Antonio dad you and I were having a discussion this morning about the biblical principles of giving and you were sharing something that is so present throughout the Word of God about how God utilizes the people that he controls to get his resources to those in need absolutely there are 10 principles of Christian giving in the Bible I'd like to share three very quickly with our viewing audience the first is that everything God creates gives God all 90 gave His Son Jesus Christ for your Redemption and for mine Jesus Christ gave His life that we might have everlasting life the disciples gave their life in the preaching of the gospel because most of them were martyrs go back to the physical the Sun the moon and the stars give light the heat of the Sun calls us every seed in the ground to produce the plants that feeds you every time you sit down to eat when you sit down to eat you need to recognize that came courtesy of the gift of God Almighty - God gives birth to the church in the book of Acts chapter 2 that's where the New Testament church was born and in the scripture he expects that New Testament church to give the Bible says give and shall be given unto you good measure pressed down shaken together and running over jesus said to his disciples in Matthew 6 and he's talking to the church when you give not if you give he expected them to give Christian giving is not optional it is essential Jesus expected his followers to give three st. Paul's teaching in first Corinthians 16 he says now concerning the collection of the Saints that's offering as I directed the Church of Galatia so do you also that on the first day of the week each one of you is to put aside as you have prospered to meet the needs of the church the law of return that Paul spoke of in 2nd Corinthians 9 says this he who sold sparingly reap sparingly and he who sews bountifully reaps bountifully Paul is saying if you give nothing you get nothing that's God's law the offering is a moment of decision for you concerning your prosperity and prosperity in the kingdom of God is not possible without your giving and that choice is yours I want to thank every one of you listening to this telecast who are in our television family I want to thank you for helping us reach America with a gospel of Jesus Christ at a moment when our nation desperately needs it and those of you who are here in the city thank you for helping us keep the meals going to the hungry and keep the lights on here at this church only God can help the nation that will come to its senses and recognize that every good and perfect gift comes from God our Father above righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people thank you for everything you've ever done to help us present the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nation and to the world because I assure you America's only hope is a national revival through the preaching of God's Word and you're making that happen thank you and god bless you you know dad in just a few minutes you're gonna come and share a word from the Bible and the topic is why do you worry yes and there are a lot of people who are worried about the issue of provision but whenever you recognize that the promises of God are your provision you have nothing to worry about because God never fails and one of the things that that we here at Cornerstone Church are blessed with in the area of provision we have a lot of wonderful people who join us every Sunday and in this season they are sorely missed because they are we really are always blessed by our sanctuary choir and our orchestra and this week we found a way to get them involved before you come to share the Word of God live here we're going to have the opportunity to worship with our choir but again those of you who are watching if you'd like to give in this offering during this song I want you to do one of these four things I want you to go to sa Cornerstone org backslash give I want you to text to 108 8 0 2300 or I want you to call eight five five six nine four nine six five three and utilize that hotline for the opportunity to participate in this offering and as always if you'd like to we'll have the opportunity through our p.o box 1400 san antonio texas seven eight two nine five god bless you and thank you for what you're about to do to help this ministry continue to take all of the gospel to all of the world and every generation [Music] to mine eyes to the hills whence cometh my hair help cometh from the Lord Lord which made heaven [Music] you would not suffer thy foot by foot to be mu or which keepeth he will not slumber nor sleep is my keeper the Lord is my shame [Music] Oh [Music] shallots he shall preserve thy soul [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] someone's come [Music] [Music] food Lord which key [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You pastor Matt and thank you sanctuary choir thank you for every effort you made to put this magnificent song together today the message that I'm bringing you today from the Word of God is why do you worry the Texas from Matthew 10:29 231 as we gather in the house of the Lord today America and the world are overwhelmed with worry concerning the coronavirus America is locked down millions are unemployed the bars are open and the churches are closed figure that fake news is pouring the virus of fear and worry into the hearts and minds of the American people corrupt politicians are looking for ways to politicize this medical crisis to regain the White House truth has been crucified by greedy men it has been said and said correctly power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely amen as Americans our constitutional freedoms are being trampled and destroyed if we do not use our freedom to defend our freedom we are going to lose our freedom listen to this the truth carries a weight that no lie can counterfeit I'm going to say that again the truth carries the weight that no lie can counterfeit and here is the truth God Almighty is in complete control of this situation his eye is on the sparrow and I know he's watching me he's watching you he's watching your family he's watching over your future that brings us to the text of the morning in Matthew 10 29 and 31 the Word of God says are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin you would call that a penny and not one of them falls to the ground apart from the Father's will but the very hairs of your head are numbered do not fear therefore you are of more value than sparrows the message saints of God is we are in the loving hands of a powerful and Almighty God no one no one not politicians in Washington Washington not the coronavirus not the faint news no one can pluck you out of the powerful hands of God if God be for us who can be against us if the government fails god almighty the creator of heaven and earth is still on the throne and he has never failed if your best friend walks out God will walk in he is the friend that sticketh closer than a brother he is your fortress your tower your shield your buckler he is the Lion of the tribe of Judah he is the hope of glory he is the king of all kings and the lord of all lords he is higher than the highest he's greater than the greatest he's wiser than the wisest he is worthy of all of our praise sitting on the couch where you are give the Lord praise and glory in the house of God amen in the midst of the storm the savior of the world is walking towards you in the raging tide the point in the story of Jesus walking to his disciples in the storm on the Sea of Galilee is the thing that was about to destroy them he used as a sidewalk to save them the thing that you think is about to destroy you God will use it as the vehicle to protect you and to provide for you his message to them and to us today is peace be still in the day of trouble he is my refuge he is my fortress my god in him will I trust surely he will deliver you from the snare of the Fowler and from perilous pestilence pestilence is what the coronavirus is his truth shall be your friend and buckler you shall not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness King David said a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand she'll fall at your right hand but it shall not come nigh you listen closely because you have made the Lord your refuge and your dwelling place listen no evil shall befall you nor shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling for he shall give his angels charge over you to protect you in all of your ways thank you Father God for the angelic escort for the supernatural protection for your healing power and for your willingness and capability of providing when all else fails thank you thank you thank you loving God with this supernatural shield of protection why do you worry why do you worry when God has promised you everything you will ever need why do you worry Jesus asked are not two sparrows sold for a copper coin pinning virtually worthless and not one of them falls to the ground apart from the father's will get this fact in your mind that verse says God Almighty attends the funeral of every Sparrow that falls to the ground he has numbered the hairs in your head for some of you that's not a very big chore but think about it you have an angelic escort for he shall give his angels charge over you to protect you in all of your ways so why why do you worry if you have angels before you and by Jew and a God who is over you why do you worry let me say this very candidly worry is sin listen worry means there's something over which you can have your own way and in reality is distrust and irritation with God think about that or we are commanded by Jesus Christ the Prince of Peace not to worry five times Jesus says in Matthew 6 take no thought be not anxious do not worry this is the owners manual of the soul when you buy a new car you get an owner's manual it tells you what that vehicle will and won't do and what its capabilities are this is the owner's manual of the soul it tells you in this book that you were made and manufactured by the hand of God for worry-free living you can live without tension without turmoil without Tylenol you can live without stress and strife you can live filled with power over the world the flesh and the devil life that is carefree life that is happy life that is joyous life that is full of hope God commands us casting all of your care upon him because he cares for you he knows where you are he knows how you are again he has numbered the hairs on your head the Bible says not let not your hearts be troubled then neither let it be afraid for I am God Almighty he is ever-present in the time of trouble he is greater than the crisis that you're going through he's greater than the mountains you're trying to climb he's greater than the Giants that seemed unbeatable with which knee you are now battling he will make a way where there seems to be no way he's the God of all hope he has said call upon me and I will answer you and I will show you great in mighty things that you know not we're talking about an Almighty God if the President of the United States said that to some of you you would leap off of the couch for pure joy but the creator of heaven and earth has said that for you why are you ringing your hands and why are you worried if God Almighty is your protector and defender Jesus conducted a stress seminar in Matthew 6 five times in that text the Lord says take no thought do not worry Matthew 6:25 do not worry about life in that verse in that particular verse is the greek word suki which means the temporal physical earth don't worry about the physical temporal things I can provide for those after all I created every one of them which of you by worrying he says the second time can add one cubit a cubit is 18 inches that's absolutely impossible absolutely impossible stop worrying about it verse 28 why do you worry why do you worry when God has already provided everything you're ever going to need and promised it in this book verse 31 do not worry about food and drink half of America right now is on Weight Watchers you won't you want to see mob rule go to your local supermarket it's absolute madness verse 34 do not worry about tomorrow this is the Greek word don't start worrying so we start out with the word don't worry don't start worrying stop worrying why because God is your father he is your provider he is your healer he is your friend defender God is the rock of your salvation he is your high tower he is your shield he is your buckler in the day of war he is jehova shamma the god who is there his angels are going before you to prepare your way and behind you to be your rear guard he guides and provides he leads you in paths of righteousness for his namesake he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he restoreth my soul surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever that's enough to make a Methodist shout you're sitting at home on your couch good clap for joy don't worry don't worry because God cannot fail you don't worry he makes streams in the desert don't worry he turns the darkest night into glorious day he gives a song in the night don't worry about your past it's forgotten and forgiven it's buried in the deepest scene never to be remembered against you anymore the blood of Jesus Christ has set you free from the pain and the penalty of sin you are as pure as the blood of Jesus Christ and make you and that means absolutely pure don't worry about getting older it happens you'll reach a point in your life when everything hurts and what doesn't hurt doesn't work the answer is keep moving press on get up and get involved in something that God is doing why do you worry I have fabulous news we're going to live forever you're never going to die he did believeth in me jesus said will never die 50 million years from now we're going to be alive and well in the paradise of God shouting on the hills of glory singing songs of victory wearing robes of righteousness wearing crowns of glory living in mansions of splendor talking to Abraham Isaac and Jacob by the stream of life in a world Paul said the F is not entered into the minds of men what God had prepared for his own brother shout hallelujah we are somebody we are going somewhere hallelujah for the joy of the Lord that maketh rich and that is no sorrow ever notice how worry comes at a bad time it comes at a time of crisis just when you need a clear mind and a steady nerves to make a great decision here comes worry like a dark cloud to hide the Sun worry is a killer worry is the killer it makes cowards out of aggressive men it fills your face with wrinkles ladies it fills your face with wrinkles men apprehension it paralyzes the mind so that it cannot produce the better idea just at the moment when you're under fire it robs your body of rest at night it sends you to work shattered shaky second-rate poorly prepared on the nekkid edge you never make good decisions when you're exhausted medical science confirms worry is the mother of cancer and heart disease of high blood pressure of ulcers it's not what you're reading it's what's eating you that really matters worry has sent millions of Bible believing Christians to the cemetery long before their time and they were supposed to know the Prince of Peace Jesus said do not worry do not worry take no thought for tomorrow let your heart let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me I am the God that cannot fail I am the God that will never leave you and the God that will never forsake you I am the God whose from everlasting to everlasting I have defeated your enemies I have already solved your problems before you knew they existed rejoice and be exceedingly glad why do you worry clap your hands and shout for joy our God reigns full of grace and truth amen and amen I repeat worried as sin where aliased practical atheism I'll say that again worry is truly practical atheism where reprieve worry proves you don't believe God can take care of you think about that worry is faith in fear it's not a compliment to really be called a person of great faith and here's why because we serve a god that has never failed it takes great faith to believe in something that only works half the time but it takes little faith to believe in something that never fails yet God has said anytime you get under fire any time that you have real trouble call upon me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things your brain can't think about two dominant words in the Ministry of Jesus fear not fear not fear not fear not the past your past is buried in the sea of forgetfulness never to be remembered anymore fear not the present I will never leave you nor forsake you even to the ends of the ends of the earth Joshua 109 1:9 being not afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go with a mask or without a mask yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil for thou art with me consider that phrase shadow of death a shadow is harmless absolutely harmless the shadow of a sword cannot cut you the shadow of a lion cannot harm you the shadow of a snake cannot bite you Jesus Christ has so destroyed death that when we die it is nothing but a shadow as we pass into the arms of God the Lord is my light in my salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid Psalms 27 1 Hebrews 13 and 6 the Lord is my helper I will not fear what man can do to me fear not death jesus said he that believeth in me shall never die do not fear sickness Jesus is still the great physician and the great physician is in this house and he's in your house he arrives at your act he arrives at your invitation fear not poverty it is the Lord that gives you power to get wealth David writes blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly nor standeth in the way of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful that's David's way of saying quit running around with arrogant snobby doubting people get away from them nor sits in the seat of the scornful but his delight shall be in the law of the Lord his leaf shall not wither and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper fear not fear not other people do not fear people who threaten you the Bible has an answer for that the Bible says I will make your enemies to be at peace with you I will drown Pharaoh at your feet you will climb impossible mountains and you will defeat the undefeatable when glide when Goliath stands in your path I'll take him out a thousand shall fall at your left hand and ten thousand at your right hand David said I will fear no evil for thou art with me you have prepared a table for me in the presence of my enemies the meaning of that is that God gives you the best of things in the worst time and your enemies see blessings of God why do you worry where is trust in the unpleasant worry is assurance that disaster is coming where is belief in defeat and despair worry is the polluted stream that surges through your mind drowning optimism drowning hope and faith worry is interest paid on trouble before it ever happens I'm going to say that again worry is interest paid on trouble before it ever happens one old man said and I'm HAP stop saying that but this is this is a saying quote most of the trouble I've had in life never happened and I can say that in my life most of the things that I rolled around on the bed all night gnashing my teeth over never happened why do we worry and what do we worry about when we're not worrying about the global virus that's killing people all over the world when we're not worrying over the fact that China's trying to destroy the US economy when we're not worrying over the fact that power-hungry politicians are trying to destroy democracy in America were worried about things we can't control the average husband worries about his wife and what she spends and what the government spends the difference is he's not afraid to criticize the government we worry about being unfavorably compared with other people let me shock you with something lady there will always be a prettier lady somewhere than you mister there will always be a brad pitt hanging around just to remind you how ordinary you really are there will always be a better salesman a better doctor but a lawyer a better preacher a better whatever you are around the point is stop worrying about what you're not and start being happy with who you are you are the creation of God and God does not make mistakes you are unique when you were born the genius of heaven exploded making you a divine original there's not another person on earth just quite like you don't die a cheap copy trying to be somebody else you are a divine masterpiece lift your head Square your shoulders act like live like talk like think like royalty because you you are a child of God we are kings and priests unto God you are an ambassador of Christ you are a daughter of Zion you are special the royal blood of heaven is flowing through your veins you are somebody created perfectly by the hand of God so stop comparing yourselves among yourselves we'll worry about our appearance I saw a lady the other day standing in the supermarket that looked like she was on the 92nd day of her 10-day beauty plan her hair was frizzed out I looked at her longer than I should because she looked like she belongs in a circus she caught me looking she said I tease my hair I said it does look irritated never worry about the things you can't change the prayer of st. a is this Lord grant me the courage to change the things I can and the grace to bear what I can't and the wisdom to know the difference there's great wisdom in that prayer the point is don't worry about the collision of the planets don't worry about the national economy don't worry about China China's not your problem to solve worry about don't be concerned over what exactly it is God wants you to do with your life don't worry about your teenagers who are driving you crazy in this time of national lockdown God is in charge he is on his holy throne and everything is going to be alright God will take care of you never worry about what you can change have you ever laid in bed on a cold winter's night shivering and there's a blanket six feet away and you didn't want to get up you didn't want to move it was easier to lay there and worry all night the solution is do something about it tell your wife to get up and get the blanket don't worry about what you can't change don't worry about what you can change change it don't worry period it's an absolute waste of your time worry is like a rocking chair it will give you something to do but it will not get you anywhere don't worry about your finances for my god shall supply all of your needs according to his riches and glory I would to say this in closing Jesus gave the illustration of the field Sparrow very common virtually without value and he made it very clear God attends the funeral of every Sparrow that falls think about that Jesus asked us today are you not much more valuable than they are you not much more valuable than they the point if God takes care of every Sparrow that flies through the air and he has angelic angels going in front of you and behind you will he not take care of you your family your business the crisis you're facing as the nation you know it came to me the other day birds don't read books on how to relax birds don't say next year I'm going to build a bigger nest I'm going to have a patio I'm going to get a bigger TV I'm gonna store more worms I'm going to say bird eat drink and be merry no they don't birds don't get greedy you see a mother bird feeding its little offspring they share mankind gets greedy they stockpile they hoard it up they build shelters underground they're fearful they ignore God as the source of their blessing when men prosper greatly they start living on Maalox and valium they hire lawyers and cpa's trying to get all they can and can all they get men get tense they get stressed out they get anxious they worry their hair falls out what do they do when all of this happens they buy binoculars and go out and watch the sparrows they watch carefree birds that trust in God to be their provider birds that do not have one worry in the world birds without ulcers or high blood pressure that's what Jesus said that's what Jesus said some of you who are watching this telecast right now your life is totally and completely destroyed because of the worry that you have allowed to fill your home to fill your mind to fill your speech this worry has infected your children it has infected your relationship with your spouse it has made you uncertain of your future when every page in this book defies exactly what you're worrying about some of you were sitting on the couch right now saying pastor there are things in my life right now that have totally captured and captivated my thinking that is stressful worry ful it concerns me to the point that I don't sleep well at night I want to feel the peace of God that surpasses understanding I want to feel love and joy again I want to feel hopeful about tomorrow I want you to turn those things over to the Lord right now and I want you to start living the life without worry just let God take care of it if you're willing to do that I want you to extend your hands toward the television right on the couch where you are pray this prayer with me Heavenly Father my life is being tormented by worry today I receive your peace I receive your joy I receive your hope for my future from my family I receive hope for America you are my Lord and my Savior you are the Prince of Peace today I reject worry I kick it out of my thoughts and out of my emotions and out of my speech and I receive the peace of God that surpasses all understanding amen amen pastor Matt is coming to speak to you throughout this process we've had hundreds of people call our prayer line too and o49 150 100 is the number many of them have given their life to Jesus Christ if today you're watching and you need to receive him as your Savior I want you to know that there are prayer partners who are standing by who can speak with you and help you understand what it means to give your heart to Christ I also want you to know that if you received the Lord today we would love to be able to connect with you and one of the ways that we would like to do that if you simply text the word saved to the number eight eight eight one one one simply put saved there we'll have the opportunity to send you resources that tell you all about the new life that you're living in Jesus Christ if what you want in your life is to be worryfree then you cast all your cares upon him the moment you receive him in your heart has Lord and Savior because the Bible says very clearly whoever calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved and I believe that God Almighty wants to do that for you today would you please raise your hands and receive the blessing from our service today now father bless us and keep us and make your face to shine upon us be gracious unto us and give us your peace peace that the world does not give in the world cannot take away but the countenance of your light always shine upon us and let your favor overwhelm us in every place that our foot falls and everything that our hand touches let our hearts be drawn closer to you as we see your mighty hand move through the world today let us humble ourselves and declare our God is an all sufficient all-powerful great God who is worthy to be praised it's in the mighty name of Jesus we receive this blessing amen and amen thank you for joining us from Cornerstone today we look forward to seeing you here again very soon [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm very just turn this down okay now we put the can cap on and we just want to the can and just sit here and watch and as you see they can will slowly the atmospheric pressure inside
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 32,749
Rating: 4.9389734 out of 5
Keywords: Hagee, johnhagee, matthagee, livestream, church, cornerstone, sunday, sundayservice
Id: L9yDbQrHzWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 7sec (5827 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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