Cornerstone Church LIVE 11am on Sunday April 19th 2020

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got a wonderful opportunity for you and your family your friends to feel engaged in the presence of the Lord I'm gonna be sharing a message on changing your atmosphere you may not be able to shift your surroundings but I want to show you in the Word of God how you can change the atmosphere that you're living in and then pastor Hagee is gonna finish this morning by speaking on the topic hope for America you know there's a lot of people in this nation and around the world searching for hope and thankfully because of who Jesus is we know where hope comes from you're not gonna want to miss one moment of our program today but I want to give you the opportunity to invite others to come and be a part of what we're doing here at Cornerstone Church in the past we would ask you to go out and invite them to come and join us in the sanctuary today all you have to do is click Share or touch like and it'll give them the opportunity to be a part of what you're celebrating today which the fact is this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be made glad in it we're gonna rejoice in the fact that cornerstone Church in the last three weeks has given out more than three thousand hot meals we're gonna rejoice in the fact that we've been able to share more than a hundred and forty thousand pounds of food with the community we're gonna rejoice in the fact that over the thousands who have called our prayer line more than 700 of them have made that public profession and given their hearts to Jesus Christ all of these things are derivatives of the work that you have been helping us do in these past few weeks and we thank each and every one of you who have faithfully supported we thank God for each and every one that we've been able to reach and to touch and we look forward to having the opportunity to be with you here at Cornerstone Church again soon I want to remind you that every Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday we're gonna be coming to you live on Facebook Kindle and I'll be joining you in conversation on Tuesday on Wednesday we're gonna have a wonderful time of worship and then on Thursday pastor is gonna be bringing a special teaching but I want to remind each and every one of you right now that you're about to enter into the presence of the Lord because this is our Sunday service this is the time that we gather and this is the time that the presence of the Lord inhabits the praises of his people I want expectation to begin to build in your heart I know that you might not be watching today from the seat that you choose sometimes we don't get to decide our circumstances but I want you to know that in spite of our circumstances we can choose our attitude and this morning we're going to choose an attitude of praise David said it this way I will bless the Lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth today I'm praying that in your home an attitude of praise erupts and the presence of the Living God is felt and that your heart is filled with hope your home is filled with joy your mind is filled with peace because this is the day that the Lord has made and we will rejoice and be made glad in it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we enter his gates with Thanksgiving in his courts with praise I want you to do the same no matter where you're watching from today lift your voice and let's celebrate the fact that every praise belongs to our God sing it with me church every praise is to my god get us every word of worship with one Accord [Music] hallelujah - I got Laurie hallelujah is too [Music] the praise is to our God [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] and the brain is too [Music] [Music] [Music] we greet our cornerstone members here in San Antonio and our television partners across American around the world and we welcome you to a day of worship at Cornerstone Church let's begin by talking to the Lord and presenting to him all that we desire and all that he can accomplish our most gracious Heavenly Father we gather here today to celebrate the goodness of God we confess that you're the creator of heaven and earth you're the God that calls the Stars by name you're the God that holds the world in the palm of his hands today we pray for the members of Cornerstone Church for those who are sick and suffering in America we pray for the nations of the world who are overwhelmed with the state of chaos we pray for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding that his peace comfort our hearts that the voice of truth in this nation and the world conquer the voice of deception that God arise and let his enemies be scattered let there be a rebirth of righteousness for righteousness exalts the nation but sin is a reproach to any people bless this telecast to this city to America to the nations of the world in the authority of your name we pray and ask it and we say Amen may God bless each of you this is going to be a wonderful day stay tuned [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] try this right for God is on our side he is overcome he has overcome we will not be shaved we will not be moved Jesus you are [Music] a shame sometimes years maybe Jesus you [Music] every [Applause] [Music] [Music] we had so bad [Music] Jesus [Music] [Music] one during this time this season right now these words could be more true [Music] god [Music] we say [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] by we say [Music] he was sound [Music] not be shake [Music] not be shaken [Music] and we will shout you've gotta shout a phrase right where you're at [Music] I would thank you that you said you would never leave us but you would never know [Music] in my soul there is a song that I've seen to you God my Savior for you are one now you talk in bouncing you praise forever O my soul [Music] nice now I bless you all attend me I'll sing your praises continue early from the rising now beside the shed [Music] I live my friends [Music] gave me down [Music] [Music] consider [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] now we bless you with all that send me I sing your praises continually from the rising of the Sun the setting of the same [Music] so with my hands Lee left since in my mouth filled with in the heart of [Music] the your and with my hands leader chance in my mouth [Music] in the harder' Thanks you [Music] see [Music] Neal [Music] see [Music] Thanks so with my hands [Laughter] in my [Music] in the heart of things [Music] you [Music] and that's something you can do right where you are today you can lift your hands and open up your mouth fill it with praise and I promise you this the Word of God is true that the Lord inhabits the praises of his people as a matter of fact that's the text that I want to draw your attention to it comes from Psalms the 22nd chapter the third the fourth and the fifth verse that you can change your atmosphere today right now there are thousands watching all over the United States and around the world we've got them from East Coast to West Coast in the United States we've got them from Singapore all the way to Honduras around the world and I want to thank each and every one of you for taking time to join us this morning here at Cornerstone Church pastor Hagee and I are bringing you words of encouragement from the Bob from the Word of God today I'm gonna be speaking on changing your atmosphere and pastor is gonna be speaking on the topic of hope for America and while that message addresses this nation I assure you the nations of the world are searching for hope as well and his name is Jesus Christ if today you need prayer I want you to call to 104 91 50 100 and if you have a need that we as a church can help and you're in the local area call to 109 62 40 40 also I want to remind each and every one of you that you can find out what we as a church are doing by going to sa Cornerstone dot org but today I want you to consider the atmosphere that you and I were created to exist in certainly there's the atmosphere that our flesh was created to exist in it's the one that we're standing in right here on this earth when God created the heavens and the earth for each and everything he created he created a specific atmosphere for fish for example he created the atmosphere that they dwell in in water for the stars of the sky he created the atmosphere that they dwell in outside of ours for the flesh that he formed and fashioned in the dust of the ground he created an atmosphere that you and I live and breathe in right now if we change our location if you and I go underwater we either have to hold our breath or we have to go through great extreme expense in order to support our selves breathing underwater if we go outside of the atmosphere of this earth if we get into outer space if we go where the Sun and the stars are again we don't exist well up there so nASA has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to sustain life in outer space but right here where we are on this earth it's a very easy and simple process for us to inhale and for us to exhale because this was the atmosphere that we were created to exist in and that's according to our flesh but there's an atmosphere that your spirit was created to exist in and that is the atmosphere of praise here's what the Bible says Psalms 22 verse 3 but you are wholly enthroned in the praises of Israel our fathers they trusted in you they trusted and you delivered them they cried to you and were delivered they trusted in you and were not ashamed these are the words that David writes to remind us of the atmosphere that we were created for it's an atmosphere of praise listen to what he says he says you Lord are holy you are enthroned upon the praises of Israel how many times have we gathered in this sanctuary here and we felt the presence of the Lord as he sits upon his throne when the people of God are here in this house worshiping him I'm telling you soon we're going to do that again and I look forward to it but today right where you are you may not be able to change your surroundings you may not be able to change the surrounding of your living room you may not be able to change the surrounding of the place that you're watching maybe you're in a hospital maybe you're someplace that you'd rather not be but you can change your atmosphere why because when God created us in the dust of Eden and he breathed the breath of life into us he created our spirits for a certain atmosphere and that atmosphere knows no geographic boundary and it knows no limitation that atmosphere is praised whenever you praise the Lord no matter where you are the Bible says that God is enthroned there so what I'm telling you today is that you can turn your living room into the throne room of the Living God you can turn your home into the throne room of the Living God you can turn no matter where you are the place where you're watching from into the very throne room of the Living God all you have to do is in faith believing accomplish what this verse says - lift your hands and praise the Lord because it's in the praises of his people that God sits upon his throne David in another chapter says it this way he says I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth immediately he lets us know that the first thing about praise is that praise is personal my praise doesn't do anything to liberate you and your praise doesn't do anything to liberate me if I'm going to offer my heart as a sacrifice of praise that's my decision and right now you have a decision to make do you want to complain about the world that you're living in or do you want to praise God that you're alive do you want to complain about circumstances that are beyond your control or do you want to give God thanks because he's been good to you and he's been faithful to you and his faithfulness and His mercies are renewed every morning the Bible says in the book of limit limitations it says through Your mercies they fail not great is your faithfulness lord I am courage you today make that personal decision to lift your hands and raise your voice and magnify the matchless because it is the name that is above every name David not only says that praise is personal but when you look through the pages of God's Word you discover that praise is powerful praise was so powerful that it was the blast of the trumpet that brought down the wall of Jericho praise is so powerful that it is the force that David used to conquer the Giants in his life on the day that he went out to fight Goliath Goliath said come here to me and I'll feed you to the dogs in the field David's response to that man of war was simply this you come to me was spear and sword but I come to you in the name of the Lord Jehoshaphat a king in Israel was facing insurmountable odds he was surrounded by his enemies five armies had come out to defeat him he didn't know what to do as far as military leadership was concerned but the prophet of God told him send the tribe of Judah out front so that they may worship the Living God when worship went out before the Warriors the enemies who came against Israel fled and were defeated why because praise is powerful praise is powerful look at Paul and Silas sitting inside a prison cell they did not like their surroundings but they were able to change their atmosphere their physical bodies were chained to a wall their physical bodies had been beaten for professing Christ their physical bodies were weak and weary and wounded and breaking and yet the Bible says in the book of Acts at midnight they were singing hymns and praising God they began to do something that changed their atmosphere in spite of what the Roman judge had convicted them of in spite of the persecution that they had faced they said God you're still great and you're greatly to be praised and in doing so the atmosphere began to change the angels of heaven came down to the cells where Paul and Silas were being held and the walls began to shake and the Bible says that whenever they made the personal decision to praise the that every door was open and every chain was broken and every captive was set free so today you have to make a personal choice do you want to change your atmosphere don't speak words of fear speak words of faith do you want to change your atmosphere don't talk about your problem talk to your problem about the God who gave you the power of praise and when you do heaven will come to where you are and I assure you the walls of confinement will begin to shake the change will begin to break Mountains will begin to move because praise is powerful not only is praise powerful but praise is not optional when you look in the Book of Psalms the psalmist writes the dead do not praise the Lord praise is a sign of life praise is your way of letting the world know that you understand where the good things in your life come from praise is a sign of maturity consider the countenance of Jobe who could endure the worst day that he's ever known and still say the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away blessed be the name of the Lord I read an article in a medical journal about a mother who had given her life taking care of an invalid son and the article was focusing on the effects that long-term care takers have in their mental well-being and the interviewer asked the mother said is there anything that you wish your son could do being completely ill the boy couldn't walk he couldn't talk he couldn't see he didn't hear and what she said was this she said just once I wish he could recognize me you see he doesn't know that I'm his mother he doesn't know that it's been me taking care of him every day of his life he doesn't recognize me as any different from the next person that walks into the room and just once I want him to understand that it's me that is mama that's been with him all these days you see when you praise the Lord it's your way of saying god I know it's you god I thank you for your provision I know that you're the one who has supplied my need god I thank you for my strength I know that you're the one who gives me health God I thank you for the joy that's in my heart I know that you are the one in whose presence is the fullness of joy god I thank you for bringing me through the battles of my past I know you're the one who's given me victory god I thank you for shedding your blood and setting me free I know that you're the one who has washed me white as snow whenever you begin to consider the good things in your life and you lift your hands and you praise the Lord not only are you telling God I know where the good blessings in my life come from but you're telling the world the flesh and the devil I'm not dead yet although the past has tried to destroy me I still have the strength to praise His name although the storms of life have given me trials and tribulations I still know that if God is with me nothing can stand against me you see child of God it's your voice of praise that announces to your enemies that you're still in the fight and as long as you have faith in the who gives you victory in battle then you are more than a conqueror through Christ today today I want you to change your atmosphere you may not be able to change your surroundings you may not see the end of this struggle in sight you may sit there and say I didn't do anything to cause this how do I conquer it the answer is very simple he is enthroned upon the praises of his people build him a throne room in your living room build him a throne room at your address today and let God be enthroned over the city of San Antonio and over the state of Texas and over the United States of America and over this whole earth as his children in this atmosphere begin to change our focus from the things that were walking through to the one who has brought us through all things his name is Jesus Christ I pray that you're encouraged by this word I want you to enjoy this song as Zak sings Wayfaring Stranger [Music] I am a poor Wayfaring Stranger traveling through this world below in there's no scene is toilet angel man privy to [Music] to see my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] No [Music] cool [Music] enjoy [Music] it's Ruffin see [Music] beautiful feet [Music] that's just behind we've got sweetie their fins [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm going over [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] samo Zico I'm only going over Jordan xico I'm only going over [Music] [Applause] I love that song because it reminds us that we've got a destination that's not on this earth it's a place that God has created for his own pastor Hagee and I are here and we want to tell the members of Cornerstone Church what great things you've helped this ministry accomplish as we've been walking through this season of separation and this pandemic of coronavirus if you'd like to find out more information you can go as we've mentioned before to sa Cornerstone org but here are some of the things that our church has done in the last four weeks we've given out over seventeen thousand one hundred hot meals they're given over five thousand care boxes and we've supported local school districts veterans shelters homeless shelters fed fire departments and police substations made sure that the people in San Antonio know that we mean what we say when we declare that cornerstone cares if you'd like to participate in helping us continue to meet the needs of this community there are several ways that you can do that first and foremost you can go online at ese Cornerstone org backslash give or you can call eight five five six nine four nine six five three or if you'd like to you can give by going and putting your support in an envelope to p o-- box 1400 san antonio texas seven eight two nine five i want to tell each and every one of you who have supported that we are so very thankful for what you've done and we want to give you the opportunity to continue to help us as we move forward pastor you and i were having a conversation about giving in times of struggle the bible is a book of principles and the principles never change that's true applications may change but principles do not and when God said that their seed time and harvest there's giving and receiving it doesn't matter what type of world you're walking in those principles do not change that's exactly right I was reading this week the story of Elijah and the widow woman it was at a time of Israel's great famine the famine had been caused by Elijah pronouncing it so that God could get the attention of Ahab and Jezebel but the famine was extreme the rich and the powerful were suffering cattle were dead in the field and God told Elijah I want you to go to the house of the widow woman at Zarephath and I will feed you there the place of God's purpose is the place of God's power that's a divine principle and the place of God's power produces lasting prosperity and here's the rest of that story the man of God went to the widow woman's house now logically that's not where you want to go that's not where you find provision that's where not where you start taking an offering at a widow woman's house he went there and identified himself as the man of God and she knew he was coming and the Ezekiel asked for something to eat and she said well I have this last taco that I've got last piece of bread that I've got I'm going to prepare this for my son and I and then we're going to die that's how desperate they were and Elijah and what looks like a brazen heartless act says I want that piece of bread she gave it to him and he ate it the moment she gave it to him the cruse of oil in her house and the meal barrel began to supernaturally fill up they not only filled up that day but they stayed filled for the duration of the famine which was three years and they stayed that way until the rains begin to come a harvest was possible this is a this is an illustration where the purpose of God and the prosperity of God explode together those of you who are watching this telecast Cornerstone Church is meeting the purpose of God by feeding the hungry by preaching the gospel to America and to the nations of the world by caring for the widows and the orphans in the sanctuary of hope when you give to a place that's fulfilling the purpose of God you can experience the power and the prosperity of God in your life and listen and that prosperity lasts until the storm passes by at last as long as it is needed for you and your family to meet the financial needs that you have in your life that's a story that's true for Elijah and it's true in the 21st century you know when people hear stories about giving your last bite of food they feel that that's a measure of extremity and I've often said that many people don't know this but this ministry was birthed by a gift of just a few quarters and it's a story that you've told me many times in my childhood but when you were a student at Bible College you didn't have enough money to stay at Bible College very long they would let you pay week to week and you had about six weeks saved up but after that sixth week you were going to be in need of an answer and you looked for a job but there were no jobs available you did all that you could to try and raise the funds and basically in a last-ditch effort to get the bus money to get back from walks of hacci Texas to Houston in the month of February in North Texas you spent the day washing cars for a quarter how many cars did you wash what enough to make $2 so you had under $2 after a day of washing cars and if you've ever been in North Texas in February its no month to be standing outside Washington cars and you basically knew it was over you had recently given your heart to Christ you felt that you were called to ministry and as a teenage boy you were walking across a campus pretty much full of despair did you go to your dorm room here's what here's here's how that happened when I went to Bible School they had a payment plan where you could stay for six weeks for a certain amount of money that's the money my father gave me because he told me I don't have the ability to sustain you there you have to go and get a job well getting the job in Waxahachie in January in 1950 in 1958 was was not a possibility it was freezing and raining most of the time it was a town that had one restaurant and two service stations and there was no grass to cut there was no job to get and I had to make my own way my dad very clearly told me don't look back here I can't help you and I was on the meal plan where you could eat one meal a day and I was very anxious to get any kind of job I could get and I saw this bulletin on the bulletin board in the hallway at the school wanted car washers and I went and washed cars all day and made $2 I want to tell you those are the two hardest dollars I've ever made in my life that night knowing that I was probably going back to Houston and this whole experience of call to the ministry was just not working for me because I didn't have the funds to make it work and I went to Chapel that night and there was a missionary there who was sent from heaven he was he's a missionary to Africa and his name was Charles Greenaway and I can remember the sermon he preached and he was going to take an offering and I had two bucks in my pocket and that was a life raft for me I was that was only two dollars that's the home it was all a ll I had or could get because there were no jobs to get ahold of and when that offering pen came down my role I held under those two dollars like it was a life raft and when it when it came by me I put it all in the plate and I said you know I can hitchhike to Houston so what's the big deal I gave that money and now when you gave it did you just feel the joy of the Lord baptized solutely not absolutely not I was disgusted with myself if I could have picked myself in the pants I would add but it's not a matter of feeling it's a matter of fact the matter of obedience to what I knew was the right thing to do and I went back to my room and was sitting on the edge of the bed and down the hall came a young man his name was Ronnie Irving and my brother had gone to school with him there a number of years before and he knocked on the door and he said you know there's a senior student who quit his job today at the woodshop they had a wooden a furniture manufacturing shop on campus he said I think if you go out there you might could get that job and that job paid a dollar an hour and let me tell you that's better than washing cars had a dollar an hour I thought I was an economic threat to John rockefeller so I'd already been out there twice asking for a job and they said there's no jobs here and it was because it was such a good job and you could walk from the campus to that place it was just really the best of the best and so I said I will be out there in the morning at daylight so the next morning I got up and I went out and the manager whose name was Bill Craig came out of his car and was walking into the shop he knew me because I'd talked to him twice trying to get a job and I said mr. Craig I said understand someone quit here last night I'd like to apply for his job he said you've got it and he said you can start tomorrow I said I'd prefer to start today make sure that I get still had supply started and I worked there and met all of my financial obligations I was able to stay in school and in the matter of two months I started preaching and my preaching income was so accelerated over what I was making in the furniture factory that I just worked there a couple three months and but the rest as they say is history as in the rest is history but I will tell you there came a day when I felt like it was over and it was a matter of two dollars giving it all I gave it all opened up a door for you today too in just a few moments present the message of the gospel - now here we've got thousands of people watching us live there's over 30 nations that have tuned in in over 40 states has a pretty good $2 investment it is I would always say to you those of you who are watching this telecast if you want the prosperity of God to follow you the secret to prosperity is giving the Bible says give and it shall be given unto you pressed down shaken together and running over shall God calls men to give to your bosom I have practiced that every day of my Christian life and I can tell you that it is just as true as John 3:16 God has no trouble getting the money to us he has trouble getting the money through us if you will let it flow through you as the widow woman did to Elijah God will pour out a blessing on your life on your business on your family that will be supernatural and long-lasting I urge you today to make a phone call and say I want to invest in the Ministry of Cornerstone Church it's the kingdom of God I want to invest in preaching the gospel to the nations of the world and winning the lost I want to invest and taking care of the orphans at the sanctuary of Hope I want to invest in Christian education where 1,400 young people are receiving a christ-centered education that's the kind of thing that's going to make America great again and I assure you you can be a part of that if you'd like to give today we encourage you to do so as you listen to the worship that our ministry is going to be bringing I want to remind you you can go to sa Cornerstone dot org backslash give or you can call eight five five six nine four nine six five three or mail a gift to p.o box 1400 san antonio texas seven eight two nine five god bless you and thank you for what you do to help us continue to reach the nations of the world enjoy this ministry of music [Music] when you move sergeant easy thing for you to do your head is mobile you are still surely now at the dome of every ladder right in your voice is calling me [Music] I know you're a [Music] you can do well Phil cuz you never lost the battle no you never [Music] everything's beautiful by the power of the Holy Ghost [Music] is blow [Music] [Applause] my song taken America in my [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you can't do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no you never lost a battle yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you for that beautiful song if you have your Bibles turn to proverbs 14:34 and while you're finding that text I would like to address the cornerstone family here in San Antonio last Sunday was my 80th birthday and I want to thank you for the hundreds of beautiful birthday cards that I received I was shocked at the number of birthday cards I received from across America actually two two bags full and actually received birthday cards from spiritual leaders around the nations of the world may God bless you all thank you for your love thank you for your friendship and thank you God for the health to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ for 62 years and at 80 years of age have strength and energy like I was 40 years of age I've got to talk this morning about hope for America I've been going to Washington DC for 35 years to fight for truth and justice on a number of the issues I have met with Presidents and vice presidents senators and congressmen ambassadors from various nations over the years when the Sun rises over Washington DC every morning the rays of light on the eastern route on the eastern side of the monument that monument is 555 feet tall it makes it is the highest building in Washington DC on the first part of the monument on top to receive the Rising Sun every morning is an aluminum capsule with the Latin words Laos deals it means praise to God our founding fathers built this nation on the biblical principles of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness praise to God listen very closely we as a nation had better returned to the god of our forefathers or we are going to lose this nation that we loved so dearly the first the First Amendment of the United States Constitution guarantees religious freedom listen closely Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or the right of the people to peacefully assemble that would be Church on Sunday morning or any other day I'm amazed that the brilliant leaders of our country are willing to keep the bars open to accommodate the drunks but they really don't care about people in church getting together I think the message the political people are sending to us it will take care of the drunks we can get reelected but who cares what the church thinks the fact is if we do not use our freedom to defend our freedom we're going to lose our freedom history has confirmed that when a nation takes freedom away from its people those freedoms just do not come back again six decades ago President Herbert Hoover wrote a warning that America has not heeded he stated in I quote our greatest danger is not from being invaded by foreign armies our greatest danger is that we may commit suicide from within by our compliance with evil you hear that last phrase by our compliance with evil President Hoover's prophecy has come true I'm not going to sicken you with the graphic description of America's corrupt moral moral and political corruption of our nation our nation has lost its moral compass and we are sliding into a political Sewer of socialism and paganism is there hope for America the answer is jest but only if there's a revival of repentance and a national return to righteousness the text of the morning says in Proverbs 14 3 righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people again righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people righteousness is established by the laws of the Word of God millions in America right now have lost their jobs their dreams have been shattered freedom of choice has been taken from us by a group of people we did not elect to represent us America and the people of the world are searching for the dawn of Hope the new normal in America should not be chaos and madness what is our hope our hope is the gift that God has given to the righteousness Paul says in first Corinthians 13:13 now abideth faith hope and love that is God's gift to the righteous David writes in Psalms 42 5 hope thou in God in this raging storm I assure you God is our only hope st. Paul writes in Romans 15:13 may the god of Hope fill you with joy and peace so that you may overflow with hope that's certainly not happening right now in America Jeremiah 29:11 God says through the Prophet for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord their plans for good and not for evil to give you a future and a hope God put us on this earth at this point in time for specific purpose God has a plan for you he has a plan for your family he has a plan for the nation but it is only if we stay beneath the sheltering wings of the Almighty God does not take responsibility for the for the ungodly decisions of people who have abandoned the principles of righteousness God has a plan to bless you with blessings you cannot contain a plan to pour out the favor of God in your future above and beyond your wildest dreams Jesus Christ is presented in the Bible as our Blessed hope st. Paul presents Christ as the hope of glory hope generates enthusiasm hope generates excitement there's anything but excitement in America right now there's anything but enthusiasm right now people are packing the streets protesting to their elected officials that their constitutional rights are being stripped from them hope is the companion of power hope is the mother of success hope produces joy the world didn't give hope gives what the world can't take away hope produces a song that sings in the midnight hour like Paul and Silas when they had been beaten for preaching the gospel hope is faith reaching out in the darkness knowing that God the God we serve will not fail us Paul writes in Romans 5:2 we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God there is very little rejoicing going on in America right now Romans 12:12 be joyful in Hope be joyful in Hope there is hope for America for deliverance and healing from this coronavirus that plagues our country but only God can do it there is hope for the millions who have lost their jobs the Bible says I have never seen the righteous ah there's that word again I have ever seen the righteous forsaken and they're seen baking for bread we have victory over sickness and disease we have victory over poverty and walked the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want that's not just a pretty phrase that is a practical supernatural fact we have victory over power and principalities we have victory over death hell and the grave the resurrection guarantees that Jesus said upon this rock speaking of himself have I built my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it the victory is ours through Christ the Lord write Saint Paul the last recorded promise of Jesus in Revelation 22:20 I am coming soon I assure you if he told John the Revelator on the Isle of Patmos he was coming soon you can be certain we're in the last two-minute warning of the coming of Jesus Christ the Trump of God is soon to sound why the Trump because trumpets in the Bible are sounded for royalty and Jesus Christ is the Prince of glory the Trump of God shall sound the dead in Christ shall rise first and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to be with the Lord in the air in a moment in the twinkling of an eye we are not long for this world but we have a hope while we're in this world that surpasses knowledge when you see these signs jesus said lift up your heads and rejoice lift up your heads and rejoice your Redemption Jesus Christ draweth nigh hope thou in God Hebrews 11:1 says now for now faith is being sure of what we hope for faith is being sure of what we hope for the Bible says now faith is the substance of things hoped for and it's the evidence of things not seen get those two words substance and evidence take away faith in life with all of its fascinating opportunities Israel is reduced to mere existence and misery that's what we have right now in America misery unending misery without faith life becomes drab life becomes bleak life becomes joyless life is a burden there's a never-ending pain that we cannot resolve people without hope or sinking into depression and into despair and life itself becomes meaningless that's the portrait of America in the life of every believer here there is hope for tomorrow there is hope for a supernatural breakthrough for our nation there is hope for divine healing for those of you who are sick there is confidence for divine protection from this virus there is hope for your prodigal son or your prodigal daughter to come home there is hope that God can give you prosperity to endure this storm like the widow woman that Elijah went to there is hope that God sees the invisible he feels the intangible he achieves the impossible that's why the Bible says hope thou in God because that's the only source of hope that possibly works what is hope what is hope you talk to people about hope and they talk like it's wishful thinking that's not what hope is we all have wishes for ourselves and other people and for the future these wishes are our perception of what we think would be best for us all we believe would satisfy us people look at the Bible like it's a wish book this is not a wish book there are 3,000 prom in this book given to you by God Almighty written by the anointing of the Holy Spirit and the substance of this book is the evidence it's not a wish it's a fact listen to the words of isaiah 55:11 so shall my word be that goes forth from my mouth it shall not return void that means when you speak the word of this book there's a supernatural anointing on what you're saying because it is from the Word of God but it will accomplish the Bible says what I speak and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sin it you need to hear that you are not aware of how much power you possess when you release the hope that you have in the in the word of God the fact is God's words spoken in the mouth of a believer is not a wish it's a divine command it's a divine command it is spoken in spiritual authority with the anointing of the Holy Spirit before that command the Bible says demons tremble before that command the Bible says angels bow winds and waves obey the voice of God sickness and disease obey the voice of God poverty is crushed by the voice of God darkness is defeated and victory comes when the right you start praying what's in the Word of God help thou on God for there is there is nothing impossible to those that believe and are called according to the purposes of God what role does the word of God play in your life talk about that what role does the Word of God play in your life how often do you read it how much time do you spend with the Lord letting that book speak to you the Bible is not a book you read the Bible is a book that reads you how much do you read it the devil is not afraid of a believer that has a Bible covered with dust the person who has the Bible that's falling apart has the life that's not falling apart the reason people are down on the Bible is that they're not up on the Bible when you really understand what's here this is a fountain of hope other doors other books are given for information this book is given for transformation men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself men reject the Bible because it contradicts them and there's a lot of difference no one graduates from Bible study until they meet the author face-to-face horace greeley said it is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible reading people I want to say that again Horace Greeley a leader of America in early years it is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible reading people so what have we done as Americans we have thrown the Bible out of schools we've thrown it out of our colleges and universities now we have n archaeans streets you know what I think God in heaven is saying you've kicked me out now let's see how you like what you got and I can tell you what we have is a mad house on steroids and it's not going to get better until we confess as a nation that God is the Lord he is the author and the finisher of our founding fathers belief from Plymouth Rock to Philadelphia house where the Constitution was written to this very moment the Bible concepts as I said earlier you do not read this book this book reads you the Bible was written by men that were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write exactly the truth that God gave to them every word of this book is true it's filled with God's Authority it's filled with God's power we should read this book as though God is speaking directly to you and that God is personally with you because in this text he is the Bible will import light it will bring divine revelation it will bring understanding it will bring emotional and physical health this Bible will cleanse us it will sanctify us it will build us up it will give us power and wisdom to accomplish the impossible the reason the person who has a Bible that's falling apart has a life that's not falling apart men do not reject the Bible because it contradicts itself men reject the Bible because it contradicts DIMM hope for the believer Israel is based on the evidence that's found in this word hope is based on the substance of what God has done in the past I want to say that again hope is based on the substance of what God has done in the past substance is something that's solid it's tangible you can hold it it's real evidence is something that has been historically recorded it's not wishful thinking faith is believing that what God has done evidence God can do for you now substance all of the evidence of this Bible says that God has power he's willing to bless you he's willing to anoint you he's willing to prosper you he's willing to heal you but first you must denies his lordship and recognize the authority of this book it's not something to give away at Christmas and carry to church on Easter it's something to guide your life every day the Sun comes up I don't hope God answers prayer I know God answers prayer look at the evidence look at the evidence in this book Moses prayed in the Red Sea parted two million Hebrew slaves walked across on dry ground to the promised land someone has calculated how many days it took them to walk across that dry ground what they don't say is that Pharaoh's six hundred chariots were right behind them and that fire that God sent stayed there until his people were safely on the other side and the waters came together again you want to talk about power and prayer Joshua prayed and the God of Israel stoned to death the armies of the five kings that were trying to slaughter the Jewish people as they were going from Egypt into the Promised Land you'll find that story in Joshua 1011 and it says very clearly that the soldiers of the five Kings who were killed more of them were killed by the stones that fell from heaven than the armies of Israel killed I'm saying that because in Ezekiel chapter 38 God is going to stone the armies that come against Israel in the future and he is going to annihilate them because he that keepeth Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps Daniel trade in God muzzled the mouths of lions those lions had been starved for three days to guarantee that Daniel wouldn't have a chance of survival and later the enemies of Daniel were thrown into that lion's den the king did that the wives and the children every person related to those conspirators who rose against the men of God were fed to the Lions and the Bible said the only thing that survived were the big bones that's in the Bible Elijah prayed and God sent cloven tongues of fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice he ate angels food cake he ran for forty miles in front of the Kings chariot the Kings chariot had the best horses the best fed horses they were they were the fastest animals in the kingdom and the men of God supernaturally empowered ran before those horses forty miles there's the old saying some prayer some power more prayer more power much prayer much power prayer should not be prayer should be your first choice not your last chance your first choice not your last chance are you in a battle do you feel discouraged do you feel hopeless pray our God is the prayer answering God what God has done God will do the substance and the evidence or he'll I don't hope God delivers I know he delivers the three Hebrew children who were thrown alive into the fiery furnace walked through that fire and came out on the other side without the smell of smoke upon them listen to that declaration that they made before the king the God that we serve is able to deliver us ladies and gentlemen of America I'm saying to you the God of heaven the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob the God who holds the seven seas in the palm of his hand the God who calls the Stars by name that God can bring America a supernatural deliverance and a supernatural Ensor but we must stop acting like a bunch of arrogant teenagers and recognize the sovereignty of the Almighty God the Bible says many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers us from them all hope thou and God are you in the fight of your life be of good cheer big good courage be bold be strong for the Lord our God is with us keep the faith fight the good fight of faith don't surrender to your circumstance don't give in to the pity pot mentalities of your negative friends if God be for you who can be against you no plague shall come nigh thy dwelling greater see that's in you than he that's in the world God is our fortress he is our high tower so says this book he is our shield he is our buckler he is our deliverer nothing is impossible to those that believe what God has done God will do god delivered our nation in the American Revolution when George Washington prayed in the snows at Valley Ford God delivered our nation in the dark days of World War two God will deliver our nation again but we're going to have to bow our knee to God and confess that he is the only God and this diatribe that we are no longer Christian nation must die in our throat as we recognize there is but one sovereign God he is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob he is the creator of heaven and earth he calls the stars by name He is God and there is no other the gospel is the gospel of hope this book is the most exciting optimistic thing that's ever been written where can you read a book that has 3000 promises a boundless love joy unspeakable peace that surpasses understanding and prosperity health and confidence security eternal life this is the happiest thing in print if you will give yourself to the reading of this you will recognize that we as Americans have a bright future if we're ready to bring the Lord back into our lives hope brings joy Romans 15:13 said now may the god of Hope fill you with all joy does that describe America nope because the God of all hope is not in our speech he's not being radiated from our leaders he has been kicked out when we confess that we need the Lord then God is going to come to us and bring to us deliverance that us as Americans recognize that we are in a crisis our because history proves that when a nation starts giving its freedoms away those freedoms are not restored if we do not use our freedom to defend our freedom we will lose our freedom may God bring to us a revival of righteousness that makes our nation rejoice pastor Matt comes to see [Music] if two all the things were God worked for all my life and I'd have to start again with just my children and my wife thank my god to be living here today where the flag still stands for freedom and they can take Attaway [Music] and I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free and the wall the men who died who gave that at least you and defend her still today cause there ain't no doubt I love [Music] god bless [Music] from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee across the plains of Texas see you shine eat see Detroit the Houston New York we'll the spine every American life and it's time we stand and say [Music] to be an American at least I know and of all the man who died who gave to me and [Music] next to you and the bed still today no doubt [Music] [Applause] [Music] and to be in a man and the wall [Music] who gave that lie to me next [Music] still today cuz there ain't no doubt [Music] you [Music] and may God bless america may God bless our leaders may God bless our military personnel may God bless our first responders may God bless all of the doctors and nurses across this great land who working day and night to preserve our health let's have a blessing from the Lord now may the Lord bless you and may the Lord keep you and may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and may the Lord be gracious unto you and give you his peace they own this day when America is covered in chaos and confusion you feel the deep settled peace the hope that only God can give the righteous that our tomorrow's are going to be filled with joy again in the authority of your Holy Name we pray and ask this amen may God bless you all [Music] [Applause] [Music] you've been watching Hagee ministries [Music] hi boys and girls and welcome to this week's digital kits Church today we're
Channel: Hagee Ministries
Views: 10,759
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Keywords: Hagee, johnhagee, matthagee, livestream, church, cornerstone, sunday, sundayservice
Id: G81a8hDLuX0
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Length: 93min 52sec (5632 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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