Corned Beef and Cabbage | Pressure Cooker recipe Instant Pot PRO Crisp and Air Fryer or Ninja Foodi

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pressure cooker corned beef and cabbage and uh take my word if you ever do it in a pressure cooker you'll never do it any other way i really believe that it it for a lot of reasons one it's way quicker two it's it's a little easier because you're doing it all in one pot but three it produces a better product if you ask me and uh i'm going to show you what i've learned i've got the times i think perfect for the cabbage the carrots and the potatoes and if that anything's a little tricky it's that and uh i think i've got them pretty close we're going to be using the instant pot procrist which is what they refer to as their one pot wonder and it's their latest and greatest and i guarantee you i love it and it does a great job but anyhow i'm john sanders i'm also known as jelly double o seven so let's pressure cook this corned beef and cabbage in uh instant pots one pot wonder i wanted to show y'all everything while it's still in the package before i open it and there is the murphy and david uh corned beef i'm using now i was just saying this is showing 3.99 a pound at publix but quite honestly that was on sale i don't know what the normal price is and it doesn't say but there it is it's a good looking uh brisket and it's got this uh the season pack and it's got a good looking fat cap on it you know best i can tell with it in this package so we're gonna see how it looks in a minute when i get it open i'm using these potatoes i actually got these at i think i got them at ingles it doesn't matter if it's a honey gold baby potatoes and uh you'll be able to see them a little better in a minute same i'm using uh gold potatoes and red potatoes uh just a normal size head of cabbage some carrots and then i'm going to cook the brisket in beef stock and uh i use this type i like this organic beef because it's going to be in it for an hour and a half because that's what we're about to do is put it in there that's the first thing you have to do is you cook this right here for an hour and a half and that beef stock plus whatever water i need to get it covered but i'm about to show you every bit of that and i will be right back okay so i was at the store and i remembered to get them because i saw other people had used them but quite honestly i've done this before without bay leaves but i was at the store so i got them i'm gonna put three of them in there now uh it's not a big deal if you don't have them here is what was in that package and you can see it's got a good fat cap i'm not about to cut it off i i think it works really well i've got it turned up where you can see it but i'm going to cook it this way now that that's how i do it i think i don't know i kind of do that on smokers and stuff with brisket so i'm kind of doing it here not sure it makes a heal of beans but that's what i'm doing i've already set this in there and i filled my water level to where it just barely covered and i it was it turned out to be uh here it is i used that right there which is 32 ounces and then two more full of water so that would be what 96 ounces of water and well you can see right here that's where i'm at on the line but it doesn't matter you just want to cover it in my opinion you don't want it any of it above the water so the spice packet you can see it right there i'm going to cut it open right here and just dump it in that water and i may mix that up just a little bit and then i'm going to set that brisket right down in there and then we'll be really close to uh getting this started let's see if i can find something to stir that up with this will do it and all i'm gonna do is just kind of move that around a little bit probably no good reason but that's what i'm doing i am using the trivet now i i say use a trivet because i don't like the meat sitting on the bottom of the pan i just don't i'd rather it be it a little bit so there there it is and you can see i've got it maybe a half inch under the water but as long as you cover it it it should be good so now all i got to do is put this lid on and i'm i'm going to try and explain some things about this pot and why i like it and why i think well honestly i don't know why instapot sells any other now i don't know of anything another one will do and this one air fries and it also does what we're going to use in a minute which is the quick cool feature because a lot of people don't like to dump all the pressure off of a meat real quick well you can put this quick cool and it helps it cool down and drop that pen faster and you kind of get the lid off sooner what we're going to do is pressure cook i'm going to take it to an hour and a half which is right there it's on high now one thing i'll say about this and i'm not sure you can see everything i'm talking about when you put this lid on this new this new pot their latest and greatest it automatically seals you don't have to worry about that you can also see it has this diffuser and i'll just show you right quick when when you pop it open you don't have to put your hand over it and flip it anymore you just do that right there take my word this is uh this is a really uh they've thought a lot of things out on it not to mention it has the handles on this pot which i didn't show you i do on my other video you can see it and it's induction friendly but i'll get off of the pod i've got a video on it i'll try and link it but it's an induction friendly pot hey i love it i'll get to that but also i'll say this once you set the time you better do what you got to do because it resets so that's a a good reminder right there i got to take it back to an hour and a half and this time i will be hitting start but the point is you don't have to worry about uh locking your vent lid but there we go we're off and running now that is quite a bit of liquid so it's going to take a little bit for it to come up and i'll try and time it so it is uh it's going to take a bit so it's 8 28. i got a feeling but we'll see i'll see y'all back in just a second all right there it is the the pen is up it is sealed and we have just started cooking the timer has came home at 8 49. so 21 minutes not bad for 96 ounces of of water or liquid now that is cold water right out of my tap i didn't use anything heated it's just the cold water straight out of my sink so see y'all in an hour and a half i wanted to show you the potatoes and all out of the bag one pound and 14 ounces almost two pounds of potatoes is what i'm using but i'm really doing this for say four people so and that's because i'm going to quarter this head of cabbage into four pieces and we're really close to being done uh on the uh on that corned beef and that corned beef if you noticed was three pounds uh 3.29 pounds so and i'm gonna weigh those carrots for you and uh hang on just a second and i'll do that okay may it may be a little overkill but just just so you know one pound on 4.6 ounces of carrots is what is what we're going to be cooking you'll see exactly how that looks in just a minute and you'll know exactly what the weights were so i'll be back and there it is the end of the hour and a half and here is the quick cool device i've got a video on it that i'll link here but i set it in my or it stays in my freezer full of water and ready to go at all times but here's how you do it and all it's about is cooling this down faster especially with meats a lot of people don't want to you know do a quick release and this helps you get the pen down where you don't have to dump all the the pressure off at one time but here's what it's about you remove this and uh you set this there and it helps cool it off right quick so sort of anyhow all you do is set it right there and it will very rapidly melt and sit down and help cool that pot off a little faster in fact we'll see how long it takes it's 10 21 i'll be back when uh the pen drops okay so while we're waiting on the pin to drop and on our uh with our quick cool device i wanted to cut this cabbage up into quarters and show you how i do it now and a lot of people are doing this and it is a real good idea and it's pretty much this right here you just cut the cabbage in quarters and you don't remove the core a lot of people have for years even myself they'll take the core out well when you do it it wants to fall apart so the best thing to do is just leave it intact and like i said i'm doing this for four people so you uh you just do it like that right there and you leave these in you leave these intact and it holds it together a little better so you can once they're cooked you can get them out of there then if you want to cut the core out of course as you know as one is eaten as someone's eating it or whatever then they can cut this core out but it stays together better that's the point so waiting on that pin to drop and uh we'll be back okay so i want to say we're at 24 minutes and all the ice has melted in here and the water's fairly warm so i don't think it's doing anything anymore so the pen hasn't dropped i mean i'm sure it helps well in fact i've got a comparison video i'm pretty sure somewhere that i'll put up and you can see uh what it did with and without but we're going to release this pressure and i can kind of show you right here as a matter of fact well i'm going to pick the camera up you can see how this device works it does well it was very well it was probably the pen would have dropped in just a minute there's almost no pressure there but that's how it works you don't have to put your hand on that uh knob anymore like you've heard and the way it used to be i didn't like it either now you just flip that lever and it has the diffuser and uh if it had a lot of steam in it it helps disperse that steam coming out so hopefully that pin is fixing drop and there it went so what we're about to do is open this up and see what we have and our uh corned beef brisket is floating so i'm going to use these gloves i may have to move the camera and i'm going to pull out that uh that rack the trivet we're going to set it down here and then i'm going to start getting the vegetables ready so i might ought to think this out just a little bit in fact i'm going to move this put that right there and it looks good and there come the bay leaves with it which i need to get out of there anyhow and as you can see i mean it shrinks they always do but it was 3.29 pounds and uh that works i mean that's what you want and i'm fixing to uh cover that with aluminum foil just tint it and then we're going to get those vegetables in as a matter of fact do that right now i'm just going to put this like that just put a light tent on it and then we'll look at this and here is our broth and i may not be able to do this with my tripod but you can see we got a good bit of liquid maybe you'd want to take some of that out we're not going to tonight because i just don't see the need in it but i'm going to kind of easily drop these potatoes in and the carrots of course and here's where the timing and all has came down now i'm right at that max line so i may have to dip some out but i'm not over it yet i don't think but a lot of liquid evidently came out of that uh roast so we're going to put these in just like this and yeah i'm going to dip a little bit out with a coffee cup or something that uh that will uh stand that heat so i'm going to shut this i'm going to shut the camera off and i'm going to grab something to dip some of the liquid out and i'll be right back okay so i went ahead and took it down quite a bit because i don't i don't care i mean i actually want the potatoes and carrots submerged but i'll i'll show you what i had here but and this will be submerged somewhat but i don't care if the cabbage is completely you know i don't want it completely submerged because i think it does better steam you know kind of a steaming situation so right there is how it looks and i'm about to put a lid on and one of these days i'll have one of those cameras in the ceiling like everybody else has got and uh i'll be all high tech now but right now we're going to put this back on i'll show you where we are in fact again you don't have to lock the vent on this it locks automatically when you close it it is a very neat device we're going to pressure cook on high and well first thing i do is i don't know if you have to do this but this is how i do it i turn it all the way off and then i hit pressure cook and then i take my time i'm going to move this all the way down to five minutes and that seems to be perfect for the potatoes the cabbage and everything now if if you wanted it a little less than that just use a little smaller potatoes but you saw what size i was using and this seems to be exactly what we want but there we go we're off and running uh as soon as the pen comes up again we're at right now it's 10 50. so you can get an idea of how long everything's taken and uh that's that is with us doing the uh the the natural release with this quick cool where you could have just drunk dump that pressure and saved 25 minutes i'm sure but i kind of wanted to explain a little bit about what i said about the if you wanted to uh reduce the time on say what the cabbage if you like yours a little less done well here's the size potatoes i'm using and then if you look these are even smaller and uh you you know the smaller the potato the shorter the time you need to put on pressure cook in other words i got this set to five these probably these are probably good in in three or are this size probably good in three minutes you know i don't know if that's focusing but yeah there's probably three minutes where the ones we're doing are more like five and that that's really well with all cooking you know it just reduces the time a little bit on the size but let's look at the size of the potato that the ones we're cooking are golf ball maybe a little bigger where these are a little smaller than ping pong so anyhow we're off and cooking here the pan's already up and we're about to uh pull this out and i'm going to slice up the uh the corned beef be back all right there it goes that is uh the end of the five minutes and i'm going to show you right here how you do this part right here you can see that the lever i showed it while i go but you don't have to worry about your hand so that means that our brisket has been resting for about 15 or 20 minutes i'm fixing to put it right here and uh get this sliced up as a matter of fact let's just move it there now and there's how it looks i'm gonna move the camera a little bit more as a matter of fact we'll just set it like this go a little closer with the zoom and then we'll take a couple of cuts right now because i'm going to slice it here and then i just want you to see it and [Music] it it looks excellent and i'm sure it is now let's just see right here because i'm fixing to set it down i'm gonna get it set up on a plate with those vegetables with everything we got there but there it is and i don't think you'll get any tenderer than that and it is fantastic so i'm about to uh remove that liner with those handles as soon as that pin drops and i'm going to take the whole liner out and set it right here where it can kind of stop cooking and then i'm going to get my uh uh the plate that i'm going to put everything on i'm gonna get all that set up and i'll be back and show y'all what it looks like okay so the pin has dropped i'm going to open the lid and it looks excellent in the sink and here's what i mean by the handles on the pot which are very handy now it doesn't like it when you do that it tells you there's something wrong but we just hit cancel and now i will uh get those out of there and transfer them to here along with that so be back okay i will show what i mean by how it stays together when you leave the uh the root in on and not remove that core and uh it just works for it it just works better i'll put it like that and uh there's what the vegetables look like and i am just kind of loosely placing these on here because i'm not really sure how i'm going to display it but if you think about if you had four people eating you'd want to you know make it something similar to this and then uh i'll come to potatoes but i got to think about how i'm going to display that uh that roast which is going to be right here so i'm gonna do that i'll be back okay there there it is uh if you ask me is corned beef and cabbage uh perfection and i really think if you try it in an instant pot or no any pressure cooker you'll see what i mean uh you can do so many things and change them so easy uh by well you can see right here there's you some cabbage that's cooked if you ask it me and most people here perfect and it is it still has a little bit of texture uh the potatoes they still have pop when you bite through the skin the carrots are not completely mushy but the corned beef cut with a fork and i'm not going to fill my mouth up like i do too often all the time it's not only really tender but really good it really is and uh if you never pressure cooked corned beef before hey try i think you're gonna like oh let me show you this uh i don't know who this is and he don't know who i am but if you want the history of corned beef and tells you about how it's called corn beef and why a piece of salt the size of corn is why they that how it got the name but it's the history of corned beef at now i don't know who he is and he doesn't know who i am i just found his website you know looking brown's researching anyhow hey i love y'all if you can hit me with one of these thumbs up and i would be happy anyhow y'all come back to see me try this see what you think uh let me know i love you all bye-bye
Channel: John Sanders
Views: 20,929
Rating: 4.9575758 out of 5
Keywords: jelly007, in the kitchen with jelly, john sanders
Id: VdHIiXCjgiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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