Corn Tortillas - Tortillas de Maíz (even without a tortilla press)

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[Music] here are our ingredients for the tortillas we're going to need one and a half cups of hot water and two cups of masa arena we're going to need two cups of masarina [Music] [Music] one and a half cups of hot water [Music] and now we're just going to mix just be careful that your water is not too hot we want to get the consistency of our dough to feel like play-doh so depending on the temperature of your kitchen the water amount might be a little bit different [Music] so that's about the consistency we're looking for it looks a little sticky but not too sticky [Music] and we want to let this rest for about five minutes or so i'm placing a non-stick pan this is actually a crepe pan but you can use a komal or any kind of pan that's extended enough to cook about 3 30 s so let's turn it on to medium heat traditionally we use a tortilla press like this one sometimes even made out of wood to press the tortillas but if you don't have this it's completely okay you can make them in a different way what i like to do when i don't have a tortilla press is simply use a ziploc bag i've cut it on all sides i'm going to finish this one off right here [Music] there we go and we're going to use a small rolling pin you can use a large rolling pin even a bottle of water will work so with the palms of your hand you just want to roll it a little bit and then pat it down just a tiny bit put it on your ziploc bag cover it with the other piece and just simply roll you want to try to get round tortillas but it doesn't have to be perfect and we take off that side and the thickness is totally up to you but it should look about like this now it's ready to go on the hot skillet [Music] i also want to show you in case you do have a tortilla press at home this is how you would use it so you grab your little ball and again you're gonna roll it in your palms press it down just a little bit open it up and you also need some type of plastic to line your tortilla press i just used one from the grocery store this is what you usually put your produce in and you're gonna push down lightly it's just about three pounds of pressure [Music] and you can see it makes it super beautifully round so if you can get your hands on a tortilla press i highly recommend one [Music] to cook the tortilla you simply place it lightly on your pen you're going to be flipping it a total of three times the first flip is going to be the fastest one what we were looking for is for the outside of the tortilla to kind of start curling up a little bit you can kind of see it's starting to do so right here just wait a tad bit more we're starting to see inners are starting to curl up a little bit so it's about 10 seconds and now we can flip it this is our second flip this is the flip that's going to take the longest what we're doing is we're letting it cook on that second side and we're looking for tiny little bubbles to start forming so this should take about one minute i typically like to cook about three or four tortillas at a time but to make sure that i show you the proper technique i'm simply using one and a little bit i can show you what it looks like when you're cooking several at a time we're getting ready to flip our tortilla and as you can see we're starting to see a couple of little bubbles start forming so let's go ahead and flip it over [Music] and at this point we want to press a little lightly on it be careful it's hot but if you press you can start to see that it creates this beautiful puff on the tortilla and that is exactly what we're looking for and now you know that your tortilla is ready and now i want to show you what it looks like to cook several tortillas at a time so here i have four this one's ready to flip so they're starting to curl up a little bit and i'm doing this with my hands but feel free to use a spatula if you prefer here we see the curling on this one again so let's flip that one this one's just about ready as well we're starting to see a couple of bubbles forming here they're tiny but this one's ready to turn again i want to just press it a little bit so that we can get that puff [Music] this one should be ready now too that one is ready and you press it a little bit just to kind of help it but if you notice it's doing all of the work on its own and if for some reason your tortilla decides not to puff it's totally okay it's still gonna be delicious sometimes it just happens as you're making your tortillas i recommend that you wrap them up in a kitchen towel so that they'll stay warm and soft i have this tortilla warmer but it's really not necessary any kitchen towel will work make sure to like this video share it if you loved it and subscribe to my channel for more recipes oh and follow me on social media at amd
Channel: Adriana Guillen
Views: 8,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adriana guillen, masterchef, food, cooking, vegetarian, mexican, rick bayless, gordon ramsey, recipe, how to, music, art, vegan, tortillas, corn tortillas, tortillas de maiz, maquina de tortillas, pressing tortillas, rolling tortillas, comal, tortilla press, masa harina, corn masa, corn dough, how to make tortillas
Id: I-iFXlhDHdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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