Corey Russell track from Days of Noah

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it's the same mistake what happens what's gonna happen everything from your life is stripped away and we're all that you have July in 626 16 606 596 and 586 he's prophesying day in and day out about it coming about a judgment that is coming of the day only wanted to hear smooth words the people of the day only had engineers to tell the nurse peace peace they had cried out to be told that there was peace and the profits of the day told them they had peace it wasn't the truth they had no revelations coming up voices today everything isn't okay I tell you that we are in we are in a nation we are in a culture that is really need an awakening we need a revival we need an awakening on the hour that we're living into the crisis is coming up on planet Earth and I believe that we are making people worthless when there's not the creating of an urgency for as soon as we fall asleep and treat it as a less thing it's in that very hour our souls will be required it's time now is the time now time to wake up from your sleep he's wanting to release a judgment the house of God will cause us to come out of her home any ideas overall a vain imagination and we will begin to come into true maturity and really put our trust in God we can either do it voluntarily now or involuntary it's gonna happen there's a trunk this is what Jesus said with drunkenness carousing in the cares of this life and snare upon the whole no he's not being drunk at Mars but it's being drunk with the spiritless age of building up wrong with kingdoms building up Roman structures building up all little eyes for safety safety a revelation every time but he's hardly crashing upon us come we put our trust and confidence things of this world in the finances of this world in the systems of this world even the good religious structures of this world God wake us up God in Nazi Germany who knew that within 15 years 6 million would be filled on their soil and then 50 million be wiped off the earth in ten years you know a 19 year old German man just going through life you know get ready he's got a whole big future ahead of it he's got a fiance he's got all the great plans and then suddenly someone rose to power and it was no sign or wonder he did not one side or wonder beloved we're getting ready to have an antichrist a false prophet who will call down fire from heaven before generation of a poor Church who is seeking supernatural what will they do then what will the church do then we'll only just go when it comes down to nationalism versus Jesus Christ God is wanting to raise up the church because I believe that just as it happened in 586 BC with Jeremiah and just as it happened in the 1930s and 40s in in Germany and in Europe I believe that there is another tsunami that is coming I believe there is a greater a worldwide conflict that is coming upon planet Earth and that the church is not prepared for it doesn't happen like we think it's gonna happen it just breaks it upon us and all of a sudden I've looked around I look back and 50 million have been wiped off the planet in two years 50 million knocked off the planet Earth who knew and that's why he's calling for the church to here and now and watching watching in the place of Revelation and the prayer the place of fervent gang reality and God and from this place beginning to make it known beginning to shout to the rooftops about the reality is coming winner is we may not say it out another time we don't live in this way in this generation gun release the eternal life in the name of Jesus and awaken a skull awaken us urgency and the imminent return of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together with him behold Terkel behold your God get ready get ready
Channel: anewlife4us7
Views: 8,035
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Prophecy, endtimes, salvation, Atheist, NWO, redemption, forgivness
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 25sec (445 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2009
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