Apostolic Witness-Corey Russell - Ancient Paths (2006)

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God is looking for vessels to manifest his son in to the depths do the dips to walk as he walked because when it's released the church enters into a corporate grace to walk as he walked into love as he loved first John says walk is Jesus walked well we're going to get to do that and we are gonna know the heights and depths and width and length of his love and we're gonna flesh it out for the whole glory that's what the Bible calls glory when we manifest Christ or tell you the season of our ministries it's over it's the hour Christ and the corporate manifestation of him in us desperately seeking Hoffman in the Sun because we have so many ideas right now in the Western world of what it means to be an apostle if you can gather a big conference you're an apostle if you have five pastors who report to you you're an apostle you're an apostle everyone wants to be an apostle I just know that what's presently out there is far short of what God wants to bring us into right now we would be hard-pressed to make 10 people may true people in the and we could say when they come into a city a city gets nervous about the presence it'd be hard to find 10 thank God for Reinhard Bonnke praise God outside of that it would be hard-pressed that when two people come into a city like acts 17 they would say oh no you're shaking the world and Tony an upside the preaching and other things are another King Jesus or when they - power breaks out it disrupts all the systems a witness is released with such power that the city converts are they throw them in jail we'd be hard-pressed to name ten on the whole earth and yet everyone has a puzzle on their business core there's something wrong with that seriously wrong we have to understand the context is crucial to produce the Apostolic witness on the earth because it's coming again God's gonna bring it forward but he's going to bring it forward in Christ rooted and grounded in him the manifestation of his life in earthen vessels Jesus sets the context in Matthew 24 they ask you they say tell us what are the signs of your coming and of the end of the age and Jesus answer he says you must take heed that no one deceives you for many will come in my name saying I am the Christ and will deceive many that false prophets are coming with these false Christ what is the authentic signs of the apostolic ministry because you want to know who to follow you want to know the word of the Lord you want to hear Paul says I plead with you he says here is how I'm coming to you here is the heart I'm bringing is one of meekness and gentleness of Christ I'm a bondservant of Christ and he's badly in love with you and I'm coming in his meekness and his gentleness it's genuine authority is carried with meekness and gentleness lowliness it's carried lightly Matthew 11:27 he says I have all authority all things have been delivered to me by my father I have it all I have the greatest amount of 40 that's ever been given to a human being ever and always will my father's given me all things I have all power our realms power over revelation they have all authority he knows who is and where he's going he knows his identity therefore what he takes the towel and washes the feet authority always should lead you is his gentle this and into servanthood authority ever should lead you into the right to use it condescending or overloading over something yet it shall not be so among you but whoever desires have become great among you shall be your servant and whoever of you desires to be first shall be slave of all do you think Jesus embellished it this is actually a principle of a kingdom a throne will be established in righteousness and justice and in love and mercy since do you really want it this is because this is the way it is give me a slave of all since you'll be the slave just like I'm going this way for even the Son of man did not come to be served oh we can get it in our minds Jesus just not exaggerating he never attacked or even the son of man did not come to be served but to serve and give his life as a ransom for many Paul goes on he says let me tell you he says the weapons of our warfare are not carnal he said I don't fight in the flesh you want to know how I fight I fight in the realm of virtue he said my weapons are mighty they pull down strongholds one of those strongholds to sin and demons in perversion I manifest the knowledge of Christ in me it's more than a good Bible study it's a manifestation of Christ in us responding in righteousness responding in mercy covering gratefulness faithfulness gentleness love suffering he says these are my weapons and they pull down strongholds a generation could get hold of virtue the power of Christ in us bringing with him all the hope of glory to come the indwelling Christ manifesting his own life in us to be divine participants o2 port tank of the divine nature he says my weapons are mighty every time I respond in love I'm pulling things down over that congregation you don't even know it I'm winning so you don't have any idea what true weapons are we cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God beloved this is words and more than words bringing every thought into captivity to obedience to Christ let me tell you what true warfare is its holiness he says the battle is over he said the one who manifests the nature of Christ wins righteousness in the inward parts the battles over - really my area then a platform it's virtue it's at the fragrance I've gone resting on her furnitures is that in gentleness and meekness the life of Christ would come for that we would NFI all that we'd be a slave to all oh if we would really believe to be a slave to all the foolishness to the world but the wisdom of God
Channel: Rosen Petkov
Views: 37,495
Rating: 4.9072165 out of 5
Keywords: Apostolic, Witness-Corey, Russell, Ancient, Paths, (2006)-Allen_Hood
Id: -wugF__-dRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 27 2010
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