Corey Russell - Emotions

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our God's emotional man he has deep emotions it's a little different than that Jesus and Asura's picture with which we were young Jesus we bless you we bless you Jesus we ask you go would you share with us your heart in this our Lord just because you want people feel what you feel Jesus see what you think of the UN take a generation who have been so hardened gone by the deceitfulness is saying by the perversion of this age God come would you take us even the hardest of us who can tenderize our spirits and our farms give us a new heart with flesh and feet with God fuse so that we might be with you where you are just to leave us do this industry's thankful for this generation who ever had Jesus this is your favorite thing to do is take the hardest things make them soft give them a deposit into them what you feel do it in us coal take us working in our elder take us where we cannot go are God's emotional man he has deep emotions bought into this lie religionists fed us the sly that our God is so weak a non-emotional God just stands there at a distance kind of like my father of old or kind of like that authority figure that I knew it was just always there I always knew he loved me but he never show it he was never there to show me and I and this whole generation we bought into the sly we've bought into this lie that our God is not an emotional God we have a motion to where do you think that came from it came from our Creator whose whose image we were made in whose likeness were formed and that's where our emotions came from this is what we are made for were made to experience God to experience the emotions of God experience the heart of God you can see in Genesis 1:26 he says let us make man in our image according to our likeness what is that all about what was in the heart of God from eternity past the God who never needed anything spoke in the world's work who spoke in the seas found their boundaries who spoke in the mountains were created never needed anything but there's been a desire in his heart she's gonna longing and up in God's heart and that is for man to encounter and experience who he is from that place have dominion what was it like in the garden undefiled license honey in there by sea - like for Adam manatees eyes eyes to see God ears to hear God chance to touch the God and nose to smell God and a mouth to taste see God what was it like and that is what was given in the garden that was is the original desire of God that's been the original plan of God does that man with no come my experience with no God God has burned every Bridge gutters torn out every hindrance so that man would encounter God we have miss been conventionally loved an emotionless religion we think it's actually more faith if you have less emotions and we just tend to think it's just fanatical like that that is a lie look at him God is an emotional garden he he loves emotions it draws us into these things like that and it's not secondary but I tell you it is our inheritance is to feel what God feels and thanks for the understanding comes that's where the supernatural revelation comes in is where we begin to know by experience what is the love of Christ look at it John 17:20 for father I desire I want them to be with me where I be nice if they can come over and stay at my house a little bit knowing them with me in my heart my emotions lost in my the only true God and Jesus no internal life in the quality of eternity is found in the experience in the knowing of God in His only Son Jesus Christ this is eternal life this is a taste this smell the fragrance of God this is what we're made for to experience the emotions of God to taste the emotions of God to encounter the emotions of God and from that encounter to be transformed into his likeness to be renewed in the image of our Creator they're stored into the image of our Creator to be transformed into the image of our Creator but this is our destiny this is the eternal desire and it will be fulfilled
Channel: Hannah Fahim
Views: 13,554
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Keywords: Corey, Russell, Days, of, Noah, Emotions, IHOP, sermon
Id: MyuVy0Nn4B4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 30 2011
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