Can you become a pro web developer in a year?

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hey guys stuff here does it take one year to become a coder so somebody's having an email apparently some code camps out there or code training services if you will I'm not going to be means claim they have programs where within one year you can become a coder you can become a coder making money within a few months if you're taught properly if you learn the right things see a big thing about being a coder is actually writing real code and that means getting out there in the real world and building projects for actual clients that this it has a huge impact in terms of the learning curve because when you are in a situation we're actually working with real clients it forces you to really get in there and to develop your skills to develop your chops this is an opinion based on my own personal experience so let me go way back into 90s where I was learning to code so I learned how to build websites in 1994 and I learned my first programming language I think in 96 or 95 forget now anyway a long time ago and so how did I become a real developer I didn't sit there for a year in my apartment at my home and wrote projects I sort of tailored around and so forth no no no no what I did actually and I guess this is partly because I'm an entrepreneur by nature so what I did was actually get a job not a job working for somebody full-time but a job in terms like a gig doing some projects so the first world web project so when I was doing the first paid coding job was was designed for a legal firm and I was fortunate though where they approached me because in those days if you knew HTML you're like a i trainer's 94 but to be able to do that I had to have a certain base level of skill that's the trick to it all by the way and that's how and why I design my systems to do web to be in a certain way so was fast forward when I got my first programming job or was actually writing code that you know was programming my nap Kiwi here was I think I got paid to do a first one in 97 and it was a web app and again it was the same type of situation where I hadn't really done much web app building I just knew the basics of the languages had done a few things here and there and then I went out and I got a gig I got a project which forced me to really dive deep in to the code to finalize this video you don't need a year of schooling to become a profession of Elcor in fact you can and I encourage you to learn the basic languages so let me give you an idea let's say you're doing web development you have to learn HTML CSS for sure some JavaScript and some jQuery from there and that little straight there you can get this done in about a couple months where your company you're not great I'm not seeing integrator just like just the ability to actually execute on some stuff and then at this point you have to decide which branch you want to get into in terms of the type of cool you want to do and what's in the web app framework if you want to get it to Ruby then you got to go route you got a little Ruby any other basic rails and then you could jump into it I would recommend that I would recommend especially if you want to do it this hyper accelerated rate of getting professional level skills I recommend PHP none of it is I think PHP is necessarily the best language out there just because there's so many opportunities for entry-level coders in the PHP world because demand is massive another option maybe would be to do some Python work early to do some light scripting or light coding within WordPress perhaps but the point is you can get into coding and development and programming within a few months if you first take the time just to learn the key languages so if you're doing the web stack I will do it you have to do HTML your CSS bit of JavaScript bit of jQuery then you have to choose what server-side programming language you want to do server side meaning code that runs on the server that could be Ruby little bit rails could be PHP it could be a flare bellyful framework or it could be just installing configuring WordPress with the male WordPress professional I'm standing your basics of PHP it could be Python it could be Python then you get into a Python framework like Django you get the idea or maybe you don't want to do the web maybe you want to go into iOS development maybe you want to get into agile development then again those are type of things where you you learn the basics of the language so iOS I would recommend Swift and then you jump in there and you look to get yourself a basic Swift job or Swift gig entry level you're not going to make nearly as much as you will once you get experience but that really gets you into the game so you could be paid as if you learned so there's a whole idea that you have to spend a year in training is not a silliness I think that something I learned from my actual martial arts and my boxing days once you have the basics down let's say boxing for instance watch you have just the basics down and you're far from knowing everything you're far from being very good at anything in boxing but once you've done the first like I would say a week maybe two weeks personally max get in the ring and start sparring it's going to be painful at first with boxing but you find that you you develop your skill sets so much quickly so now you don't need a year of training to be able to get a job in the web development I say it's the opposite it's more like coding and programming more like a trade where you spend a few months getting your basics on doing a little mini projects in a basic course and then you you jump right into the real world doing basic projects getting paid little and you gotta learn ten times faster than somebody who spent a whole year to learning to be a developer in a school situation I hope that helps bye-bye
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 95,709
Rating: 4.9497032 out of 5
Keywords: web developer training, web develper course, web developer bootcamp, web developer freelancer
Id: oKJz7HmrTro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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