Man Who Attacked Las Vegas Judge in Viral Video Gets Locked Up in Prison

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Mr elas here now good morning all right this is on for the continuation of Mr red sentencing when we were last year arguments were concluded and the court had begun to pronounce sentence when an incident occurred an incident initiated by Mr R pres preventing rep from completing sentencing that is the sole purpose for today's hearing any other issues that may arise from the events that occurred last Wednesday will be handled at a future date by a different court for purposes of the record I want to make it clear that I am not changing or modifying the sentence I was in the process of imposing last week before I was interrupted by defendant's actions I am making my calendar page from that day an exhibit for the court uh it's as it existed the moment I walked in prior to anything happening nothing's been changed uh indicating the sentence I intended to impose I give it back for a moment all right that being said in accordance with the laws of St NADA this court does now sentence you in addition to the $25 administrative assessment fee $150 DNA fee the $3 DNA administrative assessment fee and $250 injured at defense fee 19 to 48 months in the Nevada Department Corrections how much credit for time serve does he have it's zero days he was on probation when he committed the offense and was revoked on probation to serve the jail time October 25th that time it expired at about the time of the clean so zero days credit Mr Ali if that's just different let us know we'll fix it I will um the motion to is moved at this point for the record I just reflexively wrote zero days credit not I just said that is an addition as of right now that's correct the probation case number just for the record is c370 775 thank you 33 my name is Lonna Daniels l a DL n n a and Daniel's d a n i e LS in your relationship I'm his sister so can you just tell us you know we've only seen the video so tell us about your about he's your half brother right no he's my whole he's your whole brother so so tell us about your brother and the the brother that we haven't seen you know who is he like what is he like and how did he get in this situation um well he's basically born with mental illness he was born with crack cocaine in his system um so his chance in life was taken at first um deep inside he's a good person he's just not have the opportunity in life to be surrounded by positive people meaning his own family um I can see that my brother just felt betrayed at the time when he was pleading and saying that he was in a better place which is different for us all to be in a better place I mean when we struggle from mental illness is a chemical imbalance just as most addicts have chemical imbalances out there who wants to stop using who can't it's a it's something that we suffer from I don't think uh sending him to prison is going to deter anybody who suffers from a mental illness they need to be surrounded by Health Care Professionals who can treat him and uh so that he gets the right treatment that he needs he's he's been in and out of Mental Health Point so now he's going to go to prison on this thing but you were saying to me when we were walking down here you don't think that that's going to help them in any way it's not because um the people in prison are trained to um you know for prisoners they're not trained for people who suffers from mental illnesses so he will not get the proper treatment that he needs this case went internationally viral how has your family been dealing with that um well we've all just been thinking more you know of our rights as individuals and anybody's whose mind is not of a normal person should not be judged in in a manner of a person who's normal like you and myself he tried to speak for himself which I just think he shouldn't have never been allowed to take the stand or speak on his own behalf because of this condition what was your thought when you saw this video that went obviously talk uh yes I just think his reactions were not premeditated it was triggered because he seemed to have been pleading for his uh his freedom um he has been off his psych meds for for since he got out of jail but cuz he doesn't have an appointment until March of this year so he has not taken any thing at all and I think when the judge says you know it's time for you to get a taste of became a trigger and in his mind he felt threatened um we all have the capabilities to do what deopa did and that is to LEAP that high when our fight or flight mechanism response is triggered when we're threaten we can jump that high we can leap that high so in his mind it's realistic that he would was his life was feeling threatened and that's what happened do you think that if the judge did say that last line that this would be a different story I strongly believe that I strongly believe that because it was that statement that was the trigger have you had any communication with him since when um no I haven't I have and um actually I once we found out that he didn't appear in court on that day my mind automatically went to what did you do to him where was he at when I came media everywhere I go over to the jail and I'm trying to do the visits and there's no visitation for him at this moment then why where is he he hasn't called but apparently um Tony abatangelo a good attorney that I know was able to ask someone access someone from the inside to actually call and they called me last night and I explained to deoa like it's not a circus what you did you know no way do we condone it but I know your struggles and I know the voices that you hear and I just felt I tried to sue them and you know say just come to court and you know whatever is handed down just take it like what else can you really truly do but I just felt like to even be going back in front of her courtroom that was totally biased like why why what you know you want to send a message or what same time he's like she say she he suffers from mental illness it's always been documented it's always been stated even when I got them from the foster care system at the age of 12 was documented that he was severely emotionally disturbed by the time he was 18 he left and brunched out on his own but every day like he say he's trying he's trying to do better he just got released November of 2023 what four what 6 weeks ago something like that he just got out got out got apartment did everything right was in contact with parole and probation he was released to them in their custody so now you say you going to send him back what since in his mind he didn't think he was going back he was ready to go to work the following day he as we sat in the courtroom he got a dispatch from the teasers you know he was just in a better place and like you said you know I just feel it's true do you think that um this will essentially him being sentenced will undo all the work that he's done to repair his no definitely not it's only going to be that a a worse state of mind because the system has failed him and that's how he feels that's how he feels that that that uh since the system fails him so he's going to come out with with that mentality and go forward in life knowing that he has pleaded everything that he can and being in a better place is different for for us all if he can uh be in a better place for a month 30 days for him that's a lot as a sister as a mom what was it like to see him in the spit mask and scratch of course I C but even from the moment that he leaped and jump and this lady right here is my witness but she was in the court room on that day also my first thought of mine was please don't kill him you know what I mean please like it shocked me just as it shocked everybody else like oh my God I just I went to a state of shot you know what I mean so it was heartbreaking really to see and like I said at the end of the day it's about his mental state you know what I mean his mental like we just seem to forget that and in his eyes he he doesn't even understand that what he did was wrong cuz he feels like heed dis protect his life and and any of us if our life is threatened we're going to react in two different ways and his mental diagnosis is one schizoph fryo by so he's completely he has he has man even so the night before he had court I guess he didn't really sleep cuz when I picked him up to come to court you know I noticed he was in there I'm like who you talking to De he's like oh oh oh nobody I said you know cuz as a kid I used to tell him like don't start with those voices like I would kind of soothe him like get the voices out your head come on it's time to get up it's time to go to school it's time to do that just to keep him Focus but as he got older and he got put on on the medication I seen where he was much calmer cuz I believe so they gave him his first dose of medication yesterday W in jail wow his first dose said he had taken and I could just tell in his voice that he was calmer and he didn't really realize the magnitude of how you know right like I I don't feel it's funny it's a joke you know what I mean I didn't should be overlooked like the judge said like oh well he just this is you got a history of this well it's part of his life who he is and miss Karen you're his foster mother and how many children how many children do you have I have five fostered him and his siblings actually um four four how did you guys plan on supporting him in his journey now that he will be behind ours how you guys plan on I've always supported him I've always a him but he'll tell you if anybody number is the same as mine whenever he's you know I'm any trouble or whatever you know pick up the phone and like I say I'm here to court for support I actually taking off work my cour is L you know me to be here it's all about me supportting him but you know whatever he needs I'm a phone call away so but the main thing is to make sure that he's get his proper care God plan on helping him understand his mental condition because he doesn't he doesn't understand what he suffers from so outside outside of him suffering from that episode would you how would you describe his normal disposition he sweetheart he is the sweetest young man he will bend his arm to help he will give his arm up for sure as a family have you guys been discussing what the next steps are looking like I mean what you think I guess tomorrow is what another episode you know with the like yeah he had what four charges now they jumped to what 15 16 extortion like really like I said you know no disrespect we don't condone what he did as far as everybody oh see what he did no he didn't do that to the F the F did that to himself you know and if you're not in your right State of Mind is it you or is it the sickness or the illness my name is k Denise Springer you spell course Springer Karen k a r e n on Denise Denise d e n i s e Street s p r i n g e r is there anything else you guys want to add I was so very courageous of you guys to step up and take you know it was not an easy thing um I was initially in the courthouse and you could just see he sna and it was mental illness um unfortunately that's the way sometimes things was he had a teamer 631 I just paid for his dues to uh get paid so he ready to go to work so what was the what was the nature of the work it's like labor board extra board they call extra so labor yeah what is your name again l Daniels how do you spell Le how spell l Dan Dan
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 909,399
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: hgqNqKBJLLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 6sec (846 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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