Interrogation of Monster Who Brutally Murdered His Son, Ex-Girlfriend, and Two Others

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Urban Johnson was sentenced to four consecutive sentences of life without parole prosecutors say Johnson Senior shot and killed his ex-girlfriend set the house on fire killing the two children inside among the victims Johnson's six-year-old son this video contains the interview of a man who murdered four people including his own six-year-old son on July 8 2019 Armond Johnson confronted his ex-girlfriend Akira Collins who he believed was seeing other men although they were no longer in a relationship Johnson was jealous in a bit of anger he shot Collins multiple times resulting in her death afterward He Set Fire to the house possibly in an effort to hide his crime two children were still inside two-year-old Aubry Stone and six-year-old Arman Johnson Jr Johnson's son with Collins both children succumbed to smoke inhalation before help could arrive when Johnson left the home he tried to cut through a nearby Field where he ran into David cousin Jr 35 not wanting to leave behind a witness Johnson's shot cousin multiple times killing him all right so how are you doing today better a little bit better have you had a chance to talk to anybody no you haven't talked to the nurse okay you talked to the nurse but what about any family have you talked to any family no you just haven't had a chance to make any phone calls keep your voice up really loud because I'm old and I can't hear okay give me one okay yeah oh they didn't give you one when you came in only phoned what I had the one that you made here when you were in the office are you sure though today they'll probably put you on the phone because um I think you can only get on until eight or yeah eight in the morning till 10 at night so they may not even have opened up the phone access for you yet but otherwise you're hanging in there as best you can all right when I take you back I'll make sure that I get you a phone call all right and I'm going to advise you that you're still under Miranda Right you understand your rights correct okay so just I'm gonna go over them again uh before making any written statement that you maybe that may be used against you at the time of your trial we wish to repeat the instructions issued prior to oral interrogation you have the right to remain silent anything you say Canon will be used against you in a court of law you have the right to consult with an attorney before answering any questions to have an attorney present during any question can't afford an attorney one will be provided to you if you so desire you understand those right okay so you want to talk to us a little bit more okay um so let me ask you this who is Khalid Lipscomb oh that's a woman yes that's awesome yesterday I told you my grandmother Cynthia right my father her son is my father and she has a daughter our daughter is younger than me so that's what make him so it's my father's sister and spell her first same form for me k-e-l-e-a-d-a oh there's an A on the end of it oh Kalida yes okay and uh how old is she 21. all right and was she with you yesterday was she there at all yes sure she caught up late when she got off work the detective is trying to determine which family members live in the house and who may have been there in the time period before and after the murders she pulled up late and who did you come there with yesterday and who else that was your father the big tall guy was your father my grandmother who wanted the short one with the glasses you don't think you spoke to her Cynthia that's my grandmother that's his mother and that's who you live with yes you live with Cynthia yes who else do you live with no one else just the two of you because me must it's me Cynthia and khalida her daughter so colita lives there too yes okay no little kids no babies anything like that no all right um so I have a question about the phones um what is the phone number for this phone 507 17 12. 507 1712 1712 and then what is the um phone number for this phone two one six eight eight two wait a minute two one six eight eight two eighty five eighty one eighty five eighty one and these are both of your phones yes okay is there one that you use more than the other one well I just yesterday I stopped at East Cleveland gas station I got this one on because that one turned off only thing I could do is since I pay the phone bill all I think I do is set people so if you call me I can accept if you text me I can accept it but I can't reap I can't reply back because it's off so I'm going to go pay this phone bill yesterday because it was only like seventy dollars so I paid this phone bill yesterday so that's why people was calling this before I use that phone now okay so this phone is up and running this one is up and running just for incoming text texting calls and calls can you text back on this phone okay it says about it when was this phone not working started yesterday morning started yesterday morning about what time team almost sent me a bill this is the text message team almost sent the bill I said you're looking at you see touch my C team mobile let me let me okay so they sent a text to you T-Mobile yes um right here that's right click the other one okay all right so this was at 8 15 a.m yesterday morning T-Mobile message important your t-bo mobile monthly service has been suspended you will not be able to make calls send text messages or Access Data until you pay your past due balance and a twenty dollar restore fee please now pay now or set up a payment arrangement okay and so then after that you got a text for my mother good morning what you doing today okay so you got that at 9 33 a.m says but okay no more text after 9 33 a.m from your mother no who is your mother I didn't meet her the kids what is it Nikita Nakia Johnson spell her first name for me yeah and where is Nakia at she's probably gonna work with home right now I I couldn't text you back okay so I still haven't talked to her yet okay do you know if she knows what's going on what's what's her phone number this is a narrative so under mother you have a phone number oh I just see one is but is that a good number for her yes where does she live on 105 for Superior at Park Place Apartments okay so wait a minute your mother lives in Park Place Apartments yes and you live in apartment complex what's the name of your apartment complex that's the same one she lives in the same apartment complex it's my mother my brother's my mother me my mother Ricky that's my brother and James Ricky and James are your brothers same last name yes and they're in Park Place too yes so did they live with [Music] oh they all do yes okay so what's your apartment number oh Mama's not the same when I was staying with my mother 14 60 that's the apartment number wait a minute you live with your mother I thought you lived with your grandmother I live with my grandmother I go back and forth to different like my grandmother's house or my mother house or my grandma go to work at six o'clock in the morning since Johnson splits his time between residences the detectives will probably have to request multiple search warrants to ensure they don't miss any evidence uh go to my mom's house stay at home mom or go back to my grandma house I'm saying stay on check ball girl that's all the better going back all right that there was some confusion about that so mom is Nakia and her apartment number is 1460. yes Cynthia Lipscomb is grandma grandmother yes and what's her apartment her apartment 19. 1019 yes and then what about Ricky Ricky uh he's down 105 I don't know exactly his address I don't know exactly his address and what about James James she's studying in 1435. so the whole family's living in that building it's like a it's like a not a gay community but it's like a apartment complex my Mazda she stayed there same she have his own apartment Ricky he has his own apartment down the street he don't stay in there probably didn't stay down the street so he's not in the same complex he's down the street at 105 in Superior yes okay um all right so then I just want to go back to this one second here and does this code stand for something zero four fourteen ninety three is that somebody's birthday come on that's your birthday okay so then your mother and then the next text this is someone expressing their condolences that's my cousin that was it that's my cousin I just met yes I just met her when we went to Detroit for her family reunion Okay so this is your phone that's your phone and you had these in your possession uh Monday night correct that one's on the charger at home but I had this one okay so this one which one was on you this one or this one that's one this one was on here and this one was at home in the charger yes okay and what time was this on the charger from okay okay well I can't tell you okay because we looked at this one and there's no activity on this phone from April till yesterday it been off I've been off fantastic when this was fun was on that one was off that one cut off that one got turned back on and what time did you turn this on yesterday in East Cleveland wrong oh my God so like 12 ish one is 12 is the end of 11 12 is in there am yes yesterday morning yes so you went to where to turn this on East Cleveland gas station across from Shaw High School what's the name of the gas station Sunoco it's directly across from Shaw High School how did you get there uh my father your father took you to the gas station to turn this on yes so this wasn't working no but this one was yes okay so then information from cell phones is always useful when a suspect owns multiple devices it can be tricky to figure out which one was used in connection with the crime so they can focus their attention on that one first but you would have Wi-Fi on this too right but to build when it like you got an iPhone when you to pass through the bill like the Wi-Fi stuff your music iTunes all that stuff and so you can use music or you can't all you can do is call you can't do nothing else you can't you play music or nothing because uh you got to pay the bill and that's why I passed through my bill a 20 restore fee so that's why on on this one oh no yes but again it's working as far as receiving and sending text receiving texts and receiving calls receiving calls receiving receiving taxes if you try to call your phone off my phone it won't work if you try to call my number off your phone it will work for okay um so this phone's at home on the charger and where is this phone at home on the charger no that was with me okay and where did you go uh Monday night Monday night I was weak I was with I was cleaning off where she was her boyfriend I was in East Cleveland she can't pick me up from East Cleveland I was at home I stayed home my grandma was there my father was there was today yeah so um remember I told you yesterday we're trying to eliminate you out of this whole realm so we went out to your house out there yesterday and and um in Cleveland it's Cleveland or Cleveland Heights or spoke with your mom and your grandmother and then they provided us a phone can you tell us whose phone this is so that's not yours no that's colludos okay what's the phone number do you know how to access this phone I don't know how to get I don't know how to get in it you don't know how to get on that's clear the phone though so you're not the owner it's kalitas what's her phone number and colita is your Aunt yes okay um no turn it off see if I can see if I can but series not available you're not connected to the internet I'm holding this distance okay give me the number again we're trying to eliminate you out of this remember I told you we were trying to to look through the phones and everything so we got an extra phone and that's what I was asking you about but you're saying that's not your phone so you can't give me permission to open it and you don't know how to get into it no all right you don't know the code on this phone no all right is that her yes that's my aunt okay um they will have to confirm that this phone does not belong to Johnson so they can eliminate the need to search its contents are you sure that's the number yes it doesn't hurt okay all right so um Kalita got off of work from where finally where carvana yes where's that at oh out Euclid in the city of Euclid or on Euclid Avenue Euclid Avenue okay and that was Monday night at what time three o'clock 2 33 o'clock in the afternoon yes okay and then what recorder that's what she was uh you called her from which phone of course this phone okay and I caught us about somebody she said I'm getting off work I'm like okay I need the keys to get in the house my grandmother house so she came and got me going to my grandmother's house speak up I went to my grandmother's house okay where did she come and get you from he's Cleveland where are we at in East Cleveland OH I'm like like Taylor is a Taylor Street and she can't pick me up her and her boyfriend can't pick me up and took me to the house and then when I got to the house my grandma was there my father was there what time did they pick you up around like like Forest okay where were you at I was just saying uh you see smoking just standing on the corner no no it's not no Corner lights with a park at lights like there's a park right there so I was walking it was five minutes away from my Grandma's house what's the name of the park Kyle Ravine Park Ravine yes okay so she comes and picks you up yeah I was walking towards the hall she come pick me up take me to house okay I said I need the keys you don't have the keys to your grandmother's Place yeah but the keys is I think y'all got to know but the keys I had I left in the house I left my kid in the house so she come get me I'm gonna go get my keys and I'll grab my keychain she's gonna be the house my grandma was in the kitchen cooking food my father and her getting the stuff cleaned up out the living room and then I was in there I was sitting there talking to my grandmother and then I put my phones on the charge with I fell asleep I woke up sent the text that I had okay let me stop you there put the phones on the charger yes both phones yes because it's a nice well I sleep at this lifestyle right here you have your own room no no it's not my room it's just my father wrong he was standing there okay so when your father's not there you stay there yes yes well I sleep downstairs on the college watch TV or once I'm almost there is in a bedroom so it's upstairs how many bedrooms in this place four there's four well it's not all users bathroom because only two rooms have beds okay so far Johnson has answered their questions without any sign of resistance but that may change when they start asking him for details about the murders so one is your grandmother Cynthia's yes a dentist one is a back room like a sitting room and then one is colleges but Cleveland one was just a closet where clovers are closed because she don't have no bed in there so she stays there too sometimes no she stays there she does yes permanently yeah she just sleep in a bed with my grandmother she sleeps with your grandmother okay um so you went into your father's room put the phones on the charger and you went to bed what time did you go to bed I can't give you a Pacific Time wow well do you have a TV in this room yes were you watching TV no no what were you doing I wonder I smoked my mind on the porch porch came in see my grandma she was in their land out here I wonder woman took my shoes off to took my clothes off laid out and went to sleep woke up the next morning because I hired my grandma I went downstairs she got to be at work six o'clock in the morning so I went downstairs flew out the window the window I'm looking out of is the driveway see her truck gone so I went back upstairs grass on the egg went back upstairs slipping my phone seen the text message so again approximately what time did you go to sleep well I like sevens between seven to like uh 39 9 30. so 7 P.M to 9 30. they'll be cleaning that time oh between those two hours 7 P.M to 9 30. okay and then this is dark it was getting there it went totally dark but it was good okay so our our townhouses condos or apartments okay so you don't do any maintenance around there do you no well the only thing I do around is my grandma house cutter grass clean up a pack of flowers the neighborhood you're talking about Cynthia yeah The Neighbor Next Door I helped put mulch down on AR I'm saying but this is an apartment complex and you mow the lawn no that's my grandmother's house my grandmother house okay so we're talking about Cynthia yes yes and this is where you stay sometimes your father stays sometimes your aunt stays sometimes no Kalita lives there colita lives there sorry sorry she just doesn't have a bed right our friends that's why she got a bed in her room that's why she sleep with my grandmother okay but you actually mow the lawn there I love your mother's house yes yes why doesn't the uh maintenance do that she has an actual lawnmower that she keeps there yes where does she keep it in the garage okay I've never heard of an apartment complex where you have to do your own lawn most of the time it's done the apartment complex hires a company that comes in and does it so why are you doing it because it's my grandma's house I'm cutting a girl I'm cutting her grass but if somebody else is doing everybody's lawn I don't understand why you would just do it all I do is come up in my grass I'll stand my little okay the detective goes off on a tangent about cutting the grass and Johnson seems confused about why it should matter and so you fall asleep between 7 and 9 30. and you woke up about what time about six six foot ten A.M and that's now we're talking about Tuesday morning and that was yesterday morning and you said you got up and you looked to see if you're because I heard a car in the driveway so I went to drive a window look out the window her car was gone her truck so I'm like okay she went to work so I'm gonna back up I went to the kitchen went back upstairs to the kitchen got something to eat went back upstairs look at my phone I said I had a text message I look at it one was from Kira Walmart's phone my mother one was from T-Mobile was basically telling me I couldn't make no calls so I made a text message my mother called my mother text me go ahead saying good morning what you doing [Music] Instagram again T-Mobile and a girl Carol yes they all text me that morning but I couldn't respond to neither one okay um so you were unable to text at all on Monday morning Monday morning yeah one one oh Monday morning the phone was on took the phone shut off Tuesday early morning that's when the phone shut off that's when I got my T-Mobile message okay so all day Monday you could text yes and receive texts okay so um Tuesday morning about what time it shut off when they sent this text probably like a little bit before they sent that test because the phone when they cut your phone off the automatically gets shut off and then when T-Mobile stores opened up that's when they suit you to text like okay your phone is off you can't make calls you can't make text messages and when you got up saw the text I saw Kira my mother and other took that's what like what I couldn't text nobody about then how did you receive this condolences from May today at 8 29 A.M phone is off you can receive texts and calls okay I understand okay okay sorry I can't give it okay I can't give it back I got you so you wake up and you see this text from Kira and it says Armin I let Michael come see Aubry and he trying to burn my house down please help me okay so did you know who Michael is no uh all I knew when I was getting locked up she said that's Harvey's father that's Arby's father if I have an issues and back in the past but when I came home I never met him never same thing don't worry I can't tell you what he looked like this didn't concern you that text yes but when I guess when I went to EC gas station I woke up on my father took me the EC gas station got that phone off so when I got that phone on now Martez called me that's cute little brother where you at where you wet my mama just got a text saying Michael did something boom I'm like where y'all at so if we looked in this phone we would be able to see those missed calls yes you see Martin his name Ted but his real name Martez you can see Naya Naya is the sister and you will see naive me calling naive not either what's going on I either what's going on the tangle between the two phones will have to be sorted out carefully to get an accurate depiction of events okay um when you go to sleep at night do you how do you sleep in your drawers and pajamas Jewels it's hot upstairs is more hotter than downstairs so I'll turn the fan off okay and um Monday night when you went to bed you plug these two phones in what did you have on what clothes did you take off oh I took off a t-shirt a plain white T-shirt like that yeah because I got a whole bunch of folded up on my uh stand plain white T-shirt some uh boxers some boxing briefs a box of briefs I have these tennis shoes on right here and I have I have some uh some black jogger pants some black jogging pants yes and when you woke up Monday morning and looked out the window to see if Cynthia had left what clothes did you put on the same clothes or did you change clothes well like Monday Tuesday Morning Tuesday yeah I put this on that's what I had on okay Tuesday morning you put that on same shoes yeah same shoes my Nikes okay um and you never left the house with either these phones between the hours of let's say 9 30 because that's when you said you went to sleep between 7 and 9 30. you never took these phones off of the charger and you never left your grandmother's house in Cleveland Heights you never went anywhere and when you woke up in the morning were these two phones still on the charger on the nightstand next to where you were sleeping yes because it's like a power strip that with a different plugs and that's where it goes up so these are earphones nobody else uses your phones right that's what I'm asking you okay so um again I want to verify that this phone number is 507-1712 yes Okay so um these are calls that you received yesterday which would have been Tuesday whose number this one that's colita whose phone Martinez whose phone number and who's Naya again it's a sister can you adjust these please like my hand can you turn it this one no yeah we can we can get your wrist in you mean straighter well you figure out how you want them to be comfortable because I'm going to put them the way I want them when I put you back okay um so you were in possession of this phone all night long well I can tell you that after looking at cell tower information in connection with this phone that you were not at home no I was at home no listen closely I'm missing I was a hoe you weren't this phone went to the air area of East 63rd Street and this phone went into the house no I was at home I never went to the house I was like oh and your baby no no listen I was at home listen to me listen just pay attention Okay the phone records aren't gonna lie the phone records show that this phone left your house I was at home I was at home with my grandmother I was at home I was at home that's all we said that's what I said no wait we'll let you talk to her the phone left the house and the phone left the house with you and you went over there and you killed her no I did not the only thing I do not understand is how you could possibly burn your children alive can you explain that to you I did not I did not a video of you we have video I have I have your Graham or your aunt talking to us telling us that she picked you up in the area at the time of this occurrence right no no no wearing the same clothes that's in that video what same clothes we have a video of you oh no I did not do nothing okay I need to talk to my lawyer um lawyer I need to talk to the lawyer I need to talk to the lawyer the evidence against him is mounting so Johnson demands to speak with a lawyer Armand so sorry for your loss I just can't understand how this could happen okay I'm I'm just I'm just expressing myself here okay I do not understand and by the grace of God I truly truly wish that you could give us some explanation the only thing that I can think of is that you were jealous because she was she was jealous or you I'm sorry you were jealous because she was with somebody else that's in case you could look at my phone I have other females that I was texting and talking to that's fine but this phone went to her house you're hitting let me show you you're hitting off of these towers these towers this is her house this is Tower number one this is Tower number two this is Tower number three they're all right by her house that's under the guise of expressing sympathy the detective shows Johnson exactly where his phone placed him this phone Hitting off towel Towers all all of her house no can I talk to my grandmother please ma'am yeah I'm just I'm expressing myself here I I just don't understand how your jealousy rage would cause you to kill her I did I did not kill her I did not kill her I don't own a gun I did not kill her I did not do nothing and and then set the house on fire I don't understand why you didn't take those kids with you why hurt them when you're mad at her um I can understand being jealous I can understand um wanting to hurt her but not the kids I just don't understand that part of it uh I mean in my mind it's really hard for me but I can only think that maybe you were just striking out and trying to hurt someone I don't understand it we've got the cell records show you're telling me that this phone never left your house but it did it traveled your own aunt is saying she picked you up that morning from that area right there and she took you home so you can lie all you want I just I mean if if there is any way you could give us an explanation so we can explain to her mother and her brother how this whole thing came about the only thing I can think of is you were jealous excuse me [Music] please yeah but we're going to take you back okay if you have no explanation for this I mean I'm we're not going to come and talk to you again I think we yeah right now to come clean and you know I understand you you don't want to speak with us anymore and I'm not going to speak with you any further but this is it this was it if you want to talk to us you can always come call us back or whatever but you're telling us you want to speak to a lawyer I'm not going to stop that we're done I just need to talk to my grandma now I can't control that you're gonna you can have you can contact an attorney or whatever um but that that's we're done with this right now I don't see how I'm trying to accuse me like that that's what I don't get but I'm trying to accuse me something I didn't do but everything is pointing in the other direction your own relative is saying she picked you up your own phone records are putting you in the area I don't I don't know how you can dispute that arm and I'm just trying to understand as a woman and I I mean I felt jealousy and rage before but I certainly couldn't hurt my children okay let me show you this that's her address right there here's your phone Hitting off of these towers they're not over here you're not out here you're not over there your phone is hitting to the this side of the Tower this side of the tower not the back side not the other side this side and there's her house and I think I think that you shot and killed him because he caught you leaving the house then then we see you leaving and going back to Cleveland Heights so this is her house and this is your phone and these are the dates can you see the dates here seven nine two thousand nineteen and then this is your phone number and then that is the time that you were back home at 8 27 in the morning these were all same phone number the day before which was you see the date 7 8 19. you see the times hold on what are you gonna tell your grandmother I already talked to my grandma you said I can get a phone call and get back to my grandma Yeah tell your grandmother you're going to you're going to be charged eventually with this crane tell her that I do not do anything Harmon Johnson was found guilty of the charges of 14 counts of aggravated murder three counts of arson two counts of endangering children one count of kidnapping and one count of tampering with evidence he was given four consecutive sentences of life without parole
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 484,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network
Id: r3PUNddSn3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 50sec (2510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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