Excel Tips - Don't Use Formulas! Use Ctrl + E Instead

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foreign and welcome to the channel I'm sure there's a lot of excel videos out there including some of my own that have shared powerful Excel formulas with you but this video is a bit different because today I'm going to try and encourage you to not use a formula and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl e instead whenever possible normally to combine these first and last names I would use the concat formula enter text field number one so employee first name I can then enter a space in quotations and then employee last name hit enter and my names are combined but there's an even easier way if I type out the first name one time click the cell below and then click control e on my keyboard my job is done control e can be used in a lot of other ways as well let's take a look at some different examples in this situation I have last name comma first name as we often see on our Excel reporting and I'm going to use control e instead of text to columns and delimiter to solve this I'll enter the first name one time Kelly enter the last name Johnson click the cells below control e again my job is done Ctrl D can be used to combine different types of data as well here we have your month and day separated and if I type out one time what the date is or should be Ctrl e Excel combines the remaining cells Excel can help you Target and separate data within a spreadsheet as well so let's say in this employee identifier the last four digits are the employee's birth year and I'd like to gather that information for reporting I can enter the year one time in the template and you guessed it Ctrl e and Excel will pull out the rest for the grand finale team let's take a look at an example that's a little bit different I want to draft a template email to send to employees and of course I only have five listed here but in a real life situation there might be anywhere from 50 to 100 maybe even more and I'd like to personalize the email that I'm sending to them so I can write out the first email [Music] after typing that out one final time control e and Excel adds the employee name to my template so I can easily copy and paste this into my emails I hope you enjoyed this tip everyone please like And subscribe to the channel ring that notification Bell and leave comments about additional tips you'd like to see covered
Channel: Career Solutions
Views: 3,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: excel tips, excel videos, excel formulas, excel functions, excel keyboard shortcuts, excel tutorials, ctrl e, excel ctrl + e, how to combine names, how to separate names, how to pull data from excel, how to target data in excel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2023
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