Copart's SECRET Supercar Warehouse Is TOTALED Exotic Car HEAVEN!!

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foreign guys welcome back today we're at Copart  in beautiful Los Angeles and everything   you've heard about California turns out it's true   legally you have to do an hour of yoga a  day it's insanely expensive I'm sorry what and of course the supercars they're everywhere  so which should come as no surprise whatsoever   that tucked away on the outskirts of La lies  this metal building full of wrecked Exotics   in fact the average price of the cars  we're going to be looking at today 200   000 that of course includes the five hundred  and twelve thousand dollar Ferrari f8 tributo   but my personal favorite this 576 thousand dollar  Lamborghini Huracan sto but wait there's more in   just a few short hours this sto it runs at auction  and you know we're gonna watch it together live   one of the coolest things about these stos  that instead of a traditional Hood fenders   bumper design that entire front piece it's one big  carbon assembly of course I already poked around   it just a little bit while this latch over here  is undone when you get around to the passenger   side that latch pin right there unfortunately it  is bent pretty significantly so we're not going   to pull that front clamshell off but lucky for us  being that the bottom half of it is missing we can   still get under there and take good look first off  taking a peep through the missing headlight which   may or may not be in the car we'll have to check  on that in a second you can see it does have some   cooler damage a little bit of radiator damage but  at the very least they're still there Far and Away   the most important part of this is of course the  frame I can't imagine with how complex this car   is that the frame is anything resembling easy  to fix On a non-damage related note those brake   Ducks there that's pretty sick anyway back to the  point from what I can see here there's a lot of   brackets damage which again it's not going to be  cheap but it's much much better and much easier to   fix than the frame using all available holes here  I can't really see any damage down there though I   do see some kind of extra spare part moving on to  the other hole what looks like more spare parts   now let's check out the driver side here I don't  think I need to say this but me looking through a   headlight hole trying to ID frame damage it's not  super scientific but just like the passenger side   I can't see any damage there's no Kinks no broken  seam sealer I can't see any broken welds at least   now this is where things get interesting you can  see all that broken carbon obviously that's a   shame because that carbon is absolutely gorgeous  in addition to that you have some type of broken   hose here which kind of looks like a normal vacuum  line but it's nicely loomed or well it was nicely   loomed more broken wiring there you can also see  those coolers on the bottom are pretty heavily   damaged definitely going to need to be replaced  more importantly however you can see some kind   of insurance Mark there on the frame honestly  that's probably what ended up totaling this   car you can see the sto sticker there those of  you more familiar with Lamborghini are going to   have to tell me if this Frame is like specific  to the sto over here some broken wiring right   there is what I assume is the support bracket  for the bottom of that clam shell obviously   on this side it's completely missing still though  that frame it just doesn't look bad it just looks   like it's nicked in that one spot now we all know  it's going to take a lot to total of 576 000 car   sometimes however where you find these newer cars  getting totaled even if the damage doesn't really   get it there is the fact that the parts simply  aren't available and based on what I'm seeing on   this so far I wouldn't be surprised if that was  the case the counter argument for that of course   is what does this front clam shell cost it very  well could be a hundred and fifty thousand dollar   apart from Lamborghini I genuinely don't know now  getting around the car a little bit everything on   this driver's side here looks really really good  until well you get around here till the back ends   generally this would only be here if something  was damaged I have to imagine that this rear   bumper was kind of hanging off and they just  stuck it back on and if you look here I'm gonna   guess that's the side marker connector which  as well not connected to the side marker any   longer so now it's starting to make a little  more sense because you see there's a little   bit of damage here on the back that wheel  got absolutely smoked I don't know what it   hit but it hit it really hard of course being  that we don't have the car on the lift we can   only decipher so much about what's going on here  in the back end but let's check the other side same deal with no wheel damage the rear  bumper is slightly loose there that tapes   probably what's holding that on here you  have some not broken but disconnected wiring   other than maybe some tabs on the side though the  rear bumper actually looks like it's in pretty   good shape while this can certainly be said for  absolutely everything on this car I'm positive   it wouldn't be cheap to replace so if you can get  this thing and get away with just repairing the   sides of the rear bumper there I'm going to call  that a massive W and on the topic of expensive   this massive carbon Wing that Center carbon fiber  blade I honestly don't even know what that does   most of the tackle in this car is significantly  above my pay grade but all of it it looks intact   absolutely the most careful I've ever been with  any car I've touched it Copart but here we are exactly as you would expect an absolutely gorgeous  beautiful clean and most importantly fully intact   Lamborghini engine bay now was there absolutely  any reason that it shouldn't look like this on   a 642 mile sto absolutely not and here we go as  I was sitting here gawking over this beautiful   engine bay I happen to notice one slight detail  that's a pretty significant piece of frame there   that is completely snapped off presumably  this car took some big hit underneath maybe   it has something to do with that wheel damage  over there while I was hoping we could follow   that down and it was like a bolt-on bracket or  something it doesn't look like that's the case   if we wedge our camera in there you can also  see that the insurance guy he found that too   you can see it marked from the outside right  there from what we've seen so far that's 110   gonna be the biggest hurdle in this rebuild down  here there's some more Insurance markings that   piece there is not part of the clam shell to my  knowledge you see on the a-pillar there where I   guess the clamshell got into it a little bit no  big deal that's just paint now for the question   that's been on my mind this entire time and I'm  sure you guys you're wondering too does it start   before we do that we would be amiss if we didn't  take just a second to check out these beautiful   carbon door panels moving on there is the ABS  pump and I'm pretty sure that's not where it's   supposed to be so yeah there's that driver back  blown passenger bag blown driver Knee Bag balloon   so you're going to have to attend to all that  otherwise definitely awesome of Copart to take   the time to cover up the seats with plastic the  last thing you want after spending presumably two   or three hundred thousand dollars on a wrecked  car is to have stained seats we obviously have   a little power here is it going to start that's  another question you have a jump box on it we   definitely have some power but there is a lot of  lights flashing up there so that is unfortunate   for whatever reason it is not going to start for  us now so is it a little disappointing that we   couldn't hear this thing run in person obviously  we still have a couple hours until it runs at   auction fortunately for us we have a lot more cars  to cover including this McLaren right next to it   this is gonna sound super weird to say about a  McLaren but this is actually one of the cheaper   cars we're going to see today this 2012 mp412c  only has a retail value of a hundred and twenty   eight thousand dollars it also looks like it might  end up being one of the better condition cars we   see today I did notice earlier that there's a big  pile of Parts sitting behind it all of which of   course are pretty easily identifiable as having  came from right there on the rear end as far as   the drivetrain I can't see any damage to that  it does look like there's a bunch of dirt in   there maybe this thing had an off-road Excursion  far as the suspension and whatnot that actually   doesn't look too bad either what's left of the  rear bumper doesn't look too bad it has a ding   right there no big deal unlike a Huracan friend  this one actually attaches as it should over   here on this side same deal everything's intact  obviously we're missing a little something down   here now I'm not super familiar with the makeup of  these cars but it looks like this is some kind of   just rear side skirt piece and if I had to guess  that would be it right there it looks though that   this is a mix of old damaged stuff and a couple  new parts maybe this is one of those cars that   they started to repair and just never finished  for whatever reason while that might seem a   little sketchy it's not always the case sometimes  they get into it and then the owner just decides   they really don't want the car back they don't  want a car that's been previously wrecked like   this so they push the insurance company to Total  it truthfully there's not much to cover on the   damage front on this car the rest of the car is  actually beautiful personally I'm not a big fan   of these older McLarens but if I had to have one  it would probably look something like this there's   still loads of carbon on this it's in really good  shape I believe this entire car is actually ppf'd   okay you have the carbon mirrors here  as well also in phenomenal shape a nice   carbon spoiler there which does have a  little bit of peeling ppf nothing serious overall not only is this one of the  cleanest mp412cs I've seen it might   be one of the cleanest Exotics I've seen  at Salvage Auction period if we had any   questions about the ppf I think that tells  us everything we need to know right there   one other thing of note it's got a GoPro mount  on it we all know what they say about backwards   facing GoPros right the wheels the tires even  the brakes everything's just in really really   good shape on this car now that's how we have  a little better luck on this one than we did on   the sto over there and see if we can actually get  it to start once again we do have power in here okay a lot of things are happening here   turn signal off don't know what that  sound is flashing lights everywhere well it might not be sto sounds I mean still  as is the case with any of the cars we start   here we're definitely not going to let them run  long I'm really having trouble coming up with   anything on this car that's honestly just not  awesome everything's in phenomenal shape this   has to rank right up there with the best of the  best that I've ever seen at Salvage Auction now   of course disclaimer time I don't have this car  on a lift being that it's undercarriage damage   it's going to be really hard to figure out what's  going on unless well you do have it on a lift it's   still a six digit totaled car there's gonna  be something else wrong with it but I have to   say if I was in the market for an mp412c this  is probably a great one this guy here albeit   slightly has kind of changed the way I feel about  mp412cs I actually might consider buying one at   some point I could probably buy this one I might  not even need a loan for it what is this a 570s   I suppose rather it was a 570s there's a lot to  take in here none of which is good so that last   one might have been one of the best McLarens  I've seen this one definitely one of the worst   I promise you we're gonna find some positive of  any positives we do find are definitely going   to be on the parts front so say we're trying to  fix another McLaren what does this one have to   offer first things first I see a good Hub there I  see a good upper control arm I'm assuming a good   lower control arm as well there's some wiring up  here which hasn't been affected by the fire how   complete that is I don't know one of the biggest  deal on these is the carbon tub I have to assume   though the back here that carbon tub the fire got  the best of it on the interior that driver's seat   that looks like that guy from that thing and  the weird part about this car is that somebody   definitely took some parts off of it the fire it  didn't uninstall the steering wheel I promise you   I'm also pretty positive it didn't take the radio  so not only is this car a fire car it looks like   it was stripped at some point as well we do have  a fairly poor shape but somewhat intact passenger   seat there is definitely some good interior  left you have that center console you have the   dash though it's definitely going to need to be  heavily heavily worked on the passenger rear where   the fire wasn't it actually doesn't look that  bad clearly somebody's definitely robbed some   suspension off of it but you can at least see it  does have one turbo there the engine is in there   pretty much the entire rest of the rear end is  completely destroyed by the fire you might have   one good roof panel here some of you guys might  have to score me on this I'm going to lean towards   no I highly doubt that those rails that are going  back into that carbon tub are useful for anything   outside of the carbon tub meaning of course that  if you have a car that's hit back here you can't   cut in this rail again I'm assuming McLaren guys  let me know in the comments though this car has   a retail value of a hundred and eighty thousand  dollars according to Copart I have a slight hunch   that this one's going to go for just a little  bit less than that mp412c now next up we have   a 2014 V10 R8 definitely an expensive car not sto  expensive with the exception being some suspension   damage there this isn't too far off from what rra  cart started out as in fact this car at least on   the driver's side the rear end is actually in  much better shape than ours was over here on the   passenger side I did notice the carbon blade is  sitting up there in the front it's definitely a   little weird considering I don't see really any  discernible damage you have pretty much nothing   else I don't know what exactly happened to it it  definitely pretty weird considering the rest of   the car has not a single scratch on the passenger  side so with the exception of that one mysterious   carbon fiber blade off there it looks like every  bit of damage is isolated to right here in this   front driver Corner that's the good news the bad  news it's a lot of damage these aluminum chassis   R8s tend to crack in a few specific places on  the chassis I'm not seeing any of that you can   see right there on that upper frame rail section  that it does have a little gouge for that bracket   that comes off to the side it's broken there  cut there luckily that's not as big of a deal   as it seems like because it bolts on this guy  here another bolt-on piece of frame that's all   kinked up once again no big deal the a-pillar  definitely took a good whack there it's not as   simple as paint like it was on the sto so you're  gonna have to address that unfortunately it looks   like it curled over onto the windshield gave that  a nice little break another break right there I'm   not quite sure what caused that seeing what else  we have in the front obviously that is the entire   suspension Corner that just got completely ripped  out didn't think I was going to get to look at the   inside of an R8 axle today but here we are on this  R8 you're going to need a hood you're gonna need   a front bumper you're going to probably need that  Center cooler actually I don't know that may have   survived let's do our crash reconstruction here  you see that clean part of the fender liner I'm   gonna take a wild guess and assume that that wheel  got pushed back into it that in turn kinked that   door you see that side skirt down there is kinked  up pretty good you may be able to fix that though   if I are called or aluminum it actually looks  like the door got something back there as well   but from what I can see it doesn't look horrendous  let's go back here to the back of the door and   yeah that's a little more scary hopefully that  didn't do anything more serious to the chassis   hopefully it's simply the door getting pushed  back on the hinges hitting that blade and that's   where it stops the rear quarter to roof line is  consistent that's good the back of the blade there   that is consistent and square all  the way around hatch is good though that is touching so it looks like Energy may  have transferred in this car just a little   bit more than I had originally thought that  would have very obviously been pretty hard to   pick up in pictures so I'm glad we got to look  at this car just like the sto I've been eyeing   this car up all day I've personally never seen  one at auction before so needless to say I'm   super excited about it copar couldn't get it to  power up they couldn't even get mileage off of   it it's definitely not uncommon for some cars when  they blow airbags like that to have some kind of   fusible link that just goes boom and unless we can  find any kind of damage up here in the front that   leads me to believe there's something bigger  going on I'm going to assume that's probably   what happened in this case even in this state  this is just such a fantastically beautiful car I suppose one could say there's something a  little more beautiful about seeing it like   this speaking theoretically of course because  I don't want you guys after me in the comments   we'll take a quick walk around it here but  it appears that the damage is all in that   front corner especially when it comes to a  car this expensive you don't want to have   to go through all the trouble of fixing  this front end which is not going to be   cheap easy fun anything and then realize you  have to attend to a smashed rear end as well nothing going on weird in the interior so yeah it  looks like this is what we have to deal with so   let's see just how difficult that's going to be  of all the major Supercar manufacturers Ferrari   is probably the one I know the least about so if  I get some things wrong here you guys are going   to have to forgive me or better yet go down in  the comments tell me I'm an idiot and correct   me a couple context clues that lead me to believe  there was some kind of cooler there that got wiped   off the hoses that you see disconnected along with  the radiator that's sitting in the front so though   they are included how nice of them to do that  they're going to need to be replaced now where   you may get lucky and we're not going to be able  to fully tell because it's really in there and   this thing is taped shut is that Wheels in there  the wheel itself I'm positive that's going to be   damaged more importantly though the carbon ceramic  rotor if you've ever had a car with carbon ceramic   rotors you already know how expensive they are if  you haven't go head on over to eBay Motors type in   carbon ceramic rotor I'll let you find out for  yourself I don't want to break the bad news for   you if that rotor happened to be intact that would  be a massive win if you look right there excuse   the lighting you can see it's cracked in half  so far on the menu we have wheel full suspension   Corner obviously Fender obviously a door this  mirror the missing part is right there thankfully   and it looks like we have ppf to thank for  that under any normal circumstance I'd say   hey it looks like this you just buy yourself  a new mirror not a Ferrari mirror if you have   this piece you try to fix that again Ferrari  ignorance here I don't know what this costs   it's probably like five grand the hood it looks  like that got it pretty well too though that I'd   assume you could fix same deal with the front  here it's just a little creased in it whatever   you want to call it again just like that mirror  if I have the parts available to me I'm going   to try my best to fix that the last thing I  want to do is just open checkbook rebuild a   Ferrari because those checks they're going  to Bounce by the end of it this front tub   here I can't tell what material it is because  of this heat shielding but it looks like it may   be carbon the best I can tell from the naked eye  without you know again having the car on the lift   it looks like they're intact now for some more  things that are not intact this wiring harness   it's straight up got the pen so I don't know what  that goes to but honestly it looks like you may   be able to repent a connector there if that's  the case and the rest of this harness is not   damaged that's going to save you a lot of money  structurally I don't know how major it is but   that's a cracked weld there down here this is ever  so slightly scuffed dented dinged whatever you   want to call that we might look at this and think  it's not that big of a deal when I stick a door   back over this 100 but someone who owns a half  a million dollar Ferrari they're not like you or   not they want to fix they want it fixed completely  so something as simple as that little gouge right   there that could add a hundred thousand dollars  onto the repair bill that of course depends on   how much this section of the body is from Ferrari  if it's replaceable and how labor intensive it is   to replace the upper hinge that actually doesn't  look too bad down here you can see the lowers   all twisted bent in up what ever all the other  lines on this car they are pretty much perfect   common knowledge to most car guys but when  you have a wreck that's bad enough where say   it pushes the quarter over the rear bumper the  body Gap there is about that big and over here   it's that big that's when you run into an issue  so when you see a car like this and everything's   pretty straight everything lines up always a  good sign still to this day what happens to a   car when it's wrecked the wave motion and energy  shifts around is super fascinating to me so if you   haven't got a chance to really look heavily into  that I truly recommend going down to your local   junkyard even if you don't need to buy anything  you'll learn a ton just by looking at cars now   of the suspension we have left you have a shock  though it's definitely bent I don't know what's   going to be good down here you might get away with  being able to replace a tie rod inner and outer   there that upper control arm on the passenger side  completely snapped off it's really hard to sneak   the camera in there but you can probably see that  steering rack is also completely broken I may be   once again showing my Ferrari ignorance here but  I'm gonna assume that you have to take these off   to get this engine cover off so we're just going  to go ahead and peek through it the best we can that didn't do us much good but  everything looks kosher in there   this is definitely one of those wrecks that  you would expect the engine to be perfectly   fine so I don't really have any questions  about that but of course that's easy for   me to say because I'm not the one buying this  car moral of the story with this half a million   dollar Ferrari I really don't think it's a bad  car it's obviously going to be super expensive   to fix but I do think this is one of those cars  that once you go through the massive expense and   trouble of fixing this car I think you're going  to have yourself a phenomenal finished product there's obviously a ton of bad with the car but  just take a second and look at this interior there's very clearly a ton of good as well the  interior it's in phenomenal shape quite literally   other than this airbag right here being blown  it looks like a car you'd find on a dealership   lot in fact the only other issue I can find at  all this guy right here you're going to need to   replace the seat belt who knows how much that is  the keys are intact in there it's pretty hard to   believe but it didn't blow either of the driver  or passenger airbag the passenger that's pretty   easy to understand there simply might not have  been one the drivers though this is one of those   times where I think it was borderline now as long  as the driver in this accident was okay in that   case we're really thankful that driver airbag  didn't blow because that just saved you a ton of   money and guys now that we've done that it's time  to check out the car that I will own someday it's   not the sto up there it's not the tributo it's  definitely not the rolls coming as not a shock   to a single one of our Channel regulars it's  this guy right here a 992 GT3 if you do happen   to be new to the Channel first off my name's  Ali nice to meet you I like Corvettes I like   Porsches and it's both poetic and depressing that  I also happen to drive my first 992 GT3 yesterday   I think this goes for every single person who  has ever driven one of these magnificent cars   I would would now do really really bad things to  get one so when I see one totaled one that needs   you know just a little bit of work some assembly  required as I like to call it this gets the wheels   turning first off I can see it from a Milo way  that front bumper beam that's ripped off you're   going to need to replace that we have a headlight  down there that may be usable for parts unlike the   Ferrari over here we all know there's a base  911 so not every single 911 costs 300 000 the   one you're looking at right now though does cost  three hundred thousand dollars 316 to be exact you may be wondering why I'm bringing up base  model cars we're not here to look at base models   we're here to look at super expensive stuff like  this well one of the main benefits to driving the   so-called normal person Supercar is that sometimes  given they're the same package the same options   you can Source Parts like this headlight here  from a regular 911. that generally saves you   a ton of money they're not super specialty like  the parts for the f8 are once again that leads   to lower parts prices always a good thing in the  Salvage World another good thing since like 1945   Porsches have pretty much been the same you know  basically with that this front tub design I'm   pretty familiar with it's not that far off from  the GT4 I just rebuilt and looking at it from here   you can see right up there there's a little bit of  damage that's not something you necessarily need   to worry about fixing obviously that big hole is  where the headlight will be so you're looking at   the fender now that right there is the hood and  that crumple piece you see way in there that's   the corner of the front tub that is something  that needs to be fixed that's the frame rail   that's what we're worried about that tub stuff  it's technically structural yes but honestly any   idiot can replace that quite literally any idiot  and from what we can see here which Granite is not   much it looks like that rail's okay I don't know  if we're gonna be able to see any more in there   at the very least there's no insurance markings  though I actually don't see any markings on this   entire car so we can't put much faith into that  but I don't see anything that would lead me to   believe there's frame damage this particular GT3  was unfortunately not lucky enough to just have   the damage isolated top there this door I don't  know what happened here it kind of looks like a   tire ran down it though something definitely  opened up that door in the front right there   what can we infer from this window being taped up  like that one the door doesn't work or two it has   no power here's some very good news for whoever  ends up with this car this carbon roof it's in   phenomenal shape and it did not get damaged  whatever went down the side of that car also   got this rear wheel a little the front wheel  up there that one's perfectly intact it also   got the rear quarter here which is kind of a shame  normally I would say we do our best to try to fix   that the rear bumper we can definitely fix that  but being that you have this entire message you   have to deal with down there on the rocker it may  be easier just to replace the entire side of the   car as far as the rear goes that actually looks  like it's in really good shape I can't see any   damage whatsoever back here as for the driver's  side at least until we get up there to the front   it looks actually pretty good test our gaps  there that actually looks good and obviously   we have issues there but we already knew that  the big one here is going to be the door Gap Flawless absolutely Flawless with this card just  like the tributo they couldn't get any power to it   one big downside depending on who you ask this  doesn't have the carbon buckets I'm a massive fan   of those so when I see a GT3 with Adam it just  kind of feels lacking to me otherwise optioned   very nicely beautiful blue stitching there all  the way across you have yellow trim there is a   manual yes the one I drove yesterday at Porsche  experience Center La that guy was a pdk it was   awesome but I have to admit if I had the choice  like most of you guys I'm taking a manual other   than the fact that they picked the wrong seats  when they ordered this the interior it's in   pretty phenomenal shape you had the driver back  there the driver Knee Bag down there that also   blew passenger curtain driver curtain the only  airbag that did not blow that passenger Dash   bag over there it goes without saying that when  we're buying wrecked cars we all wish they were   damaged super light bolt a couple parts on no big  deal but if I had to pick a GT3 that was wrecked   in the perfect way it might look something like  this the problem is that smoke and deal you think   you just found where you're just gonna bolt on  Parts send it down the road and go with a couple   thousand dollars in repairs everybody else sees  that as well so me personally I kind of want one   that looks like this or at least a fraction of  that buyer pool they're going to be scared off   by the damage and though of course it does mean  more work and more money invested on the back   end in my experience almost always you get away  cheaper hey check this out check this out this   is STO behind me three minutes away quick before  it starts no cheating seriously pause the video   go put in the comments what you think this  car is ultimately gonna sell for here we are   wow and now the Lamborghini  can't say I've heard that before I was root for at this point  New York Illinois California I guess I know it's New York and  all but I guess I have to be an   East Coast fan I hope the East Coast takes it home oh bonus time uh-oh someone's got  to hit it someone's gotta hit him well it was only twenty four thousand dollars  over 262. congrats to whoever won that hopefully   Insurance accepts the offer and I guess he just  got yourself kind of a half-price sto I've now   reached the confession portion of this video  I lost track of time completely I got here at   about 8 30 this morning this place closes in  three minutes at 4 30. never in my life have I   been to one single Salvage Auction where I feel  like I've been here so long and saw so little I   didn't even make it to the outside portion right  there over the fence six figure AMG there's an M8   out there there's an M5 competition somewhere  in that general direction I could definitely   spend another day here one thing I don't want  to do spend the night here so I'm getting the   hell out of here I've been to well over 50  Salvage Auction Lots as far as Exotics go   we got a new king I mean look at this place how  can it not be number one but I do need to stop   talking and get out that gate before it closes  and I am stuck here so I'll see you guys next time
Channel: ScrapLife Garage
Views: 454,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copart, copart salvage, salvage auction, copart auction, copart rebuild, copart salvage auction, salvage exotics, porsche copart, porsche 911, 911 turbo, salvage porsche, salvage porsche rebuild, auto auction rebuilds, salvage lamborghini, lamborghini huracan, huracan sto, wrecked lamborghini, lamborghini rebuild, crash sto, copart lamborghini, salvage gt3, salvage porsche 911 gt3
Id: ZDkZQ9yskBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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