.357 Magnum - Revolver VS 1911

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be an awesome video like always but today we're shooting to 357 magnums one in a model 66 revolver and one in a 1911 semi-auto a lot of people have been asking me in a 357 Magnum is there more power in a revolver or semi-auto we're about to find out here between this model 66 revolver and this Coonan 357 magnum 1911 but we're gonna do a paper plate test obviously put down in the comments down below which one of these handguns is going to go through more of these paper plates first we're going to shoot the revolver then we're going to shoot the [ __ ] and take a look and find the bullets in these plates and see which one has more power but let's take a closer look at the pistols and the ammo quick and then we're gonna get to shooting should be a fun one a little bit closer here at the handguns this is a model 66 7 shot 357 magnum revolver pretty cool it's a 7 shot and here we have the infamous Coonan 357 magnum 1911 very nice sweet shooting 1911 we're gonna be shooting the exact same animal out of both of these handguns PMC 357 mag 150 grain jacketed hollow points let's get set up do some shooting we're gonna start with the revolver first this should be a whole lot of fun alright so first shot here with the model 66 and those 150 grain bullets let's see what happens to the paper plates here shooting this at almost point-blank range all right so shot that one not too bad now let's go grab the [ __ ] a in 1911 see how it does with these bullets all right now the qu name same exact bullets we just shot out of that revolver 357 Magnum let's see how we can do with this thing shooting them one right after the other obviously it's the same bullet but I feel like that one had more recoil let's go take a look at the plates and see what happened top hole there does the revolver bottom hole was a 1911 let's take apart these plates see if we can find those bullets see which one went the furthest if I had to guess I'm gonna say ah revolver shot the bullet the farthest actually real quick let's put those side-by-side to see which one has the longest barrel that's what everyone's gonna say oh the one with the longest barrel the one that has the most power so let's put them side-by-side quick putting these pistols back to back looks like the 1911 has the longer barrel I already guessed that the revolver would have the most power so I'm sticking with my guess let's go take these plates apart see what happened so remember we shot the revolver higher and the 1911 tuned and lower so I'm gonna loosen these up I guarantee it those were jacketed hollow point so my guess is they probably didn't go but like this far somewhere but like always I'm gonna start from the back just in case yep we got nothing so I'm gonna run through these real quick till we get it in some action here still nothing still nothing still nothing ooh very interesting so still nothing right there we go a little bit slower here still nothing right there it looks like it's gonna be very close so right there you can see a tear on the top of the plate but not on the bottom which means the top shot which was the revolver had the most power possibly maybe it's arguable so the most power could mean that the bullet disintegrated faster right if the bullet was going faster so more power you be the judge let's say that so I'm gonna take up this whole section here just to show you the top has a crack which is where the revolver was and the bottom does not so the revolver bullet went further than the 1911 let's just leave it at that and you scientists can say what you think about what happened but the revolver bullet went further let's see if we can find the bullets here so right here is the revolver bullet looks like it actually stayed pretty much intact so fell out of the casing but I can hold it where you can see it there is the bullet that was shot out of the revolver and we're gonna leave that right here so I can come back and count how many plates it was now let's see if we can find the bullet exact same bullet that we shot out of that [ __ ] a in 1911 plates are kind of stuck together here and actually not too far off from the revolver there it is right there pretty wild there is the bullet that was shot out of that 1911 looks like it had a little bit more violent fragmentation which may mean more power we'll set that to the side this is literally the only plates in difference between those two handguns let's count oh because this will take me like 2 seconds 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 plates difference between the 357 magnum revolver and 1911 only 13 plates a bit of difference that were evolved are going further so very very close I'd say I know some of you were gonna want to know the plate count so I'm gonna go ahead and count all these and I'll be right back to you so out of all these plates this was a hundred and forty four plates to stop the 1911 357 Magnum 144 plus the 13 difference the 157 to stop the total with the revolver but let's take a little bit closer look at these bullets and we caught here on the Left we have the one fired out of the Coonan 1911 and out of the right we have the one that was fired out of the revolver he can see this one here broke up into a couple more pieces and this one stayed completely intact there thanks for watching this paper plate test video guys this one was a whole lot of fun if you ever wondered which one would go through more paper plates 357 magnum revolver or 1911 now you know it's actually really close but the revolver goes through more plates thanks for watching the video guys big shout out to my buddy Jeff and also to heavy metal guns and outdoors thank you for all your support everybody go check out heavy metal they've always got something cool and fun going on don't forget to subscribe to the hoo-dee-hoo channel if you haven't already we have a new video every single day can you believe it check out the description down below there's a bunch of cool stuff down there thanks for watching the video guys we'll catch you on the next one thanks guys who do you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 188,955
Rating: 4.8231196 out of 5
Keywords: coonan, .357 magnum, coonan .357 magnum 1911, coonan 357, coonan 357 magnum, coonan .357, coonan .357 magnum 1911 compact, coonan .357 magnum 1911 review, coonan review, coonan .357 review, coonan 357 magnum review, best 1911, coonan 1911 review, best 357 1911, shooting a coonan, coonan video, coonan 357 video, coonan 357 magnum video, coonan vs 10mm, 10mm 1911 vs coonan 357, 10mm vs .357 magnum, best 1911 pistol, .357 revolver vs 1911, revolver vs 1911, 1911 vs revolver
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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