Coolest Way To Make Chords... Ever

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today i'm going to show you the coolest way to make chords ever but right before we jump into that i wanted to show you this app i've been using that's essential for brand building on instagram unfortunately on instagram we're limited to only having one link in our bio which is kind of worthless for musicians and brand builders like us i've been using flyer to link to all of my services and my music production tutorials and products and in the few weeks i've been using it it's already generated me over a thousand subscribers to my music production tutorials and tons of new customers and it's completely free to use it's called flyer dot co if you're a musician and you have an instagram you're going to need one i'll have to link to it in the description below make sure you grab it now alright guys so let's jump into the tutorial when you're making chords or what i'm making chords i like to start with something i like to create the soundscape so that we have something to harmonize with i do believe that if you use your ears and you just make chords that sound good to you it's the best way to really make the chords so i'm going to show you how i do that so what i like to do is i like to pick a note and it could literally be any note but just make sure it's higher up on the keys so i'm in the middle of c4 and c5 and i'm just going to use this key right here and then we're going to open up an instance of serum now i'm going to show you how to make from scratch a really cool dronal effect soundscape thing that it's just a super nice touch to your music so leave serum in its initialized setting so we're not gonna mess with the waves or anything up here come down to this lfo one here we're gonna drag this to the cut off the filter cut off i'm going to pull that to the left and then hold option and shift so that this blue thing this blue ring wraps all the way around the cut off knob and then we're going to turn on the filter and pick mg low 24 so now when we play a key we get that so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take this top point of the lfo and pull it over to the left and then pull the rate to 1 8 and we'll get that so real quick i'm just going to come over here and pull this ring down a little because i want this to be a little bit softer like that so now we're going to come into the effects tab and turn on the delay then i'm going to set this to 116 and this to 116 and then i'm going to click ping pong and i'm going to do one more thing i'm going to grab lfo2 and attach it to this mix knob here so now we get that really crazy sound there i'm actually going to slow this down a little bit like that then i'm gonna grab some reverb and just turn it up and now we get this really cool soundscape that sounds like this and we're ready to start harmonizing alright guys so now that we have our soundscape here i'm gonna go ahead and start harmonizing with it and the first thing i'm going to do is just harmonize bass line don't worry about chords don't worry about anything like that just come up with a bass line that harmonizes well with these pretty little plucks that we have here then after that the chords just build on the bass line it's super easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's do something like this [Music] yeah that sounds really nice i'm going to take this baseline now hold option and pull it up five steps then i'm going to do one more step and pull this down in between each of those nodes so now we actually have a triad i'm gonna pull these up an octave because those notes are a little too close together to be that low on the piano alright so let's go ahead and give this a listen and see who we got that's so nice so now what i like to do is just re-voice the chords so that they sound nicer they're more in line with one another [Music] and i'm going to pull that baseline down [Music] again then we should get a nice set of cords the sky's the limit with how many different chords you can come up with when you just harmonize with a nice soundscape like that so i like went a step ahead actually created some more atmospheric vocal chops and that's really i think the best way to make chords it really gets you in your emotions get you feeling good about them so if you guys like that video and like to learn more about chord writing and melody writing come join me in my edm boot camp which is not just the course but it's also an entire backend mastermind group where you can ask me any music production question you would like and get unlimited feedback on your music so if that sounds like something you're interested in go ahead and check out the link at the top of the description below i look forward to seeing you in there and of course stay tuned for next video you
Channel: Alex Rome
Views: 33,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _VLehHJwDFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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