[ARCHIVED] Better Melodies Instantly - 10 Tricks

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what's up guys jones here i have some super exciting news i'm working day night as you probably can tell i'm finalizing my own plug-in which is out in just a couple of weeks so this week paul is stepping in and doing the video he's a magician when it comes to melodies and chords and everything else super informative awesome video i really hope you like it as much as i do and thank you for watching hello guys today i'm going to show you how i make my melodies i'm going to take you through the process of making a melody and i'm going to show you tips on how to create a better melody instantly yourself we're gonna make this melody [Music] and this one as well okay so the first tip i'm going to show you guys is what i call the step tip i'm just going to show you the baseline we have going on here first and i always start my piano roll kind of thing with a space before so i have like the opportunity to think more out of the box and think about melodies that maybe start before that starts over here that way i feel more creative and have more capabilities okay so this first tip is the step tip and this tip allows you to create something that sounds very nice very fast i'm not involving music theory in this just to get the simplest tips and try to communicate them as best as possible so you either have to count to three or four up from the baseline like one two three i want to play now just sounds you can try again here one two three [Music] that sounds a bit weird right so let's try four [Music] nice here as well one two three four four yeah because you can see that it aligns with this note so it's probably gonna fit let's try one two three four [Music] okay and honestly this tip is so helpful i have used it for years and it's my number one go to when creating melodies when creating everything really just to prove that this tip is so good i'm going to show you how this sounds on guitar first so this tips works in all drawners let's say you're making an acoustic song [Music] like this is literally that so you can easily fit this tip together with an edm song or whatever okay so this next tip is 10 steps let's try to count to ten let's try to fill this note one two three four five six seven eight nine ten let's try to do it here as well just to fill in some space one two three four five six seven eight nine ten like those notes always work so this next note that also works a lot is to count to seven like this one two three four five six seven seven [Music] the three or four and the seven and the ten always work super nice together so this tip is very helpful for beginners i call it the scale tip so the first thing you got to do is to find the scale of your song how i usually do that is to look at all the notes i gather all the information by looking at all the notes and then i type it in like this i can see like this one a line's over here this one a line is over here this one lines over here this one goes here this one goes here right and so forth okay so now i have gathered all my notes that i have available here so how i find scales is i look for where there are no rooms between the notes i can see here there are no room so i'm gonna assume this is my scale let's try that one i i know that major scales goes [Music] and if this is too complicated you can also insert all those notes that you have in your project into online key finder i'll link one in the description it had helped me a lot in the past i can see that this is the g major scale so i'm going to change my view in to the g major scale so i'm going to go to major oops and then helpers again into g major so now all these uh more light notes as you see here those are in the scale of g major equals my song so now i can like i can just do like this whatever and it will fit i again you know whatever all those white notes here will fit to my song so if you're a beginner yeah this is a great tip and now i'm just going to try to fill something out melodies it isn't always rules and restrictions sometimes you have to go with your intuition and just make a lot of melodies practice a lot and just try to listen to where something should be and not [Music] like something here let's try this note again it works right so like this and i hear now that maybe this note can be like this like rhythm has so much to say in the melody and i also feel like because i did this i feel like maybe this and this can be like this so it gets more flow right [Music] just adding these notes in between is just like a feeling and what you're listening to for me i follow the rules and then i try to expand somewhat from those rules and another note i always go to is of course to my baseline like this you can always just follow your baseline for safe options another major tip is repetition i think this should maybe go over here repetition is in my opinion the most undervalued tip ever because it's so easy to do and not enough people do it in my opinion i think that's just me listening to the song and try to figure out what i'm hearing and what i'm feeling and what i would be able to sing along to myself in this festival or concert or at home or whatever this feels more natural to me instead of just for me it feels more natural so you gotta trust your instincts try to listen to what the song wants to where where the song wants to go and where the chords want to go so as i said previously i'm just coping this over here so i get an introduction into the melodies like this oops maybe okay this is just me hearing and trying to figure out what fits and what not [Music] so that already is starting to sound very nice to me okay so maybe i'm just gonna fill in this one here i feel like this should be here [Music] and as i mentioned repetition is key so i'm going to do the same here as well [Music] but by doing this tip i'm also going to tell you about pauses it's really important to let that melody breathe because or else it will be too much like you don't need more here you don't need more like that that's enough often very professional big melodies and have a lot of breaks between between them and i also just want to put emphasis on um usually melodies goes like a roller coaster like this so a lot of times when you're down here you probably want to go up and when you're up you probably want to go down okay so if you look at this it kind of goes like [Music] so melodies are very often like roller coasters they go like up a bit down up and very low down so a lot of you when you make a melody you don't necessarily think that melody could fit to a vocal as well but i think melodies are just melodies a good melody is a good melody everywhere so if you make a good melody it should fit to a vocal in my opinion so i think like a lot of you are actually songwriters even though you don't know it let me show you a quick real life example of just that with this um this one this is me singing over like a typical edm slap house song somewhere [Music] so i changed the rhythm like a bit some places but as you do when you're writing lyrics to the melody i'm just trying to say that a melody can be a melody everywhere so take a listen to this as well tell me you care and also this guitar it's literally what i just played with that easy easy tip so there are some things that i don't have the time to dive very deep into but i will address these questions on my instagram story right now and i'm also gonna put it as a highlight so you can check him out whenever so i'm also releasing my first song ever in my own name and if you want to stay updated you can check it out on my instagram very soon and i'll answer all dms if you have any questions about this video or any topic in general i'll try to answer you to the best of my abilities okay so this is a new project take a listen [Music] sounds much more like a edm festival banger so i'm just gonna make some quick notes i'm gonna follow my own steps just type one two three [Music] and i'm gonna also follow the baseline like this and i'm just gonna layer down some quick notes now i'm gonna show you the importance of length it can have so much to say on your energy and your vibe and everything and this rules holds for baselines for leads for chords for absolutely everything let's say all are the same length like it becomes something completely different if i do this much more energy much more like yeah fast paced energy and if i do this even a big tip is to like make almost every note unique in that sense of length like this maybe this shorter or a bit longer maybe okay so this next segment is about rhythm and i'm going to show you the importance of rhythm usually in melody there are two things there are melody of course the notes and the rhythm so i'm going to show you an example of how much they want to rely on the other for example if we play star wars uh this is the star wars main theme okay so listen to this with rhythm very recognizable right okay so take a listen without the rhythm and that's the importance of rhythm really so now i'm going to show you that like the different rhythms i usually use so you have this first one um like this but you can also have the shuffled one uh you have to change your grid a bit and then take these a step back right very often used in electronic music just hear the differences so much super big difference and i've actually used this trick uh here as you can see to get more like that not the same flow you can also make this rhythm like this just pull the ones that are on beat kinda a bit longer like this sounds nice and by the way i'm also giving away a free sample pack and midi pack with this uh tutorial where i'm creating like the most used or basic rhythms of edm and other genres also download that if you want to okay so remember i told you about the three fourth step right which i have used here third and the fourth step sometimes can be very emotional sounding and i want this to sound a bit harder and harsher so i'm only gonna try to use the fifth or i mean the seventh and the first step and that way you're kind of skipping out the emotional middle tone one two three four five six seven and then the first one here you see much more aggressive i'm just making this melody quick and just trying to listen from to where the notes should go let's try to do the same one two three four just to get like this bridge going just gonna do this oh one two three four and i want all my bases and everything to follow this rhythm as well and the second time around some changes are always nice you just gotta listen for yourself like oops let me just remember i talked about repetition this is literally the one two three four five six seventh notes it's the same thing again almost whenever i'm wondering where to go i always go to the same notes really maybe like [Music] so something i want to emphasize a lot on which plays a huge role is chords i'm just going to copy them in here if you have any questions about these or how to make course just send me a dm i'll happily answer it but i don't have the time now to explain it so just shoot me a dm like just a general tip of course is like in these edm songs you want to be very specific with every single chord that you put in because it's going to clutter up your mix and clutter up everything so you want to be very very precise so that's why there are like so so few notes with so much distance from each other oh yeah i have like this in in the top is like just the harmony of the melody like [Music] so the second time around and then you want to change up your chords uh in the second time very often i always do that should be a dm if you're wondering more about this okay so i just made a quick drop out of the melody we had and now i want to show you a great tip which is pitch bent i think jonas have talked a lot about it but i want to talk about it myself as well okay so let's just make and pitch automation from the lead maybe like this and to get a more like pitchy attack i like to do it like this as well okay so here i have my pitch bends just put them down here and just ctrl b nice i can make melodies with the pitch oops [Music] maybe like this let me copy that to all other leads [Music] just one very quick tip is reverse reverbs like this [Music] this helps to carry the melody forward okay so my last tip so if you're ever stuck on your melody try to make it over something else try to make it over a piano loop even another a whole nother genre change your rhythms up and just change your environment and try to get new impulses and the last one a melody should always sound good over a piano like the melody and the piano chords that should really be enough to like make a whole song a good song and a good melody works everywhere in my opinion thank you very much for watching i appreciate you all and you know where you can reach me on instagram remember to like and subscribe and see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Aden Foyer
Views: 252,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 9VMJ0knL3iI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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