Cool Things I Learned On TikTok

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Hello friends it's me and today we're checking out some cool things that I learned on Tick Tock do you know seals have fur I thought they were like dolphins but no they're smooth but it's smooth fur it's like the fur is always slick back in One Direction so when you give them a little head scratch he got a little Mohawk bro didn't even know he had hair he just as confuses us I guess mam will have hair things I wish I knew before you know these metal paper towel holders you could actually hang them on a shelf I mean you can also put them on the counter but if you need to hang them anywhere that's what the metal rod is for you just literally slide it in wham bam you have a hanging paper towel dispenser ma'am this is genius so this is how people drink a lot of liquid at once instead of taking a bunch of small sips open your throat and let it slide down the way that you get it open is by taking a little liquid in your mouth looking up and swallowing this will prime your chug muscles and along with a little upward pressure with the diaphragm you can keep it open and that's how you can drink anything in one ginormous sip like you're gonna drink all of that in a sip there's no way cheers bro Drake here we go ah it's coming out of my nose I don't think I did that right have you ever wondered why popcorn pops yes every day of my life I lay in my my wondering why popcorn pops each kernel of popcorn contains a tiny drop of water and when heat is applied this water turns into steam building pressure within the kernel eventually the hard outer shell can't handle the pressure and burst open this explosion flips the kernel inside out and the soft starch inflates into what we know as popcorn whoa you know what I had no idea oh poor little popcorn Colonel can't take the pressure just one little drop of water can't take the heat get out of the bathtub so the popcorn kernels basically go insane until they pop flipping them inside out and who knew popcorn kernel was soft on the inside wow you learned something new every day they literally use dish soap to move a 5.3 million pound bridge I mean it do be slippery but how slippery there ain't no way they're moving an actual bridge I thought she was kidding it couldn't have been that big I was wondering how much dish soap they were talking how many bottles of dawn does it take to move a 5.3 million pound Bridge down the road would you believe me if I told you just one look how much they use it's just a little squiggle just so it's slippery enough the guys push it so it slides down the road there ain't no way this is nuts that's about as much oil as I use on a greasy pan except y'all are moving a bridge with it they got this goofia truck with two wheels where's the rest of it he'd be doing so much with so little he pulled an entire plane brogue did it with half a truck yeah I'm pretty sure this is something to do with physics this guy gets paid to destroy expensive cars you know as a durability test let's see how durable a 400 000 Lambo is Pearl just popped off the steering wheel like it was a bottle cap there ain't no way the chair not the door is he just super strong or the car is just poorly made I can't tell Lamborghini don't tell me you're gonna rip that off oh that was so disrespectful the way he just slammed it like crash yeah I might as well spit on it too everything came apart so easily bro unassembled the car with his bare hands there ain't no way I mean yeah everything's gonna come off if you manhandle it hard enough I guess he helps companies build more durable cars broco probably snap a Tesla in half reasons why I love filmmaking that's not a real Burger squeeze it I dare you see it's made out of foam so on movie sets they can't just have a bunch of Burgers and Fries otherwise people so they buy fake props of food made out of foam and then the vegans could hold their little hamburger and pretend to gobble it up like they can eat meat every student needs to know this would you believe me if I told you I knew this when I was in high school like you could take your flat iron you can uncrease your paper make it like brand new just swipe it across and it will fix everything I used to do this with my clothes if the color of my shirt was like crumpled I would take my flat iron and just like straighten it and that's only just for hair you can also pop popcorn with it just hold it and popped I'm gonna take the heat stay out of the flat iron did you know owls actually have really long legs the legs on this guy broke out some long legs out here looking like Bella Hadid where are you hiding all that so this is what owl normally looks like versus when you literally lift its feathers and body up to reveal those gorgeous long legs it's like wearing a little pea coat now what else they hiding in there actually I don't want to know yeah you really have to trust the process with this one so how do you roll up a rope you just whip it around like this and then slap it together like a book and then the Rope has been rolled this is genius y'all are gonna have to watch this one more time just like look watch how we did it that was so cool what do you do when you get gum in your hair that's a big bubble she did that on purpose girl I hope you have a plan B she is so confident in her skills in getting the bubble gum out oh you use vegetable oil it makes the gum just melt away I heard you can also use mousse oh vegetable oil is even better and it's good for your hair nourishing and the gum just slides right out okay she knew exactly what she was doing all out and this probably works for slime too I can't believe people are still opening pasta like this why would you rip it open pop it off the counter you know or if you have a handy dandy pair of scissors around you just snip the top off but yeah that's all it takes one of these pasta bags just one good snack to the counter you get to take out your anger and frustration and you get to have pasta for dinner win-win situation it ain't about the pasta it's not about the pasta filthy burnt pans fix it with ketchup how does that make sense the bottom of your stainless steel pan is burnt to a crisp just slather some ketchup on that bad boy I'm guessing something with the acidity of the tomato will eat away at the burn part oh it's going away literally melting the burn off wow power of nightshades when people are afraid to eat tomatoes animals today that used to be Giants sloths no way you're gonna have to show me video proof okay the first one is not real but you told me back in the day squats used to be massive like 20 feet tall but they're so cute and cuddly now that would have been terrifying all these years they were talking about Bigfoot it was actually a giant sloth I was today years old when I realized the circle on the pan turned solid red when it's ready I use these pans every single day and I've never noticed that so when it's cold it has the dots on it and then when it's hot the dots disappear your tortilla is ready to be cooked good to know have you ever wondered how this trick is done how is it possible to make a huge wine bottle just disappear how did he do that it had to have went somewhere okay this guy put it in a bag and then crumpled it up they gotta start making Magic do tricks shirtless maybe even butt naked that's the only way I'll believe it there's nowhere to hide all these tricks okay where did it go can you explain this to me why would it need to be that forceful if it was just a bag well the answer is the wine bottle is actually still in there you see the magician uses a fake wine bottle made out of soft rubber that's no fun is it so it didn't go up his sleeve it's just a fake rubber bottle that looks like a wine bottle and they just like smooshed it damn y'all really did me a bamboozle I thought he shoved it up his sleeve when I wasn't looking all right I'm gonna give you this one I never know how magic works like y'all get me every time POV you don't know that the street poles are made of plastic no I didn't know that so they could literally just drive right over them a cop car just glitched out he went ghost for a hot second bro just spawned and had an invincibility glitch to go right over the cone yeah I had no idea you could just drive over those only in case of an emergency how to stop a stalker from seeing your location with an air tag if a stalker is tracking you with an air tag you can stop the tracking by removing the battery press down on the air tag with two fingers and rotate it counterclockwise and the cover will pop now you can remove the battery how is the stalker gonna have your air tag location I don't know it was that easy push it down and then rotate and then you pop the battery out cannot use an air tag with no battery phone glitching pulled a magnet to the camera and then it just fixes it well I've never had this problem but if you do that's what you got to do to fix it anyway today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to hit that like button and make sure you turn on notifications click click and I just released some new merch we got hoodie shirts tank tops at OG I'll link it below and subscribe to the wolf pack I love you guys so much thanks for watching bye guys
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,796,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sssniperwolf, sniper wolf, reacting, reaction, funny, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok memes, memes, cool things i learned on tiktok, cool, cool things
Id: yXw2afsY8f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 05 2023
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