We made a game...KREW EATS! Cooking with KREW!

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[Music] oh [Music] welcome to cooking with crew with the twist we've been hiding a secret for a very long time [Applause] chew your food join crew we're all here so much food i'm so hungry so many places to eat yummy so cute collect all the pets sweet check out these outfits i'm beautiful now draco you ate everything the game made me look at all this food that we have oil it's not just any oil it's peanut oil yeah delicious frying oil but before we start we must download the crew eats app for a competition available on apple or android for free free free shipping [Laughter] the rules are simple we have five minutes to see how much we can eat and then the loser has to wear this hat you better win this competition or else you're gonna be the meme of the year starts now now now girl president now yeah it starts now start eating oh wait wow why am i using funny funny sucks at this level i can't use funny get out of here i know who's good you know who's the king at this level i don't acknowledge it who will be the meme of the year well it's auto eating but i was off by one i was i blamed because i was talking so i was talking you got meme of the year for your eyelash and now you're wearing a frog how do you feel cat frog bad word to you okay whatever can we get this show on the road yes let's do it okay i'm only wearing this for 10 minutes [Music] we are team spicy spicy i see why do you ask because of these i hate everything i bought add on to cats frog cat meat hey guys team spicy here your favorite favorite team on youtube um we're making the mega meal which is the burger the french fries and the soda you wish you looked as cool as i'm cringing right now we look so cringe anyways also i know you didn't like and subscribe yet but i also know if you did so if you can like and subscribe right now that would make this frog super happy like come on thanks and we're team milkshakes yep because of ezra okay look at the camera follow the treat look at the camera do you guys miss ezra look you haven't seen him in so long he's so grown up now yeah he turned into a milkshake winner of the challenge gets all these custom crew chips team spicy our goal is to make this a mega meal we have a burger fries and cola we have potatoes right here look at this good canadian potato potato no potato i'm not doing it okay we have to wash it but it's a good potato we're really good at cooking so first we have to wash these potatoes because you always wash everything is that is that the right thing to wash yes it is just look we're gonna turn on the water you're gonna turn it into a splash if you're gonna wash these potatoes got this beautiful bevel asmr potato washing these are potatoes how do you make fries winnie am i supposed to tell you real chef's cringing and how we're peeling look oh my gosh which way towards me towards me you can't go like this and you can't go like this you have to like press down and just go like this [Music] they say keep your friends closer but your enemies even closer wait who peeled us that was me kim what the hell why does it look like a geometric potato it looks artistic thank you okay we make a mess how do you cut fry shapes oh i'm having this you eat french fries yeah that way i eat french fries so i definitely know how to cut fries i don't want to cut my finger is it dangerous yes but i cut it ooh that's nice thank you i'm scared you need to use your other hand i'll put i'll just yeah that's more safe oh my gosh winnie stop pressuring me i don't cut are we making wedges there you go be gone and then is it thick finger french frog bye-bye cat frog fries it's time for allen fries um can you even cut potatoes yes i can cut potatoes you never even use a knife yes i do you can use it for steak to eat and you're going to cut off this part and you have kind of a square it looks like a pineapple do this oh okay oh it's stuck there you're gonna wiggle it see that see how perfectly squarish these are so i'm pretty sure you're not holding the knife properly i am holding it properly i'm pretty sure it's not but i'm not chef ramsay i don't know tiny fries oh it's cute my fries are gonna be so cute oh but you think i'm not gonna stop here i'm gonna keep going they get tinier they're gonna burn in the fryer no they won't doesn't happen look at how many fries i made versus how much cat made my strategy is gonna be the easiest strategy we're going to cut it into slices like this you see cut it like oh my gosh cam your finger like this and then we're gonna stack them and then we're gonna do slices see it's way way faster and easier than cat and alan because [Music] i think they're just tricking you no no no and then you stack it and then you just go like this it's actually really fast it's because remember we worked at the restaurant kim did cook i did cook she didn't burn stuff guys i slept in the bathroom i did the cooking i did the cleaning everybody yes i do the cooking yes we have to put oil in the pot to deep fry the fries and oil in the pan to pan fry or fry my burger patty we're gonna just pour a bit because we don't want too much and then we'll fry the potatoes in here i'm not a salad yeah i want to taste this too much i don't know what's happening every turn around i'm on the hat because look guess who i am no oh you're trying to out me me mm-hmm you remember what happens i do to my enemies what you skip you shed them was it again you shave them oh my gosh heaven hi babies it was so hot in the house and i turned this bad on and ate my hair you know you got to do snip snip i think you have to lose your hair no my hair you guys don't don't put this thing on when you have long hair oh my gosh ow wait wait don't cut it too short don't put it down yeah i'm gonna ask you oh my god look at how much hair is in here why are you stupid allen said you have to use a ponytail when you use allen versus burger why are you griffin this is for patties right as you can see it's now sizzling and the the the burger oil the patty oil is now everywhere all over the pan you want to see what the other side looks like yeah reveal it's just like you said alan burger oil smells actually good though we have this thermometer we are going to stab it into the burger [Laughter] i don't know it says 109 so not yet i see now why no one uses cakes batches they're too short i am burning my fingers do you want to see a flip you want to say flip yeah yeah she made really delicious done now i'm just showing off something's burning bob i think it's burning oh my gosh right the tip is right 160. wait i can do it [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] it looks delicious it's burnt that's not it's delicious you guys are really smoking oh my gosh the bowl is small oh it's burning it's burning [Laughter] oh whoa see this yeah i think it's cooked i don't care if it's not cooked just like pork don't eat it it's clearly burnt for wait it's not even crispy oh that's so sad that's actually sad compost now it's time for the fun part decorating after i season these fries because you know we love flavor flavor i already burned myself do this all of us really like to season our fries with garlic and onion powder it's like tasty why are you looking at me so what she meant to say so first we're gonna put some garlic aroma on top lightly we don't want to put it right [Laughter] doesn't mean you have to you have to judge me with those eyes all right i'm gonna sprinkle a little bit of onions alan and i got to assemble the burger first things first is the burger you have to cut these hot the bun we need ketchup in the burger right we love ketchup yes yes we stand ketchup we got mustard and then lettuce just one slice two tomatoes and smack cheddar put each other on now you have to open this lettuce is a little long oh my gosh i've never seen something so beautiful yeah yeah the meeple's starving [Music] want to see a magic trick you see how i had nothing in my hands right no wow [Music] so team milkshake must create where is it going galaxy map beautiful yeah galaxy mac and cheese that's like glittery that's what really you're going to use the frog hat now okay [Music] we are going to make a pretty natural purple color so we are going to put this cabbage into the pot and fill it with water and boil it for 15 minutes okay and i'm gonna spray it with glitter what does it mean to be human so we tried to find really like jumbo pasta like the picture but we couldn't so this is as big as we were able to get it yeah yeah and we are going to boil these noodles up while we wait for the dye don't look at the sink it's a mess oh no i did it oh noob chef alert this is bad oh this is bad i'm supposed to this is turn off the camera no why why tell me don't tell me you can't just fall away from the water boil the water first dude it's way too hot and then after waiting you guys waiting for you guys to cook the burger meal for like two and a half hours i got i mean the food the food and i forgot how to cook yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah boil this up the purple dye has steep holy grail oh my gosh i'm the camera person can't hurt me i'm sorry okay here the purple dye has steep and now we have to remove the cabbage from it and de-saturate it so it evaporates just put your hair in it i mean if you want like just kidding no that's for us a fabulous potion this kitchen is a mess but these noodles are not gonna be a mess okay this is gonna be there's no please this is gonna be it's just really delicious macaroni i guess this is actually i guess in the beginning who wants to see if this uh pasta is al dente ellen you wanna try okay you wanna try it's really hot though okay give you're gonna burn your hands actually girl oh it's super hot what the heck i told you it's hot can you not is it hot i just burned my thumb i can't handle another burn okay just try it okay but you gotta be careful it might be hot okay i'm sorry is it authentic it's kind of hard is it undercooked everyone fighting god burning possum noodles that was good right yeah i can tell by the all right we're going to start sauteing the at the oops garlic i meant garlic not onions it's too hot it's too hot that's it's too it's too hot today you know because garlic adds a lot of flavor to things have i ever made mac and cheese before no but it might taste good by the way uh me and winnie didn't like google this recipe or anything we're just like going by our brains that's good big brains yeah they're gonna be delicious okay great in the cheese yeah i'm an international so you see these these black burnt garlics that represents like the meteoroids in the galaxy macaroni oh yeah yeah you see this wouldn't have been such a big disaster if it wasn't so hot in this house that the cheese is just crumbling out of the packaging there's no excuse to be a bad chef that's the cheese right alan can cook in any environment good yes yes look at reinhardt's laughing at you oh look at that purple dye you see that uh i think we might have desaturated it too much don't tell them that okay this is the amount of sad sad dye oh my gosh this is so sad so the theory how to make purple dye into blue is you have to add a little bit of baking soda why i don't know it's a chemical reaction or something so we're just gonna do that hey kf will you bring mine [Music] anyways we need three for the cheese so brie for the cheese we need beret in the mac and cheese struggling there buddy yep we don't do well in the heat can you tell yeah we're canadian can you tell that we don't do well in the heat they're melting attempt number two trying to make blue food dye with this water let's see if it works i'm gonna add the baking powder this did not turn blue it turned lilac in like this is a lie i just wanted to make fries this is a breeze aster okay can you see he's twerking like my neck fan it has our deep rgb it's dangerous because if your hair gets stuck in it like him earlier by my hair with my hair every time we do crew cooking it doesn't turn out like i don't want to do it yeah it's literally 8 30 p.m right now we haven't even eaten breakfast jumbo macaroni we must not disappoint crew meats it must look like the picture there we go is it like the picture this is underwhelming i'm embarrassed so i put on the frog hat aren't you gonna spray it on top this is an aerosol spray like i don't guys see it on camera or no it's not people i see it it's cool okay you guys are going to eat a lot of glitter it's not about this is edible don't worry i just see it flying over okay i'm going to pour this over top because it's sad it looks like a magical fairy dance thing hey that's pretty cool it's like ombre like the like crew eats ta-da all done and it just needs a little bit more sounds obsessed with glitter i need a bit more sparkles no you can never have too much glitter there's already brie in here it's a disaster the glitter will make it all nice and shiny [Music] and our last thing to cool down is bam [Music] see them i see them i see them we're gonna make it with this the crew slushy ice crusher it's real you can buy this on crewdistrict.com not real just kidding you can't it's not on fooddistrict.com now we are making the ice what's inside the crew ice [Music] i can't tell what's glass and what's glitter dude why something breaking i can't tell what's glass and what's glitter give me the ice magic trick whoa where did that come from so far fresh ice shaved buy more ice please okay thank you boom get this over with whatever [Laughter] done good job winnie okay i'm being forced to say ice me ice me why betty why do you make me do this i don't know i think it's funny i'm pretty i've never made shaved ice before so this is going to be interesting [Music] what's happening why is it spilling from the left side look how fluffy it is just gonna put a little bit we're gonna take this pineapple i hope this is yellow added an extra color but you know [Music] hey finally okay time to eat what is the name of this dish galaxy macaroni galaxy mac and cheese from crew eats guys galaxy magazines with stars honestly it's cold but it's not bad like i don't like to sprinkle but it's not bad i would eat it i would eat it why is it bitter seven stars that's the sharp cheddar [Music] i rate it five out of ten okay next [Music] i love them it's a good mommy yeah oh it's a solid backyard barbecue breakfast oh yeah it's the fries though that's not the tasty they're not crispy though nobody wants to try the fruit pizza i will let's see pineapple [Music] [Laughter] well i'm just gonna say the pineapple guy stained my fingers and i can't watch them obviously the true chefs must try the meals last because we have true chefs yum yum [Music] five out of ten it's not that bad it's kind of good we're just gonna cut the burger we're gonna eat that side no we're just gonna like cut it in half hmm no it tastes like pineapple like like the green is just getting higher tastes like bitter pineapple ew i guess that's the reason it was in a small container i'll eat this fry oh that is strong but i like it challenge stop drink that thank you my guest tommy so it seems like at the end of this uh cruise cooking episode what's it called again i don't know what it's called anymore crew eats cooking with crew cooking with crew at the end of this cooking with crew episode it seems as if we all uh lost yeah so these are all consolation prizes here you go custom crew chip bag thank you bag for you custom true trip bag for you wow thank you one for kate yeah and then this one's for you kf and we love you so much and we hope you enjoyed this video and we hope you have fun yes please download the app everyone works really hard on it thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to download crew eats the most chaotic delicious and not nutritious and kind of not delicious cooking you've ever seen yeah that's pretty much it you're curious what's inside this bag you just gotta rip it open it's a regular chicken no can i trade i got ruffles all dressed why are you guys opening i'm gonna put this on my shelf in and my office open it i did [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 9,306,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, cooking with krew, krew cooking, itsfunneh cooking, funneh cooking, itsfunneh vlog, funneh vlog, krew vlog, krew eats, kreweats, krew eats app game, app game, cooking, cook, cooking fails, funny cooking, krew cooks, krew vlogs, krew vlogging
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 22sec (1702 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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