Cooking with Sapnap and Karl Jacobs

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so today guys we're gonna be cooking and neither of us know how to cook so it's gonna be bad we got steak and then we have hamburger buns for hamburgers and then we also thought we'd make mozzarella sticks and george just to prove to george that we can make them better i don't know george doesn't know what he's doing guys people in the chat which one do we start with first start with the meat we also have to cook hamburgers guys how long do you like hamburgers i've literally never cooked period just never i've never cooked so i don't i really don't know i don't cook either where's the oven light it's not doing anything it's for the oven oh oh my god he doesn't know what an oven is i know what an oven is i've never even cooked also guys are you supposed to use salted butter or unsalted butter i got salted butter you need to get unsalted oh okay let's get this going we're gonna throw that on a high temperature the first thing you do you open the butter oh god i hope you're doing this right i'm gonna get flamed on twitter for this yeah i'm sure you're gonna do everything right and you cut the butter you get a little bit and then you just don't be a baby and drop it you place it in there you see that sizzle that's what you want you see this how do i turn the fan on oh shoot turn it on how do you turn it on probably somewhere up here fan there you go so you get it all buttery in there right and you put more butter in case you were wondering you're gonna slap that meat on there yeah is that hot yeah that's hot is it supposed to be brown carl don't burn the butter oh you have it way too hot he had it at the maximum heat let's sew it down to a medium again look you guys get a little bit of burnt butter in there i'm telling you that's disgusting i think we need to pour it out you had one job they keep saying okay i'm turning it to low i think we start over here so we pour this out okay carl you are not paying attention i'm not we start over okay now do i just put it back i'm scared i'm gonna do something stupid you already did what do you mean you're gonna stop oh god bro you take care of that i'm gonna put what do you mean i take care of it take care of it i'm putting it on i'm gonna season the meat take the meat out slap it on there it looks delicious pepper salt oh what i thought i got garlic i didn't what did you get basil okay how about we season the meat first get some salt chat if you can hear me upstairs right now i'm gonna look through his stuff and steal his pokemon cards chat get some salt chat i took his pokemon okay you put salt all over the steak is that enough i think it needs more right i don't know put some salt on there pop open one of these for the pepper look if i'm gonna get roasted it's gonna be for putting too much then you flip it back over get some more salt where'd i put the excess salt okay whatever we'll work with where have you been this whole time i've been looking nothing what are you looking for my glasses that's a your glasses yeah that's all i was doing look a lot of people don't do this but you gotta rub it in that doesn't look bad at all that looks ridiculous ridiculously good i don't care if it's too much can you throw this on like a little bit higher than low throw some more butter in there use some oil sure olive oil corn oil we got olive oil olive oil oh wait what how does this work oh i see it apparently you don't need oil we're just gonna put a little bit a dash of it there you go that's looking delicious you dropped the steak in there right guys i feel like you weren't supposed to do oil and butter you're supposed to do one or the other i'm pretty sure i just hate chat so much you're the one that decided half the machine oil no oil too much salt well you could steaks right are you gonna just you need to help us well walt didn't say anything well this lettuce is letting us die out here i gotta put some basil in there right well you gotta tell them a little lower so a little lower okay thank god for walt i was starting to get really embarrassed and not gonna lie i was like damn if i lose my house you're not allowed to leave yeah what do you mean if you lose your house so if i burn it down yeah you're working with a lot of oils going on there's a lot of fire oil fire right now oh dear god [Music] all right oh okay now there's some basil in there some basil too throw some basil in there like how much like some of that stuff this is my first time having a house like that or more i swear to god if you put any nutmeg in here i took one out just in case okay should i turn up the heat now i want to baste it how do i am i doing it how do i baste it well there's not enough juice wait there's enough juice there's an extraordinary amount of juice in there mister there's no juice i think that steak is swimming right now well am i doing this right how long do i baste it for we gotta cook the other the steak other steak too carl that's your steak bro the nutmeg can go in your steak do not mess with my steak we'll see we'll see well it's starting to get a little hot in here it smells kind of spicy isn't that like spicy i wonder i don't want to be too cooked my man's about to cook up some rubber for us oh how would you feel if you came home at night after a long day of working you saw me cooking this one for you you'd be like damn going to mcdonald's tell me how much longer walt you have your ballpark because i can give you the tools you need well let me feel it what are you supposed to do like you can tell how firm it is so if it's squishy it's what is it more raw or more cooked all right bro screw it that's that's probably good you're gonna cook in the same one i did carl let me make sure no no don't cut it open yeah let it rest we're gonna put it down why don't you put it there don't you put it on a plate no why did you put it it's a cutting board because this plate had raw meat on it duh i was making sure you guys knew that's a perfect steak that actually doesn't look too bad tell you right now it smells pretty okay oh i should prep the stuff for the mozzarella all right guys i'm gonna put this into a bowl here dude all i like to do is dip the mozzarella because this will stick to the mozzarella sticks by itself does this need anything no no eggs do we need eggs we'll make it work do we actually need eggs of course we need eggs why didn't you get eggs i don't know what it means dude we can do without eggs we got the breading can we do without eggs can i do with like corn oil instead anyway i'm gonna slam this meat really quick how do i do this i just slap it what'd you just do so we're doing two things at once here i'm making mozzarella stop just help me with the steak first no dude you got that on your own no i'm not you can use milk instead bro except we don't have milk so we can't use milk you guys are forgetting i'm not a real adult well i have more yu-gi-oh cards here than stuff that you can actually eat i have beyblades and yu-gi-oh cards instead of milk and eggs but which one's more fun i mean chat you decide you know what i'm saying what do i do do i just throw this on or do i put stuff on it yes oh you got to put salt and pepper on it that looks good that's good carl yeah i think my stick's ready to be cut open is it ready chat do you guys think it's ready i'll let you oh thank god they didn't actually see me put on salt dude if you guys want to see this steak get cut open sub now on youtube put yours in and i'm going to cut mine ready thanks for watching you're going to want to get a visual of my technique you want to watch the form don't do that that's what we don't do here we go you ready walt [Music] what rubber oh look that's not bad not bad i'll tell you what it's not that's actually pretty good look that's not bad that's medium rare for sure no 100 medium rare if anything that's on the rarer side of medium rare me yo that's good you guys are lying [Music] it's very spicy i mean there's a lot no it's very juicy like i would eat this wait well you know about you know about steak right yeah cook a little slab there you go you tell me if it's good what do you think well be honest very well cooked way too much salt thank you okay that's what it was okay okay this is [Music] i need some wrong how do i do this you know what just to make hamburgers after this too right oh my god we're not just cooking steak because we're not going to be lazy like someone we know dude carl i know we're time i'll get something to eat later but we still are i don't like steak or i don't like any of this so i just cooked us a good show we are cooking food for walmart i lied to him about payment this is actually his payments i was about to make the raw steak you've ever seen girl need some help out i like mine rare be clear oh my god we're good that's gonna be disgusting what is this like unironically what is this fatty tissue it looks gross okay well so if i turn this hot or it's filled with a lot of oil i just turn it on that much oh pour some out yes less than that less than that that's good on the low how do i know when this is ready to fry well do you know when oils how do we know why are we frying things can we just make the burger i want to fry these well am i going to lose my house can i cut mine now oh no wait kind of like it's a slice of cake dude i'm gonna be honest it's pissing me off you're getting there it is wow that's good i don't know about that that's not good i don't know about that that's what i was going for i told jack call back to when i said that's what i was going for i like mine rare to be clear i don't i was going for that actually i don't know about that oh no walter be real with me it's a little too rare i was going for the rarer side of medium rare did i hit it yeah walt says yes you would eat this take a bite what are you thinking which was better would you say oh god that's a lie it is better i mean it's better look how raw this is you can't even make this up look at this what do you mean raw it's just me literally sorry we don't need to get it sorry we don't only rubber but the seasoning on yours would just that's because he put whatever that [ __ ] it was the salt no all right i'm making mozzarella sticks it's ready i just want to put on record you're not going against what the god walt is saying right whatever we breaded up the mozzarella stick take it out of there and just drop it in here bro it's not sizzling it's not hot enough you have to wait till this thing is like really hot like boiling i'm talking no i think we have to put them in the fridge right or the freezer why you have to put in the freezer did you not actually watch george's stream no i didn't watch george's stream why would anyone watch georgia street do i have tongs no but i have a scooper i have one song yeah i will oh no oh you have nothing useful in this kitchen i'm out here trying to make delicious food why do you need to freeze them right so if you're trying to make delicious food why does your steak look like this also you're trying to tell me mine's rarer than yours it is it is right there it's definitely he's making fun of how rare mine is this is his winter your scent is literally gonna look like like the inside of a cow this guy just get go i'm gonna give some of this to jimmy we'll have jimmy decide we're gonna do a tick tock where jimmy decides which steak was better i remember mine's the one that's complete yours is the one that pieces oh yeah here we go oh shoot oh no oh no why did they do that no shot hold on let me try it my steak was undercooked and that isn't he's about to eat a blob what did you just eat a [ __ ] magma slime what was that oh it's not bad honestly shot dude oh my god pretty good it is i mean to be fair it's literally cheese how do we avoid that oh they have to be frozen how long i'm calling it on the mozzarella sticks i'll tell you right now i know how to make a delicious burger i don't i'm telling you right now gordon ramsay would eat this [ __ ] and be pleased then you roll it into a ball have you ever played with play-doh before walt it's like you're playing with play-doh you get it into a nice ball like this oh you see that now you got a ball of meat we're gonna go with a double cheeseburger for mine now we season it throw a little bit of salt i'm not gonna overdo it this time a little bit of salt on there get it all over the burger throw some pepper on there okay squish now don't those look like good burger patties immediately throw some butter in there yeah hey you know what though mine does look a little rare now oh my god it already did to be fair to be fair also walt did say mine tastes better no they're one of the burgers in there oh we hear that nice sizzle i'll do the vegetable side burgers you flip actually i'm gonna make two separate burgers and realize these are too thick to double it up i start cooking them at the same time there's enough space in there about these bad boys throw some more this is driving me to become a vegetarian all right we're going to flip this burger right here oh yeah that's a good time to put away it's a good decent that's yeah basil you said oh yeah where are we going okay let's throw a little bit of cumin on there just a little bit just like a little tiny bit it adds a little bit more flavor this burger's falling apart well how do i save it that's still too soft i need to flip this one it'll save it bro these burgers are about to be delicious and i still need a car to get ready for the vegetables and stuff what do you mean get ready first of all we're you know i got this house with so much counter space and now look you're over here starting up mozzarella sticks starting a bunch of passion projects you're like a entrepreneur over here i think this is ready how do they look oh my god look you helped santa out for the presents he has to give to the naughty kids oh look at the cheat cheese see how it's melting on there that's really what you want to see all right first of all look how tiny this patty is are you kidding me it's not bad look how much real estate there is i'm no patty right here all right oh my god let's take a bite this somehow looks worse than the burger that george posted on his story with wilbur and they're in england does it taste good be honest it's not bad i just really didn't want it to be raw no that's good i'm actually kind of happy with these burgers yeah i'm gonna be honest that looks good jump into that bro everyone think it's a little raw it's not raw at all i mean if i be real it doesn't look wrong right no who would you give it well out of 10. better than my steak no better than this hey gordon ramsay somebody clipped this and sent this to gordon ramsay hey man how are all right guys we have one last surprise for you we've prepared one more thing just gonna cook one i'm just gonna cook one order of it it's actually homemade like this is uh in the family it's a wait we did this all we did some off stream cooking ew jesus wait it's actually going to start like it's already off here i'll take it look you don't you have to take a bite of that here ready no no it's so gross
Channel: SapnapLIVE
Views: 1,711,938
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, Sapnap, SapnapMinecraft, sapnapyoutube, Dream, Dreamteam, george, badboyhalo, livestream, minecraft livestream, sapnaplivestream, dreamteam, dreamteam livestream, georgenotfound, dream livestream, Dream SMP, SMP, Minecraft 1.16, Survival, karl, quackity, feralboys
Id: gdYRGsynsro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 25 2021
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