Pork Roast Slow Cooker ... So Simple!! And SoTasty

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hey guys welcome back to typing time so i bought this pork roast see what it says pork fresh shoulder picnic half has some bones in it like five and a half pounds okay i'm going to put it in the crock pot but what i'm gonna do right now it's uh it's about quarter to eight at night i'm going to throw a liner in my crock pot i'm gonna get this salt peppered and uh onion powder garlic powder and i'm gonna put it in the crotch pot and i'm gonna put the cover on and throw it back in my fridge overnight just because in the morning i'm gonna take it out and put it right in the sleeve and start her up so i'll be back okay so i'm back i salt peppered onion powdered garlic powdered all of the roast and i cut up two onions and they're underneath the roast it's in the bag in the crock pot i'm gonna cover it and i'm just gonna stick it in the fridge overnight because i gotta work tomorrow i'm gonna pull it out about 6 30 in the morning set it in the crock pot sleeve set it to low and i'm going to let her go for oh man it's probably eight or nine hours i'll let you see what that hap what it looks like when i get back okay it's been almost 12 hours it's 5 minutes to 6 p.m and i put this in actually i put it in about five after six this morning here it is on low oh how beautiful is that so i just want you to see what the result is i put no liquid in this all i did was put two onions sliced up underneath it like i said i salt peppered garlic powder done you powdered it i did put a little bit of thyme on it anyway what i'm going to do now is shut her down i'm going to pull the meat out and i'm going to drain the liquid and what i'm going to do is actually i'm going to cut some of this meat off and have dinner just a little bit of the meat with asparagus for myself and then the rest of it i'm going to pull it apart and make pulled pork with it and i have a couple friends from work that i'm going to give them a lot of it because this was almost a six pound roast so huh thanks for watching
Channel: Tybee Thyme
Views: 1,474
Rating: 4.7777777 out of 5
Keywords: #inshot
Id: 247Ffb4_W-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 23sec (143 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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