Cook the Perfect Juicy Beef Ribs Every Time | Dino Ribs

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finally y'all beef ribs let's get it [Music] okay folks look this is what I want to talk about listen this video really here is like so you can kind of like get your feet underneath you you know I mean when you're outside on the grill right listen I told everybody before like doing a pork shoulder you know what I mean those are super easy to do and this right here might even be even easier to do than you know the pork butt or the pork shoulder I'm gonna go ahead and address this on the back end right here listen I don't pull this off right here because if you ask me this right here is what's really keeping the meat together after we cook this right so we want to keep the membrane on the back now I want you to come here and take a look let's see this one right here is pretty good you know what I mean okay right here you can see it's got like some decent marbling you see that fat right there that's what you want right this is going to be super easy foreign [Music] okay so if you come here you guys get a chance to look at this right here you're gonna see me flying over and as I was doing it look I didn't take a whole lot off I just took some of the fat that harder you know the hard fat off the top right now let's just talk about you know seasoning this right here is just something that I put together look you can see it's heavy on the pepper right that's what helps you get that dark now there's two ways you can do this I know I'm big on you know putting a binder on there which I you know I'm getting ready to do that I'm just gonna put some W salt on it I mean excuse me W sauce you know on it I know everybody want to know that's their worst whatever however you pronounce it that's what it is I call it the W sauce right so I'm gonna put some W sauce on there just to get it to stick just a little bit and then I'm getting ready to you know heavily you know put this rub on the top because we want to form a bark super easy folks [Music] now we're gonna go ahead and you know season right I'm gonna start by just doing the sides right here [Music] Adam brought everything over here obviously you guys just seen I'm using my pellet grill right if you look down here I'm using 200 I got my grill set at 250 degrees Fahrenheit so now I'm just going to go ahead and put it in here like that and this is all it is to it folks I don't like do it like that close it then we're going to set a timer look I'm gonna look at it probably after about I'ma say I'm gonna let it go for at least three hours you know what I mean I'm gonna just look at it and see where it's at and then I'm gonna tell you how to I'm gonna teach you guys how to use a probe or meat Pro you know a meat thermometer how to probe it and then you know just check it now here's the difference I'm gonna take one of these and I'm gonna wrap it and the other one I'm gonna leave it by itself just to show you guys you know the difference right so with that being said I'll see you guys in a few hours okay folks look we finna take a peek at them I haven't done anything to them no nothing right I got my probe out but this is really going to just be an extension of my finger I want you guys to take a look and see how these are I make them all the time people so I know what this looks like remember this is just three hours so look remember I said just an extension look I'm just pointing at it there's no need for me to do anything else to it look I just touch it like this you can just see it still a little bit on the tough side but the bark is starting to set to ask what I like that's what that pepper gives you and I promise you folks this is going to be fire what I can do is reposition take this one and put it over here and this one over here just so we can get some even cook now remember this is after three hours right now I'm not gonna take another look at them until at least about five hours okay so look now I'm getting ready to Temp it's been six hours right and you're gonna see a noticeable size difference look at this one here right and then look at this one over here let me pull this one over here get it a little closer you see that right there when I push it oh yeah that look like it's right but then we're gonna go ahead and temp it right so if I temp it see we at 202 O3 and then if I get down in here like this 204. I'm gonna say this is kind of like done you know what I mean but then we got another one that's like I said noticeably different right so if I put this in here like this I can feel the resistance going in look we have 198. if I check it over here on this side 205 that did feel good and then we'll see what it is right here it's going to be our money bone that middle one so we have 198 so I'll tell you what we're going to do I had mentioned earlier that I was going to do a wrap what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull this one this one I'm gonna set this over here a little bit then I'm gonna crank mine up to about 275 until I get to about a lot of people I could take it out 203 205 stuff like that but I want to go all the way to 205 then I'll pull that big one out and then we're gonna let it rest let me just get that shut up and pull this one out [Music] okay so since I took this one off right and again I'm not going to rap I just want to show you guys what this looked like when it's non-wrapped a lot of videos out there with everybody wrapping them but today we not wrapping them look now I'm going to raise this up to 275. right then if I hit actual they'll tell you right now because I had it open it's at 2 30. 233 and it's on his way up to 275. and we'll let it push through again I don't want that thickest part I want to see that get you know I'm gonna say I I got it I know the internet gonna come after me but I'm gonna show you guys what they look like I'm gonna say we want to have about 205 to 7. then I'm gonna pull it out then we're gonna let it rest the same way [Music] okay folks so look after coming in here and you know seeing what they look like listen I let them rest for about 30 minutes you know what I mean uh you guys come on in here take a look at this look at this bark that's what you want right now I'm gonna go ahead and just cut it I'm gonna slice it this way over before I do that let me just show you this look very very little look how soft that is right there I can almost put my anal almost if I push down it'll go right through but this is what you want right so I'm gonna go ahead and just cut this down like this then we'll go ahead and look and see what we got right there you see that right there that's that money I don't want to hear nothing nobody say look pellet grills don't work because that one right there my red Tech 680. listen hey ain't no listen look now look after looking at all of that yeah that's right that's food porn imma say 101 because this needs is like super easy to make I'm not feeling over talk nothing I'm going to take one of these over here here I'll tell you what you guys look right here I'm just gonna take one of these you know I mean just pull a little bit of this over here like this oh my goodness and what I can tell you is look I'll put it down for a second this right here is still gonna be crunchy I don't know if my mic is going to pick it up you know I'm outside and I feel the wind blowing but I can just tell you this right here this is to die for folks oh hey I can tell you this is going to be as short as I don't know what listen I just took the mystery out of all of that right so what's the motto of this channel simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking right I just showed you if you have a pellet grill it gets like super super easy if you guys gonna be doing it on a kettle Grill you know I mean uh this is possible but you got to stay with it you got to maintain your heat right let's do a recap it was 250 degrees for the majority of the cook and then at the end especially with this bigger piece when this was ready I just went ahead and just put uh raised my temperature up to 275. now you can start with 275 and do that and you can wrap check my neck in my next video out and then I do them on that'll be it listen I feel like I'm rambling I got some people behind there everybody ready to taste I wouldn't let nobody touch it so with that being said check this out if you're new to my channel let me just say thank you for watching this video don't forget to like smash that subscribe button and guess what folks we about to eat Dino ribs I'm out peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Smokin' & Grillin with AB
Views: 129,321
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cookin wit AB, Smokin and Grillin wit AB, Cook the Perfect Juicy Beef Ribs Every Time, beef ribs, dino ribs, how to barbecue beef ribs, smoked beef ribs, bbq beef ribs, how to smoke beef ribs, barbecue beef ribs, beef ribs recipe, beef ribs smoked, smoking beef ribs, beef ribs bbq, tender beef ribs, bbq beef ribs recipe, smoked beef ribs recipe, smoked ribs, perfect beef ribs, how to smoke dino beef ribs, bbq beef ribs smoker, how to cook beef ribs, bbq, ribs, bbq beef
Id: qbPrreDFodo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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