First time watching The Prince Of Egypt movie reaction

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somebody call a doctor because Bad Medicine is back that's the answer this is the Appleton Oak I'm Mason Quinn folks today we are taking a look at the highly requested 1998's Prince of Egypt this one has a whole slew of stars I have not seen this one however I do have kind of a general idea of what we're getting into so I'm excited to see how it comes across in animation have no idea what this movie is about don't know how it fell by the wayside back in the 1900s but I'm definitely ready willing and able to watch this movie I have uh absolutely zero clue with anything for this movie so I don't know if we're getting uh Aladdin Vibes or Egypt Vibes or what sort of Vibes we're getting by this poster but uh as uh as Mason Quinn said very very highly requested so I'm excited all right without further Ado let's go [Music] I'm familiar enough with the story I don't uh have like a a super uh like yeah I know know very little there's a couple of iconic scenes I know from other movies uh so we'll see if those work in here okay so we're getting the uh the slave part of that story right away wow H boy pretty aggressive for an animated film early on huh but then again how do you tell this story without if you're going to do it you got to do it yeah [Music] [Music] yeah God imagine being a parent having to make that Choice that's uh that's a risk for sure I mean the odds of that working out well definite odds one way or right that's that's that's the choice you have to make right yeah oh oh and hippos jeez you know hippos are quite the aggressive animals [Music] I always grab their feet Twirls it [Music] around come ramesis mesis heard that name before meses there he is hey rames how' you like your face carved on a wall how about now oh jeesus oh hit the brakes he'll fly right by who do we got for voice acting these two nobody's jumping out at me like super you've always looked up to me yes but it's not much of a VI oh jeez not like super recognizable yeah I mean 98 might be tough oh yeah oh why are you racing on top of scaffolding why aren't we racing up scaffolding even I wouldn't do that with the scaffolding now let alone smiley face on it mustache is that is that how we're going to say we lost the nose I'm guessing that's maybe not historically accurate you don't know get in trouble for this do you no not a chance Reckless destructive Blasphemous Sons I seek to build an Empire that's obviously Patrick Stewart come on oh Professor X all right yeah yeah I goed Ram's on and so I am responsible do you understand the task for which your birth has destined you when I pass into the next World then you will be the morning and evening star one damaged Temple does not destroy centes of tradition one weak link can break the chain of a mighty Dynasty he's not wrong you have my leave to go o didn't look too happy you know it was really my fault must you be so hard on him he must not allow himself to be led astray all he cares about is is your approval he only needs the opportunity maybe go now I shall see you both tonight having a seat the weak Link in the chain that's what he called me you can laugh about it statues cracking and hling over why is it that every time you start something I'm the one who ends up in trouble rames you're in trouble get down here that's Steve Martin yeah sounds like him I am and that's Martin Short isn't it Steve Martin and Martin Short you know what your problem is rames you care too much and your problem is you don't care at all in that case I suppose you care a lot more than I do that oh hey short hair that's all I'm going to be able to see is those two's faces now nobody will even notice us coming in nobody will even notice rameses you were just named Prince Regent apparently Moses someone thought he just needed the opportunity hey there we go little bit of influence I propose that the high priests offer tribute to their new Regent we offer you this delicate desert flower let us inspect this desert flower oh Cobra not much of a snake charmer are you give her to you no no no that's generous but I would't be given to any no wait be still As You Wish oh Mom's not impressed sent to Prince Moses chamber my first act as Regent is to appoint Moses as Royal Chief Architect not happy not one bit happy uh hello oh the dog oh the old Pharaoh hounds well try to uh give somebody away yeah be resourceful don't blame her guards there's a a man tied up in my room all right making a uh moral uh judgment creating a diversion letting her get out please I need water I have a long journey ahead of me camels can move pretty fast can't they H oh espe running like that oh I'm I'm sorry I'm so sorry I I didn't expect to see you Sandra Bullock yeah that's an easy of course they make her clumsy last didn't I tell you Aaron you're our brother what you you must know be careful Slave oh she's she's exhausted from the day of work gold God saved you to be our deliver deler I said enough easy guy you will regret this night be still don't cry is he going to remember it no he wouldn't remember remember s too what was he like two months three months old yeah there's no way you'd remember that's knocking something loose though [Music] this is going to drive me nuts to the main guy I can't pinpoint who it is am ofp [Music] ever oh oh this animation is super cool while they're showing uh using the hieroglyphs to uh to tell the story yeah they're giving us basically the first couple of minutes redone like this oh Jesus they're uh they're going for historical accuracy I see huh yeah [Music] into the Nile yeah I mean so they gave the backstory of when he was a kid without you know I mean kind of in a a relatively quick blip MH yeah yeah I mean for him for us it was just a retelling of the first couple of minutes of the movie hieroglyphs the Hebrews grew too numerous well they tell me you didn't do this sometimes for the greater good sacrifices must be made greater good sacrifices they were only slaves oh oh that's terrible is this where you found me so everything I thought is a lie no why did you choose me the gods did support if a baby floats up you probably think that's some sort of sign or [Music] fate now you know the truth so mom's going to try to smooth this over no a little bit yeah it's starting to hit him now and it's not like he hasn't seen any of this before for just now he has a whole new understanding of it yep it could have been him mhm leave that man alone oh oh oh oh man Ming wa you saw what happened I just killed a man I will make it so ever happen nothing you can say can change what I've done I am Egypt and you will be what I say you are all I've ever known to be true is a lie what are you talking about go ask the man I once called [Music] father just like what said go ask the one that you call Father goodbye brother Moses oh just like that it's all gone yeah oh oh water heyy nobody riding that [Music] [Laughter] Camel hey you aren't these your camels you that'll learn you a nice long walk ahead of you oh oh don't worry down there uh we'll get you out hold on you drops him back in ladies who've cleaned every inch of me w't Li I was wrong coming coming to America vibes you have been sent his py my father Jethro high priest of Midian sit with me let us give thanks for this Bountiful food Brave young man whom we honor here tonight first you rescue seor from Egypt well it seems you do not know what is worthy of honor a single thread in the tapestry though its color brightly Shin never see its purpose in the of The Grand Design so how can you see what your life is wor you can never see eyes of look at that's an interesting point of view yeah hard to kind of step outside your own experiences to be the judge of you know kind of what you've done in life dance with me must learn to join if you insist pretty powerful score so far yeah um in terms of messaging you know yeah yeah oh we went right Tod hey look at that well all right I love you uh you might be able to look at your life and say you don't have much but when you wake up to that and you have that kind of view that ain't uh that ain't nothing that ain't too bad huh hey hey where are you going oh okay the burning but oh Jesus David like it's look it's glowing purple it's the the burning bush right in my defense it's not your like standard yellow orange flame oh take the sandals from your feet for the place on which you stand is Holy Ground I am the god of your ancestors Abraham Isaac and Jacob so I have come down to deliver them out of slavery and bring them to a good land and so unto Pharaoh I shall send you how how can I even speak to these people who made man's mouth did not I now go that's powerful W but Pharaoh will not listen so I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all my wonders take the staff you shall do my wonders still got that ring on though well it was a gift oh oh found a found him she's not believing in a tough tough story to believe right mm and then I told God he chose wrong you're just one man look at your family they are free they have a future they have hopes and dreams that is what what I want from my people I'm coming with [Music] you all right here we go head back all right oh look at their backs oh my god oh no jees yeah they're probably not used to uh well the thing is like regular guy just rolling in through the doors or they the thing is like do they recognize him is what I was wondering oh well he does yeah right away Moses where have you the look at you what on Earth you dressed at we are compelled to remind you that this man committed a serious crime I am the morning and the evening stares I pardon forever all crimes of which he stands accused he is our brother Moses The Prince of Egypt all right so you can come back and not have to worry about uh what happened in the past things cannot be as they were God of the Hebrews came to me he commands that you let his people go behold the power of God oh who that's uh not normal nope impressive hotep ho give this snake charma our answer just turned a staff into a snake you're not impressed he doesn't seem to be impressed by it at all some sort of thinks looks like he thinks it's some sort of parlor trick or something s suck so you think you've got friends in high places playing with the big that's Jesus he's guys are creepy this Mission what pick up your city TW boy oh they got some snakes now too they love [Applause] it what's this really about he doesn't believe him no look what do you see a greater Egypt than that of my father like look at point of views I have to to maintain the ancient Traditions do you still not understand what said he was he was a great leader oh now it's got his thousands of children slaves my people you have returned only to free them give me the ring back I'm sorry I had hoped wow oh I do not know this God neither will I let your people go yeah he's not having it no tell your people as of today their workload has been double thanks to your God or is it thanks to you if I remember the story correctly that's awesome oh historically accurate as it was told how does it feel when you get struck to the ground I didn't mean to cause you more pain when did you start caring about slaves I did not see because I did not wish to see well that makes everything fine then doesn't it Aaron Miriam I'm so sorry God will not abandon you so don't you abandon us well they're all counting on you Mar where you going now where it is it's in his hand playing three card Monty it's like he's out on his yach let my people go I will hear no more of this Hebrew nonsense take the staff in your hand Moses look at that father it's blood explain this to me we are going to demonstrate the superior might of Our God by the power of ra no it's not the same color abandon this futile Mission Moses didn't you see what happened the priests did the same thing Pharaoh still has the power over our lives but there is one thing he cannot take away from you your faith believe for we will see God's wonders oh oh boy oh I know what this is oh the uh the the the plag the plagues yeah yeah yeah you I've never seen it played out though like in animation there they are where's the fire down innocent who suffer from yourb this is pretty heavy stuff right for I mean I it's the story but this is probably one of the heavier animated films we've watched if not the most that was very like a Broadway musical right there with how they sing like that powerful really powerful still let me guess you want me to let your people go I hoped I would find you here get out oh jeez we must bring this to an end this place so many memories I remember the time you switched the heads of the god of the temple of Ra you were there switching heads right along with me priests thought it was a horrible Al and fasted for 2 months you were always there to have your back get me out of trouble again rames in his pride that's the that's the problem being bullheaded well he doesn't want to be the weak link like he way they were before father why is he here isn't that the man who did all this yes my father had the right idea about how to deal with your people oh Jesus there shall be a great cry in all of Egypt rameses you bring this upon yourself interesting how they put his son right in the middle the middle of all that yeah God this is heavy God has come to me again saying take a lamb oh yeah pass over with its blood Mark the lle and posts of every door I shall pass through the land of Egypt and smite all the firstborn but when I see the blood upon your door I will pass over you and the plague shall not enter boy they really amp up the animation when they need to yeah wow oh no oh wow oh no no wow I mean I I know this is a story but it's still like hard to hard to watch even an animation of it and there's ramies oh my God you and your people have my permission to go leave me many nights [Music] H the music all the way around has been really incredible for this film quite a change from our last scene to this one yeah [Music] thees song sound familiar to you guys at all like no I've never heard '90s back old school song no I've never heard it I know like a lot of the old like you know Lion King and some of the bigger music that bigger scores this one sounds familiar but I can't I can't put my finger on it he's Egypt yeah I mean finally being fre that'll uh brighten food for sure no yeah she's got control to [Music] stairs it's cool shot everybody with their torches and okay good I mean we are we've been walking while we're thirsty Let's uh take a drink huh oh wait not sure that uh sure that water is going to help you kind of water yeah this is a probably not a freshw waterer Lake here it's the red variety [Music] donkey oh here we go there it comes oh I want to see how they do this yeah here we go this is the it's the scene I think everybody's waiting for whoa oh this is cool you shall not pass oh something like that all right here we go see if he does it as good as uh charlon hon yeah with this staff you shall do my wonders there it is look at that have you actually seen the Charlton H version uh like yeah well I hav seen the whole way through but I've you I've seen bits and pieces of culture ref the from the h one kind of famous when he's got he's coming down and the lightning and this yeah see look how different the animation is on the water compared to everything else that's been in the movie I think they did that purposely yeah I mean it's supposed I mean this is obviously a pretty I mean from a Biblical standpoint a pretty major historical moment you know look at get that yeah that'd be interesting I mean yeah look at that it's not exactly smooth sailing though through it oh oh might have to leave that oh look at that's cool that is wild how they showing that oh wow I'm still together [Music] yeah right like what is happening here and here comes his big mistake okay why don't you just stay at this point be like well look at what he's just done that's screwed we'll stay here yeah I'm sure this sword will take care of a ego Pride what yeah ego Pride bhe headedness stubborn the soldiers they're coming H yeah oh oh oh right on the rocks and just like that the entire Egyptian Army oh oh look at that Ramsay's all alone yep after all that just by himself on the Rock goodbye brother I think the goodbye is like hey I'm never never going back right look at your people Moses they are free oh yeah I was uh he's got a that's the old charl peston scene seemed like they were wrapping it up here I was wondering if we were going to get to yeah get to a scene with the tablets coming down from the mountain mhm it's so you know interesting because you know the the Charlton hon scene is so I even if you haven't seen it I've never seen the Charlton H movie but I know the splitting of the SE well everybody knows that expression oh that offensive line parted like the Red Sea I mean that expression's been used forever all right obviously there's I mean obviously oh H Zimmer look at that no wonder it had good music yeah they they brought in the heavy weights for this one and after we finish up your answer before we go into the thing let's see who all the actors were right you know of course had they had this version you would have recognized right away MH I only know Mariah's Christmas music oh but they did that everybody knows all I want for Christmas is you has played around the clock they do that with some of the bigger movies I don't know if I make the cut but the li like I brought up the Lion King like The Lion King in the movie I think circle of life was like the singers you know but then on the album it was Elton John was huge so sometimes they do different you know what I'm saying for the actual during the film they have these big songs all right we're pausing to look at the voice Talent Kilmer kmer Kilmer to you it didn't but God God I'm trying to think like how 98 how much Val Kilmer stuff after Top Gun did I really watch you know what I'm saying man forever we watched heat for the channel yeah he oh Ram look at that lineup of heavy hits we knew Danny Glover is that makes sense Stewart was right Helen Mir and I didn't get Martin and Martin look at those Heavy Hitters yeah wow what a cast Danny Glover great Danny oh well those were the big hitters I guess so all right well there we go you know we'll for the rest of them we'll obviously go to something after the credits or something prais and Moses what was that General that's part of the song what are you talking about yeah that's that's just the credits for the song oh okay okay Oaks all Oaks all confused over here very no this one was very interesting because I know a little bit of the story but there was a lot that I didn't get uh and a lot that kind of educated me uh through the use of a cartoon that I thought was interesting uh so that was really cool I mean if I kind of made it the uh just talking to Oak earlier like so many people know the expression of it parted like the Red Sea I mean you know American Football commentators have been using that expression forever when talking about offense and defensive lines of course the iconic Charlton hon uh scene and I think that's even been spoofed in a couple of Mel Brooks movies maybe I don't know what did they do that in Space Balls it's been a minute since I've seen Space Balls maybe not but either way uh so some of the more iconic things we kind of knew about and was was waiting for so I found that really interesting but you know this one was was really cool because what what I found interesting about it and and of course I I thought it was very well done just get that out of the way right off the bat what I found interesting is you had to take uh you know a story from the Bible and you know put that in the medium of animation and you know I think you know DreamWorks doing this you know in 1998 uh you know that's that's kind of a big task to do because you have I think the question of okay this is DreamWorks this is animation how much do we really put into it how much of the of the violence do we show how much you know and I think you have to because how you possibly tell the story and withhold some of the more key and important things so you know kudos to them for you know deciding because I can only imagine how it went there you know in a uh in in a room in a meeting gathered how okay are we going to do this well if we're going to do it we need to go all the way we can't have any kind of half measures and and I think in going all the way that goes for the music the animation the voice actors they got I mean talk about a who's who of people you want whether it's voice acting or regular acting if this would have been a liveaction movie uh you know these actors would have been every bit as incredible in their roles as opposed to the voice acting that we saw and of course you know you had Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey with the music at the end uh Oak caught that one but uh yeah just a really good story and I think you know even if uh you know whatever a person's thoughts on various you know religions might be I'm no Theologian myself so I you know don't claim to know a lot one way or the other but you know I think there was a lot of good messages in there I mean uh of course the big one that kind of came out I thought was this kind of the talk that Jethro gave to Moses about like look what do you mean you haven't done great things and he gave all these different examples of not knowing and I thought that was really powerful and then with ram uh rames you know being bullheaded and stubborn and not wanting to give into the own ways and in the end it was his pride uh among other things that sort of cost them so I I like how they kind of work that in and um you know of course they're going from some type of source material so I don't think it was that that difficult but again credit to DreamWorks for going all in on on telling the story so obviously you you had a ton of symbolism the one that kind of struck me was uh RAM uh son up against the uh up against the uh the Hy hyro hydrog hydrog the name was escaping me for some reason I said it there in the reaction but how how ramy's son was sitting there right between the two alligators and of course we know what his fate ended up being so a lot of really uh powerful imagery that was done very well I thought they really upped the anti on the animation for the really powerful scenes like uh the Passover scene and of course the party into the Red Sea the the animation there it just felt different from the rest of the movie and I think that was obviously probably done on purpose so yeah all in all this one was was really good I thought a a a very unique way to tell a story and uh again everybody crushed it everybody delivered so yeah this one was was a lot of fun yeah uh well the thing is too is when you you have the story and everybody not everybody but a lot of people know the story you can't really venture too far away from because you definitely get called out on it so the the next question is like do how do you do it in a way that's uh you know not over the top not like that's respectful that's that that's a much better word that you want it to be respectful to you know all those involved on both sides of this and to which I think they did and what I the voice acting was amazing the animation was amazing I think what they did deploy was deploy was early uh CGI or computer generated with the animation which it showcased especially in The Parting of the Red Sea um that looked amazing and for 98 like like this had to be like in theaters and stuff like that you had to just your JW just had a drop cuz like wow I'm watching this you know on on screen and then Val Kilmer as Moses he was it was a great choice for a voice and especially since they sang and I do believe he can sing like that and real life cuz I mean he's saying in top secret and stuff like that he's saying in the doors too I believe I think he did all the music in that I'm not 100% you have to let me know but yeah and then the way this was done made it feel like it was like kind of a m a Broadway musical with the way the singing was with having the you know the them back and forth and kind of over the top that it seemed like even when he's yelling Moses at the end I could see that have him like on the stage with the light like getting dimmer and dimmer as he's yelling Moses in the theater and it just worked perfectly so that's where I really enjoyed this movie in that aspect because you know the story was going to be what the story was we saw what it was it I mean you had the slaves doing all the work and like he's like finally hey they've been your slaves for too long they need to be free you need to let my people go and obviously he's like no I have to follow uh our ancestry and all the stuff which you know I think he was trying to say hey this is your this is your chance to like change that to change it for the better of all of us and he was like he was so stubborn because he had been referred to as a weak link by his father so like he's like uh no that's not going to I'm going to stick to my guns and you know unfortunately we saw all the ramifications for it and they showed all the the plagues and everything like that that followed suit and but so this was just a really good offering and way they did it was very respectful and well done in my opinion yeah this was I thought this was I thought this was phenomenal um so I went I went to a Catholic grade school for eight years um I am of the mindset right now and I'll keep this very high level that I respect everybody's religion or lack thereof just put that out but I I uh I did go to a Catholic raid school I don't consider myself that but I did go so we learned we learned the story like if you went to a very so I think for the most part from what I recall like this isn't something that I've gotten into in many many years I think for the most part it was it was pretty historically accurate um might have been a few things where they were a little off I can't really pinpoint them um but um it's it's a little I don't want I don't even want to say conflicting for me CU that's that's not it at all I think it was great but it was interesting because when I think of these '90s movies and although I guess I I I don't want to keep bringing up Lion King but that's like the Disney movie and of course that's you know essentially based off Shakespeare um and you have the death of the father but this like a really a really heavy movie to be animated and I feel like it's it's like you know obviously a biblical story but lessons on so many things but yet it's animation and I I'm curious to the people who had you know children around this time I was in high school so it went to been something where I would have been um too young to have seen this but I'm wondering if if if if parents and and church groups and stuff had this out there for kids because it it does have some some heavy adult themes of course the um the hieroglyphic depiction of you know what what happened when when Moses was a baby and of course um Passover um those scenes were heavy um yeah it's one thing to read about it and and to be told about it in a classe it now granted they I think they did a good job with the symbolism so if a CH if a child was watching it would be it would be very heavy um but it's also a heavy story right and I think I think that's the thing is you know sometimes we for lack of better term we put on kids gloves with kids who are very young but for parents who do want to teach uh their kids you know these uh biblical lessons that may be very important to them um this that's that's the nature of this story is that it's a heavy story and so I think they did a great job of telling the story um the animation I thought was phenomenal um it felt like a a bit of a of kind of like what I would consider to be 9s animation then some other things The Parting of the the Red Sea um looked completely different so it looks like they um they took a few different cues on that uh the score was phenomenal I mean the music right from the get-go um just just hit really hard and of course we saw on the credits it's Han Zimmer I mean it was 1998 2008 today I mean you're not going to get any better than Han Zimmer to um to handle the music the voice acting was incredible I feel a little like some of those actors I should have gotten but like I'm I'm trying to think like 98 you know how many roles they you know they were in and whether their voice you know changed like I got to be honest like of course if you see Michelle feifer you're going to recognize her but I can't I don't like her voice to me doesn't come across as as one of the distinctive voices um and even Ralph Finn is fines um you of course now we know him as Voldemort but if he's not throwing his voice as Voldemort you know maybe something I wouldn't recognize right in the menu he was great in the menu but all in all I I thought this was I thought this was brilliant um you know what and honestly it's um if if we take if we just separate the Bible story and and and by no means am I trying to separate the the story from what this film is because that's that's the story right but I mean even in just the lessons here was somebody who came in who faced a lot of uh had to be a lot of internal conflict like this was his brother this was his family these are the people who raised him and he was his entire life he's raised around his people and seeing it and I mean they don't show it but not probably not thinking much of it or kind of turning you know turning up eye to it until later in life and um you know and then has to you know he goes away and you know comes back and has to you know his brother didn't you know Ramsey didn't even believe him at first like okay okay what's you know cuz they had you know kind of that that wild you know youth that they showed here with the Chariot RAC going up there weren't concerned about what was going on no so I mean I mean a lot of internal conflict there um with him um I really thought um the the line and Mason Quinn had brought it up um look at your life through Heaven's eyes is is what um what was said um but I think that's really powerful in in regardless of whether you're taking it from a a a Biblical standpoint or not like it's so easy to look at your life and what have I done you you know I haven't made an impact I haven't um I haven't gone out and done great things but if you can you know if you could step outside your own self and just look at the changes that you've made um you'd realize that we're all a lot more impactful in this in this world than I think sometimes we give ourselves credit for and I really love the line in the song that I made note um to one lost sheep a Shepherd boy is worth more than the greatest King and I mean that's that's a re I'm I'm trying I'm trying not to be an oak and drop an F bomb here because if ever there was if ever there was the wrong time to say this is a really effing but I mean regardless of the context of the film to one lost sheep a Shepherd boy is worth more than the greatest King and that is such a powerful line um in in a million different context that that hit me really hard um even within within you know the the kind of the the whole story that was presented to us so um um and I think it did a really good job of um of kind of highlighting the different points of views of people in certain situations like what do you look at when you see Egypt and they showed Moses and all he saw was the slaves and the people and Ramsey was like I see the the greatest Egypt you know and regardless of whether it was a religious story or not I mean if we look back in in history I mean you know Rome I I mean Egypt you look look out in the Middle East you look out everywhere of course get into here in the United States there was a lot of a lot of slavery that happened to build these certain Nations and you have to look at that and say well people had different viewpoints about that but what Moses went in and did to free his people like I said regardless of whether that's a Biblical story just a historical story that is a noble quest for uh a person to go on to to free their people especially going against their family and the people who raised them so um I I Hon I'm I got to be honest like I you look at this and oh yeah and there I mean look cuz the reality is is that look ancient Egyptian history is so it's so fascinating right like there's there's entire series built around it movies built around it whether it be treasure hunting or you know their the ancient pharaohs and stuff like that it's so you know just captivating I looked at this and I'm like okay this this should be pretty good and I honestly until like right away you know like right away when it started you're like look it didn't take long to figure out like or to just know this is a religious story but I I think they did an amazing job with this all the way around I think um you know I think if if somebody didn't love it because they felt like it was a little much for an animated movie I can I can respect that um es especially if if if you were like I I'm picturing like a a parent like bringing their kid to the theater to see this you know like oh it's The Prince of Egypt and I I can't speak to what the the credits or the rather the the trailers showers back in the so um you know if I was a parent and let's say I I was just trying to go to the movies on a for a Sunday matine and wasn't really trying to kind of um have this this biblical lesson I could see some of the the the themes being a little bit adult for some families I can see other families having this be a great um resource um for teaching a Bible story because it was animated and it did soften up the edges I'm curious um to the people who um people who are religious and people who did um uh you know grow up in a in a in a Christian or Catholic setting um whether this film was used as a as a tool or a teaching tool or shown in Sunday school or anything like that because um seems like it yeah it seems like it definitely it definitely could be so U yeah all in all I thought this was great yeah yeah it was I I think it really showed the impact too that you don't have to be a grand king or a vastly important person to to make change because Moses I mean was but then when just became uh you know a sheep herder essentially and then was able to make change and and like you said to you know to kind of play off that theme you know you might do something that you see as insignificant like maybe you volunteer for a day at you know some cause or whatever and maybe help somebody out well maybe that one thing you do sets that person on a completely different uh trajectory in their life and it completely changes them and you were like oh you know I was just I was just helping out uh you know hanging out food or blankets or whatever might be so there's never one thing that you do be helpful I don't know if that gets thought about enough maybe about you know the impact that people can have just doing small things and not realizing the kind of the ripple effect so I I thought that was really well done as well yeah and that's that was I'm if I'm being honest and that was the one thing like I have my notes here that was the one like line that really hit me and I think like if there's one like takeaway you have from this this this film regardless of whether it's religious or anything it's like look in your day-to-day life holding a door telling somebody that you know they have a great smile um you know look any sort of Pay It Forward type act that could be insignificant um you know helping somebody out at the gas pump I don't care what it is right like those little things you never know what somebody is going through and the smallest smallest act of kindness that you won't even think about once once that moment passes could be life-changing for somebody else so just keep that in mind look you know we we try to look be Bill and Ted say be excellent to each other be good to each other but don't ever um don't ever trivialize those those small acts of kindness CU those can go a long way right so for sure U uh yeah I mean I think I think this is one I thought it was oh we you know so so the reason I I think sometimes with historical a little bit and the reason why there's hesitancy is like sometimes if it's um if it's something that's historical or a true story like with the impossible and uh there was another one we did uh SAR udam there's some historical things that um out of respect for the um the families and the people who are involved in the true stories we don't rate them um this one I think is kind of in in the middle um but I would I I almost want to give a score because to to to reflect how I feel about it give credit to to everyone involved yeah so for me uh I don't think they could have done it any better this is a five out of five answers for me uh again with my scores I like to separate movies like you know example if I'm watching uh uh sha Shank Redemption let's just say versus a fast and INF Furious movie well a fast and infurious movie and sha shank aren't the same but are they good for their genre or what would I change to make them different that's kind of how I look at things if that makes sense uh and we've been doing that a lot lately with some of the uh the animated stuff because we didn't want to all animated movies in together having to compare everything to Coco or Puss and Boots The Last Wish because sometimes the animated movies are different and this one certainly fits into that uh kind of category I think but either way uh five for me I couldn't have done anything different there's nothing I would change so yeah I really love the animation and how it was done the music was amazing I mean especially when you think of the fact that this was done in '98 as far as like the animation and everything goes if you put yourself back in that time this animation looks spectacular and it still holds up to this day so for me five answers it was it was a lot of fun enjoying it Val Kilmer crushed it as he always does and it was fun seeing hearing Ral find's voice in the movie instead of his noseless face yeah yeah and and and look um I I think we all can agree like we million percent respect for anybody's religious views on this channel and and and everything like that so when we give these ratings out it's not reflective of whether you you know believe the story or don't or whether it goes along or conflicts with whatever your beliefs are um but this this movie I think just in and of itself was done so well that I really wanted to score it I think you can tell by my tones what I'm what I'm going to give this um the animation uh the voice acting the scores everything I thought was really phenomenal on this um and so I'm giving this a five as well I thought this was I thought this was brilliantly brilliantly done and um you know even even if you had taken you know a similar uh just general story independent of uh of kind of the religious side of it um I think the the lessons in here still work were were were brilliant and overall I think it was just a phenomenal all right well there you have it hopefully you had fun watching us watch this so for apple and Oak that's Mason Quinn I'm of course the answer good night Pals
Channel: Badd Medicine
Views: 97,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Pi2hEllmRrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 55sec (3475 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2024
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