Converting 1969 Dodge Delivery Into Ultimate 4x4 Off Road Machine ! Will It Start?

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all right so we have something planned for you guys that we're not going to tell you about but we are going to go get a van and we are going to get it to run and we are going to burn it out wait it's it's not a stinky van is it sh you're not supposed to say this to Van this is our onx Build Challenge mobile it's a Le that it's over at the other lot so let's go get in the tow truck and let's go pick this thing up and let's see if it'll run never we're taking it to Sand Hollow to have some fun with it all right so we've got King Fred we are headed over to the auxiliary lot to pick up what I feel is going to be the coolest onx Build Challenge build vehicle there is so they're kind of basing this year off of overlanding and I'm not an Overlander so I'm not going to be able to haul a hotel room with me or an Airbnb so we decided to go with something kind of homey and build it into something that can go off-roading and overlanding we have the perfect perfect vehicle for [Music] that has Robbie even checked to see if it's seized or locked up or anything or if it turns over no should I do that real fast [Music] no old school shifter the cable shift no way dude we got leave that whatever we put in this this has to stay um I'm scared that this won't go down the road will you make will you get in and make sure it will yeah oh my gosh I was leaning down hey we're missing a windshield wiper that's not good got extra brakes brakes for that is that the brakes you can put your B tree there that's where your B tree go Robbie is that extra brakes or is that the brakes get out of my van I love this already I love this for you all right get it strapped let's get on the road hey is that the keys for it no way dude look at that Dodge stepb that was built on a typewriter back in the 1800s no way if this works I will die no way let's see if it spins the ignition oh no way it works well new ignition is out of the question you don't need it no way dude what if this fires up if it all works then all the other teams are so screwed because that's a sign that we're going to win we're going to win this competition all right let's head back to the shop I know she don't look like much give me a few [Music] months pulling all right she pulling great and it's a little bit it's a little M oh HBO is calling hey um are you you hit speed limit you haven't done over 20 M hour does the speedo work it does work the speedo works I got the perfect carburetor and we we got somebody to talk to you guys about we have another employee and I cannot wait for you to meet him there's just all sorts of Secrets coming out today I'll see you at the shop HBY drive safe so so crazy when Robby turns I still go straight and then in the last second it turns it feels so weird and I was also looking this whole front piece is the same exact thing as whiskers I bet these windows will fit right to whiskers but there's the real MVP and if you haven't seen that video go check it out cuz it was awesome all right so here's the rules for the competition 20,000 must be done before SEMA or taking it on the Rubicon Winner Takes all don't know what there is to win but we're going to win over the hearts of you guys with our amazing 1969 Dodge p200 van can I get a round of applause first things first it doesn't run we got to get it inside and see if we can get it to run that's priority number three already number one I don't know what that is but or two but you know at some point we should probably clean this area off too yeah not only is Fred a pull FR The Pusher did you try just like pushing it with your hand no we we just push it with our toys let's see if this spare will go on I don't think it will why cuz it's Steward Ford style that's Matt spare how do you know that's metric and this is standard how do you know did you try it no but I know did you Google it let's try it before we go ahead and try changing it I'm going to see if it's going to take air and hold air cuz it doesn't look like anything's wrong with it it's taking air no way okay here's what needs to happen those two back ones just put air in them what about that front one will that front one hold there that front one's full of air dude no way we don't even any tires they're perfect everything about this is perfect we're going to get the inside cleaned and we are going to get this to start because this has to do an inaugural burnout in order to take it to Sand Hollow so first things first we noticed that this motor does not have a carburetor so I went to Napa got some stuff we got two base plate gaskets here we're going to make sure it fits which it sure does so got to talk to you guys about our new employee this guy's name is sea he moved here from Wisconsin he's an off-roader and he is a custom car fabricator he's a sheet metal expert this guy's built over like 40 custom cars so he's working here now he's a fab guy he's going to build us an adapter plate that goes from this to a holly 4412 and our friends over at Holly sent us a carburetor so that we can make Power into this super sweet little baby hole so we're going to take a gasket over we're going to show them what we need and we're going to have Sean build us some coolness out of aluminum the only thing that I hope works is the odometer it does it works no the speedle work hillbilly even got it it was going like 20 yeah speedle Works everything works I'll bet you this thing is going to just be this thing is seriously going to part like a kitten and you've got room for every one of your friends PRP we need like 12 seats all right so this is the 69 Dodge Charger that we got back in wi do Oklahoma check this out so Sean's been working on this for about 3 days he's got the new trunk floor ready to go in he's got the rust taking care of the windows he's got the seams welded up I mean he is just full-blown going to work on this thing we're going to be pulling him off of that we're going to be building this a carburetor adapter now check this out we have us a 25 ton press oh by the way thank you Marketplace Marketplace has been my best friend for like 2 weeks no probably 2 months probably 2 months so our Buddy's over at Bailey and industrial hooked us up with the bead roller over here the pishing hammer the English wheel that sign up there this is all Sean's tools we've got a do all 16-in Band Saw check this out vintage piece of amazing us-made Machinery this thing is amazing we got some blades coming for that it's got a power free table we've got our Bridgeport and look it's already been throwing some chips so Sean's been Milling us an adapter plate our friends over Harbor Freight sent us a new welding cart so Sean brought his TIG welder with him so now sky is the limit of what we can fabricate in this shop we're super excited about it but check this out we got our Holly 4412 this thing is a 500 CFM carburetor and this is going to feed our flant sticks in that van so check this bad boy out it's a 4412 d10x so this is going to be the fire breather for the slant 6 so what we've done is this has a base plate cuz it's a two barrel so right here we gave Sean the gasket to build us an adapter so we've got to adapt from this to this well here you go so Sean milled this out on the mill this is going to fit perfect here it's going to bolt the carburetor onto it and now look at that he made a funnel look at how awesome that was that started out as pipe split it open widened it out cleaned it all up and now it's going to neck down to that right there so this is going to sit on our intake just like that and it's going to look super awesome and super stupid and then we're going to put a velocity stack on top of it it's going to be this big it's going to breathe so good all right so Shawn clamped down some flat plate aluminum onto the mill and I'm going to show you guys that right [Music] here all right so this is Shawn so Shawn is going to build an aluminum plate just like this and he's going to attach it there and he's going to make it look like it's the easiest thing in the world because to him it is but it's so far above my realm of work but we're going to learn how so anyway Sean's going to be working on that we're going to get back to work on the van we're going to get that thing to start today with this carburetor first things first ripping out the carpet we're going to bring vacuum up all the I don't know how many years of dust and grum before we start working on it so we're not braiding that stuff in I think we should put grass in here yeah I second in that motion that would be awesome I think there's still grass in the 57 trunk I really think we should see if this thing turns over okay hold on everybody be quiet that light oh still nothing the start engaging well let's try to jump it we got power to something G oh list listen listen that's blinkers do they work colon is back check them check them nothing in the back let's check the front I don't think there's even lights up there move the cables there's a push start button no way okay ready yep go [Music] yeah we don't even have to do anything that's why I didn't want to give it a bun didn't even think of fire my eyebrows almost sh on fire perfect that's going to be great for camera not for me well Sean's building the mount and we're going to put the carburetor on it's going to be fine going to be great um I think we should pull the tank and SLO it out and clean it you know what we have keys we got an ignition we got starter we literally have all the sauce to make the cake we got a knee braak we got a master cylinder coming tomorrow we got a windshell washer fluid pumper I love that we got a high beam glow beam switch we got a swivel chair we have everything look used to have that used to work we can do one that would be sick BR let's take it off and we'll put it template yeah we'll put it over in his section we got some tasks at hand Sean's going to get that done we'll get a carburetor on it but we need to get the tank figured out we need a fuel pump put on it we need the fuel filter put in everybody ready rob you got to come check this out for stock suspension it has some pretty good articulation that's because delivery Vans they go off-roading in people's driveways look at that tuck we're tucking hard look at we have so much room for activities we're going to be able to go up going to go everywhere double s yeah this is going to do a rated seven Trail like it's nothing double Samuels and it's on leaves and it's going to end up being on coils all right so we got beat up in a video because we didn't have enough jack stands so you know what we ordered some jack stands from our friends over at Harbor Freight look at how big these are well the Jack go high enough and they need send us bigger Jack it's an Offroad Jack it'll lift it to the Moon that is heavy all you safety safe conscious people we are safe safe safe I don't know what makes me happier the Pacer or the fan we need to be able to put the Pacer in the back of the van do you think the Pacer would fit no we need a hitch we need a tow hitch so we can haul the Pacer that would be sweet to piggy back to Pacer I think we should why are you in there you need to be in on this what I think we need to drag race this in the Pacer oh duh duh that's like a given need supercharge the Pacer we do have a supercharger in this container we're going to procharge the freaking Pacer this is the best idea we've had in like a couple of weeks we got the one out wait till you see the velocity stack and the carburetor on this engine you're going to love it the velocity Stack's over there all right let's get ourselves to work we got a lot to do dude that exhaust is not even rotten it's like brand new that buckler is for sure dude it's been rebent so somebody's put some time and energy into this van so the cool thing about this Build Challenge is we're not going to be docked for anything that's stock so like brake lines brake master cylinder all of that stuff does not go against our budget so as of right now I think I paid $2,000 for this thing like a year ago for my buddy Mike Babel The Zuma mic so it's been sitting waiting for something cool to happen and that something cool happened today all right so I'm going to work on getting the starter out cuz we have a brand new fresh starter coming from Napa so Hillbilly's going to work on getting the fuel tank out and I'm going to work on the starter Colton's housekeeping he does a really good job of that so here's something cool that I noticed about this box van it is a truck frame legitimately this is a truck frame so what we're going to be able to do I think we're going to lift the body off and we'll build out the frame and then we'll put the body back on the frame so what we're doing is we're putting this plate on and we are clocking it so we're trying to figure out we got the throttle mechanism here it pulls down all right so we're going to make a mark this is the way it's going to clock there you go look at that it fits and then look we'll dis adapt boom it's going to work okay that's going to need clean to all right here's our starter so I'm going to work on getting the old one out we'll start getting this new one in so why Robbie's working on the starter I'm working on getting this gas tank dropped all right starter coming out what is that you your speechless are you done did I get you look at that and just like that we whipped it up I didn't even have to do anything Sean whipped it up Sean whipped it up but that is our adapter plate for the carburetor look at that we're already doing cooler things than we've ever been able to do super excited that's what you do with a team what are you doing to this getting a new filler neck cuz it's rot really rotten well but wait a minute oh yeah we don't want to use it anyways no cuz see if we cut it and they don't have one then we're out one I guarante it's just radiator hoses all they really use okay then finish it out there we go VOA that's the reason why you can see through it right there all right we're going to get this installed this is so awesome just having the in-house capabilities of having an idea and then getting it made is super cool that's my life goal is to learn sheet metal fabrication more than I know cuz I don't know anything about like the aluminum stuff but sea does we're super excited for it we'll get the carburetor mounted down one step closer to this thing driving this tank is actually really clean inside well I think somebody was driving this honestly it has brand new shocks it has a good exhaust system like I really truly believe I think somebody stole the carburetor off cuz they're crazy did you check if there was holes there was that much gas in it so if there was holes it would have been leaking so why I'm waiting for Robie to get back he gave me a list of things that needs to be done so I figured hey why not just start doing them so right now I'm working on getting this fuel pump changed and here is the fuel pump this rides on the cam so every time the cam hits a lope it pushes up when it pushes up it plunges and when goes over so it comes in goes over and when it releases it no they're very stiff okay so now all the tuneup Parts on the table we got to go find the new one time to install it you have to make sure you get this in the the finger in the right spot next on The Chopping Block is our fuel filter so I got the fuel filter off go ahead and get the new one put in and we're going to get this connected to the new carburetor did you see the car did did you look at the carburetor I think they've seen it yet go look go show them okay Feast your eyes on this right now I'm getting the tank brackets put back into place so that way we can get this tank installed you ready for this thing Hill B yes sir Okay so we've gotten new fuel pump installed new fuel filter replaced all the gas rubber hoses the metal ones look good so we didn't replace those just the rubber hoses got the new starter installed I had to modify it just a little bit Robbie's now hooking the wiring up on the starter so I'm going to put gas in it so when Robbie gets done we can see if it fires or not I don't see no drips so yet so all the at least this new hose instilled all filled up we'll give Robbie the keys back so and see if he's done to see if it starts so what we're going to do is try to see if this thingle start now that we have the carburetor on we got the new starter we've got a few things here and there fuel line's hooked up right there got that new 4412 500 CFM Holly you ready so excited ready turns like a kitten that how do even think it need the T up a bit where up a window I think the the fitting that fitting is not tight no it is it's clamped to it's the wrong style that's where it's leaking is right here yeah but that around the threads but no no no it's it's a aend fitting it's not coming out of the rubber okay what we're going to have to do is go tomorrow and get a hydraulic fitting cuz this is for the J it's jic but it's for like the PTFE okay we're going to start it up again just to show you up right up look I don't even think we need a throttle pedal watch we'll be cruising hurricane okay style get coer right why don't we drive this hurricane it is f drive it down and insur what if it doesn't make it what if it does it doesn't but what if it does what to well what if it does we literally have tow truck it runs why is anybody as excited as me do you guys not see the stack that works I'm more surprised it fired up that quick and easy and runs this through dude it runs I I I I'm speechless I legit think I think somebody was driving this until they parked it and took the carb off it's got brand new shocks it's got a brand new exhaust system in it the tank isn't crap let's fill the cooling t real quick yeah did you drain it or no let's just top her off okaye I brought anif freeze in I haven't checked me and Robbie went and looked at this like it probably a month ago and he was telling me all about it and I was like there's no way we're going to get this thing I wouldn't even imagine you should have more faith I mean I have faith but little faith that we were going to get it running but it would run I didn't even realize it had a motor in it me neither actually this way easier to start than the Pacer the Pacer made us earn it but we're experts now this is a reward from working so hard on a Pacer the next day Okay so yesterday we went to go film up the radiator it started spewing coolant out of this radiator hose I don't know if you can see right there there's a big old gaping hole so we got to get this off so we can get a new radiator hose put on which this is going to be fun cuz it's the style of hose clamp that doesn't it's not a bolt it's round on the outside and then uh it takes screwdriver and I got a shield in the way so I can't just put a screwdriver in there and tighten it up so I got to get a pair of pliers and get that thing loosened so I can get it off and then will be putting a different hose clamp on there so that way I can use a socket or a wrench and tighten it up and I know you guys are going to say why you just grab a stubby screwdriver bit a screw bit and a socket and there's literally this much room between the hose clamp and the fan troud and it doesn't matter if I loosen that fan troud and push it back it's still right in the way where I can't get nothing on it except pliers kind of sweet think I had some Splash in my mouth okay here's the hose first I tried twisting well first I'll show you that that's where it was leaking right there and then we tried twisting it to break it free and it went plunk so this part was still stuck on the water or thermostat housing soed to get my big long screwdriver Colton took my little stubby got the clamp completely loose to it came off completely undone and then I had to take my big long screwdriver and sit there and pry and it finally ripped which I was hoping cuz then it would free it up to where we could slide it off but look at all that buildup and look how brittle you barely even fold it in half and it just rips I'm going to run to NAPA and get a new one okay we're here at Napa let's get our radiator hose get back and get it put back on so we get uh full of coolant okay so they didn't have the exact size I needed they had one that was this is 23 they had one was 24 and 22 rather have it a little too long then not long enough so I opted for the 24 time to get it installed and see if and hope and pray if that there's no other leaks and if so we'll get them fixed so let's get this installed and look who it is bmy you want inside I'll let you in there you go buddy come on come on let's go come on buddy okay let's get this installed and start filling full of coolant the hose hooked to the bottom of the radiator now we're going to get it tightened up and then we can start filling it full of coolant to see if there's any other leaks see me out from underneath the vehicle or out from underneath the van that's because got the hose on tightened up going to start adding coolant and hope that it doesn't leak anywhere else hey Billy the audience seen a lake where's it coming from the radiator I can't tell is there like a freeze plug type of deal for this cuz it runs across the bottom where you just shook and there's these little hole there's two little lines going into it he poured half into an empty one and it's not the premixed so I'm going to fill restful of water that means we have two gallons of coolant now so we order a case of concentrated coolant so that way you're paying I think it's a dollar something more for concentrated verse 50/50 mix and so you're actually it's cheaper to buy two things of concentrated mix it half and half cuz then you'll have four gallons and so that's what we do cuz we use a lot of coolant around here deer hits everything else customer cars lose coolant so we need to put coolant back in it cuz a vehicle can't operate without coolant so we order it by the case of non of concept traded last we get more out of it for cheaper so it's what Colton was doing is I got I had I split him 50/50 and jugs and he filled the other half of water in both of them so now let's go get it put into the van all right so me and Colton just took the boss's ride we went down to local nap Auto Parts and we got us some throttle return Springs and we got us a bike cable from Walmart and with these two apparatuses oh we got to go to Ace Hardware also and get a cable clamp but with these devices we're going to make throttle on the van so we're going to run to Ace then we're going to run back to the shop we're going to get this puppy throttle respon and oh did you get new hoses yes perfect see new hoses look at that I got a team it's full filled up it is filled uh I think we need to run it and let it I was going to say did you guys start it oh awesome this is exciting after that we got a master cylinder and we got some brake wheel cylinders to put in so we're going to hope and pray that the rubber lines are good because nap can't get them all right those two little suckers right there little cable clamps $10.50 got the boss another Milwaukee top it or top off cuz we're going to the off-road games and she wants some more power so she needed two of them anyway we're going to head back to the shop get this thing to throttle then we're going to take it for a test [Applause] drive all right so what I'm doing I'm going to use this as a throttle bracket so I'm going to bolt it here I'm going to have the cable come through it and it's going to come into this okay so this bolt is going to go from the bottom up through here it's going to tighten our bracket up so let's go drill a hole for that clamp perfect that actually went in there so we'll put a little dab of Super Glue on that that will work for the bottom clamp in order for us to change like the wheel CER for the brakes and check the pads and everything we have to get these tires removed these wheels and [Applause] tires so if you guys can hear that I have to drain the coolant I didn't think about changing the top radiator hose cuz it wasn't leaking but Robbie said let's get it changed cuz we don't need any issues so anything we can think of that might give us issues we're going to change cuz we don't want to be someone's problem we want to go down and have fun and compete in this competition and not have breakdown issues draining the uh some of the coolant enough to get this top radiator hose off get it replaced and then put the coolant back in the radiator all right so we've got our little bracket built now we got to put some holes in it and put a couple bends in it I found one bolt that my bolt bin doesn't have it's a 5/16 socket head that's longer than this so we're going to run to the hardware store and go see if they got one it's all we came for an extra half in this is why we bought a bolt bin cuz it takes 20 minutes to go to the store and get one bolt let's get back to the shop and get this throttle bracket built what I've done is I put a longer bolt in here and I bolted the bracket under to the underside now I can put this in place and I'm going to show you what I've done so I've got this protector going to go right there so I'm going to put a throttle bracket here and I just want to make sure it's going to return so I just want a little bit of tension on the bracket so I'm going to do it I'm going to Dr a hole right here I'm going to bolt this bracket here and then we'll get the throttle spring on it and it's going to work all right so I just went and checked the rear axle where Hillbilly's pulling the brakes apart and the brakes look pretty new so I think we should try to bleed them and see if things work before we rip it all apart cuz everything we're doing right now it's all coming out so rather than wasting money and time and time let's get some brake fluid in it and see what's going to happen watch out I'm going to start this cuz I flooded the crap out of it blinker working try the other one oh now this side's working bol's working I bet that clam's dirty is it working yeah the passenger site is oh oh cool hold on okay so in order to access the master cylinder for the brakes so we can fill it up to see if there's any leaks anywhere in the brake system we have to take this access plate off right here which is one fly head screw so I'll and get that pulled off and then there's another plate right above that one that's held in with two fla head screws get those all removed and take the cap off the master and get it filled up all right so we've got this hydraulic fitting put on now I'm going to try to get the van to start and I flooded it with my thrott work but we're going to get it to start and then check for leaks we need a spring on the top we'll put a throttle return spring on the top also I've got a throttle return spring right here we Chang out this aluminum leaker with a hydraulic fitting no leak when hillbilly took that panel off this panel split and this is all connected so we'll have to readjust the throttle but oh let's check the C real quick while it's running yeah it looks like cool it you're full yeah hey get it tighten why don't we do it the old cool Shake Tre mechanic way must be charging must not be charging oh you grounded it out I bet that's why it fell down and hit that way probably let's try it again so we're going to check the volts to see what we're pumping might not be pumping anything if not we'll take a jump box and an extra battery these run off of like nothing oh oh hey look I found the voltage gauge should we see if it works yeah oh yeah it's going up 14 now that we know the engine's not flooded we're going to check the brakes work on those see what we can get handled with that all right we're going to take the whole throttle assembly out that is ingenious all them brackets oh and they got a throttle stop cool let's put a new bolt in that so that it's easy to adjust why you don't need a throttle stop your throttle stops when it's at High but I don't want to break the cable these put back on now the back on this one I'm not going to tighten up just yet cuz Robbie has the right socket and I have to go find it so I'm just going to put the one on where it holds the drum in place so I've pulled the bleeder out of here there's fluid that one's good so I know that I've got fluid right here at the back of the wheel cylinder and we've got a good bleeder valve so I'm going to tighten that back up this is a 10 mm somebody been into this I'm telling you this vent had to have been driven till it was parked cuz there's a lot of good things so as we're sitting here getting these brakes to work we're just daydreaming so Colton just brought up a good point when we LS Swap this Bread Van we got these front vents that open up for AC what we could do is totally have Sean build us a directional air intake that comes up and goes right to the air cleaner so we'll have cold air intake coming from the front it's going to be awesome we've got fluid to the front we know those are good and like we said we've got got wheel cylinders we've got a master cylinder if we can get these to work without having to change anything we're going to do it because everything's coming out pump and up okay help no fluid yet okay nothing maybe pump it up like really fast a couple times and you push as hard as you can okay Hilly's got our Harbor Freight brake bleeder we're going to try to suck some fluid through and see if that helps and then assess from there this my first time using one of a brake bleeder period I've always just done it the manual way so I have hair hose hooked up there bleeder hose there I hope it's in the right spots and I'm turn this on I'm feeling I'm starting to get some fluid hey pump hey holding anything no so we don't have time to mess around anymore we can't get it to bleed so we're going to get we're going to take the master cylinder out and change it we have a new one so there's no sense in sitting here and messing around with it for hours just fixing the cuz Rob keeps hitting his head it's a real life problem wouldn't be so bad if we didn't have to leave to go to the off-road games in like 30 minutes what a pain in the butt but I got it all right we got the rod put back in the master cylinder so let's go get this put back in just like that oh yeah that Masters way better try to vacuum it see what it does oh yeah you're getting stuff oh we got pedal woo you holding yeah no FL or no air now okay let's move on yes Tad Tad tad bit of air okay let's do it again but on this next one we won have none okay go no air I hate how good those rear brakes work how are we going to slip them to burun out dude I have full pedal oh yeah yeah okay I'm going to Top This fluid off off then what we'll do is we will start it we'll put it in gear and we'll go around and see if all the wheels stop hold on can't do that why got the side to part still okay he's going to hurry and put that together the reason I want to do this is when we come back from lunch I want to see if The Brak still work he some we and get this put back together so that way we can test the brakes rob you wants to start it put it in gear let the uh everything start spinning and press the brakes and see if they lock up like they're supposed to and if so we should be on the golden side I am so excited I really don't think anybody in this challenge is going to have a cooler vehicle than this van and you guys are going to be able to help vote on us winning this challenge so when the time comes we're going to need your help to vote and I'm going to give a free Robbie Lon sticker to every single person that votes don't ask me now but I'm going to can I vote absolutely all right so I've got the floor all back in this throttles hooked up we're going to start it we have not checked to see if this thing even has a good transmission so we're going to start it up make sure it goes into gear make sure it stops and then we're headed to lunch cuz I'm starting hey forward FL I'm going to call that a temporary win I'm not getting rid of the swivel seat all right so the brakes work it goes into drive it goes into reverse but we're starving so let's grab the kids let's go to lunch Lincoln want to go to lunch hey let's go to lunch hey come on guys let's go to lunch come on guys time for lunch it's lunch okay all right we are back from lunch we're all fueled up we're going to get all the tools out of here get the wheels and tires on and this bad boy is going for its maiden voyage the first time it's ever driven in its entire existence on this Earth all right let's get these wheels and tires on we'll get this off the jack stands I am so excited I love taking crap boxes for first drives got to be one of my most favorite things on the planet are these reverse thread yeah this thing is old old all right Hillbilly's trying out blue ste's spare see if it fits okay we'll get the rest of these wheels on and get it off the jack stands look our our Milwaukee light is crushed it's still on it's not a bump stop is it broke no it's perfect barely oh you can't even tell look at that still works built Milwaukee tough we have a solid 15 1 12 in of flex we're going to do so many rock crawling things at Hurricane so I say we take this for a test drive we'll see what it's capable of all right guys you know how I love to call on you guys for help now here's something that I need that you might have I don't have the do I need the do the I got the but I need the do so if you have a do out there well actually if you have a Dodge out there I need to dodge cuz my de is missing I'd gladly buy it this isn't a charity case I just need it help me out let's go to Maverick and get this thing filled up no power steering [Music] oh we are golden she's ugly but we love her what do you mean love she's pretty yeah only a mother this face 16 holy cow how many did you put in like two okay so maybe it's an 18 gon tank my new ride look this looks like a good off-road course think we can make it up a tail got go [Applause] okay arul baby this thing seriously has so much articulation it doesn't even need anything it's perfect but I opted out of using the throttle because he doesn't ha it so we're just using the brakes and if we lose the brakes I'm jumping and the E BR don't work all right so aside from hillbilly almost going airborne Everything went perfect with our test drive the van is ready for Sand Hollow it's ready for the Onyx off-road Build Challenge it's ready to win so we'll see you in Sand Hollow all right so we made it and that's pretty much it for this video so as always we appreciate you if you enjoy this video go check out this [Music] one how we looking oh you're looking good little bit little bit all the clearance
Channel: Robby Layton
Views: 119,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gJ1lzKD3Fzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 13sec (2233 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2024
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