Consumed by a JEALOUS GOD! - Are you SETTLING in life? | Isaiah Saldivar

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[Applause] come on let's give the lord a shout of praise they're going to turn my mic way up they're going to turn my gain up here they're going to blow it out since we're a youth service we could be louder come on let's give them some praise i don't know about you but i came ready to shout i came ready come on just way loud i came ready to praise there's something happening in this room and i'm afraid that there are many of us there we go there are many of us in here that are going to miss what god is doing because we are used to god moving a certain way i felt during worship and during praise god said isaiah i am getting ready to do something tonight that this church this house this ministry the thousand people that are watching online have never seen before contrary to popular belief that god that we are serving is not a dead god the god that we are serving is not a weak god the god that we are serving is not a far off god and i know you might be in here wondering why are you shouting that way are you aware that your veins are popping out are you aware that you are sweating and you're losing weight although you should be gaining weight is there a reason why we shout is there a reason why we praise and my response to you is that the god that you serve might not be worth shouting about the god that you serve might not be worth praising about am i in the right place tonight i just want to make sure we're at the night of fire but the god that i serve he is worthy of our praise he is worthy of our shout he is worthy of our excitement i wish somebody would praise him like they've been delivered i wish somebody would shout like they'd been raised up i wish somebody would lose their mind i wish i had somebody in this place that says if i had not been for god i would be dead friend you want to know why i praise this way because at 12 years old he pulled me off of a rope when i hung myself if you want to know why i shout this way it's because over and over and over it wasn't your praise it wasn't your popularity it wasn't the approval of man it was the hand of god that delivered me over and over we're not here to preach about some religious god we are here to preach about the god of abraham the god of isaac and the god of jacob a god that still heals a god that still delivers and it's god that wants to touch you tonight i came to tell somebody that you don't have to live the rest of your life addicted to drugs you don't have to live the rest of your life living in dead religious christianity but god you could take your seeds but god wants to break you out he wants to set you free and i want to give you permission when's he going to breathe in about 35 minutes i want to give you permission tonight to have the liberty to shout the liberty to praise we're not going to judge you if you get excited about god we're not going to judge you if you open up your mouth and begin to worship we're not going to judge you if you get a little bit too excited to sit down this is a judgment-free zone because you are around a bunch of people that at one time were beat down broken and god healed and delivered us is there a reason to praise maybe for me not maybe for you why are you up there shouting like that why are you down there dying like that why are you guys so loud why are you so quiet why is it we've created a sanitizer weak anemic dead church that it's more normal in 95 percent of churches to not make one noise not move at all not be excited at all but the same leaders pastors and religious people can go to a game a concert or a movie and lose their mind over football men can paint their body the color of their favorite team in 20 degree weather with their shirt off 45 pounds overweight and shout about a bunch of guys in taipans that are chasing after a piece of pigskin but god forbid we come to church and we get excited about that god that changed everything we get excited about the only god can he that can heal the only god that can save the only god that can deliver the only god that can take an atheist and make him a revivalist the only god that drives out demons the only god that heals the sick maybe you don't have a reason to praise but i praise because he is worthy of my praise he is worthy of my shout and i'm here to let every demon know that you have lost the battle that you have no power that the blood of jesus is against you satan and there is freedom and there is deliverance that is breaking out if you want deliverance you need desperation pastor of light i've never once seen somebody who wasn't desperate get delivered i've never once seen someone who wasn't desperate to get healed i've never once seen someone that wasn't desperate that wasn't hungry that was satisfied with religion do great and mighty exploits for god here's the bottom line reality i know it's a youth service and 95 of you are not youth praise the lord thanks for coming but here's the bottom line reality here if you are halfway in if you're not interested in being special forces if you're not interested in the deep things of god if you're not interested in being excited and passionate and used for the front lines of the call of god this is not for you tonight you're like i'm confused is he gonna ever calm down you're at the wrong place the wrong church the wrong service because tonight i did not come to preach to those that are content where they're at i did not come to talk to those that are kicking around in the kiddie pool of christianity i didn't come to talk to those that like it a little bit calmer and a little bit tamer and a little bit more watered down and a little bit more kool-aid and a little bit more chucky cheese style i did not come to pander to cater or to give in to those that want their compromise and complacency i came tonight to blow the trumpet in zion and to sound the alarm and say is there anyone in this place that says i don't want to live my life on the shallow end i don't want to live my life never seen god move if you're content you'll stay where you're at if you're okay not seeing god move if you're okay not seeing god heal the sick if you're okay being on the sidelines and living like every other believer around you you will live the rest of your life and some of you can look back on the last five years of your life and said i have not seen god move in my life i've not seen his power displayed in my life and the question has to be what god are you following and what god are you serving if there's nothing supernatural moving in your life and i hate to be the one to break this to you but our god is not in the natural realm our god is a supernatural a spirit god is a spirit and those that worship him must worship in the spirit and so this carnal complacent watered down cater and pander to the pleasures of this world type of church is not in your bible the bible describes a god that is all-knowing that is all-powerful friend you did not come to meet isaiah saldivar you did not come for i so i can pray for you you were drawn here by the spirit and by the power of oh come on somebody help me you all are making me work for this tonight you were drawn by the spirit because the bible says nobody comes unless the spirit draws him you thought you came to meet isaiah friend i can't save anybody the only thing i've ever saved is 100 a month by switching to geico you did not come so that i can save you so that i can prophesy over you so that i can encounter you you came because the power of the holy spirit has been wooing you and drawing you and calling you for years you might be a young person in this place tonight and you say god is not exciting god is boring and i came to tell you the counterfeit version of religion that you've seen and the american church is boring and dead but the god of the scriptures is alive and alive evermore and the holy ghost wants to encounter you he wants to deliver you he wants to set you free he wants to put his spirit on come on where are you at chat type one in the chat he wants to put his spirit on the inside of you so that you can do the works that jesus did and even greater jesus said the holy ghost is going to take over my role on the earth so i gotta go and everyone goes jesus what are we gonna do when you're god how will the sick get healed how will demons get driven out how will the gospel be preached who's gonna disciple us who are we going to follow we've laid everything down to follow after you we've laid everything down to serve you peter said where would we go when the thousand left you are the one with the words of eternal life jesus we have already tried drugs we've already tried drinking we've already tried sex and parting and fornicating and nothing that we did made us eternally feel alive and you are the only one in our lives and i get emotional talking about this that when you open up your mouth and speak something deep down on the inside of me it comes alive drugs could not do this to me alcohol could not do this to me we are not drunk tonight as you suppose it is the power of the holy spirit that is alive i wonder if you know who this holy spirit is i wonder if you know the god that i'm talking about i remember the night i got saved 19 years old atheist sitting in the back of a building that seats 5 000 people and the preacher got up and said some of you after your encounter tonight god will be the first thing that you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about before you go to bed and as an atheist i sat in the back and i laughed about what he said because i was so addicted to girls and lost and the porn and the drinking and everything else i thought in my mind in that moment the first thing i think about when i wake up is sleeping around the last thing i think about before i go to bed and sleeping around and this preacher up there has lost his mind if he thinks that god is going to be my obsession and my addiction little did i know that i was 30 minutes away from an appointment that was on the calendar of god see i didn't realize that god had my name on a calendar and it was the unfolding of time that had to unravel till i met my appointed time by kairos moment i encountered god and friend 10 years later and i came to tell you that holy ghost and god is not a season you go through in your teenage years you will not grow out of this in jesus name you will not go back in jesus name you will not lose the fire i come against every religious demon i come against every religious lie that says you're gonna burn out and i say you're gonna burn harder for the honor and the glory of god baby you haven't even scratched the surface of all that god has for you ten years later i am obsessed i am addicted i'm addicted to the presence of god i want you to think about the worst drug addict alcoholic person you've ever met times it by a thousand and that is isaiah saldivar when it comes to the power and the presence of god david said it like this as a dear pants for water so my soul thirsts for your presence david's painting a picture of a deer that just went 30 miles and hasn't drank and it's panting looking for somewhere to find something to drink and i don't know if you know if the deer doesn't find the water it's going to die and david said like that wandering deer that starving craving can't survive without the water he goes that is how my soul is about the presence of god he goes when i wake up i'm longing for you god when i go to bed i'm longing for you god you own the real estate of my mind am i at the right place come on somebody needs to help me in this catholic church you own every part of me where will i go to escape your presence oh god it doesn't matter what party you go to from this moment on jehovah stalker is going to haunt you every single moment you're going to go to the party and the high's not going to be there you're going to go to drink to drink five of the four lokos or white claws later and there's no buzz because you've walked away from the only thing that can bring you life friend a relationship with the holy spirit is the only thing that's going to fill your void and you have come to a river tonight not of religion but of revival and some of you are looking at me like you have no clue what i'm talking about you haven't met him before you haven't met him before if there's no passion in you you haven't met him before if you're not excited you haven't met him before if there's not a hunger in you something that gets you out of bed and get you up out of your bed get you drives you to the place of prayer if there's nothing driving you to the secret place you haven't met him before if there's not something in you when you're around people and they're all gossiping and there's a pain on in your stomach a deep turning because you're grieved the holy ghost in you is grieved friend you know that you can make him sad you know that you can quench him and you can grieve him and i'm afraid that we've normalized grieving the holy spirit oh you didn't hear me tonight i'm afraid that we've normalized quenching the holy spirit and now it is more normal to feel the grieving of the holy spirit than it is to hear the voice of the holy spirit and now we live our lives with anxiety and depression thank you brother and fear and all these things and we say it's normal and the holy ghost lives in us grieved because he says i am longing to deliver you from every bondage of darkness that i want to drive out every demonic spirit that has gotten in the way of you and the place of prayer that's gone in the way of you in worship the devil wants to stop you from what i'm preaching about tonight he wants to stop you why is it i could watch netflix for six hours and feel zero resistance spiritually why is i can tick-tock my life away and not feel anything i feel no distractions i mean y'all you can sit on don't even lie don't make me pull up your screen time you could sit there for five hours tick tock watch a thousand videos and be like oh my gosh i thought it was three o'clock at seven o'clock and there's no resistance no distraction no one texting you you could sit on netflix on the seventh season of whatever it is you watch on netflix and there's no distraction it's so easy and the moment that you try to get into the secret place the moment that you try to get into prayer it is an all-out battle because the devil wants you to be disconnected from the person of the holy spirit now the devil does not mind you going to church he goes to church all right y'all didn't hear that go ahead and tweet it i don't have a twitter but go ahead and tweet it to my old account the devil does not mind you worshiping god as long as you don't live for god how do you know because when moses went to pharaoh and said i'm getting ready to leave this bondage egypt represent the world pharaoh said i don't mind you going just make sure when you go you come right back i don't mind you going as long as you go just don't take the kids i don't mind you going as long as you go don't take the sacrifice i don't mind you going out moses do your little worship thing on sunday play your little religious christian game as long as you're not fully and you listen again this is not for the lukewarm it's like this is legalism you came to the wrong place tonight our problem is not legalism our problem is carnality and worldliness we have still fallen in love with egypt and we worship and we still stay in the world and we give god our leftovers the rest of us instead of the best of us and we give god a half-hearted a half-committed a 30 minute once a day and don't make me make you think about your actual life and then we walk in here with this illusion that we're some radical men and women of god when in reality our everyday life which is what god is concerned about he did not save you to change what you do on wednesday night or on sunday morning he said i want to consume every part of you i want you to lay your life on the altar as a living sacrifice i want you to die to self and to pick up your cross i'm not going to follow you you're following me come on jesus you can come with me to work you can come with me to school you can come watch netflix with me you can tick-tock your life away with me and god says i'm leaving this relationship because i am uninterested and you being the leader in this relationship i am god not you and when we live our lives trying to lead what god is doing and trying to lead the holy spirit the holy spirit stops moving in our life and friend i want to tell you that our god is a thousand times more jealous than your ex-boyfriend ex-girlfriend ex-fiance whatever x you had every time you were texting somebody who are you texting what are you doing i'm sleeping and you wake up to every every night you wake up to that time where are you at who are you i'm texting my sister i mean just jealous overbearing and god says i'm a thousand times that i am jealous for your affection i am jealous for your time i am jealous for your energy do you know god's name is jealous he's a jealous jealousy the bible calls him that he's not a god that is willing to do with the different jesus which is a fake god the american church is made you can go read your bible paul talks about it that we've worshipped in the church that says you can give god a part of you and live the rest of your life like the devil detached from the things of god our god is in all consuming fire he said i want to consume every single part of you i want your mind your will your emotions your energy your time your efforts your passion your pleasure i want to become an obsession in your life again this is not for the lukewarm this is just too much brother and it is too much for those of you that want to do nothing for god do you do you understand that the media has counted out our generation you understand that anchors and news people and this person in churches and celebrities have said that we are they've said this about us we are the most wicked we are the most worldly we are the most unruly we are a lawless generation they said we are a slothful generation they said we are a haughty generation we are a generation that is addicted to everything we get involved in and the enemy has spoken death over this generation he has counted this generation out and if you're wondering why i'm shouting and so passionate it's because when i look around i see that there is hope for this generation that the enemy might be pouring out his spirit but god said i am also pouring out my spirit i'm pouring out my spirit on young people i'm pouring out my spirit on old people i am releasing the power of the holy ghost and i say tonight the fire and the power of the holy ghost is going to consume every part of you are you consumed are you consumed what is consuming your life tonight are you driven you know over and over the bible tells us if you never want to stumble which i don't know if you don't know this but the bible tells us there's a way to never stumble and that's to be self-controlled if you read first peter 4 peter says the devil is searching for someone to eat and the only thing that will prevent the devil from devouring you is that if you are sober which in the greek means self-controlled over and over and over the bible speaks about being able to control your obsessions and your addictions and we've allowed demonic spirits okay i'm at the right place i don't have to apologize for preaching the word to drive us and to motivate us and now we are no longer driven by the holy spirit but we are driven by demonic spirit and we give into the lust of the flesh which paul says that drag us away and entice us and tempt us to do wrong jesus said i'm leaving the earth now but i'm going to give you something that's going to take over the role that i had in your life so the way that i discipled you i'm sending you something to disciple you the way that i healed the sick i'm sending you something so that you can heal the sick the way that i drove out devils it was by the finger the power the holy ghost i'm sending you something and when i leave this guy who's a person is going to come into you and is going to empower you and is going to consume you and you are going to be a flesh vessel paul said i want to do it but i can't he goes i am fully 100 not 99.9 friend listen if you are 99.9 in tonight you are not a christian you are not a follower christ because the bible says you're either all in or you are all out there is no place for lukewarm there's no side lane there's no carpool lane there's no extra road there is a broad road and there is a narrow road and the holy spirit says when i take over your life i am the driving force in your life you lose your appetite for likes clicks shares and followers you lose your appetite for spending hours and hours distracted by social media god becomes your priority and you get so unstoppable you get laser beam focused for the things of god it's what you think about when you wake up it's what you think about in the afternoon okay someone does not know what i'm talking about it is a holy addiction to the presence of god and you go like a deer longs for water something's driving me to pray we have a whole type of issue in the church because we're trying to beg people to do what they should already want to do [Applause] if i have to beg you to pray if i have to beg you to read if i have to beg you to fast if i have to beg you to get involved and laying hands on the sick driving out demons preaching the gospel making disciples water baptizing which are all the basic things every christian is called to do if i have to beg you to do all things the problem is that you're not doing them the problem is you have no desire to do them and what the holy spirit specializes in is actually changing your appetite is actually changing your desire to get the body of christ off of junk food and to show you that there is a higher pleasure so i mean oh god's boring the god you serve is because we're serving a counterfeit jesus a counterfeit god a god that doesn't heal the sick a god that doesn't raise the dead a god that doesn't drive out demons but friend i'm telling you that tonight god has sent his spirit in this place we don't have to beg for it we don't have to strive for it he's released it upon you so that there would be such a fire on the inside of you i'm going to preach to this side over here then besides let me just preach to the internet because y'all aren't listening tonight there would be such a passion on the inside of you i'm going to preach to myself there would be a praise on the inside of me that you would say there's no demon that could separate me there's no spirit that could stop me there's no vice that can grip me i'm getting free once and for all i am tired of being a slave to sin and it's not normal it's not normal pastor vlad i'm going to say something people aren't going to agree with it's not normal to be anxious it's not nor it's not normal i wish somebody would would have been would have been afraid i wish pastors wouldn't get up here and say oh brother it's no big deal if you're depressed we all go through it if you're anxious we all go through it i don't understand why pastors and leaders are so wimps in the church today that we're talking people out of what the bible talks us into i have preacher friends i listen i'm going what are you doing you're trying to convince people why they don't need to get free you're convincing people why they don't need to get healed you're trying to talk out what god has already called us to do you don't need the greek and hebrew to know that you've been called to establish god's government on the earth you don't need the greek and hebrew to know that alcohol is not for the believer you don't need a verse to tell you marijuana is wrong you don't need a verse to tell you that spending six hours a day on tick tock or instagram is giving away your destiny all you need is the conviction and the power of the holy ghost in your life and you will start realizing i'm not bearing fruit because i don't have a relationship jeremiah too he said shout this message to israel okay i know a lot of you looking again this shouting thing is not biblical she said shout this message to israel that i remember you as a bride long ago when you went after me even through the barren wilderness god says that there was a point in your life where there was a passion a hunger and a desire where you did not wait for god to wake you up you did not wait for god to release gold thus on you you did not wait for the altar call he said but there was a longing in you and i want you to shout this because when i tell the prophets to shout it's to wake the people up the reason why alarm clocks are annoying loud and repetitive and that's a perfect description of me are because their assignment is not to be friends with you or to not entertain you they're designed to wake you up i am not shouting because you can't hear me i'm shouting to wake somebody up somebody is getting ready to wake up tonight somebody's eyes are getting ready to open up somebody needs to stop being so petty and hear the call of god to you tonight [Music] says i remember you this is the worst thing god could ever tell a person i remember you where where are you adam where where's the passion gone where's the praise gone when you first got married to me and we first met at that altar and you don't understand the altar is the altar and you encountered me and you married me and you connected to me and like my sister here got saved to the party and she comes at 5am prayer she's up all night on friday night and she went from drinking and partying on friday nights to going out onto prayer meetings on friday night and i know my sister who testified says i don't even know how this happened how did i go from drinking and parting and smoking to all my prayer meetings i'll tell you what happened she married somebody that was better than every other lover she married somebody that was better than marijuana that was better than alcohol that was better than sex and his name is jesus and when you go off for the fire of the holy ghost when you get connected to jesus you're not out prostituting yourself out just keep it loud keep it loud you know the bible you know the bible says a professional prostitute can learn something from the children of israel god said yeah professional prostitutes can learn from you guys because you fall in love with everything that passes you by you're constantly getting into every little new fad and listen i'm a nerd i'm on tick tock and instagram and facebook and all i'm not preaching against technology i'm letting you know that when technology takes the place of god and you spend your life worshipping idols made by man you're in dangerous territory he said i remember the time see as i was preparing i had this whole message and the lord said isaiah i want you to call them back those that have traveled in those that are in the overflow the thousand that are watching online he said tonight i am calling my church back to that place where they went after me in the wilderness do you remember the time where you were obsessed with the holy ghost do you remember the time where he was all you thought about where he was all you dreamed about were you at vision and dream he said i remember you even in the barren wilderness when you went after me when nothing was working out you went after me when i was all you had friend i come to tears thinking about pastor vlad the moments i had when i first got saved i was i was so excited to leave the prayer meeting so that i can get home and get in my bed and be alone with god and pray and cry out and seek the lord i remember moments do you know what i'm talking about where you can't wait to get out of the service so that you can get in his service where you can't wait to get a loan where there is a holy expectation some of you you don't even remember what it's like to have on wonder where you go to god and you say god what are you going to do in my life today that there is a daily word a rhema daily bread every single day according to your bible god says i want to speak to you why am i not speaking to you because you're not willing to open up my word and let the word come alive because we'll open up every app and every culture and everything and worship the idols that have been made by men and they these are all friends listen very close a distraction from the enemy to get your head down so that you're not recognizing what is going on in the spiritual realm there is a fight of the of eternity for our generation the devil is working overtime to fight for our generation and god is looking for ambassadors that he could fill with his spirit so that they would overthrow satan's kingdom do you know the bible says god is looking for something tonight second chronicles i believe it's uh 19 or 16 or 16 9 16 9 it says in the eyes of the lord are searching to and fro throughout the earth who's looking to show himself strong on behalf of somebody that is fully committed god said i'm looking for one or two people that i could show myself my power and my spirit strong in their life but i need you to be fully committed i can't pour my spirit on you if you're already committed to other lovers if you're already in relationship i'm not going to share you now the devil's he's okay with sharing you he's okay with sharing you with instagram and tic talking facebook and netflix and hulu and boyfriend and girlfriend and this and that and your dog obsession your cat obsession your job obsession your college obsession and we're just obsessed with every other little trinket and we live our lives and i'm telling you friend i blinked i was 16 years old i blinked and i'm about to turn 30 year old 30 years old i have four kids and i'm going to blink again and i'm going to be 55 and i'm going to blink again and i'm going to be 70. that is why the bible says that your life is fleeting i know you're young right now you think oh no i got time and life goes slow friend your life right now as i preach every minute is passing you by it's running from you it's fleeting and you're trying to hang on i look at my kids i have a six-year-old a four-year-old a two-year-old and a newborn and i'm going how how are you six where did you come from ask my wife she's in the chat every single day we're like where did these kids come from we literally wake up in the morning all four of them piled on us like where did you all come from i don't remember paying for any of your medical bills i don't remember going i don't remember none of that tell me i don't remember why because my life is fleeting it's passing me by i'm the most valuable resource i have especially hear me as you're young i wish somebody would have told me this is the time and the energy and the effort i'm spending everybody is spending 24 hours every day on something and we have to begin to ask ourselves where are we spending the most valuable resource we have now don't look at me and say oh brother isaiah i'm just too busy to pray i'm just too busy to cast out demons i'm just too busy to heal the sick i'm just too busy to disciple people because everybody has 168 hours you don't have less time than i have it's all about how are you managing the time that god gave you you are a product of your priorities now you might sit here okay i gotta look down so i don't offend you too bad here let me just look at the internet here look at preaching myself here you might sit here and say i don't have time to drive out demons you don't have time because you don't make time that's why you don't cast out demons not because you don't have teaching pastor vlad has over 100 hours i have over 100 hours not because you don't have man of god in your life that are teaching you and training you and equipping you and releasing you by the way i don't know where we got this doctrine that you have to wait till you're 18 and you have to wait till you go through bible college and you have to wait though you go through interim friend i want to tell you peter of the holy ghost in 15 minutes 3 000 got saved he had the holy spirit for 15 minutes i don't care how old you are i don't care how you look at yourself there is no junior holy ghost the same oh i wish i was preaching to somebody the same spirit that raised christ is alive on the inside of you and isaiah saldivar is giving you permission to wreak havoc on satan's kingdom where are you spending your time and energy you are a product of your priorities because every one of us can look at our screen time right now and realize you know one day god showed me god says hey do you know your phone's going to testify against you on judgment day when you're standing before the judgment seat of christ and you say god i just didn't have time to get right with you i just didn't have time to serve you i just didn't have time to get involved in deliverance and miracles and signs and wonders and the supernatural life the fun life god has called i just didn't have time to live holy and to live right and to turn this off and and god's gonna say let's let's let's ask for the second witness to take the stand and your little iphone or if you're not saved your android is gonna pop up there on the witness stand and god is gonna say okay let's see did they have time and your iphone your social media your technology is going to testify against you on judgment day and going to reveal to you that you had energy you had effort you had time and you had resources to do everything god has called you to do i came to tell you tonight that you've been given all things pertaining to life and godliness that everything that god has put on the inside of you is enough to do what god has called you to do and i don't know about you but tonight i am here saying i am done making excuses i am ready to say god i'm going to throw all my time on you i'm going to throw all my energy on you i'm going to throw all my passion on you i'm going to throw all my praise on you i'm going to sacrifice if the bible says god requires sacrifice how could we sacrifice if we don't have animals to give how could we sacrifice if we're young people we don't have money to give god says i'm looking for sacrifice what is the greatest thing we can sacrifice is our energy and our time the bible says present your body present your life present what you have as a living sacrifice to god and in fact if you look in malachi chapter 1 this was the problem because god comes to the people and god says a father a son honors his father he says and a servant honors his master and god says if i'm your master and your father which if you don't know god is he's telling the people he said why does the lord not get the honor respect and the holiness that he deserves you've defiled my altars that people respond like you're responding to me tonight how have we defiled the altars isaiah why do you keep saying we've strayed away and we've left our first love he said you've defiled the altars by doing this by bringing me sacrifices and offerings that are lame and that are blind he said try giving these things to your governor and see if he was happy in other words god was saying you give me your leftovers you give instagram tick tock facebook netflix hulu your boss i'm not just talking to me i'm talking everything your music your college degree your dream job your boyfriend your girlfriend i'll hang up first you hang up first all hang up first you hang over and you're all night long fall asleep you wake up soaking wet and sweat cause the phone burned a hole in your cheek and god says you've given everything to everybody else and then you come to me and god goes that that's what you're giving me you're giving me 30 minutes on sunday morning 168 hours and god says an hour and a half i'm not a mathematician but that's less than one percent and god says that's what you're giving me and then i love what god says pastor vlad he says try giving that to your boss he goes try giving that to your boyfriend try giving that to your tick tock and your governor and your governor would say this is pathetic i teach people how to lose their job all the time i say you want to know the best way to lose your job treat your boss for three days the way you treat god and you'll be fired in three days why because we treat god with such contempt we've defiled the altar of god and we don't realize that god is not requiring us and praise the lord he's not requiring us to bring a ram and to bring a lamb and to bring an animal and he said you guys are looking at the grand scheme the sacrifices and you're looking at everything in your life and you go i'll take the blind lamb to give to god i'll take the lamb that's crippled that can't talk i'll give the least amount possible i'm not going to not sacrifice and here's where the enemy plays because the devil says oh you're fine you're sacrificing you show up on wednesday night you show up on friday night prayer you show up on your sunday morning and most people in america 95 plus only go to church on sunday not because they're christian or they want to know god and so that they can give god a blind animal and live the rest of their week with a seared conscience justified because well i brought god an offering so don't ask anything for more from me now can i go to heaven and do that you might go to heaven paul says you might barely make it and escape the flames but tonight we're not talking to people that are barely trying to sneak through the back door of heaven i want to be bold on the day of judgment i want there to be a grand entrance when i stand on judgment day the bible says those that do the will of god get a grand entrance on judgment day i mean imagine being on judgment day and you're wondering if you're getting in why would i wonder because you're going to be standing next to the apostle paul paul's going to be behind you in line and you're going to say oh how are you what's your name because we all will stand before that great white throne judgment friend and everybody will get judged the living and the dead and you're going to stand and go oh what's your name oh my name's paul and you're going to say paul like the oh yeah the apostle paul was around and you know 30 18 you know i i was one that walked and you know i had an encounter on the demand road damascus yeah no big deal you shipwrecked stone did this did and starts telling you all the stuff he did in his life and right there about to get judged and paul goes what's your name uh i'm i'm debbie oh what did you do what's your story i went to church on sunday paul says oh you you weren't a christian no no i was oh tell me some of your stories of the miracles the fire the power evangelism signs and wonders meeting home to home breaking bread making disciples baptizing those water baptizing baptizing in the holy ghost the persecution tell me some of your stories i'd love to hear because paul says do you know we were dying to have what you had when you were alive in 2021 that means you got to fully experience the power and the outpouring of the holy spirit and you got to walk in the power of god in 2020 and you had technology wait a minute you're telling me that i could have instead of going on a ship getting shipwrecked hanging on a piece of wood ending up on you're telling me all you had to do i spent weeks on donkeys and all you had to do was open up a device and look at a camera and you could preach the foul wait you're telling me you could just wait thousands are gonna see you preach and you're telling me you had the ability to network wait a minute you you were able to live stream people from india and africa were watching you preach and you didn't even have to go on a boat to get there and paul says tell me what you did with all the power you hadn't you had no persecution nobody broke into your home ever you you had a bible and you bought it after christian book wait a minute what are you are you joking me please i can't wait to hear your story you had access to bibles no persecution nobody making fun of you were able to go to work and share your faith and you were able to preach and you had power to drive a deal tell me some stories about demons i love the demon stories paul says tell me some of the demons that you drew about i mean we dealt with lameness and blindness and deafness and one time there was a little girl everyone told me not to mess with her in acts 16 but she had a spirit of divination and after a few days everyone thought she was innocent and leave the little girl lone paul christians can't have demons but then you know i had to drive that demon out of her it took me about an hour according to the bible but it took me about an hour i finally got that stubborn spirit out and you won't believe this she was a slave for all these fortune tellers and they actually put me in prison and beat me naked because i did deliverance on a child can you believe that and then they sent me off to uh and tell me your stories and you go i don't have any stories i never healed the sick i never cast out demons at least just what about your prayer life i mean you could you prayed in the holy ghost right first corinthians 14 you prayed mysteries to god i prayed more than anybody by the way i don't know if you read about that i prayed more so how much time did you spend praying well i did it once in a while at service and for about 10 minutes before the preacher got up they'd all say everybody pray in the holy ghost and but i didn't really i didn't really have a relationship and paul says wait a minute so you don't know him then you don't you don't know him no who you don't know the guy you're about to be judged on judgment day you don't know the holy spirit you don't know jesus you don't know the father well i know i know of them i mean my pastor got up and would tell us every week about them and you know you had access and that he's not your moses and you can go to the mountain yourself and the veil has been torn and paul says yet every day in your life you didn't apply what you heard so you've been living in deception this whole time because the bible says if you hear the word but don't do the word you're deceiving yourself and the spirit of deception is in your life because you keep hearing isaiah preach it preach it preach it preach it preach it isaiah is not jesus he's not moses he's pointing you to the father and you never god in the secret place so tell me then what did you do well i had a facebook group i was on the youtube chat and i was in the zoom call and i went to service on sunday and some of the real radical ones went to wednesday but i had nothing in my life worthy of the sacrifice friend i came to tell you that jesus did not die on a cross so that you can warm a chair and worship the things of this world but the one that knew no sin became sin laid his life down for you and that is why paul says to evaluate yourself to see if you're even in the faith paul said ii corinthians examine yourself don't let isaiah do it examine yourself because it's possible according to paul don't get mad at me get mad at your bible if the kitchen's too hot then just get out he says examine yourself and to see if you're even in the faith why would i do that because it's possible to think you are and not be so he said i want you to look at your energy look at your passions look at your affection look at your time because what he's going to say in jeremiah chapter 2 is god is going to say the reason why you've left your first love is because you found something wrong with me you found something you didn't like about me and so you began to pursue other lovers and this is what he says in jeremiah too i know what time it is praise the lord i travel farther than you he said this about in jeremiah chapter two he said what did your ancestors find wrong with me that caused them to worship idols and become worthless when they worship the idols god was saying somewhere in your life everybody listen to me closely watching online type one in the chat he said somewhere in your life you found something wrong with our relationship you said god takes too much to my time god takes too much of my energy and now you got a boyfriend and now you got a girlfriend and now you bought a house and now you bought a car friend i came to tell you that getting married buying cars buying houses have killed more destinies than heroin have killed more destinies than cocaine have killed more destinies than pornography the bible does not say pornography stop them from coming to the wedding banquet it does not say heroin stop them from the wedding banquet it does not say witchcraft stop them it says the pleasures of life i just bought a donkey i just got married and i just bought property and i'm not willing to do the to serve the god that isaiah is preaching about because there's too many good things in my life stopping me from the god things and you know this is true because you fell out of love when you fell in love with him and you know what you lied about you lied to yourself saying it's just the season i'm going through god understands what i'm going through god is jealous he doesn't understand what you're going through you cannot tell your boyfriend i know it looks bad i know it looks bad i was at dinner with another guy on our anniversary and your cousin was at the restaurant and saw me but let me just explain i'm going through a season just a season pastor vlad of me cheating on you but don't worry after a while once i get married to the guy i get the house i get the car i get the boat i settle down the 401k gets put and the roth ira and everything's worked out in my life and i have everything i want then i'll go back to serving god at that high level i'll go back to serving god i'll be passionate about prayer again it's getting quiet in here i'll be passionate about worship again i'll be passionate about fasting again and god says you cannot pick and choose when you want to know me when do you want to worship me so if i'm not worshiping and serving at that level what's wrong with god is it because he didn't deliver you that you're mad he didn't heal you he didn't save that man or woman of god imagine john the baptist in luke chapter 7 who's disappointed because he's about to die and jesus will not come rescue him and what does john the baptist do he does what many of us done and give me five pentecostal minutes he does what many of us have done in this room he begins to doubt the validity the power and the authority of jesus and the same man that just got done baptizing jesus is a couple chapters later saying i don't really know if he's the one the one that said behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world is now doubting who jesus says he is because of a little disappointment in his life and jesus if you really were my cousin and you really were the son of god you would come and rescue me out of this prison and jesus says john what you have to understand is that my ways are not your ways and you have to decrease get off the scene so that i could get on the scene i have to show up and take over your ministry and fulfill the prophecy and so john sends his disciples to jesus and says go ask him if he's the one go ask him after i saw the holy spirit the dove the voice from heaven i baptized the guy i'm the one that declared this is the guy i've been preparing who sandals i'm unworthy to untie now he's in a prison like many of us tonight of doubt and unbelief and say go confirm he is who he says he is or should we keep looking for something else and the bible says that they go to jesus and they say we're real embarrassed about this but your cousin john has lost his mind and he wants to know if you really are the son of god notice jesus did not quote scripture and did not quote the old testament the bible says in that very moment the sick were healed demons were driven out the blind received their sight and the death heard and jesus responds with go and tell him not what you read about in the bible but go and tell him what you've seen and heard that the blind see that the deaf hear that demons go out because these encounters and these experiences prove jesus is who he said he is now i know you've heard preachers say experiences are don't matter you're wrong experiences do matter spiritual experiences are the backbone to our faith our god is not a god that can't be experienced our god is a god that is longing now here's the reason why this preaching that says you can't encounter or experience god is damaging because you will hide behind false theology that says there's no such thing as encountering god and you'll never have a desire to earnestly desire the spiritual gifts the bible says god gives you'll never have a desire tonight to say lord i know you want to heal me i know you want to deliver me here see expectation is the breeding ground for miracles and when preachers say it's not about experiences they remove your expectation therefore removing your ability to receive the miracle jesus said tell them what you've experienced because that's going to prove i am who i said so now we're here in 2021 february 24th and our generation does not believe in god and i'm going to tell you why because we've lacked in the area of experiences and we've been unable to heal the sick we've been unable to cast out demons we've been unable that's why all your friends said god's not real god's fake and then you showed him pastor vlad's tick-tock or he's casting out demons and they said wow i want to go to your church because there's a drawing to the supernatural the world in our generation is drawn to the supernatural they're drawn to divination in psychics and astrology and levitating in pendulums and talking to fire and reading charts and horoscopes and india and they're just infatuated and obsessed with these things and they come to the church and the world i'm sorry the church is only giving them junk food and carnal preaching and that's the definition according to jeremiah of a false prophet and so they leave the church and they go get what they what they were made to desire in the world the bible says in moses and and uh was doing signs and wonders put his staff down it became a snake you know what the bible says it says and pharaoh's magicians threw their staffs down and their staffs became snake and so all of a sudden moses called frogs and pharaoh's magicians called frogs moses turned water into blood and the bible says and pharaoh's magicians turned water into blood and then it got to a place where the counterfeit the witchcraft black magic power could no longer stand up to the things of god and let me show you what the bible says the black magic magicians says they're doing these things by the finger of god does the enemy have power yes but he doesn't have all power and the bible says the snake of moses swallowed up the snake of the magicians because god's power is has authority to demolish and to swallow up every demonic force let's get the worship team up and i put on notice today every spirit of witchcraft every power of darkness you are defeated by the blood of jesus you are defeated by the hand of god the devil's been counterfeiting for years he gives us a counterfeit divination psychics palm readers i deal with people almost every weekend that are involved in this i dealt with someone recently spending thousands of dollars i can't tell you stories because you'll send chills down your back of the demons this person 30 foot tall demons this person was telepathically talking to these demons were coming into him i'm talking about high level high level high level and i'll tell you right now all the stuff this is real all the divination all the illuminati all the witchcraft all the stuff of people levitating and telepath all of it is real it's a counterfeit version of the power of god the spirit of divination which is gaining knowledge through a demon in the spiritual realm is a counterfeit version of the word of knowledge you have to understand that the devil did not originate supernatural powers god did and when the church doesn't flow and walk in it the world is drawn to this and friend i am telling you right now that there is a revival happening in the new age movement there is a revival happening in witchcraft and sorcery i'm gonna tell you why because the people i'm dealing with pastor vlad they're getting cancer depression anxiety lady gaga's documentary she said she met the devil at a bar before anyone knew her signed a contract with him and from that moment on she struggled with depression anxiety fibromyalgia everything else because remember pharaoh's magicians after moses was putting plagues on them the bible says he made frogs appear the magicians also made frogs appear wait a minute why are these magicians adding to the curse and adding to the problem because magic witchcraft and sorcery it promises you freedom but it only adds to the plagues that are already there and it all damages and causes fragments and brings anxiety and depression i've sat with millionaires and they said isaiah i'm angry i'm depressed i'm empty i'm broken i have spirits i need freedom and my question is this let me just leave with this because i'm still in my intro and we're an hour in but let me just leave you with this this pandemic is starting to get to end things are beginning to open up and god begin to show me when these people in america let's forget about all the people watching from the world when these people begin to come out of their homes like zombies friend if you don't know this depression anxiety suicide rape molestation alcohol is at and my family is all law enforcement it is at an all-time high when i say alter my i mean the jails are busting at the seams of people doing the most heinous things to people in their home because the world has been locked in a home for years and has had no one to free them the lord began to show me where is the army that when these people like zombies come out of their homes have been year a year in addiction a year in depression a year in anxiety where is the army tonight where are the men and the women of god that say i am going all in for god i'm going to be a special forces spiritual sniper and i'm going to get trained and equipped for what god has for me so why is deliverance breaking out like never before why stuff we've been preaching for years pastor vlad me people like alexander pagani shout out who's watching why is this stuff now becoming mainstream why is now all these people friend i'm getting hundreds of pastors messaging me that have never even been interested in doing deliverance are like god is telling me i need to start casting it god is telling me i'm gonna start training i had a pastor just as last week hundreds of thousands of followers is literally preaching all my content i said praise the lord here you can have my notes because they're starting to open up their eyes to the fact that the church is failing at helping the world and helping their needs we need the army of god to rise up but how could we be delivering others if we're not delivered ourselves now can you cast a demon out and have a demon absolutely we know you can i've seen people do all the time it's not i'm not saying you have to be fully delivered before you try to deliverance but what i am saying is how could the church who's in the same bondage that the world and if we're addicted friend listen if we're spending the same amount of time on the phone and on the tv as the world is how are we going to set them free how are we going to be an example how are we going to be a light if our light is dim it is time for the body of christ i hope you hear the trumpet tonight to understand that there is coming a day to be absent from the body is to be present with the lord where god is going to judge the secrets of every man and that every one of us must take account on judgment day isaiah why don't you give a rip about what pastors think about you why don't you care why are you just so veins popping out sweating running around and stepping in front of churches of 2000 members say oh we're all lukewarm here we're all going to go to hell if we don't repent how could you do that because i'm not accountable to the pastor i'm not going to go in pastor vlad's office after and him say i just want to tell you what you i'm not accountable i'm going to lay my head on my hotel room tonight and i'm going to have to answer to one person the one that is seated high and lifted up on a throat and i'm gonna have to be responsible did i do with what what i was called to do you are not accountable to your boyfriend your girlfriend to your parents to a pastor to a leader you are accountable to the holy ghost and god is saying what are you doing without what i've given you well isaiah i'm only 18 i'm glad you learned this now because here's the sad reality tonight and i won't point anybody out i have no glasses on so you all look like spongebob to me okay here's the sad reality i can't see any of you by the way there's people in this room that are in their 70s and 80s that are just finding out about god i saw one in my stream last night pastor i'm 78 years old i love your stuff i'm so glad i'm now learning about casting out demons and healing the second prayer i spent my whole life in church never heard about any of this friend you have a choice right now in the time of your youth to be like my sister and say god i'm going so hard after you i'm going to make people around me uncomfortable my family is going to call the church and say what did you do to our daughter she doesn't want to drink anymore she doesn't want to smoke anymore i want to spend all night long playing video games she doesn't want to do her tick-tock dances inappropriate things but she wants to go to a prayer meeting we didn't do anything it was the power of the holy ghost it was the fire of the holy ghost it was the anointing of the holy ghost we need a fresh outpouring of the spirit of almighty god we need the power of god here's my prayer tonight i know you guys wanted me to talk about deliverance go on my youtube channel there's my shameless plug god's called me tonight to enlist an army and for you to get a holy obsession with his spirit he's not he's not a mystical thing he's not a blue flame he doesn't hover around the room he is a person that is longing to know you and does not want to share you and listen if you've been giving yourself away to other lovers if you've been worshiping other gods if you've been going out sleeping around i want you to understand that tonight god is saying i remember you and i'm calling you back to this place of passion i'm calling you back to this place of intimacy everything we do is calling it goes back to bringing honor and glory to jesus everything we do is to glorify the son of god tonight is your night he is a holy god and i want you to listen to me very closely all of you in the overflow you did not come to meet me thank you for driving and flying and doing all the crazy stuff you did to get here praise the lord god's gonna reward your hunger i'm not gonna reward your hunger there's nothing special i can do for you i'm not doing a prayer line i am not a god do not grab my shirt do not try to grab the hem of my long sleeve i'm not abraham i'm not moses i can't lead you in here but in the presence of god i have nothing to offer you but the gospel of jesus christ and tonight i don't want you thinking you came here to connect with isaiah and maybe get a shout out and maybe get a number and maybe get recognized you came to connect with the son of almighty god you came to come in contact with the power of the holy ghost i refuse to be idolized i refuse to be exalted and i refuse to be high and lift it up because there's only one high and lifted up so don't let don't let this this two feet stage twist your mentality of what we're doing tonight honestly i could give a rip about these lights praise god they're nice the laser beams and one of them hit me in the eye praise god i love them they're awesome they look cool that does nothing for your spiritual life that that looks cool i like it it looks good online i actually like it i have likes and stuff i think they're awesome you look at my stream i got the lights bright shining cameras all that that does nothing to heal a drug addict that does nothing to deliver a person that's not gonna heal your cancer that light beam is not gonna hit you and you're gonna get healed it is only the power of the holy ghost we are not leaning on performance we are not leaning or worshiping stages this is not a show that we're putting on we are worshiping praising and praying to the audience of one there is one john said that is seated high and lifted up on the throne isaiah said the robe train of his robe temple he is holy is holy he is holy so before i do the altar call i'm going to warn you i'm not doing a prayer line i refuse to have people line up and wait for the man of god to prophesy i will go through along with the prayer team and we will lay hands and people will get delivered and people will get healed and people will get breakthrough and people will get saved and some of you are going to lay that sacrifice of time of energy and effort down on the altar isaiah how do i practically sacrifice to god lay down all the things that have been distracting you from god getting a hold of you but don't come up here thinking i have to have a man of god lay hands on me friend you need to encounter god for you because guess what friend i'm getting on a plane tomorrow afternoon to fly home and it's going to be you and god and to be honest god is not interested in what we do here he's interested in what we do out there he wants you to be obsessed i pray i pray that he would be the first thing you think about for the rest of your life when you get out of bed and he would be the last thing you think about friend i am obsessed is there anything else i had a pastor tell me one time do you talk about anything else about god i mean let it just give it a rest like let's talk about some football i have no other hobbies my hobby is prayer is the word and is preaching the gospel i have nothing else i have no other purpose for living that you're just gonna burn out i will if i don't have intimacy i will if there's no oil but don't tell me i'm gonna burn out because the pastor down the road that spent more time golfing than praying burned out don't tell me i'm gonna burn out when your church is having bingo night we're having prayer meetings you're not going to burn out that's a lie from the devil stop letting religion tell you you can't do this well one day brother you're going to settle down just because you settled down doesn't mean i'm going to settle down 10 years and my veins are popping out more than ever 10 years i'm soaking what more than ever 10 years and i love god i'm obsessed with god right now it is not a honeymoon i don't where are we getting this teaching at this antichrist there's just a honeymoon you're going through you'll get over it you're telling me i'm going to get over god what do i fall in love with in religion i am not getting over this i am obsessed with this man i'm in love tonight if you're in here and you say i say i am ready to lay it all down i'm ready to surrender it all i'm ready to get serious about the things of god come on there's 1500 people on your toe i'm ready to come up out of here come on young people come on young adults you find a place at the altar and you give your body as a sacrifice right now you come up here and say lord heal me lord deliver me lord save me lord bring breakthrough in my life i want to serve you i want to know you i want to encounter
Channel: HungryGeneration
Views: 29,650
Rating: 4.9643068 out of 5
Keywords: healing miracles supernatural today, pastor vlad hungrygen, hungry generation, hungry gen, vladimir savchuk, relationship with Holy Spirit, isaiah saldivar, isaiah saldivar deliverance, isaiah saldivar casting out demons, isaiah saldivar demons, isaiah saldivar testimony, isaiah saldivar supernatural, saldivar, isaiah, revival, revivals, revival fire, revivalists, demons are real, divine healing, pray for revival, pastor vlad, pastor vladimir savchuk, 2021 sermon, 2021 sermons
Id: gp9rLUqg-fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 38sec (3938 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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