Conquering the galaxy as PACIFIST - Is this even possible in Stellaris!?

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Stellaris is releasing a new DLC and quite a big one at that this time around Paradox is focusing on changing the leaders and how they work limiting their number but also increasing their impact and characteristics so Paradox sponsored this video and told me to just make a fun video all right then [Music] I usually like to go on the murder spree but thus it happens the legendary Paragons for which this DLC is named are not available for the hives I love to play so much hmm oh I know how about I try to survive the Galaxy as a complete opposite a vegan cover I mean the password sorry password it's not that hard to say pacifist oh my god what have I become I'll then be playing the Stellar Mahatma Gandhi so then this will be the most boring steel artist video I've ever made but there will be absolutely no fighting yep absolutely none member of this galaxy barrier has performed so then my Empire I dubbed the clampions as I counter homage to my last and by the Devour the Galaxy this time I'll try to be cute and cuddly now let's be frank since I'm not conquering anything like it or not I'll have to build a tall Empire so science all the way I picked the most fitting science perks Civics and Underpants a live-seeded origin to top it off and my Imperial technocracy is ready for business and so here we go we start the game and immediately I jump on any chance to juice up my clamps with as much science as possible so that means yeah I know military is cool but you know what's cooler science Unity could be pretty useful but you know what's more useful science oh yeah eating also is really great and all but you know what's even better science within 10 years I've expanded as far as I can but I couldn't get too far before literally getting shoved into the back seat of this Galactic car between two fat guys and aside from the constant farting they all hate my existence and close borders great I can't even Explore and find other Empires thanks you guys thanks well nothing left but to build up my usual defenses and of course name them correctly now let's see you go through those and funnily enough I didn't have to wait too long because one of them declares war on me God damn it I got no fleets nor armies and the only thing that's guarding my clampy and Bots are these two massive choke points well the war lasts about 10 years and due to my gigantic attack on titan-like walls not a single attack is ever made hey numskull what the hell was the point of this anyways in middle of this I receive a message from my first renowned Paragon who wants to join me and he's a fleet Admiral God damn it does it look like I have a massive military power I'm a damn pacifist here I got to say the changes they made for leaders and how they work the council and overall Buffs and importance of these leaders is absolutely fantastic change over the course of the game setting new agendas and getting them completed helped enormously not to mention to each individual character's own Buffs especially assisted research bonus when you get one of them to reach veteran status and since I'm playing tall I only have a few systems it's boosting me a lot back to the numpty stupid and twiddly Dom now that the war has ended much like the Australian war against emus I got a brief period to finally go beyond my aggressors borders and meet the rest of the Galaxy this is where the galactic filth infiltrates my Empire aside from some what the hell even are you I got the chance to start colonizing the few planets within my borders luckily by this point 50 years in another renowned Paragon wants to join up with me it's another Admiral oh oh one what did the whole galaxy makes you think that I'm a blocked thirsty maniac fair enough well whatever a few years later I get invited to join the Federation yeah that sounds like a good idea that won't come back to bite me 75 years in and finally the tech boom happens now while life is already a leader in Technologies by about 25 percent of my closest competitor now with the extra planets my Empire literally explodes in it and I nearly doubled The Tech score of anyone in the galaxy and then the problems like Little Star Wars porks start popping up the economy yeah I think I went a bit too far with the research Labs but oh come on it's science by the year 93rd renowned Paragon appears and let me guess it's another Admiral isn't it oh no it's a scientist substance abuse oh damn it War has been unjustly declared against us 110 years in the Warrior once more is pointless the idiot who declared it didn't even attack once so this is like the cold war all over again well at least a fourth renowned Paragon approaches me a governor with okay stats it's not great not bad at this point I also take a look at the Galaxy and see oh some kind of Empire is stirring up some problem ain't just a car of uh idiots I guess I have to deal with this now otherwise my friendly Empires will get demolished really come to think of it would it be such a bad idea well skip 20 years and nice [Music] later later I slept around the just the car so hard that it exploded in several smaller Empires wait hold on was that supposed to be a mid-game crisis seriously this well on the bright side I got to abscond with a few territories they cleared out from my neighbors it's all totally legitimate Don't Judge Me by year 150 I pick up a defender of the Galaxy Ascension perk in preparation for the end game crisis so now everyone is my friend my science dong is twice as massive as everyone else's and I'm cruising nicely and then one of my Federation friends declares war on someone yeah that sounds like a good idea that won't come back to bite me so I smack around a few Empires they settle for status quo that's it Federation is going to be good now it wasn't a mistake to take part in it aside from that one instance right skip the year 190 and while I'm dealing with economy one of my Federation members declares war again oh come on come on you Ten Years Later the war again ends with a status quo well anyways at this point my Empire is so powerful and Juiced up on science that nothing can touch me so what else to do uh how about we vesselize everyone I start with smaller Empires and thanks to the wonderful wonderful taxes my economy explodes so you know that means more science but hold on I've researched every technology out there a couple years ago I got the science Nexus and extra habitats for further Empire expansion so hold on did I just beat the game huh well all that's really left is to beat the end game crisis but you know I'll leave that up for you to discover it's been super cool to take a look at the new changes for Solaris they have made and especially the paragons update lots of little quality of life improvements and the new tech too overall I'm still amazed however changing and improving Stellaris is even today so go check out the game and of course the expansion for Paragons all the links down below and of course big thanks to the Paradox for sponsoring this video honestly I really didn't expect to get so massively powerful even before the mid game crisis let alone with pacifists of all things but here you go
Channel: TheYamiks
Views: 8,035
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Keywords: theyamiks, yamiks, the yamiks
Id: NI-V6rw4ZSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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