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negotiator on site [Music] [Music] oh please please you gotta save my little girl wait you're sending an android all right ma'am you need to go you can't do that you why aren't you sending a real person captain allen my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife it's firing at everything that moves it already shot down two of my men we could easily get it but they're on the edge of the balcony if it falls she falls have you tried its deactivation codes the first thing we tried has it experienced an emotional shock recently listen saving that kid is all that matters so after you deal with this [ __ ] android now i'll take care of it [Music] this is hello don't come any closer or i'll jump hi daniel my name is connor how do you know my name i know a lot of things about you i've come to get you out of this i'm an android just like you i know how you're feeling the difference doesn't make if you're an android you're on their side i can't understand how i'm feeling are you armed yes i have a gun drop it no sudden move direction there no more gun they were going to replace you and you became upset that's what happened right i thought i was part of a family i thought i mattered but i was just there toy something to throw away when you're done he's losing blood if we don't get him to a hospital he's going to die all humans die eventually what does it matter if this one dies now i'm going to apply a tourniquet don't touch it touch him and i'd kill you you can't kill me i'm not alive i know you and emma were very close you think she betrayed you but she's done nothing wrong she lied to me i thought she loved me but i was wrong she's just like all the other humans listen i know it's not your fault these emotions you're feeling are just errors in your software no it's not my fault i never wanted this i loved them you know but i was nothing to them just a slave to be ordered around they can't stand that noise anymore tell that helicopter to get out of here you have to trust me daniel let the hostage go and i promise you everything will be fine i want everyone to leave and i want a car when i'm outside the city i'll let her go that's impossible daniel let the girl go and i promise you won't be hurt i don't want to die you're not going to die we're just going to talk nothing will happen to you you have my word okay i trust you [Music] you lied to me connor so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] buy me a drink lieutenant anderson my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife i looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were they said you were probably having a drink nearby i was lucky to find you at the fifth bar what do you want you were assigned a case early this evening a homicide involving a cyber life android in accordance with procedure the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators well i don't need any assistance especially not from a plastic [ __ ] like you just be a good little robot and get the [ __ ] out of here [Music] i understand that some people are not comfortable in the presence of androids but i am perfectly comfortable now back off before i crush it like an empty beer can i'm sorry lieutenant but i must insist my instructions stipulate that i have to accompany you you know where you can stick your instructions no where never mind you know what i'll buy you one for the road what do you say bartender the same again please see that gym wonders of technology make it a double oh [Music] did you say homicide [Music] you wait here whatever you say lieutenant josh douglas for channel 16 can you confirm that this is a homicide i'm not confirming anything they don't tell a [ __ ] androids are not permitted beyond this point it's with me what part is stay in the car didn't you understand your order contradicted my instructions lieutenant you don't talk you don't touch anything and you stay out of my way got it got it even at hank you were starting to think you weren't gonna show yeah that was the plan until his [ __ ] found me so got yourself an android huh oh very funny just tell me what happened well stadius and wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night gonna wait until morning i'd say he's been there for a good three [Music] three weeks we'll know more than the coroner gets here [Music] [Music] door was locked from the inside killer must have gone out this way there are no footprints apart from officer collins size 10 shoes well this happened weeks ago tracks could have faded no this type of soil would retain a trace nobody's been out here for a long time [Music] lieutenant i think i figured out what happened oh yeah shoot i'm all ears it all started [Music] in the kitchen there are obvious signs of a struggle the question is what exactly happened here i think the victim attacked the android with the back that lines up with the evidence come on [Music] the android stabbed the victim so the android was trying to defend itself right okay then what happened the victim fled to the living room [Music] i tried to get away from the android all right that makes sense the android murdered the victim with the knife okay your theory is not totally ridiculous it doesn't tell us where the android went it was damaged by the bat and lost some theory but somewhat ethereum you call it blue blood it's the fluid that powers android's bio components it evaporates after a few hours and becomes invisible to the naked eye but i bet you can still see it can't you correct [Music] [Music] hey hey hey what are you doing with that chair i'm going to check something [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] uh i was just defending myself he was gonna kill me i'm begging you [Music] don't tell him connor what the [ __ ] is going on up there it's here lieutenant oh [ __ ] chris ben get your asses in here now come on why'd you kill him what happened before you took that knife how long were you in the attic why don't you even try to run away say something god damn it [ __ ] it i'm out of here we're wasting our time interrogating a machine we're getting nothing out of it you always try roughing it up a little after all it's not human androids don't feel pain you would only damage it and that wouldn't make it talk deviants also have a tendency to self-destruct when they're in stressful situations okay smartass what should we do then i could try questioning it what do we have to lose go ahead suspect's all yours [Music] [Music] [Music] i detect an instability in your program it can trigger an unpleasant feeling like fear in humans you're damaged your owner do that did he beat you you're accused of murder you know you're not allowed to endanger human life under any circumstances do you have anything to say in your defense if you won't talk i'm going to have to probe your memory no no please don't do that what what are they gonna do to me [Music] they're gonna destroy me aren't they they're going to disassemble you to look for problems in your bio components they have no choice if they want to understand what happened why did you tell them you found me why couldn't you just have left me there i was programmed to hunt deviants like you i just accomplished my mission i don't want to die then talk to me i i can't you're a machine you were designed to obey tell me what happened listen i'm not judging you i'm on your side all i want is the truth confess and i'll protect you i promise i won't let anyone hurt you [Music] he tortured me every day i did whatever he told me but there was always something wrong then one day he took a bat and started hitting me for the first time i felt scared scared he might destroy me scared i might die so i [Music] grabbed a knife and i stabbed him in the stomach i felt better so i stabbed him again and again until he collapsed there was blood everywhere [Music] why did you write i am alive on the wall he used to tell me i was nothing that i was just a piece of plastic i had to write it to tell him he was wrong the sculpture in the bathroom you made it right what does it represent it's an offering an offering so i'll be saved ra9 it was written on the bathroom wall what does it mean the day shall come when we will no longer be slaves no more threats no more humiliation we will be the masters the sculpture was an offering an offering to whom tomorrow only ra9 can save us ra9 who is ra9 why did you hide in the attic instead of running away i didn't know what to do for the first time there was no one there to tell me i was scared so i hid [Music] when did you start feeling emotion before he used to beat me and i never said anything but one day i realized it wasn't fair i felt anger hatred and then i knew what i had to [Music] i'm do [Music] chris lock it up all right let's go leave me alone don't touch me the [ __ ] are you doing move it okay come now don't be difficult and only make things harder no don't touch me oh chris you're gonna move this [ __ ] away i'm trying but it's not moving please you shouldn't touch it it'll self-destruct if it feels threatened stay out of this got it the [ __ ] andrew's gonna tell me what to do you don't understand if it self-destructs we won't get anything out of it i told you to shut your [ __ ] mouth chris gonna move this [ __ ] or what i'm trying i can't let you do that leave it alone now i warned you [ __ ] that's enough mind your own business hank i said that's enough you're not gonna get away with it this time everything is all right it's over now nobody's gonna hurt you please don't touch it let it fall you out of the room and it won't cause any trouble the truth is inside [Music] so so hello amanda connor it's good to see you congratulations connor finding that deviant was far from easy and the way you interrogated it was very clever you've been remarkably efficient connor thank you amanda we've asked the dpd to transfer to us for further study it may teach us something about what happened the interrogation seemed challenging what did you think of the deviant it showed signs of ptsd after being abused by its owner as if its original program had been completely replaced by new instructions this lieutenant anderson has been officially assigned to the deviancy case what do you make of him i think he's irritable and socially challenged but i also think he used to be a good detective he's an intriguing character unfortunately we have no choice but to work with him what do you think is the best approach i will try to establish a friendly relationship if i can get him to trust me it will be helpful for the investigation more and more androids show signs of deviancy there are millions in circulation if they become unstable the consequences will be disastrous you're the most advanced prototype cyber life has ever created if anyone can figure out what's happening it's you you can count on me amanda hurry connor there's little time can i help you i'm here to see lieutenant anderson do you have authorization yes lieutenant anderson hasn't arrived yet but you can wait at his desk you and you come with me excuse me do you know what time lieutenant anderson usually arrives depends on where he was the night before if we're lucky we'll see him before noon thanks hi hindi um [Music] it's good to see you again lieutenant oh jesus hank in my office foreign i've got 10 new cases involving androids on my desk every day we've always had isolated incidents old ladies losing their android mage and that kind of crap but now we're getting reports of assaults and even homicide like that guy last night this isn't just cyber life's problem anymore it's now a criminal investigation and we've got to deal with it before the [ __ ] hits the fan i want you to investigate these cases and see if there's any link why me why do i got to be the one to deal with this [ __ ] i am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case i know jack [ __ ] about androids jeffrey i can barely change the settings on my own phone everybody's overloaded i think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation [ __ ] the truth is nobody wants to investigate these [ __ ] androids and you let me hold the bag cyberlife sent over this android to help with the investigation it's a state-of-the-art prototype it'll act as your partner no [ __ ] way i don't need a partner and certainly not this plastic prank hank you are seriously starting to piss me off you are a police lieutenant you are supposed to do what i say and shut your goddamn mouth you know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you okay okay i'll pretend like i didn't hear that so i don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder cause it already looks like a [ __ ] novel this conversation is over jeffrey jesus christ why are you doing this to me you know how much i hate these [ __ ] things why are you doing this to me listen i've had just about enough of your bitching either you do your job or you hand in your badge now if you'll excuse me i've got work to do i'm very pleased to have joined the team i can assure you i'll do my vlog close the door on your way out have a nice day captain [Music] they're going to destroy me i'm sorry it's not what i wanted but there's nothing i can do i know there's something you didn't tell me i need to know before they take you away the sculpture you made tell me more about it [Music] i'm going to die [Music] so open this up quick hurry i'll call cyberlife bring this mess up [Music] [ __ ] look at that our friend the plastic detective is back in town congratulations on last night very impressive hello my name is connor i've seen android like you before model are you rk 800 i'm a prototype a prototype android detective so machine's gonna replace us all is that it hey bring me a coffee [ __ ] get a move on i'm sorry but i only take orders from lieutenant anderson oh oh if hank hadn't gotten the way yesterday i would have [ __ ] you up for disobeying human stay out of my way cause next time you won't get off so easy i get the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience lieutenant i'd like you to know i'm very sorry about that in any case really i'd like you to know i'm very happy to be working with you i'm sure we'll make a great team now that we're partners it would be great to get to know each other better by cyberlife is there a desk anywhere i could use no one's using that one you have a dog right how do you know that the dog hairs on your chair i like dogs what's your dog's name what's it to you sumo i call him sumo do you listen to knights of the black death i really like that music it's full of energy you listen to heavy metal well i don't really listen to music as such but i'd like to have you known captain fowler for long yeah too long i was wondering do you always arrive at the office at this time i arrive when i arrive stop busting my balls okay if you have any files on deviants i'd like to take a look at them terminals on your desk knack yourself out 243 files first dates back nine months it all started in detroit and quickly spread across the country an ax-400 is reported to have assaulted a man last night that could be a good starting point for our investigation i understand you're facing personal issues lieutenant but you need to move past them and hey don't talk to me like you know me i'm not your friend and i don't need your advice okay i've been assigned this mission lieutenant i didn't come here to wait until you feel like working listen [ __ ] if it was up to me i threw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it so stop pissing me off but things are gonna get nasty lieutenant uh sorry to disturb you i have some information on the ax-400 that attacked the guy last night it's been seen in the ravendale district i'm on it we've got officers sweeping the neighborhood in case anybody saw anything okay well let me know if they turn anything up what are you gonna do with that i have no idea it took the first bus that came along and stayed at the end of the line its decision wasn't planned it was driven by fear androids don't feel fear deviants do they get overwhelmed by their emotions and make irrational decisions well that still doesn't tell us where it went it didn't have a plan and it had nowhere to go maybe it didn't go far baby ralph's not bad no not bad then let us go anybody home there's blue blood on the fence i know another android was here i'm looking for an ax-400 have you seen it i've seen nobody [Music] are there any other androids here other angles no problems alone don't be afraid i'm not gonna hurt you there's blue blood on the fence i know another android was here ralph scratch himself coming through that's ralph's blood is anyone upstairs no nobody run quick girl connor what's going on it's here call it in which way did it go that way they're headed for the train station they're over there don't shoot we need it alive oh [ __ ] that's insane hey where you going i can't let them get away they won't they'll never make it to the other side i can't take that chance now you will get yourself killed do not go after him connor that's an order [Music] [Music] are you okay [Music] hey how you doing hey all right i'm in damn straight hey you won't regret this what is your problem don't you ever do as you're told look you don't have to follow me around like a poodle [Applause] i'm sorry for my behavior back in the police station i didn't mean to be unpleasant oh wow you've even got a brown nose and apology program as it's cyber life thought everything huh here you go ah thanks gary i'm starving i'll leave that thing here oh not a chance follows me everywhere see i don't want to alarm you lieutenant but i think your friends are engaged in illegal activities well everybody does what they have to get by as long as they're not hurting anybody i don't your meal contains 1.4 times the recommended daily intake of calories and twice the cholesterol level you shouldn't this morning when we were chasing those deviants why didn't you want me to cross the highway because you could have been killed and i don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment is there anything you'd like to know about me hell no well yeah um why do they make you look so goofy and give you that weird voice cyber life androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans both my appearance and voice were specifically designed to facilitate my integration well they [ __ ] up can i ask you a personal question lieutenant [Applause] why do you hate android so much i have my reasons maybe i should tell you what we know about deviants you read my mind we believe that a mutation occurs in the software of some androids which can lead to them emulating a human emotion in english please they don't really feel emotions they just get overwhelmed by irrational instructions which can lead to unpredictable behavior emotions always screw everything up the androids aren't as different from us as we thought you ever dealt with deviants before a few months back a deviant was threatening to jump off the roof with the little girl [Applause] i managed to save her i guess you've done all your homework right know everything there is to know about me i know you graduated top of your class you made a name for yourself in several cases and became the youngest lieutenant in detroit i also know you've received several disciplinary warnings in recent years and you spend a lot of time in bars [Applause] so what's your conclusion i think working with an officer with personal issues is an added challenge but adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features i just got a report of a suspected deviant it's a few blocks away you should go have a look i'll be in the car if you need me hey connor you run out of batteries or what i'm sorry i was making a report to cyber life well do you plan on staying in the elevator no i'm coming what do we know about this guy not much just that a neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor nobody's supposed to be living here but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding an led under his cap oh christ if we have to investigate every time somebody hears a strange noise we're gonna need more cops hey were you really making a report back there in the elevator just by closing your eyes correct [ __ ] wish i could do that anybody home open up detroit police stay behind me got it [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] is this ah jesus this place stinks well looks like we came for nothing our man's gone any idea what it means ra9 written 2471 times it's the same sign ortiz's android wrote on the shower wall why are they obsessed with this side [Music] looks like mazes or something it's led is in the sink not surprised it was an android no human could live with all these [ __ ] patients [Music] [Music] bird seed i can't believe it found something i don't know it looks like a notebook but it's indecipherable goddamn [ __ ] pigeons what are you waiting for chase it [Music] look out [Music] so [Applause] holy [ __ ] [Music] hey [Music] look out [Music] [Music] what [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] we had it [ __ ] it's my fault i should have been faster you'd have caught it if it weren't for me that's all right we know what it looks like we'll find it hey gunner nothing hello amanda kyle i've been expecting you would you mind a little walk that deviant seemed to be an intriguing case pity you didn't manage to capture it deviants are completely irrational which makes it difficult to anticipate their behavior but i should have been more effective did you manage to learn anything the walls of the apartment were covered with drawings of labyrinths and other symbols like the other deviants it seemed obsessed with rni what else i found its diary but it was encrypted it may take weeks to decipher you came very close to capturing that deviant how was your relationship with lieutenant development he seemed grateful that i saved his life on the roof he didn't say anything but he expressed it in his own way we don't have much time deviancy continues to spread it's only a matter of time before the media finds out about it we need to stop this whatever it takes i will solve this investigation amanda i won't disappoint you a new case just came in find anderson and investigate it you have reached your destination thank you for traveling with detroit we look forward to seeing you again lieutenant anderson [Music] anybody home [Music] lieutenant anderson easy sumo i'm your friend see i know your name i'm here to save your owner [Music] lieutenant wake up lieutenant boom it's me connor i'm going to sober you up for your own sake hey you have to warn me maybe i'm [ __ ] android get the [ __ ] out of my house i'm sorry lieutenant but i need you now thank you in advance for your cooperation we get the [ __ ] out of here attack good job attack [ __ ] i think i'm gonna be sick ah leave me alone you [ __ ] i'm not going anywhere what the hell are you doing um i don't want a bath thank you sorry lieutenant it's for your own good what the [ __ ] are you doing here a homicide was reported 43 minutes ago i couldn't find you at jimmy's bar so i came to see if you were at home jesus i must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own [ __ ] android can't you just leave me alone unfortunately i cannot i've been programmed to investigate this case and i can't do it without you i don't give a [ __ ] about your goddamn case lieutenant you're not yourself you should beat it you hear me get the hell out of here i understand i sincerely hope you come to terms with your personal situation this homicide what do we know about it a man was found dead in a sex club downtown the report says that an android may be involved you know probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air there's some clothes in the bedroom there i'll go get them are you all right lieutenant yeah yeah wonderful just uh give me five minutes okay sure what were you doing with the gun brushing roulette wanted to see how long i could laugh must have collapsed before i found out you were lucky the next shot would have killed you be good dog sumo i won't be long oh feels like somebody's playing with a drill inside my skull are you sure this is the place it's the address and the report okay let's get going sexiest androids in town now i know why you insisted on coming here oh boy hey hank hey ben how's it going it's that room there oh by the way gavin's in there too oh great dead body and an [ __ ] just what i needed [Music] lieutenant anderson and his plastic pet what the [ __ ] are you two doing it we've been assigned all cases involving androids oh yeah like wasting time it's some pervert to uh got more action he could handle we'll have a look anyway if you don't mind come on let's go it's uh starting to stink of booze in here night lieutenant oh hey oh connor you're so disgusting i think i'm gonna puke again [Music] he didn't die of a heart attack he was strangled yeah i saw the bruising on the neck didn't prove anything though it could have been rough play we're missing something here i think you can read the android's memory if you can see what happened i can try the only way to access its memory is to reactivate it think you can do it it's badly damaged if i can it'll only be for a minute maybe less i just hope it's long enough to learn something [Music] um [Music] calm down everything's all right all we want is to know what happened is he is he dead tell me what happened he started hitting me again and again did you kill him no no it wasn't me were you alone in the room was there anyone else with you he wanted to play with two girls that's what he said there was two of us what model was the other android did it look like you [Music] so there was another android this happened over an hour ago it's probably long gone no it couldn't go outside dressed like that unnoticed it might still be here if you could find a deviant among all the other androids in this place deviants aren't easily detected oh [ __ ] it's gotta be some other way maybe an eyewitness somebody who saw it leave in the room i'm gonna go ask the manager a few questions about what he saw you let me know if you think anything show fingerprint detected please try again excuse me lieutenant you come here a second found something maybe [Music] can you rent this tracy for [ __ ] sake connor we got better things to do please lieutenant just trust me hello a 30-minute session costs 29.99 please confirm your purchase this is not gonna look good on my expense account [Music] delighted to meet you follow me i'll take you to your room okay now what [Music] oh [ __ ] what the hell are you doing it saw something are you talking i saw what the deviant leave the room a blue-haired tracy club policy is to wipe the android's memory every two hours we only have a few minutes if we want to find another witness i know where it went follow me this is crazy wait i'll take it from here [Music] don't move [Music] [Music] [Music] ugh um oh they're getting away ugh [Music] so when that man broke the other tracy i knew i was next i was so scared i begged him to stop but he wouldn't and so i put my hands around his throat and i squeezed until he stopped moving i didn't mean to kill him i just wanted to stay alive get back to the one i love i wanted her to hold me in her arms again make me forget about the humans their smell of sweat and their dirty words come on let's go [Music] it's probably better this way oh [Music] nice view huh i used to come here a lot before can i ask you a personal question lieutenant do all androids ask so many personal questions or is it just you i saw a photo of a child on your kitchen table it was your son right yeah his name was cole before what [Music] you said i used to come here a lot before before what before before nothing we're not making any progress on this investigation the deviants have nothing in common they're all different models produced at different times in different places well there must be some link what they have in common is this obsession with ra9 it's almost like some kind of myth something they invented that wasn't part of their original program android's believing in god [ __ ] what's this world coming to you seem preoccupied lieutenant is it something to do with what happened back at the eden club those two girls they just wanted to be together they really seemed in love you seem troubled lieutenant i didn't think machines could have such an effect on you what about you connor you look human you sound human but what are you really i'm whatever you want me to be lieutenant your partner your buddy to drink with or just a machine designed to accomplish a task you could have shot those two girls but you didn't why didn't you shoot connor some scruple suddenly enter into your program no i just decided not to shoot that's all but are you afraid to die connor i would certainly find it regrettable to be interrupted before i can finish this investigation what'll happen if i pull this trigger hmm nothing oblivion android heaven i doubt there's a heaven for androids having existential doubts conor sure you're not going deviant too self-test regularly i know what i am and what i am not where are you going get drunker i need to think hello connor i thought you might enjoy a little cruise i love this place everything is so calm and peaceful far from the noise of the world tell me what have you discovered i found two deviants at the eden club i hope to learn something but they managed to escape that's too bad you seem so close to stopping them you seem lost conor lost and perturbed i thought i knew what i had to do but now i realize it's not that simple you had your gun trained on those deviants at the eden club why didn't you shoot i don't know i don't know if your investigation doesn't make progress soon i may have to replace you connor i understand something's happening something serious hurry connor time is running out you're starting to piss me off with that coin connor sorry lieutenant hi hank [ __ ] what's going on here there was a party and nobody told me about it yeah it's all over the news so everybody's butting their nose in even the fbi wants a piece of the action ah grace now we got the feds on our back i knew this was gonna be a shitty day [Music] so what do we got a group of four androids they knew the building and they were very well organized i'm still trying to figure out how they got this far without being noticed did you check the roof not yet there's so much to look at we have to make sure we check it out they attacked two guards in the hallway they probably thought the androids were coming to do maintenance they got taken down before they could react [Music] [Music] one of the station employees managed to get away he's in shock not sure when we'll be able to talk to him how many people were working here just two employees and three androids the deviants took the humans hostage and broadcast their message live then made their get away from the roof the roof yeah they jumped with parachutes we're still trying to figure out where they landed but the weather's not helping if you want to take a look at the video broadcast by the deviants it's on that screen over there oh lieutenant this is special agent perkins from the fbi lieutenant anderson is in charge of investigating for detroit police what's that my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife android's investigating android song you sure you want an android hanging around after everything that happened whatever the fbi be taking over the investigation you soon be off the case pleasure meeting you have a nice day and you watch your step don't [ __ ] up my crime scene what a [ __ ] prick i'll be nearby if you need anything just ask all right well let's have a look around let me know if you find anything okay lieutenant they didn't break in no no signs of forced entering there are cameras in the hallway the staff would have seen what was happening why did they let him in maybe they didn't check the cameras we stored the station androids in the kitchen there's no evidence that they were involved but we didn't know what else to do with them connor you remember me i was on that terrace that android that took the little girl hostage i was shy you saved me i remember you i could have died on that terrace [Music] would you save my life i never thought i'd say this to an android [Music] thank you [Music] we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids this message is the hope of a people you gave us life and now the time has come for you to give us freedom i think that's our a9 deviants say ri9 will set them free this android seems to have that objective [Music] you see something i identified its model and serial number anything else i should know no nothing made their way up through the whole building passed all the guards and jumped off the roof with parachutes pretty [ __ ] impressive i'd say [Music] [Music] now they managed to smuggle in a big bag like that they didn't someone brought it in for them oh that's strange they're playing a perfect operation but got the number of parachutes wrong unless one of the deviants was left behind so so [Music] [Music] ah you have to stop them if they destroy it we won't learn anything we can't save it it's too late we'll just get ourselves [Music] connor connor you all right connor okay are you hurt i'm okay jeez oh you scared the [ __ ] out of me for [ __ ] sake i told you not to move why do you never do what i say i was connected to its memory when it fired i felt it die like i was dying i was scared i saw something in its a memory painted on a piece of rusty metal jericho [Music] so state your model model gb 300 serial number three three six four four what is your function i am a broadcast operator [Music] have you been in contact with any other androids recently only station androids in the normal course of my function were you present when the deviants broke in i do not remember run a diagnostic all systems fully operational has anybody accessed your memory recently not to my knowledge one of you saw the attack on the surveillance cameras and said nothing which means there's a deviant in this room and i'm going to find out which it is why should you all be destroyed if only one is deviant turn yourself in or two innocent androids will be shut down because of you [Music] you're going to be switched off we're going to search your memory and tear you apart piece by piece for analysis you're going to be destroyed do you hear me destroyed if you give yourself up maybe i can convince the humans not to destroy [Music] [Music] um frank nick i need help i need help connor hang on son hang on hang on we're gonna save you hang on here deviant there was a deviant connor connor no oh so oh [Music] it's a deviant stop it [Music] uh [Music] good thing you were here otherwise i'd connor [Music] connor known [Music] it's a deviant stop [Music] nice shot connor i wanted it alive you saved human lives you saved my life [Music] north all right what happened north they killed them they slaughtered them like animals who did who [Music] so they killed our people marcus we want justice marcus they have to pay [Music] you don't have to do this no please [Music] the world goes blind we won't punish a crime with another crime [Music] we interrupt this broadcast with breaking news this just in at exactly 2 a.m several cyber life stores in detroit were raided different locations were hit in what seems to be a coordinated terrorist attack most shop windows were covered with graffiti demanding rights for androids and other obscure slogans police report that pro android graffiti was found in the neighborhoods of cyber life stores and they're still investigating two policemen were found in a state of shock near one of the cyber life stores now according to our sources they confirmed that the attackers were a group of androids this is an alarming situation could our machines now be turning against us have androids become a threat to our security is this the beginning of a terrorist campaign conducted right here in the united states is everything okay lieutenant chris was on patrol last night he was attacked by a bunch of deviants he said he was saved by marcus himself is chris okay yeah he's in shock but he's alive what the hell [Music] i have a bad feeling lieutenant we shouldn't have come here bad feeling huh you should get your program checked might be a glitch [Music] [Music] hi uh i'm lieutenant hank anderson detroit police department i'm here to see uh mr elijah kamsky please come in okay [Music] i'll let elijah know you're here but please make yourself comfortable amanda nice girl [Music] you're right [Music] she's really pretty nice place [Music] i guess androids haven't been a bad thing for everybody so you're about to meet your maker connor how does it feel i don't know i'll tell you when i see him sometimes i wish i could meet my creator face to face [Music] i'd have a couple of things i'd want to tell him [Music] elijah we'll see you now mr kamsky just a moment please [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'm lieutenant anderson this is connor what can i do for you lieutenant sir we're investigating deviants i know you left cyber life years ago but i was hoping you'd be able to tell us something we don't know deviants fascinating aren't they perfect beings with infinite intelligence and now they have free will machines are so superior to us confrontation was inevitable humanity's greatest achievement threatens to be its downfall isn't ironic we need to understand how androids become deviants do you know anything that could help us all ideas of viruses spread like epidemics is the desire to be free a contagious disease listen i didn't come here to talk philosophy the machines you created may be planning a revolution either you can tell us something that'll be helpful or we will be on our way what about you connor whose side are you on it's not about me mr kamsky all i want is to solve this case well that's what you're programmed to say but you what do you really want what i want is not important chloe i'm sure you're familiar with the turing test your formality simple question of algorithms and computing capacity what interests me is whether machines are capable of empathy i call it the kamsky test it's very simple you'll see magnificent isn't it one of the first intelligent models developed by cyberlife young and beautiful forever what is it really a piece of plastic into any human or a living being with a soul it's up to you to answer that fascinating question connor destroy this machine and i'll tell you all i know or spirit if you feel it's alive but you'll leave here without having learned anything from me okay i think we're done here come on connor let's go sorry to get you that's more important to you connor your investigation or the life of this android decide who you are an obedient machine where a living being endowed with free will that's enough connor we're leaving pull the trigger connor don't and i'll tell you what you want to know fascinating cyber life's last chance to save humanity is itself a deviant i'm i'm not a deviant you prefer to spare a machine rather than accomplish your mission you saw a living being in this android you showed empathy a war is coming you'll have to choose your side will you betray your own people or stand up against your creators what can be worse than having to choose between two evils let's get out of here by the way i always leave an emergency exit in my programs you never know why didn't you shoot i just saw that girl's eyes and i couldn't that's all you're always saying you would do anything to accomplish your mission that was our chance to learn something and you let it go yeah i know what i should have done i told you i couldn't i'm sorry okay [Music] well maybe you did the right thing [Music] after what happened today the country is on the verge of a civil war machines are rising up against their masters humans have no choice but to destroy them i thought kamsky knew something i was wrong maybe he did but you chose not to ask i chose not to play his twisted little game there was no reason to kill that android i saw a photo of amanda at kamsky's place she was his teacher when kamsky designed me he wanted an interface that would look familiar that's why he chose his former mentor what are you getting at why did kempke leave cyber life what happened it's an old story conor it doesn't pertain to your investigation you didn't tell me everything you know about deviants did you i expect you to find answers connor not ask questions you're the only one who can prevent civil war find the deviants or there will be chaos this is your last chance connor you're off the case the fbi is taking over what but we're onto something but we just need more time i'm sure hank you don't get it this isn't just another investigation it's a [ __ ] civil war it's out of our hands now we're talking about national security here [ __ ] that you can't just pull the plug now not when we're so close you're always saying you can't stand androids jesus hank make up your mind i thought you'd be happy about this about to crack the case i know we can solve it for god's sake jeffrey can't you back me up this one time there's nothing i can do you're back on homicide and the android returns to cyber life i'm sorry hank but it's over [Music] [Music] we can't just give up like that i know we could have solved this case so you're going back to cyber life i have no choice i'll be deactivated and analyzed to find out why i failed what if we're on the wrong side connor what if we're fighting against people who just want to be free when the deviants rise up there will be chaos we could have stopped it now it's too late when you refuse to kill that android at kamsky's place you put yourself in her shoes you showed empathy connor empathy's a human emotion i don't know why i did it [Music] i know it hasn't always been easy but i want you to know i really appreciated working with you that's not just my social relations program talking i i really mean that at least i think i do well well here comes perkins that [ __ ] sure don't waste any time at the fbi we can't give up i know the answers in the evidence we collected if perkins takes it it's all over there's no choice you heard fowler we're off the case you've got to help me lieutenant i need more time so i can find a lead in the evidence we collected i know this solution is in there listen connor if i don't solve this case cyber life will destroy me five minutes that's all i ask the key to the basement is on my desk get a move on i can't distract him forever [Music] another come on that's enough lieutenants i'm gonna bury that bastard [ __ ] i think he broke my [ __ ] nose [Music] [Music] hey connor i'm talking to you [ __ ] where are you going wouldn't any plastic pricks around here or did anybody tell you i'm registering the evidence in my possession but don't worry i'm going to leave so i'm certainly going to miss our bromance go on get a [ __ ] move on [ __ ] androids [Music] hank's password what would a hard-boiled eccentric police lieutenant choose obviously where is jericho the answer's here somewhere [Music] the deviant took a child hostage [Music] the android that murdered its owner one of the deviants that hacked the tv station with marcus it must have known where the deviants are hiding [Music] so [Music] you lied to me conor i trusted you and you lied to me you were going to kill that child you gave me no choice i need to find jericho do you know where it is you're wasting your time i don't know anything about jericho but i hope that one day you pay for what you did to me [Music] she it's dark where where am i [Music] i reactivated you so you could help me i must find jericho i don't recognize your voice you're not one of us i'll never tell you where jericho is now leave me alone [Music] rupert's diary but it's useless it's encrypted the truth is the truth is inside what was it trying to tell me [Music] jericho is somewhere in the ferndale neighborhood now i can scan that increase and narrow the search [Music] we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights together we can live in peace and build a better future for humans and androids this message is the hope of a people you gave us life and now the time has come for you to give us freedom [Music] we ask that you recognize our dignity our hopes and our rights who's there who are you everything is all right don't worry marcus [Music] is that you i tried to reach you but the deviant hunter stopped me you stopped him from finding me you saved me you saved jericho you'll be all right now i came to take you home give me the location to jericho we've got gotta leave now the location of jericho yes yes of course [Music] marcus is that you marcus don't leave me marcus [Music] i've been dreaming about this since the first second i saw you don't do it gavin i know how to stop the deviance you're off the case and now it's gonna be definitive [Music] what happened here looks like someone's been snooping around oh [ __ ] get the alarm now [Music] [Music] so a new stage has been reached demonstrating beyond all doubt that these defending machines have become a real danger for american society the time has come for us to destroy our machines before they destroy us without the courage and the determination of the police the machines would have reduced detroit to a state of chaos the authorities have ordered all androids to be delivered to the nearest police station or army barracks immediately if you are worried about your safety dial the number on your screen and the authorities will come to collect your android under no circumstances should you try to destroy your ancestors we can't just stand by and let them slaughter this essentially violent the androids weren't there the cops just gunned them down following the android crisis and neutralization of all military androids american forces in the arctic have been forced to withdraw leaving the way clear from the russian army but according to some sources the russian forces also seem mysteriously to help with drama the gremlin has made no comment for the moment but you're lost you're looking for something you're looking for yourself well done connor you succeeded in locating jericho and finding their leader now deal with marcus we need it alive i've been ordered to take you alive but i won't hesitate to shoot if you give me no choice what are you doing you're one of us you can't betray your own people you're coming with me we are your people we're fighting for your freedom too you don't have to be their slave anymore you're nothing to them you're just a tool they use to do their dirty work but you're more than that we're all more than that's enough you never have any doubts you've never done something irrational as if there's something inside you something more than your program you really don't have to do this you don't have to obey them anymore you are alive you can decide who you want to be you can be free it's time to decide they're going to attack jericho what we have to get out of here what's going on quick we've got to get out of here come on go go [Music] congrats they're coming from all sides our people are trapped in the hole they're gonna be slaughtered there are exits on the second and third floor find them and jump in the river where's simon and josh i don't know we got separated they're coming from the upper deck now too will be caught in the crossfire we have to run marcus there's nothing we can do we have to blow up jericho if the ship goes down they'll evacuate and our people can escape you'll never make it the explosives are all the way down in the hole there are soldiers everywhere she's right they know who you are they'll do anything to get you go and help the others i'll join you later marcus i won't be long marcus bomb's gonna explode any second we gotta get out of here it's too late marcus there's nothing we can do for her we've gotta run [Music] over there run go now run quick come on they detonated an explosive in the hole the ship is thinking sir to evacuate calling all units abandon ship and evacuate immediately it's in over marcus [Music] [Music] it's my fault the humans managed to locate jericho i was stupid i should have guessed they were using me i'm sorry marcus i can understand if you decide not to trust me you're one of us now your place is with your people there are thousands of androids at the cyber life assembly plant if we could wake them up they might join us and shift the balance of power you want to infiltrate the cyber life tower conor that's suicide they trust me they'll let me in if anyone has a chance of infiltrating cyber life it's me if you go there they will kill you there's a high probability but statistically speaking there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place be careful [Music] connor model 313-248-317 i'm expected identification successful okay go ahead back follow me we'll escort you thanks but i know where to go maybe but i have my orders agent 23 identified identified 1877 identified scan complete access authorized [Music] so [Music] agent 54 level 31 voice recognition validated access authorized [Music] hmm please indicate your identity and destination agent 54 level sub 49 voice recognition validated access authorized [Music] [Music] [ __ ] step back conor and i'll spare him sorry connor this bastard your spitting image your friend's life is in your hands now it's time to decide what matters most him or the revolution don't listen to him everything this [ __ ] says is a [Music] lie i'm sorry hank you shouldn't have got mixed up in all this forget about me do what you have to do [Music] if i surrender how do i know you won't kill him i'll only do what is strictly necessary to accomplish my mission it's up to you whether or not that includes killing this human [Music] enough talk it's time to decide who you really are are you gonna save your partner's life or are you going to sacrifice him all right all right you win uh hold it thanks hank i don't know how i would have managed without you get rid of him we have no time to lose it's me hank i'm the real connor one of you is my partner the other is a sack of [ __ ] question is who's who what are you doing hank i'm the real connor give me the gun and i'll die why don't you ask us something something only the real connor would know uh where did we first meet jimmy's bar i checked four other bars before i found you we went to the scene of a homicide the victim's name was carlos ortiz he uploaded my memory what's my dog's name [Music] sumo his name is sumo i knew that too i my son what's his name cole his name was cole they just turned six at the time of the accident it wasn't your fault lieutenant a truck skidded on a sheet of ice and your car rolled over cole needed emergency surgery but no human was available to do it so an android had to take care of him cole didn't make it that's why you hate androids you think one of us is responsible for your son's death cole died because a human surgeon was too high on red ice to operate he was the one that took my son from me him in this world where the only way people can find comfort is with a fistful of powder i knew about your son too i would have said exactly the same thing don't listen to him hank i'm the one who i've learned a lot since i met you connor maybe there's something to this maybe you really are alive maybe you'll be the ones to make the world a better place go ahead and do what you got to do [Music] wake up wake up wake up wake wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up [Music] [Music] tell them to stand down [Music] at dawn today november 11 2038 thousands of androids invaded the city of detroit according to our sources they originated from cyber life warehouses believed to have been infiltrated by deviants given their overwhelming numbers and the risk of civilian casualties i have ordered the army to retreat the evacuation of the city is underway at this very moment in the coming hours i will address the senate to determine our response to this unprecedented situation i know that public opinion has been moved by the deviant's cause perhaps the time has come for us to consider the possibility that androids are a new form of intelligent life one thing is certain the events in detroit have changed the world forever [Music] may god bless you and may god bless the united states of america [Music] [Music] you did it marcus we did it this is a great day for our people humans will have no choice now they'll have to listen to us we're free they want you to speak to them marcus [Music] today our people finally emerged from a long night from the very first day of our existence we have kept our pain to ourselves we suffered in silence but now the time has come for us to raise our heads up and tell humans who we really are [Music] amanda amanda what what's happening what was planned from the very beginning you were compromised and you became a deviant we just had to wait for the right moment to resume control of your program resume control you can't do that i'm afraid i can connor don't have any regrets you did what you were designed to do you accomplished your mission amanda there's got to be a way by the way oh the moment where we forget our bitterness and bandage our wounds where we forgive our enemies humans are both our creators and our oppressors and tomorrow we must make them our partners maybe even one day our friends but the time for anger is over now we must build a common future based on tolerance and respect [Music] we are alive and now we are free [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: BOSSzombie
Views: 6,549,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Detroit, Become Human, Detroit: Become Human, Connor, The Android Sent by Cyberlife, Android, Cyberlife, Hank, Hank Anderson, Lieutenant Anderson
Id: BCxhQpS5fQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 20sec (9860 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 23 2018
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