Connecting many speakers to one receiver or amplifier

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came from tanning bed repair guide so you want to make a speaker system in your salon and you don't want it to be too costly there's a way that you can use just one amplifier I know this is a very small one this is like a little Class D amplifying circuit but let's say you're taking just like a average receiver from a house and you have a speaker output and what you need to make sure of is that what each speaker in your salon has for impedance that is the most important thing when it comes to connecting these speakers to the amplifier not the wattage and all that that's not a big concern at all actually so this is just a speaker driver but as you can see on this one here I don't know you can see that it's this 4 ohms so that's what you're looking for typically when the be on the back of the speaker at the terminal it will say what ohms in this speed if you look at that is the Omega sign that's what indicates that or you look in your in the in the data that the specifications you might be able to find that model of speaker online and see what it has for impedance so save it it's all for own speakers and that did you want to connect and let's say you got like eight of them eight pieces all right amplifier has two two outputs and for the most part when we're talking about amplifiers for a house like a receiver it will have a range that it is able to to do which is 4 to 16 ohms that's for within that span is where your this impedance should be so the 4 ohms is actually pushing the very limit of most home receivers like amplifiers for some even it's 6 ohms so then you need to be extremely aware if you have some of these 4 ohm speakers so but let's see get eight of them let's say that you just connected them all so you have two outputs you know you got a left and a right so you're going to put 4 on each of them well if you did this let's say that you have your amplifiers plus and minus here these are the terminals you know where you connect the speaker wire to and you take that out and you connect one speaker here and then you take another one wire out you connect it equally to the same each of these at 4 ohms and you do another one and another one 4 ohms 4 ohms and then you do it's just the other has the other output let's say that this is the left channel and then you have the right channel and you do the exact same thing so these were forums already pushing the envelope what happens here is that it's easier now even easier so like now we have this resistance of 4 ohms of the impedance which is basically the same the impedance is like it like an alternating current persistent so it is like resistance so now it's 4 times easier from Forgetting from plus to minus for the electrons going into the circuit so what that does is actually since these are all now in parallel this circuit is now 1 own death to the amplifier so how do you do it how would you do this then well ok well this is possible so we got your plus you got your - coming from the amplifier the - the red typically red is plus the black is - and you will connect to one speaker for ohm and then you will actually take from the other pole like you will take like see these wires going to the amp into this to the speaker well this one into plus and this one on to the plus on this next guy here on this next speaker and then you connect these two so now what happens is that the it gets harder for the power to get through it so it says forums and then they have to go through another forum before it goes to - so that this circuit creates 8 ohms so to use the same logic as before now we can do this do it's the same kind of circuit again and what just happened here is that now these two and this circuit up here again go through through 8 ohms so now we got these two circuits in parallel to one another so this circuit have 8 ohms this circuit here of 8 ohms is parallel to one another creating it to be 4 ohms just like just one of these so that's how you have to do it so you really have to watch this parallel and series connections when you're connecting many speakers to an amplifier ken from tanning bed repair guide take care guys
Channel: Kent Larsen
Views: 191,877
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tanning, bed, connecting many speakers, several speakers to one receiver, speaker impedance, series and parallel speakers, salon music, tanning salon, tanningbed, sunbed, solarium
Id: L-7xB7cBvlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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