How to Connect Speakers to Amplifiers | Home Audio Basics

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what's up YouTube how are you doing today China de or techno dad here in in today's video I'm gonna show you how to connect your speakers to your amplifiers or AV receivers and it's gonna be awesome so we're gonna get into it right after the job and I'm back now if you're new to the channel and want to learn about 4k home theater and audio products and how to set them up properly you should consider subscribing because I'm here to help now let's get into it so here we are everybody with a home audio basics video and this one is a pretty basic concept however I know there's a lot of people that aren't experienced with this and that's why I got questions about hey can you make a video about hooking up your amplifier to your speakers so fantastic here we are and this is pretty much gonna cover hooking up speakers to an a/v receiver power amplifier an integrated amplifier it's pretty much the same concept and I'm gonna show you how to strip the cable I'm gonna show you how to use just a bare wire connection which I do not recommend but we'll get into that later and we're gonna use banana clips pin connectors and Spade connectors to just round everything out so I can show you guys what's out there so you're not confused when you got a purchase and stuff what are we waiting for let's get upstairs and get into it alright here is a spool of 16 gauge monster cable Navajo white that I used for my surround sound speakers I'm just using a you know ordinary needlenose pliers now in the center of this you have the little wire cutter and we just clip off some of the cable so you take the inside of the pliers and just feed the cable through just we just need a quick little snip of the tip there and then we can split the two cables apart because we're gonna need to deal with them separately all right so now what I do is I just kind of gently squeeze on the cable turn it and squeeze again and then we use the plier to just kind of pull the rubber off now there still is a plastic sheet so we do the same thing just be very gentle and then there it is and there's the plastic casing all right pretty simple right oh and then I kind of like twist up the copper there so it's all kind of gathered together now we just have to match the length so just kind of eyeball it and do the same thing gentle squeeze on the cable then turn it squeeze again and then just pretty much yank it off and there you go now we have to deal with the plastic casing be gentle with the squeeze and just you know hold it right off there we go now I do this because I don't want to spend the fifteen to twenty dollars on a wire stripper if you do want to use a wire stripper by all means go ahead and do so now when we're connecting these we need to make sure one's positive and ones negative it's up to you guys whatever you guys want to do just choose one and go with it most of these cables have writing or a little line on one of the wires and that could either be your plus or your - it's up to you unscrewed the binding post on the back of this SBS prime and satellite speaker and we are closing it and we just tighten and tighten and there we go now for the negative pole all right now when we're tightening these binding posts make sure there's no rubber underneath there you want to make sure that it's just the copper and the metal of the speaker that are in contact here we go so that's how you connect a speaker with bare wire at the binding post now some speakers have different kinds of connections all right and once again you got to make sure you know which one is which so this time we're doing the positive as the cable that has the lettering on it and with these spring-loaded connectors you just push the tab down and then put the wire in the hole pretty easy right and to remove it you got to press the tab and pull out the cable all right now for the hard part see these binding posts here on the back of this Yamaha rxb 583 I bought this AV receiver just to test out and review so definitely subscribe up because I'll have that coming out pretty soon so this is an actual post but you notice like there's a little like hold air and we have to kind of shape the wire to kind of wrap around the the post and you got a feed team the wires through the hole and see how it go right around the post and there we go do you know how long it took me to figure that out oh man and I was and I was a kid too doing this alright now for the negative side did the same thing gather up the copper make a little curvature there we go get it in there yeah let's tighten it up [Music] and we're good to go and that's how you connected with the bare wire now here's the para sound I kind of sped up the video and this is how you would set it up with the para sound so you know each amplifier AV receiver everything's different you know this just looks like a really really big binding post that's on the back of the speaker and you don't have to do that crazy like hook jothee that I had to do with the AV receiver alright moving on to banana clips these are the banana clips I use they're the monster cable ones they're kind of expensive but these are the ones I've been using for a long long time and I like them so I just gotta unscrew it and then feed the cable through the bottom I like to unban it now unfed the the copper cable and then just kind of tuck everything in fold it down now there's a little plastic guy that uh kind of sticks around there you can cut it off or whatever I'll just tuck it in along with the other with the speaker wire all right so will you now put the cap on and when you're tightening this it is kind of tight because there's all that cabling there and there it is good to go all right let's do the same thing for the negative side here unscrew the cap feed the cable through the bottom unfeigned the wire fold it over tuck it in so it stays inside the clip including the little plastic guy that's what it looks like everything's good to go and now we just close tighten the top cap of the banana clip and there you go we're all set so now here's that SPS speaker again all we need to do is just plug it in plug it in that's it just like the glade boom all right so now here's on the back of that AV receiver again boobs plug it in plug it in that's it oh wait that wasn't the front right that was the front left speaker don't you see how easy it is you don't have to do all that screwing around to get it screwing around here's the back of a clip our p250 s pretty easy now here's the back of the para sound alright next one we have these pin connectors and I got these flexible pin connectors right uses some funky looking things I've never used these before so you hold the pin and then you kind of unscrew the casing and then it just slides out now in this main area here you've got two screws that you have to unscrew before you can put the wire through it so got my screwdriver here now I don't usually use these at all so this is the first time I'm kind of messing around with these it was quite the learning experience and as you can see I don't have any experience with these I stripped the cable just way too much but for our purposes right now we're just gonna kind of roll with it you know what I mean yeah you know what so we tighten both screws which will mean the cable is fastened in there very very snug and put the casing through and now we screw the casing back on boom and there we go now it's time to do the negative side same deal sped up the video a little bit you got to unscrew the casing unscrew the screws insert the wire tighten the screws and then put the casing on and screw that so it's tight as well all right there we go so look on this one cable I've got pin connectors on one side and banana plugs on the other so here's this weird center channel speaker so you just lower the spring tabs insert the pin connectors and then on the AVR it's just the same plug into the center channel there boom bananas in pyjamas alright next up we've got the Spade connectors okay now I don't know how to attach these these are from the SBS sound path cables it's interesting to have the spades on one end and banana clips on the other so okay let's get this going shall we so we just kind of unscrew the negative finding post and then screw it back in real quick because the Spade is pretty thin now using this SBS prime satellite speaker these spades you know work well however you really need to make sure these things are tight otherwise you know it might like fall out or you might get a loose connection or something like that now here's the bad part about these spades now here's a bad part about Spade connectors on like this clip speaker I didn't really like it because it's at a huge angle and I don't think it'll stay you know that's the fear I have of it just kind of coming out let's tighten up this negative pole here and as you can see it's at a crazy angle you know what I mean see that now on this para sound these Spade connectors are actually pretty handy boom they look great and they're on like really really big binding posts so maybe that's what they were intended for but check this out if you notice when we have the banana clips into the left speaker there you know it juts out pretty pretty far in the back there and if you have like a cabinet where you have like some back constraints maybe maybe the Spade connectors are better for you it all depends guys on your equipment and your setup you know what's gonna work for you now here's a weird one what if your speakers have two sets of binding posts now normally you would just plug in you know a positive and negative like this now the little metal bars there the little jumpers that thing I'm pointing to right there when those jumpers are there you only need one set of cables plugged into one set of binding posts now let me take off the jumpers now when you do this you can power separately the high frequency and the low frequency so if your amplifiers got 100 watts per channel you can put 200 watts into this one speaker by powering hundred watts into the low frequency and hundred watts into D high frequency now this is called by amping and I'll do a whole video on how to like actually set that up with your AV receiver later on but I just wanted to let you guys know that you it's not a weird thing when you see two sets of binding posts so I think we've pretty much got the idea right if you guys are still confused if anybody still confused out there definitely give me a shout out in the comments and I'll try and help you out even further but I'm pretty sure we kind of covered everything on how to connect your speakers to your amplifier now what do I recommend I personally use banana clips all the time and I really like to use these monster cable ones for some reason I've been using these for years and I just kind of keep using them they are expensive though so when you buy a package of these it doesn't come with one pair it comes with two pairs so it comes with enough for one cable and that costs twenty dollars so just think about like your system you have five point one that's five speakers meaning five cables meaning ten pairs you're gonna need to spend 100 bucks now if you have a 7.1 channel setup then you're gonna pay 140 so you just kind of have to budget that much along with your cables when you're kind of calculating and setting up your home theater now you don't have to use the monster cable brand that's the brand I like that's the brand I use but you don't have to use it I went through Amazon and selected a few that have good ratings and I put all the links down in the description if you wanted to check out you know moving from bare wire to banana clips it really just makes things a lot easier so you don't have to like you know unscrew everything you know with all the space constraints of where my AV receiver is it would be a pain in the ass to like do that and I'm sure you know some of your guys's cabinets are or TV stands are kind of the same situation so I would always recommend to go ahead and use a banana clip well that's pretty much it for this video if you guys liked it go ahead smash that like button and don't forget to subscribe to my channel using the button in the middle of your screen once again my name is Chyna D I'm your techno dad I'll see you next time you
Channel: Techno Dad
Views: 1,383,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Techno Dad, how to connect speakers to amplifier, how to connect speakers to amplifier home, Connect speaker to amp, Connect amp to speaker, Home audio basics, How to Connect Speakers to Amplifiers | Home Audio Basics, home audio basisc connecting speakers, speakers amplifiers, speaker amplifier, speaker connection, speaker connection to amplifier, speaker connection to receiver, connect amps and avrs, connect amps and receivers
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 21sec (981 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 03 2018
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