***Two Ouputs, One Channel*** Your Monoblock Amp Only Has One Channel

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what's up guys welcome back to the sundown audio unofficial youtube channel my name is derek and today we're gonna do a quick tech time video uh tech time video of your sundown monobloc amplifier really any amplifier any monoblock amplifier mono means it has one channel your monobloc amplifier does not have two channels it is one mono stands for one the reason i'm making this video is we uh we we get tech support calls emails i see stuff posted all over social media and i recently had a post on social media where a guy said he blew up his er excuse me he didn't say he blew up his amplifier his amplifier just blew up randomly um sfb monoblock amplifier he had it wired at one ohm but getting a little more in depth he specifically says he had each channel of his sfb monoblock amplifier wired at 1 0 well there's not at each channel there's not two channels there there's only one channel so if you take your multiple outputs they do have two at two speaker outputs but if you take your two outputs of your single one channel monoblock amplifier and you wire each of those to one ohm well that's two one ohm loads in parallel which now makes it a half ohm you can't do that you cannot wire usb amplifiers below one ohm so this guy obviously did not understand and um let me just tell you guys the amount of messages i get phone calls we get here emails the posts i see in the groups online all the cardio groups it's almost unbelievable how many people don't understand this so i want to take a second we're going to dive in and show you some things on the bench now let's start with here we go we got it sae send an audio s-a-e 1000d this is a monoblock amplifier that means it has one channel mono means one but if you look here you're gonna see two sets of speaker outputs that's why there's two positives two negatives now that doesn't mean there's two channels it's still one they're just internally parallel the reason for two outputs is you'll get a lot of guys to get an amplifier like this this little 1000d which is a great value amp dyno coming real soon in the channel but you still get a an amplifier like this and run say a pair of e12 subwoofers on it matches up perfectly you got a pair of 500 watt subs single 1000d well the easiest way to wire two subwoofers to your one amplifier is with two sets of outputs that's it you get the multiple outputs for ease of wiring when doing multiple subwoofers especially when we got guys running something like a bigger 5k or 8k and they could run two three four maybe even six subs it just gives you easier easier wiring options uh let's dive in and try and give you all a close-up look here here's your speaker outputs now if you pay attention the board all right you got two positives two negatives look at the traces on the board in there and you'll see they're just internally wired parallel both of those outputs are on the same trace internal parallel wiring so again if you do one ohm and one ohm you end up at half ohm don't do that now that implies sae 1000d um which basically means that in the part number it has one channel to model block if it had multiple channels it would be something like our sae 900.2 called a 0.2 because it has two channels you'll also see on the outputs here it marked as channel 1 and channel 2. or switching over to another i'm just showing off our sae line up here something like the sae 400.4 it is called a 0.4 because it has four channels and if you look at here the multiple outputs and you'll see they're all labeled channels one two three and four even switching over show off another another little budget line we got you go with something like our sdx 400.1 it is called the 400.1 because of the single channel if it had more than one then it would be labeled something like our sdx 90.2 it is called the 0.2 because it has two channels oh and look at them marked there channel one and channel two so really reiterate from the beginning mono block mono means one channel pay close attention to your amplifier how many channels it has most of your base amps nowadays are model blocks they only have one channel of output so make sure guys get that right don't try and wire two one ohm loads we also get a lot of questions guys get a dual one ohm subwoofer um always labeled as a d1 and they think because it's a one ohm subwoofer it's just always on oh no matter what no matter how they wire it what they do it's always one oh and that is not true if you get a one ohm subwoofer and you wire each coil to your mono block amplifier you're gonna be a half ohm and absolutely do not ever ever ever do that on your sundown sfb amplifier so now we covered the the verbal part um i tried to explain it hopefully i did a good job just breaking this down real basic but pause the camera we're going to reset up on the bench and i'm going to show you some wiring right here on the bench i'm going to go through it from reading with the dmm these things are really expensive we get these x techs they're really nice dmms got them offline i think they're like 30 bucks that's it i use these it's a great dmm i also have it's a near identical piece uh this is a craftsman you see they're almost identical different names um the xtec does usually read a little better it's not having the built-in resistance um versus the craftsman but i'll go over all that let me reposition this camera pause it real quick we're going to go over wiring up your subwoofer to your amp getting it correct a dual voice curl sub to a model block in be right back all right guys we're back so probably the best most used tool in my arsenal any base head should have one of these your digital multimeter your dmm this is inexpensive x tech as i highlighted earlier they're they're super cheap i swear we got these 30 bucks online um i think it was amazon free shipping all that you could pick them up locally at different hardware stores like home depot lowe's i don't care if you even just go get a dirt cheap one from harbor freight harbor freight used to give these things away free at one point in time cheap ones are going to read a little different i'll go over that first but it's still better than nothing so first thing we're going to do for this application we're wiring up we're going to verify our impedance the load repair amplifier we're going to go to our resistance now i'm going to go to our lowest one it's going to be 200 ohms all right now i said earlier x techs are really good they typically don't have a whole lot of internal resistance versus something like like my craftsman but i also know we swapped these leads out these aren't the original leads that came with this xtec and these leads do have a little resistance to them so first thing you need to do with any dmm you're going to use on impedance is get it set up your impedance and touch your leads together now what that's going to do is going to pick up on any resistance going from lead to lead inside of here so make sure i got a good connection and we are currently there we go reading about oh it's going down a little bit as i get these turned in so we're currently reading about 0.4 so that's our resistance on our leads 0.4 now right here i have a sundown audio e12 rated 500 watts rms this is a dual 2 so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take my positive negative leads and since we're doing resistance the positive negative part actually isn't so important it's it's reversible but we're going to hook these up to one of our coils this is the dual voice coil subwoofers there's two coils one set of terminals on each side each one is rated two ohms now we read our resistance of our leads that read 0.4 now we're reading resistance of our subwoofer coil is reading 2.5 subtract the resistance that your leads are adding so 2.5 minus that 0.4 we're at 2.1 dual tone subwoofer that extra 0.1 is well within tolerance so we know we have verified this is a dual 2-ohm subwoofer um just just for expedience not to waste much time both coils are going to be the same we got two ohm and each coil so we are then and i went ahead and pre-wired the amp just to make this go faster so we've got our positives and negatives wired up on the amp two sets of speaker wires from our mono block our one channel amplifier and i'm gonna wire these up here so here's one two ohm load going one set of outputs and then here's the second two ohm load from our other voice coil dual voice coil sub getting wired up um oh one thing i meant to mention which i'll go back over is you have to be very specific when reading the impedance of your subwoofer if your sub is moving jostling you touch it in any way it can throw your impedance off your voice coil inside the motor the magnet is electromatic magnetic field and the position of that voice coil will actually actually change your impedance but we'll go back to that so right now we have our two two ohm voice coils wired in parallel that means positive positive negative and negative to our single output of our monoblock amplifier so essentially your basic math we're going to take our impedance of 2 ohms divide it by the number of coils of 2 ohms and bam we have a 1 ohm load so let's see if we can verify that here dmm's on screen we we're gonna touch our positive and our negative and we're at one point there we go we're at 1.5 remember our leads have 0.4 of resistance so we subtract that bam final impedance 1.1 exactly where it should be and um i'm a big believer very important verify everything don't just assume especially if you're if you're new to this guys got new equipment verify everything anytime you get a new subwoofer mistakes happen maybe a box is labeled as a dual two and you're really getting a dual forward dual worm do a one ohm verify everything now go back and show you something else i meant to do this before when you're reading impedance of your subwoofer a lot of guys don't know this this is actually probably less known than the fact that a monoblock amplifier only has one channel so we're reading the impedance of a voice coil so we're hooked up here we're on our dmm we're reading our 2.5 of course minus the 0.4 so we're reading 2.1 if i make sure i got all this on camera good now you notice when i move the sub our impedance changed if i even just barely touch the sub okay watch our impedance jump all over the place i'm gonna show you how sensitive it is say you're outside you're working in your driveway your yard you're even you're out at a show doing some troubleshooting if you just as simple as blow across the subwoofer a breeze coming through blowing across that subwoofer can affect your impedance say there's somebody else around and they're they're jamming out they're basing and it's causing your subwoofer to vibrate and tingle just a little bit notice you can't even see the cone moving i'm barely barely giving a vibration and our impedance is jumping all over the place so pay attention to that when checking impedance of different things especially if you've got multiple subs that are all in a box and you're trying to check a final ratio a lot of little important details pay attention to here so there you have it your monoblock amplifier mono one channel it only has one channel of output despite the two sets on it one channel internally paralleled so whatever impedance you put on them you're gonna divide that by two please don't let friends uh don't let stupid friends do car audio guys um trying to think of a polite way to put it don't let drunk friends do car audio get it right verify everything dmm is your best friend let's wrap this video up um remember guys if you like what we're doing here on the channel click that thumbs up show us some support it's really as simple as just click that little thumbs up button like subscribe all that cool stuff check out sundownofficial.com for all your sundown merch bunch of new hats beanies different things added we got another big run of lanyards coming in this week um several new tees all new tees for 2022 getting a couple new ones uploaded this week more to come but um check it out sundown unofficial.com for all your sundown merch and um like subscribe yeah thumbs up see y'all later guys
Channel: Unofficial Audio
Views: 34,038
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Id: WAjheSqiocA
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Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 09 2022
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