How to wire 8 door speakers to a 4 channel amp! (AudioPipe Crossovers)

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what's up guys welcome back to the golf r series it's day two of wiring my speaker system together the issue that we're working around right now is that i can't figure out how to hook my remote wire from the amplifier in the back to somewhere in the front that turns on and off when the car turns on and off someone messaged me on facebook and told me about this fuse adapter that you can plug into a fuse slot in your fuse box and it'll have a wire running off it you have to find the right fuse slot that will turn on and off of the vehicle but then you have this wire running back that can be hooked up to your remote wire so shout out to sean thank you for that so much okay so this is what the piece looks like right here so it's literally just a fuse that goes in your car it comes off with two separate fuses and the top one right here has a wire coming off it that can be used for an accessory and the bottom one is just the main one that goes with this fuse right here so you keep that accessory working that was already there so basically what i've been trying to do for the last hours find a fuse slot in there that matches the amp on this fuse that will turn on and off and the car does so on the bottom there's that 20 amp fuse right next to it is where i plug this adapter in so now this radial wire down here that runs to the back of the car can be hooked up directly to that and i know that that fuse turns on and off when the car does so now i have a working radio wires thank you again sean for reaching out to me i really appreciate that so i'm gonna go ahead and connect the radial wire right now to that wire coming off the main fuse box slide my wire in like that now that it's in there once we're done testing it i can take a pliers and crimp that end and it'll be closed but let's go test it quick so here's that blue radial wire i'm talking about that's in the back uh i have a multimeter with light on it so i'm going to hook the positive end of the multimeter up to this the negative end is gonna be hooked up to my frame rail right here there'll be a light in the middle i'm gonna go ahead and go turn the car on and this in theory this light should come on so i'm gonna leave the camera rolling back here yep and just as i expected that light is on there you can see and when i go turn the car back off that light should come off that means that that did work thankfully now everything is where it needs to be i'm just waiting for my wiring kit to come in the mail here it should be in about an hour or two the amazon truck is four stops away right now i've been waiting all day it's literally like 6 30 right now i just want my parts thank you sir [Music] so here's what the crossovers look like uh they are audio pipe brand crossovers i got four of them since i have eight speakers and i need four channels these will each get two of the speakers got this ground wire here and then i got the speaker wire and i also have all of these terminal connectors the first thing i'm going to try is i'm going to take one of these audio pipes if i hook two of the speakers up so a door speaker and tweeter and then have two wires running out of that and i put a battery on either side of the terminal it should pop both of the speakers pop meaning make a noise out of them to show that there is a connection so i'm gonna go ahead and hook that up and just cross your fingers for me that there's a pop because if this works i will save so much money [Music] [Music] all right guys so i have both of my connections now the tweeter and the woofer for the front driver door so now we're going to take my new speaker wire put in a positive and a negative run it off to the end put a battery in between that and that speaker should make a noise up there that makes me so happy um that means i wired it properly all the speakers are wired properly the audio pipes work so i'm going to go ahead and cut all the wire get all the auto pipes wired up i'm gonna use all these nice connectors and wire it all up and then i will get back to you guys after that i'm gonna do a little time lapse of this part so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right all of the audio pipe crossovers are wired so now the next step is to go in here and put terminal connectors on all the speaker wires to fit in there hey guys that is one complete crossover wired so the last thing we can do with this is test with the battery just one more time to make sure that all the connectors are clean and well working and then we'll move on all four audio pipe crossovers have been wired up to their correct door speakers in the car i'm gonna go through the last thing here and test all of them with the battery method uh so there will only be four tests i just want to make sure each one gets a pop off each door once that's done i'm going to hook up a ground wire uh to the frame coming up and then that will be it this is just a self tapper with a washer i put a connector on a piece of ground wire and that's all tight in there so now i have nice long ground wire coming off there [Music] [Music] all right guys amazon just brought my package i got the hertz amp i'm not gonna waste any time let's get this thing in here and see if it works [Music] [Music] all right you guys this is it right here it is a complete mess because my power cable was two inches long i had to put it all the way up to there i have everything plugged in so we're gonna turn the car on and i don't know if this is gonna work but oh boy here we go please don't blow up all right cars on oh my gosh we have audio coming through you guys let's go take a look at the back that's a power light on the amp looks like everything's okay still i'm gonna go ahead and turn the radio on for the first time oh my god okay i'm gonna show this out for a second oh holy crap it's working it doesn't sound like it's tuned right now so i'm gonna go through and tune everything make sure it sounds mint um you guys it worked we have sound now the project is to clean up this mess here i need to uh screw all this into my wood here so it does not move i might have to re-cut some wires and make some longer than others but for now it is done thank you guys for watching i hope you got some knowledge and some entertainment out of this as always guys make your dreams a reality and we we'll see you in the next episode [Music]
Channel: CFilms
Views: 59,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Audiopipe, Speaker Crossover, Golf R, Car audio, Wiring speakers, Doorspeakers, Crossovers, mk6golfr, CFilms, C Films, Hertz amp, Custom car audio, Hertz Speakers
Id: Wfb2c8jRtfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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