Connect OBS Studio to Zoom (Simple Method)

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hello all welcome back a few people have asked me for a simplified version of connecting zoom to obs uh so i thought i'd show you through a really simple way of doing this so the first thing you're going to need to do is head over to the obs project dot com download the latest version of obs studio then head over to vb audios page and then you want to scroll down and download virtual audio cables a and b now once you've got those installed you're going to go over to your version of obs and you're going to open up the settings by clicking on the settings button which is down in the bottom right hand corner and once you do that you should get this screen come up now what we're going to do on here is on the audio tab we're going to go down to our monitoring device here at the bottom you want to click on this and we're going to select virtual audio cable a so it's virtual audio cable a you want to go for this then click apply so what we've essentially done there is we've set the monitoring output of obs to go to virtual audio cable a okay let's head over to zoom now and have a look at our zoom settings for the video settings you'll just need to select the obs virtual camera which as you can see at the moment isn't showing because i haven't pressed the button to start that yet if you want the best quality video then click hd that'll make sure you get a nice quality video comfortable make sure mirroring my video is switched off touch up my appearance is switched off and adjust for low light is switched off i always hide non-video participants because if i'm doing a zoom capture in particular it means you don't see lots of blocks of squares with people's names or profile pictures on and then i set it to 25 participants because zoom's quite resource heavy so you know the fewer cameras and feeds you can have on your screen uh the less work your cpu is going to have to do and we'll just check the advanced settings here so we've got optimized video quality with denoise i usually have that clipped off because the video should be pushing through hd the only other thing that's selected here is the video rendering method which is direct 3d 11 which ties in with my system settings so that means that when i do a screen capture of zoom meeting in obs uh it'll actually show up the picture of the zoom meeting so that's your video settings sorted out and head over to the audio uh at the moment you can see i'm using my speakers as my output device and then i've got my camera as the input device so if we want to get sound from obs into zoom what we'll need to do is select cable a as our input so our microphone and then if you want to capture the sound of a meeting or you know say you've got participants speaking you want to broadcast that using obs then you'll need to set the speaker to cable b and i'll show you how to get that back into obs in a second so your microphone is set to cable a and your speaker is set to cable b you also want to unclick the adjust microphone volume because you want obs to be controlling your volume you don't want the audio ducking that happens in zoom to occur i've selected high for the suppressed background noise this does increase cpu usage so you may want to stick it to low but if you're pushing video or audio through from obs into zoom then you probably want it to be as uncompressed as possible music and professional audio showing meeting option to turn on original sandwich well that's that's click that means that your participants will be able to hear the original sound coming through if they select that option you also want to disable echo cancellation um now normally if you're connected just with your microphone you won't want to do this because this will cause you all sorts of echo issues unless you're wearing headphones i've also got high fidelity music mode selected and stereo audio so you can also choose whether windows or zoom processes your audio signal so the default is windows and then you can have the the raw sound which will again increase the quality of the sound but it will use up a lot more cpu usage so just be careful about that especially if you've got quite a slow computer the other thing that you want to check is that you don't have a virtual background on because that'll interfere with the video that you're pushing through so those are your zoom settings right now let's go back to obs and i'll show you how we can get the audio from zoom back into abs now if you remember a little while ago we set our speaker output to virtual cable b so i'm going to show you how we can get b to come into obs so that we'll be able to hear the other people talking within that within that zoom meeting so on obs here you can see that i've got a scene 2 which is a blank scene at the moment and down in the sources here there is nothing there so we click the plus button we want an audio output capture let's call this zoom capture and that's going to ask us to choose which device we want so we want to find cable b and then we click ok and now what i've done is i've connected my phone to zoom so that i'm a second participant in it and you can see at the moment that it is capturing my the sound of my voice speaking from my phone through zoom so anyone else who's speaking in that zoom meeting will now be able to be heard if we go back into our obs settings there's a way that you can add your microphone so that it'll appear in every scene and you don't need to keep adding it all the time and the way that we do that is we go to the audio tab and then here you've got global audio devices so under mic auxiliary audio here you would select your default microphone so in my case that would be the logitech stream cam but for now i'm not going to add that one just because that's what i'm using to record at the moment so let's just add a default microphone which will be the default one on the laptop then we click apply and okay so now you can see that the microphone that i've just added is moving up and down here so it appears as this virtual fader here and if i was to go to scene two here you can see that the zoom audio has disappeared now but because the microphone audio is a global audio it is now also captured uh within this scene as well so that's really great if you want a microphone that appears in every single scene that you've got in obs you might not want that you might just want your microphone to appear in certain scenes so say you're doing a zoom capture and then you're cutting to a video you wouldn't necessarily want to keep muting the the zoom sound or your microphone sound every time you change scene so the way to do that is you add it as a source uh an individual source into each scene so we go back down to our sources click the plus button and we want to add an audio input capture okay and then again it will ask you to choose which microphone you want from the list so we could add uh let's just add the default one for now and again you'll see that that's now appeared down here in the obs window but if we were to change to the other scene that one would disappear and we would just have the default audio coming through so that's your your basic settings on how to bring sound in and out of obs now one of the issues that you may have using the the virtual audio cable to take sound out via the monitoring device on obs is that you won't be able to hear the sound itself so let me show you a way that you'll be able to monitor that sound through your headphones or your speakers now i would suggest or recommend that you use headphones just because then it kind of stops any feedback loops that you might get from your microphone and your audio okay so what we're going to do is we're going to open up our windows sound panel and you do that by clicking on the sound icon in the bottom right of the screen if you right click on that select open sound settings it will bring up this page that you see here from there we want to go to the sound control panel which is here now you can see all the different uh sound items that i've got coming into my system there's quite a few of them on here the one we're interested in is the recording tab so on the recording tab what we want to do is we want to go down to virtual cable a we want to right click it go properties and then on the second tab along you'll see there's one that says listen now this enables you to listen to this device so you'll be able to hear all the audio that's going out through it so if we were to click this we could then choose which audio device we used to to hear this device so if my headphones were plugged in this is where i would select my headphones now this means that you can monitor all of that audio that's going through uh to zoom from obs uh and still be able to hear it which is you know that's the one downside of using the virtual audio cables if you don't do this or you don't use a virtual sound desk you won't be able to hear the audio unless you do this but it's very simple to do you can monitor any audio device that you like within your system so it's a really useful tip to know okay so let's go and have a look in zoom now and see a few of the options that are available in an actual meeting itself so if you look at the screen you've got this button at the top here which enables you to turn on an original sound so click on that the video as you can see here at the moment is pushing through obs virtual camera i haven't got it turned on if i turn it on now quickly you'll see an infiniti of the screen capture going forwards so let's turn that back off so that's all set up to go now so you'll be able to play sound through obs and it'll be able to be heard within the zoom meeting likewise anyone else is in the zoom meeting you'll be able to capture their audio and broadcast that out via obs as well okay so what about if you wanted to capture that meeting within obs so let's very quickly show you how to do that so we're currently on scene two if you're not set up a new scene go down to your sources and then you want to do a window capture i'm going to call this zoom and it says the name is already in use so we'll call it zoom capture okay and you can see it's automatically defaulted to zoom meeting now when i'm recording or capturing a zoom meeting i don't want the mouse to be seen so i turn off the capture cursor button so that my mouse can't be seen moving around the screen and then we click ok then if you right click it click transform and fit to screen you'll see that that zoom meeting fills the screen now what i tend to do when i'm doing this is i'll hold down the alt key and then move up and just crop it so that we get rid of all the toolbars and everything else and probably the original sound sign at the top there as well so now you've got a capture of the zoom meeting which gets rid of all the toolbars and everything else and you're good to go so that's a very very quick run through of how to get sound from obs into zoom and from zoom into obs uh using virtual audio cables only and also using your windows sound settings so that you can monitor the audio coming out of obs and into zoom i hope that was useful if you have any questions please leave them in the comments below and i'll try and get back to you as quickly as i can thank you for watching
Channel: Luke John Emmett
Views: 11,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tQvb6BwKxcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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