Setting Up Scenes in OBS (Preparing the Virtual Camera for Zoom)

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are you looking to bring in some graphics and visuals into your zoom call using a virtual camera and you've decided to use obs well if that is the case then you are in the right place i am going to walk you through how to set up your first few scenes in obs streaming software so that you can bring that into your zoom meetings and have more impact and bring in those visual elements to your zoom call now if we have not met my name is kat and i help you create professional and engaging looking online presentations let's get to it so we are starting out with obs open on our computer and when you first install obs you won't have any scenes now you have to have one scene so i have selected main camera is what i have called my primary scene but as you'll see in this preview window there's nothing there so we need to add some sources so let's first add our camera so we add the little plus and select video capture device now my camera is a sony so i want to name it based on the camera that i'm adding now i want to select my camera from this list mine is connected through a cam link so now you'll see here's my picture this is me but it's way too much of my room i do not like how wide this is so we are going to adjust that in a moment but we want to press ok to get that camera set up so now it's in a portion of the window and i actually want to kind of drag that out and then drag this window so that i get it to where i like so i actually want to drag it a little bit more and let's say this is all right for this demonstration so now i've picked this is what's going to show as my primary camera so when i am in a zoom meeting this is mostly what people will see if i wanted to be a little bit more cropped i could do that but this sets the stage so now we want to create our next scene perhaps with a title now i don't want to lose this camera positioning and also if i'm switching between scene to scene i don't want my camera moving all around that's really disorienting so instead of saying new scene i'm actually going to right click this and duplicate the scene now this one will be the title so i will name the scene title maybe this is your name if you're doing an introduction whatever you want to call it so now we have our title and we already have our camera set up and it's positioned the exact same so that when we toggle between these two scenes the camera is not moving but now we want to add an actual graphic so if you have my quick start downloads which came with the pdf on how to set up your virtual camera and zoom you will already have access to these and if you don't you can grab that i've got that in the link below but all of these are ready for you so that you can get started really quickly with your virtual camera so let's bring in what we call a lower third which is something like a title or your name that you would see at the bottom of a screen and i'm going to bring in the white one now you can actually just drag this into your window and then position it where you want you can also drag it into your sources so let's say i drag the gray bar you can drag it in the source or in the window but i don't actually want this one so i'm going to delete that so i'm going to remove the gray one just by clicking the minus button so now i've got my white one i'm going to put it to the bottom so this will be where the title of the session will land so now we need to add an actual title now if you had already prepared the title in advance you could just bring in your graphic and it already has the text that's something that i would do however in this case you can add text so let's click the plus and we are going to add text so the text will be the session title because we're naming the actual text and now we actually write the text so this one will be annual planning meeting and you can see that you could change the font and you can kind of scroll through whatever you like we're just going to leave this for now and you can actually change the size so right now it's really big and that's okay because you can actually scale it down it'll be a slightly higher quality although that's really really big let's do 150. now you can scroll down here and see the other options and the color because i have a white background i actually don't want a white title i want to select black but on obs you'll see that they have two different colors so now it's going from black to white which i don't want so we're going to make sure that both colors are set to the same one so that we have just a black text going on here and if you want again you can add a drop shadow or not that is up to you and we'll say okay so now we have our text that are showing up on this preview window we want to drag those down now if you think that's a little too big you can just drag that and then move it to where you want to position it so now we can see we've got our title it's the annual planning meeting and we've got our background that's our title scene now let's create another one i recommend always going back to your main camera to duplicate because you want the camera to stay the same but you don't necessarily want to add all of the other graphics from another scene now this one will be the agenda so on this agenda i want to have a sidebar where i'm walking people through what we're going to talk about in the zoom meeting so in this agenda i'm going to grab a side banner so let's grab the white one and we want to drag and drop now it happened to land exactly where it was but you can always position it maybe you want it to be on the other side but let's have it here on this side again now we have to add text so let's go into our sources click add text and this one will be the agenda oh yes the scene is called agenda so this will be called agenda items you want to make sure that all your scenes do you have scenes and sources have different names that is something that you need to watch for in obs so in this case i'm going to have the title and maybe i actually want the title to be on its own and let's check we want to be black and also black and for size once again it's huge so let's just bring it down a little bit and it's still too big so we'll just drag it down to a size that we like but let's position this agenda and now we're going to add more text that should have been called agenda title but we'll call this agenda list and now we could go in and let's add our list so we are going to have introductions and we want to have new initiatives maybe we want to have a budget update and finally let's we will review milestones so once again we want to probably pump this down a little let's say 125 and we want to make sure that is the right color so we select black for both and we say okay that's really big so we want to drag that in and drag that below now this is an example where i have used two different texts because i wanted agenda to be a little bit larger and to stand out and then this way you now show up in your zoom call with the agenda now what i would recommend is to actually create your own graphic where you have all of the text laid out you can do that really quickly and just export it as an image and then drag that image in just like we did with the background but this one would have the text on it that's much easier you don't have to spend time picking your font colors and getting all of that set up it'll be ready to go but for this purpose we just wanted to get started quickly all right now let's say that we want to have a screen share so a different type of scene so let's go back to our main camera and we are going to duplicate again and this will be our screen share now the screen share is where we actually want to show part of our screen so we are going to add another source which will be seeing some of the image so in this particular one we have a few options there's window capture and there's display capture there's also browser i'm going to choose display capture and this will be i'll call it browser because i want to show a website on the meeting so now i want to pick my secondary display because i have two monitors so that will be the one that i'm showing and you can actually crop it but i'm going to crop that in the actual window i'm going to configure that so the other thing i want to add is i want to show my camera but we're going to set these up in a moment what i'd like to also have is a screen share overlay so i have a couple here in this pack so let's drag the blue one so now you can see i've got a blue screen share overlay where i've got the main window where i will have my browser and then i also have a window for me and my camera the first thing i'm going to do i'm going to actually hide this screen share which you can do by toggling this on and off so i'm going to hide that and select the browser and a trick with obs is that you can press either alt or option depending on which computer you're using so when you hold that down and drag it in you're actually just cropping the sides so that you're just showing the browser and you can do that from all edges now because we have the screen share we'll be able to position it but now we've changed those shapes so that when it comes time to have this screen share i can actually just drag this and position it where i like so now when i'm actually scanning the browser you can see that i can move up and down on the website and but it's positioned in the square but now there's me so let's actually we're gonna hide the browser for a second so you can see that my camera is still taking up a lot of space so let's select the camera and i'm gonna actually move it so that i can now drag it so that it is smaller because i obviously need to be a little bit smaller to fit in this window but now i've dragged it so i'm smaller i can fit in this little picture and picture window now what i want to do is use that alt feature again but i actually only have to crop one side it's this part and actually don't even have to crop it because technically once i show the browser it'll cover so if you have your camera at the back and then your browser your browser can cover it however i do want to show you that on this camera you can do the same thing where you press either alt or option and just drag that in so that even if the browser was invisible i still wouldn't be overlapping at all so that is a way that you can set up your screen share in obs so that you are ready to be able to speak show yourself and show your screen now of course you can just set up a scene with just your screen share that is completely okay but i find when it comes to having an engaging presentation having you on the camera definitely helps so this now you have your scenes so now we can toggle between the main camera the title the agenda and the screen share and now we're ready to bring in our virtual camera into zoom where all of these graphics are going to show up exactly as they do in this window in our zoom call
Channel: Cat Mulvihill
Views: 9,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scenes in obs studio, scenes in obs studio (free graphics included) tutorial 1/13, obs virtual camera, obs virtual camera zoom, obs for beginners, zoom virtual camera obs, zoom virtual camera mac, zoom virtual camera pc, zoom virtual camera windows, obs tutorial for beginners, graphics for zoom with obs, zoom graphics with obs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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