Connect Meta Quest 3 To Your PC: Every PCVR Method Explained

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what's up guys welcome back I'm fan it today I'm going to be jumping inquester I'm going to be going to the airlink I'm going to go through the virtual desktop I'm also going to link up in the cable and I want to see which one is the most resource demanding and which one is the best before we get started today's sponsor is VR cover this is the first company ever to offer VR comfort and hygiene accessories and they have been doing so since 2014 these are two multi-layered fabric VR covers they're made from super soft anti- microbio fabric this pretty much for intense VR Gaming they absorb sweat well isn't that right Loki they're available in gray and red the great thing about them is they can be washed quickly and easily they have a thin foam lining for more comfortable experience on the quest 3 and the ease of installation is great it just goes right over the top of the quest 3 facial interface and if you use code F and hate it Q3 you get 10% off right now the link is in the description it's also going to be pinned to the comments this is my first accessory for my quest 3 headset we're going to be jumping in airlink first this is the free software that comes with the quest link to your PC to do PC VR you just got to download the Oculus PC app actually I think it is still Oculus it's not even meta yet you get back into your headset you go to settings you're going to go to system you're going to go to Quest link and then you're going to select Quest link right here from there you can see it's on your quick settings you can click right here and just get to search for your PC right here use airlink we're going to use the cable next but we're going to go with airlink first we're going to enable that you should see every PC that has that Oculus app on there select it and select pair from there you're going to get a confirmation code it should pop up on your PC just select confirm and we are paired and now we launch I'm recording native on the quest 3 I'm going to move over to recording on pcvr because it just looks a thousand times better and I can honestly say this face guard right here feels much better now that VR covers over it so once we're in you're going to want to hit this right here to minimize you're going to go to your desktop monitor which I already have up you're going to want to check out your devices right here on your Oculus App Quest 3 we're going to scroll down going to go right into the graphic preferences I set this all up beforehand they start you out on 72 HZ get off of there you're going to want 90 HZ move over to 90 HZ I have this set up for 1.2 I don't go with my recommended I like it a little more crisp we used to have 120 HZ offered but for some reason on Quest 3 they don't offer that I'm okay with it because I never used 120 HZ I always stayed with the 90 because I wanted my battery to last as long as possible so I do have a 3090 in here so I'm going to keep this right here you might want to just go with what they recommend to start with and you can boost it up from there if you had to adjust it you're going to have to reboot this will reboot and come back into it the same rules apply you just back out jump into your airlink and then click on your computer to access it so I'm using 41% of my GPU and that's just sitting here I haven't even started a game yet I kind of expected a little more only because it has higher resolution and plus I did bump it up as well so it does look like my settings carried over from The Quest 2 again you can find this in your C drive program Oculus support Oculus Diagnostics is going to be the Oculus debug tool right here these are my settings if you want to use these be my guest this is just what I had running on the Quest 2 I will be messing around with this to see if I can get any more out of it like you see here as soon as I jump at the halflife Alex I have low GPU detected yep and it is running at 100% this the party man this the party what up with it hi what's up Sheldon Cooper that little bump in extra resolution is making this sare for sure and it doesn't help that airlink is dragging down 40% of a 3090 you know what I mean but this my God does it look awesome it looks so good huge increase over the the quest too just the pancake lenses the clarity the higher resolution do I get I wonder if I could do like actual finger tracking if I just like set the controllers down that's something I'll have to test later you can see right here that I don't have much latency and I don't know why that is a thing that's that's not what the quest 3 looks like but whatever looks like a default thing all right so next I want to move over to the virtual desktop and I want to see how that one works I want to see if we get the low GPU setting as well or if it's as resource demanding as airlink is if you've never used virtual desktop you download it into your headset and then you have to download the client onto your PC now that we're in Virtual desktop you can see both monitors pressing the Y button right here switch from one monitor to the other it takes you through a little step by-step thing of what to do how you can look at things yada yada blah blah blah all of your games over here cool but what we want to do is we want want to make sure that we're not sucking down so many resources right now we're only using a 16 I'm going to go and boost this I want my streaming quality I am not a Godlike PC I am an ultra though I like that Ultra we're going to move over look we can go up to 120 right here I'll be playing around with 120 later on in the future but I'm just going to go with what I'm familiar with and that's not broken on my rig right now going to bump this up a little not too much higher bit rate will increase image quality and latency we don't want that especially if we're playing a lot of first person shooters which I love to play all right jumping in you can see that I don't have the uh the low GPU warning here and also my overlay here shows that I'm running a steady 90 frames and I'm going close to about a gig per second whenever you see this screen this is what's recorded on the quest 3 most likely it's not going to be as good as recording on PC I mean we'll we'll we'll be checking that out later for sure I wonder if it's picking up the guardian recording I've been trying to figure out how to disable that on Quest 2 I never had that issue task manager we are doing good we are running at a 33% in halflife and virtual desktop is not sucking down so much it's still at a 15% the fact that I didn't get a low GPU warning is great I'm going to move over to the cable link and I want to see if it's any different definitely shout out to Kiwi design for making such quality link cables these are awesome this is the 20ft one all right now that I'm all plugged in over here right next to my ghetto microphone rig from here same rules apply I'm going to go to my quest link however I am going to disable airlink right into the 3.0 let's go if you're good with cable management this might be for you and we can see we are just standing here with a cable in that is it with 43% I think this is why people were saying they wanted display ports on here that way they could just use it as a display port without having to do all this other extra stuff all the encoding and everything it doesn't matter where it's going into a cable or not let's go ahead and jump into a game let's see if I get the low GPU warning from halflife Alex again and there it is again low GPU warning oh man how with a 3090 damn I'm going to have to put two of them in there uh yeah like a 48 GB of dd6 and I would like to say that this does look a little better than virtual desktop and most likely it's because I do have it bumped up I mean everything runs smooth even though it's sucking down said 100% GPU right yeah yeah 62% with halflife Alex and 40% running with uh Oculus is this the new Tesla or something what is this this is disgusting is it not I'm already getting tangled up in the cable this is why I cannot play accorded I would just break everything I had a pulley system at some point and that didn't work out either I just coiled myself up because I didn't know that I rotated left so many times it shows that you know virtual desktop is probably the way to go if you're looking for saving GPU and also you probably don't want to be going the method that I'm taking here if you're going into devices and you're bumping up the resolution most likely that is what's demanding in halflife Alex I'm pretty sure in all of the other games you're not going to have that issue because most of the games are a little more optimized this one is looking for that High Fidelity Graphics so that's why it's going to suck down every little drip of GPU that you have you can see right here that I left it at 1.2 if I would have left it at 1 things probably would have been a little less extreme on the GPU but again I had this at 100% on Quest 2 all of the other games that I played I didn't have any issues on so I just think that it's crazy that it still uses the same amount of GPU with a cable you would think that this would eliminate some of that let me know what choice you choose are you going to be going airlink you're going to be doing virtual desktop are you going to be going cabled I'm curious to see what everybody else is doing out there and again if you're enjoying your quest 3 don't forget to drop it down in the comments I've been loving my quest 3 I will see you guys next time for sure and peace out till then
Channel: FNH8iT
Views: 285,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quest 3, meta quest 3, meta quest 3 airlink, quest 3 pc link, link meta quest 3 pc, how to airlink quest 3, how to airlink meta quest 3, quest 3 virtual desktop, how to virtual desktop quest 3, how to usb link quest 3, how to pcvr meta quest 3, airlink vs virtual desktop quest 3, vd vs airlink quest 3, is airlink better than virtual dekstop, is virtual desktop better than airlink, oculus quest 3, quest 3 review, meta quest 3 review, quest 3 pcvr, meta quest 3 pcvr
Id: Gbfi9gwAffA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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