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[Music] only these ones okay [Music] steven come on [Music] something smells good good morning morning how are you much better now alexa you are not going to school dressed like that dad dad what do what emily what your mom said cover yourself up thank you really you're going there i'm the head cheerleader i'm supposed to look like this cover up not a happy daughter i know honey i know here's your coffee thank you baby hi morning oh and yes and that outfit won't make it past the front gate why can't you dress normally what's wrong with the way i'm dressed jesus stephen please don't take the lord's name in vain look if you come dressed to football practice like that you'll be the laughingstock and what's with the black nail polish who wears that to play football it could be an oakland writer oh please don't encourage him please you know i don't even like football it's stupid besides i'm tired of having my ass slapped all day by a bunch of grunting jocks and tights just have a point there honey yeah i just don't want to see my son dressed up like like a what you know you're not my real dad so i don't know why you care about how i'm dressed or what god damn it i'm trying to get you to focus nice you're gonna be late for work and you two will be late for school so let's all move it out okay that's enough funny yep uh i will see you at practice today with the game on friday alexa okay be in the car you have a good day thank you baby steven move it now honestly [Music] i alexa alexa yes don't forget to tell the girls that practice is 30 minutes earlier today okay and don't be late i'll tell them i'll see you stop it let it go come on let it go okay hey oh stephen o'connor in the lord's name do you think you're wearing how dare you enter these sacred grounds wearing such evil clothes my last name is tade it is not o'connor he's like the devil sister claire yeah gator okay quiet all of you you will go to confession for the entire second period and this will not go unpunished i'm sorry i'm late in class yes your class is almost over let's uh let's turn to chapter 12. you're getting to know the inside of this office pretty well aren't you your grandpa joe we're going to honor in a couple of days has been an integral part of this church for more than 30 years you are part of his family now he looks on you like one of his true granddaughters how do you think he'd feel about what just went on outside altering res not very fashionable or glamorous school uniform and sashaying across the grass for the entertainment of our male students sets the wrong example i know i know i want you to have fun alexa but i need you to respect yourself otherwise no one's going to respect you you want the boys to treat you properly they're never going to treat you properly if if you draw them into temptation i'm sorry monsignor okay i'll go on get back to class thank you monsignor you're welcome obsession is when satan enters and takes over the physical as well as the mental capabilities of a person however the soul will remain free safely through the victim without the victim's consent is morally lameness satan does not act hey we're ask [Applause] who can find me an example of that in the bible over here michelle there's an example in luke uh the case of the possessed man in the territory that jared sees and then jesus asked what is your name and he replied legion because many demons had entered him come with me it will address your troubles well right well it was a good class enjoy our day girls sister claire yes what do you think is wrong with my brother i think someone is inside him and i'm not like no one is troubling your brother dear but something is and sister sometimes i feel it too like a dream you can't remember and you know it's really important but twins often transfer thoughts you know i am aware of the troubles that your brother has had since your father left and your mother reminds me steven doesn't believe he left her you have to be strong for him michelle nothing happens without divine intervention god never wills evil but if we have to face it he gives us all the power to defeat his child stephen [Music] michelle are you all right yes yes i i i think so ah grandfather what are you doing here i'm sorry i'm i'm uh taking my last exam i have my ordination in orientation on sunday and i'm late listen you have a good day you sure you're okay i'm fine i'll see you sunday i'll see you sunday okay sweetie next time you look where you're going okay as you can see our curriculum extends well beyond the pulpit and the classroom i want to do that can i be a cheerleader can you be a cheerleader how about a linebacker do they dance sometimes when they win i want to be that girl well you can be a cheerleader and you can just be yourself you feel free to look around and stop by my office on the way out let's do it again all right girls one more time more energy five six seven eight i personally thought they were very good uh that's why you're not a dance instructor and eight one two one on the whistle do not stop until you hear the whistle blow let's go let's go oscar tempo tempo hey no get him over there stephen why aren't you out there practicing steven coach father have a good practice thank you hey let's go stephen hey come on let's go come on let's go look at this wait come on okay look lion boogie 290z all right hey you got this let's go show him what you can do how's it going oh trying to get stephen to step up lying buddy zx all right guys line boogie 290zx lineboogie290zx ready break did you make it to mass last sunday you know i talked to jesus about it but he told me to sleep in okay yes way to see it yes that's the way that's the weight if that boy's focus matched his talent he'd be an all-league candidate next year okay ben watch his waist not his feet [Music] [Music] that's targeting that's for my sister you [ __ ] hey ben ben you all right let's do it again nice hit this game's about scoring points not settling scores catch the ball next time good good let's go that is not how we play football here you understand me yeah come on let's go laps laps come on laughs laughs laughs laughs laughs let's go let's go little hustle ah you all right who's the football player he'll be fine go what was coming to him oh yeah i know this is the proudest day of my whole life oh life this is your day joseph if i could i would not take anything from you i spent most of my life working for the church without you i never could have gotten so far in a few months it's our 50th anniversary and that will be the happiest day for our family [Music] you mate michelle hey dad i am such a blessed man look at the four beautiful women and now two two granddaughters how are you all right thank you for coming congratulations oh wow how are you girls doing oh we're okay yeah very good yeah excited for your big day am i excited yeah come on this is a great honor for you grandfather well you keep up your bible studies you'll be right behind me sweetie stephen don't be rude you greet your grandfather i'm sorry you know it is not you yeah i know don't be so distant joseph has sacrificed himself for our church for many years his devotion to bringing god's children into our fold he's nurtured our boys to adolescence into manhood even sometimes delivering them to the church's greatest blessing the priesthood if we could award a greater but i know that joseph's greatest reward is our lord's respect and love on behalf of our church the vatican and all its dominions we thank you jesus lamb of god and take away the sins of the world have mercy on us lamb of god who taketh away the sins of the world have mercy on us allow god to take away the sins of the world grant us peace now ask that we all approach the altar in order to receive the body of christ the lord christ the body of christ the body of christ the body of christ the body of christ [Music] [Applause] lamb of god who taketh away the sins of the world is [Music] [Music] go in peace [Music] yes come on the lake house is where your grandparents were married and it's gonna mean a lot to your grandmother to have us all there it's the anniversary okay look it'll be fun okay you're gonna see your cousins you're gonna enjoy my brilliant barbecuing that's right i don't know what's worse the cousins your barbecuing or that creepy house that's funny that's what steven used to call it when he was little did somebody call him hmm okay i'm gonna go see what's keeping mom and michelle okay emily it's been six years since he left you and the twins isn't six years long enough to find forgiveness in your heart he never left let's go come on ladies [Music] let's go ladies let's go thank you thank you let's go honey it would be nice to get there before dark thank you help you out over here stephen hey i am not listening to that awful music for the next two hours it's kind of music the devil used to possess your body i don't know about possession but it might make his eyeliner darker yeah we got proof right there whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay everybody just chill out got a long line ahead of us let's go after you [Music] come i said come so okay two weekends from now i'm gonna take you out finally [Music] what's up it's a beautiful day all right let's get this truck unloaded tomorrow we party with it tonight and chill and get some rest i'm gonna go for a swim no no no no no we need your help stephen we need your help all right i wouldn't expect anything else i don't understand you guys can twins you guys are nothing alike at all uh michelle guess what thank you appreciate it got it yep yep don't worry about it dad's got the rest of it stop complaining you're big and strong steven come on i've always been drawn to this place yes where is monsignor canal ah i'm sorry he couldn't make it but um he sends us well wishes ah well rosemary will be disappointed but i know it means a lot to her that you're both here oh enjoy thank you hello rosemary hello sister claire boys versus girls except for what team is steven gonna play on that's not funny guys he just expresses himself differently okay rosemary it's a bittersweet day isn't it well i know who you meant what are you guys staring at [Music] okay whatever is it finished come on stephen show what you got no it can't can it because they will remember fine no problem we'll play o'connors versus youngers [Music] all right we know what we're doing right and if you run like your mother we'll be fine you remember the plan if not asked okay guys here we go there we go steven hey baby hey baby hey hey already come on oh stephen what the hell is your problem he's an old man though stephen hit him hard i can't believe i heard you at your grandfather what made you do that i'm gonna go outside what's down there come on michelle [Music] give us this day our daily bread do you believe in heaven yes i do in hell where's grandfather you really think god can hear your prayers i do how come he never hears mine then oh steven he hears you do you hear him i don't hear god [Music] you will soon all things will be revealed to you in just a short time i'll join you down there in a second okay should say more when you're forbidden to use words you must rely on actions who's up food's up randy o'connor's gourmet burgers and dogs are served come and get it i'm taking veterans we'll be alive tomorrow oh oh really well uh hold on sir you're serving absolutely my beloved family thank you all for making this journey and for ending here with me today after 50 years of marriage to the same man his predilections and his church there are things i have not spoken of in order to keep this family together things are not what they seem but today all things will be revealed and i will ask your forgiveness thank you my heavenly father for keeping me from harm and from danger let thy holy angel lie with me that the wicked foe may have no power over me amen mom stop are you okay yes emily i'm fine my chains are broken what are you talking about have courage emily don't drown it okay desert anyone clear the place come on kids help clear please number one creating changes what are you doing uh um okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think we should let them be alone what's that what did i see i don't know i see it all the time that really scared me don't let it i'll always take care of you you always have yeah though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me by rod and thy staff they comforted me amen now michelle has a special prayer for her grandmother and we will end with that michelle help me lord to understand this mysterious death and to be healed by your grace and made whole once again may the soul of my tormented grandmother find in the savior's love forgiveness and reconciliation lord in your mercy hear my prayers amen thank you my sincere sympathies to you and to your family rosemary was a wonderful woman and it's a very great loss i'm very worried about stephen he was very close with his grandparents when are you planning to return home i'd like to gather her friends at the church for a farewell ceremony that would be lovely we have to pack rosemary's things and go through our paperwork but it shouldn't be more than a few days all right well if you need guidance or you just want to talk don't hesitate to call me all right thank you monsignor you're welcome there's a lot of bad energy here you should get going as soon as possible we will we should go inside okay and we're gonna get going but just remember we're here for your family i'm waited by guilt what guilt sister rosemary the torment the soul we will pray for her soul and you are innocent of any wrongdoing you have been a good friend a friend not a friend the friend would have spoken the truth years ago speak the truth to me sister i don't have the strength to face those demons now i pray you do sister claire please it takes everything do you see help me too really trying stephen michelle come inside please it's like talking to a brick wall i don't know how to reach him just keep your heart open only the truth will heal his troubled soul why is it so cold in here i don't know the thermostat is up as high as it can go why is it so freaking cold i don't know uh he's taking this all really hard he's getting weirder alexa please just stop i'm gonna go to bed me too maybe it's warmer up there [Applause] yeah i'll hit the lights and join you we could all use a good night's sleep [Music] steven you must be freezing michelle pass me your blanket not cold what do you mean you're not cold it's freezing in here maybe if you want more clothes and stop dressing like a [ __ ] you wouldn't be so cold hey don't talk to your sister like that maybe if i were a little more liquored up mom i could ignore was right [ __ ] in front of me this whole time do not talk to your mother like that i'm sorry i just wanted to make sure i wasn't being rude he's hurting you can't blame him what was that let's just go to bed joseph who's there turn your music down stephen we're trying to sleep it just got really quiet in here what whatever let's just go back to bed it's too quiet no no i'm here oh you feeling all right damn fine okay so what was all that noise last night in your room was that about i wasn't making any noise guys it sounded like an earthquake stephen i don't have to hear anything look if your mother's still really shaken up i need you to keep it down today okay please i found my dad's bow and arrows in the shed taking him out i don't think that's a good idea i second that the um house is warming up so i'm gonna go take a shower yeah oh you know whatever was wrong with the furnace it's definitely fixed itself [Music] [Music] uh and draw daddy [Music] stephen where have you been come on on him what happened to you randy's made a beautiful dinner why don't you go and wash up okay i'm not hungry just take the salad to the table okay i don't know how to talk to him michelle i'm trying mama i'm here for him i know you are come here thank you so just me are things getting really weird around here what do you mean really michelle your grandma kills herself in front of everyone and now steve with all this freaky [ __ ] what do you think i mean okay i'm sorry i'm gonna sound like that don't put it but it's true things are not right weird as you say and i don't know why i was taking a shower earlier and i sensed a presence presents i felt a presence and when i turned there was writing in the mirror where it's like someone traced them in the condensation what the hell who are the words help stephen it said help steven get away from that don't boy touch me [Music] [Music] what the hell is going on i don't know it's steven's room [Music] is supposed to stop working again it's so cold oh my god what have you done to yourself oh oh who's evil the killers oh you loved us [Music] everyone is so it's the church it's the goddamn show [Applause] oh let me take a look what happened i'm fine i'm okay i got i had to restrain him so he didn't hurt himself what i didn't realize he was so strong we should call monsoon your canal why would we call monsignor canal he can help michelle you got to get serious steven is crazy your brother is crazy and no amount of religion can sugarcoat that how do you explain the knife dad we all saw it fly into his hand we're going to two i'm gonna call the doctor and i'm gonna get him sedated he needs our help not drugs you heard what he said help me i am gonna help him i'm gonna get him sedated do you think the part of steven's problem is that you are so hard on it michelle i have tried my hardest but nothing that i might have done could have turned into that thing that was up there my brother was fine and perfectly happy we had our real dad and how long ago was that no wait you can't blame this on my dad she did not mean that yes she did it's true but baby i am not the problem i know you're not the problem he is when i say he i do not mean stephen i mean his dad his abandonment has taken away all the good that was in that little boy it's left a gaping hole of despair and i can't handle it anymore say michaels wants a new canal michelle yes this is father demol father i need to speak to the monsignor this thing's terribly wrong with stephen he was screaming terrible things last night about killing and he said something about you father about that you you led him let him where um i i i don't know he was yelling about the church and and you not really you just our your who michelle oh dad listen michelle your family's going through a very traumatic time right now and none of you are thinking clearly please let me speak to one senior canal i'm sorry but my senior is busy right now and he can't take the call but i will i will pass the message on to him okay okay thank you for calling and um god bless thank you father what's wrong i'm not sure something they is [Music] well well he doesn't have a temperature and his vital signs are normal but what's abnormal is for someone to move continuously for so long with no respiratory or heart rate increase oh it's it's not his body whatever is wrong is in his mind so what can we do i gave him a sedative so he'll stay calm to head back tomorrow any change call me thank you no i haven't done anything you're the help he needs we should i should get going did you call monsignor again i'm waiting for him to call back i'm sorry about what i said to your dad no no it's fine i know sometimes he can be a jerk i know steven's not crazy i think he's possessed shut up you're scaring me i'm scared too that's why we need monsignor canelo well call him michelle call him right now this is monsignor as always i'm taking this opportunity to share christ with you and with your family please leave your name and number and i'll call you back monsignor this message is for you it's michelle tade we really need you i know we already called father jamal and he said you were busy but we really need you here hello hello [Music] please help me release my soul i never did anything wrong oh sweetie neither of you did okay [Music] baby calm down he sedated get busy go pack i know you haven't packed yet we're out of here tomorrow really really i called the doctor to come back tomorrow morning to give him a shot just in case so we can get him home safely and get him to a hospital i'm really worried i know we all are come here come here i know i know what did he say hill stephen i guess in latin in his room do not lead me into temptation what did he mean i don't know he said father dumal led me i know let him wear michelle he said he led him to mallow to evil you came thank god you came of course we did i i was i'm so happy to see you uh father tomorrow wouldn't let me speak to them on senior and and stephen's been screaming terrible things about father maul about him taking him places and making him do things why don't you let us in i'm coming i'm senior monsignor had prior commitments but i can assure you he is very concerned your brother has been putting these malicious thoughts into your head michelle understand that you have questions why don't you come take a walk with us and we can discuss everything that's been going on we could use you to help us find a way to best help your brother father what coming michelle [Music] stop i won't go with you i'm not my brother no you're more dangerous you don't have to do this tell the truth it will all end what truth what did you do to stephen where did you take my brother took him to hell exactly where i was taking joseph took all those poor boys joseph oh shut up no i won't he's dead you don't have to protect the past anymore i'm taking her back [Music] randy steven's missing please help me [Music] you can't forgive evil [Music] this is not acceptable this is not acceptable not at all you do not do this to the family enough enough okay someone's here who i don't know i want to see the boy you're too late monsignor he has killed i want to see the boy all right i'll stay here with the girl you will stay with me give me a cloth stay with them stephen stephen it's one senior account i'm here to help you [Applause] you touch those boys [Music] they are children don't touch me there father it hurts if he speaks the truth he doesn't they're lies it's a devil the demon spewing filth is trying to turn our faith against us joseph i swore on the bible i would never tell my soul is burning [Music] because you can't shut them up [Music] [Music] i command you through the blood of christ release stephen tade's soul god i command you in the name and power of the whole hey grandfather you said it was for god but it wasn't it was pretty triple the horse how was he talking his grandfather the molester the killer tell him grandfather tell him how you took care of me you took care of all of us stephen stephen maybe you need to listen to me your grandfather died a month ago he couldn't leave you [Music] your mother speaks the truth stephen we buried him under the oak tree i closed his casket i commended him to the earth you were there he's there your presence only fuels the demon's power you are the demon you're not an instrument of god impurities poison your heart and your soul what have you done james what has he done to tell you what he's done maybe you don't need to if you just like him i am not like him stephen and you you are not like him do you see the devil monsignor i see nothing stephen [Music] tell them it was for him foreign here let me help do not touch [Music] even free wow christie [Applause] oh [Music] uh we cast you out every unclean spirit what the hell do you know about evil we command you be god open your eyes more seniors him go please come on [Music] let him go go [Music] [Music] i've always been here to help you [Music] [Music] in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end amen they killed my father please don't you can see i do see stephen mom steven mom steve steven he left us he tried to save me he did everything that he could he didn't leave i'm so sorry i'm so so sorry i couldn't save you've saved many stephen by what you've done here tonight you are a strong young man lord may i be in extremis yeah i fight every abomination every corruption [Music] you're gonna believe a possessed boy the demon he's trying to destroy us destroy you you have no idea what i have had to endure for this is do not try to justify these evil acts you decondized the child abuser michelle whole baby you did you let it happen under your watch for 30 years you didn't see i'm not to blame now you this is your fault i am to blame i was blinded by trust and by belief in the church but you need help my son uh detective carrie please one senior camel from st michaels ah [Music] and i through blindness guilty of placing more faith in the church than in our creator from this day forward i pledge to be a vigilant witness and purveyor of the truth to eliminate the evils that have hurt our children and plagued our [Music] church thanks for driving us down here yeah i just needed to spend some time here you know i do your father was very special stephen yes like we have he's different i just wish he would have taught me how to him oh he did stephen just close your eyes and remember you can do anything son i've always been here to help you i never left [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] you can never silence me last chance to see it people that bought it are moving in tomorrow lucky family he's still here i know you feel alexa emily what then i saw there was a way to help [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: V Horror
Views: 1,456,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gates of darkness, v horror, gates of darkness movie, gates of darkness full movie, best horror movies, best horror movies on netflix, best horror movies 2021, best horror movies on amazon prime, best horror movies to watch, best horror movies on hulu 2021, horror movies full movies, horror movies 2021, horror movies 2020, free movies, full movies, full free horror movies, full free horror movies 2021, full free horror movies 2020, full horror movies, new horror movies
Id: A1fR79VaOfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 3sec (5283 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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