THE NIGHT THEY KNOCKED 🎬 Full Exclusive Thriller Horror Movie 🎬 English HD 2023

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e for bill can you get that for yeah [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] hello and good morning I Am Shane Rian with wpta Lehigh Valley news our top story this morning a couple vanishes mysteriously leaving behind a l of Clues including a blood soaked home in complete disarray the horrifying scene in The Quiet town of Hazelton has police baffled Hazelton police are investigating what they believe is a home invasion early on Thursday morning police responded to a welfare check on a home on the 1200 block of Stockton Mountain Road upon arriving at the scene police discovered the home R sacked and blood soaked damn the owners of the has not been located It is believed by authori that at this time are Miss anybody got music you don't have your phone I'm waiting on a call you can use mine ABD from so who else is going to be there uh Dom and Alysa are already at the house and Dom Brown's brother Derek oh I I didn't know he had a brother he cool couldn't tell you never met him you guys make him sound so mysterious you said you were waiting on a call uh yeah I mean yeah that was shady as [ __ ] a baby no everything is good I'm just just waiting R call for Coach that's all okay season starts in 3 weeks you nervous hell no you looking at an all American Wide Receiver right here baby we can't control our heads [Music] alone this crisis in my soul [Music] run [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] r one for [Music] could this be them okay 25 minutes all right that means we got time yo what's up you need something no I'm good getting some water starting early are we yeah you might want a lot of candle or something man you smell that [ __ ] from the garage yeah we don't have any how's the quad coming along good it's up and running if you want to take it for a spin no I'm drinking so I know dummy I'd be driving anyway I don't know if Alyssa looks like the quad type Derek man my friends are coming over soon yeah yeah I get it I'll make sure to clean up or stay outside best not to make your friends think your brother's a grease monkey all right [Music] [Music] this place is beautiful yes it is D's parents own it but one day his oh hey hello ladies hey how's it going how you doing how was the drive to see too it was long we took bets on whether or not you'd be here when you said oh oh [ __ ] you both seriously do you want to see the kitchen Yes sounds good check it out oh look at these guys come on in what's up beautiful what's up how are you come on let's do the tour n [ __ ] the tour where's the we at it's in here wow call the master bedroom all right here we are we got Tariq Jess you guys are right here oh [ __ ] yeah it's nice I mean it's just a room so relax you guys over here oh God this house is huge Jake we got you guys bunk beds because we don't like you that much we have Christmas tree charger yeah in the forest get no it's mine no I call the towels washcloth [ __ ] is that what's up you've been quiet all day um I'm just tired finals are killing me and this [ __ ] phone battery is awful too you want to take a nap or something I well I'm just gonna go to the bathroom or are you napping or smoking or what are you gonna do after my car baby think it'll be hard no I think it'll be scary not hard isn't that the same thing no I don't think so I mean I always thought that people are scared to do things because doing things are hard you know especially something like this all right look in a couple of days we're going to be far away from here we're not going to know anybody we're not going to have jobs yeah it'll be scary but it won't be hard cuz I got you I'm okay with that well that's the cheesiest thing you ever said shut up take it what are we going to tell them [ __ ] there was more weed in there there was more weed in there you sure I I mean how can you be sure they could they could have had a look and see what they needed to be seen no no no no coach listen to me I need this if I don't get scouted I'm [ __ ] please coach just make the call and help me out please [ __ ] a uh yeah I'm going to be cooking dinner in a little bit you want to help uh sure uh yeah okay sounds good yep hello and good evening this is Shane Regan with wpta Lehigh Valley news breaking news out of Hazelton there have been multiple reports of mass attacks on residents across the Lehigh Valley and Pocono Mountains local police are responding to several homes across the region that are said to be the subject of homicide investigations while police are not confirming or denying these reports they are stressing that residents remain Vigilant and seek shelter if necessary until further notice in sports last night The Butchers defeated the Devils coming out hungry in the first period scoring two goals in the first 10 minutes of Regulation the Devils had their best defense out there with goalie Jason [ __ ] where is Derek did he steal that too all right relax I noticed how he was in there Dom well he's had a rough time look you don't have to be his friend you just have to be his brother what the [ __ ] is that supposed to me it means that it's okay to love someone and not necessar neily like them it's how most families are [Applause] nowadays where were you went for a walk what you my [ __ ] Tio I'll be at the house getting dinner ready your girl seems nice stop that St what she thought she was about as nice as a [ __ ] at home vasectomy it's not like that don't make me into a [ __ ] D I know when somebody doesn't like me shaving up to be a great weekend isn't it yeah listen was either this or you spend the weekend with mom and her shitty Mainline friends so take your pick I'm not mad at you you got a funny way of showing it yeah well I'm not what is it then why are are you moody is it me it's Alissa it's my friends what is your problem you really want to get into this now yeah I don't want you being like this all weekend sometimes I just feel like you never appreciated it three years Tom 3 years I sat in a jail cell and had one day a week to have visitors had mom had Dad I know that [ __ ] killed him Mr [ __ ] Mainline slumming in The Slammer to see his son but at least he came he still did visit me not my brother no he was too bus to be a Mr [ __ ] scholar yeah I didn't want to see you like that [ __ ] you you were my brother you were my partner and I needed you and you weren't [ __ ] there I told you I was sorry about that I knew you were sorry man I wasn't asking you to be sorry I was just asking you to [ __ ] be there 3 years Dom I got out two weeks ago and now is the first I'm seeing of you imagine that i' fine us DK I'm almost done school I lot on my [ __ ] plate yeah I can tell hey we'll talk later all right yeah [Music] for [Music] I'm where's Jess she was supposed to be helping me well you got us I'm worried about her usually she's the life of the party truth be told I don't think I've seen her in one place this long without a drink so yeah uh yo Columbus you uh want to help me out for a sec uh yeah what do you want me to do take these plates and set the table okay keep it tight leash on that one huh sure hey guys um sorry what what can I do for you well just sit down and relax it looks like Jake and Carmen have got this one oh uh yeah you want a drink uh no what no come on it's the weekend no you know my stomach has kind of been bothering me okay um gingerman sure have you ever gotten lost of here no not yet I'm going to go for a hi tomorrow and I to figure yeah you have to find me do you like is there a good trail to take guys we're almost done I want to post I want to I want to I want to propose a toast D Alyssa thank you guys for for doing this to college finally being over Cheers Cheers Cheers yeah guys it's we're we're we're almost done you remember it's been four years do you remember do you remember when we first met the first the first week of college the girl the girl uh what was her name um um I can't even remember it doesn't matter it doesn't I don't know her name okay so so this girl girl we'll call her um comes into our dorm room it's like I don't know first week of school like 7:00 like not even party time yet you know she comes in and she's like wobbling around she smells like I don't know a homeless person or something I don't know but he she comes in and we're like hello and then she just pauses and she's like and then decides at that moment that she's going to vomit all over my bed PUK all over my bed it's funny it's funny she pukes all over my bed I mean she was absolute mess so what yeah she was a mess she was disgusting first week of school first week of school vom in my report what welcome to right I know she's disgusting that girl she's going to be a doctor are you kidding 6 months she's going to be a doctor I'd be dead a [ __ ] year before I got treated by any of the [ __ ] I went to school with yeah absolutely I'm not talking to any of them ever again I mean I'll talk to you guys talk to anyone El this wine is like Primo by the way it's really good so you in prison stop yeah what are we in for Tre man maybe it's no no no he's good he's a grass man let him talk no it's all good man tried to steal a car oh [ __ ] a GTA how'd you get caught friend and I uh caught by the owner well at least you took it for a draw right right nope caught de the rights what and your friend he got away damn you thought you had a ride a die friend huh but you seem like a badass [ __ ] to me on that note I got some more [ __ ] to do in the crash thank you again for dinner delicious what you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] you know that well that was awkward so uh we getting [ __ ] up or what [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] yo [Music] the [ __ ] is this for our guests are here unfortunately still alive is your face on yet I took two what I took two one positive and one negative and I'm I'm really nervous because I don't want to lose Tariq oh honey look you're not going to lose Tariq okay I'm sure he'll be happy I mean really no no no don't don't tell me that coach please it doesn't matter that's the one I need that's the [ __ ] one I needed coach well if you wasn't so worried about yourself and everybody else we would have got somewhere you [ __ ] oh [ __ ] really who who's is it this guy I met at my internship we were out a couple months ago and one thing led to another Jesus Christ is he you know Jesus really black is he black [ __ ] I mean it could be tariq's oh yeah and I mean that's if you're pregnant too I mean come on you know I had a friend in high school she had to take four tests and go to the gyno okay thanks guys I just I got to go to the bathroom yeah you keep your head up babe so um what happened to who to your friend yeah she had triplets I'm not going to all my wives girls seem to be having a good time yeah Man's having a good time for sure yeah I think Alyssa's having fun too it seems like they're getting along well Ive it yeah jeal they may go po together they should go pro I don't know if there's a pro for that but yeah dude there's a pro for everything well that's debatable will come you'll slip up one of these days think so if I live long enough you remember the fun we had when you p y looking to burn uh yeah you ate the doctor said yes for [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] for that one shut the fck up all right which one of you banged on the door what do you mean babe who banged on the door it scared the [ __ ] out of me no bang on the door we was it Derek come on Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] can I talk to you outside for a minute here we [ __ ] go damn what bastard I can't do this I could do it what the [ __ ] was that okay all day I've been hearing you talk about with a [ __ ] tone in your voice tone yeah a tone a [ __ ] tone so you know what you want people to like your brother well maybe he should have thought about that before going to prison before stealing that car or before stealing any of the cars for that matter look I know you love your brother I do but you need to understand that I'm a little worried when he's around I'm worried about my purse my phone my keys I mean you can't blame me for that you worry about that stuff with me no because you're not a I'm not a criminal excon look that friend that he was with it was me what yeah I stole that [ __ ] car and he took the blame for it so before you go pass judgment on something that you don't [ __ ] thing about okay maybe look around around you might actually see something that surprises you why cuz I lost my [ __ ] grant money I failed two classes and I was put on probation okay that's why you told me you were on the Dean's List I [ __ ] lied Tom your parents aren't broke I mean you could have gone to your dad and asked for some kind of help I mean yeah I didn't okay last thing I want to be known for is living off my parents like every other [ __ ] Mainline douchebag everything handed them on a [ __ ] pla oh what you having a future that's secure that's a bad thing yeah okay maybe it is look I am I I just I I just got to go I I have to be alone right now [ __ ] I told you she didn't like me there's no way we're letting that ruin on night well I haven't seen Jess all night so I'm head upstairs and do the boyfriend thing what hey babe I can't find my phone anywhere I think I left it in the Jeep are you sure I don't see it here all right all got it thank you mhm okay I didn't think you'd tell her I got tired of hearing her [ __ ] on you like that constantly I felt like a hypocrite and pissed me off don't let it I deserve it I'm sorry for running that night don't be don't be you only ran because you had the chance to I mean I wouldn't have expected anything else we both caught yeah only one of us hit a cop look I had three years to think about what I did at the end of the day I wouldn't change your [ __ ] name love you man for hey [ __ ] boy the [ __ ] was [Music] that baby girl come on baby chz what's wrong with you nothing I just think I had a little too much to drink that's all Jesus name Midnight yet Hey where's my phone mine should be well it's not here baby the [ __ ] are you doing seriously come on what are you doing was anybody up here no it's just been me was Derek up here Terry come on stop nah yo the only person I don't know who happens to be a excon and my phone is missing am I stupid yeah Tariq Tariq thanks for dinner Alyssa thanks for he [ __ ] took my phone what the [ __ ] he took my [ __ ] phone took your phone take Bush [ __ ] my phone atop yo calm down he was do me your brother's a com what relax com what's up [ __ ] balls on you we do something then [ __ ] you [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here the [ __ ] was that oh that's probably Jake Jake yeah he went outside to grab my phone pleas no you ever touch me again I swear shut [ __ ] up please oh god oh Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] [ __ ] help me what the [ __ ] man go get Alissa Tre go get Alysa y Alissa Jess at the back door why the [ __ ] back door there's another one back [Music] here [ __ ] [ __ ] listen [ __ ] strong knock knock knock knock I said [ __ ] knock knock hey [ __ ] you man we're calling the cops what are you going to call him with with this you're going to call them with this how about this one no oops this one definitely right what this [Laughter] one all right now we could break the glass but where the [ __ ] is the fun in that no you kids are going to have to figure it out are we going to come in and get you or are you going to play the game [Laughter] take a look around ain't nobody coming for you Jess Jess you get the door where where's Alysa what she's upstairs I saw her go up [ __ ] Alissa she got be [ __ ] upstairs [ __ ] that there's two of them here please man [ __ ] stop please man [ __ ] stop that [ __ ] going to be [ __ ] up there stop it I'm here does anybody have a [ __ ] phone they have your phones look we all got time for this [ __ ] man they have your phones what they have your [ __ ] phones how I don't [ __ ] know what do you have a landline or something no there's no way there's no way [ __ ] there's no way what there's no way they got all your phones from out there what the [ __ ] are you talking about talking about searching the [ __ ] house oh [ __ ] God come over to me come come in the corner calm down just calm down shut the [ __ ] up you a tell me to shut the [ __ ] [Music] up we got to search upstairs [ __ ] that [ __ ] for what how do you think they ended up with all your [ __ ] phones I was just upstairs cell block ain't nobody up there we got to find Alysa I know and we will but right now we got to be smart first things first we got to find that shotgun y I got a shotgun you're not [ __ ] using it Dad came up last week and took it cuz he knew you were going to be here he knew it wouldn't have been a good idea if there was an excon they gun in the house if I die because you want to steal a [ __ ] car hey shut the [ __ ] up T okay okay is everybody good as good as I've ever going to be yes Jess listen to me you listening I should have said I should have said Happ got to keep it cool no man I should never said anything to her if I didn't say anything she wouldn't have gone upst she' be here scared out of her [ __ ] mind you don't know where she is you don't know what she did she could have got pissed at something I said earlier something taken off gotten I don't taken off no man her phone Pro is in that pile right next to mine look let's just focus I'm getting out of here okay the quad the quad I can get to the quad and jump on and I can get help I I can go I'm faster that's just [ __ ] fantastic man it's just as fast as you better yet can you see in the dark you can't see your hand in front of your [ __ ] face out I'm trying to help out you don't have to be a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] J get C okay all right [ __ ] faces back door Derek what are we going to do I don't know I don't know we should go we should go check it out bro come on just just get out of here all fine [ __ ] it get him no which thing right [ __ ] what if it was Jess man what the [ __ ] would you do J I'm sorry I just calm down okay what she's out there what if they have her you didn't see him just kill somebody shut the [ __ ] up get up come on man you serious [ __ ] what was that did you hear that what was that get behind me [Music] lights they think they're going to help you [Applause] st brother sorry I'm sorry brother de I'm sorry man I'm sorry brother okay down it's okay brother calm down calm down brother it's okay 1 2 3 eyes on me are you going to let us in who's going to be the hero how about you Blondie [ __ ] you is that your final answer well is it let's begin look at her she looks good doesn't she sorry the young blood dead One Last Ride no no no this my friend I know no we have to do something we have to do something we have to no as much as I love watching you crazy kids argue like there's no tomorrow and trust me for you there isn't I still need an answer now no no [Music] good I wanted to make sure that we could all see one another especially for this baby I'm baby I'm so sorry shut the [ __ ] up say [Music] ah there there we there we [Music] look at her trying to breathe it's okay bro it's it's okay it's going to be okay it's going to be okay [ __ ] don't look DB sorry B let me make this perfectly clear this was your doing all you had to do was open the door so we could have some fun you kids better Hold On Tight cuz it's going to be a long night and we're just getting started get her legs Dead's just why are they doing this to us they don't need a reason come on enough of that [ __ ] man it's true they don't whether we open that door or not she was still going to die we could have tried there D we don't know how many were out there man we don't know they they if they wanted they could have broken a door or a window or something man they just want to [ __ ] with us look it doesn't matter to them how they get in or when they just want to [ __ ] with us until we break you want a reason that's the best I got all [Music] for we still got a truck upstairs how far is the garage the garage is right there man what are you going to do bust out the door I I can do it I can like draw the attention I'm fast I can get that fast I know you're fast man doesn't matter we don't know what we're dealing with we don't know how many of those things are out there what the [ __ ] no no no no D sit there we got STI I'm coming back it's okay it's okay it's okay sh where you right back we're just going to figure this out wash dress wash dress okay ready okay you said you checked upstairs I did check upstairs and I didn't see anybody come on man we don't have to go back up there right checked upstairs my ass oh you pulling out the knife and everything come on let's check down watch my back we can make it out of this right I don't know we're going to try [Applause] drink drq drak Derek Derek see [ __ ] [Music] Derek dere Derek Derek D [ __ ] open up [ __ ] Derek D open the door dereu open d what oh what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what what the [ __ ] we got to go go we got [ __ ] move we got we got to what are we doing got get to the car something what if they [ __ ] with them don't have a choice man Justin you run yes you sure yes I'm going to leave the way you follow her all right you ready yes you ready yes all [Music] right d d go go go come on you big ugly [ __ ] come onu please [ __ ] Che back who the [ __ ] said you can leave please help me [ __ ] [Music] this oh no [Music] she looks dasty I told you no one was coming for you I love it I love it [Music] I'm going to slice you please no you hear that they just got your friend come on [ __ ] boy come on look at me you [ __ ] [Music] [ __ ] love it I love it you kids were the hardest ons all [Music] night get the [ __ ] off come on Brother come on buddy come on come on come on come on come on they're everywhere come kill her come [Music] okay okay come on okay come on come on baby come on come on come on come on come on you [ __ ] come on come on come [Music] on [ __ ] God damn it God damn it godam it you stupid [ __ ] stop d [Music] [Music] a [Music] D we're going to have to fight man we're going to have to fight brother there's a lot of them out there you got to grab something [Music] man stop stop stop d d we got to fight man they're all over us we got to go come on come [Music] on I'm going to take this I'm going to open that garage door I'm going to take out as many of these [ __ ] as I possibly can and you're going to open that back door and you're going to run straight out into the woods all [Music] right [ __ ] love brother [Music] I e for for for for for
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Keywords: horror movies, horror full movieIenglish, movieIenglish movies, english movies fullIhorror, horror movies full movies, horror movie, horror movies full, horror movies English, new horror movies, full length movies, 2023, best horror movies, horror movies 2023, best horror, best horror movies 2023, horror movie 2023, genre movies, horror features, free movie, full horror, free horror, full movie, indie horror, scary films, haunting, The Night They Knocked
Id: _aG3PA7oz4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 20sec (4700 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2023
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